LEED Test 2

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Construction and Demolition waste comprise of about __ of total solid waste in US


IEQ strategies

-improve ventihilation -control contaminants -specify less harmful materials -allow occupants to control desired settings - provide daylight and views **prevention is usually less than cure

Indoor Environmental Quality

-indoor quality is 2-5 times worse than outdoor quality -Legionnairs Disease and Sick Building Syndrome

Benefits of IEQ

-reduce liability for design team -increase resale value of building -increase productivity of occupants of building - as much as 16%

Credit 1.1-1.2 - Building reuse - 4 pts total

1.1 - maintain existing walls, floors, and roof 1.2 - maintain interior non structural elements Intent - extend life cycle of building stock, conserve resources, retain cultural resources, reduce waste and environmental impacts of new building as they relate to materials and transport. REQS - maintain existing building structure and envelop (floor, roof decking, exterior skin and framing, excluding window assemblies and non structural roof elements) - hazardous materials that are re mediated must be excluded from calculation of percentage maintained. - if the project includes an addition that is more than 2 times the square footage of the building, this credit is not valid. building reuse: 55% - 1 point 75% - 2 points 95% - 3 points submittal phase : construction EP- none **retained components - portions of the finished floors, ceilings, full height walls, demountable partitions, built-in case goods that remain in the completed design. Credit 1.2 - 1 point REQS - use existing interior non structural elements (walls, doors, floor coverings, ceiling systems) in at least 50% of completed area including additions. ** only counts for credit 1.2 if the material reused is used for its original purpose. i.e. door used as a door. if door is used as a table, counts for credit 1.3 EP- none **interior non structural component reuse - determined by dividing the area of retained components by the larger area of 1) area of the prior condition 2) area of completed design **soft costs - expenses that are not considered direct construction costs. ex - legal fees, financing. Submittals - plan showing all materials reused; quantify all interior non structural elements in proposed building, and quantify how many of these are reused.

Credit 2 - Construction Waste Management - 1-2pts

Intent - divert construction and demolition debris from disposal in landfill sites and incineration facilities. Redirect recyclable recovered resources back to manufacturing process and reusable materials back to appropriate sites. REQS - recycle/salvage nonhazardous construction and demolition debris. Develop and implement a construction waste management plan that identifies materials to be diverted from disposal and whether materials will be sorted on-site or comingled. **excavated soil and land clearing debris are excluded. Calculations can be done by weight or volume but must be consistent. recycled/salvaged: 50% - 1 point 75% - 2 point EP- 1 point for converting 95% or more of construction waste construction and demolition debris - debris from construction and demolition but excluding land-clearing debris such as vegetation, soil, rocks. Submittals - complete online construction waste calculation tables including: - description of each type of waste generated - location of receiving agent of each type of waste - quantity of waste diverted (weight of volume) - must include construction waste management plan

Pre-REQ 1 - min. IAQ

Intent - establish minimum indoor air quality performance to enhance indoor air quality, thereby improving well-being of indoor occupants. REQS - meet min requirements AND case 1 - mechanically ventilated spaces mechanical ventilation systems must be designed using the ventilation rate procedure, or applicable code, whichever is more stringent. case 2 - Naturally Ventilated Spaces Naturally ventilated spaces must comply with ASHRAEA standard. Submittals - Design Phase EP - none **Breathing zone - region within occupied space between 3 and 6 feet from the floor and more than 2 feet away from walls or fixed air conditioning equipment. **Passive Ventilation - uses the building layout, fabric, and form to provide natural ventilation to a conditioned space using non mechanical forms of heat transfer and air movement. **IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) - the nature of air inside a building that affects the health and well-being of the occupants; considered acceptable when there are no known contaminants at harmful concentrations as determined by cognizant authorities and with which a substantial amount (80%+) of the people exposed do not express dissatisfaction. DOCS - show compliance with req breathing zone outdoor air flow: = (airflow required per person x occupancy) + (airflow required per sf x area)

Credit 7.2 thermal comfort - verification

Intent- to provide a building assessment of occupant thermal comfort over time REQS - provide a permanent monitoring system that ensures the building performance meets desired comfort criteria as specified in 7.1 - do a survey 6-18 months after building opens; agree to develop a plan for corrective action if more than 20% of occupants are dissatisfied * relative humidity - ratio of partial density of airborne water vapor to the saturation density of water vapor at the same temp and total pressure.

