Marquis de Lafayette Information

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How did he join the American Revolution Lafayette first heard about the American Revolution in 1775 in the Metz (a city) where he was called to for "militia duty" He heard about the revolutionaries from "Duke of Gloucester" who happened to be the baby brother of King George the Third. (who did something to him because of the distaste of his marriage). The Duke however wasn't complimenting the revolutionaries but rather "mocked their revolutionary beliefs in the equality of mankind and the right of the people to rule themselves." At this dinner is when Marquis learned of the Continental Army and George Washington. So at nineteen years of age he "studied the ideals of the American Revolution" and was going to enlist in the army. Although King Louis XVI had (get this) "ordered" Marquis "to remain in France" Lafayette left anyway. He was then greeted with a less than friendly welcome from " Congressmen James Lovell of Massachusetts" who claimed "Americans were tired of ambitious Frenchmen seeking glory." but he had a change of heart realizing Lafayette's position in France, his wealth, and his willingness (with "sincere support for the American cause,") Lafayette a Major-General.


What is his full name?

"Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roche Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette"

Which battles did he fight in?

Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Yorktown The Battle of Valley Forge The Battle of Barren Hill The Invasion of Canada (which was a suicide mission that fell through) (See citation card)

Where/when was he born/where did he live/where was he stationed/ where/ did he die

Born September 6 1757, in Chavaniac, France. Died May 20 1834, in Paris, France

Who is in La Lafayette's family?

Father: Was a Colonel of grenadiers who was killed at Min-den, seven years war Mother: (when he was fourteen) died in 1770 Grandfather: died a few weeks after his mother in 1770 Became an orphan. Joined the Royal Army at 14 (19) years of age on April 9, 1771.

Who did he fight with, did he know any other famous revolutionary figures?

George Washington: was a lifelong friend of Lafayette, their friendship was strengthened at the Battle of Brandywine, where Lafayette was shot in the leg, Washington told the doctors to take special care of him. Their friendship only grew from then on. (See citation card)

How did he come to be a leader (what rank did he start/end at)

He became a Major General as his first position, he gained this position by impressing the "colonial leaders" with his willingness and desire/passion to fight for their country for free. (He was also from a rich and prominent French family so that helped him receive the title of Major General)

What did he do that was a tipping point of the war

He was able to help convince as well as get/provide resources and soldiers from France to come help them in the war. As well as a French Fleet. With France's help America had better odds.

What did he do after the conclusion of the war

He went back to France, but then fled again from France when the French Revolution (which he helped start) was happening, but he came back and became a statesman. He also (with the help Thomas Jefferson) to start a revolution over in France, He actually had the chance to become a dictator at one point

What was his first battle/highlights

His first major battle was the battle of Brandywine in 1777. He was helping to organize a retreat, until he was shot in the leg. Where Washington requested special care to be given to Lafayette by the doctors.

Why did he want to join the revolution?

I believe part of the reason was to get back at the nation that took his blood father away from him. (I say blood father because later in life George Washington and Marquis became like father and son.) His father died in the seven year war, which the English were involved. But He also seemed to dream of the honor and glory and romance the war would bring. Lafayette even said in a memoir "My heart was enlisted," and "and I thought only of joining my colors to those of the revolutionaries."

What schooling did he go through

Lafayette attended College du Plessis, a school for the Children of the aristocracy and studied military strategy and tactics at Versailles Academy - Suzanne Zanbabe-

What happened at Valley Forge?

Lafayette stayed at Valley Forge from December 1777 and January 1778. It was a horrible hard winter on all the soldiers of Valley Forge, where the soldiers had little to no supplies. Not enough blankets, shoes and food. Many soldiers were lost during this hard times from diseases such as "influenza, typhus, typhoid fever, and dysentery." Through out this hard time Lafayette gave his own money to buy clothes, shoes and guns for these soldiers. He also helped stop the Conway Cabal and showed his loyalty to Washington. Besides that fiasco he also had to deal with the wild goose chase that was the Canada invasion.

Information about his battles (both physical battle as well as mental battles)

The Battle of York Town - (See last Battle) The Valley Forge (a battle of sorts, more of a mental battle) - this made the french want to join the war The Battle of Barren Hill (Not the Battle of Bunker Hill this was an attack on Maquis himself) - The Invasion of Canada ( A mission to invade and capture part of Canada? It was a invasion that was assigned Lafayette (which he took because of Washington's persuasion) which was part of another plan which was to remove Washington from leadership (Conway Cabel) which was suggested and planned by Thomas Conway. Before leaving for Canada Lafayette heard wind of this plan and warned Washinton. Thankfully the plan failed. Once arriving at the place where reinforcements (who never came) were supposed to meet Lafayette and his men, Lafayette realized that they were not coming. Because of a lack of resources, ans ince their foes in this battle were acustumed to such weather, Lafayette wrote to Washington with complaints, in which Washington called off the "suicide mission" saving possibly a battalion.

What was his last battle/highlights

The Battle of Yorktown, Where he, Comte de Grasse, and George Washington were able to claim victory and surrendar from British Lord Cornwallis which lead to the end of the Revolutionary War and America's freedom

How/When did he meet his wife

They were married when Lafayette was sixteen. Her name was Marie Adrienne Francoise de Noailles and she was 14 when they were married. She was from a prominent family in France.

What was his main role in the war

Was a Military Leader A French General and friend of George Washington's As well as a huge part in the persuasion of the French providing help/

How did he contribute to the resolution and victory of the war?

Well he did give his services freely, He acquired lots of services from France, which included a large number of troops, and at least one French fleet. He also led his own group of men at the Battle of Yorktown. His job was to keep General Cornwallis in Yorktown Virginia until General Washington was able to reach Yorktown. He was able to do that. He with General Washington-General Lafayette- Comte de Grasse (who commanded a French fleet) The fleet under Grasse was able to keep Lord Cornwallis from escaping from water while Lafayette kept him from leaving land. The with George Washington in the lead little by little they were able to capture the British men, until October 17 where a white flag and drummer showed and sounded the end of the fight. The Article of Capitulation was then signed, 8,000 British men became prisoners of war. Lord Cornwallis didn't show up at the surrender ceremony "claiming illness" Where Benjamin Lincoln was the one to accept the surrender sword (Washington's second in Command) -

How did he convince the French to help the US

Well, he did ask many times for items and such, but the thing is that he actually wasn't even there for the treaty signing. He was coming back from Albany, New York after the Canada mission was a grand failure (because it didn't even happen). The "Treaty of Alliance" was signed February 6, between France and the United States. So Lafayette (though he probably pushed for an alliance) wasn't there for the alliance signing and didn't even know about it!

Did his Wife ever asking to come home?

yes during his months at Valley Forge his wife/and family plead with him to come home, but he stayed true to the revolution

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