Learning curve quiz test #5

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In 2014, Roy underwent psychosurgery for severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. Which procedure was he likely to have undergone?

MRI-guided precision surgery

Victor's mother is frustrated because she cannot get him involved in any activities. Most days Victor sits in a chair with no expression on his face. This type of absence of appropriate behavior is:

a negative symptom

Four people are seen in a psychiatric clinic for treatment of a newly acquired mental illness. Their respective diagnoses are obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, phobia, and schizophrenia. The youngest person seeking treatment is likely to suffer from:

a phobia

Frank was seen laughing inappropriately in the library as if he was responding to internal stimuli. On the bus home, he was crying uncontrollably and suddenly became angered when a fellow passenger offered him a tissue. His excess of inappropriate behavior is:

a positive symptom

Brent suffers from depression. While he consistently goes to work and meets family responsibilities, he suffers from negative moods and a sense of hopelessness. What option has the LEAST possible side effects and/or risks?

aerobic exercise

Any act intended to harm someone physically or emotionally is the definition of:


The symptoms of _____ begin to appear at a median age near 20.

alcohol use disorder

Stefanie meets with her therapist once a week to talk about her marriage and her relationship with her parents. In addition to helping Stefanie gain insight into these relationships, Stefanie's therapist prescribes medication. This is an example of:

an electic approach

Raquel was initially excited to make the cheerleading squad. However, her parents noticed that she stopped eating dinner with them after making the squad and dropped from 115 to 90 pounds. This case demonstrates symptoms of:

anorexia nervosa

Without success, Fabian spends hours each day trying to suppress the intrusive worry that he may have forgotten to lock the door to his house when he left for work. His experience is MOST symptomatic of:


In _____, the goal is to substitute a negative response for a positive response to a harmful stimulus

aversive conditioning

To help Monica overcome her nearly irresistible craving for chocolate, a therapist provides her with a supply of chocolate candies that contain solidified droplets of a harmless but very bitter-tasting substance. This approach to treatment BEST illustrates:

aversize conditioning

In the DSM-5, a person must exhibit five of nine possible symptoms to receive a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. One of the criticisms of this variability in symptoms within this diagnostic category is that:

clinicians often don't agree on a diagnosis

Chuck has very strong opinions about his tuition increase. However, when he becomes the student representative for the College Board, he develops a more favorable attitude about the tuition increase. Which theory BEST explains his changing attitude?

cognitive dissonance theory

Many studies have shown that conflict between groups can be reduced by creating situations in which _____ is (are) needed to solve a problem


The process in which self-restraint is reduced is called:


Philip suffers from bipolar disorder. He is likely to be prescribed _____ to control the manic episodes.


People trapped in a(n) _____ mood are inactive and feel unmotivated.


Eeyore, a character in the Winnie the Pooh series by E. E. Milne, speaks slowly, has a pessimistic view, and often doesn't wish to participate in social activities. These behaviors suggest that the character suffers from:


While researchers have discovered that there are an excessive number of receptor sites for _____ in schizophrenia patient's brains, it is not the only neurotransmitter involved in schizophrenia.


_____ overactivity may underlie the overreaction of schizophrenia patients to irrelevant external and internal stimuli


A therapist who combines a variety of therapeutic methods is said to be using a(n) _____ approach.


Megan's mother suffered from the flu during her pregnancy with Megan. Statistically, this increases Megan's risk of developing schizophrenia later. This is an example of a(n) _____ factor, meaning a heritable change that is not due to DNA.


By the 1980s, when the DSM contained the first formal code for DID, the number of DID diagnoses in North America exploded to more than:


Marjorie is experiencing frequent and intense conflict with her teenage daughter. Marjorie should arrange for them to participate in _____ therapy


To achieve its goal, _____ therapy develops an understanding of family and other social systems, explores roles, and improves communication


During a psychoanalytic therapy session, Max focuses on several intrusive thoughts that have been bothering him. The therapist tells Max to report any ideas or memories stimulated by these thoughts. Max's therapist is using a technique known as _____

free association

If Ardith, who is recovering from alcohol use disorder, wishes to remain in recovery, she is better served by _____ than by _____

frequent attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings; a general support group

According to research on factors that determine the likelihood that two people will become friends, which of the following is more accurate?

