Lord of the Flies Study Guide

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This is the year the story was first published.


what assessments does Ralph make about the other boys?

- he observes that hey were dirty, now showers, long/knotted hair, clothes worn away

meaning behind Simons thought of the duality of human nature

- Duality of human nature: every human has good and evil within them, in their personality

during their brief break from hunting the Beast, Ralph beings to daydream of youthful days spent in England with his family. what does Ralph seem to focus most on?

- He talks about happier times

In what sense does Piggy's suggestion solve at least one problem the boys have? what change seems to have come over Piggy and why has this change occurred?

- He's afraid of the beast, so he's keeping everyone warm, because if the fire does go out they don't have to carry the wood - Piggy is more helpful, happier

Jack and Ralph mistakenly believe that Simon has followed them down to the beach, but Simon has gone off toward the jungle forest. how is Simon described?

- He's small, skinny, long hair, tan; heart, walk of purpose

as the assembly in what ways is Jack condescending and mean-spritzed when addressing the Littluns?

- Jack blames the kids and says they were the ones who started this since they brought up the Beastie to begin with; doesn't believe there is an animal on the island

Jack, Maurice, and Robert attack Piggy and Ralph. what invitation does Jack extend?

- Jack invites them to feast off the pig he killed with them, in order to convince them to join his group

as the boys are arguing about the necessity of keeping the fire going and how best to do that, Jack says "We're not savages. We're English, an the English are the best at everything" what do Jack's words tell us about his attitude? what not-so-endearing quality does Jack seem to possess? what task does Jack say he and his crew will take responsibility for?

- Jack is egotistical, thinks they're the best; being close-minded - Jack says his crew will keep the fire going, Ralph's crew will be responsible to be on lookout for a ship

jack says "we don't need the conch anymore, we know we ought to say things..." why re these very dangerous words? what fo these words imply?

- Jack is separating the group further - he might try to take over, do his own thing, and now listen to the others opinions

how does Jack intensify his attach on Piggy? How does Piggy use the concept of fairness to dented himself? who steps up and does right, and how does Jack react to the actions of this boy?

- Jack purposely did not feed Piggy, refused to give him meat - Piggy compared Jack to Ralph and Simon and said they all didn't hunt anymore than each other - simon gave piggy meat

when Piggy correctly points out the consequences of Jack's irresponsible behavior, how does Jack react? what precious object is damaged? who helps Piggy retrieve these?

- Jack reacts violently - broke Piggy's specs - Simon helped Piggy: his goodness is not dependent of the structure of civilization

as he walks up the scar, Simon, followed by several Littluns, stops. how does Simon then show patience and kindness?

- Simon got the fruit on the trees that they couldn't reach

what evil suggestion does Jack make with regard to the next time the boys play this "game"? what does Jack's suggestion tell us about his character?

- Jack says they should use a Littlon as a pig - It tells us he doesn't care if he kills them, his savage character (se's evil in people), and seems them as objects

Why does Piggy chastise Jack, thereby increasing Jack's sense of enmity toward Piggy?

- Jack should've waited for Ralph to finish talking

at times, Jack seems to have a brainless impulsivity; when Ralph mentions the need for a fire; how does Jack react? to piggy's consternation, what does Ralph then do?

- Jack tells the kids to follow him, he leafs them to get sticks and leaves - Ralph puts the shell down and runs after him

what is different about Piggy's hair? what does Piggy suggest the boys make? how does Ralph reacts to the suggestion? name 5 facts that have combined to make Piggy and outsider to the older boys.

- Jack's har doesn't grow - he suggests they make a sundial - Ralph likes the idea and suggests they also build an airplane, tv set, and steam engine - Piggy's accent, weight, mar, specs, and a certain disinclination; only one who's taking things seriously

who were the two smallest boys on the island? as these two boys, along with Henry, are playing in the sand one day, who comes along? where are the two boys coming from?

