Lit 2

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: 156635 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 2 | Number: 2 TOSSUP: In the fourth stanza of this poem, the phrase, "Cold Pastoral" presents the paradox of the events described as being both stoic and passionate. In this ekphrastic poem, love "leaves a heart high-sorrowful and cloy'd, / A burning forehead, and a parching tongue." In the first stanza of this poem, the speaker tells soft pipes to (*) "play on" because "Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard / Are sweeter." This poem describes a priest making a sacrifice, a musician under a green tree, and a pursuant lover, all of whom will never die. For 10 points, name this poem which declares, "Thou shalt remain ... / ... a friend to man, to whom thou say'st, / 'Beauty is truth, and truth beauty,' " a poem by John Keats.

: "Ode on a Grecian Urn" <McMaken> 6.

: 155432 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 02 | Number: 18 TOSSUP: A poem that shares its title with this poem wonders, "What powerful but unrecorded race once dwelt in that annihilated place." This poem shares its name with a poem published by the author's friend Horace Smith, and the speaker of this poem describes a "wrinkled lip" and a "sneer of cold command." This poem is framed as a conversation with an "antique(*) traveler from a foreign land," who describes a statue where the words "Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!" are inscribed. For 10 points, name this Percy Shelley poem about a statue of a "king of kings."

: "Ozymandias" <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 54.

: 155646 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 13 | Number: 1 TOSSUP: In this story, an event is conducted by the man who conducts the teen club, the square dances and the Halloween program. An event in this story is conducted by Mr. Summers, and Clyde Dunbar misses it because he has a broken leg. "Corn [will] be heavy soon" if this event is held in June, according to Old Man Warner. This short story is set on June 27th, which is the day that(*) Tessie Hutchinson screams "it isn't fair" before she is killed. For 10 points, name this short story where a woman is stoned to death by the citizens of her village, which was written by Shirley Jackson.

: "The Lottery" <Jacob O'Rourke> 71.

: 155627 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 12 | Number: 3 TOSSUP: In this poem, a "Smyrna merchant" invites the narrator to take a "weekend at the Metropole" and "to luncheon at the Cannon Street Hotel." A character in this poem says that "those are pearls that were his eyes" when describing the card of the "drowned Phoenician Sailor." This poem's narrator meets Mr. Eugenides ("yoo-JEN-a-deez") and Madame Sosostris ("soh-SOS-trihs"), and this poem declares "I will show you(*) fear in a handful of dust" in its section "The Burial of the Dead." This poem begins with the line "April is the cruelest month." For 10 points, name this modernist poem by T.S. Eliot.

: "The Waste Land" <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 75.

: 156697 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 5 | Number: 1 TOSSUP: The author of the Perry Mason detective stories, Erle Stanley Gardner, published under a pen name with this letter twice followed by "Fair." Another author with this double initial set his works in the Hundred Acre Woods, and in an introduction to a novel named for this letter, the author finds this letter on a piece of cloth in a pile of old papers in the (*) Salem Custom House. When the protagonist of that novel dies, her tombstone reads, "On a field, sable, (this letter), gules," and earlier in that novel, Pearl is unusually fascinated with this letter, which the protagonist placed on her dress as public punishment for her infidelity. For 10 points, name this letter of the alphabet, a scarlet example of which is embroidered on Hester Prynne's dress in a Hawthorne novel.

: A <McMaken> 14.

: 155670 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 14 | Number: 4 TOSSUP: The speaker of a poem by this author is told by a wise man to "give pearls away and rubies but keep your fancy free." This man justified "moping melancholy" verse in a poem that declares that "malt does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to man." This poet of "Terence, this is stupid stuff" and "When I was one-and-twenty" wrote a poem addressed to a "townsman of a stiller town" who (*)died after being carried "through the market place." For 10 points, name this English poet who included "To an Athlete Dying Young" in his collection A Shropshire Lad.

: A.E. Housman [Alfred Edward Housman] <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 66.

: 155457 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 04 | Number: 1 TOSSUP: In this novel, Moses claims that there are seven Sundays a week in Sugarcandy Mountain. In this book, Mr. Pilkington and Mr. Frederick help Mr. Jones to fight the Battle of the Cowshed. Near the end of this novel, Benjamin fails to rescue a character whose personal motto is "I will(*) work harder!" In this book, the lovable Boxer is sent to "retirement" at a glue factory. In this novel, Stalin and Trotsky are represented by the pigs Napoleon and Snowball. For 10 points, name this allegorical novel by George Orwell.

: ANSWER: Animal Farm <Sherry Xie>/<ed. Jacob> 48.

: 155456 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 03 | Number: 21 TOSSUP: This man's last novel takes place at Howth Castle and Environs, where the dead body of "Earwicker" vanishes while being served as a meal at the title event. In a novel by this author, the protagonist becomes a devout Catholic after listening to Father Arnall's hell sermon. This author of Finnegans Wake created Stephen(*) Dedalus, who appears with Leopold and Molly Bloom in a novel detailing each of their experiences on June 16th, 1904. For 10 points, name this Irish author of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses.

: ANSWER: James Joyce [James Augustine Aloysius Joyce] <Sherry Xie>/<ed. Jacob> Bonuses 49.

: 155541 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature World Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 08 | Number: 1 TOSSUP: This writer originally handwrote his collection of 100 love sonnets in his signature green ink. The speaker of a poem by this author "went on through streets and thin air, arriving and departing" and asks the reader to "arise to birth with me, my brother." This poet of "The Heights of(*) Machu Picchu" declared that "the memory of you emerges from the night around me" in a poem that appears in a collection with "Twenty Love Poems." For 10 points, name the Chilean poet who penned Canto General and the aforementioned "Song of Despair."

: ANSWER: Pablo Neruda [or Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto] <Sherry Xie>/<ed. Jacob> 31.

: 155678 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature World Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 14 | Number: 12 TOSSUP: In this country's national epic, Bacchus disguises himself as a Christian priest in order to lure a crew into a Muslim ambush. A writer from this country used heteronyms such as Ricardo Reis ("rays"). The Lusiads are the national epic of this country. An author from this country wrote a novel in which this home country of Fernando Pessoa breaks off from Europe into the Atlantic Ocean. That author from this country wrote a novel where everyone except for the(*) Doctor's Wife is inflicted with the title condition. For 10 points, name this country, home to the author of The Stone Raft and Blindness, Jose Saramago.

: ANSWER: Portugal [Portuguese Republic; or Republica Portuguesa] <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 64.

: 155444 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 03 | Number: 9 TOSSUP: A speech that is made at this character is about a fairy who plagues ladies' lips with blisters and is drawn in a chariot made of "an empty hazel-nut." This character is the target of a speech about Queen Mab made by a friend while travelling to attend a party. This character declares "I am fortune's fool!" after killing his wife's cousin,(*) Tybalt. This member of the Montague family is married to a member of the Capulet family by Friar Lawrence. For 10 points, name this title character of a Shakespeare tragedy, the lover of Juliet.

: ANSWER: Romeo [or Romeo Montague; prompt on Montague until it is read; do NOT accept any other Montagues, such as "Old Montague" or "Lord Montague"] <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 52.

: 155674 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 14 | Number: 8 TOSSUP: A poem about this man claims that "it breaks his heart that kings must murder still, that all his hours of travail seem yet in vain." This man was described as "walking at midnight" in that Vachel Lindsay poem. In Spoon River Anthology, Anne Rutledge is described as being "beloved in life of" this man. A poem about this politician mentions a(*) "drooping star in the west." This politician's death inspired an elegy that declares "the ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won." For 10 points, name this American president, who was the dedicatee of Walt Whitman's O Captain! My Captain!

: Abraham Lincoln <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 65.

