Marketing 300: Chapter 13- Subcultures

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When did the label teenage enter the American vocabulary?

"Teenage" first used to describe youth generation in the 1950s.


(Islam) meat from animals that have been slaughtered in the prescribed way according to the shariah that may also appeal to mainstream consumers.

What is true of Asian Americans today?

Asian Americans have surpassed Hispanics as the fastest-growing racial group in the nation and have become the largest group of new immigrants to the United States.

Traits and Tendencies of Asian Americans as a population group

Asian Americans not only make up the fastest-growing population group, they also are the most affluent, best-educated and most likely to hold technology jobs of any ethnic subculture.

What is the fastest-growing racial group?

Asian Americans, although extremely small in absolute numbers, are the fastest-growing racial group.

What four variables do we need to focus on to adequately describe changes in expenditure for leisure, food, durables and services?

1. Age 2. Marital Status 3. Presence/Absence of Children in Home 4. Ages of Children, if Present

Maintenance of Practices

At the same time of assimilation, people associate traits with the culture of origin, such as when immigrants stay in touch with people in their country.

What are the values of older adults?

Autonomy, Connectedness and Altruism

What are minority cultures characteristic of?

Compared to Anglos, many minority cultures are high context and have strong oral traditions, so consumers are more sensitive to nuances in advertisements that go beyond the message copy.

Age Cohort

Consists of people of similar ages who have similar experiences. They share common memories about cultural icons, historical events and so on.

What does the Baby Boomer cohort consist of?

Consists of people whose parents established families following the end of WWII and during the 1950s when the peacetime economy was strong and stable.

Baby Boomlet

Consumers from the baby boom that fostered a new baby boom of their own to keep marketers busy in the future. It wasn't as big as the first.

What is true of consumers and the intensity of original ethnic identity?

Consumers who retain much of their original ethnic identity differ from those who assimilate?


Continued identification with the culture of origin that causes a resentment of pressure to submerge into their old identities and take on new roles.

What does cultural learning lead to?

Cultural learning leads to a process of adaptation.

What does ethnicity affect?

Ethnicity affects consumers' behaviors.

What are the important subcultures?

Race/ethnicity, religion, age and where we live.

Movement in Acculturation and Adapting to New Surroundings

Refers to the factors that motivate people to physically uproot themselves from one location and go to another.

Consumer Identity Renaissance

Refers to the redefinition process people undergo when they retire

What do religious subcultures have an impact on?

Religious subcultures have an impact on consumer variables such as personality attitudes toward sexuality, birthrates and household formation/income/political attitudes.

Islamic Marketing

Requires a special attentiveness to religious influences.

What makes people uncomfortable with marketing and ethnicity?

Some people feel uncomfortable with the notion that marketers should explicitly take into account people's racial and ethnic differences when they formulate strategies.

How much does Gen Y spend per year?

Spend roughly 170 billion a year.

How do we see spokespersons from own cultures in comparison to others?

Spokespersons from own cultures seen as more trustworthy.


Strongly influenced by social class, and this occurs when couples live together without being married.

Is targeting challenging?

Targeting using such characteristics can be challenging because it is not always easy to define members of a distinct group. And in our society, many people are members of multiple groups.

Why is the Asian American subculture hard to reach?

The Asian American subculture can be hard to reach because it is composed of numerous culturally diverse subgroups that use different languages and dialects.

What is the largest ethnic subculture?

The Hispanic population is now the largest ethnic subculture.

When does the acculturation process occur?

The acculturation process occurs even when we relocate from one place to another within the same country.

Where do acculturation agents come from?

The agents may be from the culture of origin or from the culture of immigration.

What is the unifying factor to help describe Asian American subculture?

The emphasis on family is one of the most important things for Asian Americans.

What do teenagers in every culture grapple with?

They grapple with fundamental developmental issues when they transition from childhood to adult.

Connectedness of Older Adults

Value bonds with friends and family

Altruism for Older Adults

Want to give something back to the world

What do we expect when people acculturate, according to the progressive learning model?

We expect that when people acculturate, they will blend the practices of their original culture with those of their new or host culture.

We have many things in common with others because why?

We have many things in common with others because they are about the same age.

Generation Z

People born 2003 and later.

Interbellum Generation

People born at the beginning of the 20th Century.

Baby Boom Generation

People born between 1946 and 1964.

Generation X

People born between 1965 and 1985.

