MAS156 advanced billing and coding Chapter18, 8, 10,11,14, 17, 18 quiz midterm review

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How many stages of diabetic retinopathy development are there?


Mary Matheson is seen in the eye clinic today for pain in her left eye. The physician determines she has Soemmering's ring of the left eye with a cyst of the ora serrata. What codes are assigned?

H26.412, H33.112

Kevin is a 63-year-old patient who was diagnosed with congestive heart failure two years ago. He is having an echocardiogram today so his practitioner can monitor the progression of the disease. The ICD-10 code for Kevin's procedure today is found in which of the following series of codes?


Which of the following is a true statement for a coder?

If a patient has both hypertension and CKD, the coder is to assume a cause-and-effect relationship.

What is the small bone in the ear that is shaped like an anvil?


Which part of the ear is the most complex?

Inner ear

Which of the following is not a mood disorder?


Which of the following is also known as the kneecap?


What does the abbreviation PFSH stand for?

Patient, family, and social history

A carpal tunnel release was performed in an ASC. Which modifier should be used?


Dr. Prescott ordered two medications to be infused into Roger Reiber concurrently. The second infusion code would be appended with the modifier:


nucleus pulposus.


Which of the following parts of the urinary system is/are responsible for storing urine?

Urinary bladder

Ongoing, regular consumption of a substance with resulting clinical manifestations is called:


HCPCS Level II modifiers may be appended to:

both CPT codes and HCPCS Level II codes.

HCPCS Level II modifiers may consist of:

both numbers and letters.

The control center of the human body is the:


Bipolar disorder is categorized as a(n):

mood disorder.

The center of the intervertebral discs is called the:

nucleus pulposus.

Women are affected how many more times than men with lower urinary tract infections?

10 times

In ICD-10, which chapter would include the diagnosis codes for congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities?


How many categories of glaucoma are there?


How many functions does the inner ear have?


How many sections is the sternum divided into?


How many chapters are contained in the ICD-10 coding book?


How many bones are in the adult human skull?


What is the correct code assignment for an open treatment, with plates/screws, of a left tibial fracture for the surgeon managing the surgical care only?


Which of the following glomerular filtration rates indicates stage 3 chronic kidney disease?

30-59 mL/min

Jeremy is a 44-year-old patient who has been diagnosed with mitral regurgitation. He has been having some shortness of breath lately, so today he is having an echocardiogram to evaluate whether the condition has worsened. The ICD-9 code for Jeremy's procedure today is found in which of the following series of codes?


Ellie was playing softball and was accidentally hit on the nose with a baseball bat. After examining her nose, the practitioner tells her that her nose is broken and orders a complete radiologic examination of the nasal bones. Where will the ICD-9 code for this radiologic examination be located?


Which of the following ICD-9-CM conventions is used in the Tabular List after an incomplete term that needs one of the terms that follow to make it assignable to a given category?


Which of the following seventh characters is used to show that the patient was seen for an initial encounter for treatment of a fracture?


What is a locum tenens physician?

A temporary replacement for the regular doctor

If a dressing change is required for one patient with three wounds, which modifier will be assigned?


JoAnn Warren, RN, visited John Drew to change the dressings on his five wounds. Use modifier:


Dr. Zeimer, an anesthesiologist, administered general anesthesia during surgery. Use modifier:


Dr. Jeppapi is a clinical psychologist. The correct modifier is:


Which of the following medications might cause ototoxic hearing loss?

All of these Gentamicin Cisplatin Carboplatin

Who accepts HCPCS Level II modifiers?

Any payer may accept them

How many modifiers may be appended to procedure codes?

As many as apply to the procedure

How many E codes can be used with a single diagnosis code?

As many as necessary

Which of the following types of fractures happens when a tiny bone piece breaks off at the point where a ligament or tendon attaches to the bone?


A patient was administered nutrition orally without using a feeding tube. Which modifier would be assigned?


Which of the following is not a sign and symptom category for schizophrenia?

Behavioral symptoms

Which of the following is not a word root used to refer to the kidney?

Both of these are word roots used to refer to the kidney. ren- nephr-

How can a modifier prevent a claim from being denied?

By further clarifying the appropriateness of the assigned code

What is the correct code for a patient with a malignant neoplasm of the right ureter?


What is the correct code for a patient with a malignant neoplasm of the lateral wall of the bladder?