Pre req 1 - Storage and collection of recyclables

Intent - facilitate reduction of waste generated by building occupants that is hauled and disposed of in landfills. REQS - provide easily accessible area for disposal and storage of recycled materials. Min materials include: glass,corrugated cardboard, paper, plastics, and metals. submittal phase: Design EP- none Tipping fees - fees charged by landfill for disposal. **recycling can reduce solid waste by 59%, composting by 25%. **recycling 1 ton saves 17 trees. **recycled aluminum requires only 5% of the energy to produce aluminum from scratch. Submittals: provide plan showing recycling areas.

Credit 7 - Certified wood - 1 point

Intent - to encourage environmentally responsible forest management. REQS - Use min. of 50%, based on cost, of wood based materials and products that are certified in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council principles and criteria, for wood building components. These include: structural framing, basic wood dimensioning framing, flooring, wood doors, finishes. Include materials only permanently installed. Temporary materials used such as bracing or framing may be used at project teams discretion. Must be consistent. EP- 1 point for 95% Forest Stewardship Council certified wood ** Chain of Custody - a tracking procedure for a product from the point of harvest or extraction to its end use. Including all successive stages of processing, transformation, manufacturing, and distribution. **Sustainable Forestry - the practice of managing forest resources to meet the long term forest product needs of humans, while maintaining the biodiversity of forested landscapes. Primary goal is to restore, enhance, and sustain a full range of forest values, including social, economical, and ecological considerations. DOCS - track certified wood purchases and retain all Chain of Custody (Coc) documentation. - collect all vendor invoices for all wood products. - maintain a list that identifies the percentage of certified wood in each purchase. **currently 7% of productive forests are FSC certified

Credit 5 - Regional Materials - 1-2 Points

Intent - to increase demand for materials that are extracted and manufactured with the region, thereby supporting the use of indigenous resources and reducing environmental impacts associated with transportation. REQS - use building materials that have been extracted, harvested, or recovered, as well as manufactured, within 500 miles of project for 10-20%, based on cost, of total materials value. regional materials: 10% - 1 point 20% - 2 points **mechanical, electrical, or plumbing components cannot be included in this credit. EP- 1 point for 30% regional material reuse submittals - provide total project cost materials, and total project cost, and apply 45% default materials value. *provide tabulation of each regional material

IEQ Credit 1 - Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring - 1 pt

Intent - to provide capacity for ventilation system monitoring to help promote comfort and well being of occupants. REQS - install permanent monitoring systems to ensure that ventilation systems maintain design minimum requirements. Configure all monitoring equipment to generate an alarm when airflow values or carbon dioxide levels differ by 10% or more from the design values via building automation alarm system that alerts the building operator or visual or audible alert to the building occupants. AND Case 1: Mechanical Ventilated Spaces Monitor CO2 concentrations within all densely occupied spaces (25 people or more per 1000 sf). CO2 monitors must be between 3 and 6 feet. Provide a direct outdoor air flow measurement device capable of measuring the minimum outdoor air intake flow with an accuracy of +/- 15% of design minimum outdoor air rate as defined by ASHRAEA standard for mechanical ventilation systems where 20% or more of the design supply air flow serves non densely occupied spaces. Case 2 - Naturally Ventilated Spaces Monitor CO2 concentrations within all naturally ventilated spaces. CO2 monitors must be between 3 and 6 feet above the floor. One CO2 sensor may be used to monitor multiple nondensely occupied spaces if the naturally ventilated design uses passive stacks or other means to induce airflow through those spaces equally and simultaneously without intervention of building occupants. Submittal phase: Design EP - none **Breathing zone - region between 3 and 6 feet above the floor and more than 2 feet away from the walls of fixed air conditioning equipment. DOCS - confirmation of type of ventilation system and controls. -design narrative describing ventilation design and CO2 monitoring systems. Include specific information regarding location and quantity of installed monitors, operational parameters and setback. - provide copies of the applicable drawings to document location and type of installed sensors. Drawings should also show natural ventilation systems as applicable.

