Lower Appendicular

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Name three differences between the male and female pelves.

- subpubic angle is larger in women - pelvic inlet is larger in women - acetabulum is larger in males

# of foot bones


Which is NOT a member of the lower leg?

A.Biceps femoris

Match the labels on the following diagram with the correct bones of the pelvis.

A: sacrum B: subpubic angle C: illium D: Pubis E: Ischium

Gluteus Minimus Action

ABduction and medial rotation of hip

Gluteus Medius Action

ABducts and medially rotates hip (femur); steadies pelvis

Which ligament prevents the hyperextension of leg?


Which ligaments provides anterior/posterior stabilization of the knee joint ?


Adductors (deep)A. longus, A. magnus Action

ADduction of hip

gracilis action

ADducts hip; flexes knee

Name the following muscles and their function

Adductor longus - aDduction of the hip Sartorius- aBduct, laterally rotates hip, flexes knee Gracilis- aDducts hip and flexes knee

Which of the following muscles is not part of the quadriceps muscle group? Biceps femoris Rectus femoris Vastus intermedius Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis

Biceps femoris

The anterior compartment of the lower leg is comprised of muscles that are responsible primarily for which action?

Dorsiflexion of the foot

What action do the group of muscles highlighted in pink perform?

Extend hip, flex knee

Thigh, Leg and Foot Bones

Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges

What kind of cartilage is in pubic symphysis? Which type of joint is hip joint? How does the mobility of this joint compare to others?

Fibrocartilage, slight mobility, important in giving birth. Hip joint is synovial ball and socket. Less mobile than shoulder, more mobile than elbow.

Pelvic/Femoral Muscles

Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus Psoas major (deep) Sartorius Adductors (deep)A. longus, A. magnus Gracilis

What bone marking is indicated by the X?

Greater trochranter

Which group of muscles are involved in extension of the thigh?

Hamstring muscles

Which muscle group is quadriceps and which is hamstrings?

Hamstrings- extend hip, flex knee Quads,-flex hip, extend knee

What type of joint is the knee joint?


What action of the hip is shown in this image? What primary muscles are being used?

Hip extension Gluteus Maximus

The knee joint

Knee is enclosed in articular capsule except on anterior surface where are quadriceps femoris tendon and patellar ligament that attach to the marking on tibia- tibial tuberosity.

Name two important factors that contribute to the stability of the knee.

Ligaments: help to prevent excessive movements at a joint and provide anterior/posterior stabilization of the knee joint. Menisci: These are flattened fibro-cartilaginous discs interposed between the articular cartilage surfaces of the knee joint. They serve to absorb shock in the joint, to maintain the proper apposition of the condyles, and help prevent lateral dislocation.

Which part of the foot acts as a shock absorber of human movement?


There are 4 ligaments that reinforce surfaces of the knee where they attach, and prevent moving leg too far relative to the thigh, in medial, lateral, front or back direction.

Namely, they prevent hyperabduction (tibial or medial colateral ligament), hyperadduction (fibular or lateral collateralligament), hyperextension (anterior cruciate ligament, ACL), and hyperflexion (posterior cruciate ligament, PCL).

transverse abdominus origin and insertion

O: Iliac crest, cartilages of inferior ribs, lumbar fascia, inguinal ligament I: Linea alba and public crest

external oblique origin and insertion

O: Inferior 8 ribs I: Linea Alba by a broad aponeurosis, Iliac crest

Rectus femoris O&I

O: anterior interior spine of pelvis and lip of acetabulum I: patella to tibial tuberosity

Sartorius O&I

O: anterior superior spine of ilium I: medial surface of tibia

Gluteus Maximus O&I

O: iliac crest, sacrum and coccyx I: iliotibial tract and posterior femur [hip]term-82

Biceps femoris (long head) O&I

O: ischial tuberosity I: head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia

Semitendinosus O&I

O: ischial tuberosity I: proximal medial portion of tibia

Semimembranosus O&I

O: ischial tuberosity I: medial condyle of tibia (posterior)

Tibialis anterior O&I

O: lateral condyle and upper lateral portion of tibia I: first cuneiform and 1st metatarsal

