Mancini Test 2 Fall 2019

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What are two main uses for type 1 muscle fibers?

1) postural maintenance (such as holding head upright) 2) endurance exercises (like marathon running)

How many ATP are produced in glycolysis?


What happens when glucose gets broken down?

2 ATP are produced

What is the pH of gastric juice/hydrochloric acid?


How many ATP are produced in aerobic metabolism?

30 or more

What is the pH in the rumen?


In order for bacteria to ferment stuff, what pH do they need?

A pH of around 6

What three VFAs does fermentation produce?

Acetic Propionic Butyric

What 3 volatile fatty acids (VFA's) do the bacteria in the rumen make through fermentation?

Acetic acid Propionic acid butyric acid

Is the TCA cycle part of aerobic or anaerobic metabolism?


Type 1 (slow twitch) muscle fibers use _____ respiration


Type 2 (fast twitch) muscle fibers use _______ respiration


What are the two ways to make energy?

Anaerobic metabolism (no oxygen) aerobic metabolism (needs oxygen)

Are the bacteria in the rumen aerobic or anaerobic?

Anaerobic—they don't require oxygen

What is the medical term for "tying up?"


What does the fermenting in the rumen?


What type of digestion happens in the hindgut?

Bacterial fermentation

In ruminants such as cows, why does fermentation by bacteria have to occur in the rumen before the contents hit the abomasum (true stomach)?

Because the bacteria would be killed in the low pH, acidic environment of the abomasum.

How are hemoglobin proteins able to transport oxygen?

Because they carry Fe (iron) atoms that bind oxygen

What do Iron (Fe) atoms do

Bind oxygen

When belching is impossible or ineffective, cows can suffer from _______.


What does fermentation do?

Break down food (forage/hay) and make fatty acids

What does -lytic or -lysis mean?


What is an indication that myoglobin has made its way into the bloodstream or urine?

Brown blood and urine. Urine is the color of Coke

The process of fermentation allows the cow to convert ________ into ________

Cellulosic fiber energy

Slow twitch muscles are suited for what types of sports?

Endurance type sports

What are the three VFA's used to create?


The foregut comes right after the ________


Fast twitch muscles are suited for what types of sports?

Explosive type sports

Type 2 is _____ twitch


What is the chemical symbol for Iron?


When you feed a cow you are really doing what?

Feeding the micro-organisms in her rumen.

How many carbons does butyric acid have?


What breaks down food (grains) in the foregut?

Gastric acids and enzymes

What is in the abomasum of a ruminant and also in our stomachs?

Gastric juices/hydrochloric acid

What gets broken down in glycolysis?


What's another term for anaerobic metabolism?


What contains iron?

Hemoglobin and myoglobin

Anaerobic energy production

High in fast twitch and low in slow twitch

Generation of speed and power

High in fast twitch and low in slow twitch

Contraction velocity and relaxation velocity

High in fast twitch muscles and low in slow twitch muscles

Fatigue resistance

How long a muscle can contract for. If a muscle is slower it takes longer to fatigue.

What are two types of cell growth?

Hyperplasia Hypertrophia

How can myoglobin get into the blood stream and urine?

If the horse is overworked, the muscle can break down, releasing myoglobin into the bloodstream and urine

Where are soluble carbohydrates found?

In grains

Where are insoluble carbohydrates found?

In grass and hay

Where is hemoglobin found?

In the blood stream

Where are soluble carbohydrates, proteins, and fats digested in the horse?

In the foregut

Where are the insoluble carbohydrates digested in the horse?

In the hindgut

Where is myoglobin found?

In the muscle

Where does fermentation occur?

In the rumen

What binds oxygen?

Iron (Fe) in the hemoglobin and myoglobin

Where does enzyme digestion occur in ruminants vs horses?

It occurs in the small intestine for both

Aerobic energy production

Low in fast twitch and high in slow twitch

Mitochondrial and myoglobin content

Low in fast twitch and high in slow twitch

aerobic metabolism

Metabolism that can proceed only in the presence of oxygen.

What are the gases produced in the rumen during fermentation?

Methane and carbon dioxide

Wherever you find myoglobin, the muscle fiber has more ________


Slow twitch muscle fibers have both ______ and ______

Mitochondria myoglobin

What does myo- mean?


In general, myoglobin is just found in the _______ and not in the ________.

Muscle blood

What are the symptoms of azoturia in the appearance of a horse?

Muscle cramping. There is massive contraction of the muscle groups along the back and rump of the horse. The muscles contract and do not relax. The horse will appear to be nailed to the floor in the back end while seemingly being able to move the front end without any problems.

What gives color to muscles?


Does myoglobin transport oxygen?


Does the process of glycolysis require oxygen?


What causes Azoturia?

Overworking muscles

Because there is very little _______ present in the rumen, the bacteria there must obtain _______ from their food ______________

Oxygen Energy Anaerobically (without oxygen)

Fatigue occurs how quickly in fast vs slow twitch muscles?

Quickly in fast twitch and slowly in slow twitch

Where are soluble carbohydrates digested in the cow?


What is the scientific term for "tying up?"


What does -globin mean?

Round protein

Hemoglobin and myoglobin are both __________

Round proteins

Where does the process of fermentation take place in a cow?


Where acid digestion of food for the horse and the ruminant take place?

Ruminant - abomasum Horse - stomach

Type 1 is _____ twitch


What are the parts of the foregut?

Stomach and small intestines (and opening to esophagus)

Why can't horses can't vomit or burp?

The cardiac sphincter is strong and won't let things up.

What are the parts of the hindgut where insoluble carbohydrates are digested?

The cecum and colon

Which is the biggest of the four chambers in the stomach?

The rumen

Are hemoglobin and myoglobin water-soluble or not?

They ARE water-soluble

What do rabbit nests look like?

They are low to the ground and look like dead grass

Do slow twitch muscle fibers have more or less myoglobin than fast?

They have MORE myoglobin.

How many carbons does propionic acid have?


How are fermentation gases expelled?

Through belching

Function of the Rumen

To digest and store food

What does Hemoglobin do?

Transports oxygen through the blood from the lungs to the muscle

How many carbons does acetic acid have?


Which type of muscle fibers are more efficient over long periods of time?

Type 1 (slow twitch)

Which type of muscle fiber fatigues more quickly?

Type 2

Which type of muscle fiber is better for short bursts of speed?

Type 2

Is a pH of 2-2.5 acidic or alkaline?

Very acidic

What does VFA stand for?

Volatile Fatty Acid

Round proteins are ______-soluble


Is "tying up"painful?


TCA Cycle

a series of metabolic reactions that use oxygen to break down carbs, fats, and proteins and produce ATP

What does hemo- mean?


Gastric juice

digestive secretions of the stomach glands consisting chiefly of hydrochloric acid and mucin and the enzymes pepsin and rennin and lipase

What are the two biggest killers of rabbits in the wild?

dogs and lawnmowers


inhibits muscle growth

What happens during fermentation?

microorganisms convert carbohydrates into volatile fatty acids and gases.

What are the two types of skeletal muscle fibers?

slow twitch and fast twitch

Which types of muscles take longer to fatigue (have more fatigue resistance)?

slow twitch muscles

What does myoglobin do?

stores oxygen in muscle cells


true stomach of ruminants

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