Generation Y

People born between 1986 and 2002.

Gen Y

People born between 1986-2002; also known as Echo Boomers and Millennials.

Silent Generation

People born between the two World Wars.

War Baby Generation

People born during WWII.

How many ethnic groups does the term "Asian" refer to?

20 different ethnic groups, that speak many different languages and dialects.

What three major forces shape millenials' experiences?

1. Economy- overeducated by underemployed and focus on economizing by living with roommates. 2. Globalization- Eager to experience other cultures and more likely to travel. 3. Social Media- Every post or status reveals something about themselves.

What two identities does the consumer identity renaissance identify?

1. Revived: revitalization of previous identities 2. Emergent: pursuit of entirely new lifestyle

What must the fertility rate stay at to reduce crises and keep populations constant?

2.0 so children can replace their parents.


A group of people who share similar values and tastes that are subsumed within a larger culture.


A group whose members share significant beliefs and common preferences.


A lifestyle term coined by the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi to describe young consumers who place high value on being both footloose and connected.

Host Culture

A new culture to which a person must acculturate and move into.


A person or group of people living in the same residence. Regardless of relationships among people who live or do not live there.

Progressive Learning Model

A perspective that assumes people gradually learn a new culture as they increasingly come into contact with it.


A process of transforming objects and places into those that they feel cozy and authentic.

Where do most Hispanics comes from?

About 60 percent of Hispanics come from Mexico, with the next largest group from Puerto Rico that makes up less than 10 percent.

Why are acculturation agents important?

Acculturation agents are the influences in our environment which affect the process of transitioning from one culture to another that contains components of the old and new culture.

When does acculturation occur?

Acculturation occurs, at least in part, with the influence of acculturation agents.

Why is adaptation important for consumers?

Adaptation helps consumers form new consumption patterns.


Adopting products, habits and values they identify with the mainstream culture.

Basic Conflict of Youth Market Number 3: Idealism versus Pragmatism

Adults are hypocrites but they are sincere

Autonomy for Older Adults

Adults want to be self-sufficient.

How much of the subculture does African Americans make up?

African Americans represent a significant racial subculture, making up about more than 13 percent of the US population.

What are the three ethnic groups we focus on in the class?

African Americans, Hispanic and Asian Americans


Aka Family Life Cycle, or the combination of trends in income/family composition with the changes these demands place on this income.

What is the reality with ethnicity and acculturation?

Although some people feel uncomfortable with the notion that marketers should explicitly take into account people's racial and ethnic differences when they formulate their strategies, the reality is that these subcultural memberships do shape many needs and wants.

What is true of age cohorts?

Although there is a general consensus on how analysts describe age cohorts, the exact labels and cutoff dates do vary.

Are African American and White consumers different?

Although these groups differ in important ways, they might not be very different from white consumers. With a few exceptions, both groups have the same overall spending patterns.

Ethnic Subculture

An ethnic subculture is a self-perpetuating group of consumers who share common cultural or genetic ties where both its members and others recognize it as a distinct category.

What is an important subcultural difference?

An important subcultural difference is how abstract or literal the group is.


Analytical techniques that combine data on consumer expenditures and other socioeconomic factors with geographic information about the areas in which people live, in order to identify consumers who share common consumption patterns.

How did negative marketing stereotypes fade away?

As the civil rights movement gave more power to minority groups and their rising economic status began to command marketers' respect, these negative stereotypes began to disappear.

What happens to prefernces and income as we age?

As we age, our preferences and need for products/activities tend to change. Older consumers spend more on luxury items and don't need to repeat purchases.

Why do Asian Americans have a great deal of marketing potential but are difficult to target?

Asian Americans are made up of many culturally diverse subgroups that use different languages and dialects.

How do baby boomers think of churches?

Baby boomers think of churches like they do of supermarkets: They want options, choices and convenience.

What are examples of deethnitization?

Bagels are a good example because they were originally a Jewish cuisine that is mass-marketed. There are variations of flavors and account for 3-6 percent of all US breakfasts and franchises continue to open. Another example is of tortillas and salsa, which are outselling burger buns and ketchup in the US.

Getting to Know Gen Z

Born in the late 1990s to early 2000s that are the most diverse generation and digital natives.

Basic Conflict of Youth Market Number 1: Autonomy Versus Belonging

Break away from their families but want a support structure.

