Maymester Religion

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"Middle America" the region extending from modern-day Mexico through Central America Characterized by a heterogeneity of cultures organized by city states that managed periods of agricultural abundance, complex economic exchange, and combinations of European and indigenous ideas and practices. Spanairds introduced at least four decisive institutions into colonial mesoamerica -The Spanish Language -Roman Catholic Church carrying out a "spiritual conquest" of native people -An enormous royal bureaucracy administering new landholdings, governments, animals and mines - New technology, tools, and crafts.

Foundations of Christianity

- Began in 0 B.C.E. - Began a time when the Jewish people were waiting for the Messiah. - The Jewish people were looking to be liberated from a long period of Roman control. - Jesus (claim to be the son of God) began the movement but the religion was start by his disciples after his death, the most promenade of who was Paul. - European exploration spread Christianity from 800 years ago. -BEGINS WITH CONCEPTION OF GOD -Three persons in one being (Father/son/Holy) all three are distinct all three are god Nature of Humanity -Creation similar and unique from ANE -Theological Anthropology -Sinful, Separated from God -Unique from Animals -Image of God Sin -Lack of consensus about the essence of sin reflects the diversity of scriptural terminology Hamartia: Missing the Mark -Parabasis: Transgression -Adikia: Unrighteousness -Asebeia: Impiety -Anomia: Lawlessness -Poneria: Depravity -Epithymia: Evil Desire New Testament -27 Books (15-100AD) -Gospels: Mathew Mark Luke and John -Letters (Epistles) written by various christian leaders to provide guidance for early church communities. -Roman Empire and Koine Greek as key to spread christianity -Canon- means rule or measuring line "Canon of the US?" What books would be included -Foundation materials -Author there for foundations -When councils solidify canon - asking which books they already saw as authoritative INCARNATION John 1 "In the beginning there was the word and the word was with God and the word WAS God" "The word became flesh" Incarnation- "God Taking on flesh"- Jesus coming into the world Life of Christ Mosaic Law and Jesus' Authority Death of Christ -Atonement for Sins 4 Main theories of Atonement -Moral Influence- God Showing love -Christus Victor- Christ Showing victory -Sinisfaction- Satisfies the wrath of God -Penal Substitution- Main view at reformation -Jesus pays the price for sinners Resurrection of Christ -Gospels and 4 lenses -Discordance or Harmony? -Depends what you are looking for Pentecost -Holy Spirit coming down to fill and empower believers/non believers- Book of Acts Conversion of Saul (Paul) -Persecutor to missionary -Most important for spreading christianity -Wrote much of New Testament -Pushes apostles on gentile/jewish question

Gines de Sepulveda

-argued for the Encomienda system against Bartolome de las Casas -the natives were natural slaves (according to Aristotle), so in serving the Spanish, they were achieving their greatest potential "in a word as monkeys to men"

3 questions all religions ask

1 What is ultimate reality 2 How should we live in the world? 3 What is our ultimate goal

Juan Diego

1531 Presented bishop with image of Mary on his cloak speaks in his native language Spoke Nahuatl -Gods Side Context is key -Stalling evangelization -Rise of Protestantism "pick up these flowers and put them in your cloak and bring them to the bishop" Painting of virgin mary glows for bishop and is believed church is then built.