- Percival & Jonny - Roger and Maurice come out of the forest - They came from hunting/being in the forest

what causes Piggy to act in a way that surprises Ralph? what is one possible explanation for Piggy's outburst?

- Piggy asked the other boys to not wet his glasses, so he didn't have to clean them (they jokingly did) - he knew his glasses started the fire that would get them rescued, he's homesick

in what sense is Piggy incredulous when Ralph tells Piggy about The Beast? what borderline whiny (and annoying) question does Piggy have for Ralph? How does Ralph describe the Beast?

- Piggy questions if he really saw it or not -Piggy asks "are you sue, really sure, I mean" - Ralph said it had teen and big black eyes

what does Piggy suggest is the source of the collective fear that so many boy seem to have?

- Piggy thinks the fear is scientific

what dangerous medical attack does Piggy then suffer? how do the rest of the boys react to this attack?

- Piggy was struggling to breath - the other boys were ignoring him

Ralph doesn't seem too inclined to hear Piggy's points, so he goes on the attack towards Piggy. what criticism does Ralph Make about what Piggy's supposed to do? how does Piggy defend himself?

- Piggy was supposed to get everyone's name so they knew how many people were there - Piggy said he couldn't, because they always ran around to do what Ralph asked of them

what did Jack take after he attacked Ralph and Piggy?

- Piggy's glasses

after Sam and Eric tell their story of the beats, the boys are termed. what concerns does Ralph express about the Littluns? How does Jack react to this concern? what decision does Ralph then make? what accusations does Jack then hurl in Ralph's direction?

- Ralph couldn't tell if they were serious - Jack said they needed to keep looking for food and moving - he says someone has to stay and water the littluns, Piggy's new job

as Ralph daydreams, why does the narrator describe Ralph as being of fright, apprehension and pride? who varies Ralph's claims? how does Jack then "rain on Ralph's parade"?

- Ralph hit and injured the boar the 1st time and wasn't frightened - Maurice verified his claim - Jack hits the boar he's excited; Jack makes me feel bad, because he would/didn't kill the boar

why is Ralph so frustrated when he speaks to Jack? in what ways do Jack and Ralph talk past each other as the conduct their conversation? what very different preoccupation does each boy seem to have?

- Ralph is frustrated because he is the only one working on the hut - they talked about how there was a need for shelter and a rood to survive the snake-thing - Jack talked about how when you're hunting, sometimes you feel like your being hunted; Ralph still thinks the fire and being rescued was what needed to happen - Jack: hunting - Ralph: building hut (neither were listening to each other)

Explain what the following quote means:"...Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy."

- Ralph is sad because he realized that evil exists within all humans, he expresses loss of innocence, and that he is never going to see the world the same again (understanding the existence of evil)

as his mind counties to race, what distinction does Ralph make between himself and Piggy?

- Ralph wants Piggy's intelligence to be a strong leader

jack returns to the encampment and asks Ralph for water. why is Ralph so preoccupied that he does not hear Jack at first? who is the only boy assisting Ralph?

- Ralph was building huts, Jack was finding food - Simon assisted Ralph

what does one mean when he/she says Ralph's leadership is now in a precarious position?

- Ralph's leadership skills are maturing; he's a child leading a group like an adult

the mean-spirited Roger started to throw stones at Henry. what is interesting about Roger in terms of aiming the stones he throws? what seems to be constraining Roger?

- Roger is operating over civilized rules and right vs. wrong; has a guilty conscious - his humility and civilization was stopping him

as the meeting continues, how does Roger throw a "wet-blanket" over the discussion? how does Ralph then show leadership?

- Roger questions if they will ever be rescued since they have yet to see a ship - Ralph repeats himself and says they just have to wait/be patient

what act of cruel savagery does Roger commit? what shatters? how far does Piggy fall? where does the battered body of Piggy end up?

- Roger released the lever, releasing a boulder - the conch shell broke -> breaks their bond to civilization and order - he ends up in the sea - Piggy fell and died

what are Samneric doing in this chapter?

