MacroEconomics Ch.22

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The BLS reported that in February 2020​, the labor force was 164.5 ​million, employment was 158.8 ​million, and the​ working-age population was 259.6 million. The BLS also reported that 16.7 percent of all employment in February 2020 was part time and that 4.3 million people worked part time for economic reasons. How many people worked part time for noneconomic​ reasons?

(0.167 * 158.8) = 22.2

The BLS reported that in December​ 2015, the labor force was 157.8​ million, employment was 149.9​ million, and the​ working-age population was 252.0 million. The BLS also reported that 18.3 percent of all employment in December 2015 was part time and that 6.0 million people worked part time for economic reasons. How many people worked part time for noneconomic​ reasons?

(0.183 * 149.9) = 21.4

marginally attached worker

A marginally attached worker is a person who does not have a​ job, is available and willing to​ work, has not made specific efforts to find a job within the previous four​ weeks, but has looked for work sometime in the recent past.

Recovery​ won't improve unemployment Despite some optimism about the seeds of​ recovery, the Congressional Budget Office​ (CBO) sees joblessness rising. The CBO sees unemployment peaking at​ 10.4% next year from an average of​ 9.3% this​ year, before it falls to​ 9.1% in 2011. ​Source: Fortune​, August​ 25, 2009 Why does unemployment continue to rise as an expansion​ begins?

As an expansion​ begins, previously marginally attached workers look for​ jobs, exceeding the number of people hired.

Why does unemployment continue to rise as an expansion​ begins?

As an expansion​ begins, previously marginally attached workers look for​ jobs, exceeding the number of people hired.

Blue in red states Unemployment is 4.9 percentlong dash—less than half of the Great Recession peaklong dash—but Bernie Sanders got a big cheer when he dismissed the official unemployment rate as not reflecting those who are involuntarily working​ part-time, or those who have become so discouraged they have given up looking for employment. ​ Source: U.S. News​ & World Report​, February​ 12, 2016 By how much did the broadest measure of unemployment change from its​ 2008-2009 "Great​ Recession" peak?

At the beginning of​ 2016, the broadest measure of unemployment was at approximately​ _______ of its peak. 60 percent

Blue in red states Unemployment is 4.9 percentlong dash—less than half of the Great Recession peaklong dash—but Bernie Sanders got a big cheer when he dismissed the official unemployment rate as not reflecting those who are involuntarily working​ part-time, or those who have become so discouraged they have given up looking for employment. ​ Source: U.S. News​ & World Report​, February​ 12, 2016 Which of the alternative measures of unemployment does Bernie Sanders think is more relevant than the official unemployment rate and what was its level at the start of​ 2016?

Bernie Sanders thinks the​ _______ measure of unemployment is more relevant than the official unemployment rate. ​U-6; At the start of​ 2016, this measurement was​ _______. 10 percent

Who in the following statements is a discouraged worker​?

Dan is available to work but has not looked for a job in the past eight weeks because of repeated applications but no single offer.

Who in the following statements is a ​full-time worker and who is a ​part-time worker​

Dan works at Subway for 8 hours each day from Monday through Friday. Mary works at​ Starbucks' for 4 hours each day on weekends.

At the beginning of​ 2016, the broadest measure of unemployment was at approximately​ _______ of its peak.

During the​ 2008-2009 recession,​ U-6 peaked at about 17 percent. At the start of​ 2016, U-6 was 10 percent.

A BLS labor market survey interviewer recorded the facts about the 10 people on the four households shown in the table. Calculate the unemployment rate and the labor force participation rate for these ten people. How do the rates compare to the rates in the United​ States?

For these 10​ people, the unemployment rate is 16.6 percent and the labor force participation rate is 60 percent. The unemployment rate in this community is​ _______ the unemployment rate in the United States in 2016. The labor force participation rate in this community is​ _______ the labor force participation rate in the United States in 2016.: greater​ than; less than

Full employment

Full employment is when there is no cyclical unemployment​ or, equivalently, when all the unemployment is frictional or structural.

The small but serious threat of a U.S. recession The unemployment rate is 4.9​ percent, its level in 2008 before the recession. While it is unlikely that the United States will slip into recession this​ year, below-trend real GDP growth cannot be ruled out and some Wall Street economists say there is a 20 percent chance of recesion in 2016. ​ Source: The Financial Times​, February​ 5, 2016 Using the information in the news clip along with the​ graph, how would you describe the state of the U.S. economy through 2014 and 2015 and at the beginning of​ 2016?

In 2014 and​ 2015, the unemployment rate was​ _______ and the output gap was​ _______.: ​falling; gradually shrinking At the beginning of​ 2016, the unemployment rate was​ _______.: close to the natural unemployment rate and the economy was close to full employment

Which of the following statements illustrates structural unemployment​?

Outsourcing resulted in many job losses in the mid 2000s.

Potential GDP

Potential GDP is the value of real GDP when all the​ economy's factors of production​ - labor,​ capital, land, and entrepreneurial ability​ - are fully employed.

Which of the following statements illustrates frictional unemployment​?

