Master fitness( AR 600-9)

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Maximum Allowable Percent Body Fat Standards

male female 17-20 22% 30% 21-27 24% 32% 28-39 26% 34% 40+ 28% 36% more stringent Department of Defense goal, which is 18 percent body fat for males and 26 percent body fat for females.

True or False: The primary objective of the ABCP is to ensure all Soldiers achieve and maintain optimal well-being and performance under all conditions.


Actions, Counseling, and Evaluations (1 of 3)

Commander has 3 working days upon determining Soldier exceeds body fat standard to initiate flag DA Form 268. Commander has 2 working days from flagging action to provide Soldier with Notification Counseling of enrollment. Soldier has 2 working days to respond to enrollment with acknowledgement of enrollment. Soldier has 14 working days after notification counseling to submit Soldier Action Plan. Nutritional Counseling must take place within 30 days of notification counseling.

A ______will prescribe proper exercise and fitness techniques to assist Soldiers in determining, achieving and maintaining an appropriate personal weight goal.

Designated unit fitness NCO or Master Fitness Trainer (MFT)

AC and RC Soldiers not on Active Duty

The following is required when a Soldier is determined to exceed the body fat standard: •Notification counseling. In accordance with AR 600-8-2, the commander has until the final unit training assembly of that weekend's multiple unit training assembly (MUTA) to Flag the Soldier using DA Form 268. •Soldiers will be counseled regarding the initiation of the DA Form 268 prior to the conclusion of the first training period following the date the flagging action was initiated in accordance with AR 600-8-2. The effective date of the flagging action is the date the Soldier is found to be noncompliant. During this notification counseling, Soldiers will be advised they: •Have a DA Form 268 placed on their record to suspend favorable personnel actions. Some of the ramifications of the flagging action include: •Are nonpromotable. •Will not be assigned to command, command sergeant major, or first sergeant positions. •In accordance with AR 350-1, are not authorized to attend military schools and institutional training courses.

Weight for Height Table

*Male and female Soldiers who fall below the minimum weights shown in table B-1 will be referred for immediate medical evaluation. 1. Height will be measured in stocking feet (without shoes), standing on a flat surface with the chin parallel to the floor. The body will be straight but not rigid, similar to the position of attention. The measurement will be rounded to the nearest inch with the following guidelines: If the height fraction is less than 1/2 inch, round down to the nearest whole number in inches; if the height fraction is 1/2 inch or greater, round up to the next highest whole number in inches. 2. Weight will be measured and recorded to the nearest pound within the following guidelines: If the weight fraction is less than 1/2 pound, round down to the nearest pound; if the weight fraction is 1/2 pound or greater, round up to the next highest pound. 3. All measurements will be in a standard PT uniform (gym shorts and T-shirt, without shoes). 4. If the circumstances preclude weighing Soldiers during the APFT, they will be weighed within 30 days of the APFT. 5. Add 6 pounds per inch for males over 80 inches and 5 pounds for females for each inch over 80 inches.

Program Failure

A Soldier enrolled in the ABCP is considered to be failing the program if: •He or she exhibits less than satisfactory progress on two consecutive monthly ABCP assessments; or • After 6 months in the ABCP he or she still exceeds body fat standards, and exhibits less than satisfactory progress for three or more (nonconsecutive) monthly ABCP assessments. When a Soldier has failed the program, the commander will request a medical evaluation. •If the medical evaluation finds the Soldier has a medical condition that does not meet medical retention standards of AR 40-501 (see medical fitness standards for retention and separation, including retirement) the Soldier will be processed in accordance with AR 40-501. • If the Soldier is found to have a temporary underlying medical condition that directly causes weight gain or prevents weight or body fat loss, the commander will follow the requirement IAW a temporary underlying medical condition.

program failure 3

Body fat assessment failure within 36 months of release from Army Body Composition Program If a Soldier again exceeds the body fat standard within 12 months after release from the ABCP, a DA Form 268 will be initiated on the Soldier. The Soldier will undergo a medical evaluation (at own expense for RC not on active duty). •If the Soldier is found to have a temporary medical condition that prevents weight or body fat loss, the commander will follow the requirements associated with a temporary medical condition. •If no underlying medical condition is found, the commander will initiate separation action, bar to reenlistment, or transfer to the IRR.

Administrative Requirements

Commanders must maintain an ABCP file at the unit on each Soldier enrolled in the program. Each file must include, at a minimum, the following for each enrollment: •DA Form 268 initiating the flagging action. • DA Form 5500 or DA Form 5501 from enrollment and each monthly assessment. •Notification counseling. •Soldier Action Plan. •Nutrition counseling results memorandum (AC and RC on active duty only). •Medical evaluation request memorandum(s), if indicated (AC and RC on active duty only). •Medical evaluation results, if indicated (AC and RC on active duty only). •Release from ABCP counseling memorandum from the unit commander. •Copy of DA Form 3349 (Physical Profile), if indicated.

Circumference Measurements (3 of 3)

Determine the mathematical average (add the three closest measurements for each site, divide by three, and round to the nearest 1/2 inch based on its proximity to 0.50). The circumference value for male Soldiers is the average abdominal circumference minus the average neck circumference. The circumference value for female Soldiers is the average waist circumference plus the average hip circumference minus the average neck circumference. Utilize the Soldier's circumference value and height to estimate percent body fat as specified in the body fat estimate tables located in figures B-5 (males) or B-6 (females).