: 155522 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 07 | Number: 3 TOSSUP: In a twist ending to a novel by this author, Dr. James Sheppard is the new sidekick of a detective until it is revealed that he killed the title character. This author wrote a book where Justice Wargrave and nine killers are invited to Soldier Island. This author of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd wrote about a (*)Belgian detective who uses his "little grey cells" to prove that every passenger on a train murdered Mr. Ratchett. For 10 points, name this British author of And Then There Were None and Murder on the Orient Express, who created the detective Hercule Poirot ("Pwah-roh").

: Agatha Christie <Alex Harmata>/<ed. Jacob> 36.

: 155448 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 03 | Number: 13 TOSSUP: In the last story of a collection by this author, the engineer D'Arrast stays in a town which celebrates a "growing stone." In a novel by this author, the Mexico City bar is where the last circle of hell is, according to the "judge-penitent" Clamence. In a different novel by this author of Exile and the Kingdom and The Fall, Bernard Rieux ("hree-oo") struggles to keep the title(*) disease contained in Oran. In a novel by this author of The Plague, the protagonist shoots an Arab on the beach after feeling no emotion at his mother's funeral. For 10 points, name this French existentialist author who wrote about Mersault in The Stranger.

: Albert Camus <Jacob O'Rourke> 51.

: 155682 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 14 | Number: 16 TOSSUP: A poem by this author praises a man who "could not cease in the inglorious arts of peace," and compares him to "three-fork'd lightning" that blasts off Caesar's head. A poem by this author of "An Horatian Ode Upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland" declares that "I would love you ten years before the flood" and wonders if his love will "refuse until the conversion of the Jews." This man wrote that "the grave's a fine and(*) private place" in a poem that warns of "Time's wingèd chariot hurrying near." For 10 points, name this English poet of "To His Coy Mistress."

: Andrew Marvell <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 63.

: 155572 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 09 | Number: 11 TOSSUP: A character created by this author is nicknamed "Waffles" due to his pockmarked skin. The title character of a play by this author attempts to shoot Serebryakov. ("sehr-ay-BRAY-koff") This author names the principle that if a gun is placed on the stage, then it must be fired later in the story. In a play by this man, Konstantin Treplev commits (*)suicide after giving the title bird to Nina. In a play by this author, Lopakhin purchases the title estate from Madame Ranevsky and chops it down. For 10 points,name this Russian playwright of Uncle Vanya, The Seagull and The Cherry Orchard.

: Anton Chekhov [Anton Pavlovich Chekhov] <Sherry Xie>/<ed. Jacob> 84.

: 155537 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 07 | Number: 18 TOSSUP: In one of this author's plays, Marco stabs Eddie Carbone for reporting Marco and Rodolpho as illegal immigrants. In a play by this author, a character steals Bill Oliver's fountain pen after catching his father having an affair in Boston. This author of A View from the Bridge wrote about a group of (*)girls, who are led by Abigail Putnam, accusing multiple people in Salem of witchcraft. This author's most famous play ends with Willy Loman crashing his car to give his sons' the life insurance money. For 10 points, name this author of The Crucible and Death of a Salesman.

: Arthur Miller [Arthur Asher Miller] <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 33.

: 122212 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 3 | Number: 16 TOSSUP: Characters in this novel go to the Malpais reservation in New Mexico, where they meet Linda,whose son remembers her relationship with Popé while watching Three Weeks in a Helicopter. Thisnovel opens by describing the Bokanovsky process, and in this work, (*) Helmholtz Watson is exiledto the Falkland Islands by Mustapha Mond. John the Savage and Bernard Marx oppose the drug Soma in,for 10 points, what dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley?

: Brave New World 88.

: 155472 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 04 | Number: 16 TOSSUP: A character in this novel is shocked to see students at Eton laughing at footage of Christians who punish themselves with whips. In this novel, people are indoctrinated by hypnopaedia with phrases such as "civilization is sterilization." This novel describes the people-creating Bokanovsky process and the consumption of(*) soma. In this novel, the World Controller Mustapha Mond exiles Bernard Marx, who introduces John the Savage to civilization. For 10 points, name this dystopian novel set in the year 632 After Ford, which was written by Aldous Huxley.

: Brave New World <Spencer Johnson>/<ed. Jacob> 45.

: 155466 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 04 | Number: 10 TOSSUP: The poem "Le balcon" was inspired by this poet's muse, whom he often referred to as "Black Venus." A poem by this lover of Jeanne Duval compares the poet to a creature that is called a "prince of cloud and sky." The creatures of that poem by this author are mocked for having "great white wings" that "drag beside them like oars" by the crew of a ship. This poet of "The(*) Albatross" addresses a "hypocritical reader" in the opening of a collection that includes "Wine" and "Spleen and Ideal." For 10 points, name this French poet of the collection The Flowers of Evil.

: Charles Baudelaire [Charles-Pierre Baudelaire] <Wenzer Qin>/<ed. Jacob> 47.

: 155639 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 12 | Number: 15 TOSSUP: In Evelyn Waugh's ("Waah's") novel A Handful of Dust, Tony Last is forced to read this author's works to Mr. Todd. The title character of a novel by this man is sent to Dotheboys Hall, which is run by the one-eyed man, Squeers. This author of Nicholas Nickleby wrote a novel where Sydney(*) Carton takes Charles Darnay's place on the guillotine.This man created the wealthy benefactor Abel Magwitch, who adopts "Pip." For 10 points, name this British author of Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities.

: Charles Dickens [Charles John Huffam Dickens] <Joe Stitz>/<ed.Jacob> 73.

: 122331 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 9 | Number: 14 TOSSUP: In one work by this author, Herbert Pocket teaches the protagonist to be a gentleman, while inanother work, Salem House-educated James Steerforth runs off with Little Em'ly. After DoraSpenlow dies in one of his novels, her widower marries (*) Agnes Wickfield, and this author wroteabout Estella and the jilted Miss Havisham. The creator of Uriah Heep and Pip is, for 10 points, whatauthor of David Copperfield and Great Expectations?

: Charles John Huffam Dickens 95.

: 155665 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature World Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 13 | Number: 20 TOSSUP: A character in this novel is described as having a voice and heart of gold while giving a speech to a colony of the blind at Ezenzeleni. ("en-zen-zuh-LAY-nee") In this novel, the landowner James reads his son's paper on "The Truth About Native Crime." The protagonist of this novel receives a letter from Theophilus Msimangu ("thee-OFF-uh-luss miss-ee-MAHN-goo") telling him that his sister(*) Gertrude is sick. At the end of this novel, Absalom is executed for the murder of Arthur Jarvis. For 10 points, name this Alan Paton novel about Stephen Kumalo's journey to Johannesburg.

: Cry, the Beloved Country <Wenzer Qin>/<ed. Jacob> 67.

: 156652 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 2 | Number: 19 TOSSUP: Vladimir Nabokov regarded the plot of this novel as unimportant, as he rejected the notion that this novel was a reformist or satirical work. One character in this novel relates how the protagonist replaced two million fake rubles with two million real rubles to avoid an arrest. Another character is described as bearlike and owns furniture that (*) resembles himself. This novel's protagonist, who is frequently mistaken for Captain Kopeikin, flees town after being accused of forging the will of Khlobuev's aunt. Its protagonist also approaches landowners like Nozydryov, Sobakevitch, and Manilov to try to sell them the title things. For 10 points, name this Nikolai Gogol novel wherein Pavel Chichikov attempts to buy the deeds to deceased peasants.

: Dead Souls [or Myertvye dushi] <Kumar> 3.

: 156643 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 2 | Number: 10 TOSSUP: A character in one of this author's works harbors jealousy towards another character, compelling the two to compare daughters. In another work, this author wrote about another character's jealousy when his romantic interest dances with Denis Eady. This author of "Roman Fever" wrote a novel in which Lucius Beaufort is exposed in a banking scandal, causing (*) Mrs. Mingott to die of a stroke. That same work ends with the protagonist marrying May Welland instead of the woman he truly loves. One of this author's most famous novels ends with Mattie Silver attempting to commit suicide by sledding into a tree. For 10 points, name this American author who wrote such works as The House of Mirth, The Age of Innocence, and Ethan Frome.

