management 300 chapters 10-15

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The pragmatic survivor is a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills.


Transformational leaders are hardworking, tolerant, and fair-minded, but are not as capable of leading change as are transactional leaders.


Values associated with interactive leadership include personal confidence, exclusion, and independence.


Very high expectations from senior management and a desire to share authority by middle managers are two of the positive factors leading to success of TQM.


_____ occurs when the receiver responds to the sender's communication with a return message.


_____ focuses on whether performance meets established standards.

Feedback control

The process people use to make sense of the environment by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information from the environment is referred to as ______.

perceptual disortions

_____ refers to performance and the quality and quantity of task outputs as defined by team goals. a. Productive output b. Satisfaction c. Commitment d. Capacity to adapt e. Norms

a. Productive output

_____ refers to the messages and information sent from top management down to subordinates.

downward communication

The recommended management style from the leadership grid is: a. 1,9. b. 9,1. c. 5,5. d. 1,1. e. 9,9.

e. 9,9.

A(n) _____ includes anticipated and actual expenses for each responsibility center and for the total organization.

expense budget

Power resulting from a leader's special knowledge or skill regarding the tasks performed by followers is referred to as _____.

expert power

Most organizations measure and control performance using qualitative financial measures.


Organizations that want to challenge their employees and stay competitive can easily be stress-free.


Personal power, innovation, and nurturing are consistently viewed as manager qualities rather than leader qualities.


Productive output pertains to the team's ability to meet the personal needs of its members.


Research indicates people rate leaders as "more effective" when they are perceived to use one influence tactic.


Research shows that the personalities of the individual members play the most critical role in determining how well a team functions.


Social media does not include blogs and wikis.


Team members, in decentralized networks, must communicate through one individual to solve problems or make decisions.


The compromising style of conflict management reflects a high degree of cooperativeness and a low degree of assertiveness.


The country club management style (1,9) stresses high service and concern for guests or customers, sometimes to the detriment of employees of the firm.


The five stages of team development are forming, storming, reforming, performing, and adjourning.


locus of control refers to an individuals belief that he or she can successfully accomplish a specific task or outcome


self-management is not a component of emotional intelligence


social awareness is the ability to connect to others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others, and influence others


t or f: a positive attitude toward ones job is called cognitive attitude


the last step in getting organized is to empty your head


_____ is a motivational compensation program that allows workers to set their own hours.


_____ channels are those that flow within the chain of command or task responsibility defined by the organization.

formal communication

The _____ stage of development is a period of orientation and getting acquainted


The term _____ refers to a team member who attains benefit from team membership but does not do a proportionate share of the work.

free rider

When _____ deviates from a(n) _____, managers must interpret the deviation.

performance; standard

During the _____ stage of team development, the major emphasis is on problem solving and accomplishing the assigned task.


_____ channels exist outside the formally authorized channels and do not adhere to the organization's hierarchy of authority.

personal communication

An individual's ______ is the set of characteristics that underlie a relatively stable pattern of behavior in response to ideas, objects, or people in the environment.


_____ are the most basic human physical needs, including food, water, and oxygen.

physiological needs

A team created outside the formal organization to undertake a project of special importance or creativity is known as a(n) _____.

special purpose team

______ is the tendency to assign an individual to a group or broad category and then attribute generalizations about the group to the individual.


During the _____ stage of team development, individual personalities emerge. People become more assertive in clarifying their roles and what is expected of them


A physiological and emotional response to stimuli that place physical or psychological demands on an individual is called ______.


A(n) _____ for leadership makes the leadership style unnecessary or redundant.


A role in which the individual devotes personal time and energy to helping the team accomplish its task is called a(n) _____ role.

task specialist

_____ is defined as the extent to which members are attracted to the team and motivated to remain in it.

team cohesiveness

Skill variety, task identity, and task significance tend to influence the employee's psychological state of experienced meaningfulness of work.


Procedures and practices are downward communication topics that define the organization's rules, regulations, benefits, and structural arrangements.


Team cohesiveness does not necessarily lead to higher team productivity.


Teresa is highly imaginative and an artistically sensitive individual who displays a high degree of creativity. According to the Big Five personality factors, these qualities describe her openness to experience.


Routine messages tend to be simple and straightforward, such as conveying data or statistics.


The alienated follower is a person who is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization.


The arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior refers to motivation.


The certification based on a set of international standards for quality management, setting uniform guidelines for processes to ensure that products conform to customer requirements is the ISO certification.


Virtual and global teams are particularly prone to communication breakdowns.


When Lonnie shouts at Kerry in public for not finishing her work and suspends her for two days, he is using his coercive power.


a halo blinds the perceiver to other attributes that should be used in generating a more complete assessment


organizing the selected data into patters for interpretation and response is the last step in the perception process


people with an internal locus of control are easier to motivate because they believe the rewards are the result of their behavior


t or f: leadership occurs among people, involves the use of influence, and is used to attain goals


t or f: the link between satisfaction and performance, according to research, is generally small and is affected by other factors


the ability to connect to others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others, and influence others is referred to as relationship management


the three options in getting things done are: doing it, delegating it or deferring it


______ is a behavior pattern characterized by extreme competitiveness, impatience, aggressiveness, and devotion to work

type a behavior

Formal _____ includes messages that flow from the lower to the higher levels in the organization's hierarchy.

upward communication

Name the three basic principles for managing commitments effectively.

1. clarity of mind 2. clarity of objection 3. an organized system

Describe Carl Jung's four functions related to gathering and evaluating information for problem solving and decision making. Which problem solving style would be appropriate for an accounting profession? Why?

1. sensation thinking - emphasizes details, facts, certainty 2. intuitive thinking - prefers dealing with theoretical or technical problems 3. sensation feeling - shows concern for current, real life human problems 4. intuitive feeling - avoid specifics

______ is the belief that power and status differences should exist within the organization


A process in which lower level managers anticipate their department's resource needs and pass them to top management for approval is called top-down budgeting.


An expense budget lists forecasted and actual revenues of the organization.


An organization-wide commitment to infusing quality into every activity through continuous improvement defines Six Sigma.


Customer service, external business processes, financial performances, and the organization's capacity for learning and growth are the four major perspectives of the balanced scorecard.