Gastrocnemius O&I

O: lateral condyle and upper lateral portion of tibiaI: first cuneiform and 1st metatarsal

Biceps femoris (short head) O&I

O: linea aspera of femur I: head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia

Vastus medialis/Vastus lateralis O&I

O: linea aspera of femur I: patella to tibial tuberosity

internal oblique origin and insertion

O: lumbar fascia, inguinal ligament,and iliac crest I: Linea alba, pubic crest, inferior rib surfaces, costal cartilages

Psoas Major deep O&I

O: lumbar vertebrae I: lesser trochanter of femur


O: medial border of tibia, head of fibula I: posterior surface of calcaneus

Gluteus Minimus O&I

O: outer portion of ilium I: anterior part of greater trochanter of femur

Adductors (deep)A. longus, A. magnus O&I

O: pubis I: linea aspera of femur

Gracilis O&I

O: pubis I: medial surface of tibia

rectus abdominis origin and insertion

O: symphysis pubis and pubic crest I: costal cartilage of 5th-7th ribs, xiphoid process of sternum

Gluteus Medius O&I

O: upper lateral portion of ilium I: lateral part of greater trochanter of femur


Ossa coxae + sacrum + coccyx

What is the primary action of the lower leg muscles highlighted in purple shown in the figure?

Plantar Flexion

Which muscles are involved in plantar flexion and dorsiflexion?

Plantar flexion - gastrocnemius and soleus Dorsiflexion - tibialis anterior

Which of the following is the common action of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles?


Left or right Knee? Ant or post?

Right Ant

What muscle is the arrow pointing to?


The quadriceps femoris is a group of four muscles located at the anterior thigh. Which muscle is not part of the quadriceps femoris?


Hamstring Muscles

Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Biceps femoris (long head) Biceps femoris (short head)

The doctor notices the patient's pain primarily occurs when she flexes her tibialis anterior muscle. What is the proximal attachment of this muscle? Note: The action of this muscle will help you determine its origin of attachment.

Shaft of tibia

obturator foramen.

The large opening in the anteroinferior hip bone between the ischium and pubis is the

Synovial membrane

The lining of a joint that secretes synovial fluid into the joint space. Connective tissue membrane which functions to diminish friction in the joint. Very extensive in the knee joint.

What are the attachments of the affected muscle that allow for dorsiflexion of the foot?

The proximal attachment of the lateral condyle and upper lateral portion of tibia Also, the distal attachment of the first cuneiform and 1st metatarsal.


The three areas of each hip bone, the ilium, pubis, and ischium, converge centrally to form a deep, cup-shaped cavity hip socket

Which muscle is involved in dorsiflexion?

Tibialis Anterior

Lower Leg Muscles

Tibialis anterior Gastrocnemius Soleus

Male Pelvis

Tilted less far forward Adapted for support of male's heavier build and stronger muscles Cavity of true pelvis is narrow and deep

The female pelvis has a wider sub-pubic angle, typically greater than 100 degrees. T/F?


Transverse abdominus action

Unilateral: Lateral flexion of the vertebral column Bilateral: flexes vertebral column and compresses

internal oblique action

Unilateral: Lateral flexion of the vertebral column; rotation of vertebral column to opposite side. Bilateral: flexes vertebral column and compresses abdominal wall

external oblique action

Unilateral: Lateral flexion of the vertebral column; rotation of vertebral column to opposite side. Bilateral: flexes vertebral column and compresses abdominal wall



proximal tibiofibular joint

articulation between the head of the fibula and the inferior aspect of the lateral condyle of the tibia


calcaneus (heel bone) is the only individual bone you need to identify

patellar ligament

connects patella to tibia

quadriceps femoris tendon

connects the quadriceps femoris muscle to the patella

Tibialis anterior Action

dorsiflexion and inversion of ankle (foot)

