Lightning Thief Final Test

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1. Define the term foreshadowing.

Foreshadowing is a series of hints that lead up to one main event. This can either be predicting the future or giving slight hints and warnings here and there about a secret or future occasion. GOOGLE DEFINITION = be a warning or indication of (a future event).

The Heroes Journey 8. The Ordeal

Near the middle of the story, the hero enters a central space in the Special World and confronts death or faces his or her greatest fear. Out of the moment of death comes a new life.

The Heroes Journey 2. Call to adventure

something shakes up the situation, either from external pressures or from something rising up from deep within, so the hero must face the beginnings of change.

1. Explain how each section of the prophecy was fulfilled.

"You shall go west to face the god who has turned," Percy went west to california, and found ares who had turned on almost everybody "You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned," He found the master bolt, and the helm of darkness and returned them to Hades and Zeus "You shall be betrayed by the one you call friend," He thought that this whole time luke was his friends, and he turned on him by summoning a pit scorpion to kill him "And fail to save what matters most in the end." He ended up not saving his mother, and she instead saved herself by making gabe a statue and starting her life where she left off

2. Why is there a rivalry between Annabeth and Percy's divine parents? Give TWO reasons.

.A One reason why there is a rivalry between Poseidon and Athena over who the current day town of Athens should be named after. Poseidon gave the town a beautiful salt water lake, which is useless to the people. Athena, on the other hand, gave the town an olive tree which is useful in the form of food, and it was a tree which provides shade and oxygen. B. The second reason why Poseidon and Athena don't get along well is that one day, Poseidon was having an affair in Athena's temple, and Athena caught them and thought it was very disrespectful. So she turned his lover into Medusa, and now she was feared by others(classic myth notes).

Possible Questions = How does Percy Fit the heroic traits?

1. his father is Poseidon 2. he can control the water, and he got a sword from his father 3. he has to return the master bolt 4. he got honor after finishing his quest 5. he is chill with the gods 6. he can be tricked, and 7. luke betrays percy, and tries to kill him

Possible Questions = How does Jonas fit the heroic traits?

1.he fits the traits to become the new receiver 2. he has access to the memories, and the books 3. get all of the memories and watch over the community 4.he would have the job with the most honor (the receiver of memory) 5. he has way more knowledge than the other people in the community 6. the change of weather made him feel weak and pointless 7. he finds out that Gabe is going to be released

1. What clues are given to support that Ares WASN'T acting on his own? List at least TWO

A. Ares couldn't think of an excuse when asked why he didn't just keep the bolt instead of sending it to the underworld, and he "seemed agitated" but just covered it up with a smirk. B. Also ares knew about Percy's dreams even though none of them mentioned the word dreams to him at all. So he must be working with somebody who is controlling Percy's dreams(whoever is in the pit) C. Time freezes (kronos) and he is thinking before he is answering questions He's working with Kronos

2. How does Annabeth know Percy is "one of us"?

Annabeth knows that Percy is one of them because he was moved from school to school and was probably diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia because he wasn't able to sit still or focus because he was always ready to fight, and just didn't know it.

1. What are the three parts of Percy's dream?

A. it started out with him in a classroom along with another girl wearing straight jackets, and he was told to pick up the pencil, but he couldn't, and he melted B. then he was back at the pit, and there were two people(or ghosts) who were plotting something. One of the people was invisible, and they both never acknowledged that he was there. The two kept saying things like"he is too powerful" and they were discussing the fact that they took the bolt, but we don't know who it is. C. the scene changes, and Percy is now in a throne room, and a crown is placed on his head with Chimera poison coming out of it, and his arms and legs are shackled

The Heroes Journey 10. The Road Back

About three-fourths of the way through the story, the hero is driven to complete the adventure, leaving the Special World to be sure the treasure is brought home. Often a chase scene signals the urgency and danger of the mission.

2. How do Annabeth and Grover prove themselves to be real friends to Percy?

Annabeth and Grover prove that they are true friends by fighting with each other over who would stay in the underworld with Hades. They could both tell that when Percy saw his mother that he so badly wants to take her home, but he also wanted to take them as well. So Annabeth felt as if Grover should go because he wanted to get his searcher's license. Grover wanted annabeth to go because he felt as a satyr that he wouldn't suffer as much, and that she could live a semi-normal life.

2. Why is Annabeth frustrated when she and Percy talk about quests?

Annabeth is frustrated when she and Percy talk about quests for two reasons. One is because of whatever had failed last time someone was sent on a quest, and two is the fact that she is still waiting on one specific person to set her free on a quest, and she doesn't have a clue who that may be.