- Sam and Eric didn't go willingly, they were held captive and forced to work for Jack

as Ralph is lost in thoughts, what reassuring words does Simon offer Ralph? what middle sarcastic comment does Ralph make to Simon? How do we as readers realize that Ralph has appreciated what Simon has said to Ralph?

- Simon told Ralph "you'll yet back to where you came from" - Ralph asked him if he had a ship in his pocket - They smiled at each other, we known Simon helps others Ralph made a joke about the situation

which boys volunteers to return to Piggy who us alone in the dark with the Littluns? what do his actions reveal to us about his character?

- Simon volunteered - he is caring/loving and wants to keep everyone civilized

when simon grabs the conch, what suggestion does he want the boys to consider? when Simon's suggestion is dismissed but the boys how does Simon react?

- Simon wants the boys to climb up the mountain 0 he reacted by saying what else was for him to do; he's bored

major difference between the murder of Simon and the murder of Piggy

- Simon: was the result of a friendly mob, was an accident - Piggy: deliberately killed by Roger; on purpose

what is a compulsion? what compulsion does Jack have? how does this compulsions affect Jack's entire being? what does it seem to bring out in Jack? what comment does the narrator make about Jack's eyes?

- a compulsion: the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint - jack was hunting (obsessed with killing), didn't kill the pig. he othering his hesitation in the moment. there was madness in his eyes again, it was taking him over

what is parody and ow does Jack use this as a weapon against Piggy?

- a parody: an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect - Jack mimics how Piggy walks and talks (Piggy as acting tough)

what is an epiphany? what epiphany about something that only Jack is thinking does Jack have? why does Ralph at first become excited [and then disappointed] when Jack counts out "Got it!"?

- an epiphany is when a character has as sudden insight or realization - Jack is focused on the pigs, while Ralph thought the saw a ship

as Jack addresses his assembled are, how does he sue fear and terror to possibly incite the boys further violence?

- as the fear of the Beast increases, cautious and uncivilized behavior increases on the island

according to Piggy, why would Jack be compelled to give the glasses back to Piggy?

- because its the right thing to do

where does Simons's body lie? as the mind blows, what concurrent event occurs? how do the boys react to this event?

- body lays toward the beach - the dead parachutist is moving in the wind, going out to sea; they are freaked out by this - Simon & the parachutes bodies have left eh island: the only prod that beast is not real has left the island

what gives "The Beast" the illusion of movement

- darkness - fire going out - the light of the flames

as Ralph begins to explore this elevated area, he is soon joined by Jack. As Ralph looks out from this height what does he not se that makes Ralph both disappointed and frustrated?

- doesn't see smoke/ a fire

how does Jack manage to set himself up for a humiliating debacle? what strange comment does Jack make and what does Jack then do? what does Jack's comment reveal about his mindset and the way he views the boys' collective plight?

- he asks everyone to vote by a show of hands - he says he isn't going to play any longer with them, he's not going to be part of Ralph's lot; says he's going to go off by himself - it relieves he is acting childish, things this is a game; they're braking apart from a civilized group

while Ralph has been engrossed with his new fire, what has he NOT noticed? little by little, what has happened?

- he didn't notice everybody left for Jack's tribe

the scene shifts back to Piggy and Ralph, Ralph admits to Piggy that he is scared. ralph is not so much scared of the beast or Jack. what now frustrates and frightens Ralph?

- he fears his personality and character will change to not caring about the fire, resulting in them not being rescued (like the rest of the boys)

what does Ralph do to the Lord of the Flies?

- he hits it, breaking it in half

how is Ralph's emotional state revealed and why do you think Ralph feels this way?

- he is feeling the burden of being a leader; trying to act like an adult yet feeling the loss of his childhood

in what ways does the kind and gentle Simon try to free "The Beast"? what does Simon decide he must do as soon as he can?