Horizontal communication is particularly important in teaching organizations, where teams of workers are continuously solving problems and searching for new ways of doing things.


The initial cost of implementing the SOX reforms is relatively minor for a small business once it becomes public.


_____ negotiation is a collaborative approach to negotiation that is based on a win-win assumption, whereby the parties want to come up with a creative solution that benefits both sides of the conflict.


______ are stressors arising from the tasks required of a person holding a particular job

Task demands

A cash budget estimates receipts and expenditures of money on a daily or weekly basis.


A standard for performance is included in an organization's overall strategic plan to compare organizational activities against.


A transformational leader is a leader distinguished by a special ability to bring about innovation and change.


An activity ratio that measures how many times the inventory is turned over to meet the total sales figure is called the inventory turnover.


Charismatic leaders typically have a strong vision for the future and they can motivate others to help realize it.


Continuous improvement is the implementation of a large number of small, incremental improvements in all areas of the organization on an ongoing basis.


Research studies have confirmed that both functional diversity and gender diversity can have a positive impact on work team performance.


TQM tends to be most successful when it enriches jobs and improves employee motivation.


The basic assumption of hierarchical control is that people are incapable of self-discipline and cannot be trusted.


The final step of the feedback control model is to do nothing if performance is adequate or to take corrective action if performance is inadequate.


The goal of open-book management is to get every employee thinking and acting like a business owner.


The implementation of total quality management involves the use of many techniques such as quality circles, benchmarking, Six Sigma principles, reduced cycle time, and continuous improvement.


The income statement shows revenues coming into the organization from all sources and subtracts all expenses.


The liquidity ratio shows the company's ability to meet its current debt obligations and a measurement of the firm's margin of safety.


The system of governing an organization so that the interests of corporate owners are protected refers to corporate governance.


The systematic process of regulating organizational activities to make them consistent with the expectations in plans, targets, and standards of performance refers to organizational control.


Jay is a trusting and forgiving individual who gets along with others because of being good-natured and cooperative. This describes which of the Big Five personality factors? a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Emotional stability d. Openness to experience e. Extroversion

a. Agreeableness

When an electronic mail system is installed as part of the communication system, what element of the communication process is changed? a. Channel b. Message c. Sender d. Filter e. Receiver

a. Channel

Which of the following is the most familiar and obvious flow of formal communication? a. Downward communication b. Gossips c. Horizontal communication d. Upward communication e. Vertical communication

a. Downward communication

Louise, a top-level manager at INF Inc., has the difficult task of informing 12 employees that they are about to be laid off. Which communication channel should Louise use to break the news? a. Face-to-face b. E-mail c. Instant messaging d. Telephone e. Handwritten letter

a. Face-to-face

Rachel is described by her colleagues as pragmatic, super-competitive, and more likely to persuade than be persuaded. She fits which personality category most closely? a. High Mach b. Low Mach c. High Feeling d. Low Feeling e. Moderate Thinking

a. High Mach

Which of the following is a desired characteristic of both leaders and followers? a. Honesty b. Intelligence c. Loyalty d. Dependability e. Cooperation

a. Honesty

_____ standards represent an international standard for quality management. a. ISO 9000 b. Six Sigma c. TQM d. Kaizen e. Foreign Economy Index

a. ISO 9000

Which of the following statements is true? a. Morale is higher in cohesive teams. b. Productivity is lower in cohesive teams. c. Satisfaction is lower in cohesive teams. d. Morale always suffers in cohesive teams. e. Absenteeism rates are substantially higher with cohesive teams.

a. Morale is higher in cohesive teams.

Seeking positions of power and responsibility, Chandra has rapidly moved up the ranks within her organization. Colleagues describe her as someone with a tremendous amount of energy, and a powerful force for leadership within the organization. Based on this description, Chandra has what type of personality? a. Type A b. Type B c. Type C d. Type X e. Type Y

a. Type A

Which of these is sometimes called negative reinforcement? a. Avoidance learning b. Punishment c. Positive reinforcement d. Extinction e. Neutral learning

a. avoidance learning

A Level I leader is: a. capable. b. contributing. c. competent. d. effective. e. the highest level.

a. capable

The _____ plans future investments in major assets to be depreciated over several years. a. capital budget b. balance sheet budget c. cash budget d. revenue budget e. profit budget

a. capital budget

Jason has been unemployed for three months. When his wife asked him why he was not looking for a job, Jason responded, "If I am lucky, I will get my old job back." Jason would be considered as having a(n): a. external locus of control. b. high conscientiousness. c. sensation and intuition type personality. d. internal locus of control. e. high Mach attitude.

a. external locus of control.

Randy is a team leader at His team is made up of fifteen co-workers. Recently, he has noticed a tendency for some team members to participate much less than others. They seem uninterested and content to let others do the work. This is called: a. free riding. b. reduced commitment. c. power realignment. d. the costs of coordination. e. self-directed team.

a. free riding.

The collaborating style of conflict resolution is based on a _____ degree of assertiveness and a _____ degree of cooperativeness. a. high; high b. high; low c. low; high d. low; low e. low; medium

a. high; high

_____ means being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful. a. Humility b. Egotism c. Altruism d. Reserved e. Assurance

a. humility

About 75 percent of effective communication is: a. listening. b. telling. c. asking questions. d. the ability to persuade. e. choosing the channel.

a. listening.

All of the following are tactics for promoting stronger organizational commitment, except: a. maintaining a secretive culture b. being honest and trustworthy in business dealings. c. giving employees a say in decisions. d. treating employees fairly. e. offering employees rewards that they value.

a. maintaining a secretive culture.

When informing your staff of the date for the company picnic, a _____ would be most practical and successful. a. memo b. telephone c. video conference d. face-to-face contact e. newspaper notice

a. memo

Ophelia, the new CEO at Odyssey Inc., plans to implement a highly effective systematic process of regulating organizational activities to make them consistent with the expectations that are established by managers within the company. This is referred to as _____ control. a. organizational b. feedback c. budgetary d. systems e. quality

a. organizational

A high need for _____ is associated with successful attainment of top levels in the organizational hierarchy, according to McClelland. a. power b. achievement c. affiliation d. success e. expertise

a. power

Contingency factors that can influence the success of a TQM program in a negative way include all of the following, except: a. tasks make high skill demands on employees. b. management expectations are unrealistically high. c. middle managers are dissatisfied about loss of authority. d. workers are dissatisfied with other aspects of organizational life. e. managers wait for big, dramatic innovations.

a. tasks make high skill demands on employees.