Actions, Counseling, and Evaluations (2 of 3)

If a Soldier is enrolled in the ABCP the following administrative work will be documented: •DA Form 268 (FLAG) •Notification counseling •Soldier Acknowledgement of Enrollment •Request for Medical Evaluation Counseling •Nutritional Counseling •Medical Evaluation Results •Nutritional Results •Soldier Action Plan •DA Form 5500 or 5501 and monthly assessments •Release from ABCP counseling •Copy of DA Form 3349


Personnel who meet this regulation's standards and are hospitalized for 30 continuous days or more will be exempt from the standards for the duration of the hospitalization and the recovery period as specified by their profile, not to exceed 90 days from discharge from the hospital. If at the end of the specified recovery period the Soldier exceeds the allowable body fat standard, a DA Form 268 will be initiated on the Soldier and he or she will be enrolled in the ABCP.

Weight Measurement Procedures

Soldiers will be measured for fat in stocking feet (without running shoes) wearing the authorized fitness uniform (shorts and t-shirt); running shoes will not be worn. Undergarments that may serve to bind the abdomen, hip, or thigh areas are not authorized for wear when a Soldier is being measured for body fat composition. This includes, but is not limited to spandex shorts or girdle-like undergarments. Scales used for weight measurement will be calibrated annually for accuracy. The measurement will be made on scales available in units and recorded to the nearest pound with the following guidelines: 1. If the weight fraction of the Soldier is less than 1⁄2 pound, round down to the nearest pound. 2. If the weight fraction of the Soldier is 1⁄2 pound or greater, round up to the next whole pound. 3. No weight will be deducted to account for clothing.

Circumference Measurements (1 of 3)

The first Soldier places the tape measure and determines numerical measurements. The second Soldier assures proper placement and tension of the tape and functions as the recorder. The Soldier assisting with measurements and recording measurements can be of either gender. The two Soldiers should work with the Soldier being measured between them

Weigh-in and Body Fat Assessment

•Weigh-ins and body fat assessments will be conducted IAW Appendix B. •All Soldiers will be weighed every 6 months, at a minimum. •In order to ensure the ABCP does not interfere with Soldier performance on the APFT, commanders and supervisors are encouraged to allow a minimum of 7 days between APFT and weigh-in. •Routine weigh-ins will be accomplished at the unit level. •Percent body fat assessments will be accomplished by company or similar level commanders (or their designee) IAW standard methods prescribed in Appendix B. •Soldiers will be measured by trained individuals of the same gender. If a trained individual of the same gender is not available to conduct the measurements, a female Soldier will be present when a male measures a female, and a male Soldier will be present when a female measures a male. Note: IRR members on annual training, ADT, and special ADT will have a weigh-in and body fat assessment (if required) by the unit to which they are attached. •Units maintain height, weight, and body fat assessment data according to unit policy. Note: The height, weight, and body fat percent may be entered on the DA Form 705, a centralized roster, or the DA 5500/ 5501

Preparation of the Body Fat Content Worksheets (2 of 4)

Appendix B, Figures B-1 through B-8, Tables B-3 and B-4, and ALARACT 248/2010 will provide information needed to prepare the percentage fat worksheets for males (DA Form 5500) and females (DA Form 5501). DA Forms 5500 and 5501 (Body Fat Content Worksheets) are written in a stepwise fashion. Remember that measurement and computation processes are different for males and females. A worksheet must be completed for Soldiers who exceed the screening table weight or when a commander determines that the Soldier's appearance suggests that body fat is excessive.

Program failure 4 out of 4

Body fat assessment failure within 36 months of release from Army Body Composition Program (continued) •If, after 12 months but less than 36 months from the date of release from the ABCP, it is determined that a Soldier again exceeds the body fat standard, a DA Form 268 will be initiated on the Soldier. The Soldier will undergo a medical evaluation (at own expense for RC not on active duty). •If the Soldier is found to have a temporary medical condition that prevents weight or body fat loss, the commander will re-enroll the Soldier in the ABCP under the requirements associated with a temporary medical condition. •If no underlying medical condition is found, the commander will re-enroll the Soldier in the ABCP. The Soldier will have 90 days to meet the standards. •Soldiers who meet the body fat standard at the 90-day point will be released from the ABCP. •Soldiers who do not meet the ABCP body fat standard at the 90-day point are considered ABCP failures. Commanders will initiate separation action, bar to reenlistment, or transfer to the IRR for all Soldiers who fail to meet the body fat standard at the 90-day point.


Each Soldier (commissioned officer, warrant officer, and enlisted) is responsible for meeting the standards prescribed in this regulation. The weight for height tables will be used as a screening tool, however individuals must meet the body fat standard.

