Life Science - Unit 4

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Where does nuclear energy come from?

Splitting the nucleus of an atom

Solar, wind, and geothermal energy are examples of

alternative energy sources.

The sources of ___ energy, which is sometimes called "clean" energy, include solar, wind, and geothermal energy.

alternative or renewable

The four organic molecules that make up living organisms are

carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins

Which of the following are classified as greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

carbon dioxide nitrous oxide chlorofluorocarbons

The disruption of symbiotic relationships in ______ is causing a phenomenon called bleaching that is decimating these ecosystems.

coral reefs

Energy sources, like fossil fuels and solar energy, each release

different amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.

Coral reefs across the planet are ___ due to a phenomenon called coral bleaching.


Decreasing factor of climate change

glaciers snow coverage sea ice

Which of these has been increasing since the 1980s?

global temperatures

A general increase in average global temperatures, which have increased by more than 1.8 degrees Farenheit since the 1980s, is called

global warming

The general increase in global temperatures since the 1980s is referred to as

global warming.

Our planet is warm enough for living organisms to inhabit because the ___ ___ warms the planet as gases in the atmosphere trap heat energy.

greenhouse effect

A temporary storage location for heat energy is called a

heat sink.

Select extreme weather events with strong evidence to support their relationship to climate change.

heat waves extreme precipitation coastal flooding droughts

Climate change has the potential to increase human exposure to certain diseases, such as those carried by ticks and mosquitoes, also known as ______ diseases. This is because warming temperatures allow for an expanded range for these insects


The two characteristics used to define climate are

temperature and precipitation.

"The climate of our planet is changing and human activity is the major contributing factor to these changes."

the general consensus of the scientific community

A fossil fuel is an energy source made from

the remains of organisms from long ago

Which of these methods aims to prevent future climate change?

using alternative energy sources

In biology, a ___ is something that moves an infectious agent from one organism to another, like an insect.


Why does the greenhouse effect impact temperatures in the lower atmosphere and on Earth's surface the most?

Because water vapor and carbon dioxide are usually found in the lower atmosphere and close to the surface

The greenhouse effect has which of these effects on the Earth and its inhabitants?

It warms the planet, making it habitable-suitable for living- for living organisms.

Which of these foods produces the lowest carbon emissions?

Locally grown fruit and vegetables

Climate change has the potential to increase human exposure to certain diseases, such as those carried by ticks. This is because warming temperatures allow for an expanded range for these insects, which serve as vectors for

Lyme disease

Temperatures on earth's surface and the lower atmosphere are affected most by the greenhouse effect because

carbon dioxide is usually found close to the surface. water vapor is usually found close to the surface.

In terms of an individual, a measure of their impact on the climate, calculated based on the amount of carbon emitted because of their choices for energy, food, transportation, and other factors, is called a

carbon footprint

A calculation of the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere by a specific entity is called a(n)

carbon footprint.

The impact of releasing stored ______ from the burning of fossil fuels is an increase in ______.

carbon; atmospheric carbon

Select the pigments commonly associated with photosynthesis.

carotenoids chlorophyll a chlorophyll b

There are three pigments commonly associated with photosynthesis: two forms of chlorophyll as well as


Which of these organelles is most closely associated with the process of photosynthesis?


A species whose introduction to a new place has negative impacts on biodiversity, community structure, and the functioning ecosystem of the native area they invade is called a(n)

invasive species

A species that has been introduced out of its range, usually through human actions, is called a(n)

invasive species.

Select the examples of invasive species disrupting community and ecosystem function.

lionfish compete with snapper and grouper throughout the Caribbean kudzu is outcompeting native plant species

During the carbon cycle, carbon naturally cycles between non-living geologic and atmospheric reservoirs, called sinks, and ______.

living organisms.

