Management Test 1

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People with moderate emotional stability______than people with low emotional stability.

Tend to perform more OCBs

A problem

is a gap between an actual and a desired situation

In an ethical dilemma

there are two choices, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner.

The components of employee engagement are

urgency, being focused, intensity, enthusiasm

Organizational citizenship behaviors are....

-can include suggesting improvements, even ones that are not carried out -may apply in the training of new people -are voluntary

A process that involves an individual comparing perceptions of his or her performance with those of managers, subordinated, and peers is called;

360 degree feedback

A key factor in the growth of the "gig economy" is

A "dejobbing" trend in many occupations.

Chris has studied for his mathematics test and his English test. He expects to do moderately well in both subjects. He gets an "A" in English, but fails mathematics. While Chris feels that the grade he got for English was well-deserved, he blames his failure in mathematics on the fact that his teacher, Mr. Wallace, does not like him. In this situation, Chris is exhibiting __________.

A self-serving bias

Values are defined as beliefs that influence behavior=iors_______;attitudes are defined as relating to behavior_______.

Across all situations; toward specific targets.

Values represent beliefs that influence behaviors _____________; attitudes relate to behavior __________.

Across all situations;toward specific targets

You are not likely to go to an office party due to Robert, a coworker being their with his sexist comments. This reflects the ___________component of your attitude about him


________ is an artificial intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, injustice, mistake, or outright discrimination that occurred in the past.

Affirmative action

Petra made a large mistake on a report she submitted to her boss, and it ended up costing the company a significant amount of money. When asked why this had occurred, she blamed one of her co-workers for giving her erroneous information for the report. Petra is expressing:

An extenal locus of control

Grover's marketing project earned the poorest results. This is the third time and Grover tells his co-workers that the disappointing reports are due to bad economic conditions and review commitee's dislike for him. He is described as having?

An external locus of control

The layers of diversity include ALL BUT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING. Which one? -Personality -Attributional -Internal -Organizationl -External


__________ is among the "new rules of networking" discussed in class or outlined in our readings on the topic of "managing yourself" as an "intro"/entrepreneur.

Begin with the end in mind

The "law of effect" states that

Behavior with favorable consequences tends to be repeated.

A manager notices customers aren't getting treated well and tell his employees to treat them better. This is ________ goal


The head of ABC Company announced that the company was going to start a project on weekends that would teach self-defense techniques to underprivileged kids in the neighborhood. Thomas decided to register himself for the project, as he was a trained kick-boxer. This action reflects_________component of his attitude.


The existence of implicit cognition leads people to make ___ decisions without realizing they are doing so.


The component of an attitude that reflects the beliefs or ideas one has about an object or situation is known as the __________component.


Walter believes that it is fine to drive through stop signs when he's in a hurry. Walters belief reflect the _____ component of his additude?


You are unlikely to say anything to someone using a cell phone in a restaurant if you believe cell phone use helps people manage their busy lives. Your belief reflects the __________ component of your attitude toward people using cell phones in restaurants.


Looking back at a time where you allowed a friend to peek at your test for an answer is what psychological discomfort?

Cognitive Dissonance

Jane is a dedicated activists against using children for laborers. After being caught using children where she works,_________ is the term we would use to describe the psychological discomfort she is experiencing.

Cognitive dissonance

Sarah, a generally frugal person bought a car and is having doubts about spending the money. What we call the psychological discomfort she is experiencing?

Cognitive dissonance

Dr. Davis, an accounting professor, was concerned that his classes were not engaging his students as much as he would like. He asked his boss, the department chair, and two of his colleagues to sit in on one of his classes this term, to give him comments and suggestions for improvement. He also passed out forms to his students at the end of the term, asking the same. He was __________.

Conducting a 360 degree feedback process

_______ was noted in class and in the text as the personality trait with the strongest positive overall relationship with successful job performance.


Josef, a manger, reviews Arturo's performance and notes he was late five time in the month of February. Josef is evaluating what?


Dr. Hogan carefully selected the final exams written by her best student to read first then so on to the not so good. This is an instance of which of the following perpetual error

Contrast effects

What is a way we can reduce cognitive dissonance?

Developing more favorable attitudes toward specific features of a decision.

In attribution theory, __________applies to whether an individual responds differently in a different situation.