Preparation of the Body Fat Content Worksheets (4 of 4) female

NAME Print Soldier's last name, first name, and middle initial in NAME block. RANK Print rank in RANK block. HEIGHT Measure Soldier's height as described in this appendix to nearest half inch and record the measurement in HEIGHT block. WEIGHT Measure Soldier's weight as described in this appendix to nearest pound and record in WEIGHT block. Note: Follow the rules for rounding of height and weight measurement as described earlier in this appendix. AGE Print age in years in AGE block. STEP 1 Neck measurement. Measure Soldier's neck circumference at a point just below the larynx (Adam's apple and perpendicular to the long axis of the neck). The Soldier should look straight ahead during the measurement, with shoulders down (not hunched). Round the neck measurement up to nearest half inch and record in block labeled FIRST. STEP 2 Waist (abdomen) measurement. Measure Soldier's natural waist circumference against the skin at the point of minimal abdominal circumference, usually located about halfway between the navel and lower end of sternum (breastbone). If site is not easily visible, take several measurements at probable sites and use the smallest value. Ensure tape is level and parallel to floor. Soldier's arms must be at the sides. Take measurements at the end of Soldier's normal relaxed exhalation. Round the natural waist measurement down to nearest half inch and record in block labeled FIRST. STEP 3 Hip measurement. Measure Soldier's hip circumference while facing Soldier's right side by placing the tape around the hips so that it passes over the greatest protrusion of the gluteal muscles (buttocks) as viewed from the side. Ensure tape is level and parallel to floor. Apply sufficient tension on tape to minimize effect of clothing. Round hip measurement down to nearest half inch and record in block labeled FIRST. Repeat STEPS 1, 2, and 3 in series until you have completed three sets of neck, waist (abdomen), and hip circumference measurements. Find mathematical average of FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD circumference in STEPS 1, 2, and 3 by adding them together and dividing by three for each step. Place this number to nearest half inch in block marked AVERAGE for each step. STEP 4 Calculations. Line A Waist (abdomen) circumference. Enter value from STEP 2 in line 4A. Line B Hip circumference. Enter value from STEP 3 in line 4B. Line C Total (4A+4B=4C). Add waist circumference (line 4A) and hip circumference (line 4B). Enter result in line 4C. Line D Neck circumference. Enter value from STEP 1 in line 4D. Line E Circumference value (4C-4D=4E). Subtract value in line 4C from value in line 4D. Enter result in line 4E. Line F Enter the height in inches to the nearest half inch in line 4F. Note: Follow the rules for rounding of height and weight measurements as described earlier in this appendix. Line G Percent body fat. Determine percent body fat by finding Soldier's circumference value (value listed in line 4E) and height in inches (line 4F) in figure B-2. Percent body fat is the value that intercepts with circumference value and height in inches as listed in figure B-2. This is the Soldier's PERCENT BODY FAT. Note: Go to figure B-2 to locate the circumference value in the left-hand column.

Preparation of the Body Fat Content Worksheets (3 of 4)

NAME Print the Soldier's last name, first name, and middle initial in NAME block. RANK Print rank in the RANK box. HEIGHT Measure the Soldier's height as described in this appendix to the nearest half inch and record the measurement in HEIGHT block. WEIGHT Measure the Soldier's weight as described in this appendix to the nearest pound and record in WEIGHT block. Note: Follow the rounding rules for rounding height and weight measurement as described earlier in this appendix. AGE Print age in years in AGE block. STEP 1 Neck measurement. Measure Soldier's neck circumference at a point just below the larynx (Adam's apple and perpendicular to the long axis of the neck). The Soldier should look straight ahead during the measurement, with shoulders down (not hunched). Round the neck measurement up to nearest half inch and record in block labeled FIRST. STEP 2 Abdominal measurement. Measure the Soldier's abdominal circumference to nearest half inch. Round down to nearest half inch and record in block labeled FIRST. Note: Repeat STEPS 1 and 2 in series until you have completed three sets of neck and abdomen circumference measurements. STEP 3 Average neck measurement. Find mathematical average of FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD neck circumference by adding them together and dividing by three. Place this number to nearest half inch in block marked AVERAGE for STEPS 1 and 3. STEP 4 Average abdominal measurement. Find mathematical average of FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD abdominal circumference by adding them together and dividing by three. Place this number to nearest half inch in block marked AVERAGE for STEPS 2 and 4. STEP 5 Circumference value equals abdominal circumference (STEP 4) minus neck circumference (STEP 3). Subtract STEP 4 from STEP 3 and enter results in STEP 5. STEP 6 Height factor. Enter the height in inches to the nearest half inch. Note: Follow the rules for rounding of height and weight measurements as described earlier in this appendix. STEP 7 Percent body fat. Determine percent body fat by finding Soldier's circumference value (value listed in STEP 5) and height in inches (val- ue listed in STEP 6) in figure B-1. The percent body fat is the value that intercepts with circumference value and height in inches as listed in figure B-1. This is the Soldier's PERCENT BODY FAT. Note: Go to figure B-1 to locate the circumference value (abdomen minus neck difference) in the left-hand column.