Which type of leader clarifies the role and task requirements of subordinates? a. Transactional b. Charismatic c. Transformational d. Supportive e. Team

a. transactional

Andy's subordinates say that they love working for Andy because he inspires them to not only believe in the organization but to believe in their own potential as well. Based on this example, Andy can best be described as what type of leader? a. Transformational b. Servant c. Authentic d. Transactional e. Interactive

a. transformational

At Rightway Industries, new hires spend a significant portion of their first week of training just walking around the factory, observing other workers and watching them get rewarded for doing their jobs well. This is an example of: a. vicarious learning. b. self-efficacy. c. self-reinforcement. d. delegation. e. experiential learning.

a. vicarious learning

According to the text, all of the following are ways managers can improve their writing skills, except: a. writing lengthy explanations. b. respecting the reader. c. getting a second opinion. d. knowing your point and get to it. e. writing clearly rather than impressively.

a. writing lengthy explanations.

The _____ style to handle conflict involves a low degree of assertiveness and a high degree of cooperation.


Dysfunctional teams avoid _____, being unwilling to accept responsibility for outcomes and engaging in finger-pointing when things go wrong.


A(n) _____ ratio measures internal performance with respect to key activities defined by management.


Capacity to _____ refers to the ability of teams to bring greater knowledge and skills to job tasks and enhance the potential of the organization to respond to new threats or opportunities.

adapt and learn

______ is the degree to which a person is able to get along with others by being good-natured, cooperative, forgiving, understanding, and trusting.


______ are judgments about what caused a person's behavior-something about the person or something about the situation.


_____, according to the Leadership Grid, occurs when efficiency in operations is the dominant orientation.


_____ is the degree to which the worker has freedom, discretion, and self-determination in planning and carrying out tasks.


_____ is the removal of an unpleasant consequence following a desired behavior.

avoidance learning

A quality circle is a group of _____ volunteer employees. a. 2 to 4 b. 6 to 12 c. 10 to 20 d. 15 to 25 e. 30 to 50

b. 6 to 12

Which of the following comprises the lowest channel richness? a. Electronic mail b. Bulletins c. Face-to-face talk d. Telephone e. Memos

b. Bulletins

Beth, a middle manager at Heather's Handbags, uses threats and punishments as ways of influencing the behavior of his subordinates. Which of the following sources of power is Beth relying on? a. Reward power b. Coercive power c. Expert power d. Referent power e. Personal power

b. Coercive power

Which of the following refers to the system of governing an organization so that the interests of corporate owners are protected? a. Quality circle b. Corporate governance c. ISO certification d. Open-book management e. Balance scorecard

b. Corporate governance

The _____ involves whether putting effort into a task will lead to high performance. a. P -> O expectancy b. E -> P expectancy c. O -> V expectancy d. A -> Z expectancy e. V -> P expectancy

b. E -> P expectancy

Which of the following behaviors is NOT consistent with the socioemotional role? a. Encourage b. Energize c. Harmonize d. Compromise e. Follow

b. Energize

What is the first step in the feedback control system? a. Establishing strategic objectives b. Establishing standards of performance c. Taking corrective action d. Comparing performance to standard e. Measuring previous performance

b. Establishing standards of performance

At LBK Industries, responsibility for quality control rests with a team of quality control inspectors and supervisors rather than with employees. LBK uses what type of organizational control? a. Matrix control b. Hierarchical control c. Decentralized control d. Bottom-up control e. Balanced control

b. Hierarchical control

Frank regretfully missed an important deadline at work. His boss, George, thinks to himself, "Frank missed that deadline because he is lazy; I really need to crack down on him more." This is an example of what kind of attribution? a. External attribution b. Internal attribution c. Horizontal attribution d. Vertical attribution e. Skewed attribution

b. Internal attribution

_____refers to a positive attitude toward one's job. a. Organizational citizenship b. Job satisfaction c. Cognitive dissonance d. Organizational commitment e. Job involvement

b. Job satisfaction

Which of the following countries has the most secretive economy? a. Russia b. Nigeria c. Mexico d. Germany e. Singapore

b. Nigeria

Michael's team has evolved to the storming stage of team development. As team leader, what should Michael be emphasizing? a. Lots of informal interaction b. Participation by all team members c. Task accomplishment d. Goal achievement e. Disbanding the team

b. Participation by all team members

_____ means that the first behaviors that occur in a team often set a precedent for later team expectations. a. Critical events b. Primacy c. Carryover behaviors d. Explicit statements e. Recency

b. Primacy

Daisy tried to apply the job characteristics model to her workforce, but it only worked for some of her employees. Which of the following may be a reason why it did not work for everyone? a. Some of her employees are lazy. b. Some of her employees are low in growth-need strength. c. Some of her employees have a low need for power. d. All of her employees have high growth-needs. e. Some of her employees have low affiliation needs.

b. Some of her employees are low in growth-need strength.

Traits of _____seem to be particularly important in today's collaborative organizations. a. likability b. agreeableness c. friendliness d. openness e. sociability

b. agreeableness

Strategic conversations include: a. directing attention to values. b. asking questions. c. social media. d. personal networks. e. influencing employee behavior.

b. asking questions.

Most executives now believe that important information flows from the: a. top down. b. bottom up. c. diagonal level. d. horizontal level to diagonal level. e. internal to external.

b. bottom up.

When a group of workers have routine tasks to perform, a _____ communication structure allows more time for the task to be completed. a. linear b. centralized c. decentralized d. gossip e. team

b. centralized

A task force is sometimes called a(n): a. vertical team. b. cross-functional team. c. command team. d. special-purpose team. e. executive team.

b. cross-functional team.

The first step toward better time management is to: a. decide the first action. b. empty your head. c. delegate as necessary. d. defer some things to be done later. e. get organized.

b. empty your head.