A claim was denied because one code was entered incorrectly. The procedure code was corrected and should be appended with modifier:


In ICD-10, which chapter contains codes to identify who, what, when, and where an accident or injury occurred?

Chapter 20: External causes of morbidity

CLIA stands for:

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment.

Which of the following bones is also called the tailbone?


Which of the following types of fractures identifies the breaking of the bone into several pieces?


Which of these is the curved, multilayer, transparent portion of the eye?


Which of the following statements is not true about E codes?

E codes are always the primary or first diagnosis listed.

What is/are the correct code(s) for a patient with diabetes mellitus, type 1, with diabetic chronic kidney disease, stage 2?

E10.22, N18.2

Dr. Kini removed a fat pad from Blaise's upper eyelid, right side. The correct modifier is:


Which ICD-10 convention describes a condition that is not part of the condition represented by the code, but if the patient actually has both conditions, both may be coded?


Which part of the ear is visible on the sides of the head?

External ear

what is the correct code for senile dementia?


What is the correct code for a mood disorder due to a known physiological condition with depressive features?


Dr. Tamarah removed a cyst from Erin's left index finger. The correct modifier is:


What is the correct code for alcohol abuse with intoxication delirium?


What is the correct code for alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced anxiety disorder?


What is the correct code for opioid use with withdrawal?


What is the correct code for sedative hypnotic abuse with intoxication delirium?


What is the correct code for cocaine dependence in remission?


What is the correct code for hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with delusions?


What is the correct code assigned for hebephrenic schizophrenia?


What is the correct code assigned for cyclic schizophrenia?


What is the correct code for bipolar disorder, current episode, manic without psychotic features, moderate?


What is/are the correct code(s) assigned to a patient with a fear of blood, fear of injections, and fear of injury?

F40.230, F40.231, F40.233

What is the correct code assigned for a patient with claustrophobia?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with a fear of women?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with acute PTSD?


What are the correct codes assigned to a patient with chronic PTSD and social phobia?

F43.12, F40.10

Kyle's most recent URR reading is 61. The correct modifier is:


What modifier would be used to report a patient with ESRD who had less than six days of dialysis in one month?


Dr. Davidson certified that Anita's pregnancy was life threatening and it had to be terminated. The correct modifier is:


Wilma's diagnostic mammogram was converted from the screening mammogram she came in for today because something was identified on the film. Which modifier will be used?


After a tornado hit, an ambulance collected three patients at one time for a trip to the hospital. The correct modifier is:


Most UTIs are caused by:

Gram-negative enteric bacterium.

Jane Janson is seen today for cellulitis of her left orbit. What is the correct code assigned?


John Johnson is seen by the optometrist today for a granuloma of the left orbit, xeroderma of the right lower eyelid, and bilateral aphakia. What are the correct codes assigned?

H05.112, H01.142, H27.03

What are the correct codes for a patient who has myopathy of the extraocular muscles of the right orbit and a cyst and atrophy of the left orbit?

H05.821, H05.812, H05.312

What is the correct code for acute conjunctivitis of the left eye?


What is the correct code for a patient with a corneal abscess of the left eye?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with deep vascularization of the cornea in both eyes?

H16.443 (shows as incorrect in quiz) H16.433(shows as the correct answer in quiz) But H16.443 is the correct answer per ICD_10 book

What is the correct code assigned for a patient with adherent leukoma of the left eye?


What are the correct codes assigned for a patient with a horseshoe tear of the left eye, Harada's disease of both eyes, and retinal vasculitis of the right eye?

H33.312, H30.813, H35.061

What is the correct code assigned for a patient with Coats retinopathy, left eye?


What is/are the correct code(s) assigned for a patient with hypertensive retinopathy of the left eye?

H35.032, I10

What is the correct code assigned for a patient with Eales disease in the right eye?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with bilateral stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity?


What are the correct codes for a patient with proliferative bilateral retinopathy with bilateral bullous keratopathy?

H35.23, H18.13

What is the correct code for capsular glaucoma with pseudoexfoliation of lens in the right eye, moderate stage?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with swimmer's ear, left ear?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with impacted cerumen of the left ear?


What is the correct code for chronic serous otitis media of the left ear?


What is the correct code for a patient with an osseous obstruction of the left eustachian tube?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with acute mastoiditis, right ear?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with a cholesteatoma of the mastoid in his left ear?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with bilateral tympanosclerosis?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with bilateral adhesive middle ear disease?