: Edith Wharton [or Edith Newbold Jones] <Jin> 5.

: 155468 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 04 | Number: 12 TOSSUP: In a play by this author, a low-flying plane repeatedly interrupts the conversation of Nancy and Charlie, who explain concepts like love and evolution to the humanoid lizards Leslie and Sarah. This author of Seascape also wrote a play in which Jerry impales himself on a knife held by Peter near a bench at Central Park. In a play by this author of Zoo Story, a main character is informed that his imaginary(*) son died after swerving to avoid a porcupine. In that play by this author, Nick and Honey play "Get the Guest" at George and Martha's house. For 10 points, name this American playwright of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

: Edward Albee [Edward Franklin Albee III] <Amanda Sun>/<ed. Jacob> 46.

: 156732 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 6 | Number: 15 TOSSUP: In one poem by this author, an entity that forces the landscape to listen and forces shadows to hold their breath when it comes inflicts a scarless "heavenly hurt." This poet imagined a bee that babbles in stolid air, and a "little Bird / That kept so many warm" appears in a work in which this poet says, (*) " 'Hope' is the thing with feathers -." This poet of "There's a certain Slant of light" said that "The Stillness in the Room / Was like the Stillness in the Air -" in a poem about the "Blue - uncertain - stumbling Buzz -" of the title creature. This reclusive poet did not name any poems and employed dashes frequently into her writing. For 10 points, name this poet from Amherst who wrote "I heard a Fly buzz - when I died -" and "Because I could not stop for Death."

: Emily Elizabeth Dickinson <McMaken> 10.

: 156619 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 1 | Number: 7 TOSSUP: This author wrote a work in which the Pupil develops a toothache and eventually is stabbed to death by the Professor before a new Pupil enters. In addition to The Lesson, this writer used the common theme of a "radiant city" to depict a transcendental other world in such works as The Killer. This playwright produced a cycle of four plays which all include an (*) everyman who is over four hundred years old in Exit the King and who cries, "I'm not capitulating!" at the end of this writer's most famous play; that character is Berenger. For 10 points, identify this playwright who wrote about the Fire Chief's conversations with two families in The Bald Soprano and about Daisy succumbing to growing a horn in Rhinoceros, a French absurdist from Romania.

: Eugène Ionesco [or Eugen Ionescu] <McMaken> 9.

: 155630 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 12 | Number: 6 TOSSUP: This poet wrote about a man whose "true Penelope was Flaubert" and who seeks to "resuscitate the dead art of poetry." A poem translated by this man is about a woman who would "come out to meet you as far as Cho-fu-sa." A two line poem by this author of "Hugh Selwyn Mauberly" states, "the apparition of these faces ,(*) petals on a wet, black bough." This translator of Li Po and author of "In a Station of the Metro" wrote the "Pisan" section of a collection while he was imprisoned for treason against the Allies. For 10 points, name this American modernist poet of The Cantos.

: Ezra Pound [or Ezra Weston Loomis Pound] <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 74.

: 155396 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 01 | Number: 3 TOSSUP: In a story by this author, Charlie Wales is not granted custody of his daughter due to the drunken actions of Duncan and Lorraine. The protagonist of a story by this author cuts off her cousin Marjorie's pigtails after being tricked into performing the title action. This author of "Babylon Revisited" and "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" wrote about Amory Blaine in This Side of Paradise. In his most famous novel, the neighbor of Nick(*) Carraway throws lavish parties at his mansion in West Egg in the hopes of meeting Daisy Buchanan. For 10 points, name this American author of The Great Gatsby.

: F. Scott Fitzgerald [Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald] <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 60.

: 155657 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature World Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 13 | Number: 12 TOSSUP: One musical number in this production begins with a rumor of an arrest and ends with an old lady saying "that's what comes from men and women dancing." In another scene from this musical, the main character pretends to have a nightmare about the butcher's deceased wife, to justify reneging on his promise to wed his daughter to Lazar Wolf. Later, after that same daughter's marriage to(*) Motel ("MAH-tle"), the constable carries out a "little demonstration" on the village. For 10 points, name this musical in which Tevye sings "If I were a Rich Man."

: Fiddler on the Roof <Wenzer Qin/ed. David Dennis> 69.

: 155612 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 11 | Number: 9 TOSSUP: In a story by this author, a Bible salesman named Manley Pointer runs away with Hulga's prosthetic leg. This author wrote about a bus ride in which Julian's racist mother has a stroke after offering a penny to a black child. This author of "Good Country People" and "Everything that Rises Must Converge" wrote a story in which the cat(*) Pitty Sing causes Bailey to crash the family car. In that story by this author, the Misfit kills a grandmother after she calls him "son." For 10 points, name this female Southern author of "A Good Man is Hard to Find."

: Flannery O'Connor <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 78.

: 155490 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 05 | Number: 13 TOSSUP: This man's first play was staged under the direction of Gregorio Martinez Sierra. In a play by this man, three woodcutters predict that two lovers will be caught once the moon appears in the sky. In a play by this author of The Butterfly's Evil Spell, Adela hangs herself after her sisters learn that she is Pepe el Romano's lover. In a play by this man,(*) Leonardo Felix and "the Groom" kill each other over their love for "the Bride." This author's "Rural Trilogy" includes Yerma and The House of Bernarda Alba. For 10 points, name this Spanish author of Blood Wedding.

: Frederico Garcia Lorca [Federico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús García Lorca] <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 42.

: 155540 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 07 | Number: 21 TOSSUP: In a novel by this author, Stavrogin becomes the leader of a group of revolutionaries. A character created by this author of The Possessed tells his younger brother a "poem in prose" where Jesus kisses the title character on his "bloodless, aged lips." This author included the parable of the "Grand Inquisitor" in his last novel, which ends with Dmitri's murder trial. In a different novel by this author of The Brothers(*) Karamazov, Porfiry Petrovich investigates Raskolnikov for the murder of a pawnbroker. For 10 points, name this Russian author of Crime and Punishment.

: Fyodor Dostoyevsky [Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky] <Jacob O'Rourke> Bonuses 32.

: 156740 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 7 | Number: 2 TOSSUP: A disputed area in a novel by this man has "corners at Tangier, Brazzaville, Darwin, and Hong Kong." In another novel by this man, commandments are amended to allow drinking in moderation and beds without sheets, resulting in the maxim that some of the titular characters are "more equal (*) than others." In that novel, Boxer is purportedly sent to a veterinarian, but is actually sold for slaughter by Napoleon to buy whisky for his inner circle of pigs. In one of this man's most famous works, crimethink is punished by the thinkpol, or Thought Police, for challenging the rule of Big Brother. For 10 points, name this British author of works like Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four.

: George Orwell <Luc> 11.

: 122277 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 7 | Number: 1 TOSSUP: This author wrote of a tragic love affair in The Elegy of Lady Fiammetta, and he described 106females in On Famous Women. In another work, Dioneo is exempt from following the orders of theKing or Queen each day. This man wrote a story told by Fiammetta, which relates how Federigocooked his prized falcon. (*) Ten people from Florence gather to escape the plague in a work by, for 10points, this author of the Decameron.

: Giovanni Boccaccio 99.

: 156654 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 2 | Number: 21 TOSSUP: This novel references a real-life one-time performance of Benny Goodman on BBC Radio to contextualize events within the plot. The beginning of this novel follows Pirate Prentice working to solve a mystery involving an employee of the organization ACHTUNG. Later in this novel, another character finds a pattern in the aforementioned mystery that follows the (*) Poisson distribution. This novel opens with the line "A screaming comes across the sky" and ends with Gottfried being sacrificed in a rocket with serial number 00000. For 10 points, name this work in which Lieutenant Tyrone Slothrop's sexual encounters in London are always followed with V-2 rocket strikes, a novel written by Thomas Pynchon.