Andrea is team leader of the focus group at her organization. In the past, the group was plagued by lack of cooperation and disrespect. Today, she told team members that if anyone tried to undermine another member, that person would be kicked off the team. This is an example of a(n): a. critical event. b. explicit statement. c. experiential carryover. d. implied norm. e. accommodation.

b. explicit statement.

Tamika is a manager at Sleeveless Clothes, Inc. Recently, she was assigned a work team. She is in charge of the team and it consists of the subordinates under her authority. This is an example of a _____ team. a. horizontal b. functional c. self-managed d. special-purpose e. social

b. functional

Which term, in goal-setting theory, refers to the need to make goals highly ambitious but achievable? a. Goal specificity b. Goal difficulty c. Goal acceptance d. Feedback e. Goal motivation

b. goal difficulty

Colleen Farney at TeleTech shows vast knowledge, intelligence, cognitive ability, and keen decisiveness. Which personal characteristic of leadership is she showing? a. Physical characteristics b. Intelligence and ability c. Personality d. Social characteristics

b. intelligence and ability

Tammy is a production manager at Eagle's Nest, Inc. She is concerned that too much money is being wasted on inventory that is sitting in the warehouse too long. She should calculate a(n): a. current ratio. b. inventory turnover ratio. c. conversion ratio. d. profitability ratio. e. leverage ratio.

b. inventory turnover ratio.

Peter has the ability to convince others to work toward the attainment of goals. This ability is known as: a. motivation. b. leadership. c. commitment. d. a conceptual skill. e. personal agenda.

b. leadership

Ian does not have much of a relationship with his subordinates. They feel obligated to do as he says because he's the boss. This is an example of: a. referent power. b. legitimate power. c. coercive power. d. reward power. e. expert power.

b. legitimate power

The skills of _____ require receiving messages to accurately grasp facts and feelings to interpret the meaning of the message. a. communication b. listening c. managing d. reception e. telling

b. listening

Which of the following is the arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior? a. Commitment b. Motivation c. Satisfaction d. Rewarding behavior e. Behavior modification

b. motivation

When interviewing prospective employees, Samuel, a seasoned manager, often observes hand gestures, facial expressions, and use of space to gauge individuals' personalities. These are all examples of: a. listening. b. nonverbal communication. c. empathizing. d. direct communication. e. nuance communication.

b. nonverbal communication.

One of your fellow students is continually late to class. The professor has tried numerous verbal warnings and recently took points away from the student's grade. Based on the above, the professor's actions are consistent with which of the following reinforcement techniques? a. Negative reinforcement b. Punishment c. Positive reinforcement d. Avoidance learning e. Rewards enhancement

b. punishment

Work team effectiveness is based on three outcomes: productive output, capacity to adapt and learn, and: a. cohesiveness. b. satisfaction. c. commitment. d. leadership. e. norms.

b. satisfaction.

Effective virtual team leaders use technology to build relationships through all of the following ways, except: a. bring attention to and appreciate divers skills and opinions. b. scrutinize electronic communication patterns. c. use technology to enhance communication and trust. d. ensure timely responses online. e. manage online socialization.

b. scrutinize electronic communication patterns.

The _____ provides three types of information: assets, liabilities, and owners' equity.

balance sheet

The continuous process of measuring products, services, and practices against major competitors or industry leaders is called _____.


A budgeting process in which lower-level managers budget their departments' resource needs and pass them up to top management for approval is called _____ budgeting.


Marion is a great manager and he has a number of special skills. In particular, Marion has the ability to get his subordinates to do more than would be normally expected. Which of the following terms best describes Marion? a. Transactional leader b. Supportive leader c. Charismatic leader d. People-oriented leader e. Production-oriented leader

c. Charismatic leader

If Ben is tense, nervous, depressed and insecure, he would tend to be rated as low on which of these factors? a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Emotional stability d. Openness to experience e. Extroversion

c. Emotional stability

The highest total number of ISO 9000 certifications is held in: a. the United States. b. South America. c. Europe. d. China. e. Africa.

c. Europe.

Sally is a member of a work team at Beauty-R-Us Corporation. She often proposes new solutions to team problems. This is an example of which task specialist role? a. Harmonize b. Seek information c. Initiation d. Reduce tension e. Compromise

c. Initiation

Fred, a software engineer, is in charge of scrutinizing electronic communication patterns as part of his role within a virtual team at work. Fred's role fulfills which virtual team practice? a. Using technology to build relationships b. Shaping culture through technology c. Monitoring progress and rewards d. Administering rewards e. Using global teams to develop technology

c. Monitoring progress and rewards

In what stage of the perception process are individuals likely to put things into patterns? a. Selecting b. Projecting c. organizing d. Sensing e. Reasoning

c. Organizing

Selina is meeting with her subordinate Mike for his annual performance review. At the end of the review, Mike tells Selina that he is confused about some things she said. By asking Selina to explain certain things in more detail, Mike is engaging in which component of the communication process? a. Selecting a channel b. Sifting through noise c. Providing feedback d. Encoding the message e. Decoding the message

c. Providing feedback

Which of the following theories places an emphasis on behavior and its consequences? a. Two-factor theory b. Need hierarchy theory c. Reinforcement theory d. ERG theory e. Equity theory

c. Reinforcement theory

Blaming the teacher for a poor grade on an exam, and taking credit for good grades could be an example of which perceptual bias? a. Perceptual distortion b. Closure activity c. Self-serving bias d. Stereotyping e. Perceptual grouping

c. Self-serving bias

Maliah bases her judgments on impersonal analysis. To resolve problems at work, she uses reason and logic rather than personal values or emotional aspects of the situation. In gathering information, Maliah prefers routine and order. Based on this information, Maliah ranks highly in which Myers-Briggs category? a. Judging-Perceiving b. Intuitive-Thinking c. Sensation-Thinking d. Sensation-Feeling e. Intuitive-Feeling

c. Sensation-Thinking

Jessica has just been appointed leader of a new work team in her organization. She is wondering what to do at her first meeting with the group. Which of the following would you suggest? a. She should waste little time; get the team focused on the task. b. She should help the team clarify roles and responsibilities. c. She should allow time for team members to become acquainted with one another; allow for informal social interaction. d. She should let someone else worry about this since she is the leader. e. She should propose to disband the team.

c. She should allow time for team members to become acquainted with one another; allow for informal social interaction.

