LING Semantics and Pragmatics Review

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A dog is sitting next to the Hotel Receptionist. In the following conversation between Clouseau and the receptionist C: Does your dog bite? R: No (Clouseau pets dog and dog bites him) C: I thought you said your dog didn't bite R: That`s not my dog The receptionist has:

Violated the maxim of quantity

Pennycook and Phillipson argue that the culture of English-speaking countries should not be taught because

it is a form of linguistic imperialism

In Watts model of relational work, the term "unmarked politic behavior" can be understood as similar to

linguistic politeness

An order:

may be considered impolite according to the cost and benefit to the interlocutors

She really got my goat is an example of


According to Cutting, irony, banter, metaphor, and hyperbole are all ways of flouting the maxim of:


Food plying as described by Chen (1996) refers to ...

A sequence of speech acts involving the offering of food and the eventual acceptance of the offer

What arguments were given by Cutting against making an inappropriate claim such as "English speakers use more indirect speech acts than Chinese people"?

A. There are many types of English speakers around the world B. The majority of 'English speakers' round the world speak ELF D. China is a multilingual country

These are features of the social dimension affecting the choice of a direct or indirect speech act:

A: Familiarity C: Social distance D: Formaility

Which of the following is a bald imperative?

Enjoy your meal

Which of the following is an example of Leech's maxim of generosity?

Even if it takes me all day, I think I can save you a lot of money on your taxes

In the exchange: A: How do I look? B: Well, your shoes are nice, B is:

Flouting the maxim of quantity

Which does NOT contain a performative?

I am sorry I broke your i-phone These contain performative: A: Quiet, please B: Compliments to the chef C: I bet you the Tigers will win the cup

Which of the following uses pessimism as a mitigating device?

I know you are going to say no but could I borrow your I-pod?

What mitigating device is used in the following message: All professors are requested to return library books by the end of the semester.?


According to Culpepper, what is the definition of impoliteness?

Intentional face attack

Which is a true statement about indirection according to Tannen?

It can be used by both the powerful and powerless

Which is NOT mentioned by Cutting as a problem for Speech Act theory?


Which statement is NOT true

The majority of Non-Native Speakers of English study English in English-speaking countries

What is a dissentive?

A speech act that both declares and carries out disagreement

What are examples of hyperbole?

A: Caicedo missed by a mile C: Your bag weighs a ton D: This coat cost me a fortune

Which is best definition of banter?


Which is NOT an example of hyperbole?

Titanic is the best movie I have ever seen

What is mentioned by Cutting as a problem for Speech Act theory?

A:Fillers B: Backchanneling D: Incomplete sentences

Which is the best definition of ubuntu and hlonipha?

A recognition of the importance of one's connectedness to others and a system of avoidance

Which is NOT mentioned as a means of softening an imperative?


The illocutionary force of an utterance is the:

communicative value of the utterance

Knowing the different responses - you're welcome, you bet, my pleasure to a person who thanks you and knowing the contexts in which it is appropriate to use each of these forms is a part of


What are felicity conditions? They refer to whether:

the speech act has been successfully and appropriately carried out

Which is the best definition of phatic language? Language you use

to maintain social relations

Machin illustrates the concept of multimodality through his work on

war memorials

Accommodation Theory claims that:

when learners feel a sense of affiliation to the target language and want to show solidarity with TL, they better adapt to their pragmatic language use to that of the native speaker

True statements about the CDA include

A: CDA focuses particularly on texts where ideology is not stated but hidden C: CDA seeks to make people aware of the ideological assumptions in discourse and help them to resist their influence. D: CDA detects ideology through an analysis of particular features of discourse at word, , phrase, clause, sentence, text and intertextual level

What are considered a limitation of the CP?

B: It ignores the fact that different cultures observe the maxims in different ways C: It ignores social relationships, roles and differences of power D: The maxims often overlap so it`s hard to tell which maxim is operating

Which is NOT one of the three levels according to Austin by which a speech act can be analyzed?

B: Literal meaning These are the three levels Austin says a speech act can be analyzed: A: Illocutionary force C: Perlocutionary effect D: Locution

Which is NOT discussed by Cutting as a critique of CDA?

It focuses too much on written discourse

ELF is spoken by

Non-native speakers who do not share the same L1

Which is NOT a true statement about CDA?

CDA aims to understand the roots of social disparity and create a society free of oppression

Which according to Brown & Levinson would be the hierarchy of doing a face threatening act depending on social distance, power differentials and the degree of imposition of the act?

Do the act baldly, positive politeness, negative politeness redress, do the act off record.

Which is NOT considered a limitation of the CP?

It only applies to British culture

Which argument was not given by Cutting against making an inappropriate claim such as "English speakers use more indirect speech acts than Chinese people"?

It would be difficult to count indirect speech acts

Which of the following speech acts is off the record?

It's a bit chilly, isn't it?

Fairclough criticized Conversation Analysis, Speech Act Theory and the Cooperatve Principle for

Its individualism and idealism

Which groundbreaking book influenced the notion of multimodality and linguistics in MCDS (Multimodal Critical Discourse Studies)?

Kress & Van Leeuven - Reading Images

Which is NOT a claim made by sociocultural theory?

Language development depends on the learners' social and psychological distance from Native Speakers

Which is the best definition of interlanguage pragmatics?

NNS progress along a continuum to pragmatic competence in the L2

The statement: The average American meat-eater is responsible for the deaths of 21,000 animals in a lifetime contains an example of:

Negative semantic prosody

A phrase like To cut a long story short suggests that the speaker is:

Observing the maxim of quantity

According to Zegarac and Pennington (2000), Greeks think that the British use of thank you

Often lacks sincerity

In a situation where a journalist cannot reveal a source by stating: "I'm afraid I can't give you that information", this unwillingness to communicate is called by Grice....

Opting out

According to Kachru's World Englishes, Malaysia and the Philippines are part of the

Outer Circle

Which is NOT mentioned by Cutting as a feature of the social dimension affecting the choice of a direct or indirect speech act?


In India, saying "How fat you are!" is understood as the speech act of:


In the utterance As far as I know, she`s in the pub, the phrase as far as I know suggests that the speaker is observing the maxim of:


Which is NOT a strategy Murray suggests teachers give learners to negotiate their own hybrid pragmatics for each interaction?

Strategies that transfer the predominant Native English Speaker pragmatics to ELF interactions

What is a conversational implicature?

The meaning conveyed by speakers and recovered as a result of the hearers` inferences

Which is the best definition of facework?

The way that language is addressed to the face-wants of others.

Gumperz found that English workers at Heathrow were offended by Indian kitchen staff because ...

They used downward intonation when they offered gravy

Which is a commissive?

Would you like to try this Chilean Sauvignon Blanc?

According Carell (1981), which of the following indirect speech acts is more likely to be understood as a request by second language learners?

You should use a pronoun here

Which of the following is completely transactional

Your car is a complete wreck

Intracultural communication takes place:

between speakers who have a shared culture and a shared language

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