Life of Buddha

563-483 BCE 500 years before christ he set out on a journey to travel through pain and suffering to reach nirvana (a symbol of compassion and non violence) -Grew up in a palace -Born in the site of Kappa Vastu -Named in the Texas Kabbalah, located to the west. Childhood home of the Buddha -Gave up luxury to reach ultimate wisdom -Founded the first world religion followed by over 400 million people where meditation is used to reach a state of complete peace and happiness to know the reality and events of his life make up one of the greatest stories of the Buddah The brahmi script and language is a local vernacular language of northern India and the inscription itself depicts that this is where the Buddha was born. Found evidence of Buddah's existence meaning he is not legendary but a real figure. Legend says: The full Guardian deities of the world carried Queen Maya up to the Himalayan Mountains in her bed, anointed her with divine perfumes , and decked her with heavenly flowers. A white elephant with six tusks descended from heaven carrying a lotus flower its trunk and entered her womb. -Mark of a wheel on his feet -32 marks -meaning: one would become a Buddha one would become a leader -painted grey - a flat bowl with black paint made in 5th century BC STORY: -saw a farmer plowing, saw struggle of work, first experience of real life. symbolized: "if the farmer had not been plowing, the bird would not have eaten the worm"=Everything is connected- All actions have consequences =Karma First step on the road to enlightenment Went into meditative state called first Jhana aging is inescapable abandoned wife and son (magic mist sent guards to sleep) must challenge brahman religion to understand suffering "one does not become a brahman by birth one becomes a brahman by living well" so excelled at meditating that he attracted 5 followers and was asked to teach -wanted to find other techniques focusing on his body Tries harsh asceticism -fasting -not washing body -meditations involving holding breath for a long time Physical body is a barrier to spiritual liberation cleanse the mind and liberate soul young girl saved life with rice and milk is abandoned by followers Final torments demon mara -purely psychological forces from within us -turned flaming arrows into lotus blossoms -attempted to seduce sitharta with demon king's three daughters His recognition that Mara is part of himself is his enlightenment spends 7 days under a tree in a meditative state of absolute bliss if we remove desire, we can remove dissatisfaction and suffering from our lives. Nirvana: a state of mind free of all the causes of future dedicates rest of life to help others for freedom through suffering -sets up a school - Morality, Meditation and Wisdom, not to kill, don't steal, no sexual misconduct, don't lie, don't indulge in intoxicants. His mother became history's first nun father forgave him " How life should be lived " set out to teach for another 40 years- ordained his son as a monk before he left monks must be celibate and give up every desire must commit mantras to memory- challenge commitment to teachings

Hebrew Bible

A collection of sacred books containing diverse materials concerning the origins, experiences, beliefs, and practices of the early Hebrew people. Most of the extant text was compiled by members of the priestly class in the fifth century B.C.E. 24 books written over a long period of time with diverse authorship and editing Special importance to the torah or first 5 books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) Called that because it implies there is a new testament which they believe there is NOT(no scripture) Torah- Law and Teachings Prophets- Nevim- (minor, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi) (Major(longer books): Isiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel) Writings- Ketuvim: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations Talmud- Oral Torah Interpretations by rabbis on the Torah- Important piece of scripture Shabbat- Dusk on Friday to Sundown on Saturday Sacred Time vs Ordinary Times (Work for 6 days rest on the 7th) Creation Patterns 10 commandments-exodus (You need to honor the Sabbath because I freed you from Egypt) Main Characters Abraham- Father of the Covenant Moses- Giver of the Law, Leader of Exodus out of Egypt King Saul; First King of Israel -disobeys David: King, Brings Tabernacle(manifestation of God), city- Is a man of sin/war. Solomon is his son. Solomon: Built the temple Esther: Purim- Saves Jewish people Conclusion- Stories etched in the memory of the jewish people , keys to surviving and thriving. Diverse Manifestations chain of knowledge and practice from Biblical times to the present adapts and changes to emphasizes evolving nature places itself in


A monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior. Whats Happening with Christianity Today -Christians in 1910: 611810000 -Christians in 2010: 2814060000 Today: 2.8 billion- 1/3 world pop Global Shifting from Europe and NA to Latin America, Asia, Africa -Shift SOUTHWARD -Thriving in the Global South Majority of the population in 6 of 9 cultural regions of the world -Unique- Spread around -Majority of population in 158 countries (2/3) Does not begin as western religion- Many are African.