: Gravity's Rainbow <Jin> BONUSES: 2.

: 155426 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 02 | Number: 12 TOSSUP: This man spent lots of his writing time trying to find what he called le mot juste, or "the right word." This man's Three Tales include his story about the maid Felicite, "A Simple Heart." This author wrote a novel where Madame Arnoux ("ar-NOH") is loved by Frederic Moreau ("moh-ROH"). The title character of a novel by this man wants(*) arsenic, so she can "kill some rats." In that novel by this man, the title character goes to see a production of Lucia di Lammermoor and has affairs with Rodolphe Boulanger and Leon Dupuis. For 10 points, name this French author of A Sentimental Education and Madame Bovary.

: Gustave Flaubert <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 55.

: 122167 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 1 | Number: 11 TOSSUP: In one novel by this author, George Ponderevo helps his uncle sell the title fake drug, TonoBungay. He wrote about Prendrick and human-animal hybrids in The Island of Doctor Moreau. Inone novel, the protagonist loses an Eloi named Weena in a fire he sets to escape the (*) Morlocks,and in another, Martians invade Earth but are killed by common disease. For 10 points, name this authorof The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds.

: H(erbert) G(eorge) Wells 87.

: 155616 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 11 | Number: 13 TOSSUP: The protagonist of a novel by this man meets the Larkins sisters at a lavish funeral thrown for his father. In a novel by this author of The History of Mr. Polly, the Hyena-Swine kills the companion of Prendick. The unnamed protagonist of a novel by this man is accompanied by Weena while encountering the Morlocks, who terrorize the(*) Eloi. This author wrote about Martian invaders of Earth, who are stopped by bacteria that they never develop a resistance to. For 10 points, name this British author of The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds.

: H. G. Wells [Herbert George Wells] <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 77.

: 155419 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 02 | Number: 5 TOSSUP: The second scene of a play by this author ends with a discussion of how Robert enjoyed reading Yeats ("Yates") at dawn in Torcello. That play by this author traces Jerry's affair with Emma backwards in time. In a play by this author of Betrayal, Meg plans the title event for Stanley, and Goldberg and McCann take him away. Two characters in a play by this author debate the meaning of the phrase(*) "light the kettle" before the title device reveals that Gus is to be killed by Ben. For 10 points, name this British playwright of The Dumbwaiter and The Birthday Party.

: Harold Pinter <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 57.

: 156725 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 6 | Number: 8 TOSSUP: In this novel, a Russian assistant to the protagonist is called "Harlequin" because of his multicolored clothing. Another character of this work is included in the first epigraph of T.S. Eliot's The Hollow Men, which proclaims, "he dead." Another character paints a dark portrait of his fiancé and ends a report with the line, (*) "Exterminate all the Brutes!" A boat anchored on the Thames River serves as the setting for this work, and that boat is named Nellie. Because of the natives in this novel, Chinua Achebe called its author a racist. This novel's climax occurs as dying ivory trader Kurtz whispers the words, "The horror, the horror" to Charlie Marlow. For 10 points, name this frame story by Joseph Conrad about a voyage up the Congo.

: Heart of Darkness <Kumar> 18.

: 155553 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 08 | Number: 13 TOSSUP: In a novel by this author, Merton Densher and Kate Croy attempt to swindle the ill heiress Milly Theale. This author created Lambert Strether, who is sent to bring Chad Newsome home. The title character of a novella by this author dies after going to the(*) Colosseum with Giovanelli and catching malaria. A novella by this author of The Wings of the Dove and The Ambassadors centers on Miles and Flora being haunted by the ghosts of Miss Jessel and Peter Quint. For 10 points, name this American author of Daisy Miller and The Turn of the Screw.

: Henry James <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 29.

: 156677 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 4 | Number: 2 TOSSUP: This author wrote multiple novels on themes from his country's history. One, "On the Field of Glory," is about the greatest king of this author's country at the Battle of Vienna. In another, this author discusses the title knights who are defeated by an alliance of this author's country with Lithuania; that work about the (*) Battle of Grunwald [GROON-vahld] is "The Teutonic Knights." "The Trilogy" is a trio of novels by this author about conflicts between his home country with Ukraine, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire, respectively. Those works and others led to this author being awarded the 1905 Nobel Prize in Literature. For 10 points, name the Polish author of "Quo Vadis," a novel not about Poland but about ancient Rome.

: Henryk Sienkiewicz [HEN-rihk sihn-KEH-vich] <Bykov> 22.

: 155407 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 01 | Number: 14 TOSSUP: This character appears in the story "Slight Rebellion off Madison," where he asks Sally Hayes to run away to the woods with him. A prized possession of this character is his brother Allie's baseball mitt, which has poems written all over it. He frequently thinks of his roommate(*) Stradlater with his love interest, Jane Gallagher. This character wonders where the ducks in Central Park go during the winter, and he spends time with his sister Phoebe after skipping Pencey Prep. For 10 points, name this "phony" hating protagonist of J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.

: Holden Caulfield [Holden Morrisey Caulfield] <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 59.

: 156631 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 1 | Number: 19 TOSSUP: In a poem by this writer, characters create a tunnel and call it "Aladdin's wondrous cave." In another poem, this writer exclaims, "Behold! the drink of the gods," and, in alluding to Vedic religious practice, "bring honey from the hollow oak." This writer criticized a political figure allowing the passing of a fugitive slave bill by stating "When faith is lost, when honor dies / The man is dead!" in the poem (*) "Ichabod." In another poem by this writer of "Maud Muller," a woman who was the bravest of "all in Frederick town" tells Confederate troops, "Shoot, if you must, this old gray head, but spare your country's flag." For 10 points, name this Quaker poet of "Snow-Bound" and "Barbara Frietchie."

: John Greenleaf Whittier <Jin> 7.

: 122316 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 8 | Number: 19 TOSSUP: This author wrote about Peter, Martin, and Jack each inheriting a coat in Tale of a Tub, and hesatirically suggested that starving Irish children should be sold as food. This man described aconflict over whether eggs should be (*) broken on the big or little end in another work, in which thetitle doctor is tiny in the land of Brobdingnag and a giant in Lilliput. For 10 points, identify this author ofA Modest Proposal and Gulliver's Travels.

: Jonathan Swift 97.

: 155594 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature World Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 10 | Number: 12 TOSSUP: A character in this novel gains the ability to see through disguises after he gains a "fiery-eyes golden-gaze" from being cooked in a crucible for forty-nine days. A character in this novel is trapped under a mountain for 500 years after peeing on the hand of the Buddha. This novel, which is one of the(*) Four Great Classical Novels, focuses on a group that receives Buddhist scriptures from Vulture Peak. For 10 points, name this Chinese novel where the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, accompanies Xuanzang ("Shoo-wen-zahng") on a trip to India.

: Journey to the West [or Xi You Ji ("Shee-yo-jee"); or Hsi-yu chi ("Shee-yo-jee"); or Monkey until "Monkey King" is read] <Wener Qin>/<ed. Jacob> 80.

: 156674 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature World Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 3 | Number: 20 TOSSUP: In one story titled "The Question of" this language, a washerwoman falls in love with the teacher Monsieur Piquedent [pick-DAHNT], who makes his students use this language. In a work of twenty books in this language called Attic Nights, its author jotted down unusual anecdotes he heard in conversations, like the fable of Androcles, and in a poem in this language addressed to (*) Lesbia, the speaker says, "I hate and I love." Another work in this language explains why mulberries are purple in the story of Pyramus and Thisbē, and yet another work in this language tells of a young man who accidentally changes into a donkey. For 10 points, name this language of such works as The Golden Ass, Metamorphoses, and the Aeneid, with authors like Catullus, Ovid, and Cicero.

: Latin <McMaken> 23.