1. Why is Annabeth upset with Percy for risking his life on the bus?

Annabeth is upset about Percy risking his life because annabeth may never be able to go on a quest again, and if Percy dies since he is the main leader of the group, the quest would be over, and Annabeth would have to go back to camp. Annabeth would be upset about this because she has been at camp ever since she was seven, and has never been able to leave, only able to leave for little field trips, and never met danger like this before.

The Heroes Journey 11. The Resurrection

At the climax, the hero is severely tested once more on the threshold of the home . He or she is purified by a last sacrifice, another moment of death and rebirth, but on a higher and more complete level. By the hero's action, the polarities that were in conflict at the beginning are finally resolved

The Heroes Journey 5. Crossing the Threashold

At the end of Act One, the hero commits to leaving the Ordinary World and entering a new region or condition with unfamiliar rules and values.

Possible Questions = What are the Heroic Traits?

Definition of a hero = In mythology and legend, a man or woman, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his or her bold exploits, and favored by the gods. 1. The hero is usually of royal birth or a demigod (or has a god in his family). 2. The hero has some kind of supernatural power or has the strong support of a god. 3. The hero is usually on a quest. He has a task or a challenge (or more than one) that an ordinary mortal could not carry out. 4. The hero is always seeking fame, glory and most important, honor. These are more important than life itself. 5. The hero is braver, stronger, bolder and sometimes more clever than most men. He is close to the gods. 6. The hero usually has a weakness, usually too much pride or a terrible temper. This can lead to problems for him, and usually to his downfall. 7. There is also often some really tragic event that happens within the story. This can be something that befalls the hero, but is often something that happens to someone close to him.

Possible Questions = What are the different Areas of the underworld?

Fields of Punishment, Asphodel Meadows, and the Elysium.

Chapter Twenty-two summary "The Prophecy Comes True"

Grover, Annabeth, and Percy get their laurel wreaths as a reward for returning from their quest, and they burned them, and shortly after during the fireworks, Grover leaves to go start his search for pan. Then while everybody is packing up to go home, Percy goes down to the fighting arena and finds Luke, and while there, luke asks if he wants to go look for monsters. Once in the woods, they give up on looking for monsters and the last part of Percy's oracle comes true, luke summons a pit scorpion because he is jealous of Percy for getting praised for completing his quest, and because he had stolen the master bolt and the helm because his quest was to steal an apple and he thought it was stupid. After waking up from the poison, Percy shows up in the big house, and annabeth and Chiron were there, and Percy finds out that Chirons quest involves Kronos, while Percy decides to stay at camp half-blood, and Annabeth's father was there to pick her up because she took his advice

1. How is Hades different from Ares, and how is Percy's reaction to him different

Hades is the god of the underworld, and he sees dead people everyday. Hades really doesn't want more people join the underworld because he has to spend so much money on expanding the different realms. Ares on the other hand is the god of war. Ares wants there to be fightes between the two different realms, because he thrives off of that hate. Percy's reaction to Hades is way more formal and calm than when he was talking to ares. This is because Hades could kill Percy at any moment that he pleases, and he is also his uncle, and he seemed like a more important god to Percy. When Percy was talking to Ares, he wanted so badly to act like a jerk, because he doesn't really care what Aries thinks, but he never died because he didn't want Ares getting stringe. Also the style of his clothings is all black ancient greek clothing, and the other gods wore more modern greek clothing. He is an outcast so he does what he wants, and doesn't know what modern clothing is like (maybe).

1. Why does Percy decide to study for the Latin exam even though he's given up on his other subjects?

He decided to study for the Latin exam, because of the way Mr.Brunner had said that he expected more from Percy, and he felt that this was actually really important.

1. Why is Annabeth uneasy about the gifts Percy received?

I think that Annabeth is uneasy about Percy's gifts because no gift ever comes without a price. So she thinks that just because now he has a free gift that can save him, that maybe when he tries to use them, something will happen. Also she may be uneasy because that some lady told Percy not to accept any gifts, so this could all be a trick.

2. Who do you think is in the pit? Justify your answer.

I think that Ares is the voice in the pit. I think this because he is the god of war, and he might want to be starting a fight between the big three. Also he said he had already gone looking for the bolt once before and couldn't get it, and the voice said that he had failed to retrieve it too.