Sublimis Deus

A papal bull issued in 1537 addressed what was to be done with the native peoples already living there Gods love for "indians" entailed respectful treatment by all missionaries and conquerors. denounced the practice of taking indians as slaves BUT to convert them to christianity

Making Sense of Christian Denominations (Luther and the Reformations)

A period of Reformations The protestant reformation was the 16th century religious political intellectual and cultural upheaval that splintered Catholic Europe setting in place the structures and beliefs that would define the continent in the modern era Social Context -Sin Death and the Devil -Natural Catastrophes -Rural Urban Migration -Population Growth -Plague and Disease Theological Context -Eternal Destination of the Soul -!!A cult of the living in service to the dead"!! -Rise of Indulgences -The pope can "cancel people's sins" treasury of merit (Pope has access)- put that in an indulgence -Doctrinal Exploitation -Purgatory (between heaven and hell) to pay off sins -Drop a coin in- given indulgence for themselves and relatives- Raising money for St Peter- Exploits people Technological Context -Printing Press (Gutenberg 1440) -Literacy (more moving to cities) -Mining Boom allows prince Fredrick in Germany to find a university Ecclesial Context -Papacy (office of the Pope) is degraded -Priesthood alongside it -Confirmed in the council of Trent (Tries to reform from within) Bans (Corrupt practices) Brothels. prostitutes, selling of church offices, Luther and the Reformations 1481-1546 -Becomes a monk -Thinks God is displeased with him -Discovery of the acceptance of God changes Western christianity Luther in Rome 1511 -Sees a LOT of sinning -Appalled by the selling of heaven Johann Tetzel (1465-1519) Builds stages for people being dammed to hell would take his hand and dip it in clear wax flame on stage- would put hand on flame to scare spectators to raise money for indulgences 95 Thesis - 1517 -Not a manifesto -Surprised by resistance -Put on trial -1519 - his real break from RCC (Lepzig Disputation) -Luther says "yes I am saying if its between the Bible and the pope I choose the Bible" "Ja ich Bin Hussite"- Yes I am a Hussite Excommunication -October 1519- Papal Bull arrives "Rise Up O Lord" -Walks to the city center and burns it -KEY: Put on trial not by the church (was already ex-communicated) -Catholic Church handed him over to the state to put them on trial- if church verdict is agreed the would be executed. - Luther is riding to his trial and kidnapped - taken to hidden location -Is kidnapped by a French supporter - While he is hidden in house- Translates bible into German Luther and Romans 1:17 -Reads book of romans "For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last" -He decides Jesus has died for his sins Law and Grace Romans 4 -Wages are not a gift but an obligation -Who gets the credit in your own salvation -You are only saved by faith you can have a personal relationship with God Luther and the Sacraments -Baptism


A religion and philosophy developed in ancient India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation (samsara) and a supreme being who takes many forms Call to follow the path of righteousness by engaging in spiritual practices, yogas, and prayer. Bhakti - the desire of liberation from the cycle of rebirth Oldest Religion third largest Primarily practiced in India and Nepal Term "Hinduism" began in 19th century not found in hindu scriptures- introduced by foreigners across the river sindu- north of India (where the Vedic religion is believed to have originated) Religion vs culture problem


A system of practices, techniques, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline.