Max Maxwell was seen in the office today for left cochlear otosclerosis and recurrent cholesteatoma of a postmastoidectomy cavity of the right ear. What are the correct codes?

H80.22, H95.01

What is the correct code assigned for a patient with aural vertigo, left ear?


What is the correct code for mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side?


What are the correct codes for ototoxic hearing loss, right ear, after taking gentamicin?

H91.01, T36.5X5A

What is the correct code assigned for a patient with bilateral otorrhagia?


Callin Collin is seen in the office today for bilateral hyperacusis and bilateral perceptive hearing loss. What are the correct codes?

H93.233, H90.3

What is the correct code assigned for a patient diagnosed with an ear disorder?


Jake is only an intern, but he was the only doctor at the clinic. The correct modifier is:


Which of these modifiers is not used to identify a specific anatomical site?


When services are provided relating to the supply of a lower extremity prosthetic device, a modifier from which range will be used?


What modifier is needed if medication has been infused through a DME rather than injected?


en rented a hospital bed on June 20. The bill for the month of June would have modifier:


Harry is a type 2 diabetic, NIDM, and his physician wants him to check his glucose regularly, so he orders a glucose monitor for Harry. The correct modifier is:


Which of the following parts of the urinary system is/are responsible for the production and elimination of urine?


Which of the following extraocular muscles pulls the eye laterally?

Lateral rectus muscle

What does the acronym LPM stand for?

Liters per minute

What is the correct code for adolescent postural kyphosis in the thoracolumbar region?


What is the correct code for localized osteoporosis?


What is the correct code for a patient being seen for a stress fracture of the ischium with delayed healing?


Modifiers U1-UD may be appended only to services provided to the beneficiaries of:


What is the correct code for vesicoureteral reflux with nephropathy without hydroureter, bilateral?


What is the correct code for a patient with stage 4 chronic kidney disease?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with nephrolithiasis?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with a urinary bladder stone?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with urethrotrigonitis?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with urethrotrigonitis?


What is the correct code assigned for a patient with an abscess of the bladder?


What is the correct code for a urethral caruncle?


What is/are the correct code(s) for a patient with an enlarged prostate with urinary frequency?

N40.1, R35.0

What is the correct code for a patient diagnosed with prostatocystitis?


What is the correct code for a patient with painful prostate syndrome?


Which of the following is not a psychotic symptom?

None of these Depression Hallucinations Delusions

What does the ICD convention NEC indicate?

Not elsewhere classified

What is the correct abbreviation for left eye?


Which of the following is an inflammation of the middle ear?

Otitis media

Which of the following is a condition of increasing growth of spongy bone in the otic capsule?


Which of the following is a condition also known as exophthalmos?


What does the abbreviation PERRLA stand for?

Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation

Mrs. Evans has brought her child in for surgery to correct a cleft palate. Which code range in ICD-10 applies to this procedure?


What is the correct code for spina bifida, lumbar?


Paula is donating her kidney to her brother. The code for her surgical procedure may be appended with which modifier?


What is the correct code for congenital acetabular dysplasia?


Dr. Colter used a digital recorder to tape her psychotherapy sessions with her patient. The correct HCPCS Level II modifier is:


Which modifier is appended to the anesthesia code when an anesthesiologist administers monitored anesthesia care for a patient?


Dr. Fawzi performed a surgical procedure on Nancy's right coronary artery. The correct modifier is:


Harold decided to rent his wheelchair. What is the correct modifier?


Which of the following is photosensitive in low light?


Eight-year-old Geri climbed the oak tree in her back yard to rescue her cat, who had climbed the tree but could not get back down. Unfortunately, Geri slipped and fell out of the tree and hurt her left arm. The lower arm is bent at an odd angle and the radius bone is visible. The physician diagnoses an open fracture and orders X-rays of the lower arm. Where will you locate the ICD-10 code for this?


Teresa is being seen today in the urgent care center after spilling a pot of boiling water over her stomach and legs, which resulted in second-degree burns. In which ICD-10 series will you locate the code for her treatment?


What is the correct code for a patient being seen for delayed healing of a Le Fort III fracture?


What is the correct code for a patient being seen for a follow-up visit for a healing fracture of the sacrum? The fracture was a nondisplaced Zone 1 fracture.