2. After the Latin test, what do you think Mr. Brunner was really trying to say to Percy?

I think that Mr. Brunner was trying to tell Percy that he is in danger at Yancy, and it is better for him to leave and be safe back home in Manhattan.

The Heroes Journey 3. Refusal of the call

The hero feels the fear of the unknown and tries to turn away from the adventure, however briefly. Alternately, another character may express the uncertainty and danger ahead.

2. What does Percy realize about monsters at the end of the chapter?

I think that Percy finds out that monsters have feelings too, and that they never really get attention. Percy says,"even here in the underworld, everybody - including monsters need a little attention sometimes. (everybody needs attention once in a while)

2. At the end of the chapter, who do you think Percy is angrier with - Hephaestus or Ares? Why?

I think that Percy is more angry at Hephaestus because he caught Ares having an affair before, and caused him embarrassment. This has angered Ares for all these years, and he now thinks that he has to take his anger out on somebody else. So he tried to trick Percy into getting killed, because he wanted to get back at somebody. If hephaestus hadn't embarrassed Ares in the first place, he might be a different person, and he would of tried to kill Percy and set him off course for his quest.

2. How do you think Poseidon feels about Percy? How can you tell?

I think that Poseidon feels very proud of Percy for completing his quest, but i don't think that he loves him that much. I think this because he referred him as a wrongdoing, and he is claiming him like he is an object. Just the word choice of bit him and Zeus made it seem like he has done this before, and he doesn't get too attached to things(people), but he still does care about him. Also this could be the first time he meets and talks to one of his children, so he might not really know what to

2. Look carefully at the author's word choice...what do you think happened to Percy's mom? Why? Cite specific words in your answer.

I think that the Minotaur killed Percy's mom in a similar way that Percy killed Mrs.Dodds. I think that this happened because she was turned into a "Shimmering golden form", which is very similar to the way that Mrs.Dodds disappeared.

1. Describe Annabeth. What is your personal first impression of her personality?

My personal first opinion of Annabeth is that she is a little bit suck up. This is because she was the oldest camper and she was taking care of Percy. She seemed to get special treatment, and have special tasks that nobody else has.



Chapter sixteen summary "We Take a Zebra to Vegas"

Once Percy, Grover, and Annabeth got back to the diner with Ares's shield, he told them that they could hop in the truck for the Humane Zoo Transport, and they could get a ride to L.A., with one stop at Vegas, and before they leave, Ares tells percy that his mom isn't dead. On the ride there, Percy finds out that Grover's past quest was to bring Thalia back to camp half-blood, and he found Luke and Annabeth, but was told to only bring Thalia to camp, and she sacrificed herself to save the other 3. Percy has his dream once again, and it started off like normal, but he was then taken to a place where he had never been before, and it had a throne made of bones, and he was shackled to the wall with his mother frozen in golden dust before him Once the group went walking for awhile, they came to a dead end and found a casino filled with games, food, and amusement rides, and they had been given a card with an endless amount of money and they found out that they were being tricked, and so were the other kids who were there for so long that they couldn't remember the date, and the group had been there for 5 days, with only 1 day left before the summer solstice

Chapter one summary "I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher"

Percy Jackson went on a school trip to the museum with Mrs.Dodds and Mr.Brunner as the chaperones. Percy later answers a question about Kronos, and Mr.Brunner pulls him aside and is saying that he expects more from him. During lunchtime Percy "pushes" Nacy into a fountain and is pulled aside by Mrs.Dodds. Percy and Mrs.Dodds went into the museum and in a hallucination, Mrs.Dodds turned into a bird sort of creature and tried to kill Percy, but Mr. Brunner handed him his pen that turned into the sword, and Percy killed Mrs.Dodds leaving a yellowish vapor trail behind.

2. Why does Percy's mom eat blue food, and why does Percy love this about her?

Percy and his mom eat blue food because Gabe said that there wasn't such things. Percy loves this because it proves that his mom is a little rebellious like him.

1. Why does Percy ask Chiron about the Underworld, and what is the "tiny, hopeful fire" he says was forming in his mind?

Percy asks Chiron about the underworld because he is still thinking about his mother. The tiny hopefuls fire that was forming in his mind was the hope that if his mother is in the underworld he may be able to see her again.