Which of the following teams are created outside the formal organization structure to undertake a project of special importance or creativity? a. Vertical b. Command c. Special-purpose d. Cross-functional e. Functional

c. Special-purpose

One of Ruby's few flaws is that she does not consider possibilities beyond what she is told, accepting her supervisor's ideas without thinking. She can best be described as what type of thinker? a. Transformational b. Servant c. Uncritical d. Transactional e. Critical

c. Uncritical

Abbi works at Railroad Ties. Her bosses continually indicate that her motivational level is low. Abbi agrees, but is unwilling to work harder until the company changes the types of reward it offers its employees. Which of the following is low for Abbi? a. E -> P expectancy b. O -> P expectancy c. Valence d. Motivators e. O -> E indicators

c. Valence

Channel richness refers to the: a. number of messages a channel can carry at one time. b. speed in which messages can be carried. c. amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode. d. number of channels available at any one time. e. profitability potential of a proposed channel.

c. amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode.

Researchers at the Ohio State University identified two major behaviors called: a. commitment and consideration. b. commitment and initiation. c. consideration and initiating structure. d. initiating structure and commitment. e. consideration and concern for people.

c. consideration and initiating structure

Which of the following theories emphasize the needs that motivate people? a. Process b. Reinforcement c. Content d. Contingency e. Situational

c. content

Information distortion or loss of message content is a major problem with: a. upward communication. b. formal communication. c. downward communication. d. informal communication. e. horizontal communication.

c. downward communication.

The delegation of power and authority to subordinates is referred to as: a. need for power. b. need for achievement. c. empowerment. d. passing the buck. e. need of affiliation.

c. empowerment

Which of the following is NOT one of Schmidt's five leadership precepts? a. Get to know your employees b. Create new ways to reward high performers c. Ensure the integrity of the hierarchy d. Let employees own the problems e. Have employees' performance reviewed by respected others

c. ensure the integrity of the hierarchy

_____ is necessary for communication to be considered two-way. a. Message b. Channel c. Feedback d. Noise e. Circuit

c. feedback

All of the following are key steps of setting up feedback control systems, except: a. comparing performance to standards. b. establishing standards. c. getting employee opinions. d. measuring performance. e. making necessary corrections.

c. getting employee opinions

The early research on leadership traits was referred to as the: a. contingency theory of leadership. b. path-goal theory of leadership. c. great man approach. d. situational theory of leadership. e. behavioral approach.

c. great man approach

Research shows that _____are predisposed to being pragmatic, capable of lying to achieve personal goals, more likely to win in win-lose situations, and more likely to persuade than be persuaded. a. high introverted individuals b. high authoritarians c. high Machs d. low extroverted individuals e. low Machs

c. high Machs

Upward communication is usually used to communicate information about all of the following, except: a. suggestions for improvement. b. performance reports. c. indoctrination. d. financial and accounting information. e. grievance and disputes.

c. indoctrination.

Leadership is reciprocal, according to your text. This means: a. it is dynamic. b. it is a problem-solving activity. c. it occurs among people. d. redundant. e. it always creates conflict.

c. it occurs among people

According to the control model, after establishing standards of performance the manager should: a. compare performance to standards. b. get the standards approved by the supervisors and subordinates. c. measure actual performance. d. take corrective action. e. provide feedback.

c. measure actual performance.

According to Herzberg, _____ is an example of a hygiene factor. a. achievement b. recognition c. pay d. responsibility e. opportunity for growth

c. pay

All of the following are interpersonal influence tactics, except: a. help people like you. b. develop allies. c. rely on the rule of demand. d. make use of higher authority. e. ask for what you want.

c. rely on the rule of demand

An individual's strong belief that he or she can successfully accomplish a specific task or outcome is referred to as: a. locus of control. b. self-confidence. c. self-efficacy d. perceptual selectivity. e. cognitive dissonance.

c. self-efficacy.

Brad is a department manager at Home Theater, Inc. His sole role in the budget process is to implement the budget that is developed for him. This is an example of: a. strategic budgeting. b. operational budgeting. c. top-down budgeting. d. management by objectives. e. bottom-up budgeting.

c. top-down budgeting.

Recently, Beagle Boutique was attempting to hire a middle manager. They were looking for an intelligent, confident, and honest individual. Which approach to leadership was Beagle using? a. The contingency approach b. The situational approach c. The trait approach d. The behavioral approach e. The substitute approach

c. trait approach

Wilson is viewed by his boss as driven, tenacious, and conscientious in the pursuit of his goals. These characteristics fit within which category? a. Physical characteristics b. Intelligence and ability c. Work-related characteristics d. Social background e. Social characteristics

c. work-related characteristics

The _____ lists planned investments in major assets such as buildings, trucks, and heavy machinery, often involving expenditures over more than a year.

capital budget

A(n) _____ is a team communication structure in which team members communicate through a single individual to solve problems or make decisions.

centralized network

The amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode is known as _____.

channel richness

The _____ has the ability to inspire and motivate people to do more than they would normally do, despite obstacles and personal sacrifice.

charismatic leader

Which of the following is NOT a need proposed by Maslow in his hierarchy of needs theory? a. Safety needs b. Compensation needs c. Physiological needs d. Esteem needs e. Self-actualization needs

compensation needs

_____ is the extent to which the leader is mindful of subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust.


_____ theories emphasize the needs that motivate people.


A model of leadership that describes the relationship between leadership styles and specific organizational situations is called a(n) _____ approach


The implementation of a large number of small, incremental improvements in all areas of the organization on an ongoing basis is referred to as _____.