Revolution in American Judaism

Adapting religion to US context - Isaac Mayor Wise -Late 19 and early 20th century(rise of Immigration) -Jews getting pushed out from historic places -Sephardic Judaism- The descendants of jews who left spain or portugal after the 1492 expulsion are referred to as Sephardim (also from North Africa and Middle East) -Ashkenazic Judaism- Customs and people find their origins in France, Germany, and Eastern Europe (and descendants) Language is Yiddish (traditionally) -Worth noting... Most of the early jewish settlers in north America were Sephardic Shearith Israel - 1654 1654-1845- Only Jewish Synagogue in NYC Changing American Faith- What does it mean to be truly american and jewish? Do we adapt or do we change or stay the same? NYC/Charleston Splits proposes.... -men and women sitting together -English Prayers -Shorter Sermons -Vernacular Prayers -Proposal is DISMISSED -Creates own synagogue -Has concentrated power in a Rabbi -Rabbis forced to listen to requests after more synagogues and congregations are formed. Pluralistic and Monolithic in the new age of american judaism from a community Synagogue----> to a synagogue community New from of Judaism Isaac Mayer Wise - Publishes under "reverend Doctor" "do you believe in a personal messiah or bodily resurrection" - Says NO (New judasim) Founds Hebrew Union College -Gives people choice in the judaism they practice Trefa Banquet- Graduation of Hebrew Union -Waiters bring out shellfish (Not Kosher) Says "take and eat!" Trefa-Non Kosher - Betrayal Taking American Culture while staying Jewish (the ethical pieces, new diet) by 1880 - 90% of synagogues had adopted american reformed judaism Reform Judaism -Major Jewish Denomination that -Emphasizes the evolving nature of the faith, -the superiority of its ethical aspects to the ceremonial ones, -and a belief in a continuous revelation not centered on the theophany of mount Sinal (where the law of moses is given) -God is still speaking even after things in the Torah ADAPT AND CHANGE

Aristotle vs Genesis

Aristotle- Levels of humanity/what it means to be human Genesis- There is something about being human that gives dignity worth and value - the image of god and value gives dignity


Aztec mother goddess worshipped at Tepeyac

Monotheism vs Henotheism

Belief in one God but not denying the existence of others Yet, animism, pantheism, monism, monotheism, polytheism, henotheism can all be found. Many in Hinduism are henothistic -one god as devotional god but does not deny other existence.

Black Elf and the Lakota

Black Elk(1863-1950) - a famous Lakota religious leader Book- Black Elk Speaks- tells of his life and a great vision "It is the story of all of life that is holy and good to tell and of us two leggeds sharing in it with the four leggeds and the wings of the air and all green things for these are the children of one mother and their father is one spirit"


Born 570 AD Revelations in 610 Nost a new religion but a final prophet A long line of Human Prophets,not divine Life is an example Islam:Submission A dictation of what God wanted him to be Life as an example-not divine

Religion in the modern period/New Religious movements- Mormon

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints -LDS -Community of Christ -FLDS -Restorationalist -Most original and persecuted religion of any period in American history Open canon: Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrines and Covenants. Temples, Ordinances Distinctive Church Structure President of Church is Prophet, Seer, and Revelator -Priesthood open to all men Distinctive view on afterlife Plural Marriage 1852-1890 (officially) Joseph Smith 1805 -family was religious but did not belong to a church First Vision 1820 while in the woods praying -Informed he should wait- no religion is correct Moroni Appears to Smith 1823-7 Translation of the Golden Plates (reformed Egyptian) -Used a steer stone -ancient record buried on his family farm his translation of the plates ended up being Book of Mormon -Published 1830 -Nephites (good people) and Lamanites (people who forgot their way) -Records Jesus' appearance in Americas following resurrection -Structured into smaller groups -nephites destroyed by laminates -Mormon's son buried them until they were found to "restore the church of Jesus Christ" Early Missionaries Moving Westward got up to 10000 followers Neighbors were not happy moved to Kirkland OH and then Independence MO Independence MO would be where Christ would build Zion 1836- Morman county in MO - Mormons attack non Mormon homes Boggs issues extermination order for mormons under public peace Polygamy 1833-1890 Publicly acknowledged 1852 1890 Revelation ending plural marriage-1896 Utah becomes 45th state Mormonism viewed as perverted protestantism deviation from American way Smith sought establishment of a new Israel Mormons had been at war with the US 3 times Mormon Succession Crisis: Brigham Young -Travels to Salt Lake Valley - arrives in 1847 sets up communitarian communities Sidney Rigdon- Near Pittsburgh Joseph Smith III - Remains in Nauvoo-settles in IL/MO Making Zion in Desert Bringham Young -church president -Governor of Utah territory -United Order of Enoch -1857-8 Utah War attacks based on function to live as a parallel society Joseph Smith was killed when his jail was attacked Mormans vs Catholic -Gender based MORMONS TODAY -15 million worldwide -4.5 million in US -Majority are people of color and live outside the US -LDS seeking to make it more mainstream christianity -

Brodd highlights globalization as key to rise and spread of New Religious Movements. Which factors did he highlight?

