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What was the basis of Maya life?

Growing of maize, beans, and squash

Why was the calendar important for the Maya religion?

Helped identify best times to plant crops Helped in attacking enemies Used to crown new rulers

Fun Fact:

When one of the kings died and didn't have a successor, it was considered a disaster.

Which of the causes for the fall of the Maya do you think was the most important? Explain.

• I think the most important cause for the fall of the Maya is the Toltec invading because Toltecs deteriorated their customs and changed their ways. The increased warfare was also the main cause of economic hardship and poverty in the Mayan civilization.

Fun Fact

Maya developed the number zeroo in the 4th century ad; Europe not until 800 years later.

Fun Fact:

Maya may have found a way to create water pressure by decreasing shafts or pipelines so that water moved more quickly through it.

Fun Fact

Maya were able to trace the movement of the stars and planets to create the calendar with such simple tools

Fun Fact:

They shaped the limestone and built incredible architecture without iron tools or wheels.

Fun Fact:

The Maya founded Golden Mean. The Golden Mean is the ideal moderate position between two extremes and equal 1.61.

How do the characteristics of Maya civilization compare with the characteristics of a typical civilization?

A typical civilization has a government (some kind of order), culture, industry, and common social norms Mayan civilization has all of them, including: o Religious beliefs o Maya believed in many gods o Gods of corn, of death, of rain, and of war o Gods were good/evil o Maya believed that each day was a living god whose behavior could be predicted with the help of a system of calendars. o Social Classes o Noble class: • Included priests and the leading warriors • Occupied the rung of Maya society o Merchants and those with specialized knowledge, such as skilled artisans o Peasant majority o Maya king sat at the top of this class structure (holy figure) o City States They took some of Olmec cultural

Why was trade important to Maya civilization?

Linked all the independent city-states together Independent city-state: o Ruled by a god-king o Center for religious ceremonies and trade o Featured giant pyramids, temples, palaces, and elaborate stone carvings dedicated to the gods and to important rulers. o Tens of thousands of people livd in residential areas surrounding the city center (very active) o Temple IV, Tikal o Ball court: o Stone-sided playing field o Maya believed the playing of this game would maintain cycles of the sun and moon and bring life-giving grains

How important do you think the development of advanced mathematics was in the creation of the Maya calendar?

Mayan people developed the calendar because of religion, but mathematics and astronomy helped calculate solar years. Maya believed that each day was a living god whose behavior could be predicted with the help of a system of calendars. Many Maya believed that time was a burden carried on the back of a god. They believed that at the end of a day, month, or year, on god would lay the burden down and another would pick it up. Days were luck/unlucky This is why they developed a calendar They used the numerical system primarily for calendar and astronomical work. Maya believed that human sacrifice pleased the gods and kept the world in balance Maya's use of sacrifice never reached the extremes of some other Mesoamerican peoples.

What three explanations have been given for the collapse of the Maya civilization?

Warfare among various city-states Increased warfare disrupted trade and economic balance Population growth and over-farming was detrimental to their land

Fun Fact:

Human blood was considered extremely valuable to the Mayan people. It was not considered something evil to get rid of during sacrifice. It was considered an extremely valuable gift to the gods.

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