: 122261 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 6 | Number: 5 TOSSUP: This book describes a creature who "launch'd forth, filament, filament, filament out of itself,"and a narrator who "look'd up in perfect silence at the stars." This collection contains "A NoiselessPatient Spider" and "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer" and this work honors (*) Lincolnwith the poems "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed" and "O Captain! My Captain!" "Song ofMyself" appears in, for 10 points, what poetry collection by Walt Whitman?

: Leaves of Grass 100.

: 155510 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 06 | Number: 12 TOSSUP: This man described a "rider distorted and pale, with the dew on his brow and the rust on his mail" in a poem about an Assyrian king who "came down like the wolf on the fold." This author talks of "a heart whose love is innocent!" in his poem about a woman who is described as being "like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies." This author of "The Destruction of (*)Sennacherib" ("seh-NAK-er-ihb") mockingly dedicated to Robert Southey an epic poem about a man who is easily seduced by women. For 10 points, name this English Romantic poet of "She Walks in Beauty" and Don Juan ("Don Joo-an").

: Lord Byron [George Gordon, Lord Byron] <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 38.

: 155586 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 10 | Number: 4 TOSSUP: A painter in this novel uses another character as a model for Thomas Aquinas in order to draw a sketch of this novel's protagonist. A banker in this novel is blackmailed by John Raffles, his former business partner, for hiding the existence of a poet who appears in this novel. A clergyman in this novel dies before he can complete his book The(*) Key to All Mythologies. That character in this novel, Edward Casaubon, threatens to disinherit his wife if she marries Will Ladislaw. For 10 points, name this George Eliot novel, a "study of provincial life" that centers on Dorothea Brooke.

: Middlemarch [Middlemarch: a Study of Provincial Life] <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 82.

: 156656 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 3 | Number: 2 TOSSUP: The author of this novel was unsure whether or not to complete it after the death of her partner's son. This novel's setting precedes the 1832 Reform Act, and its prelude claims that while St. Theresa led a life of greatness, many others who are just as good will never have the chance to achieve fame. In this novel, Mary Garth refuses to help the dying Peter Featherstone. The death of Sir John Raffles in this novel was in part due to banker (*) Nicholas Bulstrode. One of the main plots of this novel focuses on Dr. Lydgate, while another encompasses Mr. Casaubon's efforts to alter his will in order to prevent Will Ladislaw from marrying Casaubon's widow. For 10 points, name this George Eliot novel about Dorothea Brooke set in the title town, subtitled "A Study in Provincial Life."

: Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life <Kumar> 26.

: 156627 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature World Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 1 | Number: 15 TOSSUP: In the last novel this author wrote before this author's death, a white half-Jew enters into a controversial interracial marriage with a character who is recruited by the Movement and is called Jubu. In addition to No Time Like the Present, this author wrote about the physiotherapist Rosa who lives with her lover Bernard in Paris before being shamed by her childhood friend (*) Baasie to return to her home country in which her father Lionel was a political activist. This author also helped edit the speech, "I Am Prepared to Die" given by Nelson Mandela. For 10 points, identify this author of Burger's Daughter who wrote about the Smales family's struggles in post-apartheid South Africa in July's People.

: Nadine Gordimer <McMaken> 8.

: 122162 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 1 | Number: 6 TOSSUP: In one work by this author, the fake doctor Callimaco tricks Nicia and sleeps with his wife,Lucrezia. This author of The Mandrake praised Roman republics, and another work comparedfortune to a lady who must be beaten. He noted Cesare Borgia as a rare case of a successful (*) rulerwho gained power through luck, rather than force, as it is "safer to be feared than loved." For 10 points,name this 16th century Italian author of The Prince.

: Niccolo Machiavelli 92.

: 156752 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 7 | Number: 14 TOSSUP: In one of this author's poems, he describes how a certain type of person swears "with an 'I dew vym," or an 'I tell yeou" and concludes with the line "Logic is logic That's all I say." This author coined the term "Boston Brahmin," and his prose works are collected in his Breakfast-Table series. The narrator of another of his poems hears "clearer notes (*)...than ever Triton blew" from the titular "ship of pearl." In another poem, he advocates to "give her to the god of storms" rather than letting "her shattered bulk" sink, and that poem describes the USS Constitution. For 10 points, name this father of a Supreme Court Justice, the Fireside Poet of "Old Ironsides" and "The Chambered Nautilus."

: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. [prompt on partial answer] <Kumar> 16.

: 155592 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 10 | Number: 10 TOSSUP: In this novel, the meaning of "tomorrow" is told to the protagonist by Ricky. In a part of this novel, the main characters see a performance by the blind jazz pianist George Shearing. Remi Boncoeur arranges for the protagonist of this novel to get a job as a night watchman. A main character of this novel is nicknamed the "Holy Goof." This novel was written on a giant(*) scroll over a three week period, and its character of Carlo Marx represents Allen Ginsberg. For 10 points, name this novel by Jack Kerouac featuring Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty.

: On the Road <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 81.

: 155399 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 01 | Number: 6 TOSSUP: In a speech about reputation, a character in this play laments that "I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is beastial." The mother of this play's title character gave him a magic cloth that she received from an Egyptian sorceress. The antagonist of this play warns its title character about that "green-eyed monster" of (*)jealousy. The protagonist of this play smothers his wife after Iago uses a handkerchief to indicate Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona. For 10 points, name this Shakespeare tragedy about a title "Moor of Venice."

: Othello [The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice] <Sherry Xie>/<ed. Jacob> 61.

: 156660 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 3 | Number: 6 TOSSUP: Jupiter Hammon once wrote an ode to this person, whose first poem was about the University of Cambridge. In one work, this person wrote about "when Gallic powers Columbia's fury found" and, for a certain figure, wished "thy ev'ry action let the Goddess decide / A crown, a mansion, and a throne that shine." This poet wrote many elegies, the most famous of which was for (*) George Whitefield. This poet said "Remember, Christians, Negroes, black as Cain, / May be refin'd, and join th' angelic train," in a poem included in her collection Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. For 10 points, name this American poet of works such as "To His Excellency, George Washington," and "On Being Brought From Africa to America."

: Phyllis Wheatley <Jin> 25.

: 122226 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 4 | Number: 1 TOSSUP: One character in this work jokingly dates her love to the day she saw Pemberley estate, and Charlotte Lucas marries Mr. Collins after her friend rejects him. This novel begins when Netherfield is rented by a "single man in (*) possession of a good fortune," and in it, Lydia marries Mr. Wickham and Jane weds Mr. Bingley. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy overcome poor first impressions in, for 10 points, what novel by Jane Austen?

: Pride and Prejudice 94.

: 155485 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 05 | Number: 8 TOSSUP: A clergyman in this novel reads a collection of Fordyce's sermons to a family. In this novel, the weak singing of a sister at the Netherfield ball causes the protagonist of this novel embarrassment. This novel begins by noting that "a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife." Near the end of this novel, the childhood friend of George(*) Wickham prevents a scandal by convincing him to marry Lydia. For 10 points, name this novel by Jane Austen about the romance between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy.

: Pride and Prejudice <Sherry Xie>/<ed. Jacob> 43.

: 155600 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 10 | Number: 18 TOSSUP: The title character of a poem by this author is told by his prior that "your business is to paint the souls of man." The speaker of a poem by this author notes that "God has not said a word" after strangling his lover with her own hair. In his most famous work, this poet of(*) "Fra Lippo Lippi" wrote of a host showing his guest a bronze statue of Neptune cast by Claus of Innsbruck. That poem by this author centers on a woman painted by Fra Pandolf, who has "a heart, too soon made glad." For 10 points, name this British poet of "Porphyria's ("por-FEER-ee-ah's") Lover" and "My Last Duchess."

: Robert Browning <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 79.