IEQ Credit 3.1-3.2 - Construction of IAQ MGMT - 2 points (3.1 - during construction)

Intent - to reduce indoor air quality problems resulting from construction or renovation to promote the comfort and well-being of construction workers and occupants. REQS- Develop and implement an IAQ management plan for the construction and preoccupancy phases of the building as follows: - during construction, meet or exceed the recommended control measures of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Nation Contractors Association (SMACNA) IAQ guidelines for occupied buildings under construction -protect stored on site and installed absorptive materials from moisture damage. -if permanently installed air handlers are used during construction, filtration media with a min efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 8 must be used at each return air grille, as determined by ASHRAEA standard. replace air filtration media immediately before occupancy. Submittal phase: construction EP- none ** minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) a filter rating established by ASHRAEA. MERV categories range from 1 (low efficiency) to 16 (high efficiency) **Construction IAQ management plan - outlines measures to minimize contamination in specific building during construction and describes procedures to flush the building of contaminants prior to occupancy. DOCS - copy of construction IAQ plan - confirm if air handling equipment was used during construction -photographs of IAQ construction plan - provide detailed product information for filtration media used for construction and installed immediately prior to occupancy with MERV values highlighted.

Credit 6 - Rapidly renewable resources - 1 point

Intent - to reduce the use and depletion of finite raw materials and long cycle renewable materials and replace them with rapidly renewable materials. REQS - Use rapidly renewable products for 2.5% of total value of all building materials and products, based on cost. Rapidly renewable products are made from plants that typically are harvested within a 10 year or less cycle. EP - 1 point for 5% rapidly renewable resources. **embodied energy - energy used during entire life cycle of a product, including its extraction, manufacture, transportation, and disposal, as well as inherent energy captured within the product itself. **life cycle assessment - analysis of environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product, service, or process. **rapidly renewable materials: bamboo flooring, wheatboard cabinetry, sunflower seed board, wool carpet, linoleum flooring, cotton batt insulation, cork flooring, bio based paints, coir/jute geotextiles, soy-based insulation, straw bales, bio-based plastics. submittals - provide total project materials cost, and calculate total project cost, applying 45% default materials value. provide tabulation of each rapid renewable product.

IEQ Credit 2 - Increased Ventilation - 1 point

Intent- to provide additional outdoor ventilation to improve indoor air quality and promote occupant comfort, well-being and productivity. REQS - Case 1 - Mechanically Ventilated Spaces Increase breathing zone outdoor air ventilation rates to all occupied spaces by at least 30% above minimum rates required by ASHRAEA as determined by IEQ Pre-Req 1: Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Case 2 - Naturally Ventilated Spaces Design natural ventilation systems for occupied spaces to meet the recommendations set forth in the Chartered Institution of Building Engineers (CIBSC) Applications Manual. Determine Natural Ventilation is an effective strategy for the project by the following flow diagram process shown in manual. AND Option 1 - Use diagrams and calculations to show that the design of the natural ventilation systems meets the recommendations set forth in the CIBSC manual, or natural ventilation/mixed mode ventilation related sections of CIBSE. OR Option 2 - use a macroscopic, multi zone, analytic model to predict that room-by-room airflows will effectively naturally ventilate, defined as providing the minimum ventilation rates required by ASHRAE for at least 90% of occupied spaces. **3 basic methods: mechanical, natural, mixed mode Submittal phase - Design EP-none Submittals: Mechanically Ventilated Systems Confirmation that breathing zones ventilation rates in all occupied spaces have been designed to exceed minimum rates required by ASHRAE standard, or applicable local code, whichever is more stringent, by min of 30%. -design narrative describing projects ventilation system. Naturally Ventilated Systems -Narrative describing method used in determining natural ventilation system for the project. -provide information on building orientation, glazing ratios, and internal floorplan circulation, climate, and heating/cooling strategies.