Chapter Three Summary "Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Pants"

Percy comes home from Yancy and meets up with his mom to talk about his time at school Percy and his mother go to the beach, and we find out that Percy never met his father, and that he was lost at sea. Percy is in the cabin when he has a dream about an eagle slashing the muzzle of a horse, that caused Percy to wake up with cold sweats During the hurricane, Grover shows up at the door and instead of pants/legs he has the legs of a horse(he is a satyr, Which covers the fact that he ran fast and walked with a limp while wearing pants(A.K.A. while he was human)), and Percy's mother tells him to tell her everything that he didn't tell her about leaving Yancy

1. Why does Percy feel ashamed that Poseidon saved him?

Percy feels ashamed that Poseidon saved him because he feels that he isn't a true hero. Percy couldn't save the people in the arch, or the people on the bus, so he feels as if he doesn't deserve to be treated as a hero. He feels as if Poseidon shouldn't protect him because he is bound to fail his quest because he loses a friend, and he is wanted all over the country

1. Why does Percy feel miserable once he gets his own cabin?

Percy feels miserable when he gets his own cabin because he was just starting to be accepted by the other campers. He had almost escaped from being humiliated and beaten up, but now he is the son of one of the "big three" and he feels as if he has been separated from the rest of the world. Everybody was talking about the hellhound behind his back, and now he is the son of the sea god, and monsters would do absolutely anything to get his attention.

2. Why do you think Percy sends Medusa's head to Mount Olympus?

Percy had earlier admitted that he was impertinent, and that can mean that he is rude at times. So to "tick of the gods" he sent up Medusa's head to maybe show that he was on his way, or that he could take on anything that cae up. Also impertinent can mean irrelevant, so he could have been sending it up because the group didn't know what to do with it, and they just wanted it out of the way. It kind of has a double meaning.

1. Percy is glad, in a strange way, that Poseidon is distant. Why? Does this make sense to you?

Percy is glad in a strange way that his father is distant because he felt that if he said that he loved him or something like that, he would know it is fake. This kind of makes sense, because is he got closer, he might get attached and then when he finds out that his feelings are fake, he might be disappointed.

2. Why is Percy nervous about his trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art?

Percy is nervous about his trip to the museum because he is already on "probation" and has gotten in trouble on every field trip that he has ever been on, and he needs to keep his cool on this one.

2. What terrible realization does Percy make towards the end of his dream? What does the voice want from him?

Percy realizes at the end of his dream, that the spirits of the dead weren't trying to pull him into the underworld, but they were trying to use his to get out. The voice wants Percy to bring him/her the lightning bolt, and defeat the gods. So in real life, the things that Percy is doing, is releasing some of the bad spirits out into the real world. If he "stands firm", he will keep them out, and get the lighting bolt back to Zeus. (HADES IS BEHIND ALL OF THIS)

Chapter Seven Summary "My Dinner Goes Up in Smoke"

Percy was walking along the Pier, when two girls at the bottom of the water(A.K.A. naiads) wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt appear. Annabeth stops him saying that they are flirts, and talks to him about things like the fact that her mother is the goddess Athena, and about who Percy's father may be, since right know he is "undetermined". Back at the cabin, Luke tells Percy one fact about himself, which is that his father is Hermes, and he also talks about how Annabeth calls every new camper "the one", because she can't go on a quest until one certain camper arrives to kind of free her. At dinner, Mr.D makes an announcement about the capture that flag game the upcoming friday, and about percy's arrival while the campers and camp staff bring some of the best parts of their meal to the fireplace as an offering to the gods.(hence the title of the chapter)

Possible Questions = why does Percy's Mother put up with smelly gabe?

Percy's mother put up with smeely gabe because with percy living their, he smelled more like a human than a demi - god, and he wouldnt be as easy to smell by the monsters.

3. What do you learn about Percy's home life as he's watching the taxis on Fifth Avenue?

Percy's mother wants a better life for Percy, because she keeps sending him back to behavior schools He lives at boarding school most of the time Percy's mother wants to see him succeed

Chapter Four Summary "My Mother Teaches Me Bullfighting"

Percy, Grover, and Percy's mother are running from "the lord of death" The car falls in a ditch on the way to the summer camp, and Percy and his mother have to run with a limp satyr in their arms After the lord of death (Minotaur) vaporizes Percy's mother, Percy attacks him Then after the lord of death is dead Percy ends up on the porch of a house at the summer camp

Chapter ten summary "I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus"

Percy,Annabeth, and Grover set off to begin the quest, but before they leave, Luke comes to say goodbye, and he gives Percy his baseball shoes with wings from his father. After receiving Luke's gift, Chiron gives him a gift from Poseidon, which just so happened to be the ballpoint pen/sword that he defeated Mrs.Dodds with at the museum. Once Percy And the gang got onto a bus in Manhattan, three women who looked just like Mrs.Dodds appeared on the bus, so Annabeth give Percy her hat so that he could be invisible and get off of the bus. So percy took out his sword, and killed two of the Furies on the bus, leaving one up in flames while they escaped just barely, but she called for reinforcements af they got off, and they had to run.