: 155580 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 09 | Number: 19 TOSSUP: The speaker of a poem by this author proclaims "One luminary clock against the sky, proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right." This author of "Acquainted with the Night" wrote a poem that begins by declaring "this land was ours before we were the land's." That poem by this author, "The Gift Outright", was recited by him at John F. Kennedy's inauguration. The last stanza of a poem by this man declares "But I have promises to keep, and(*) miles to go before I sleep." This author described "two roads [that] diverged in a yellow road." For 10 points, name this author of "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and "The Road Not Taken."

: Robert Frost [Robert Lee Frost] <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 83.

: 155507 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 06 | Number: 9 TOSSUP: The protagonist of a novel by this man runs the Wellspring Methodist Church and has an affair with his secretary, Hettie Bowler. The title character of a novel by this author is an engineer who sells the Revelation Motor Company. This author of Elmer Gantry and Dodsworth set most of his novels in the fictional town of (*) Zenith and wrote about the doctor Martin Arrowsmith, whose wife Leora dies after contracting the plague. For 10 points, name this American author of Babbitt, who created Carol Kennicott in Main Street.

: Sinclair Lewis [Harry Sinclair Lewis] <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 39.

: 156669 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 3 | Number: 15 TOSSUP: The title character in this novel receives her coveted jacket after her attempts to return twenty dollars are rebuffed. One important conversation in this novel takes place over asparagus and sirloin, where a character persuades the title character to move in with him. This novel ends with a man using a (*) gas jet to commit suicide. The protagonist of this work also uses the last name Wheeler while married, and as her career improves, her husband, George Hurstwood, descends into poverty and gambling. This novel's protagonist, an aspiring actress, meets Charles Drouet on a train to Chicago. For 10 points, name this novel by Theodore Dreiser about the titular girl from rural Wisconsin.

: Sister Carrie <Kumar> 24.

: 155481 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 05 | Number: 4 TOSSUP: The speaker of a poem by this author declares "White Godiva, I unpeel dead hands, dead stringencies" in the title poem of a posthumously published collection. This poet declared that "out of the ash, I rise with my red hair, and eat men like air" in one poem. In a different poem, this poet of (*)Ariel says that "every woman adores a Fascist" before declaring "you bastard, I'm through." This poet wrote about a "man in black with a Meinkampf look" in a poem based on her relationship with her father Otto. For 10 points, name this American poet of "Lady Lazarus" and "Daddy."

: Sylvia Plath <Sherry Xie>/<ed. Jacob> 44.

: 122270 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature Classical Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 6 | Number: 14 TOSSUP: This work's title character loses his wife Creusa while carrying his son and father from theirburning city. The Cumaean Sibyl gives a vision in the underworld in Book Six of this work, whosefirst book opens "I sing of arms and the man." The title (*) Trojan prince courts the Carthaginianprincess Dido before settling in Italy in, for 10 points, what Latin epic poem about the founding of Rome,written by Virgil?

: The Aeneid 86.

: 155529 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 07 | Number: 10 TOSSUP: A poem about a memorial to soldiers that served in this war describes how a "Sahara of snow" surrounds a monument with an "angry wrenlike vigilance." A poem set during this war is about a woman who declares "shoot if you must this old grey head, but spare your country's flag" while opposing a(*) general's march. Robert Lowell memorialized a unit that fought in this war in a poem about the Robert Gould Shaw memorial. Henry Fleming fights in this war in The Red Badge of Courage. For 10 points, name this war where Whittier's "Barbara Frietchie" opposes "Stonewall" Jackson's March to Antietam.

: The American Civil War [or the War Between the States; or any of the numerous names for the Civil War; or any answer that indicates the North and South are fighting each other] <Jacob O'Rourke> 35.

: 156679 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature Classical Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 4 | Number: 4 TOSSUP: This play contains a parabasis [puh-RAB-uh-sis] that addresses the audience as "enfeebled and powerless creatures of earth." Famous real-life figures make appearances in this play, including the geometer Meton, who gives a set of town-plans to the protagonist, and the much-ridiculed poet Cinesias. At the end of this play, the protagonist is ultimately able to negotiate with the barbaric (*) Triballus and marries Zeus's daughter Sovereignty. The major plot point in this play concerns a blockade that prevents humans' offerings from reaching Mount Olympus, a plan that is formulated with the help of the Hoopoe Epops and Euelpides [you-ELL-pi-deez]. For 10 points, name this Greek comedy in which Pisthetaerus [piz-thuh-TEAR-uss] leads in the construction of Cloud-cuckoo-land, written by Aristophanes.

: The Birds [or Ornithes] <Jin> 20.

: 155652 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 13 | Number: 7 TOSSUP: A character in this collection is branded on his buttocks with a hot iron poker after he farts in the face of the clerk Absolon. In that story from this collection, the student Nicholas seduces Alisoun, the wife of the carpenter John. This collection includes a story where Theseus imprisons Palamon and Arcite, who then fight over Emily. The stories in this collection are told by a(*) group of pilgrims travelling to visit the shrine of Thomas Becket. For 10 points, name this collection by Geoffrey Chaucer that includes stories told by the Knight and the Wife of Bath.

: The Canterbury Tales [Tales of Canterbury] <Jacob O'Rourke> 70.

: 156646 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 2 | Number: 13 TOSSUP: In this novel, a character uses large letters printed on book pages to communicate with an imprisoned character. That character was imprisoned after moving to Bologna with actress Marietta Valsera after killing her previous lover out of self-defense. One thread in this novel follows the romance between the Duchess of Sanseverina, who is also the protagonist's aunt, and (*) Count Mosca. The protagonist of this novel falls in love with the daughter of the commandant of the Farnese Tower, Clelia Conti. That daughter dies while giving birth to her and the protagonist's son, and at the end of this novel, the protagonist retires and ultimately dies at the title location. For 10 points, name this novel about Fabrizio del Dongo, written by Stendhal.

: The Charterhouse of Parma [or La Chartreuse de Parme] <Jin> 4.

: 156710 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 5 | Number: 14 TOSSUP: One comic character in this play says that his hands are trembling from not playing billiards for a long time, while another is a child of circus performers and performs card tricks and ventriloquism at a party. One of the characters in this play is reminded of her son's death when that son's former tutor unexpectedly shows up at her house. That tutor is nicknamed the (*) "eternal student" for his university studies and is named Peter Trofimov. At the end of this play, the servant Firs is locked inside a house, presumably to die, after the wealthy Lopakhin attends an auction and buys the childhood residence of Madame Ranevsky. For 10 points, name this play that ends with the title estate being cut down with axes, written by Anton Chekhov.

: The Cherry Orchard [or Vishnevyi sad] <Jin> 13.

: 155413 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 01 | Number: 20 TOSSUP: In this work, the narrator encounters a tree spirit that killed itself as a human because of the jealousy of Frederick II's court. The narrator of this work learns the story of Paolo and Francesca and is assisted by Geryon. The narrator of this poem is guided through the nine(*) circles of hell by Virgil. The narrator of this poem passes through an entrance, where he reads an inscription that proclaims "abandon all hope, ye who enter here." For 10 points, name this epic poem by Dante Alighieri that is divided into sections called Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.

: The Divine Comedy [or La Divina Commedia; or the Inferno before it is read] <Wenzer Qin>/<ed. Jacob> 58.

: 155451 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 03 | Number: 16 TOSSUP: The protagonist of this novel picks up a horned turtle whose shell was clipped by a truck while it was crossing a highway. Before he dies, a character in this novel is given "soothin' syrup" to convince him to leave his home. Connie Rivers leaves his wife in this novel, who(*) breastfeeds a starving man. In this novel, the former preacher Jim Casy is killed during a strike. The central family of this novel includes Rose of Sharon and Tom. For 10 points, name this John Steinbeck novel where the Joad family travels from Oklahoma to California during the Great Depression.

: The Grapes of Wrath <Sherry Xie>/<ed. Jacob> 50.

: 122228 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 4 | Number: 12 TOSSUP: In this work, the protagonist's path is blocked by a leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf. Thatprotagonist sees Count Ugolino eating Archbishop Ruggieri, and witnesses the punishment of Paoloand Francesca da Rimini. The narrator passes through a gate inscribed with the words (*)"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here." For 10 points, identify this first part of The Divine Comedy, inwhich Virgil guides Dante on a tour through hell.