continuous improvement

_____ refers to the system of governing an organization so that the interests of corporate owners are protected.

corporate governance

What percent of the details passed through a grapevine is accurate? a. 15 to 20 percent b. 25 to 35 percent c. 40 to 60 percent d. 70 to 90 percent e. 100 percent

d. 70 to 90 percent

What percentage of a manager's time is spent in direct communication? a. 20 percent b. 100 percent c. 50 percent d. 80 percent e. 40 percent

d. 80 percent

Stella, a systems manager for a large technology company, would like to get an understanding of her company's financial position with respect to assets and liabilities at the end of the fiscal year. Which financial statement should she refer to? a. Income statement b. Activity ratio c. TQM report d. Balance sheet e. Balance scorecard

d. Balance sheet

Which of the following is the process of measuring your organizational process against the best in the industry? a. Outsourcing b. Continuous improvement c. Environmental analysis d. Benchmarking e. Competitive measurement

d. Benchmarking

Which of the following is a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills? a. Passive follower b. Effective follower c. Alienated follower d. Conformist e. Pragmatic survivor

d. Conformist

_____ and _____ are potential sources for communication errors, because knowledge, attitudes, and background act as filters. a. Encoding; channel b. Encoding; noise c. Decoding; channel d. Decoding; encoding e. Decoding; noise

d. Decoding; encoding

Jay, a divisional vice president of a consumer goods manufacturer, gives a presentation to all divisional employees to outline the company's goals for the coming year. This is an example of what type of organizational communication? a. Virtual communication b. Grapevine communication c. Lateral communication d. Downward communication e. Upward communication

d. Downward communication

Jenna composes an email from home to her boss to inform him that she will be late getting to work that day. The act of composing an email involves which stage of the communication process? a. Selecting a channel b. Sifting through noise c. Providing feedback d. Encoding the message e. Decoding the message

d. Encoding the message

Which of the following includes anticipated and actual expenses for a responsibility center? a. Revenue budget b. Cash budget c. Capital budget d. Expense budget e. Operating budget

d. Expense budget

Amber is a member of a work team at Buchanon Dance, Inc. She often attempts to help disagreeing parties reach agreement. This is an example of which socioemotional role behavior? a. Compromise b. Follow c. Reduce tension d. Harmonize e. Summarize

d. Harmonize

Which of the following describes the last step in the perception process? a. Observing information b. Screening the information c. Selecting what to process d. Organizing the selected data into patterns e. Transmitting the observed information

d. Organizing the selected data into patterns

_____type people, according to Jung, would rather work with known facts and hard data and prefer routine and order in gathering information. a. Feeling b. Gut-feel c. Intuitive d. Sensation e. Affective

d. Sensation

Which of the following is a quality control approach that emphasizes a relentless pursuit of higher quality and lower costs? a. Continuous improvement b. Cycle time c. Quality circles d. Six Sigma e. Benchmarking

d. Six Sigma

Josh evaluates Kandi's performance and gives her an "outstanding" based on his knowledge that she came to work every day earlier than anyone else and therefore she is extremely hardworking. Josh is making which of these errors in perceptual judgment? a. Perceptual defense b. Projection c. Stereotyping d. The halo effect e. Figure-ground

d. The halo effect

Samuel, a sales associate at an electronics store, learns that his base pay is higher than any other sales associate in the store. He justifies his higher salary to the idea that he must be a top sales associate, generating more revenue than anyone else. This example demonstrates which method for reducing perceived inequity? a. Working harder, not smarter b. Changing outcomes c. Changing work effort d. Changing perceptions e. Leaving the job

d. changing perceptions

All of these behaviors are consistent with the role of a task specialist, except: a. seek information. b. initiation. c. summarize. d. compromise. e. energize.

d. compromise

Nelson is motivated by a strong need for recognition and is continually seeking credit for his contributions to the organization. According to Maslow, Nelson is motivated by which category of needs? a. Physiological b. Safety c. Belongingness d. Esteem e. Self-actualization

d. esteem

The job characteristic of feedback provides the worker with: a. employee growth-need strength. b. experienced meaningfulness of work. c. experienced responsibility. d. knowledge of actual results. e. demotivation.

d. knowledge of actual results

The leader who stimulates high standards and champions dedication to vision is a _____ leader a. Level 1 b. Level 2 c. Level 3 d. Level 4 c. Level 5

d. level 4

The avoiding style of conflict resolution is based on a _____ degree of assertiveness and a _____ degree of cooperativeness. a. high; high b. high; low c. low; high d. low; low e. low; medium

d. low; low

The forming stage of team development is characterized by: a. the establishment of order and cohesion. b. cooperation. c. problem solving. d. orientation. e. conflict.

d. orientation.

Net income divided by sales is the correct formula for calculating: a. return on total assets. b. a current ratio. c. a liquidity ratio. d. profit margin on sales. e. a corporate evaluation.

d. profit margin on sales.

Two leadership styles used by Fiedler in his contingency theory were: a. employee-centered and job-centered. b. consideration and initiating structure. c. concern for people and concern for production. d. relationship-oriented and task-oriented. e. employee-oriented and relations-oriented.

d. relationship-oriented and task-oriented

Type A behavior pattern is characterized by all of these, except: a. impatience. b. devotion to work. c. aggressiveness. d. relaxed lifestyle. e. extreme competitiveness.

d. relaxed lifestyle.

All of the following are leadership qualities, except: a. visionary. b. innovative. c. promotes change. d. structured. e. nurtures.


In a(n) _____ network, individuals can communicate freely with other team members.


_____ control uses cultural values, traditions, shared beliefs, and trust to generate compliance with organizational goals.


To translate the symbols used in a message for the purpose of interpreting its meaning is called _____.


_____ negotiation is a competitive and adversarial negotiation approach in which each party strives to get as much as it can, usually at the expense of the other party.


In the process of implementing the balanced scorecard approach at his company, operations manager Seth Howard wonders whether internal activities and processes add value for customers and shareholders. This involves which dimension of the balanced scorecard? a. Customers b. Learning and growth c. Financials d. External business processes e. Internal business processes

e. Internal business processes

Silvia, a seasoned assembly line worker at an automobile manufacturer, wants to demonstrate to Allison, a new trainee, how her job relates to other organizational activities. This encompasses which downward communication topic? a. Goals b. Practices c. Performance feedback d. Indoctrination e. Job instructions

e. Job instructions

Which of the following is NOT one of the four key strategies for achieving a win-win solution through negotiation? a. Separate the people from the problem b. Focus on interests c. Generate many alternatives for mutual gain d. Insist that results be based on objective standards e. Keep the demands at the center

e. Keep the demands at the center

Silver n' Gold Inc. recently introduced a new control philosophy where all employees have access to the same information that owners have, such as what money is coming in and where it is going. This is an example of which control philosophy? a. Balanced scorecard b. Six Sigma c. Continuous improvement d. Total quality management e. Open-book management

e. Open-book management

Which of the following is NOT a common method for reducing a perceived inequity? a. Change inputs b. Change outcomes c. Distorts perception d. Leave the job e. Change equity

e. change equity

People with an external locus of control are: a. more achievement oriented. b. better able to handle complex information and problem solving. c. more independent. d. easier to motivate. e. easier to manage.

e. easier to manage.

