Life Insurance Policies

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Term Life Insurance

Provide greatest amount of coverage for the lowest premium as compared to any other form of protection

Term Life Insurance

Temporary protection because it only provides coverage for a specific period of time. Also known as pure life insurance

the contract

a copy of the application of the policyholder must be attached to the policy when issued

interest - sensitive whole life

a fixed premium whole life policy that provides a guaranteed death benefit to age 100; aka current assumption. credits the cash value with the nonguaranteed interest rate that is usually comparable to money market rates, as well as a minimum guaranteeed rate of interest.

permanent life insurance

a general term used to refer to various forms of life insurance policies that build cash value and reamin in effect for the entire life of the insured as long as the premium is paid

decreasing term

a policy that features a level premium and a death premium that decreases each year over the duration of the policy term

target premium

a recommended amount that should be paid on a policy in order to cover the cost of insurance and to keep the policy in force throughout its lifetime

Joint Life

a single policy that is designed to insure two or more lives, can be in the form of term or permanent insurance, premium would be less than for the same type and amount of coverage on the same individuals.

credit life insurance

a special type of coverage written to insure the life of the debtor and pay off the balance of a loan in the event of the death of the debtor. usually written as decreasing term insurance, and may be written as an individual policy or a group plan; creditor is owner and beneficiary


a term insurance policy with level premium and level death benefits that provides coverage until the insured's 65th birthday

Mortgage Protection Term Life

a type of decreaseing term insurance in which the face amount directly correlates with the amount of outstanding loan and length of time remaining on a mortgage

cash value

created by the accumulation of the premium, scheduled to equal the face amount of the policy when the insured reaches the age 100, and is paid out to the policyowner

limited payment

designed so that premiums for coverage will be completely paid up well before age 100. this type of policy has a shorter premium-paying period that straight life insurance, so the annual premium will be higher

single premium

designed to provide a level death benefit to the insured's age 100 for a one-time, lump-sum payment. the policy is completely paid-up after one premium and it generates immediate cash

adjustable life

developed in an effort to privde the policyowner with the best of both world (term and permanent coverage). can assume the form of either term or permanent insurance

group standard provisions

every group life insurance policy must contain: -the contract -certificates -beneficiary -new persons eligible -insurablility -grace period -incontestability -nonforfeiture -continuation to end of premium period


every policy must specify the circumstances under which the insurer can require an individual to furnish proof that they are insured as a condition of obtaining coverage under the policy

group underwriting requirements

group life insurance is underwritten on a group basis as opposed to an individual basis. each participant completes a short application that identifies the insured and the beneficiary. no medical questions

types of plan sponsors

group life insurance plans may be sposnsored by employers, debtor groups, labor unions, credit unions, associations, and other organizations

death benefit

guaranteed and remains level for life

death pending conversion

if a person's group policy terminates and the person is entitled to recieve an individual policy but dies before he/she can apply for one, the amount of individual insurance to which he/she would have been entitled under an individual policy will be payable as a claim under the group policy

conversion to individual policy

if an employee terminates membership in the insured group, the employee has the right to convert to an individual policy without proving insurability at a standard rate, based on the individual's attained age

conversion on termination policy

if the group policy terminates the insurance of any class of insured individuals, every individual that has been insured for at least 5 years prior to the termination date will be entitled to an individual policy of life insurance issued by the same insurer

conversion on termination of eligibility

if the insurance on an individual covered undr the policy ceases because of termination of employment or of membership in the class eligible for coverage under the policy, the individual will be entitled to different coverages under the same insurer without having to provide proof of insurability

misstatement of age

if the insured person lies about his/her age, there must be an adjustment of benefits to reflect the person's actual age

grace period

if the policyholder does not pay the premium on time, the policy will still be in force for 1 month

options of a policyowner with adjustable life insurance

increase/decrease the premium or the premium paying period. increase/decrease the face amount. change the period of protection.

Survivorship Life

inusres two or more lives for a premium that is based on a joint age, but the benefit is paid on the last death rather than the first, has a lower premium, often used to offset the liability of the estate tax upon the death of the last insured


issued by the insurer to the policyholder; must be distributed to employees who are covered by policy; describe the protection to which the individuals are entitled, to whom the benefits are payable, and what the conversion rights are

Group Life Insurance

issued to the sponsoring organization, and covers the lives of more than one individual member of that group; each member of the group receives a certificate of insurance.

types of term coverage

level increasing decreasing

characteristics of whole life insurance

level premium death benefit cash value living benefits

Final Expense/Pre-Need

life insurance that can be used to fund future funeral expenses, the insurer and applicant enter in an agreement that details products and services to be delivered upon the insured's death

types of premiums of universal life

minimum premium target premium

decreasing term

primarily used when the amount of needed protection is time sensitve, or decreases over time

Pure Death Protection

provided with term life insurance; if the insured dies during this term, the policy pays the death benefit to the beneficiary; if the policy is cancelled or expires prior to the insured's death, nothing payable at the end of the term; there is no cash value or other living benefits

level premium

provides a level death benefit and a level premium during the policy term

whole life insurance

provides lifetime protection, and includes a savings element, or cash value.

Characteristics of Group Plans

purpose of the group size of the group turnover of the group financial strength of the group

minimum premium

the amount needed to keep the policy in force for the current year, paying this premium will make the policy perform as an annually renewable term product

straight life

the basic whole life policy. the policyowner pays the premium from the time the policy is issued until the insured's death or age 100

annually renewable term

the death benefit remains level, and the policy may be guaranteed to be renewable each year without proof of insurability, but the premium increases annually according to the attained age, as the probabilty of death increases

Option B death benefit

the death benefit that includes the annual increase in cash value so that the death benefit gradually increases each year by the amount that the cash value increases

Option A death benefit

the death benefit that remains level while the cash value gradually increases, thereby lowering the pure insurance with the insurer in the later years

re-entry option

the insured, upon the end of a term policy with guaranteed renewable option, may answer medical questions to prove insurability and qualify for a discounted premium rate

level term insurance

the most common type of temporary protection purchased; the death benefit that does not change throughout the life of the policy

Universal Life Insurance

the policy owner has the flexibility to increase the amount of premium going paid into the policy and to later decrease it again, aka flexible premium adjustable life.

living benefits

the policyowner can borrow against the cash value while the policy is in effect, or can receive the cash value when the policy is surrendered

level premium

the premium for whole life policies is based on the issue age; therefore, it remains the same throughout the life of the policy

exceptions of a joint life insurance policy

the premium is based on a joint average age between the 2 insureds. the death benefit is paid upon the first death only.


the validity of the policy cannot be contested after it has been in force for 2 years; the only exception to this rule is if the insured does not pay the required premium, thus the policy may be terminated after this period ends

new persons eligible

this specifies at what time intervals new employees or members will be added to the insurance plan

continuation to end of premium period

when an employee's job is terminated or a group member leaves, the insurance for that member will not end immediately, since a premium has already been paid to cover that person, the coverage ends when the premium ends


when the individual insured dies, any death benefit must be paid, as designated by the policy

forms of whole life insurance

whole life (straight life) limited payment single premium

indeterminate premium

whole life policies in which the premium rate may vary from one year to another

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