- he saw the body of the parachutist, threw up, it was stuck, Simon untangles the lines form the rocks - he's going to tell everyone the Beast isn't real

Simon continues up the mountain and arrives at a sanctuary enclosed by creepers and other foliage. as he sits in this secret place, describe what Simon sees, hears, and smells. in what sense is Simon in communion here?

- he say saw a space in the jungle with a path of ricks, bushes, flowers - he heard the island: birds, bees, and gulls - he smelt the sea - the sense of peace; Simon was alone appreciating each other

what rather assertive statement does Simon then make?

- he says he doesn't believe in the beast

Jack wants to join who will join his tribe. what does Jack point out that he has already given he boys? playing on their fears, what promise does he make to the boys?

- he says he'll give them food and protection from the beast

what sad reality does Ralph state to Piggy? in what sense is Piggy on the defensive and perhaps even in denial?

- he says nothing would've changed to stop Simon from dying - he doesn't want to believe killing Simon wasn't intentional - Simon has been murdered, Piggy's in denial they were apart of it

what reasons does Piggy give to convince Ralph not to give up his power as chief?

- he says that if Jack was chief all the would do is hunt; Piggy is also scared of Jack, Jack ill bully him

what pagam element enters into Jack's mentality?

- he says their going to kill the pig and bring parts of it as an offering to the beast

in what ways is Piggy very critical of the boy's behavior? what does Piggy say must happen if the boys are to have any hope of being rescued?

- he says they act like unpack of kids who just run round and do as they are told by Ralph, they don't think before they act - he says they need to build shelter by the beach where its warmest and let the fire burn out so it doesn't burn the fruit they need to eat -> he's telling them to slow done and think logically

- how does Ralph muster his own courage and brains to defuse the crisis? what key question does he ask the group? what critical test does Ralph re-emphasize the importance of?

- he stood up to Jack, told him to sit because he didn't have the shell - said it was more a hunters job, including everyone - he asks them if they want to be rescued - re-emphaiszes keeping the fire going

what does Jack suggest to distract the boys from the fear they feel? who joins Jack as the main actor in this event? what intensifies in the sky as this happens?

- he suggests they do their dance (of reacting the murder of the pig): they were playing a game where one plays the pig and the others hunt him - the thunder and clouds tells us its going to get dark and death will come

what comment of Ralph's evidently stung Jack more then Ralph may have initially realized? when Jack grabs the conch and calls a meeting, what 5 deficiencies in Ralph does Jack point out?

- he talks about how the other boys don't know him, questions credibility - he says Ralph was talking bad about the boys

some of the younger boys push their peer, Phil, forward, what story does Phil tell?

- he tells the story of the beast he thinks he saw; see's Simon going to his spot at night, thinks its metaphorical

What further act of violence does Jack order his minions to commit?

- he tells the to tie up Sam and Eric, forcing them join Jack's tribe

what epiphany does Ralph then have about Simon?

- he thinks he's going to the top of the mountain

what fascination does Henry have as he wanders away and plays at the ocean's edge?

- he was festinated by sea creatures - he fells happy about exercising control over living things, feels powerful

describe Ralph. who are the only older boys who are still with Piggy and Ralph?

- he was limping, dirty, bruised - Sam, Eric, Ralph, and Piggy are the 4 in Ralph's group

Just before the meeting that he has called, what seems to be Ralph's emotional state? To his surprise, what happens when Ralph starts speaking? What nervous gesture does Ralph make as he is about to speak?

- he was uncertain/nervous - when he started speaking, he could speak fluently and explain what he had to say - nervous gesture: runs his hand through his hair

as the boys are speaking, a group of younger boys push one of their peers forward. how old is this boy? what distinctive mark does he have? when he finally communicates, what concern does this tyke have?

- he's 6 years old - has a mulberry-colored birthmark - says he saw some kind of scary creature)snake-things/beastie)

in what ways does Jack's behavior mirror that of a predator/animal? why does he end up frustrated?