Colonialism and imperialism

Clarifying the Trimurti

Creator- Brahma Preserver - Vishnu Destroyer- Shiva Three main devotional strands not similar to trinity In christianity Forms of Hindu Gods "I see you everywhere many armed many stomached many eyes, infinite in form. I cannot fund your end your middle or your beginning" Darshan - "To see" Not going to "worship" "I'm going for Darshan" an intimate act of seeing the deity and being seen by the deity- Establishes relationship between worshipper and God. When seeing a guru "spiritual preceptor" they use Darshan

Hindu Holidays

Diwalli 5 day festival of lights in October commemorates heroic rescue and return to adyoha ? Oil lamps are set out on doorsteps signify the triumph of good over evil marks the end of the harvest season new clothes and gifts Holi Festival of colors/love Hindu Myth, --Radha's love for Krishna Celebrated with colors

According to our lecture, who converted Malcolm X to the Nation of Islam?

Elijah Muhammad

According to our lecture, why did Malcolm X have a falling out with Elijah Muhammad?

Elijah Muhammad's (alleged) extra marital affair

Qualitative Research

Empirical research, data is not in the form of numbers mixed method of triangulation


Extent to which research results apply to a range of individuals not included in the study. Is the chosen case or sample sufficiently representative, typical, exemplary, or compelling that the findings are likely to appear to relevant broader groups

When Malcolm X returns from Hajj, he embraces the brotherhood of all people and apologizes for demonizing white people:


Bartolome de Las Casas

First bishop of Chiapas, in southern Mexico. He devoted most of his life to protecting Amerindian peoples from exploitation. His major achievement was the New Laws of 1542, which limited the ability of Spanish settlers to compel Amerindians to labor. "Are these not men?" Receives encomienda - in the system but defends indigenous people wins! Sees Charles the 5th set up a commission for debate - new laws then put in place to protect the people

Amerigo Vespucci

Florentine navigator who explored the coast of South America Universal Cosmography 1507 Names modern day south america "americus"


Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path -Suffering is inherent in life -The cause of suffering is desire -There is a way to put an end to desire and sufferings -The way is the Noble Eightfold Path Noble Eightfold Path -Right View -Right Intention -Right Speech -Right Action -Right Livelihood -Right Effort -Right Mindfulness -Right Concentration Buddhist Meditation Two main aspects -Calming (Samantha)=Training one's attention (present in all religions) -Insight (Vipassana)= using meditative focus to realize buddhist truths (esp no-self) Insight Meditation: Sitting, breathing, observing bodily sensations, observing thoughts. (a way to deal with the problems of life/extremely accessible) Dali Lama passes on lessons and teachings of the Buddha some people describe buddhism as not a religion, but the position as signs of mind By the time the British colonized India, the country of the Buddha's birth, Buddhism had all but died out, destroyed by Hindu Kings and Muslim invaders.

The book of Mormon was translated from what?

Golden plates

How does the LDS (Mormon) view of the "Heavenly Father" (God) differ from traditional Christianity?

Heavenly Father was once a man

Hindu and Cows

Hindus are often vegetarian (not original to hindu) cow as sacred symbol of life that should be protected and revered Cows the highest caste of Brahmins and to kill a cow likened to killing the highest priestly caste

The Bahai faith came out of which Abrahamic religion?


Which religion believes only 144,000 people will reach "full salvation" in heaven?