To be effective communicators, managers should: a. focus primarily on enhancing downward communication in the organization. b. enhance lateral communication opportunities by encouraging teams. c. limit use of communication technology. d. strictly push for face-to-face communication. e. encourage the use of multiple channels of communication.

e. encourage the use of multiple channels of communication.

Carla's subordinates view her as a great manager. Not only does she get the job done, but she organizes the workplace in such a way that employees experience a sense of meaningfulness, connection, and growth. This is an example of employee: a. pay-for-performance. b. delegation. c. empathy. d. apathy. e. engagement.

e. engagement

All well-designed control systems involve the use of _____ to determine whether performance meets established standards. a. opinions b. advice c. consultants d. benchmarks e. feedback

e. feedback

According to the Leadership Grid, _____ means the absence of a management philosophy, where managers exert little effort toward interpersonal relationships or work accomplishment. a. solitary management b. middle-of-the-road management c. low-road management d. authority-compliance management e. impoverished management

e. impoverished management

Sally enjoys her job as a teacher, not because of the pay or benefits, but because she feels good about shaping the minds of tomorrow's leaders. Sally is motivated by: a. power factors. b. leadership factors. c. hygiene factors. d. extrinsic rewards. e. intrinsic rewards.

e. intrinsic rewards

Which of the following is NOT a manager quality? a. Maintains stability b. Organizes c. Analyzes d. Rational e. Personal power

e. personal power

All of the following are common dysfunctions of teams, except: a. lack of trust. b. avoidance of accountability. c. fear of conflict. d. lack of commitment. e. results orientation.

e. results orientation.

A high degree of _____means you can accurately assess your own strengths and limitations and have a healthy sense of self-confidence. a. self-management b. social cohesiveness c. social awareness d. relationship management e. self-awareness

e. self-awareness

Decentralized control is usually implemented in all of the following areas, except: a. self-control. b. peer group. c. corporate culture. d. employee selection and socialization. e. the quality control department.

e. the quality control department.

_____ followers are critical, independent thinkers and are active in the organization.


When managers who express positive emotions such as happiness, enthusiasm, and appreciation trigger positive emotions in employees, this is known as ______.

emotional contagion

To _____ a message is to select the symbols used to compose a message.


A state of _____ exists whenever the ratio of one person's outcomes to inputs equals the ratio of another's outcomes to inputs.


_____ rewards are given by another person, typically a manager, and include promotions and pay increases.


A common dysfunction of teams is the presence of conflict.


A common dysfunction of teams is to be results oriented.


A survey of 75 members of the Stanford Graduate School of Business's Advisory Council revealed that by far the most important capability for managers to develop is self-confidence.


An internal attribution says something about the situation has caused the person's behavior.


Behavioral science research has shown that people typically respond more strongly to a potential gain, such as a financial reward, than to a potential loss, such as a financial penalty.


Distributive negotiation is a collaborative approach to negotiation that is based on a win-win assumption, whereby the parties want to come up with a creative solution that benefits both sides of the conflict.


Extreme competitiveness, impatience, aggressiveness, and devotion to work are included in Type B behavior pattern.


Extrinsic reward refers to the satisfaction a person receives in the process of performing a particular action.


Formulating in your mind what you are going to say next is an important part of effective listening.


Gain sharing rewards employees with part ownership of the organization based on achieving performance goals.


Huge corporations are more likely than smaller businesses or nonprofits to use social media to communicate with customers.


In a recent study, it was found that men were more capable of motivating others and listening than women.


Influence means that the relationship among people is passive.


Job enlargement is a job design that incorporates achievement, recognition, and other high-level motivators into the work.


Legitimate, reward, and expert powers are all forms of position power.


Low Machs are particularly good in jobs that require bargaining skills or that involve substantial rewards for winning.


Managers spend 80 percent of every working day doing desk work.


The job characteristic of autonomy influences the worker's experiencing meaningfulness of work.


The stage of team development in which conflicts are resolved and members focus on problem solving is called reforming.


Two common behaviors of the socioemotional role are energizing and encouraging.


Two ways to classify rewards are extrinsic and monetary.


Types of information generally communicated upward include performance reports, suggestions for improvement, and performance feedback.


Within a single individual, management and leadership reflect the same sets of qualities and skills that frequently overlap.


Without feedback, communication is only a two-way process, sender to receiver and receiver to sender.


The idea that failure to meet a high-order need may cause a regression to an already satisfied lower-order need is referred to as a(n) _____.

frustration-regression principle

The tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors on another's behavior and to overestimate the influence of internal factors is called the ______.

fundamental attribution error

_____ can present enormous challenges for team leaders, who have to bridge gaps of time, distance, and culture.

global team

The _____ is an informal, person-to-person communication network of employees that is not officially sanctioned by the organization.


The ______ occurs when the perceiver develops an overall impression of a person or situation based on one attribute, either favorable or unfavorable.

halo effect

_____ communication is the lateral or diagonal exchange of messages among peers or coworkers.


_____ is the extent to which the leader is task oriented and directs subordinates' work activities toward goal attainment.

initiating structure

In _____, the leader favors a consensual and collaborative process, and influence derives from relationships rather than position power and formal authority.

interactive leadership

______ are stressors associated with relationships in the organization.

interpersonal demands

_____ is the application of motivational theories to the structure of work for improving productivity and satisfaction.

job design

The assumption that positively reinforced behavior tends to be repeated is the basis for the _____.

law of effect

Vision, innovation, nurturing, and personal power are examples of _____ qualities.


The ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals is known as _____.


A(n) _____ ratio indicates an organization's ability to meet its current debt obligations.