Female Circumference Measurement Sites

Neck •Anatomical landmark is below the larynx at a point perpendicular to the long axis of the neck. •Measurements are taken with the Soldier standing; arms located at the side; looking straight ahead with shoulders down; not hunched. •Tape line height should be the same front and back. •Shoulder and neck muscles are not involved in the measurement. •Round measurement up to the nearest 1/2 inch. Abdomen Anatomical landmark is the narrowest point of the abdomen, halfway between the navel and the end of the sternum. When difficult to determine, take several measurements and use the smallest value. Tape should be level and parallel to the floor. Measurements are taken with the Soldier standing; arms at the side Record measurement at the end of a normal, relaxed exhalation. Round measurement down to the nearest 1/2 inch. Hips •Anatomical landmark is around the hips so that it passes over the greatest protrusion of the gluteal muscles (buttocks) keeping the tape in a horizontal plane (parallel to the floor). •Measurement is taken from the Soldier's right side. •Sufficient tension is placed on the tape to minimize the effect of clothing. •Round measurement down to the nearest 1/2 inch.

Reenlistment Criteria

Personnel who exceed the body fat standard in Appendix B will not be allowed to reenlist or extend their enlistment. •Exceptions to policy for Active Army personnel (including RC personnel on active duty) are prescribed in this subparagraph. For Soldiers who are otherwise physically fit and have performed their duties in a satisfactory manner, the commander exercising General Court Martial Convening Authority or the first general officer in the Soldier's normal chain of command (whichever is in the most direct line to the Soldier) may approve the following exceptions to policy: •Extension of enlistment may be authorized for personnel who meet one of the following criteria: •Individuals who have a temporary medical condition that directly precludes loss of weight or body fat. In such cases, the type of ongoing treatment will be documented and the extension will be for the minimum time necessary to correct the condition and achieve the required weight or body fat loss. •Pregnant Soldiers (except those Soldiers who have medical conditions who are otherwise fully qualified for reenlistment, including those with approved exception to policy, but who exceed acceptable standards prescribed in this regulation, will be extended for the minimum period that will allow birth of the child, plus 7 months. A clearance from the doctor that the Soldier is medically fit to participate in the ABCP is required. Authority, which will be cited on DA Form 1695 (Oath of Extension of Enlistment) is AR 601-280. On completion of the period of extension, the Soldier will be reevaluated under pregnancy guidelines. •Exceptions to policy allowing reenlistment and/or extension of enlistment are authorized only in cases where medically documented conditions preclude attainment of required standards. •All requests for extension of enlistment for ARNG and USAR (troop program unit and IRR) personnel not on active duty will be processed under NGR 600-200 or AR 140-111.

Reenlistment Criteria 2

Requests for exceptions to policy will be forwarded through the chain of command, with the commander's personal recommendation and appropriate comment at each level. As a minimum, requests will include: 1. The physician's evaluation. 2. Current body fat assessment results. 3. Current height and weight. 4. Body fat content. 5. Years of active Federal service. 6. Other pertinent information.

Reenlistment Criteria 3

Soldiers who have completed a minimum of 18 years of active Federal service may, if otherwise eligible, will be extended for the minimum time required to complete 20 years active Federal service. Application for retirement will be submitted at the time extension is authorized. Approval and/or disapproval authority is outlined in AR 601-280. Retirement must be accomplished not later than the last day of the month in which the Soldier attains retirement eligibility. USAR Soldiers who have completed a minimum of 18 years of qualifying service for retired pay at age 60 may be extended for the minimum time required to complete 20 years qualifying service. Approval and/or disapproval authority is outlined in AR 140-111. Transfer to the IRR or Retired Reserve or discharge will be accomplished at the end of the retirement year in which the Soldier attains the 20 qualifying years. ARNG Soldiers who have completed a minimum of 18 years qualifying service for retired pay at age 60 may be extended for the minimum time required to complete 20 years qualifying service by the State Adjutant General. Transfer to the IRR or Retired Reserve or discharge will be accomplished at the end of the retired year in which the Soldier attains the 20 qualifying years.


The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 is responsible for the ABCP

Height Measurement Procedures

The height will be measured with the Soldier in stocking feet (without running shoes) and wearing the authorized physical fitness uniform (trunks and T-shirt). The Soldier will stand on a flat surface with the head held horizontal, looking directly forward with the line of vision horizontal and the chin parallel to the floor. The body will be straight but not rigid, similar to the position of attention. •When measuring height to determine body fat percentage, the Soldier's height is measured to the nearest half inch. •When measuring height to use the weight for height screening table the Soldier's height is measured and then rounded to the nearest inch with the following guidelines: •If the height fraction is less than half an inch, round down to the nearest whole number in inches. •If the height fraction is half an inch or greater, round up to the next highest whole number in inches.

Preparation of the Body Fat Content Worksheets (1 of 4)

The purpose of this form is to help determine the Soldier's percent body fat using the circumference technique described in this regulation. Soldiers conducting circumference measurements and preparation of DA Form 5500 or 5501 must read the instructions before attempting to complete the body fat content worksheets. Soldiers conducting circumference measurements will have a thorough understanding of the measurements to be made and anatomical landmarks as outlined in Appendix B and ALARACT 248/2010. A scale for measuring body weight, a height measuring device, and an approved measuring tape for the circumference measurements are also required.