Boomerang Kids

Children are more likely to live at home after graduating from college rather than taking their own places. These kids are thrown out, but they come right back.


Double-income, no Kids couples that are better educated on average than are two-income couples with children.

Is defining and targeting an ethnic group easy?

Defining and targeting an ethnic group is not always so easy because of the melting pot society.


Describes people of many different backgrounds, which is actually an umbrella term.

Why are family networks scattered geographically?

Divorce, need for a breadwinner to live in a different place and military service makes it common for family networks to scatter/work harder to maintain connections.

Why does ethnicity matter for marketing?

Ethnicity matters when it comes to marketing, whether in a single country for brands operating globally. For example, McDonald's has tailored its menu in different parts of the US and the world to meet the various needs.

What does family size depend on?

Family size depends on factors such as educational level, availability of birth control and religion.

What is unfortunate about Gen X, and how have they responded?

Generation X got a bad reputation unfairly. Originally, they were called slackers and baby busters but since they've grown up, they have been responsible for many culture-changing products like Google and Youtube.

Is the youth market big?

Globally, the youth market is massive and represents about 100 billion in spending power, and much of this money goes to feel-good products like cosmetics and fast food.

What are the importance of groups on consumer decisions?

Groups exert a lot of influence on our individual consumer decisions. Still, some of our affiliations are more central to our essence than are others.

What are the marketing traits of Hispanics?

Hispanic consumers are young and they often live in large families. They are moving to the suburbs, are community orientated and have high aspirations for their children.

Why is it important (to marketers) that Hispanics are geographically concentrated?

Hispanics are geographically-concentrated which makes it easier for marketers to reach them.

What is important to note for marketers of Hispanics?

Hispanics are now the nation's second-largest consumer market after White non-Hispanics.


Hispanics think of themselves in this way, and identity that is a mixture of two subcultures.

What are the household and income levels for African Americans doing?

Household income and educational levels are rising for African Americans. These differences in consumption behaviors are subtle but important.

Perceived Age

How old a person feels and is a better yardstick of age than how old a person is biologically.

How do immigrants face or exhibit segregation?

Immigrants, voluntarily or not, tend to exhibit segregation. They are more likely to live and shop at places physically separated from mainstream Anglo consumers.

What is important to know of the muslim population in the future?

Importantly, muslims will be more than 25 percent of the earth's population by 2030. Marketing to muslims will require a special attentiveness to religious influences.

High-Context Culture

In a high-context culture, group members tend to be tightly knit, and they infer meanings that go beyond the spoken word.

What were the common tendencies for marketers to use in the past?

In the past, it was fairly common for marketers to use racial or ethnic symbolism as shorthand to convey certain product attributes. Before these actions became taboo, they often employed crude and unflattering images of races and groups.

What were initial efforts to market to Hispanic Americans, and why?

Initial efforts to market were counterproductive because companies bumbled their efforts to translate advertising adequately. Now, marketers are more sophisticated when they talk.

Extended Family

It consists of three generations who live together and often includes grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins (3 generations).

What does the FLC enable for marketers?

It enables them to segment households.

Media Habits

It is best to market recent immigrants in native language.

What is an example of acculturation?

Japanese people dressing in Western clothing is an example of acculturation.

How much of the population does Gen Y make up?

Makes up 1/3 of the population.

What is significant to note of the transition process in cultures?

Many factors affect the nature of the transition process, and individual differences matter.

What do many subcultures have powerful stereotypes?

Many subcultures have powerful stereotypes the general public associates with them.

Seniors continue to increase in importance as _________.

Market segment

Why have marketers not studied organized religion extensively?

Marketers have not studied organized religion extensively because many view it as a taboo subject, as religious sensibilities vary around the world and big trouble can result if marketers violate taboo subjects in other cultures.

Marketers increasingly use what kinds of themes to talk to consumers?

Marketers increasingly use religious and spiritual themes to talk to consumers.

Why do marketers keep a close eye on the population's birth rate?

Marketers keep a close eye on the population's birth rate to gauge how the pattern of births will affect demand for products in the future.

Why might marketers need to emphasize product benefits rather than age appropriateness?

Marketers may need to emphasize product benefits rather than age-appropriateness in marketing campaigns for older adults because the older we get, the younger we feel relative to our actual age.

How has religious references and marketing changed, if at all?

