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Children, generally, acquire the dominant language of the community if parents have different native languages. except...

both a. and b.

Q9 Hierarchical structure, as a universal property of human language and the specific order in which heads and their arguments appear, is not determined on a language-particular basis.


Recent neurophysiological studies argue that language is not integrated into general cognitive functions and does not automatically modulate online cognitive processes.


Social Intelligence Theory / Machiavellian Intelligence Hypothesis suggests that the expansion of primate brains coincides with their survival instinct, find their way around, solve problems in their daily search of food.


Some research done on Gender differences in speech patterns attributes this to biological differences of males and females.


Systems with unconditioned variation have lesser entropy


The English grammar rule "do not end sentences with a preposition" is a descriptive rule of English.


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that our thoughts constrain or influence the language we speak.


The accent, vocabulary, and the discourse pattern on one's language do not necessarily define the cultural characteristics of a speech community.


The alphabetic writing system was developed in Mesopotamia, located in what is now Iraq.


The deaf community was NOT treated as an immigrant community and sign language was treated as a foreign language in the US.


The fact that not all languages have words for, say, for example, the color 'red', 'father', or 'come', and 'go' supports the Nativists' Ideology of human language.


The fact that speakers of Russian treating light blue and dark blue as primary colors were faster to categorize shades of blue than English speakers does not support Lera Boroditsky's claim that "the more words you know, the more thoughts you can have."


The metaphor "time is money" in Western cultures suggest that it is not a quantified or valuable concept.


The term 'Gossip' in this article refers to talking bad things about others behind their back.


Cognitive science experiments showed that iconic meaning (form or sign signifying the meaning) represented by few participants changed to symbolic meaning (form and meaning related by arbitrary convention) by larger participants (


Creolist Hypothesis of AAE argues that it is not a creole in itself, but it is descended from it.


Earlier, it was thought that the ability to 'read' and 'write' was the hallmark of a civilized society.; Illiterate population was considered 'primitive'.


Ebonics gained publicity in 1996, when the Oakland School Board of Oakland, CA, named Ebonics as the language of 28,000 African-American students within the district.


Fearing the corruption of the English language in the US because of the lack of a cultural center, John Adams wanted to establish a national English language academy to overview the standardization of usage and pronunciation.


In bilingual/multilingual societies, some language or languages are given preferential treatment by recognizing them as "official" language or the preferred language of education/media/business because of the status of its speakers in that society.


Integrative motivation is a major factor that contributes to the permanent bi or multilingualism.


John Gumperz (1982a, 1982b) suggested that the differences between male and female speech patterns are the result of their cultural upbringing.


Language is the most distinguishing characteristic of the human species and it differentiates humans from other animals.


Levinson claims that since the meaning of words depends on contextual information, it cannot be universal.


Native Americans were considered savages, and the assimilationist policy of European immigrants focused on 'civilizing' and 'Christianizing' the native population.


Q4 A nerve bundle that connects Broca's and Wernicke's area is called:

Arcuate fasciculus

Americans with Disabilities Act of _____ requires all schools and public spaces to provide access to people with disabilities including the Deaf community.


The native American Act of ______ made it a policy to protect, preserve, and promote Native American Languages.


The language used to express the metaphor "Argument is War" is/are:

All of the above

Which language property or properties that Levinson points out in supporting his ideology?

All of the above

Q6 The following sample utterance signals which language disorder. Yes... ah... Monday... ah... Dad and Peter Hogan, and Dad... ah... hospital... and ah... Wednesday... Wednesday nine o'clock and ah Thursday... ten o'clock ah doctors... two... two... an doctors and... ah... teeth... yah... And a doctor an girl... and gums, an I.

Broca's aphasia

Q1 Language is predominantly lateralized to the left hemisphere of the brain. This fact is supported by the fact that:

Brocas's and Wernicke' area of language processing are located in the left hemisphere of the brain.