2.Percy, Annabeth, & Grover are attracted to different types of games in the Lotus Casino. What does each one like, and what does this tell you about their personality?

Percy: Bungee Jumping, water slide, snowboarding, VR laser tag, VR sharpshooter Inference: Percy is just one of those kids who is kind of like a gamer, and likes the newest trends and games that involve shooting, racing, and war sort of things. Annabeth:Trivia, "brainiac" games, and 3D sim game Inference: We know that Annabeth is more into learning while doing other things like watching TV and playing games, we also already know that she wants to be an architect and build things so that is why she is into the sims game Grover :Reverse Hunter Inference: he is once again basically like a gamer kid, but since he is a satyr her isnt shooting deer he is instead shooting humans, and jumping from game to game, very hyper

Chapter Eight Summary "We Capture a Flag"

Quote: "but they weren't watching my wounds heal, they were staring at something above my head Importance: this is important to the chapter because after the capture the flag game, Percy is in the creek, and he feels perfectly fine. After he steps out of the water, he feels limp and tired. So he then steps back into the water, and he feels fine again, and there is a trident above his head. He is now "determined" as poseidon's son. Also, there is a hellhound that was summoned by someone in the camp.

Chapter Eleven Summary "We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium"

Quote: "there not going to like that","they'll think you're impertinent","I am impertinent" Importance: this is important because after Percy cut off Medusa's head, he sent it up to mount olympus. The gods at mount olympus aren't going to like this "gift", and they will probably make Percy's quest even more difficult. With Percy taunting the gods, he may follow his oracle, and never finish his quest, or lose a friend due to the gods.

Chapter seventeen summary "We Shop for Waterbeds"

Quote:""Give us a minute!" Grover complained. "We were almost stretched to death!"."then your ready for the underworld." i said."it's only a block from here!"." Importance: this quote is important because Grover and Annabeth were stretched to fit the water beds by Procrustus, and now that they survived that, they can survive anything in the underworld.

Chapter 14 Summary "I Become a Known Fugitive"

Quote:""Percy Jackson. That's right Dan.Channel 12 has learned that the boy who may have caused this explosion fits the description of a young man wanted by the authorities for a serious New Jersey bus accident three days ago.And the by is believed to be traveling west."" Importance: this is important because in the title it clearly states that he is a known fugitive. Now we have heard what people all over the country are hearing about the acts that percy has committed such as the bus explosion and the gateway arch incident. This means that percy is in danger now that the mortal police and the gods are after him, and he has to fight of one while trying to avoid the other.

Chapter Two Summary "Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death"

Quote:"Grover-- that snipping of the yarn. Does that mean somebody is going to die?" Importance: Percy found out that something about him and Grover is different than the other kids. When he and Grover were going to Manhattan they had to get off of the bus due to technical issues. While they were waiting for the bus to be fixed, there were three ladies knitting huge socks. The lady in the middle was holding the yarn and scissors, and when she cut the yarn, that symbolized that someone(probably Percy) was going to die.

Chapter Five Summary "I Play Pinochle with a Horse"

Quote:"I stared at the horse that had just sprung from the wheelchair: A huge white stallion, but where its neck should be was the upper half of my latin teacher. Smoothly grafted with a horses trunk Importance: this is important because the title is about playing Pinochle with a horse, and Percy finds out who everyone is, and Chiron's is the most surprising

Chapter twenty Summary "I Battle My Jerk Relative"

Quote:"i didn't feel terrified. I certainly didn't feel cool. I was tired and sore and completely drained of energy" Importance: This is important to the chapter because now Percy knows that he does have the strength to fight gods, even if they are his relatives. So know that he knows who is in the pit, he can figure out a way to defeat him/her.

1. Why are some kids summer campers and others year-rounders?

Some children at camp Half-blood are summer campers instead of year-rounders, because they are the son of daughter of a god who isn't as important, and the monsters aren't really after them, and they go to camp just as a precaution. Other campers however have to stay all year round because they aren't safe from the monsters in the real world because they have something that the monsters want weather it is a power or an object. Most campers don't ever go to camp unless they are starting to figure things out, or if they are starting to cause trouble.