What is the correct code for a patient seen for a nonunion of a greenstick fracture of the shaft of the right humerus?


What is the correct code for a patient seen for malunion of a displaced fracture of the coronoid process of the right ulna?


What is the correct code for a patient seen for a sequela for a torus fracture of the lower end of the right ulna?


What are the correct codes for a patient who slipped on the ice and fractured the head of his left femur?

S72.052A, W00.0XXA

What is the correct code for a patient with a Salter-Harris type I physeal fracture of the upper end of the right femur being seen today for a recheck of the healing fracture?


What is the correct code for a displaced oblique fracture to the shaft of the left tibia, initial encounter?


What are the correct codes for a patient with a displaced trimalleolar fracture of the right lower leg resulting from a fall into a manhole?

S82.851A, W17.1XXA

Which modifier is used to report that a nurse midwife provided the service?


The physician ordered a CT scan of the brain due to a suspected mass revealed on an x-ray of the head. Which modifier would be used for this code?


It is flu season, and the state health department has delivered serum for distribution to high-risk patients. Which modifier would be used?


Dr. Jasper was asked to provide a second opinion regarding Mr. Finnegan's surgery. Which modifier would be used?


Debi Seeson is a certified diabetic educator. The code for her classes should be appended with modifier:


Dr. Files gave flu shots to all the staff members of the Golden Nursing Home. The correct modifier is:


What is the correct code for a patient being seen for kidney transplant rejection?


Dr. Israel amputated the little toe of John's right foot after gangrene had set in. The correct modifier is:


An example of a modifier that identifies the qualifications of the provider is:


Nurse Frances had to work on Labor Day. The appropriate modifier would be:


Denise is being seen today because of blurry vision and pain in both eyes. The physician documents that diabetes has damaged the blood vessels in Denise's eyes, resulting in diabetic retinopathy. How will this diagnosis be coded?

The diabetes is coded first, followed by the retinopathy.

What is the function of the cornea?

To refract light rays

Which of the following tests is used to evaluate whether the eardrum has been damaged?

Tuning fork test

Barry is a healthy 32-year-old established patient who has come in for his annual physical exam. When asked if he has any current problems or complaints, he says no. The ICD-9 code for his visit will be found in which of the following code ranges?


Jenni is a healthy 24-year-old patient who is in the office today for routine obstetric care. The ICD-9 code for routine obstetric care will be found in which of the following series of codes?


Which of the following is also known as the posterior chamber of the eye?

Vitreous chamber

Which of the following bones is part of the nasal septum?


What is typically prescribed to treat bipolar disorder?

What is typically prescribed to treat bipolar disorder? mood stabilizers antidepressants atypical antipsychotics

Mary was excited at her last visit to find that she is pregnant. She came in for a prenatal checkup today because she wants to take excellent care of herself and her baby. Everything seems fine, and the physician told her to keep up the good work. The ICD-10 code for routine obstetric care will be found in which of the following series of codes?


What is/are the correct code(s) for a patient who is being fitted for a peritoneal dialysis catheter who has stage 3 CKD?

Z49.02, N18.3

A condition that is of sudden onset or that suddenly becomes much worse is considered a(n) ____.

acute condition

Modifiers are used to:

add detail or information to the codes.

EPSDT is a preventive health program for:

all children who are Medicaid recipients.

A(n) ___________ implant is a small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound.


A code in which two diagnoses are included in one code is known as a(n) ____.

combination code

A patient's diagnosis for a visit, as established by the practitioner, ______.

describes the primary condition for which the patient is receiving treatment

The Alphabetic Index is organized by ____.

diagnosis or condition description

Another name for urinary incontinence is:


The test KUB stands for:

kidney ureter bladder.

Modifier LT stands for:

left side.

Diagnosis-related groups, or DRGs, are based on all of the following except ____.

length of hospital stay

Nerve cells communicate with each other aided by:


Modifiers Q7, Q8, and Q9 are used for:

podiatry services.

The head of the humerus is also known as the:

proximal end.

All HCPCS Level II modifiers are listed in:

the HCPCS Level II code book.

The Tabular List is mainly organized by ____.

the body system involved

The abbreviation UTI stands for:

urinary tract infection.

Consumption of a substance without significant clinical manifestations is called:


When you encounter the word see in the Alphabetic Index, you know that ____.

you must look in another category to find the correct term

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