- he's crawling like an animal - he's obsessed with finding and killing a pig or food (obsessed with hunting)

ralph lets the fire go out for the night. what does this symbolize? what do Ralph and Piggy seem to realize more and more? what do you think will happen if they don't leave the island soon?

- he's loosing hope that they'll get rescued - the final fire symbolizes the boys connection and desire to return to civilization, without it they will become more uncivilized

from Robert and Roger, what do we learn about Jack's behavior that serves as additional proof that Jack has tyrannical instincts?

- he's power-hungry - he's acting in cruelty and nobody questions it

when Golding wrote this story, he deliberately placed the boys on an idyllic coral island. what does the work idyllic mean? what in the old testament might Golding have been thinking of when he placed the boys on such a spot?

- idyllic: extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque - theoretical reference: Garden of Eden, a peaceful place

what arming does the Lord of the Flies give Simon if he he interferes with the boys' "fun"?

- if he doesn't back off, he will be killed

... meaning of incredulity

- incredulity means skeptical/questioning

what is the significance of Roger "sharpening stick at both ends" what do Samneric say about him?

- it shows Roger was planning on putting Ralph's head on a stick like he did with the pig

in stealing this object, Jack is robbing Ralph's group of much more than just the object itself. what does the loss of this object symbolize?

- it symbolizes the lose of intelligences that will now be gone

what is the "thin wail out of darkness" that chills the boys and causes them to grab hold of each other?

- it was little Percival realizing mankind can have an evil side, he was crying

Jack's crew wears war paint. what is the narrator saying? how does Ralph respond to this idea?

- its gives them freedom, because the paint makes them feel like they can act in an uncivilized manner

In Ralph's mind what is the most important duty that they all have if they want to have any hope of being rescued? what other point, also involving fire, does Ralph bring up?

- keeping the signal fire going is most important - Ralph says they won't have a fire anywhere but on the mountain, ever again

as the mounted head of the slaughtered sow seemsto gaze at Simon, what covers the head? what sign of beauty and life is now gone from this area? what facial form does the head now seem to take on? in what ways is Simon now suffering?

- leaves covered the head - the butterflies deserted - the dace had half shut eyes **- he's realizing they're all breaking apart of civilization

besides changing his outward appearance, what two inhibiting characteristics does this change remove from Jack's personality?

- loses shame and self-consciousness - he's turning into someone different - this is a bad thing, because he won't do anything - he kids/hurts others

as idyllic as this island may be, what reality does Piggy point out to the boys? what 3 literary allusions do the boys then make? (if you had to guess, what is the common thread that these 3 stories have?

- nobody knows where they are, so they might not be rescued - it's like Treasure Island, fun - it starts happy, then is probably going to end with fear and death

Jack beckons Roger to a place where Sam and Eric, along with Bill, are waiting. what new hunting ideas has Jack come up with? what colors now adorn Jack's face?

- not using clay to camouflage himself while hunting - he's not nice to the other kids - colors: red, white, black

as the chapter ends, Roger re-emerges as a new monster, in whose direct does Roger now direct his wrath?

- on the Littluns, pokes them with spear - also forces them to join his tribe

definition of sadism. how does Roger's cruel and violent behavior differ from Jack's

- sadism: savagery, cruelty - jack is into hunters, Roger is into hurting people - Jack is merited by power, while Roger is motivated buy the pain of other

what disturbing ending do we have to this chapter?

- something strange was happening to Percival

what is meant by the Lord of the Flies?

- the beast is the evil that's in humanity, Simon knew this

who seems to be the first casualty of the boys' collective irresponsibility? what evidently has happened to this young boy?

- the boy with the birthmark on his face - he was burnt from the fire

"they walked along, two continents of experience and feeling, unable to communicate." what do you think the narrator is saying here?

- the boys have 2 different jobs and are unable to communicate with one another

Ralph agrees to confront Jack and he hands Piggy the conch to carry. why did Ralph make this gesture?