Marketers once avoided religious references but this is changing. But, they still have not extensively studied religious influences on consumer behavior.

The Gray Market

People older than 60 are the fastest-growing age group on earth. We call this group the gray market. Older adults control more than 50% of discretionary income.

Place-Based Subculture

People tend to be like those who live in the same areas, types of homes, and types of neighborhoods. They share common consumption patterns and socio-economic characteristics.

What is true of people who are part of a micro-culture?

People who are part of a micro-culture freely identify with a lifestyle or aesthetic preference.

Low-Context Culture

People who belong to a low-context culture are more literal.

Born-Again Consumers

Megachurches actively market themselves to individuals who are born again and or seeking a different sense of worship.

Sandwich Generation

Middle-age adults that must support the generation above them and the one below them.

Does acculturation occur quickly or more slowly for Hispanics?

More than 1 in 3 Hispanics in the US are younger than 18 years old, which means they will acculturate much faster than their parents did.

Nuclear Family

Mother, father and children (1 or more) living as a unit.

Basic Conflict of Youth Market Number 2: Rebellion versus Conformity

Need to rebel against social standards of appearance and behavior but still have a need to fit in

Basic Conflict of Youth Market Number 4: Narcissism versus Intimacy

Obsess about appearance and own needs but want meaningful connections

Parental Yielding

Occurs when a parental decision maker surrenders to a child's request. It drives many product selections because about 90 percent of these requests are for a specific brand.


Occurs when a product we link to a specific ethnic group detaches itself from its roots and appeals to other groups as well.

The United Nations says people older than what are the fastest-growing age group on Earth.

Older than 60

Spiritual-Therapeutic Model

Organizations that encourage behavioral changes such as weight loss that are loosely based on religious principles. (i.e. AA and WW)

What do our possessions do for us and marketers?

Our possessions help us identify with others of a certain age and express the priorities we encounter at each life stage, which marketers try to target at cohorts.

Our traditional notions about families ____?

Our traditional notions about families are outdated.

Material Parenting

Parents often reward their kids with products and punish them by taking things away that shapes behavior. A recent study found that kids whose parents use products to shape behavior are more likely to be materialistic as adults.

Acculturation Agents

People and institutions that teach the ways of a culture that include family, friends, church organizations and media.

Birds of a feather flock together

People are attracted to others who are like themselves and occurs in place-based subcultures.

What is most important to African Americans according to body image?

Survey also found that African American women rank skin as most important to them, even more than their hair, figure, make-up and clothes.

What are important meanings in high-context culture?

Symbols and gestures, rather than words, carry much of the weight of the message.

What do Gen Xers desire?

They desire stable families, save portion of income and view home as expression of individuality.

Why is era important?

The era in which we grow up bonds us with millions of others who come of age during the same time period, and our preferences change together as we get older, and we are more likely to have things in common with people of our own age.

What are characteristics of the ethnic consumer?

The ethnic consumer tends to set trends. So they help businesses set the tone for how we enter the marketplace.

What used to be the most common family unit?

The extended family used to be the most common family unit.

Fertility Rate

The number of births per year per 1,000 women of childbearing age.

Culture of Origin versus Culture of Immigration

The original country one immigrates from to the new country and culture that the people learn to navigate, which becomes their new environment.


The process of movement and adaptation to one country's cultural environment by a person from another country.

What is one of the most important drivers of change in this century?

The rapidly growing diversity of U.S. culture is one the most important drivers of change in this century. In fact, it won't be possible to place the majority of children younger than the age of 18 into a single racial or ethnic group. Our country truly is a 'melting pot' of people who belong to many different racial and ethnic subcultures.


The scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures. This probes acculturation and ambivalence.

Is the Hispanic population segment easy to find?

The segment is relatively easy to find, with more than 50 percent living in the major metropolitan areas of LA, NY, Miami, San Antonio, San Francisco and Chicago.

What does the Chief Strategy officer for Conill Advertising suggest?

The suggestion is to try to find commonalities because marketing to the Hispanic consumer can be difficult to reach and highly fragmented.

What does the youth market often represent?

The youth market often represents rebellion.

What is surprising within Hispanics?

There is a relatively low level of acculturation.

What is true of ethnic groups in the United States for public perception and viewership?

There is a tendency for ethnic groups with a relatively longer history in the US to view themselves as more mainstream as they relax their identification with their country of origin. More people identifying themselves as "American" than "Irish and "German".

