Massage Exam 3

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Current research suggests that massage therapy has which of the following effects on the nervous system?

Increases serotonin and dopamine, and decreases nervous system excitability

What was found to be an effect of massage therapy on connective tissues?

Increases fibroblast activity, leading to improved healing

What best describes the tendency of research participants to work harder and perform better because they know that they are part of an experiment?

Hawthorne Effect

Approximately what percentage of clients who receive massage therapy do so for issues about which they have already consulted their primary health care provider?


Research to date suggests that massage therapy may be effective in working with which of the following populations?

Asthma, COPD, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia

What best describes a physiologic effect of massage therapy?

Changes in blood pressure and heart rate; improves range of motion

What is an effect of massage therapy on the cardiovascular system?

Decreases blood pressure and reduces heart rate

What was found to be an effect of massage therapy on the musculoskeletal system?

Decreases tension within muscle-tendon unit and neural response

What was found to be an effect of massage therapy on blood and blood circulation?

Improves blood circulation and gas exchange; decreases blood viscosity and increases blood oxidation levels and platelet count

What best describes the psychological effects of massage therapy?

Reduced anxiety and stress levels; heightened sense of wellbeing

What best describes what is measured and studied in response to the intervention?

dependent variable

What is a way to get involved with massage therapy research?

Support an organization that supports research: become a member or donate money or time

What best describes the validity of a scientific experiment?

The degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure

What best describes the reliability of a scientific experiment?

Would we get the same results if we repeated the experiment?

What is a summary of a published study that briefly states its purpose, methods, results, and conclusions in a single paragraph?


When do research scientists collect data?

after they conduct the experiment

What best describes nonfactual, subjective information based on experience?

anecdotal evidence

What best describes prejudices, preferences, or tendencies toward a certain outcome?


What is the term used to describe keeping some aspects of an experiment from the participants or researchers to minimize bias?


What represents one of the lowest levels within the hierarchy of evidence because it tends to have the most bias?

case report

What best describes the application of knowledge and expertise to clinical situations?

clinical reasoning

What is a type of research that takes knowledge accumulated from basic research and designs studies to investigate how this knowledge might apply to practical problems?

clinical/applied research

What is the fourth step when applying the scientific method to a research experiment?

collect and analyze data

What best describes the group of people who do not receive the treatment studied during an experiment?

control group

What best describes recorded factual material that is used to validate research findings?


What is the second step when applying the scientific method to a research experiment?

develop a hypothesis

. Research indicates that massage improves insulin absorption and circulation in individuals who have peripheral arterial disease. This suggests that massage may be helpful for individuals who have long-term condition?


What best describes making clinical decisions by integrating the best and most current evidence, your own clinical expertise, and the client's needs and preferences?

evidence-based practice

What best describes characteristics that would disqualify someone from participating in an experiment?

exclusion criteria

What best describes the scientific procedure used to test the hypothesis?


What best describes a system used to rank the strength of research according to its possibility of bias?

hierarchy of evidence

Which of the following best describes the proposed expected outcome of an experiment?


What was found to be an effect of massage therapy on lymphatic circulation and immunity?

improves lymphatic drainage

An effect of massage on the musculoskeletal system is that massage can do what?

increase ROM

Massage therapy improves the overall health of the skin by what?

increasing skin temperature

What best describes what the researcher manipulates or controls during an experiment?

independent variable

What groups evaluates and approves a study before it begins, monitors the study throughout the data collection, investigates any incidents that occur during the study, and evaluates the final report?

institutional review board

What complementary therapies has one of the highest physical referral rates?

massage therapy

What best describes information that suggests that something is true or not true?

measurable evidence

What best describes the process of evaluation by a group of experts in the same field or similar fields?

peer review

What best describes an effect produced by a fake drug or treatment if a participant believes that it will be beneficial?

placebo effect

What means that correlation does not imply causation in an experiment?

post hoc errors

What describes research used to explain phenomena by collecting and analyzing nonnumeric data, such as words or pictures?

qualitative research

What best describes research used to explain phenomena by collecting and analyzing data numerically, with study results validated statistically?

quantitative research

What represents one of the highest levels within the hierarchy of evidence because it tends to have the least bias?

randomized controlled trials

What best describes a detailed list of all literature used to develop, justify, explain, or execute an experiment?


According to the chapter, what is the best way to improve our understanding of massage therapy?


What best describes systematic investigation using prescribed methods to discover new facts or revise current theories?


What best describes the ability to locate, read, understand, and evaluate research literature?

research literacy

What best describes the outcome of an experiment?


What best describes a group of participants used in an experiment to represent a segment of the whole population?


What best describes a type of periodical used to distribute new research in specific disciplines, explore current theories and scholarly analysis, and present new ideas that add to the body of knowledge?

scientific journals

What best describes a group of principles and procedures used to investigate observations and pursue knowledge based on measurable evidence?

scientific method

What best describes a type of periodical used to inform a profession about industry trends, new techniques or products, or news within an organization?

trade and professional journals

What best describes anything that can be changed in an experiment that might influence the outcome?


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