Measurement Factors

The tape measure will be calibrated- that is, compared with a yardstick or a metal ruler to ensure validity. This is done by aligning the fiberglass tape measure with the quarter inch markings on the ruler. The markings will match those on the ruler; if not, do not use that tape measure. The tape will be 1⁄4- to 1⁄2-inch wide (not exceeding 1⁄2 inch) and a minimum of 5 to 6 feet in length. A retractable fiberglass tape is the best type for measuring all areas. Tapes currently available through the Army Supply System (Federal Stock Number 8315-01-238-8103) may exceed the 1⁄2-inch width limits and could slightly impact on circumferential measurements. Efforts are being made to replace the supply system tape with a narrower retractable tape. In the interim, the current Army supply system or any other fiberglass tape not to exceed 5⁄8 inch may be used if retractable tapes cannot be purchased by unit budget funds available and approved by installation commanders.

Circumference Measurements (2 of 3)

Three measurements are taken to improve reliability and lessen the assumption of repeated measurement readings. Take all measurements three times in sets. A complete set for a male Soldier is defined as one neck and one abdomen (not three neck followed by three abdomen). A complete set for a female Soldier is defined as one neck, one waist, and one hip ( not three neck, followed by three waist, followed by three hip). Record each measurement to the nearest 1/2 inch, rounding in the manner specific to the site (up for the neck; down for the abdomen, waist, and hips). If any of the three measurements differ by more than one inch from the other two, take an additional measurement.

Measurement FactorsMeasurement Factors2

Unit commanders will require that designated personnel have hands-on training and read the instructions regarding technique and location and practice before official determinations are made. Two members of the unit will be utilized in the taking of measurements, one to place the tape measure and determine measurements, the other to assure proper placement and tension of the tape, as well as to record the measurement on the worksheet (DA Form 5500 (Body Fat Content Worksheet (Male) and DA Form 5501 (Body Fat Content Worksheet (Female)). The individual taking the measurements will be of the same sex as the Soldier being measured; the individual who assists the measurer and does the recording may be of either sex. The two will work with the Soldier between them so the tape is clearly visible from all sides. Take all circumference measurements three times and record them to the nearest 1⁄2 inch. If any one of the three closest measurements differs by more than 1 inch from the other two, take an additional measurement and compute a mathematical average of the three measurements with the least difference to the nearest 1⁄2 inch and record this value. When measuring circumferences, compression of the soft tissue requires constant attention. The tape will be applied so it makes contact with the skin and conforms to the body surface being measured. It will not compress the underlying soft tissues. However, the hip circumference measurement requires more firm pressure to compress the authorized physical fitness uniform trunks. All measurements are made in the horizontal plane (parallel to the floor), unless indicated otherwise.

Requirement to Determine Body Fat Composition

Weigh-ins and circumference measurements will be conducted by unit personnel monthly (or during unit assemblies for ARNG and USAR personnel) to measure progress. A body fat evaluation may also be done by unit personnel to assist in measuring progress. Screening table weight will not be used to remove Soldiers from the weight control program. Suspension of favorable personnel actions will be documented and lifted when the Soldier is removed from the ABCP

Enrollment in the Army Body Composition Program

•Active Army and RC Soldiers who exceed body fat standards in Appendix B will be enrolled in the unit ABCP. •Enrollment in the ABCP starts on the day that the Soldier is notified by the unit commander (or designee) that he or she has been entered in the program. •While enrolled, Soldiers will be provided exercise guidance by the MFT or unit fitness training. •NCO IAW FM 7-22. •Nutrition counseling will be provided by a registered dietitian (or health care provider) and assistance in behavioral modification to assist in meeting ABCP standards. •Initial entry Soldiers who exceed body fat standards after 180 days from date of entry to active service will be entered in the ABCP and flagged under the provisions of AR 600-8-2 by the unit commander.

Temporary Medical Condition

•All Soldiers found to exceed the allowable body fat standard will have a DA Form 268 initiated and be enrolled in the ABCP. •Soldiers found to have a temporary medical condition that directly causes weight gain or prevents weight or body fat loss will have up to 6 months from the initial medical evaluation date to undergo treatment to resolve the medical condition. •The medical specialty physician may extend the time period up to 12 months if it is determined more time is needed to resolve the medical condition. During this time, the Soldier will participate in the ABCP, to include initiation of a DA Form 268, nutrition counseling, and monthly body fat assessment, but will not be penalized for failing to show progress. However, if the Soldier meets the body fat standard during this timeframe, he or she will be removed from the ABCP. •The provisions of this paragraph are not applicable to medical conditions or injuries based solely on a prescribed reduction in physical activity. The inability to exercise does not directly cause weight gain. Health care personnel will advise Soldiers to modify caloric intake when reduced physical activity is necessary as part of a treatment plan. •Once the medical condition is resolved, or 6 months (not to exceed 12 months), whichever occurs first, from the date of the medical evaluation, and if the Soldier still exceeds the body fat standard, he or she will continue participating in the ABCP but will be required to show satisfactory progress. Health care providers will forward to the Soldier's commander an updated memorandum stating the effective date that the Soldier's temporary medical condition is resolved. • If the Soldier is unable to show satisfactory progress in accordance with paragraph 3-9b, the Soldier will be subject to separation.