Why are religious dietary or dress requirements important?

These create demand for certain products because food and clothing are sometimes required for religious reasons.

What does the PRZIM system segmentation classification help us do?

These differences highlight the importance of going beyond simple product-category purchase data and demographics to really understand a market.

Why should people and marketers avoid the temptation to categorize members of a subculture?

These generalizations are inaccurate, and are likely to turn off the very people a company wants to reach.

Group memberships within our society at-large do what to us?

These memberships help define us.

What do segregation processes exhibit?

These processes illustrate that ethnicity is a fluid concept and that members of a subculture constantly recreate its boundaries.

What do African Americans allocate about 2/3 thirds of their incomes to?

They allocate about two-thirds of their incomes to housing, transportation and food.

What is true of baby boomers now?

They are actively and physically fit. They are currently in peak earning years, using food/apparel/retirement programs. They like to utilize midlife crisis products.

Describe traits of those in Gen Y.

They are jugglers who value being footloose and connected to their peers.

Since Gen Z kids grew up in households dealing with the Great Recession, what happened?

They are less idealistic and tend to be independent and gravitate towards stores that fit new styles. Idealize internet stars.

What are Asian Americans in regards to brands?

They are the most brand-conscious but the least brand loyal.

What do researchers find of consumers who retain a strong ethnic identification from their more assimilated counterparts?

They have a more negative attitude toward business in general, they access more media in their native language, they are more brand loyal, they are more likely to prefer brands with prestige labels and they are more likely to identify brands that advertise to their ethnic groups.

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Hispanic Market?

They look for spirituality, stronger family ties and more color in their lives.

How do researchers measure age?

They measure age by feel-age (how old one feels) and look-age (how old a person looks).

Why is acculturation an important issue for marketers?

This is an important issue for marketers due to our increasingly global society.

Nielson's PRIZM system

This system classifies every US Zip Code into 1 of 66 categories ranging from, ranging from the most affluent to the least-well off. The system also ranks groupings by income, home value and occupation on a ZQ (Zip Quality) scale.

Describe the relationship with Gen Y and computers.

Those in Gen Y are the first to grow up with computers in their homes and are multi-taskers, true digital natives. They use texting and video and create user-generated content.

What is today's Gen Xer?

Today's Gen Xer is both value-orientated and values-orientated.

How is visibility and product development in relation to ethnicity and race today?

Today, there is increased visibility and greater consideration of product development.

What is true of ethnicity and race in relation to marketing today?

Today, we have a better understanding of how subgroup memberships impact consumption.

Why is it important for marketers to think about when consumers are born and their family structures?

We have seen that subcultural identities revolve around shared experiences and perspectives. These help shape needs, experiences and preferences.

What have we seen in society for the typical family?

We have witnessed many changes in the family structure. Although people continue to base their ideas of the ideal family on old TV shows, demographic data tells us that the ideal image of family is no longer realistic.

How must we relax the definition of marital status to adhere to marketing?

We must relax the definition of marital status to include any couple living together in a long-term relationship because these categories show differences in consumption patterns.

Where is most religious marketing activities traced in the United States?

We trace most religious marketing activities to born again consumers, who follow literal interpretations of the Bible and acknowledge being born again through the belief of Jesus. Among the fastest-growing religious affiliations in the United States.

Translation in Acculturation and Adapting to New Surroundings

When people try to master a set of rules for operating in their new environment, whether it is adopting a new currency or figuring out social patterns.

Nag factor

Where kids demand that their parents buy the product.

What factors determine how couples spend money?

Whether they have children and if both spouses work.

What are the family size traits for the Hispanic marketing and important distinctions of this?

With larger families, Hispanics: spend more on groceries shopping is a family affair regard clothing children as a matter of pride convenience/saving time is not important to Hispanic homemaker.

Voluntarily Childless

Women of childbearing age who consciously decide not to have children, a trend that is no the rise. This is an attractive market for some companies.

What has changed in recent history for family size?

Worldwide, surveys show women want smaller families and while population in boom in some underdeveloped countries, industrialized countries face future crises because there will be relatively fewer young people to support their elders.

What do young people cope with as they develop?

Young people have coped with insecurity, parental authority and peer pressure.

What does the FLC approach to the study of the family assume?

it assumes that pivotal events alter role relationships and trigger new stages of life that alter our priorities and brand loyalties.

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