Jehovah's Witnesses

How Does Christianity Grow

Jerusalem Council -Jewish Church or Gentile church? Should we split? Disciples say God has called them to be one church -sets trajectory for christianity in the Roman Empire

In the early story of the Mormonism, what was a connection to North America (where we are now):

Jesus appeared in North America

Diversity and Native American Religions

Key feature is diversity Native Americans today comprise 2 percent of total US pop hundreds of distinct native religious traditions in the US Key themes Land Story Ritual Language

Ceasar Chavez

Latino leader from 1962-1993 who organized the United Farm Workers to help migratory farm workers get better pay and working conditions

In Scientology, an e-meter resembles which device:

Lie Detector

Hadith Literature

Life of Muhammad -Most important rule is clarifying 5

What even is a religion?

Man makes religion religion does not make man religion is the self conciouness/feeling of man religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature the opium of the people -Marx


Means recitation -Consists of 114 chapters (Surahs) -Originally an Oral tradition -Compiled after Muhammad's death IMAN: "Belief"/"To believe" iman is used in the sense of "depositing something with someo

Hinduism - Divine Reality

Monistic vs Dualistic -Most are dualistic- believe divine reality is separate from human reality. Worshipping a real thing rather than through yourself Brahman- Supreme absolute Monolistic refer to Brahman prominently Dualistic refer to specific names of gods Avatars - Manifestations of deities Krishna- avatar of vishnu -One of the most popular -Image=God -Imbued with divine essence -power of images when you worship in front of an image, you are actually worshipping a god, not just a representation. Divine Nature Unchangeable "I'm unborn, I bring myself into being, I govern my own earthly nature"

Ritual as Dynamic Discourse

New Lakota tradition wiping the tears or Washigila, arose in late 20th century south dakota after the massacre at wounded knee in 1890 in order to commemorate the community members lives cut short by colonial violence

Religion in the modern period/New Religious movements Oneida Community

Oneida 1848-1881 "In the ressurection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like the angels in heaven" -Mathew 22:30 John Humphrey Noyes -Trained as congressional minister -deep religious seeker -"heart was fired on the millennium" - A perfected being -No longer able to sin -ordination denied in 1837 -Believed Millennium had already arrived just need to learn how to live properly - all members equal (men and women) - 4 children prematurely died one lived to adulthood - -Forced out of Putney Vermont due to sexual practices found new community in Oneida New York -Noyes convinced society was held back by a misunderstanding of what brings joy and humanity to humans = Monogomy - "Love in the exclusive form has jealousy for its complement" -Instituted COMPLEX MARRIAGE -Everyone is married to each other -Very Structured would have to request to have sex for the other to accept or deny would then leave for a "love interview" then went to a recorded meeting -Making sure people weren't being too monogamous -Pleasure outside of emotional connections -Male Continence avoidance of male ejaulation avoid pregnancy maximize pleasure without -teenage boys paired with post menopause women -teenage girls paired with older men - -Stirpulation Selective Breeding to create the perfect human Noyes fled to Canada after news of his possible arrest- son took over turned it into a silverware manufacturing company -

Buddhist meditation as intro

Other Goals: -Increase Love -Decrease Lust -Increase generosity -Decrease Hatred Methods of Practice -Loving-kindness meditation: widening circles of loves -Meditate on the body as a pile of parts -Visualize offerings to others -Visualize tortures of hell. MOST BUDDHISTS DO NOT PRACTICE MEDITATION

3 criteria for quality of research data

Reliability Validity Generalizability

5 Pillars

Shahadah -There is no God but god and Muhammad is the messenger of God -Unique- more of a statement of belief Salat Muslims pray 5 times a day (after divine negotiation to pray less than 50 times a day) soul is clean Ritual washing often accompanying it -Role of the Hadith -Miraj -The role and controversy of the Adhan (Call to prayer) Zakat -Almsgiving -2.5% of income/certain goods- purifying property Sawm -Fasting during Ramadan Victory over body Remembering of those who are poor and hungry -Revealed to Muhammad in Quran -Sacred Month Hajj -Holy pilgrimage to Mecca (where Muhammed received the Quran) and Saudi Arabia -Pilgrimage is a requirement upon humanity -Can receive a gift from someone to go -Required to make arrangements with a travel agency -No tourists allowed -Leave behind all signs of wealth and wear same clothes as a symbol of unity Importance of the Ka'ba in Hajj -Arab pilgrims visited before Muhammad adapted it Stoning of the Devil on Hajj -Reenactment of Abraham and pelting him with stones -reenact as a devotion to allah -