Credit 3 - materials reuse - 1-2 points

Intent: reuse building materials and products to reduce the amount for virgin materials and reduce waste, thereby lessening the amount of energy associated with extraction and processing of virgin resources. REQS - used salvaged, reused, or refurbished materials, the sum of which constitutes at least 5-10% based on cost, of total materials used in project. 5%-1 point 10% - 2 points **mechanical, electrical, and plumbing components cannot be included in this credit. Include only materials permanently installed. Submittal phase- construction EP-1 point for 15% of reuse DEF- refurbished materials, re manufactured materials, salvaged materials (beams, posts, flooring, doors Submittals- provide total project materials cost; provide tabulation on total materials reused for project; provide narrative describing reuse process.

Credit 4 - recycled content - 1-2 points

Intent: to increase demand for building products that incorporate recycled content materials, thereby reducing impacts resulting from extraction and processing of virgin materials. REQS- use materials of recycled content such that the sum of postconsumer recycled content PLUS 1/2 the preconsumer content constitutes at least 10-20%, based on cost, of total values of the materials in the project. recycled content: 10%-1 point 20%- 2 points ** mechanical, electrical and plumbing items cannot be included in this credit. **recycled content value of material assembling is determined by weight. The recycled fraction of the assembling is multiplied by the cost of assembly to determine the recycled content value. **recycled content value = % of assembly that is recycled material x cost of assembly. EP- 1 point for 30% or more for total recycled content value * preconsumer recycled content - ex - sawdust used to create composite board *postconsumer recylced content - things that cannot be used as their original purpose any longer. ex - recycled glass countertops or tiles, recycled rubber tile flooring. Documentation - provide total materials cost for project, also provide total project cost, and apply 45% default materials value. provide tabulation of each material used in project that will be recycled.

IEQ Credit 5 - Indoor chemical and pollution source control - 1 point

Intent: to minimize building occupant exposure to potentially hazardous particulates and chemical pollutants. REQS - Design to minimize and control the entry of pollutants into buildings and later cross contamination of regularly occupied areas through the following stages: - employ permanent entry systems at least 10 feet long going in the direction of the entrance to trap gravel, dirt, etc. ie grills, grates, slotted systems that can be cleaned from underneath. mats are only acceptable if going to be maintained on a weekly basis. -provide self closing doors when in areas where hazardous materials may be present, ie laundry rooms, painting rooms, etc. -provide new filtration media regularly -provide contaminant for appropriate disposal of hazardous liquid wastes where water and chemical concentrate mixing occurs (janitorial closet) submittal phase - design EP-none * minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) - a filter rating established by ASHRAE; categories range from 1 - 16(very high) submittals: -confirmation that entryways have been provided -list of each entryway product and maintenance schedule -drawings showing entryways -confirm that chemical use areas are separate rooms with exhaust systems and negative pressure -construction drawings showing chemical use areas and exhaust systems and detail of wall construction -confirm MERV 13 filters have been installed -provide filter product details

IEQ Pre REQ 2 - environmental tobacco smoke control

Intent: to prevent or minimize exposure to building occupants, indoor surfaces, and ventilation air distribution systems to environmental tobacco smoke (ETC) REQS - Case 1 - all projects option 1 - prohobit smoking in the building; prohibit on property smoking within 25ft of all entries, outdoor intakes, and operable windows. provide smoking areas, or no smoking on property at all. OR option 2 - prohibit smoking in the building except designated areas. -prohibit on property smoking within 25 of entries, windows, etc. -provide designated smoking rooms that are designed to contain, capture, and remove ETS from the building. (room must be directly exhausted to outdoors, away from air intakes and building paths, and with no recirculation of ETS to nonsmoking areas and enclosed with non permeable deck to deck partitions - verify performance of the smoking rooms differential air pressures by conducting 15 min of measurement, measuring one measurement every 10 min of the smoking room compared to rooms adjacent. Case 2 - Residential and Hospitality Projects ONLY - prevent smoking in all common areas of the building - locate designated smoking areas at least 25 feet away from all entries. -weather strip all doors and windows to prevent leakage of ETS from getting indoors DOCS -type of project -drawings showing smoking rooms, if any