Birds of a feather flock together

Changes in the rate, production, and content of speech is a significant marker of the shift between depression and mania. How does speech change when someone is suffering from a manic episode?

The person talks nonstop

Years after he barely survived an attack that killed his wife and two children, Mr. Puskari suffers recurring flashbacks and frequent nightmares of the event. They render him incapable of holding a steady job. Mr. Puskari is MOST clearly showing signs of

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Lindsey is a physician who specializes in the treatment of psychological disorders. She is an M.D. and can prescribe medication. Lindsey is MOST likely a:


Sigmund Freud's therapeutic technique designed to help patients gain insight into repressed impulses and conflicts is called:


Mikkia needs therapy for help with procrastination. She says, "There's no way I'm going to that therapist! He sees patients three times a week for years on end. I need to get better soon!" The therapist MOST likely uses the _____ approach


For a person recovering from alcohol use disorder, Alcoholics Anonymous may be beneficial because the group meetings:

reduce isolation

Tasha wants to help a family member who suffers from depression and has not found relief with therapy or medication. Tasha would probably recommend ___ as the safest option, because there are few very dangerous side effects

repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

During her weekly psychoanalytic therapy sessions, Sabrina will often abruptly change the subject. A psychoanalyst would suggest that this illustrates:


The set of expectations about a social position that defines how those in the position are to behave is called a(n):


Mrs. Higgins believes that aliens from another planet have removed her stomach and are watching to see how long it takes her to grow another. Mrs. Higgins is MOST likely suffering from:


Ever since childhood, Jaime has been eccentric. She exhibits emotionless disengagement to such a great degree that she would likely be diagnosed with

schizotypal personality disorder

The specific trigger of a panic attack is usually a situation that most people would find at least somewhat anxiety-provoking. Which of the following is NOT a common situation that would provoke a panic attack in people with panic disorder

seeing a dog

Martin Seligman attributes the rise in depression in young people to:

self-blame for personal failure

Trina suffers from depression. Her physician has prescribed an antidepressant that will help to increase her _____ supplies by blocking its reuptake so that her receptor sites get enough of this neurotransmitter


The text proposes that categorization, one of the roots of prejudice, arises from the mind's desire to:

simplify the world

The percentage of Americans who reported suffering from _____ anxiety disorder in 2008 was 6.8 percent


Twenty-year-old Hope lives in a small town. She has always been extremely shy, but lately she has been feeling intensely afraid that others are scrutinizing her. She avoids speaking in class, she no longer goes to parties, and she starts trembling whenever she is in a public place. Hope seems to be suffering from _____ anxiety disorder


Twenty-year-old Brianna lives in a small town. She has always been extremely shy, but lately she has been feeling intensely afraid that others are scrutinizing her. She avoids speaking in class, she no longer goes to parties, and she starts trembling whenever she is in a public place. Brianna seems to be suffering from:

social anxiety disorder

According to _____, social relationships involve an exchange of goods, the objective of which is to minimize costs and maximize benefits.

social exchange theory

A comedian's jokes work very well when there is a full house. However, tonight's audience is small and his jokes are not going over well. The audience begins to boo and he eventually is booed off the stage. Which of the following can BEST account for his unsuccessful night?

social facilitation

At her weekly therapy session, Nia became agitated at her therapist, saying that he was controlling and domineering, just like her father. Nia's behavior illustrates _____.


Cognitive dissonance theory states that to reduce dissonance, individuals tend to:

try to align their attitudes and behavior.

Women from _____ are attracted to men who seem mature, dominant, masculine, and affluent

various cultures

Shortly after learning he did not make it onto his high school football team, Alex vandalized the team's locker room and broke several of the school's windows. His behavior is BEST explained in terms of:

frustration-aggression principle.

