Life Span Development Chapter 13

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According to William Perry, an adolescent's cognition would likely lead him to make statements like:

a. "What's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong."

Manny has contracted a virus that is destroying his body's immune system. Manny most likely has _____.


Which of the following statements about the impact of unemployment on an individual is true?

a. Researchers have found that unemployment is related to homicide.

Which of the following is true about cigarette smoking?

a. Secondhand smoke is implicated in many lung cancer deaths a year.

Which of the following is NOT one of the steps toward a more creative life as identified by Csikszentmihalyi?

a. Wake up in the morning without a specific goal to look forward to.

Which of the following statements about working while in college is true?

a. Working more hours results in decreased grades.

In a recent survey of 2,000 college women, _____ reported that they had experienced sexual harassment while attending college.

a. a majority

Gisela Labouvie-Vief recently proposed that:

a. adult thought today needs to be more reflective and complex than in the past.

According to Piaget, formal operational thought characterizes adults as well as adolescents. According to some developmentalists, Piaget's view is:

a. an inaccurate description of many adults.

Most of us reach our peak physical performance:

a. before the age of 30, often between the ages of 19 and 26.

Your professor argues that homosexuality in males is the result of exposure of the fetus to hormone levels characteristic of females in the second to fifth months after conception, causing the individual to become attracted to other males. This indicates that your professor believes in the _____ of the factors in homosexuality.

a. critical period hypothesis

A number of college and universities describe the "red zone" as a period of time _____ of college when women are at especially high risk for unwanted sexual experiences.

a. early in the first year

Orthodox Jews and Mormons have especially low rates of alcohol use, underscoring the:

a. environment's role in alcoholism.

The human genome has not changed markedly in the last century, yet obesity has noticeably increased. This points to the fact that:

a. environmental factors play an important role in obesity.

Emerging adults have _____ chronic health problems, and they have _____ colds and respiratory problems than when they were children.

a. few; fewer

In the United States, the most widely recognized marker of entry into adulthood is:

a. holding a permanent, full-time job.

A comparison of the figures relating to the prevalence of obesity in the U.S and figures from a study of more than 168,000 adults in 63 countries reveal that the incidence of obesity in the U.S _____ the worldwide figures:

a. is higher than

A recent national survey of U.S. adults identified the leading source of stress at the workplace as:

a. low salaries.

According to a longitudinal study by Jerald Bachman and his colleagues, by the time individuals reach their mid-twenties, _____ their use of alcohol and drugs.

a. many would have reduced

In 1994, Robert Michael and his colleagues conducted a comprehensive survey of American sexual patterns. Results from this "Sex in America" survey suggested that Americans' sexual lives are _____ than previously believed.

a. more conservative

James, an American, will most likely consider himself an adult when he _____, whereas Nirmal, an Indian will most likely consider himself an adult when he _____.

a. moves out of the house; graduates from college d. gets married; buys his first home

In developing countries, marriage, the marker for entry into adulthood usually occurs _____ the adulthood markers in the United States

a. much earlier than

A possible genetic explanation for obesity in humans is:

a. reduced production of leptin.

All of the following are key features identified by Jeffrey Arnett as characterizing emerging adulthood, EXCEPT:

a. stability.

Examples of Dana Torres, Olympic swimmer, Lance Armstrong, cyclist, and Tom Watson, golfer, have been used to illustrate that:

a. there have been instances of highly conditioned athletes stretching the age limit on winning performances.

The transition from adolescence to adulthood has been referred to as emerging adulthood, which occurs from approximately _____ years of age

b. 18 to 25

Binge drinking peaks at about:

b. 21 to 22 years of age.

Muscle tone and strength usually begin to show signs of decline around the age of _____.

b. 30

An estimated _____ percent of individuals who become alcoholics are believed to have a genetic predisposition for it.

b. 50 to 60

Which of the following is NOT a strategy for building exercise into one's life?

b. Avoid tracking your progress too closely

According to psychologist Laura Brown, how can lesbians and gay males adapt to a world in which they are a minority?

b. By balancing the demands of the minority lesbian/gay male culture and the majority heterosexual culture.

Binge drinking would be most common among which of the following groups?

b. College men staying in fraternity houses

How strong is the evidence for a fifth, postformal stage of cognitive development?

b. Critics argue that research has yet to document that postformal thought is a qualitatively more advanced stage than formal operational thought.

Which of the following statements about the benefits of exercise is true?

b. Exercise can be as effective in reducing depression as psychotherapy.

Which of the following statements accurately reflects a key finding from the 1994 "Sex in America" survey?

b. Married and cohabiting couples have sex more often than noncohabiting couples.