Robin is quitting his current job to find another that has better prospects

Who in the following statements is a ​part-time worker for economic reasons​?

Sherrie is a graduate who started working at Safeway pharmacy for 4 hours each​ day, three days a​ week, as they do not currently have a​ full-time opening.

Here are four statements about the types of unemployment. Which of these statements is​ correct? 1. An autoworker who loses his job because of a slowdown in the economy example of cyclical unemployment. This type of unemployment increases in recessions and decreases in expansion. 2. An unemployed graduate searching for a first job is an example of frictional unemployment. This type of unemployment arises from normal labor turnover 3. An autoworker who loses his job in a recession is an example of structural unemployment. This type of unemployment arises when changes in technology or international competition change the skills needed to perform jobs. 4. An unemployed textile worker in South Carolina who loses her job because of competition from China is an example of frictional unemployment. This type of unemployment arises when changes in technology international competition change the skills needed to perform jobs

Statements 1 and 2 are​ true; the others are false.

The Great Depression was a period of high​ _____, low​ _____, and extreme economic hardship that lasted from​ _____ to​ _____.

The Great Depression was a period of high​ _____, low​ _____, and extreme economic hardship that lasted from​ _____ to​ _____.

Great Depression

The Great Depression was a period of high​ unemployment, low​ incomes, and extreme economic hardship that lasted from 1929 to 1939. OK

labor force

The labor force is the number of people employed plus the number unemployed.

The trend in the labor force participation rate of all​ working-age people is​ _______.

The labor force participation rate for all​ working-age people shows an upward trend until 2000 and a downward trend after 2000.

labor force participation rate

The labor force participation rate is the percentage of the​ working-age population who are members of the labor force.

natural unemployment rate

The natural unemployment rate is the unemployment rate when the economy is at full employment.

Explain the relationship between the percentage of employed workers who have​ part-time jobs and the business cycle.

The percentage of the employed people who have​ part-time jobs increases in​ _______ because​ _______.: a​ recession; firms cut work hours

Recovery​ won't improve unemployment Despite some optimism about the seeds of​ recovery, the Congressional Budget Office​ (CBO) sees joblessness rising. The CBO sees unemployment peaking at​ 10.4% next year from an average of​ 9.3% this​ year, before it falls to​ 9.1% in 2011. ​Source: Fortune​, August​ 25, 2009 Before the recession​ began, the U.S. unemployment rate was about 6 percent. As a recession​ begins, firms quickly make layoffs. Is this rise in unemployment mostly a rise in​ frictional, structural, or cyclical​ unemployment?

The resulting rise in unemployment is mostly a rise in​ ______ unemployment because​ _______. cyclical; it is related to the state of the economy

Unemployment falls to 4.9​ percent, lowest in 8 years U.S. unemployment of 4.9 percent is full employment. Only​ 151,000 jobs were created in​ January, down from​ 262,000 in December. With falling oil​ prices, 7,000 energy jobs were lost in January but​ 29,000 manufacturing jobs were added. ​ Source: CNN​ Money, February​ 5, 2016 How would you expect a shrinking energy sector and an expanding manufacturing sector to influence the actual and natural unemployment​ rate?

The shrinking energy sector​ _______ the unemployment rate and the expanding manufacturing sector​ _______ the unemployment rate. ​increases; decreases Other things remaining the​ same, the natural unemployment rate​ _______. is not expected to change because the events described are normal labor turnover

Unemployment falls to 4.9​ percent, lowest in 8 years U.S. unemployment of 4.9 percent is full employment. Only​ 151,000 jobs were created in​ January, down from​ 262,000 in December. With falling oil​ prices, 7,000 energy jobs were lost in January but​ 29,000 manufacturing jobs were added. ​ Source: CNN​ Money, February​ 5, 2016 Using the information provided in the news​ clip, which types of unemployment were present in the U.S. economy in January​ 2016?

The unemployment that is present in the U.S. economy in January in 2016 is​ _______. frictional and structural because the economy is at full employment

​working-age population

The​ working-age population is the total number of people aged 16 years and over who are not in​ jail, hospital, or some other form of institutional care or in the U.S. Armed Forces.


U-5 plus those employed part time for economic reasons.

The graph shows the unemployment rate in the United States from 1960 to 2016.Who in the following statements is a ​part-time worker for economic reasons​? The average unemployment rate was lowest during the 1960s and it resulted from​ ______.

Vietnam war defence spending and consumer spending encouraged by expanded social programs

In which​ year, 2000 or​ 2016, was real GDP below potential​ GDP? How can you tell from the graph to the​ right? Consider 2000 and 2016.

We can tell that real GDP was below potential GDP in​ _______ because​ _______. ​2016; in 2016 the output gap is negative

Describe the relationship between the unemployment rate and the natural unemployment rate as the output gap flutuates between being positive and being negative.