Diane is concerned about things at work when she is at home, and worried about her home life when she is at work. This free-floating anxiety leaves her tense and irritable, impairs her concentration, and results in many sleepless nights. Diane suffers from:

generalized anxiety disorder

A group of racially prejudiced high school students discussed racial issues. During the conversation, their attitudes became even more prejudiced. This BEST illustrates:

group polarization

Which of the following is the MOST likely explanation for the emergence of student radicalism in the 1960s?

group polarization

Michael complains that threatening voices are constantly telling him he is so evil he should kill himself. Michael is experiencing:


Studies imply that when it comes to culture and gender roles, as well as religious views, clients:

have trouble establishing an emotional bond with a therapist who does not share their values

The goal of the _____ approach is to explore feelings as they occur rather than try to achieve insight into the childhood origins of feelings


If a person routinely takes antianxiety medication for an extended period of time, then stops, the person is MOST likely to experience:

increased anxiety

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of major depressive disorder? increased energy. thinking about death and suicide. physical agitation or lethargy. depressed mood most of the time.

increased energy

In the United States in the late 1980s, most Democrats believed inflation had risen under Republican president Ronald Reagan when in fact it had declined. This was likely a result of:

ingroup bias

Kelly is a Republican and Carlos is a Democrat. Both believe that the members of their political party are more fair-minded and trustworthy than members of any other party. This belief BEST illustrates:

ingroup bias

What information would help a researcher determine if a psychological disorder were genetic in origin?

it is observed in all cultures

Slave owners perceived slaves as innately lazy, ignorant, and irresponsible—traits that justified their enslavement. This is an example of the _____ phenomenon.


David Rosenhan conducted a study examining the biasing power of diagnostic _____.


John Darley and Bibb Latané simulated a physical emergency in their laboratory in which university students participated in a discussion over an intercom. When participants heard someone having an epileptic seizure and calling for help, those who thought others could also hear were:

less likely to help

Because Jacob lives in the northern United States, he wants to prepare for the dark and cold winter months ahead before he is afflicted by a seasonal pattern of major depressive disorder. Jacob decides to try:

light exposure therapy

Xiomara suffers from bipolar disorder. She is likely to be prescribed _____ to combat the highs and lows of this disorder.


Research on deep brain stimulation has revealed that the source of depression can be _____ in the brain


"He is slow as molasses" might be a good way to describe the energy level of people suffering from:

major depressive disorder

Elaine feels that her life is empty. Over the last few months, she has lost interest in her career and hobbies, and she wonders if she would be better off dead. She is MOST likely suffering from:

major depressive disorder

A large pharmaceutical company is conducting a clinical trial to test the efficacy and safety of an antidepressant to treat major depressive disorder. Its work is MOST aligned with the _____ model.


Kara believes that people with psychological disorders are suffering from diseases that have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and sometimes even cured. Kara believes in the _____ model of psychological disorders


Susan Mineka demonstrated that wild _____ transmit their fear of snakes to their watchful offspring.


Professor Skyler studies personality disorders and is most interested in people who are self-focused and exaggerate their own importance. Professor Skyler is studying people with:

narcissistic personality disorder

The anterior cingulate cortex is especially likely to be hyperactive in people who suffer with:

obsessive-compulsive disorder

_____ love is an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another, usually present at the beginning of a love relationship.


Jacob and Makayla have been dating for about three months. They are MOST likely experiencing:

passionate love

Eight-year-old Tom has severe temper tantrums at times and experiences irritability. He has been diagnosed with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. One of the significant negative outcomes of labeling Jack is that:

people may view Jack differently because of the label

Cynthia tells her friend that she thinks all African-American men look alike. This demonstrates how:

people often stereotype when categorizing people into groups.

People who feel irrationally and intensely afraid of specific objects or situations are suffering from a _____


Phil is extremely fearful of germs. He sleeps in a special chamber at night, wears gloves, and will only eat food that he can unwrap. His symptoms are most characteristic of a(n) _____


Although _____ is/are more common, depression is the most common reason people seek mental health services.