: The Inferno (prompt on The Divine Comedy or La Divina commedia before mention) 93.

: 122327 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 9 | Number: 10 TOSSUP: A schoolhouse in this work was designed so a thief could easily get in, but not out, though thisproves ineffective against Abraham Van Brunt. Katrina Van Tassel marries Brom Bones after aschoolteacher disappears in this story, which was collected in The (*) Sketch Book of GeoffreyCrayon. Ichabod Crane flees the Headless Horseman in, for 10 points, what story by Washington Irving?

: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 90.

: 122294 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 7 | Number: 18 TOSSUP: One character in this work is called salao, but fondly remembers his first fishing trip with afive-year-old helper. That protagonist dreams of lions on a beach, and he remains confident in theYankees and the "great DiMaggio." (*) Manolin is forbidden to go with the title character in thisnovella, who goes for 84 days without a fish before finally catching a marlin, only to have it get eaten bysharks. For 10 points, identify this novella about Santiago, a work by Ernest Hemingway.

: The Old Man and the Sea 98.

: 156714 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 5 | Number: 18 TOSSUP: In the second part of this work, the innkeeper Gaius explains the symbolic meaning of supper and compares "hard texts" to nuts. A character who is exposed by the protagonist of this work is the son of Say-Well and Mrs. Talk-About-The-Right Things. In the first part of this work, the protagonist is asked, "Whence came you, and whither are you bound?" by (*) Apollyon while in the Slough [rhymes with "cow"] of Despond, where the protagonist sinks in the mire under his doubts and sins until he is pulled up by the character Help and led to the Wicket Gate. This work's title refers to Christian's journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. For 10 points, name this very early English allegorical novel by John Bunyan.

: The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which is to Come: Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream Wherein is Discovered, the Manner of his Setting Out, his Dangerous Journey, and Safe Arrival at the Desired Countrey [give someone 20 points if they really can pull off that whole title] <McMaken> 12.

: 122232 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 4 | Number: 16 TOSSUP: One character in this novel hears his companions called "mule drivers" and "mud diggers." Theprotagonist abandons a "tattered soldier" after a battle and allows an injury from being hit with arifle to be mistaken for a bullet wound, the title (*) mark he longs for. Jim Conklin dies refusing helpin, for 10 points, this novel about Union soldier Henry Fleming, a work by Stephen Crane.

: The Red Badge of Courage 91.

: 155619 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 11 | Number: 16 TOSSUP: In this poem, the mischievous Pau-Puk-Keewis starts the Beggar's Dance at the protagonist's wedding. The research of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft was an inspiration for this poem. This poem's title character slays twelve serpents, which guard the evil magician Pearl-Feather. The mother of this poem's title character is Wenonah, who was seduced by the dangerous "West-Wind." This poem is based on Ojibwe ("oh-JEEB-way") legend and takes place by "the shores of(*) Gitchee Gumee." For 10 points, name this epic poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow about the lover of Minnehaha.

: The Song of Hiawatha <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 76.

: 155569 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 09 | Number: 8 TOSSUP: An Easter sermon in this novel is delivered by the visiting Reverend Shegog. A narrator of this novel was castrated after he attacked a group of girls when a gate was left open by the maid Dilsey. The narrator of the second section of this novel drowns himself in the Charles River. The central family of this novel includes the beloved sister Caddy, the Harvard student(*) Quentin, and the mentally handicapped Benji. For 10 points, name this novel that centers on the Compson family, which was written by William Faulkner.

: The Sound and the Fury <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 85.

: 155514 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature World Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 06 | Number: 16 TOSSUP: After having a dream about the "king of the dragon palace," this novel's title character leaves his exile at Suma. The title character of this novel perfectly performs the "Waves of the Blue Sea" dance. This novel's Uji chapters, which focus on the rivalry between Kaoru ("COW-roo") and Niou ("NEE-oo"), follow a blank chapter that is titled "Vanished into the Clouds," which implies that the title character died. The title character of this (*)Heian-era novel fathers the emperor Reizei with Lady Fujitsubo and is married to Aoi ("ah-oh-ee"). For 10 points, name this early Japanese novel written by Lady Murasaki Shikibu.

: The Tale of Genji [Genji monogatari] <Sherry Xie>/<ed. Jacob> 37.

: 156614 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 1 | Number: 2 TOSSUP: One character in this play says that "there's small choice in rotten apples" when responding to another character's complaints about a woman's volatile nature. In one act in this play, one character disagrees with everything another character says, eventually getting her to say that the sun is the moon. In this play's (*) Induction, this play is framed as being performed for the drunkard Christopher Sly, who is tricked into thinking he is a lord. A character in this play says that he has "come to wive it wealthy in Padua" and subsequently attempts to court the eldest daughter of Baptista, who is prohibited to marry before her younger sister, Bianca. For 10 points, name this Shakespearean comedy in which Petruchio attempts to perform the title action on Katharina.

: The Taming of the Shrew <Jin> 17.

: 155533 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature European Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 07 | Number: 14 TOSSUP: A servant in this novel is only permitted to communicate with his master through sign language. A former convict in this novel has a fleur-de-lis branded on her left shoulder. A scandal nearly breaks out in this novel after Queen Anne of Austria gives her diamond necklace to her lover. The antagonist of this novel convinces John Felton to free her and assassinate the Duke of(*) Buckingham. In this novel, Milady de Winter is executed by D'Artagnan. For 10 points, name this Alexandre Dumas novel about the title trio consisting of Athos, Porthos, and Aramis.

: The Three Musketeers [Les Trois Mousquetaires] <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 34.

: 155643 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature World Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 12 | Number: 19 TOSSUP: In this novel, a priestess of Agbala named Chielo is followed to ensure that Ezinma is not harmed. Ekwefi ("EGG-whif-ee") married the protagonist of this novel after seeing him defeat "the Cat" in a wrestling match. The protagonist of this novel is exiled for seven years after his gun goes off and disrupts Ezeudu's ("eh-ZOO-doo") funeral. In this novel, the protagonist participates in the ritual killing of his stepson(*) Ikemefuna. ("IHG-eh-meh-FOO-nah") The protagonist of this novel hangs himself after killing a messenger sent to break up a meeting in Umuofia ("Oo-MOH-fee-ah"). For 10 points, name this Chinua Achebe novel about Okonkwo.

: Things Fall Apart <Wenzer Qin>/<ed. Jacob> 72.

: 155423 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 02 | Number: 9 TOSSUP: In this novel, a literate garbage collector named Zeebo helps the parishioners of a church nicknamed First Purchase perform hymns. As Ms. Maudie's house burns down, a blanket is draped over the shoulders of this novel's narrator by a character who hides trinkets in the knothole of a tree. In this novel, Bob Ewell accuses Tom(*) Robinson of raping his daughter Mayella. An attack on Jem and Scout by Ewell is thwarted by "Boo" Radley. For 10 points, name this Harper Lee novel set in Maycomb County that focuses on Atticus Finch.

: To Kill a Mockingbird <Alex Harmata>/<ed. Jacob> 56.

: 122267 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 6 | Number: 11 TOSSUP: A character in this work covers a boar's head with her green shawl so her youngest daughtercan sleep. Another character is admired by Charles Tansley. Only Augustus Carmichael is allowedto see Lily Briscoe's paintings in this work. Prue and Andrew die in this novel's second section (*)"Time Passes." After ten years, Cam, James, and Mr. Ramsay finally take the title voyage in, for 10points, what novel by Virginia Woolf?

: To the Lighthouse 89.