2. Go back and trace ALL the clues you can that foreshadowed the identity of Percy's father!

Some of the many foreshadowing events that occured are that Percy excels in canoeing(poseidon), Percy is great at sword fighting(ares), grover tells Percy about the story of Zeus and his daughter in depth and detail(zeus), Grover said he had to sniff out Demigods who might have important parents and he chose Percy(Hades,Zeus,Poseidon) Percy is fine while he is in the water but as soon as he steps out he feels tired and is in pain(poseidon),and when he is in the water there is a hologram of a trident above his head.(poseidon). So some of the foreshadowing in this chapter lead to other gods , but most lead directly to or very close to Poseidon specifically.

Chapter 15 Summary "A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers"

Summary: Explain the significance of the chapter title At the beginning of the chapter, Ares appears at the diner where the trio was just asked by a waitress if they could afford food, and he parks his Harley and walks in saying he can get it. Once the cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings, and shakes were brought out to the group, Ares explains that he needed a favor from Percy, Annabeth, and Grover, and after he had left, Percy's burger no longer looked so appetizing. But the whole time the three were on their "mini-quest", they realized that they had been tricked by Ares because they didn't follow the messenger's advice.

Chapter eighteen summary "Annabeth Does Obedience School"

Summary: Explain the significance of the chapter title The significance of this chapter title is that Annabeth had a dog, and she would take it to obedience school. So she knew everything that they do to get a dog to behave at obedience school, and so she "did" obedience school by remembering what she and her Doberman learned.

Chapter Nine Summary "I Am Offered a Quest"

Summary: Explain the significance of the chapter title The significance of this title is very important. This is because Percy is called down to meet with Mr.D, and he is indeed offered a quest. He isn't just offered any quest, he is offered the most important and dangerous quest. He is told to get back zeus' lighting bolt to stop the war between Poseidon(his father) and zeus.

Chapter twenty-one "I Settle My Tab"

Summary: Explain the significance of the chapter title When percy says "i settle my tab" he means that he finishes everythings that needs to be done, and he can finally relax. He is basically checking things off of his bucket list, and is near the end. He had returned the helm of darkness, zeus' bolt, gotten his mother back, and almost handled the smelly gabe situation.

2. How would the battle have been different if there were no mortal spectators in the Arch?

The battle would've been different if there were no mortals in the arch because the whole time, Percy was thinking about them, and how to save them. Also, it would've been different because he wouldn't have had to explain himself afterward (didn' t happen, but probably will). If Percy were not thinking of how to save the mortals and himself the whole time, he would have jumped off the arch sooner rather than later and losing his sword, he could have just jumped off with it.

1. When do you FIRST suspect that something may be unusual about Mrs. Dodds?

The first time we notice something is a little off with Mrs.Dodds is when Percy is in detention Mrs.Dodds makes him erase all of the math equations out of the math books. He later said "I don't think that Mrs.Dodds is human".(she sped up the stairs in lighting speed)

The Heroes Journey 7. Approach

The hero and newfound allies prepare for the major challenge in the Special world.

The Heroes Journey 4. Meeting with the Mentor

The hero comes across a seasoned traveler of the worlds who gives him or her training, equipment, or advice that will help on the journey. Or the hero reaches within to a source of courage and wisdom.


The hero is tested and sorts out allegiances in the Special World.

The Heroes Journey 12. RETURN WITH THE ELIXIR

The hero returns home or continues the journey, bearing some an element of the treasure that has the power to transform the world as the hero has been transformed.

The Heroes Journey 9. The Reward

The hero takes possession of the treasure won by facing death. There may be celebration, but there is also the danger of losing the treasure again.

The Heroes Journey 1. The Ordinary World

The hero, uneasy, uncomfortable or unaware, is introduced sympathetically so the audience can identify with the situation or dilemma. The hero is shown against a background of an environment, heredity, and personal history. Some kind of polarity in the hero's life is pulling in different directions and causing stress.

1. How are the items in the river Styx symbolic?

The items in the river Styx are symbolic because they show that people who are living wish for certain things, but never get them because they either don't work hard enough for them, or they don't care enough to reach their goals.

2. What evidence does Chiron use to prove that the Greek gods are in America?

The main piece of evidence that chiron used to prove that the Greek Gods are in America is whenever the name Zeus is said, thunder rolls in the distance.

1. This is a modernization of the ancient myths - what about the minotaur is an example of this?

The minotaur has the body of a man and the feet and head of a bull. This is just like the one depicted in the ancient myth of Theseus. Also the fact that the minotaur is huge plays a factor.