Which of the following are classified as greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

methane ozone water

Which of these organelles is most closely associated with the process of cellular respiration?


ozone source

natural processes and the interaction of solar energy with pollutants in the lower atmosphere

water vapor source

natural processes associated with the hydrological cycle

Burning fossil fuels is ______ to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations related to climate change and global warming.

one of the biggest contributors

The burning of fossil fuels releases CO2 faster than it can be assimilated, making it

one of the biggest contributors to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide.

In general, an ecosystem includes __.

organisms and nonliving factors in their environment

Select the outputs (products) of photosynthesis.


Which minor greenhouse gas is formed by the interaction between solar energy and pollution in the atmosphere?


Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are two natural processes that are part of the carbon cycle. These two processes are related in part because the inputs for __, carbon dioxide and water, are the outputs of __.

photosynthesis; cellular respiration

During the carbon cycle, some natural processes add and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during the process of ___, and all living organisms release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during cellular ___

photosynthesis; respiration

The climate is changing and human activity is ______ to these changes.

the major contributing factor

Which of these provides an explanation for the seasons on earth?

the tilt of the earth on its axis along with its orbit around the sun

limited evidence to climate change

tornadoes hurricanes

Methane is a relatively ______ greenhouse gas that, once created, remains in the atmosphere for around ______.

unstable; 10 years

The use of fossil fuels as an energy source by humans

upsets the natural balance of the carbon cycle.

the process of the greenhouse effect

1) energy from sun strikes the earth 2) solar energy is absorbed by oceans and dark portions of the plant and reflected by snow and ice 3) solar energy is gradually released back into the atmosphere as heat energy 4) the released energy (heat) is trapped by gases like water and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

From when do we usually discuss the rapid increase in global temperatures?

the 1980s

Place the sources of electricity in order depending on how much carbon they emit into the atmosphere. Place the source that releases the most at the top and work your way down to the least.

1) fossil fuels 2) solar energy 3) wind and geothermal energy

Which of these molecules serves as an energy carrier for a cell?


What do most scientists think is the best shot our species has for reducing the long-term impacts of climate change on our planet?

Advances in technological solutions paired with alternative energy and changes in personal choices will provide the best chance.

Why is the term anthropogenic climate change used to describe the human-climate relationship?

Because human activity is the major contributor to rising carbon dioxide concentrations

Address existing consequences

CDR technologies geoengineering genetic engineering SRM technology

Select the statements that, together, describe the principles of the global carbon cycle.

Carbon is released from sources like living organisms as they break down carbohydrates through cellular respiration. Carbon sinks exist in reservoirs, like oceans, fossil fuel stores, and the atmosphere. Plants and other autotrophs remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere when they produce carbohydrates through photosynthesis.

Which best describes the principles of the global carbon cycle?

Carbon naturally cycles between nonliving reservoirs called sinks and living organisms called sources.

Carbon sources

Cellular respiration in living organisms

Which of these describes how climate change is impacting the community level of biology?

Climate change has promoted the success of invasive species, which ripples out into the native communities.

Which of these would you include in a summary of the evidence that the climate of the planet is changing? Select all that apply.

Extreme weather events like droughts, heat waves, and coastal flooding are increasing. Glaciers, sea ice, and snow coverage are decreasing. Temperatures near the planet's surface are increasing.

Select the impacts of ocean acidification.

Fish populations are less able to reproduce Reduction in zooplankton, one source of food for fish

Relatively higher carbon emissions

Fossil-fuel-powered electricity Fossil-fuel-powered cars, trucks, and motorcycles

Which of these is the primary characteristic that distinguishes global warming from climate change?

Global warming is concerned primarily with the surface temperatures of the earth.

Which scenarios describe the impact of climate change on global ecosystems?

Grasslands are converted to deserts as they are cleared, temperatures rise, and precipitation is reduced. Poorly managed agricultural practices like cattle farming convert grasslands into desert wastelands. Increased temperatures cause a breakdown of symbiotic relationships with algae, creating a phenomenon called coral bleaching

How would you describe the impact of climate change, globally?