Which of the following is a positive feature of the transition from high school to college?

b. Opportunities to explore different lifestyles and values

Rene wants to lose weight and is considering going on the latest high-protein diet. She wants to know if this diet is a good way to lose weight and to keep it off. What would you tell her?

b. Some individuals on diets do lose weight and keep it off, however, how often this occurs and whether some diet programs work better than others are still open questions.

Which of the following athletes would be most likely to peak earliest?

b. Swimmer

A longitudinal study found that at age 25 _____ of the participants were fully financially independent of their family of origin.

b. a little more than half

College freshmen are similar to high school freshmen in that both:

b. are considered novices in their respective settings.

Gina's boyfriend forced her to have sexual intercourse with him during their last date. Gina has encountered:

b. date rape.

The obesity rate has _____ in the United States since 1900.

b. doubled

When Franklin composes musical concertos, he becomes totally absorbed and experiences extreme happiness. This is called _____.

b. flow

Bradford was of average weight throughout childhood and in college. But he has gained more than 30 pounds after he started working, and is now finding it very difficult to lose the excess weight and to maintain weight loss. His doctor tells him that one of the reasons that it is so might be because:

b. he may not be able to get rid of the fat cells he gained when he put on weight.

Condoms are less effective against the spread of _____.

b. herpes

Lloyd, 30, is a busy lawyer and is always in a hurry. He skips breakfast, grabs lunch on the go, snacks and drinks coffee constantly at his desk, and finds no time to exercise. He is at risk for being overweight and has high cholesterol and blood pressure. Research indicates that Lloyd:

b. is likely to have lower life satisfaction at age 70.

Melody has been unable to work at her job as a truck driver for more than 15 months now because of a back injury. Research on the impact of work would suggest that Melody:

b. may experience emotional distress and low self-esteem.

More than 1,000 colleges in the United States offer cooperative (co-op) programs, which are:

b. paid apprenticeships in a field that you are interested in pursuing.

Some theorists have pieced together cognitive changes in young adults and proposed

b. postformal thought

There is a "one-third rule'' for alcoholism: by age 65, one-third are dead or in terrible shape, one-third are abstinent or drinking socially, and one-third are _____.

b. still trying to beat their addiction

Nicotine is a(n) _____.

b. stimulant

The three characteristics shared by these "late-bloomers"—individuals who were still showing maladaptive patterns in emerging adulthood but had gotten their lives together by the time they were in the late twenties and early thirties—were being planful, showing positive aspects of autonomy, and _____.

b. support by adults

In interviews with 12- to 22-year-olds about finding their purpose in life, William Damon found that:

b. the largest percentage had engaged in some potentially purposeful activities but still did not have a real commitment or any reasonable plans for reaching their goals.

Piaget stressed that young adults are more quantitatively advanced in their thinking than adolescents because:

b. they have more knowledge.

Researchers have found that male rapists share the following characteristics: aggression enhances their sense of power or masculinity; they are angry at women in general; and _____.

b. they want to hurt and humiliate their victims.

Ishmael is experiencing a lot of stress at the workplace. Trends indicated in a recent national survey of U.S. adults suggest that Ishmael:

b. will be less productive because of stress.

Dana, 10, is a gymnast. In terms of performance, Dana is probably:

b. yet to peak.

Gilbert, 20, is a marathon runner. In terms of performance, Gilbert is probably:

b. yet to peak.

The prevalence of obesity in U.S. adults 20 years of age and older was _____ in 2006.

c. 33 percent

_____ individuals who drink continue the path to alcoholism.

c. A small percentage of

Which of the following is true of work patterns in the U.S.?

c. More than a third of Americans work 40 hours a week.

A major study that focused on campus sexual assault and involved a phone survey of 4,446 women attending two- or four-year colleges found the following about stalking:

c. Most women knew their stalkers.

According to the U.S. government's Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-2009, which of the following areas of work are expected to account for the most new jobs in the next decade?

c. Service industries

This concept, recently described by Phyllis Moen, reflects ingrained cultural beliefs that engaging in hard work for long hours through adulthood will produce a path to status, security, and happiness

c. The career mystique

An individual's sexual orientation is most likely determined by:

c. a combination of factors.

Today, it is more accepted to view sexual orientation as:

c. a continuum from exclusive male-female relations to exclusive same-sex relations.

Lea, a college freshman, is experiencing a lot of anxiety about not doing well enough in her classes. She reports that she is often depressed and needs help. Large scale studies and a recent national survey conducted by the American College Health Association of more than 90,000 students on 177 campuses indicate that Lea's feelings:

c. are not uncommon in college students.

Mini wants to know what activities would be most conducive to creative thinking. Based on what people reported in Csikszentmihalyi's research, you would suggest that Mini would be at her creative best during activities that:

c. are semiautomatic.