Chapter Thirteen Summary "I Plunge to My Death"

The trio is on the Amtrak train, and while they're on their way to Denver, Percy gets some more info on Annabeth's dad, such as the fact that while living with him(he is the immortal parent) he remarried and shunned her from the family until she left. Once the train got to the station in St. Louis Missouri, they went to the Gateway Arch Museum and had to listen to Annabeth talk about the architecture and history of the arch, until the three went into the elevator and rode to the top Before they get in the elevator, Percy thought about how Hades may have a secret weapon, and Annabeth said that he can turn into darkness, and can make you fear things until it is unbearable. So once in the elevator, there is a fat lady and him chiwawa whom she's called Sonny, and once at the top it turned out that the lady was Echidna and her dog was a Chimera, and they battled until Percy dropped his sword and jumped out of the freshly made hole in the arch, into the Mississippi River.

Heroes Journey Lightning thief Connections

The ordinary world = He goes to Yancy boarding school, and he lives with his mom and Gabe(Mrs.Dodds disappears, Grover is acting weird, he gets kicked out of school, there is a storm, weird dreams) Call to adventure =When Percy has to fight Mrs.Dodds, through the time when he kills the Minotaur Refusal of the call = when Grover walks away from Grover in the subway station, and when Percy's mom and Grover try shielding him from the dangers that await **Meeting the Mentor = When Percy goes to camp Half-blood, he meets the Chiron, but he already knew him as Mr.Brunner. Crossing the first threshold = when Percy crosses the border into the camp Tests = fighting Minotaur Capture the flag Furies on the bus No resources/wanted Medusa(auntie ems) lack of resources fights chimera and echidna and plunge off of the St. Louis arch getting Ares' shield from the waterpark they get trapped in the Lotus casino Fighting Procrustes(last major trial) Talisman = Sword, flying shoes Allies = GroverAnnabeth(sidekicks), Chiron, Poseidon, Enemies = Hades, Zeus, Monsters(Medusa, hellhound, minotaur),Clorese in the bathroom, echidna/chimera,procrustes Approach the inmost "cave" = paying Chiron to get across the river Styx gets past Cerberus in the easy death line Ordeal = going to the underworld to meet hades biggest fear is not getting his mother back(has to decide whether or not to save her) Reward = he brings the master bolt The road back = escaping hades by using the pearls fighting Ares' on the beach the flight to new york and the empire state building going to Olympus, (face to face with Zeus, Poseidon, and mom) resurrection = when Luke tries to attack Percy(he gets bit by the scorpion and wakes up in the infirmary) Return with the elixir = when Percy learns about himself(his father and himself)(coming of age novel)( he knows his place in the world)

Heroes Journey Giver Connections (BONUS QUESTIONS)

The ordinary world = he has a very routine life. telling of dreams, feelings. goes to school, does his volunteer work. (he starts seeing color, he was worried about his new assignment, wasn't called to get his assignment) call to adventure = when he gets called up to get his assignment refusal of the call = when the giver is shielding Jonas from the bad memories when he only gets the good memories, not the harmful, painful memories. **Meeting the mentor = When Jonas goes to the Annex after school he meets the giver and starts his training Crossing the first threshold = his first day at his assignment and receives his first memories tests = how to handle the painful memories he feels alone because he cant talk to people about his training and he sees things differently than them(his journey is phycological when he finds out about what release is (death) BIGGEST CHALLENGE = the concept that game can be released which leads to escape having to deal with the cold(change of weather) Approach the inmost "cave" = he stops taking his pills and has the giver save his food so that he can fulfill the plan ordeal = he escapes through the barrier releasing all of the memories *resurrection = he shows up at the sled and sees the house, and he and Gabe will be OK return with the elixir = he thought he heard singing back at home he has game

1. Explain the purpose/function of Mist.

The purpose/function of mist is that whenever an immortal/ Demigod uses his/her magical item, a mist is sent out so that mortals don't see anything that is happening involving the magical item. This is why when percy destroyed Mrs.Dodds nobody saw/remembered any of it.

