Lesson 4 powerpoint
font theme
A combination of two fonts to be applied to headings and text as part of a theme.
A footer is text that repeats at the bottom of each slide in a presentation (or in whatever location on the slide where the footer placeholder is located)
A header is text that repeats at the top of each slide in a presentation (or in whatever location on the slide where the footer placeholder is located)
A theme is a collection of settings including colors, fonts, background graphics, bullet graphics, and margin and placement settings.
An address that refers to another location, such as a website, a different slide, or an external file.
live preview
As you move the mouse pointer over each theme in the gallery, that theme's formats display on the current slide.
Slide layouts control the position of text and objects on an individual slide.
slide master
The slide master for a presentation stores information on the current theme, layout of placeholders, bullet characters, and other formats that affect all slides in a presentation.
The target is the page, file, or slide that opens when you click a link.
a variation on the presentation theme style and color
dividers that group slides into logical clusters, as folders organize groups of related papers.
layout master
layout masters that determine the number, type, and position of the placeholders on a particular type of slide