Medical evaluations will also be performed when:

•Requested by commander •Requested by Soldier •Soldier is being considered for separation •Soldier is within 6 months of ETS after the initiation of a reenlistment bar for failure to make satisfactory progress in ABCP

Male Circumference Measurement Sites

•Anatomical landmark is below the larynx at a point perpendicular to the long axis of the neck. •Measurements are taken with the Soldier standing; arms located at the side; looking straight ahead with shoulders down; not hunched. •Tape line height should be the same front and back. •Shoulder and neck muscles are not involved in the measurement. •Round measurement up to the nearest 1/2 inch. Abdomen •Anatomical landmark is the navel, level and parallel to the floor. •Measurements are taken with the Soldier standing; arms at the side. •Record measurement at the end of a normal, relaxed exhalation. •Round measurement down to the nearest 1/2 inch.

Monitoring Soldier Progress in the ABCP

•Approximately every 30 days (or during unit assemblies for RC not on active duty), commanders will conduct a monthly ABCP assessment to measure Soldier progress. Results will be annotated on DA Form 5500 or DA Form 5501. •During monthly assessments, every Soldier enrolled in the ABCP will be weighed and have a body fat assessment conducted in order to document weight and fat loss progress. •A monthly loss of either 3 to 8 pounds or 1 percent body fat are both considered to be safely attainable goals that enable Soldiers to lose excess body fat and meet the body fat standards. •Soldiers that meet either of these goals are considered to be making satisfactory progress in the ABCP. •When necessary, commanders and supervisors will provide additional support, guidance, and resources to enhance Soldier's success. This may include time to participate in ongoing nutritional counseling or weight loss programs as prescribed by the dietitian or health care provider. Helpful tips for commanders and supervisors are located in AR 600-9, Appendix C.

AC and RC Soldiers not on Active Duty (4 of 5)

•Are enrolled in the ABCP effective immediately. While enrolled they: •Must read the USAPHC TG 358 within 14 days of enrollment. An appointment with a dietitian is optional at the Soldier's own expense. •Must complete and return their Soldier Action Plan to the commander prior to the conclusion of the first training period after being notified of enrollment in the ABCP. •Must participate in unit monthly ABCP assessments to document their progress. •Must meet the body fat standard in order to be released from the ABCP. •Must demonstrate satisfactory progress, as defined in paragraph 3-9b, while enrolled in the ABCP and under- stand that failure to do so will result in bar to reenlistment, initiation of separation proceedings, or a transfer into the IRR. •May request a medical examination if there is reason to believe that there is an underlying medical condition that may directly contribute to weight gain or prevent weight or body fat loss. This exam is at the Soldier's own expense

Health care personnel will:

•Assist commanders and supervisors in ensuring that individuals who exceed body fat standards receive weight control counseling from a registered dietician, if available. If a registered dietician is not available, weight reduction counseling may be provided by a health care provider, to include nurse practitioner, physician's assistant, or medical doctor. •Identify those who have a pathological condition requiring treatment. •Evaluate Soldiers who exceed body fat standards IAW this regulation. •Advise Soldiers that various medical conditions, environmental conditions, functional limitations, (temporary or permanent physical profiles) and/or medications may contribute to weight gain, however the soldiers are still required to meet the body fat standard established in this regulation. The DCS, G-1 is the waiver approval authority, see AR 600-9, paragraph 3-17 for special considerations. •Refer for appropriate nutrition and exercise counseling, if indicated. •At the request of the commander, provide education and information to Soldiers on healthy eating behaviors.

Purpose & Objective

•Assist in establishing and maintaining: - Operational Readiness - Physical Fitness - Health - Professional Military Appearance - IAW AR 670-1 - Establish body fat standards - Provide procedures by which personnel are counseled to assist in meeting ABCP standards

Measurement Factors

•Circumference-based tape measurement is the only approved Army measurement technique (ALARACT 248/2010). •Circumference measurements are accomplished by commander or designee. •Designees require hands-on training, practice and must read Appendix B prior to conducting circumference measurements. •Two unit members required to conduct measurements. Although circumferences may be looked upon by untrained personnel as easy measures, they can give erroneous results if proper precautions are not followed. The individual taking the measurements must have a thorough understanding of the appropriate body landmarks and measurement techniques.

AC and RC Soldiers on Active Duty (2 of 5)

•Enrolled in the ABCP effective immediately. While enrolled they: •Must read the online U.S. Army Public Health Command (USAPHC) Technical Guide (TG) 358 within 14 days of enrollment and schedule an appointment with a dietitian or health care provider. •Must complete and return their Soldier Action Plan to the commander within 14 days of the notification counseling. •Are required to meet with a dietitian or health care provider within 30 days of enrollment in the ABCP, bring a copy of the commander's request for nutrition counseling and their Soldier Action Plan to the dietitian for review, and provide the commander a memorandum signed by the dietitian or health care provider verifying that the nutritional counseling took place. •Must participate in unit monthly ABCP assessments to document their progress. •Must meet the body fat standard in order to be released from the ABCP. •Must demonstrate satisfactory progress, while enrolled in the ABCP and under-stand that failure to do so will result in bar to reenlistment or initiation of separation proceedings. •May request a medical examination if there is reason to believe that there is an underlying medical condition that may be the direct cause of weight gain or the direct cause of the inability to lose weight or body fat. •Must acknowledge enrollment in the ABCP by memorandum to the commander within 2 working days of notification of enrollment.