Greenhouse gases and their effects impact the entire planet, reaching every biome on Earth.

What is happening to the surface temperatures of the planet's oceans?

It is increasing.

During photosynthesis, ATP and ___ are used for their energy and then recycled.


Select the molecules that are used for energy and then recycled during photosynthesis.


Select all of the information you would use to summarize the role of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle.

Photosynthesis combines carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water to make carbohydrates. Photosynthesis is a natural process performed by autotrophs, including plants. Photosynthesis takes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Which statement best summarizes the role of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle?

Photosynthesis removes carbon from the atmosphere during the carbon cycle.

Select all of the carbon sinks.

The atmosphere The planet's oceans Underground fossil fuels

When humans burn fossil fuels for energy, what is the effect on the carbon cycle, and thus, the atmosphere?

The balance of the cycle is disturbed as carbon dioxide is released; atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are elevated.

Which best describes the role of fossil fuels in the carbon cycle?

The formation of fossil fuels stores carbon underground (adding to reservoirs) and burning them releases that carbon back into the atmosphere (a source of carbon).

How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related?

The inputs for photosynthesis (carbon dioxide and water) are the outputs of cellular respiration, while the outputs of photosynthesis (carbohydrates and oxygen) are the inputs for cellular respiration.

How might you describe the influence of climate change on some species of mosquitoes and ticks?

Their range has expanded to include places that were previously too cold to inhabit, increasing their potential to spread disease.

Carbon sinks

Underground fossil fuel stores Oceans The atmosphere

Relatively low carbon emissions

Wind energy Geothermal energy Electric and hybrid vehicles

An invasive species can be defined as

a species introduced out of its range. a species that negatively impacts biodiversity. a species that is more tolerant to change than most native species.

Shellfish are less able to calcify their shells when oceans become


nitrous oxides source

agricultural practices like fertilizer use and burning fossil fuels

Select the two characteristics used to define climate.

average temperature average rainfall

The changes in weather at different times of the year that we call seasons, like sunny, warm summers and cold, snowy winters, can be attributed to the fact that our planet is tilted on its


The wavelengths of light that are most important for the process of photosynthesis are

between 380 and 740 nanometers, in the visible spectrum.

Similar types of ecosystems are called


Living organisms add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere when they

break down carbohydrates during cellular respiration.

The purpose of the light reactions is to

capture solar energy and transfer it to high-energy molecules.

The choices an individual makes for how they supply their life with ___, like electricity, how they get around, and whether or not they reuse and ___ materials after they use them, all contribute to that individual's carbon footprint.

energy; recycle

strong evidence to climate change

extreme precipitation coastal flooding heat waves droughts

Increasing factor of climate change

extreme weather events temperatures over land ocean heat content sea level

Coal, oil, and natural gas are all examples of

fossil fuels

Select challenges to implementing technology like geoengineering and genetic engineering to address climate change.

funding public acceptance unknown effects

Select the methods that aim to address existing consequences of climate change.

genetic engineering of animals geoengineering genetic engineering of plants

Select the four organic molecules that make up living organisms.

proteins carbohydrates nucleic acids lipids

Select the choices that describe the second stage of photosynthesis, the Calvin cycle.

reactions take place in the stroma takes up carbon dioxide to produce sugars

During the carbon cycle, carbon naturally cycles between non-living geologic and atmospheric __ and living organisms.


Which of the following factors are increasing to indicate climate change?

sea level humidity coastal flooding

The planet earth is tilted on its axis and orbits around the sun so that different parts of the planet are tilted toward the sun at different parts of the year. This determines a phenomenon we call


In the second stage of photosynthesis, the Calvin cycle, once some of the reactants are used they are

sent back to the light reactions.

A temporary storage location for heat energy, such as the planet's oceans, is referred to as a heat


Select all of the alternative energy sources.

solar power nuclear power wind power

A biological vector is

something that moves an infectious agent from one organism to another.