Credit 7.1 - thermal comfort- design 1 point

Intent: to provide a comfortable thermal environment that promotes occupant productivity and well-being. REQS - design heating, air conditioning, and ventilating systems that (HVAC) and the building envelope to meet the requirements for ASHRAEA, Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancy. Submittal phase: design EP-none * Natural ventilation - provided by thermal wind, or diffusion effects through doors, windows, or other intentional openings. * mechanical ventilation - provided by mechanically powered equipment such as fans and blowers, but not by devices such as wind driven turbine ventilators and mechanically operated windows. submittal: provide info including seasonal temps and humidity design criteria -summarize building systems, load calculations -document all registers and terminal units and their type and performance specs

Credit 6.1 - Controllability of systems - lighting - 1 point

Intent: to provide a high level of lighting system control by individual occupants or groups in multi occupant spaces and promote their productivity, comfort, and well-being. REQS - provide individual lighting controls for 90%(min) of the building occupants to enable adjustments to suit individual tasks needs, and preferences. *provide the same for multi use groups. submittal phse: design EP-none * daylighting - the controlled admission of natural light into a space, used to reduce or eliminate electric lighting. submittals: list individual work stations and lighting present; also provide for groups

Credit 6.2 - Controllability of systems-thermal comfort-1 point

Intent: to provide a high level thermal comfort control to occupants or groups in multi-occupant spaces and promote their productivity, comfort, and well-being. REQS- provide thermal comfort controls for 50% (min) of building occupants. operable windows may be substituted for people within 20 feet inside and 10 feet on either side of an operable window. areas of operable windows must be ASHRAE standards. submittal phase- design EP-none * comfort criteria - the specific design conditions that at a minimum include temperature, humidity, and air speed, as well as outdoor temp design conditions, outdoor humidity design conditions, clothing, and expected activity.

IEQ Credit 3.1-3.2 - Construction of IAQ MGMT - 2 points (3.2 - before occupancy)

Intent: to reduce indoor air quality problems resulting from construction or renovation to promote the comfort and well-being of construction works and building occupants. REQS - Develop and IAQ management plan and implement it after all finishes have been installed and the building has been completely cleaned before occupancy. OPTION1 - flush out path 1 - before occupancy install new filtration media, and perform a total building flush out by supplying a total air volume of 14,000 cubic feet of outdoor air per sf of floor area, while maintaining an internal temp 60 degrees and relative humidity of no higher than 60%. OR path 2 if occupancy is desired prior to complete building flush out, the space may be occupied following a delivery of at least 3500 cubic feet of outdoor air per square foot of floor area. Once occupied, space must be ventilated at min rate of .30 cubic feet per min. per sq. foot of outside air or the design min outside air rate determined by IEQ pre req 1, whichever is greatest. During each day of the flush out, ventilation must occur at least 3 hours before occupancy and maintain during occupancy until at least 14000 cubic feet per square foot of outside air has been delivered to the space. OR OPTION 2 - Air Testing Conduct baseline IAQ testing after construction ends before occupancy using testing protocals consistent with the EPA Compendium Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air and as additionally detailed in the LEED reference guide. submittal phase: construction EP-none * off-gassing - the emission of volatile compounds (VOCs) from synthetic and natural products. Submittals: confirmation of which method used: pre-occupancy flush out, early occupancy flush-out, IAQ testing. -copy of the IAQ testing report, if applicable

IEQ 4.2 - paintings and coatings - 1 point

Intent: to reduce quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating and/or harmful to installers and occupants. REQS - Paints and coatings used on the interior must comply with the following criteria as applicable to the project scope, not exceeding VOC limits set forth in such standards: -Architectural paints and coats applied to walls and ceilings -Green Seal Standard - anit-corrosive and anti-rust applied to interior ferrous metal substrates - green seal standard - clear wood finishes, floor coatings, stains, primers, and shellacs - South Coast Air Quality Management District Submittal phase- construction EP-none * green seal - a nonprofit organizable that that promotes the manufacturing and sale of environmentally responsible consumer products. Submittals: provide table listing interior paint and coating used on project and level of VOCs, product name and VOC limit to reference standard.