- the conch represents civilization, he's taking leadership

how are the boys rescued? why is this ironic?

- the crazy out fo control fire caused them to be rescued - its ironic, because Ralph wanted a small, orderly fire, yet the savage out of control fire is what led to them being rescued

in what sense do Ralph and Piggy create and "alternative reality" to avoid responsibility for the brutal murder of Simon?

- the don't want to be associated with the murder - Piggy blames Simon

what does the narrator say about mornings? how do things change as none comes? what emotion sweep over the boys as night approaches?

- the morning re enjoyable: bright sun, sweet air, whelming sea; life was pleasurable - toward noon, floods of light were perpendicular, more hear (not enjoying) - inside at night, they were tired and frightened by the Beastie thing - the emotion was enjoyable and relaxed

(chapter 6, the sky changes) what has happened? what else happens in the sky?

- the sky lightened then darkened again, wind swept the island (suspense from the weather)

what caused Simon's facial areas to be bloody? what else happens to Simon? what is momentarily disturbed?

- the vessel broke in his nose (probably got hit) - he fainted likely, fell - he tries to pull himself up, flies are disturbed - he finds the pilots body

when Ralph looks down the mountain, he sees a procession led by Jack. what are the boys carrying and chanting?

- they are carrying a dead pig - chanting: "kill the pig, cut her throat, spill her blood." (Jack killed a pig)

as much as the boys don't want to join the group, what points do the other boys make to convict Ralph that they should join?

- they are going to get meat without going into the woods, because they are fearing the beast

what might the fact that the shelters are continually falling down symbolize?

- they aren't learning from their mistakes - the group is falling apart form each other

before Jack, Maurice, and Roger attack, how do they torment Piggy who does Piggy think is outside?

- they call his name, tell hime to come outside and say they want him - he thinks its the beast

what term does the little boy have for the "snake-thing"? when does the boy say that this creature appears. how does Ralph use his own background to lighten the mood of the other boys? what points does Ralph make? How do the boys then react to what Ralph says?

- they call it a beastie - Ralph said since his father was in the navy, the Queen of England has a map of the island, and he will come rescue them - the boys clapped when they heard this; belief in leader is solidified

what do all the boys do at the end?

- they cry

what borderline act of paganism do the boys perform? where are the boys when they perform this act?

- they cut the pigs head and put it on a stick (thats the LOTF)

after all the work gathering wood, what problem do Ralph and Jack then encounter? how do they solve this problem?

- they don't have matches or a way to light the fire - they use Piggy's glasses

what do the boys find at the top of the mountain? what assumption do they make about what they find? what do we as readers know about what they find at the top of the mountain?

- they found a rock-like hump which was a great ape - they find the body of a the dead parachutist - they think its a beast, we known its not - an example of dramatic irony

In conducting this meeting, what rule does Ralph establish if someone wants to speak? How does Jack react to Ralph's idea?

- they have to hold the conch shell - Jack was excited to have rules/punish people when they break them

what mean-spirited activity do these boys engage in?

- they kicked the littlons sand castles down - Maurice doesn't kick the sand in the kids faces: fells guilty, knows it wrong, felt there was no parent to punish them

as piggy walks near Jack's group, how does Piggy become the target of bullying?

- they threw hot pig meat from the fire at Piggy so he get burnt

what do the boys try to do to Ralph and how does he react?

- they try to throw spears at him, he panicked

what games do the boys begin to play? which boy pretends to be the pig in this game?

- they were re-enacting how Ralph hurt the boar - Robert pretends to be the pig, gets physically hit; the boys get caught up in the moment

as he assumes the leadership role he has craved for so long, what 5 pronouncements foes Jack make to the assembled boys?

- they will hunt, forget about the beats, not dream so much about whats on the island, kill a pig and eat it

what joint effort do Jack and Ralph seem to solidify their good feelings?