Medical Evaluations

•Health care personnel will perform a medical evaluation when a Soldier has a medical limitation, is pregnant, or when requested by the unit commander or Soldier. • A medical evaluation is also required for Soldiers being considered for separation because of a failure to make satisfactory progress in the AWCP, or within 6 months of ETS. • Aircraft crewmembers who exceed the body fat standards will be referred to a flight surgeon for possible impact on flight status. • Health care personnel will conduct a thorough medical evaluation to rule out any underlying medical condition (metabolic disorder) that may be a cause for significant weight gain. • If an underlying medical condition cannot be controlled with medication or other medical treatment, the medical professional will refer the Soldier to a medical evaluation board (MEB).

Medical Evaluations

•Health care personnel will prepare any profile associated with the underlying diagnosis IAW AR 40-501, Chapter 7 . •Temporary or permanent profiles will not be granted to exempt Soldiers from the requirement to meet body fat standards; therefore, such profiles will be deemed invalid. •Complete a memorandum to the Soldier's unit commander. •The sample correspondence (Figure 3-1 ) will be completed and retained by the unit commander or supervisor to properly document recommendations and actions taken in each case. •Health care personnel will prescribe treatment to alleviate the condition and return the Soldier to the unit. •A Soldier will have 6-12 months to resolve medical condition, as determined by their physician. •Soldiers will not be permanently exempt because of chronic medical conditions. •Soldier with temporary medical condition will still be enrolled in ABCP, receive nutrition counseling, and monthly body fat assessment, but will not be penalized for lack of progress (3-11 b.). •If Soldier meets standard during this period, Soldier will be removed from ABCP (3-11 b). •Once medical condition is resolved Soldier will remain on ABCP and be required to show satisfactory progress (3-11 d.).

Medical Evaluations

•If the Soldier does not meet medical retention standards of AR 40- 501, Chapter 3, the Soldier will be referred to an MEB/physical evaluation board (PEB). • If the underlying medical condition does not require referral to an MEB/PEB and a Soldier is classified as overweight, these facts will be documented and the Soldier will be entered into the ABCP except as described in paragraph 3-11 b. • Commanders will initiate suspension of favorable personnel actions under AR 600-8-24 Active Army personnel will be hospitalize for treatment if diagnosed with an underlying medical condition. RC personnel will be referred to their personal physicians (at an individual's expense) for further evaluation or treatment. Provide personalized nutritional and exercise counseling based on medical diagnosis. Determine whether an individual's condition is medically disqualifying for continued service (MEB/PEB).

Program failure 2 out of 4

•If the medical evaluation finds no underlying medical condition, then the commander will initiate separation action, bar to reenlistment, or involuntary transfer to the IRR for RC Soldiers in accordance with AR 140-10. • For RC personnel not on active duty only, if the individual has not obtained an evaluation from his or her personal physician under the provisions of paragraph 3-7a(2)(f) and cannot demonstrate that the overweight condition results from an underlying or associated disease process, the individual may be separated under appropriate regulations without further medical evaluation by health care personnel. The commander or supervisor will inform the Soldier, in writing, that a bar to reenlistment, separation action, or a transfer to the IRR is being initiated under the following applicable regulation(s): AR 135-175; AR 135-178; AR 600-8-24 (see eliminations and miscellaneous types of separations); AR 601-280; AR 635-200; AR 140-10; National Guard Regulation (NGR) (AR) 600-5; NGR 600-101; NGR 600-200; or NGR 635-100.

Commanders and supervisors will:

•Implement the ABCP, to include evaluation of the military appearance of all Soldiers under their jurisdiction, and measuring body fat as prescribed in this regulation. •Ensure the continued evaluation of all Soldiers under command or supervision against the body fat standards prescribed in this regulation. •Review monthly suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions Management Report (AAA-095) for all Soldiers who are flagged or have been flagged within the past 36 months for failing to meet body composition standards. •Forward a complete ABCP file (para 3-8) to the gaining unit on each Soldier who conducts a permanent change of station and is flagged for noncompliance with body fat standards

AC and RC Soldiers not on Active Duty (5 of 5)

•Must acknowledge enrollment in the ABCP by memorandum to the commander no later than the following MUTA after the notification of enrollment. •Soldier Action Plan. At the next scheduled MUTA following ABCP enrollment notification counseling, Soldiers will respond to the commander with a Soldier Action Plan confirming that they have read USAPHC TG 358. •As a part of the Soldier Action Plan, Soldiers must complete the Army MOVE!23 ( interactive questionnaire, review the survey results, and record their retrieval code. •The retrieval code is to be recorded in the event the Soldiers choose to review the results with a dietitian or health care provider during a nutrition counseling appointment. •Soldiers have the option to modify their plan while enrolled in the ABCP. •Nutrition counseling is optional at the Soldier's own expense.

Medical Evaluations

•No exemptions for temporary or permanent medical profiles; this includes chronic medical conditions. •Treatment will be prescribed to alleviate the condition and return the Soldier to the unit. •Soldiers with temporary medical condition that causes weight gain or prevents weight loss will have 6-12 months to resolve medical condition. •Commander will document all recommendations and actions taken in each case.