Ever since she passed out of college, Jane has been working long hours at her job as an accountant with a small company in the hope that her hard work will pay off and that she will achieve good career growth and economic stability. Jane obviously believes in what Phyllis Moen describes as the:

c. career mystique.

Yoko is reluctant to marry since she is worried that her husband might cheat on her. You would tell her that adultery is:

c. clearly the exception rather than the rule.

In a recent study, both parents and college students agreed that taking responsibility for one's actions and _____ are important aspects of becoming an adult.

c. developing emotional control

Rhett is looking for the most effective way to lose his excess weight and to keep it off. You would tell him that the most effective weight-loss programs invariably include:

c. exercise.

In developing countries, the most widely recognized marker of entry into adulthood is:

c. getting married.

The obesity rate has dramatically increased in the United States since 1900. This dramatic increase in obesity is likely due to all of the following EXCEPT:

c. marked changes in the human genome.

Results from the "Sex in America" study suggest that adult sexual behavior is dominated by _____ and _____.

c. marriage; monogamy

The mortality rate of emerging adults is _____ the mortality rate of adolescents.

c. more than twice

By the end of emerging adulthood (age 25), _____ individuals have had sexual intercourse.

c. most

Before Jasmine has sex with her boyfriend, she asks if he has tested positive for HIV and also requires that he use a condom. Given what we know about HIV and the sexual behavior and attitudes of most adults, we can say that Jasmine's practice is:

c. not completely safe, because condoms can fail and many people lie to have sex.

Sexual harassment is a manifestation of:

c. power of one person over another.

The main cognitive change between the fourth and fifth stages of cognitive development is _____ thinking.

c. reflective

The weight you maintain when you make no effort to gain or lose weight is called your:

c. set point weight.

Obesity is _____ prevalent among women with low incomes than among women with high incomes.

c. several times more

Emerging adulthood is a time frame during which most individuals are:

c. sexually active and unmarried.

"Many emerging adults are optimistic about their future, and, for emerging adults who have experienced difficult times while growing up, emerging adulthood presents an opportunity to direct their lives in a more positive direction." These are the two ways described by Jeffrey Arnett in which emerging adulthood can be viewed as:

c. the age of possibilities.

Identical human twins have similar weights, even when they are reared apart. This indicates:

c. the genetic component of a person's weight.

Carol, a mid-level manager at Pegasus Incorporated, has not received a promotion in the last three years despite good performance and good ratings at performance appraisals. If she were to be promoted, she would be the only female employee at top management level. Carol seems to have hit:

c. the glass ceiling.

The invisible barrier to career advancement that prevents women and ethnic minorities from holding managerial or executive jobs regardless of their accomplishments and merits is known as:

c. the glass ceiling.

In one estimate, _____ of college freshman women report having been date raped or having experienced an attempted date rape at least once.

c. two-thirds

Which of the following is included in the patterns of heterosexual behavior for males and females in emerging adulthood?

d. Emerging adults have sex less frequently than young adults.

Which of the following is true of rape?

d. Rapes are underreported.

Which of the following is a way in which the division of responsibility for work and family changed with the emergence of dual-earning couples?

d. U.S. men are showing greater interest in their families and parenting.

Leptin is:

d. a protein that is involved in satiety.

In William Perry's view, the _____ thinking of adolescence gives way to the _____ thinking of adulthood.

d. absolutist; relativistic

In early adulthood, individuals often switch from acquiring knowledge to applying knowledge as they pursue success in their work. This reflects the idea that:

d. adults do progress beyond adolescents in their use of intellect.

Sustained exercises such as jogging, swimming, or cycling that stimulate heart and lung activity are known as:

d. aerobic exercises.

According to a recent survey, _____ of all full-time college students and _____ of part-time college students are employed.

d. almost half; the vast majority

Leptin acts as a(n):

d. antiobesity hormone.

Csikszentmihalyi points out that _____ capable of achieving flow.

d. everyone is

College students' failure to develop health-promoting habits is due to their:

d. failure to think about how their lifestyle will affect them later in life.

Lewis wants to know what academic path he should follow to get into the fastest growing job market, and the highest paying. You would suggest that Lewis:

d. get at least a college degree.

About _____ college men admit to forcing sexual activity.

d. half

The transition from elementary school to middle or junior high school, and the transition from high school to college:

d. have many parallels.

A longitudinal study revealed that most bad health habits engaged in during adolescence _____ in emerging adulthood.

d. increased

When you look at the creative achievements of famous inventors, writers, and scientists, it is clear that creativity:

d. takes a developmental course that varies depending on the person's type of work and individual situation.

Kendra was overweight as a child and continues to be overweight as an adult. This might in part be due to _____ fat cells in her body.

d. the higher number of

The critical-period hypothesis could explain:

d. why sexual orientation is difficult, if not impossible, to modify.

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