Biceps femoris (long head) Action

extends and laterally rotates hip (femur); flexes knee

Semimembranosus Action

extends hip (femur); flexes knee

semitendinosus action

extends hip (femur); flexes knee

Vastus medialis/Vastus lateralis Action

extends knee

Gluteus Maximus Action

extension and lateral rotation of hip (femur)

rectus abdominis action

flex lumbar portion of vertebral column

Psoas Major deep Action

flexes hip (femur)

rectus femoris action

flexes hip (femur); extends knee

Biceps femoris (short head) Action

flexes knee

Sartorius O&I

flexes, ABducts and laterally rotates hip; flexes knee

Hip Extensors

gluteus maximus, biceps femoris (long and short head), semitendinosus, semimembranosus

obturator foramen

he largest foramen in the body. It decreases the weight of the coxa. The fibrous obturator membrane (not shown) covers the foramen, except one small area where blood vessels and nerves pass between it and the bone.

parts of fibula

head of the fibula is the small, knob-like, proximal end of the fibula. It articulates with the inferior aspect of the lateral tibial condyle, forming the proximal tibiofibular joint. The distal end of the fibula forms the lateral malleolus, which forms the easily palpated bony bump on the lateral side of the ankle. The deep (medial) side of the lateral malleolus articulates with the talus bone of the foot as part of the ankle joint. The distal fibula also articulates with the fibular notch of the tibia.


head, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, lateral and medial condyles

calcenous bone

heel bone


hip bone

What is the largest part of the hip bone?


Pelvic Girdle

illium iscium pubis

subpubic angle

inverted V-shape formed by the convergence of the right and left ischiopubic rami; this angle is greater than 80 degrees in females and less than 70 degrees in males


lateral malleolus

In this anterior view of the knee, what is indicated?

lateral meniscus

Parts of tibia

medial condyle of the tibia and the lateral condyle of the tibia. The tibia does not have epicondyles. The top surface of each condyle is smooth and flattened. The tibial tuberosity is an elevated area on the anterior side of the tibia, near its proximal end. That is the place where patellar ligament attaches. This marking is very useful when orienting bones to determine if they are left or right during lab. Tibia is in addition always close to the midline of the body, while fibula is laterally oriented.


medial malleolus

In the knee joint, which of the following are pads of fibrocartilage located on the condyles of the tibia? These pads act as cushions between articular surfaces and partially stabilize the joint medially and laterally.


Parts of femur

neck of femur greater trochanter lesser trochanter

Soleus Action

plantar flexes ankle (foot), stabilizes leg when standing

Gastrocnemius action

plantar flexes ankle (foot); flexes knee

tibial tuberosity

point where the patellar ligament attaches

tibial or medial colateral ligament

prevent hyperabduction

fibular or lateral collateralligament

prevent hyperadduction

Which of the following is the primary extensor of the knee joint?


Which of these abdominal muscles is active during sit-ups, but not responsible for the side-stretch action seen in this picture?

rectus Abdominus

Abdomen Muscles

rectus abdominis external oblique internal oblique transverse abdominis

quadricep muscles

rectus femoris vastus lateralis/vastus medialis

Right or left femur?


posterior cruciate ligament, PCL

runs from anterior femur to posterior tibia, when knee is flexed PCL prevents hyperflexion and prevents tibia to move to posteriorly toward a femur

anterior cruciate ligament, ACL

runs from posterior femur to anterior tibia, when knee is extended ACL is pulled tight preventing hyperextension and prevents tibia to move to anteriorly toward femur


s a thin connective tissue sac filled with lubricating liquid. They are located in regions where skin, ligaments, muscles, or muscle tendons can rub against each other, usually near a body joint

What is the name of the human muscle that runs diagonally across the anterior of the thigh, indicated at the arrow in the image below?



sole of the foot. distinguish metatarsals from phalanges

menisci, medial and lateral

stabilize medially and laterally joint and act as cushion between articulated surfaces as the femur moves.

pubic symphysis

the cartilaginous joint known that allows some movement to facilitate childbirth


the lower, posterior portions of the pelvis

Muscles that share attachments sites and muscular compartments normally perform similar functions. Explain the significance of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles sharing a distal attachment to the posterior surface of the calcaneus (what shared function they have).

their muscle action is to plantarflex the ankle when walking

Female Pelvis

tilted forward, adapted to childbearing, broad, shallow, pubic angle lightweight, 80-90◦ subpupic angle


toes. distinguish metatarsals from phalanges

The distal end of the femur articulates with ___________ bone(s): the ______________________.

two; tibia and patella

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