Klaus works in a very stressful job, but maintains his "cool" even in the worst times. He is likely to score high on ________.

Emotional Stability

Owen leads a team tasked with developing a client tracking system. He is nervous and worried, afraid that if this assignment doesn't go well, he won't be promoted. Jack, a team member, is relaxed, unworried, and secure in the feeling that they have all the necessary resources and talents to make this work. Jack is likely to score high on

Emotional Stability

_________ is defined as the study of the standards of behavior which promote human welfare and "the good'.


The process of comparing performance at some point in time to a previously established expectations or goal is called?


According to Vroom's EIV Theory, our self-efficacy is an example fo a factor that directly influences;


If a manager views an employee's behavior as having high consensus, high distinctiveness, and low consistency, he or she is likely to make an attribution to

External causes

If everyone using the same equipment performs poorly, the tendency is to attribute any one person's poor performance to _______; but if other people using the equipment perform well while one person performs poorly, the tendency is to attribute that individual's poor performance to __________

External causes;internal causes

Polly worked as a bartender. A few people used to wave money at her so that she would serve them first. She found this to be rude and, hence, either ignored them or always served them last. People came to realize that she served only the people who waited politely, and much of the rude behavior stopped. Polly used the model of __________.


_______ is particularly highly associated with success for managers and salespeople.


Regarding the topics of corporate structure and organizational design

Firms with a functional organizational structure more readily support the development of workers' specialized skills within their functions

Organizations typically rely on __________ schedules, such as bi-weekly paychecks and annual bonuses.

Fixed interval

Molly works as a dishwasher at a restaurant. She comes across as a fun-loving, party-going person. One day her dog falls sick and Molly has to take him to the vet. She calls her boss and tells him that she won't be coming in to work. Her boss thinks that Molly is missing work intentionally, so that she can go out and party. Which of the following best describes the boss's perception of the situation?

Fundamental attribution bias

In order to foster employee positivity, employers should do all but one of the following. Which one?

Give employees only positive feedback

Which of the following statements about goals and goal setting in NOT true? -goals direct attention -goal achievement leads to job satisfaction -goals should be set at a level just beyond reachable ('stretch goal')

Goals should be set at a level just beyond reach.

Which of the following statements about goals and goal setting is NOT true? -goal direct attention -goal achievement leads to job satisfaction -Goals should be set at a level just beyond reachable [stretch goal]

Goals should be set at a level just beyond reachable

Carolyn is a very likable employee. Recently, her boss rated her at the highest level of all areas of performance, even though in some areas her performance did not warrant this judgment. This is an example of a ___________ perceptual error.


_________ occurs when a rater's overall impression of an object biases his or her rating of that object.

Halo error

In being hired for an entry-level job, the most important factor is likely to be ________, but to be promoted, a person needs _______

Hard skills; soft skills

Haji, a mid-level manager, noticed his subordinated filling out their monthly reports incorrectly. Conclude they were to complicated and needed to be revised. Which type of Attributional information is Haji's decision based?

High consesus

John, a mid-level manager, noticed that all his subordinates were filling out their monthly reports incorrectly. He concluded that the report forms were too complicated and needed to be revised. On which type of attributional information is John's decision based?

High consesus

Marisa is office manager in a small company. Her employees find that they can often come late to work and leave early, and Marisa will cover their work for them. Marisa is likely to score:

High on agreeableness

"I feel i am a person of worth, as good as other people" is a statement reflecting:

High self-esteem

Obdulio was dissatisfied with his job. Said that the company policy, supervision, and working conditions were the reasons of his displeasure.. These extrinsic factors that cause job dissatisfaction are called

Hygiene Factors

What's true about balancing positive and negative emotions?

Ideally, we should try to have more positive experiences than negative ones.

Thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness are called:

Implicit cognitions

The relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction is significantly stronger:

In individualistic cultures than in collectivists cultures

The animated video, "Drive", asserts that

In some instances, higher monetary rewards can actually decrease performance

Which of the following is NOT one of the "big five" personality traits"?


_________ is defined as an individual's belief regarding the likelihood that a specific behavior will be followed by a particular reward or other ourcome


You are more likely to make a __________ about someone's poor performance if you have also observed the person performing a task poorly in the past and have observed other employees performing the task well.