•Personnel who meet this regulation's standards and become pregnant will be exempt from the standards for the duration of the pregnancy plus the period of 180 days after the pregnancy ends. If, after this period of exemption they are verified to exceed the body fat standard, they will be enrolled in the ABCP, pending approval of a medical doctor that they are fit to participate in the program. •Soldiers who become pregnant while enrolled in the ABCP will remain under the flagging action. •Soldiers entered or re-entered in the ABCP after pregnancy will be considered first-time entries into the program (body fat assessment failure within 36 months of release from ABCP will not apply at that time). •If the Soldier is determined to exceed the body fat standard and is identified to have a temporary underlying medical condition, refer to temporary medical condition for appropriate actions.

Designated unit fitness trainer or training noncommissioned officers will:

•Prescribe proper exercise and fitness techniques according to FM 7-22 to assist Soldiers in meeting and maintaining body fat standards. •Assist commanders in developing programs that establish a physical fitness program IAW FM 7-22.

Master Fitness Trainer will:

•Prescribe proper exercise and fitness techniques, according to FM 7-22, to assist Soldiers in meeting and maintaining body fat standards. •Assist commanders in developing programs that establish a physical fitness program in accordance with FM 7-22. •Train other command designated NCOs in proper height, weight, and body circumference methodology to assess body fat composition.


•Soldiers are required to meet the prescribed body fat standard, as indicated in Appendix B. Soldiers will be screened every 6 months, at a minimum, to ensure compliance with this regulation. •The only authorized method of estimating body fat is the circumference-based tape method outlined in Appendix B. •Commanders are authorized to use the weight for height table (Appendix B) as a screening tool in order to expedite the semi-annual testing process. If Soldiers do not exceed the authorized screening table weight for their age and measured height, no body fat assessment is required. •Commanders have the authority to direct a body fat assessment on any Soldier that they determine does not present a Soldierly appearance, regardless of whether or not the Soldier exceeds the screening table weight for his or her measured height. •Soldiers identified as exceeding the body fat standard will be flagged in accordance with AR 600-8-2 and enrolled in the ABCP. They must meet the body fat standard in this regulation in order to be released from the program.


•Soldiers assigned or attached to a Warrior Transition Unit or Community Based Warrior Transition Unit must meet the body fat standard. Soldiers with special considerations may request a temporary exception to policy. •The following Soldiers are exempt from the requirements of this regulation; however, they must maintain a Soldierly appearance: •Soldiers with major limb loss. Major limb loss is defined as an amputation above the ankle or above the wrist, which includes full hand and/or full foot loss. It does not include partial hand, foot, fingers, or toes. •Soldiers on established continued on active duty and/or continued on active Reserve status. •Pregnant and postpartum Soldiers. See paragraph 3-15. •Soldiers who have undergone prolonged hospitalization for 30 continuous days or greater. See paragraph 3-16. • New recruits. These recruits, regardless of component, will have 180 days from entry to active service to meet the retention body fat standards established in this regulation. Failure to achieve retention body fat standards at 180 days will result in Soldiers being flagged in accordance with AR 600-8-2 and enrolled in the ABCP. •Soldiers that do not meet the criteria above have the option to request a temporary exception to policy.

Exception to policy authority

•The DCS, G-1 is the approval authority for all exceptions to this regulation. All requests for an exception to this policy will include an endorsement from a medical professional and be processed through the Soldier's chain of command, with recommendations as to disposition from the company, battalion, and brigade-level commanders, reviewed by the servicing staff judge advocate, and submitted directly to Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 (DAPE-HR), 300 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-0300 for final determination. •The use of certain medications to treat an underlying medical or psychological disorder or the inability to perform all aerobic events may contribute to weight gain but are not considered sufficient justification for noncompliance with this regulation. •Medical professionals should advise Soldiers taking medications that may contribute to weight gain, or Soldiers with temporary or permanent physical profiles, that they are still required to meet the body fat standard established in the regulation; the Soldier may be referred to an appropriate specialist for nutrition and exercise counseling as indicated. •Chronic medical conditions will not be used to exempt Soldiers from meeting the standards established in this regulation. •There are no exemptions to the provisions of this regulation based solely on race, ethnicity, or gender.

AC and RC Soldiers on Active Duty

•The following actions are required when a Soldier is determined to be exceeding the body fat standard: •Notification counseling. In accordance with AR 600-8-2, the commander has 3 working days to Flag the Soldier using DA Form 268 (FLAG) and 2 working days from initiation of DA Form 268 to counsel and/or notify and enroll the Soldier in the ABCP. •The effective date of the DA Form 268 flagging action is the date that the Soldier is found to be noncompliant. Notification counseling documentation will be completed in accordance with figure 3-1 •During this notification counseling, Soldiers will be advised they: •Have a DA Form 268 placed on their record to suspend favorable personnel actions. Some of the ramifications of the flagging action include: •Are nonpromotable (to the extent such nonpromotion is permitted by law). •Will not be assigned to command, command sergeant major, or first sergeant positions. •In accordance with AR 350-1, are not authorized to attend military schools and institutional training courses.

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