Q1 Language is predominantly lateralized to the left hemisphere of the brain. This fact is supported by the fact that: ______

Brocas's and Wernicke' area of language processing are located in the left hemisphere of the brain. _____

Alphabetic Writing is a phonological writing system that has a different symbol for each vowel and consonant sound.


Q8 Language disorder that causes difficulty in reading and comprehending read material is called as:


According to 'Social Intelligence Theory', primates' bigger social group has no direct correlation with their brain size.


According to Dunbar, the Expansion of the brain's frontal cortex coincides with humans living in groups of approximately 1000-20000 people communities.


According to Lakoff (1975). use of hyper-correct gramma is a characteristic of men's speech pattern.


According to Levinson, all the major properties of language are dictated by the inbuilt mental apparatus.


According to earlier research on language and gender, more talk in the public domain by men is not necessarily associated with their status and power.


According to the Autonomous Model of Literacy, "Learning how to read and write is not simply a process of developing cognitive skills associated with these activities, but also learning how these skills are to be used in social context".


Anglicist Hypothesis of AAE origin suggests that it is a plantation creole developed in Antebellum in South.


Bilingual language competency refers to only grammatical competency and not communicative competency.


Code-switching and mixing in a bilingual child is evidence of a lack of differentiation between languages.


Ebonics, now commonly referred to as African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), is lazy English; bastardized English; poor grammar; fractured slang.


Exogamy is NOT one of the factors that contribute to the development of an individual's bi or multilingual ability.


Experiments mapping between signals and meaning supports the genetic hypothesis of language origin.


Metaphors from one culture can easily be used in another cultural context.


Pictographic writing tells stories through sound symbols.


Q3 Children who have limitations in other cognitive faculties also exhibit linguistic dysfunction.


Q3 Mental dictionary is located in the Broca's region.


Q6 The human language system depends on the probability principle.


Q7 Inability to read and comprehend written words due to damage to angular gyrus is known as Dyslexia


Q7 The animal communication system is an open-ended system.


Anthropologists view 'literacy' as technological advancement and a social phenomenon.


The primary claim of this article is:

Key design properties of human language is shaped by culture and language use across generations,

Which sentence is NOT a syntactic character of AAVE?

Lift up the latch.

Which writing system is not a phonetic type?


Balanced bilingualism, ability to use both languages proficiently, rarely exits.


A literary devise, a figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable is known as:


Which state legislature passed a law in 1919 against the use of foreign languages in public?


Q4 Comparative biology assumes that if a trait found in humans appears in closely related non-human primates, then it was probably present in the last common ancestor of these species. Is this statement true of human language?

Not True

The pictographic writing system was first developed by:


Brain expansion in Humans was necessitated, as Dunbar argues in his article, because of their need to keep up with their 'social networking'.


Which American president made the speech in 1917 equating speaking English with good citizenship, and a symbol of national unity?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which American president wanted to encourage the use of English that reflected the American experience?

Thomas Jefferson

According to Barr and Atkins, language difference between males and females has nothing to do with either their sexual differences or the gender differences. It has to do the power differential. Both males and females in the position of power tend to use the 'male' language pattern and both males and females in subordinate roles use the female language pattern.


According to Lakoff (1975), women tend to use more tag questions than men.


According to Lakoff and Johnson, metaphors are not just expressions in a language; they create mental concepts and thoughts in the minds of its speaker.


According to the theory of innatism, grammars and lexicons of all languages are broadly similar


According to this article, verbal articulation acts as a social grooming tool in human beings.


One of the criticisms leveled against Sapir-Whorf's hypothesis is that the research done by Malt and Broker suggests that the categorization of objects non-linguistically (without using their language tool) is more pronounced than their linguistic categorization of objects across cultures.


Q10 What we think of as "parts of speech" are nothing more than grammatical category labels. They simply tell us how that word may be used in the sentence, what positions in the tree it may appear in, and what relation it may have to other parts of speech.