Internal attribution

If a person views a situation as having low consensus, low distinctiveness, and high consistency, he or she is likely to make an attribution of:

Internal causes

Which of the following is not one of the big five personality traits -Extraversion -Intrapreneurship -Agreeableness -Conscientiousness -All of the following


Ronald works for a small biotech firm. When the firm presents the results of its clinical trials to the FDA, Ronald realizes that the results are not accurate. He reports this to the FDA. Ronald is a(n)

Is a whistleblower

Today's ongoing trend in the direction of a "free agent nation",

Is rooted in part in Millennials desire for work-life balance.

Which of the following statements is true about the field of organization behavior?

It includes teams, individual, and organizational level analyses

As noted in Covey's Seven Habits of highly effective people or the assigned readings on networking,

It is good to offer to help someone even if you don't know just how to do it.

Regarding the present trend in the direction of a "gig economy"

It is rooted in part in Millennials' desire for work-life balance.

_____________ involves putting more variety into a worker's job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty.

Job enlargement

Which of the following is not a tip for increasing goal commitment and success?

Keep your goals to yourself

Performance on tests like the SAT and GMA test is likely to be most closely related to

Logical-mathematical intelligence

Marcy left a large Fortune 500 company to go to a small start-up technology firm. Earlier in her career, Marcy wanted a high salary and corporate position, but now she wants something different. She wants to be part of something that will grow and she enjoys the flexibility a small firm offers. In addition, she is involved in decision making, so she almost feels like it's her own company. These differing needs represent steps in

Maslow's need hierarchy

The 3 part answer to the question of what motivates us (in the animated video, "Drive") is,

Mastery, autonomy, and purpose

What is false about mindfulness?

Mindfulness requires less effort than letting our minds wander.

Soft skill are..

Needed to interact with, influence, and perform with others.

Josh used to run into heavy traffic every day while driving to work. One morning, he left his home earlier than usual and did not run into heavy traffic. Again the next morning, he left earlier and avoided heavy traffic. His behavior of leaving earlier enabled him to avoid heavy traffic and reach the office on time. Which of the following processes did Josh engage in?

Negative reinforcement

As noted in Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective people or the discussion and readings on networking,

Network broadly, making sure to include people outside your work area.

Julius, one of your employees, always seems to be "taking it easy." Often ignores problems that aeries, and rarely takes action on his own. It is like that Julius is,

Not a proactive personality

_________ exists to the degree that a person's personal values match the organizational culture.

Organizational commitment

According to Vroom's EIV Theory, the quality and availability of effective training programs are examples of factors that influence,

Our expectations

Our self-efficacy is an example of a factor that influences:

Our expectations

The most important factor in the development of positive self-efficacy is?

Past experience


Performance feedback and participation in deciding how to achievee goals are necessary but not sufficient for goal setting to work. True or False

The fundamental attribution bias says that we tend to over attribute others' behaviors to _________factors.


Organizational commitment exists to the degree that a person's_______ match the ______

Personal values; organizational culture

A combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that gives individuals their unique identity is known as?


In Maslow's needs hierarchy theory, ________ is the lowest level, and _________ is the highest level.


Which forms of consequence strengthen a desired behavior?

Positive and negative reinforcements

Shirley does not score particularly well on standard IQ tests, yet she has a unique ability to change herself to suit the environment, change the environment to suit her and find a new environment within which to work. This phenomenon would explain,

Practical Intelligence

An _______ is someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who effects environmental change.

Proactive person

What personality characteristic is most closely linked to entrepreneurial intention?


Which of the following is a form of social capital? -Education -Professional Memberships -Vision

Professional Memberships

Which of the following is not among the conflicting cognitions under the definition of cognitive dissonance?


Wanda sees a woman struggling with a baby and grocery bags. Wanda decides to help this is what behavior?


Janice creates slogans for the advertising firm that she works with. She believes she will receive fair treatment and will get what she is entitled to receive in return for what she provides to the organization. Janice's beliefs represents,

Psychological contract

In the animated video, Drive: "The Surprising Truth Abou...." presents evidence that professional employees are mainly motivated by mastery, autonomy, and _________


Which of the following is not a technique for managers to reduce the effect of implicit cognitions in hiring?