Plants remove carbon from the atmosphere when they

take up carbon dioxide and use it to synthesize carbohydrates during photosynthesis.

Select all of the ways that carbon dioxide is produced.

volcanos deforestation burning coal fires

What is the relationship between photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and the carbon cycle?

During the carbon cycle, carbon is released into the atmosphere by living organisms through cellular respiration and removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis.

climate change

Refers to a change in average temperatures and precipitation Associated with extreme weather events like heat waves and coastal flooding Associated with droughts and extreme precipitation

Relatively moderate carbon emissions

Solar power Fossil-fuel-powered public and shared transportation

global warming

Refers to a general increase in temperature in the last few decades Primarily concerned with surface temperatures of the planet Evidence includes 1.8°F increase in the Earth's surface temperatures

Select all of the characteristics of methane.

Retains more heat that carbon dioxide Rare in the atmosphere Unstable

the order of the process of the greenhouse effect.

1) Solar energy strikes the earth. 2) Solar energy is absorbed or reflected, depending on where it hits. 3) Solar energy is released as heat. 4) Some energy is trapped by gases in the atmosphere and some escapes the planet.

Arrange these food choices from the lowest carbon emissions to the highest carbon emissions, starting with the highest at the top

1) beef 2) chicken 3) produce (fruits/vegetables) 4) locally grown produce

Rank the following levels of biological organization, beginning with the most inclusive (largest) at the top.

1) biosphere 2) ecosystem 3) community 4) population 5)species 6) organism

Choose the best description of the impact of climate change on the community level of biology.

Biological communities are linked to one another, so even minor changes within a community can have major effects.

What sort of factors are commonly contributed to an individual's carbon footprint?

How often and in what amounts they consume resources.

What does ATP do in a cell?

It is the energy carrier of a cell.

Select the parts of the process involved in sourcing nuclear energy.

Power a turbine Create boiling water Create pressurized water Split the nucleus of an atom using uranium

Select any description of how climate change influences individuals and species.

There are more heatwaves and droughts that threaten the lives of individuals and species. The natural pace of evolution, namely extinction, is disturbed. The range of some individuals and species has expanded to include places that were once too cold to inhabit.

What is the relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and global temperatures?

There is a direct relationship: as one rises, so does the other.

Which of these best summarizes the evidence that the climate of the planet is changing?

There is evidence that the climate of our planet is changing in the form of increases in extreme weather events, rising temperatures over land, and decreased snow and ice coverage.

During photosynthesis, solar energy, water, and ___ react in two stages to produce sugars and ___

carbon dioxide; oxygen

Prevent future climate change

clean energy technology solar energy wind energy

The average weather patterns in a given area over time is called


What are we referring to if we describe the patterns of rainfall and temperature in a given area over time?


Most scientists think that a combination of advances in technological solutions, alternative energy, and changes in personal choices represent the best chances for our species to reduce the long-term impacts of ___ ___ on our planet

climate change/greenhouse gases/global warming/carbon dioxide

Select all of the fossil fuels from the choices.

coal natural gas oil

Select the fossil fuels.

coal oil

An ecosystem is

communities with all of their living and nonliving components.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) source

compounds used in refrigerants and to make spray propellants

Which of these are ways that carbon dioxide is produced?

in agricultural practices through the use of fossil fuels as a by-product of digestion

Where does the first part of photosynthesis, the light reactions, take place?

in the thylakoid of a chloroplast

The wavelengths of light that are most important to the process of photosynthesis are

in the visible spectrum.

Surface temperatures of the ocean are


Implementing "climate safe" technology like alternative energy sources can be expensive, which often presents a challenge because

individuals and corporations don't want to adapt to expensive changes.

Which minor greenhouse gas is produced as a natural part of a biogeochemical cycle on earth?

water vapor

Select the examples of invasive species disrupting community and ecosystem function.

zebra mussels have driven native mussel species near to extinction rats carry disease and kill native birds gypsy moths outcompete native species

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