Chapter Six Summary "I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom"

The significance of the chapter title is that when Percy got angry, he made the bathroom "explode" causing everybody to get pushed out. The whole bathroom was flooded, and everywhere was wet except for Percy and where he was standing, so everyone knew he was "the one"

Chapter Nineteen Summary "We Find Out the Truth, Sort of"

The trio went through the different areas of the underworld, and at one point, Grover's shoes started flying and he couldn't control them, and it lead them right to the pit from Percy's dream, which lead them right to Hades after they escaped. Percy was talking with Hades, and Hades knew that he had the bolt and his helm, but the trio had no idea what he was talking about, and while Percy's backpack was getting heavier, Zeus' lightning bolt had found its way into the bag. Hades was furious now, and Percy had to decide which friend to choose, and he left his mother there and threw down the pearls, which enclosed them in a bubble and they started rushing threw the air and right threw the roof of the underworld. Once Grover, Percy, and Annabeth rushed through the bay, they finally reached the top and L.A. was on fire, and Percy knew there was an earthquake and that he needed to talk to the man who tricked him.

2. What message does the woman in the water bring to Percy and what is her warning?

The woman in the water tells percy that he is to fulfill his father's will and go to Santa Monica Beach. She doesn't have time to explain, but she also says that he is to never accept the gifts. Though this warning is very vague, I assume that it means don't accept barters from Hades, because Annabeth Said that there is no way to barter with him, because he is unfair and heartless. So during his dreams of the black hole, he is to never accept the gift of his mother because it can lead to something bad.

1. Percy says, "The best people have the rottenest luck." How does this apply to his mom?

This applies to his mom because her parents died in a plane crash when she was five, and she had to live with her uncle who didn't really like her. Then when she was in her last year of high school her uncle had cancer and she had to drop out to take care of him. With that being said, she never finished high school and was left with little money. Then she met the love of her life and got pregnant, but her husband left her.

2. Ares says the best kind of war is when relatives fight - why would this be the most vicious kind of fight?

This would be the most vicious kind of fight because family members know everything about each other, and they know their weaknesses. In this case, it would very dangerous for Percy because His father knows everything about him, because he cant watch him from mount olympus, but Percy only knows what is told in the myths about Poseidon, and he doesn't really know what his dad can and can't handle.

2. What bothers Percy about the Oracle's prophecy?

Two things really bother Percy about his Oracle Prophecy. One is the fact that he will lose one of his friends. He is upset about this, because he already did not have many friends, and he didn't know whom he was going to lose. The second thing that bothers Percy about prophecy is the fact that he is bound to fail his quest. After losing one of his friends, he is going to fail anyway, and he says that "it is basically is suicide".

3. What new information have you learned about Percy's father in chapters 3 and 4?

We have learned that Percy's father knew about the special powers that Percy had even before he was born. If this is anything like the way that Gods work, Percy's father must have the same powers as him. Also, Percy's father must have either gone to this camp, or designed it, because, in the end of the chapter, everyone there notices him, and knows who he is.

1. What new information does Annabeth tell us about her father?

We learn that Annabeth had to be raised by her father because he was the mortal parent. After a couple of years, he remarried and had a couple more kids with another mortal. Everytime a monster or creature approached Annabeth, the whole family(mostly her father) looked at her in a way that said "how dare you put our family at risk". After awhile, Annabeth had enough of being treated like garbage, she ran away.

1. What new information do you learn about Grover's past and how does it relate to Annabeth?

We learn that Grover has wanted to get his searcher's license to go and find Pan. he had been waiting for this his whole life while at camp half-blood. This relates to annabeth because she has been waiting her whole"career" to go on a specific quest. Grover and Annabeth both need to complete this quest to reach their goals of either getting a license, or just getting out of the camp.

1. Luke says it will be better this time and that no one will be turned into a pine tree. What does this tell us about Grover's past?

Well zeus's daughter was turned into a Pine tree on the top of Half-blood hill after Zeus broke his promise that he made on the river styx, and that left a terrible fate on his daughter. I assume that grover was on a quest with Zeus's daughter, and he was there when she perished. Everyone knows about Grover filing before, and he knew the whole story about Zeus's daughter, which not everybody knows. So i think that in his past, when he failed his quest, he was either the reason why Zeus's daughter died, or he was there and couldn't stop whatever killed her.

1. Luke says, "Western civilization is a disease." What does he mean?

When luke said that western civilization is a disease, he meant that the world is full of lies. When he said this, he also gave proof when he said ,"the only way to stop it is to burn it to the ground, start over with somethings more honest." this means that the western civilization is tricking gods and half-bloods into believing things.


a very typical example of a certain person or thing.

2. Explain the symbolism of the camp bead for this summer.

black- the darkness of the underworld Trident - the camp got there first camper who is the son of poseidon Blue color of trident - represents the water(poseidon is the sea god)

Chapter Twelve Summary "We Get Advice from a Poodle"

look over your text message between chiron and percy

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