Rely on stereotypes

Bill, who has an internal locus of control, failed his last history test. He is apt to respond to this grade by:

Resolving to study harder on the next test to compensate for his poor preparation.

The three global valuses that are essential for promoting "positive ob" are

Restorative justice, compassion, and temperance

In Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, which of the following is considered a "hygiene factor" and not a motivator?


When something is ______, it stands out from its context


In Herzberg's motivatior-hygiene theory,

Satisfaction comes from motivating factors, and dissatisfaction comes from hygiene factors.

A ________ represent's a person's mental picture of summary of a particular event or type of stimulus.


What is true about self efficacy?

Self efficacy can be developed

_________ is a person's belief about his or her chances of successfully completing a particular task.


Janelle receives a compliment on a recent campaign, and she attributes the success to her creativity. When an earlier one failed, she cited bad weather as the cause for its disappointing outcome. These reactions are most plausibly evidence of which of the following perceptual factors?

Self-serving bias

Kelly is a successful attorney specializing in corporate law. While it has nothing to do with her field of employment, Kelly has always been interested in the history of religion. Using what little free time she has, she decided to take a course in comparative religion at the local university. She thinks that the course would be interesting and enjoyable. Kelly is not pursuing a degree in the subject, nor is she taking the class for a grade. What can you say about Kelly's motivation for taking the class?

She is intrinsically motivated

Kelly is the only woman out of 30 students in her advanced statistic course. Which of the following most likely describes Kelly's situation?

She will be perceived as a salient stimulus by her classmates and thus receive their attention.

Conflict resolution and critical thinking are catergoreized as _______ because they use logic and reasoning to develop and evaluate options

Soft skills

Which of the following statements best reflect McClelland's Acquired Needs theory?

Some individuals have an especially high need for achievement

The extent to which an individual performs a whole or completely identifiable piece of work in a job is called?

Task identity

The idea that a manager should use OB concepts and tools that are situationally appropriate is known as? -Systems theory -Ethics -The contingency approach

The contingency approach

The multiple levels of analysis studied by organizational behavior researchers include all of the following except

The customer

On the subject of what we call "the free agent nation", or a "gig economy",

The music business and the Hollywood Systems have been based on it for decades.

Papa Bill's, a local pizza chain, instituted a new compensation policy to increase the on-time delivery of its pizzas. Drivers were paid an extra $1.00 for each on-time delivery, payable on the next pay period. However, a review of the policy showed that traffic tickets for reckless driving among delivery drivers had increased by 50 percent since the new policy was introduced. Which of the following best explains why this reward system did not perform as expected?

The organization was unintentionally rewarding counterproductive behavior

Social capital is,

The productive potential resulting from relationships, goodwill, trust, and cooperative efforts

When monitoring performance, a manager should pay attention,

To both progress toward goal achievement and the ultimate level of god achievement.

The first of the basic elements for selecting an effective solution is _________

To determine the criteria for the decision.

What form of diversity management is an organization adopting when it allows the inclusion of diverse people but neither values nor accepts them?


Which of the following is not a key workplace attitude that managers should track?


Regarding the topics of corporate structure and organizational design,

Two advantages of a functional organizational structure are its efficiency and its standardization

Javier is dealing with several employees who are chronically late. He unilaterally decides to dock everyone's daily pay 5 percent if they are more than 10 minutes late. Javier will have better results using

Using the contingency approach

Which of the following describes the fundamental attribution error?

We tend to overemphasize internal causes of another person's behavior and to discount or ignore external causes of their behavior.

Which of the following is important to realize about positive organizational behavior and social networks?

Weak ties are often the best source of valuable employment leads.

A person who reports illegal or unethical behavior within an organization is known as a:


Regarding personlity testing in the workplace,

You should analyze a position's critical aspects and associated bias issues before choosing a test.

Research cited in the text has shown that:

a person's behavior and performance are a function of interdependent person and environmental factors.

I will perceive negative inequity when:

another's ratio of outputs to inputs exceeds my ratio of my outputs to my inputs.

Employees, suppliers, and governments:

are organizational stakeholders

To enhance a worker's expectancy, a manager could:

give feedback and coach the employee.

The 3-part answer to the question of what motivates us ("Drive" video) is,

mastery, autonomy and purpose

Research shows that, in general

social capital can improve operations.

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