: 155687 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 14 | Number: 21 TOSSUP: In a novel by this author, the Seven Days avenge murders by killing the murderers in the same way as their victims. A protagonist created by this author received his nickname because his mother nursed him for six years and is named "Milkman" Dead. In a novel by this author of Song of Solomon, no marigolds grow in 1941 after the protagonist is impregnated by her father Cholly. This author created Pecola Breedlove, who yearns for the title facial feature. In a novel by this author of The Bluest Eye,(*) Sethe ("seth-uh") kills the title character to protect her from slavery. For 10 points, name this African-American author of Beloved.

: Toni Morrison [Chloe Anthony Wofford] <Jacob O'Rourke> Bonuses 62.

: 155549 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 08 | Number: 9 TOSSUP: A jester in this play disguises himself as Sir Topas in order to continue pranking a steward in love with his mistress. In this play, a fake love letter addressed to M,O,A,I causes the steward Malvolio to wear some horrible-looking yellow stockings. This play begins with Duke Orsino proclaiming "If music be the food of love, play on!" In this play, the lady Olivia falls in love with a woman who (*)disguises herself as the man Cesario after a shipwreck off the coast of Illyria. For 10 points, name this Shakespearean play about the twins Viola and Sebastian.

: Twelfth Night [Twelfth Night, or What You Will] <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 30.

: 155560 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 08 | Number: 20 TOSSUP: This author ended an essay by addressing Coleridge's idea that "a great mind is androgynous." That essay by this author praises Jane Austen for being able to write fiction without access to the title place, which Judith Shakespeare lacked. This author of "A Room of One's Own" wrote a novel where the World War I veteran Septimus(*) Smith commits suicide on the night of the protagonist's party. In a novel by this woman, Lily Briscoe and the Ramsay family travel to the title location. For 10 points, name this British feminist author of Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse.

: Virginia Woolf [Adeline Virginia Woolf; or Adeline Virginia Stephen] <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 28.

: 155563 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 09 | Number: 2 TOSSUP: A depressing poem by this man asks to "pack up the moon and dismantle the sun." That poem by this author memorializes a man who is described as "my working week and my Sunday rest." He began his poem inspired by a(*) Brueghel ("BRAY-gull") painting by stating that "about suffering they were never wrong, the old Masters." This author asks to "stop all the clocks!" at the beginning of "Funeral Blues," and he reacted to the start of World War II in a poem whose speaker states that "I sit in one of the dives on fifty-second street." For 10 points, name this author of "Musee des Beaux Arts" and "September 1, 1939."

: W.H. Auden [Wystan Hugh Auden] <Amanda Sun>/<ed. Jacob> 27.

: 155437 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 03 | Number: 2 TOSSUP: A poem by this author describes an object in Tennessee that was "round upon the ground, and tall and of a port in air," and contrasts that object with a "slovenly wilderness." In another poem, this man chastises the "thin men of Haddam" for imagining golden birds instead of seeing the title animal, which was the only thing moving "among twenty snowy mountains." This author of (*)"Anecdote of the Jar" began a poem by declaring "Call the roller of big cigars." For 10 points, name this American poet of "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" and "The Emperor of Ice Cream."

: Wallace Stevens <Wenzer Qin>/<ed. Jacob> 53.

: 155496 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 05 | Number: 19 TOSSUP: In a novel by this author, the abusive husband Buck Scales is hanged in a New Mexico town where Jean Marie Latour and Joseph Vaillant attempt to restore Catholicism. In a novel by this author, Frank Shabata shoots his wife Marie and her lover Emil in an orchard. This author of Death Comes for the(*) Archbishop wrote about Alexandra Bergson marrying Carl Linson in O Pioneers! A novel by this author details Jim Burden's relationship with the title Bohemian peasant in her home state of Nebraska. For 10 points, name this American author of My Antonia.

: Willa Cather [Wilella Sibert Cather] <Carrie Derner>/<ed. Jacob> 41.

: 155658 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 13 | Number: 13 TOSSUP: The speaker of a poem by this man commands to "lose thyself" in the place "where rolls the Oregon and hears no sound." A poem by this author wonders whether "while glow the heavens with the last steps of day," "dost thou pursue thy solitary way?" A poem by this author instructs the reader to "approach thy grave and lie down to pleasant dreams." This author of "To a(*) Waterfowl" began a poem by noting "him who in the love of Nature holds communion with her various forms." For 10 points, name this American poet who wrote a "meditation on death" called "Thanatopsis."

: William Cullen Bryant <Jacob O'Rourke> 68.

: 155500 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2016 WHAQ I | Round: 06 | Number: 2 TOSSUP: A narrator of this novel dreams that a ghost's hand reaches into his room and breaks his window. A character in this novel throws hot applesauce in the face of a character who insults his hair. A protagonist of this book is adopted from an orphanage in Liverpool. This novel's narrators are Mr. Lockwood, who rents a room at(*) Thrushcross Grange, and the maid Nelly Dean. In this novel, Isabella Linton marries Heathcliff, who loves Catherine Earnshaw. For 10 points, name this only published novel by Emily Bronte.

: Wuthering Heights <Joe Stitz>/<ed. Jacob> 40.

: 156685 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature American Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 4 | Number: 10 TOSSUP: One work titled for the "Blues" of this place chronicles the positive and negative experiences of Native American children. In a work partially set in this location, James Castle commits suicide by jumping out of a window. In another work set in this type of place, Pudge is guided through his own (*) "labyrinth of suffering" and the title character dies while driving drunk to her mother's grave; that work is set in a location of this type called Culver Creek. In another novel set in this type of institution, the protagonist feels uncomfortable when Mr. Antolini strokes his head, which occurs after the protagonist was expelled from a place of this type called Pencey Prep. For 10 points, name this institution attended by protagonists of Looking for Alaska and Catcher in the Rye.

: boarding school [prompt on partial answer] <McMaken> 19.

: 156687 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 4 | Number: 12 TOSSUP: One member of this profession searches for his lost cat and is aided by his assistant Louise Munroe; that man is Jackson Brodie and was included in a novel series by Kate Atkinson. Another member of this profession is called the greatest one of this profession of all time and sends Miss Carnaby two hundred pounds prior to the conclusion of her dog-kidnapping campaign in (*) The Nemean Lion. Yet another member of this profession appears to know nothing of "literature, philosophy and politics," according to his assistant. That member of this profession faked his own death at Reichenbach Falls and was enamored by Irene Adler in "A Scandal in Bohemia." For 10 points, identify this profession of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot and Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes.

: detective [or private investigator] <McMaken> 15.

: 122323 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature British Tournament: 2014 SCOP Novice | Round: 9 | Number: 6 TOSSUP: When one of these literary devices is ruined, the Manager cries "I've lost a whole day over thesepeople!" The Rude Mechanicals create one of these called Pyramus and Thisbe for Theseus andHippolyta's wedding in A (*) Midsummer Night's Dream. Another of these, "The Murder of Gonzago,"is "the thing" that exposes the murderer of King Hamlet. For 10 points, name this theatrical device inwhich a work is performed as part of the action of another drama.

: play within a play (accept any description of characters in a play putting on a play; prompt on play; prompt on frame story) 96.

: 156720 | Difficulty: Easy High School | Category: Literature | Subcategory: Literature Other Tournament: 2018 Great Lakes Regional Academic Championship (GLRAC) | Round: 6 | Number: 3 TOSSUP: In one novel, this character gradually changes his mind while on a train to Paris to visit his lover Cécile. That work about this character is Michel Butor's La Modification. In a short story by Lorrie Moore, this character falls into decline despite her aspiration to become a writer. In another work, this character is directed by Mr. Cavedagna to a serial forger named (*) Ernest Marana. In that novel, this protagonist meets Ludmila and discovers that he is reading some Polish novel called Outside the Town of Malbork. This character is also the protagonist of Jay McInerney's Bright Lights, Big City. For 10 points, name this character who is the protagonist of Italo Calvino's If on a winter's night a traveler and other works written in the second person.

: you [accept answers indicating the reader or second person narration before mention] <McMaken> 21.

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