When the output gap is​ positive, the unemployment rate​ ______ the natural unemployment rate. When the output gap is​ negative, the unemployment rate​ ______ the natural unemployment rate. is less​ than; is greater than

The average unemployment rate was highest during the 1980s and it resulted from​ ______.

a deep recession

discouraged worker

a marginally attached worker who has not made specific efforts to find a job within the past four weeks because previous unsuccessful attempts to find a job were discouraging.

frictional unemployment

arises from normal labor turnover

structural unemployment

arises when changes in technology or international competition change the skills needed to perform jobs

The natural unemployment rate is the unemployment rate when the economy is​ _____.

at full employment

Cyclical unemployment is the fluctuating unemployment over the business cycle that increases during​ _____ and decreases during​ _____.

a​ recession; an expansion

The percentage of the employed people who have​ part-time jobs increases in​ _______ because​ _______.

a​ recession; firms cut work hours

At the beginning of​ 2016, the unemployment rate was​ _______.

close to the natural unemployment rate and the economy was close to full employment

The unemployment that is present in the U.S. economy in January in 2016 is​ _______.

frictional and structural because the economy is at full employment

When the output gap is​ positive, the unemployment rate​ ______ the natural unemployment rate. When the output gap is​ negative, the unemployment rate​ ______ the natural unemployment rate.

is less​ than; is greater than

The unemployment rate is the percentage of the people in the​ _____ who are unemployed.

labor force

labor force participation rate formula

labor force / adult population x 100

unemployment rate formula

number of unemployed / labor force x 100

The labor force is the number of people employed plus the​ _____.

number unemployed


official unemployment rate based on the standard definition of unemployment is

The ​working-age population is the total number of​ _____ aged​ _____ years and over who are not in​ jail, hospital, or some other form of institutional care or in the U.S. Armed Forces.

people; 16

The output gap is real GDP minus​ _____ expressed as a percentage of​ _____.

potential​ GDP; potential GDP

output gap

potential​ GDP; potential GDP

The trend in the labor force participation rate of women is due in part to​ _______. The trend in the labor force participation rate of men is due in part to​ _______.

the creation of more​ white-collar jobs with flexible work​ hours; some men taking early retirement


the percentage of the labor force that has been laid off and like​ U-1 is a measure of involuntary unemployment


the percentage of the labor force that has been unemployed for 15 weeks or more.

unemployment rate

the percentage of the people in the labor force who are unemployed.


the unemployment rate based on total unemployment plus discouraged workers.


the unemployment rate that includes​ U-4 plus other marginally attached workers.

cyclical unemployment

unemployment that fluctuates with the business cycle, increasing during contractions and decreasing during expansions

We can tell that real GDP was below potential GDP in​ _______ because​ _______.

​2016; in 2016 the output gap is negative

The small but serious threat of a U.S. recession The unemployment rate is 4.9​ percent, its level in 2008 before the recession. While it is unlikely that the United States will slip into recession this​ year, below-trend real GDP growth cannot be ruled out and some Wall Street economists say there is a 20 percent chance of recession in 2016. ​ Source: The Financial Times​, February​ 5, 2016 How would​ "below-trend real GDP​ growth" change the unemployment rate and what type of unemployment would​ change?

​Below-trend real GDP growth​ _______ the unemployment rate and​ _______.: ​increases; cyclical unemployment increases

A marginally attached worker is a person who does not have a​ job, is​ _____ and​ _____ to​ work, has​ _____ specific efforts to find a job within the previous​ _____ weeks, but has looked for work sometime in the recent past.

​available; willing; not​ made; four

Full employment is when there is no​ _____ unemployment​ or, equivalently, when all the unemployment is​ _____ or​ _____.

​cyclical; frictional; structural

The resulting rise in unemployment is mostly a rise in​ ______ unemployment because​ _______.

​cyclical; it is related to the state of the economy

Marla is an associate at JCPenney who wants to work 40 hours week but works 25 hours a week because sales at JC Penney are slow. Marla works part time for​ _______ reasons. Joe is a server at Olive Garden who wants to work 40 hours a week but works 15 hours a week because the number of patrons at Olive Garden has decreased. Joe works part time for​ _______ reasons.

​economic; economic

In 2014 and​ 2015, the unemployment rate was​ _______ and the output gap was​ _______.

​falling; gradually shrinking

​Below-trend real GDP growth​ _______ the unemployment rate and​ _______.

​increases; cyclical unemployment increases

The shrinking energy sector​ _______ the unemployment rate and the expanding manufacturing sector​ _______ the unemployment rate.

​increases; decreases

Potential GDP is the value of real GDP when all the​ economy's factors of production​ - _____,​ _____, _____, and​ _____ - are fully​ _____.

​labor; capital;​ land; entrepreneurial​ ability; employed

Michelle is a student who wants to work 20 hours a week at Cost Cutters so she can attend school. Cost Cutters schedules her for 20 hours a week. Michelle works part time for​ _______ reasons. Florence is​ semi-retired and wants to work 15 hours a week at Walgreens so she can spend time with her grandchildren. Walgreens schedules her for 15 hours a week. Florence works part time for​ _______ reasons.

​noneconomic; noneconomic

The labor force participation rate is the percentage of the​ _____ who are members of the labor force.

​working-age population

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