- they work together to lift the log back to the fire

what will be one side benefit to Piggy's new plan? what two tasks does Piggy perform for the first time?

- they're going to have a fire, just in a different place - Piggy helped gather wood and voluntarily used his glasses to start the fire-

as the boy assault Simon, where does he go in order to avoid the attack? what is Simon trying to explain to the boys as he is brutally assaulted

- tried to go up the hill - thought he say a dead man (parachutist) - he's trying to tell them the Beast isn't real - goes to the beach - they started attacking Simon to kill him, acting like animals (were biting him)

how does the role of Roger change? what void is left after this change?

- went from being a pig to a hunter; nobody is left to be attacked

When Ralph is being hunted, he has 3 strategies. what are they? which does he choose?

1) climb a tree 2) charge after the group 3) hide ~ he chooses to hide

I am the creature that is nearly slaughtered in this chapter.

A piglet

I am the giant object that the leaders send cascading down the mountain.

A rock/boulder

I am the catastrophe that has occured in the rest of the world as this story begins (Be specific)

An atomic bomb

Name the two affiliations from which Piggy suffers (besides obesity)

Ashema and poor eye sight

I am the boy who hesitates, thereby losing the opportunity to kill a creature tangled in the creepers.


I am the boy who demonstrates a sense of logic, fairness and reasonableness in the first chapter.

Jack & Piggy

how does Jack then manager to deflect attention/credit away from Ralph?

Jack shows everyone the scar on his arm, wants to take the attention away from Ralph

I am the boy who betrays another by revealing the boy's nickname.


I am the boy who is selected as the group's leader.


I am the boy whose dad is a military officer.


which boy volunteer to go up the mountain to find the Beast?

Ralph, Jack, Roger

I am the names of the two identical young boys.

Same & Eric

I am the boy whose name is similar to that of one of Jesus' Apostles. (His name does not begin with a "J"!)


I am the third boy chosen to explore the island with the leaders.


This boy, originally a member of the Choirboys, sometimes faints and stammers in trying to express his thoughts.


I am the name of the task that is given to Piggy.

Taking names

I am the object that is used to call an assembly.

The conch shell

I am the name given to the mark left by the descending plane.

The scar

I am the author of this story

William Golding

The articles of clothing used to distinguish former members of the Choir.

a black hat with a cross/a crox with a cross

I am the responsibility given to the boy who loses the vote for leader of the group.

the leader of the hunters (that person is Jack)

The "Beast"

• Symbolizes the primal instinct of savagery (ability for evil that exists in all humans) • As the uncivilized (savage) behavior on the island builds the belief of the Beast grows stronger • The Beast becomes more real as uncivilized behavior increases on the island

The Lord of the Flies

• The bloody pig head out on a stick • A physical representation of "The Beast" • A symbol of power and evil

Ralph & Simon

• civilized characters who use their power to protect the Littleuns and advance the good of the group

The Signal Fire

• measures the boys' desire/connection to return to civilization (civilized behavior) • the fire being lit is a sign the boys want to be rescued and remain connected with civilzation • when the fire goes out, it symbolizses the boys lack of desire to remain connected to civilization • the fire meaures the strength of civilized behavior/influence on the island


• symbolizes brutality and bloodthirst


• symbolizes natural human goodness • The only charaacter in which his morality (sense of right and wrong) is not dependent upon civilization • Simon would do the "right thing" even when he is removed from the laws and rules of civilzed society


• symbolizes order, leadership and civilization


• symbolizes savagery and a desire for power


• symbolizes the scientific and intellectual aspects of civilization

The conch shell

• symbolizses civilization and order • the shell governs the boys' meetings because only the person holding the shell could speak • as the boys behavior becomes more uncivilzed the shell loses its influence and power

Piggy's glasses

• symbolizses the power of science and intellect • his glasses are used to start the signal fire

Jack and Roger

• uncivilized boys who use their power to meet their own desires and treat the Littuns as objects

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