Maya Civilization and Culture

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What was the Mayan Hierarchy or Class Structure?

-Ruler/King -Useful architects, merchants and craftsmen -Commoners like artists and traders, -Farmers -Slaves

What was the Mayan slave class system?

-You were born into slavery. -If you committed a crime, there are no prisons so you become part of the slave class system. -If you are captured and are a prisoner of war, you become a slave. -If you are born an orphan, you are a slave. -Slaves were used for human sacrifice. -Slaves performed the hardest and most dangerous jobs.

Name two religious rituals that the Mayan conducted?

1. bloodletting 2. human sacrifice

When was the Maya civilization most dominant?

400 BCE - 900 CE when the city/states were abandoned.

What is a codex?

A codex is a book made of ficus fibers or deerskin, folded like a fan. It contained the writings (hieroglyphs) of the Mayans, who recorded all they could about their lives. They were all burned except for 4 codices (plural for codex).

What is a quetzal?

A colorful tropical bird that the Mayans prized for its feathers.

What is Pok-ol-Pok?

A game tat was played on the ball courts which was an important part of Mayan political and religious festivals. High ranking captives were forced to play the game for their lives.

What was the Maya's form of entertainment?

The ball game was a popular way the Maya entertained themselves.

What color was significant to the Mayans? Why?

Blue because it symbolized death, war and sacrifice.

Where was the Mayan civilizations located?

Central America

Currency in Mayan culture?

Cocoa beans.

What were the main crops?

Corn, squash, beans, cocoa beans and cotton.

What kind of material was was clothes made out of?


What was the ruling system for the Mayan civilization?

Each city state (there were about 40) had their own ruler. So there were about 40 different noble families. the position of king was inherited. Same families ruled forever.

Describe what happens at El Castillo twice every year

El Castillo is the most famous pyramid in the city state of Chichen Itza. People gather here during the Spring and Fall equinox to observe the

What was considered as "beautiful" in the Mayan culture?

Having catlike features, crossed, eyes, and elongated head, flat forehead, tattoos, multiple piercings, long hair for men, buns or braids for women, jewels in teeth or teeth that are filed to a point.

What are some natural resources located in the Mayan regions?

Limestone, Obsidian, Salt, Jade, Quetzal feathers, Marine shells and cotton

What is obsidian?

Obsidian is the rock that forms from dried lava.

Where would the Maya record their history and daily lives?

On codices, stellae (tall stone pillars), in stairways and on buildings.

What is polytheism?

Polytheism is the belief in many gods.

Who is the legendary god of Chichen Itza?

Quetzalcoatl. He is the legendary ruler of Chichen Itza. He is a feathered serpent. He is credited with revitalizing the city state of Chichen Itza as a center for culture and spiritual importance. It's his image that descends down the stairs of El Castillo.

What is the slash and burn method of farming?

Slash and burn requires you to cut or dry the trees out, burn the area. This will not only clear the area for planting, but the burnt ash will fertilize the earth.

What were the 3 main gods?

Sun, Rain, and corn god

What is terrace farming?

Terrace farming helped the Mayans utilized the mountains for farming. By building giant steps into the sides, whatever is planted remains stable, can be irrigated and grow.

What were important features of the Mayan civilization?

The Maya had cities, well-organized government, workers with specialized jobs, religion, system for writing, and highly developed art, architecture, and music (culture).

Where did the farmers live?

The farmers lived outside of the city state in the villages and fields.

What changed in Mesoamerica in 250 A.D. ?

The people in that region started to develop what we now call Maya civilization.

Did the Maya trade any goods?

They traded cacao or cocoa beans, animal skins, jade, dried fish, and honey.

Why are the pyramids important to the Maya?

These were buildings with a flat base and sides shaped like triangles. Mayan temples were built on top of these.

How did the Maya revolutionize agriculture?

They domesticated (tamed or cultivated) plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering.

What did a typical Maya city look like?

They had stone buildings with wide plazas. Many of them had ball courts.

What kind of art did the Maya's create?

They made fine pottery, bone carvings, jewelry, and paintings.

Building types for people of Maya's

They were constructed from large blocks of stone.

What were the Maya strengths?

They were detailed historians, excellent architects, astronomers, artisans and mathematicians. They created a calendar based on their study of the sky, stars, planets and patterns.

What was a planting stick?

This is a stick that the Mayans used to poke holes into the ground, drop the seed, cover the hole and viola, you will soon produce a plant.

What was bloodletting?

This is the ritual that Mayans did because they believed that shedding human blood would prompt the gods to send rain to water the maize and other crops. You would shed blood (not die) to feed the soil. It involved war captives and royals.

What other city states were popular in the Mayan Civilization?

Tikal - In the rainforest of Central America, where the Temple of Skulls is located. Palenque - An ancient Mayan city state which became the dominant power -- ruled by one of the greatest Mayan kings - Lord Pacal.

Could women participate in religion?

Yes, they could become priests

What did religion revolve around?

nature and agriculture

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