_____ involves the skill of grasping both facts and feelings to interpret a message's genuine meaning.


The tendency to place the primary responsibility for one's success or failure either within oneself (internally) or on outside forces (externally) is called the ______.

locus of control

The idea that people are strongly motivated by a potential loss, such as a financial penalty, is known as _____.

loss aversion

The _____ is the idea that the single most important factor that can boost motivation during a workday is making progress toward meaningful goals.

making progress principle

_____ refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action.


A situational variable that counteracts a leadership style is known as a(n) _____.


Briefly describe the perception process.

observe -> screen -> organize

Sharing financial information and results with all employees in the organization is called _____ management.


Work behavior that goes beyond job requirements and contributes as needed to the organization's success is referred to as ______.

organizational citizenship

Loyalty to and heavy involvement in one's organization is called ______.

organizational commitment

_____ is the potential ability to influence the behavior of others.


_____ theories explain how workers select behavioral actions to meet their needs and determine whether their choices were successful.


Frank is primarily driven by a need to establish close social relationships with other people. Alderfer would say he is motivated by: a. growth needs. b. existence needs. c. relatedness needs. d. self-actualization needs. e. physiological needs.

relatedness needs

Power that results from the authority to reward others is called _____.

reward power

Uncertainty about what behaviors are expected of a person in a particular role is referred to as ______.

role ambiguity

_____ pertains to the team's ability to meet the personal needs of its members


What are the four components of emotional intelligence? Explain.

self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship managemtnt

______ means being conscious of the internal aspects of one's nature, such as personality traits, beliefs, emotions, attitudes, and perceptions, and appreciating how your patterns affect other people.


_____ teams typically consist of 5 to 20 multiskilled workers who rotate jobs to produce an entire product or service or at least one complete aspect or portion of a product or service.


______ is the ability to engage in self-regulating thoughts and behaviors to accomplish all your tasks and handle challenging situations.


A contingency approach to leadership that links the leader's behavioral style with the task readiness of subordinates is called the _____.

situational theory

_____ refers to the tendency for the presence of others to enhance an individual's motivation and performance.

social facilitation

The term _____ covers a broad range of applications, including wikis, blogs, content communities, and virtual social worlds.

social media

A role in which the individual provides support for team members' emotional needs and social unity is called a(n) _____ role.


As a general rule, large teams makes it harder to interact and influence others.


In a traditional _____ approach, budgeted amounts for the coming year are imposed on middle- and lower-level managers.

top-down budgeting

_____ are the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader, such as intelligence, honesty, and appearance.


A(n) _____ leader is distinguished by a special ability to bring about innovation and change.


A competitive and adversarial negotiation approach in which each party strives to get as much as it can, usually at the expense of the other party is called distributive negotiation.


A formal communication channel is a communication channel that flows within the chain of command.


A free rider is a person who benefits from team membership but does not make a proportionate contribution to the team's work.


A team is defined as a group of two or more people who interact and coordinate their work to accomplish a specific objective.


According to expectancy theory, for an employee to be highly motivated, E-P expectancy and valence must be maximized.


An emotion can be thought of as a mental state that arises spontaneously within a person based on interaction with the environment rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes or sensations.


Behavior that is positively reinforced tends to be repeated, and behavior that is not reinforced tends not to be repeated, as stated in the law of effect.


Bottom-up budgeting is a process in which lower level managers anticipate their department's resource needs and pass them up to top management for approval.


Communication can break down if sender and receiver do not encode or decode language in the same way.


Diet Soda Company has teams with high cohesiveness. Additionally, the teams are normally focused on their commitment to quality performance. This combination can be expected to result in high productivity.


Employee engagement means that people enjoy their jobs and are satisfied with their work conditions, contribute enthusiastically to meeting team and organizational goals, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization.


Employee motivation affects productivity, and part of a manager's job is to channel motivation toward the accomplishment of organizational goals.


Face-to-face discussion is the richest channel, in terms of channel richness.


Forms of nonverbal communication include blushing, perspiring, glancing, crying, and laughing.


Goal acceptance, in goal-setting theory, means that employees have to "buy into" the goals and be committed to them.


Grapevine is a type of personal channel used in many organizations.


Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory focuses a great deal of attention on the characteristics of employees in determining appropriate leadership behavior.


Job rotation systematically moves employees from one job to another, thereby increasing the number of different tasks an employee performs without increasing the complexity of any one job.


Making explicit statements about the desired team behaviors is a powerful way leaders influence norms.


Managers facilitate strategic conversations by using open communication, actively listening to others, applying the practice of dialogue, and using feedback for learning and change.


Mangers who motivate employees by tapping into their self-doubts are using an intrinsic negative approach.


Messages that are designed to share information among teams and departments that can help the organization change, grow, or improve are called change initiatives and improvements.


Most managers spend 80 of their time telling and 20 percent asking, but it should be the other way around.


Norms begin to develop in the first interactions among members of a new team.


One of the primary advantages of virtual teams is the ability to rapidly assemble the most appropriate group of people to complete a project, solve a problem, or exploit a specific strategic opportunity.


One weakness of the use of punishment in organizations is that it fails to indicate the correct behavior.


Organizations that empower employees often reward them based on the results shown in the company's bottom line.


Physiological needs are the most basic human physical needs, which are reflected in the workplace as needs for adequate heat, air, and base salary to ensure survival.


The choice of a communication channel can convey a symbolic meaning to the receiver.


The group of theories that explain how employees meet their needs and determine their success are called process theories.


The implication of the two-factor theory for managers is clear. Providing hygiene factors will eliminate employee dissatisfaction but will not motivate workers to high achievement levels.


The receiver usually will give more weight to behavioral actions than to verbal messages when verbal and nonverbal messages are contradictory.


The task-oriented leader, according to Fiedler, excels in the favorable situation whereas relationship-oriented leaders are most effective in situations of moderate favorability.


Three distinguishing personal characteristics associated with successful leaders are intelligence, honesty, and self-confidence.


Two important approaches to enhancing self-awareness are soliciting feedback and using self-assessments.


_____ is the value of outcomes, or attraction for outcomes, for the individual


_____ is defined as the altering of jobs to increase both the quality of employees' work experience and their productivity.

work redesign

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