Aliya and Vaughn just met. Which will affect their first impression of each other?

physical attraction

The percentage of Americans who reported suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder in 2008 was:


Stephen Ilardi's 12-week training program sets goals in the following areas: aerobic exercise adequate sleep, light exposure, social connection, nutritional supplements, and ____.


Agnes is a graduate student in psychology who suffers from depression. She has been on antidepressants for years with marginal effect. Instead of taking additional medication or undergoing brain stimulation, her therapist recently encouraged her to review Stephen Ilardi's research on therapeutic lifestyle change. Agnes noticed that those who went through the 12-week training program did all of the following EXCEPT:

avoid omega-3 fatty acids

Reinforcing desired behaviors, and withholding reinforcement for undesired behaviors, is known as:

behavior modification

Which of the following has been found to be a good predictor of adolescent male aggressiveness?

being raised without a father

The approach to understanding and classifying psychological disorders that is MOST likely to minimize stigma for the afflicted is the:

biopsychosocial approach

The police brought Helene to the emergency room after she was seen running down the street in her underwear yelling, "I have the power!" Helene was also spending large amounts of money across town and was rude and reckless over the last five days. In the ER, Helene would not be quiet long enough for the nurse to ask her questions. Helene is MOST likely suffering from:

bipolar disorder

Fredo says that the majority of criminals who commit armed robbery are African-Americans who reside in low-income housing neighborhoods. Fredo believes that African-Americans are naturally violent people who deserve to be incarcerated at higher rates than White Americans. This is an example of:


Mary and Bill are in a romantic relationship and met each other through an online dating service. Their relationship is likely to be:

both long lasting and satisfying

Ingrid is looking for a new car that is dependable and affordable. She would MOST likely be convinced to buy a particular car based on

central route persuasion.

Chelsea's therapist uses active listening within an empathic environment. Her therapist is MOST likely practicing:

client-centered therapy

The medical model, one of the two models currently in use for understanding and treating psychological disorders, uses medical terms. Which of the following is NOT a term from the medical model?

social stressors

A situation in which conflicting parties, by pursuing their own self-interest, become caught in mutually destructive behavior is called a _____.

social trap

Depressed people tend to explain bad events in terms that are:

stable, global, and internal

Support groups focus on _____ or hard-to-discuss illnesses


To help Adam reduce his fear of dogs, a therapist first encourages him to physically relax and imagine that he is walking toward a friendly and harmless little dog. The therapist's technique BEST illustrates:

systematic desensitization

Jarvis would get angry very quickly when he was a teenager. He is now in his fifties and does not anger easily. This is because his _____ level has decreased.


Dr. Cobbs believes that psychological disorders are influenced by genetic predispositions and physiological states. He is also aware that inner psychological dynamics, social dynamics, and culture influence psychological disorders. Dr. Cobbs believes in

the biopsychosocial approach

People feel happier in the presence of happy people than in the presence of depressed people. This illustrates:

the chameleon effect

It is an election year and a volunteer asks if Claude would put a small, one-foot sign in his yard. He agrees. The next week, his wife cannot believe he agreed to let the volunteer put a new, three-foot sign on the front lawn. This is known as:

the foot in the door phenomenon

A telemarketer calls Scott one night and asks for a $1 donation to a local children's charity. Scott happily agrees. A week later the same telemarketer calls and asks for a $20 donation to the same charity. Scott again agrees. This illustrates:

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon

"Fake it until you make it" is a saying of Alcoholics Anonymous and represents:

the power of acting a new role

Bethanny and Marcia have worked together for about a year. They work well together and both are advancing in their careers. What BEST explains why Bethanny and Marcia like each other?

the reward theory of attraction

Which of the following drugs is MOST likely to provide patients with schizophrenia with some relief from their auditory hallucinations and paranoia?


Research on emotion has shown that emotion has a guiding influence on people's lives. What is the purpose of sadness?

to slow down and examine one's situation

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