Credit 4.3 Composite Wood - 1 point

Intent: to reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating, and/or harmful to installers and occupants. REQS Composite wood and agrifiber products used on the interior of a building must contain no urea-formaldehyde resins. Laminating adhesives should not contain resins either. * composite wood includes particle board, medium density fiberboard (MDF), plywood, wheatboard, strawboard, panel substrates and door cores. Materials considered Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FFE) are not considered base building elements and are not included. submittal phase: construction EP-none * agrifiber board - composite panel board recovered from agricultural waste fiber from sources cereal straw, sugarcae, bagasse, sunflower husk, walnut husks, coconut husks, and agricultural prunings. Raw fibers are processed and mixed with resins to produce panel products with characteristics similar to wood panel products. * formaldehyde - naturally occurring VOC found in small amounts in plants and animals, but is carcinogenic and an irritant to most people when present in high concentrations. when present in air above levels of .1 ppm can cause watery eyes, nausea, coughing, chest tightness, etc. * urea formaldehyde - a combination of urea and formaldehyde that is used in some glues and may emit formaldehyde at room temps * pheno-formaldehyde - off gasses only at high temps, is used for exterior products, although many of these products are suitable for interiors. * composite wood - consists of wood or plant particles or fibers bonded together by a synthetic resin or binder. ex - plywood, particle board, oriented strand-board (OSB), medium density fiber board (MDF), and composite door cores. submittals: list each carpet used and confirm it does not use any urea-formaldehyde.

4.3 flooring systems - 1 point

Intent: to reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating, and/or harmful to installers and occupants. REQS - option 1 all flooring must comply with following as applicable to project scope -all carpet and carpet cushion material installed in the building interior must meet the testing and product requirements provided by Carpet and Rug Green Label Institute Plus Program -all carpet adhesive must meet the requirements of the IEQ 4.1 Adhesives and Sealants which includes VOC limit of 50 g/L -all hard surface flooring must be compliant with the FloorScore Standard. These products are linoleum, vinyl, laminate flooring, wood flooring, ceramic flooring, rubber flooring, and wall base. An alternate compliance path is acceptable: 100% of non carpet floor finish must be floorscore certified and at least 25% of the finished floor areas. non finished floors include mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, etc. -concrete, wood, cork, and bamboo, tile settings and grout must meet standards of South Coast Air Quality Management District Option 2- all flooring elements installed must meet testing and product requirements of the California Department of Health Services Standard Practice of Volatile Organic Emissions, using Various Sources Small Scale Environmental Chambers, including 2004 addenda. Submittal phase- construction EP-none *Indoor carpet systems: carpet, carpet adhesive, or carpet cushion installed inside of a building's weatherproofing system. Submittals: provide a list of each carpet used and confirm it meets its CRI green label plus program

IEQ Credit 4 - low emitting materials - 4 points credit 4.1

Intent: to reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating, and/or harmful to the installers or occupants. 4 points total: 1. Adhesives and Sealants 2. Paints and Coatings 3. Carpets 4. Composite woods > all these items emit VOCs, which interacts with the NOx to form ground level ozone and contribute to smog formation, air pollution, and decreased occupant well-being. *low emitting products may cost more or be difficult to obtain, but recently prices in this area for these types of products have reduced greatly. REQS - all adhesives and sealants used on the interior (within weatherproofing and applied on site) must comply with the following requirements as applicable to the project scope: -adhesives, sealants, and sealant primers must adhere to codes of South Coast Air Quality Management District -aerosol adhesives must follow requirements of Green Seal Standard for Commercial Adhesives. sumbittals: construction phase EP-none * VOCs: carbon compounds that participate in atmospheric photochemical reactions (excluding carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides, and ammonium carbate) These compounds vaporize at normal room temps. Submittal: provide table listing each interior adhesive, sealant, and sealant primer used on project. Include manufacturer name, VOC data, VOC limit from reference standard -also list aersols with same info

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