Q2 Corpus callosum is a nerve bundle that connects the right and the left hemisphere of the brain.


Q2 Social Intelligence Theory of the origin of language states that cognitive structure that is responsible for social cohesiveness, social hierarchy present in other primates co-opted (co-evolved) in human beings too.


Q2 The sentence "This is the cat that ate the rat that drank the malt that lay in the house that Jack built..." illustrates the property of 'recursion' of the human language system.


Q3 According to mentalists (Chomsky, Newmeyer, Bickerton et. al.), language is a mental representation of our conceptual (thought) system.


Q4 The sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously is nonsensical or meaningless. Nonetheless, it is structurally a well-formed sentence.


Q5 Wernicke's area collects words, construct sentences and sends that information to the Broca's area.


Q5 Word Chain Devise or "Markov" model is insufficient to explain the structural relationship between words in sentences.


Q5 ´Presence of language faculty in Homo Sapiens (Human ancestors) is relatively recent (less than 150 kya).


Q6 ´Primate calls are essentially innate whereas human language is culturally transmitted.


Q7 Human language is structure-dependent.


Q8 Human language displays 'duality of patterning'.


Q8 Representing human language hierarchically helps explain the non-adjacent structural relationship between words locally.


Q9 The term agrammatism is used to describe the a-syntactic, telegraphic speech, with its absence of function words, grammatical inflections and verb forms.


Q9´Neocortex region of the human brain (frontal cortex) is highly developed and larger than other primates accommodating the verbal articulation (language) ability in the human species.


Some varieties of English are judged as inherently bad or ungrammatical because of the negative image of its speakers in the community.


Support for 'Social Intelligence Theory' comes from the fact that the primates have a strong social bond between individuals; they live in highly structured groups. and cannot leave or join other social groups as easily as other animals.


The earliest evidence for writing appears to be for recording quantities and concepts; not for representing speech.


The experiments done on Color pattern recognition streamlining over generations support the cultural evolution of language hypothesis.


The fact Spanish and French speakers assign male or female voices to cartoon characters depending on the grammatical gender of the word supports the claim that "Different languages influence our minds in different ways".


The fact that Hopi Indians perceived the concept of Time in terms of the morning, noon, evening, and night and not in terms of 10 a.m., 11 a.m. 12 noon, etc. supports Sapir-Whorf's claim that the language one speaks influences our thought process.


The fact that each language encodes 'coordinates in reference to an object (left of, right of, front of, behind of), and different cardinal directions (east of, west of, etc.) supports Levinson's claim that it is the lexicon (words) and their meaning determines our thought process.


The problem with the standard definition of bilingualism is that individual bilinguals rarely have native speaker's competency and people rarely use both languages in exactly the same situation.


The spread of literacy accompanied historically by the spread of religion.


The term 'Ebonics' was originally coined by Dr. Robert Williams in 1973 to mean 'black sounds'.


The thesis of this article is to show the relationship between language, culture, and thought that helps us understand human cognition.


The two competing ideological wars of human language origin are: (1) the doctrine of simple nativism theory of Pinker, Chomsky, Lee, and Gletman et. al. (2) Levinson's Language and Culture coevolution theory.


The use of multiple negations (two negative words in a sentence) is a distinct characteristic feature of AAE.


Three common interpretations of Language Evolution are: - Biological evolution- Language Change- Cultural emergence of linguistic structure


Wherever mainstream English uses a contractual form of the verb 'be', AAVE has zero coupla sentences.


Whorf, based on his research on Hopi Indias, came to the conclusion that "People who own different words live in different conceptual worlds".


Women talk more with others to establish social connections, establishing and reinforcing friendships and intimate relationships.


Q1 According to Pinker, the term 'grammar' refers to:

a discrete combinatorial system that facilitates generating infinite string of sentences.generating

Language choice of Bilingual children depends on:

all of the above

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