legal aspects chapter 14 quiz

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Steering is most closely associated with...?


The purpose of to punish a wrong doer for their actions?

punitive damages

This is a federal law protecting the rights of individuals with physical or mental impairments...?

Americans with Disabilities act

This is a federal prohibition on discrimination in sale, rental, financing, or appraisal of housing on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, handicap, or familial status...?

Fair Housing Act of 1968

Which of the following court cases challenged the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act of 1866...?

Jones vs Mayer

Which of the following is considered a protected class under the fair housing laws...?

Race Religion Familial status

Which of the following can be held liable for housing discrimination...?

Real estate brokers Lenders Homeowners associations

Which of the following acts is prohibited under the fair housing laws...?

Steering Blockbusting Redlining

This refers to the use of prejudice to instill fear, or panic in order to motivate individuals in a particular area or neighborhood to sell or dispose of their property because of the entrance, or potential entry, of a protected class...?


A long-term physical or mental impairment, or condition, that substantially limits a person's major activities is known as a...?


Ancestry is considered a protected class under the federal fair housing laws...? (t/f)


The Unruh Civil Rights Act is a federal law...? (t/f)


The Civil Rights Act of 1968 is also known as the...?

federal fair housing act

This is a court order that requires someone to do, or refrain from doing, a particular act...?


The refusal to lend money within a specific area is known as...?


Which of the following acts is most closely associated with financial lenders...?


Using racial, ethnic, or religious criteria in suggesting, recommending, and/or influencing individuals regarding locations for the purchase or rental of a single family residence or rental dwelling is known as...?


Volunteers from state or private agencies who enforce fair housing by claiming to be home seekers, thereby finding out if brokers deal fairly with all clients/customers, are known as...?


A financial lender may reject a borrower's application if the borrower lacks the necessary credit to purchase the property...? (t/f)


Blockbusting is also known as panic selling...? (t/f)


Gender is considered a protected class under the federal fair housing laws...? (t/f)


The Fair Housing Act applies to leasing as well as the sale of residential properties...? (t/f)


The use of service animals is protected under the ADA...? (t/f)


Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, a lender cannot reject a borrower's application if the borrower's income includes public assistance...? (t/f)


Which of the following can sue for violations of the fair housing laws...?

Homebuyers Testers The California Attorney General

The Unruh Civil Rights Act is associated with discrimination involving...?


Blockbusting is most closely associated with...?


New commercial spaces must be ADA compliant...? (t/f)


Punitive damages may be awarded for violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1866...? (t/f)


This is a federal law that prohibits all discrimination on the basis of race only...?

civil rights act of 1866

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