Diversity and Native American Religion

Sovereign cultural and political entities -As of january 2017 the US bureau of Indian Affairs officially recognizes 567 tribal nations which hold the right to self govern Prior to European and American colonization, Native American religions and cultures varied according to their specific regions and histories with unique origin stories and features of material culture Today numerous Native American religious traditions are practiced throughout the United States. Practitioners may reside in areas nearby or far from their ancestral homes in cities and towns and on reservations

Malcom X and the Nation of Islam

Spread ideas of black nationalism. Disagreed with both the tactics & goals of the early civil rights movement. Minister of the nation of Islam. Rejected his original name because it was his family's slave name; A group of militant Black Americans who profess Islamic religious beliefs & advocate independence for Black Americans. -Age of 6- father is killed by KKK (ruled as suicide/street accident) -Blames American government and social workers for ruining his family -Excels in HS wanted to be a lawyer teacher says "thats no job for a N*********" Is encouraged to write to Elijah Muhammed is told to renounce his ways -Rights to him from Prison -In prison- starts to go by Malcom X instead of Little -assigned assistant minister in the age of islam 1952-1964- when he is a member- membership skyrockets from 400-1 or 300,000. Malcom X is more known than the actual leader Emphasizes -total education of black people in America - rights of black people to defend themselves -promotin of economic development and independence Fallout between X and Islam leaders -X doubts E Muhammed as a leader -Officially leaves NOI on March 8 1964 Differing methods between King and Malcom X Malcom X's second conversion -Converts to Sunni Islam -Malik El Shebaz (new name) -Preforms Hajj in April 1964 -Struck by brotherhood of Muslims -Pan Africa Call (global connections) -Speeches of Unity Interpreted by the media as "I was wrong" "progress is healing the wound that the blow made" -Assassinated while speaking by someone in the nation of Islam on Feb 21 1965 -Role in Civil Rights Movement -Black Protestants not the only influence -New religious movements deeply influential -Allowed King to be moderate voice Progress on racial questions is tied to bringing the kingdom of God on earth

Bhagavad Gita

The most important work of Indian sacred literature, a dialogue between the great warrior Arjuna and the god Krishna on duty and the fate of the spirit. Scriptures -Relinquishing attachment of discipline, perform action with body, mind, understanding, and senses for the purification of the self Relinquishing the fruit of action, the disciplined man attains perfect peace, the undisciplined man is in bondage, attached to the fruit of desire. Bhakti Marga - In the Gita, Krishna makes. clear to his decode Arjuna the great benefits of Bhakti "But men intent on me renounce all actions to me and worship me. Meditating with singular discipline. When they entrust reason to me. Arjuna, I soon arise to rescue them from the ocean of death and rebirth. Focus your mind on me, let your understanding enter me, then you will dwell in me without doubt" Jnana Marga -Bhagavad Gita says "There is nothing on earth equal in purity to wisdom. He who becomes perfected by yoga finds this of himself in his self.(Atman) in course of time. He who has faith, who is absorbed in it (wisdom) and also has subdued his senses, gains wisdom. And having gained wisdom he attains quickly the supreme peace. "

Encuentro Movement

This movement aimed to address the needs and concerns of Latino Catholics.

Religion in the modern period/New Religious movements . Shakers,

Utopia (1516) -ideal society on earth Millenarianism- a period of time near the end of the world where society will be perfect Apocalypticism- Post mellennial eschatology- a term for the end times -second coming of christ -church is to create this ideal society -many in 1800's were convinced that society was almost perfect-civil war ends this ideal New Religious Movements Shakers "The united society of Believers in Christ's second appearing" -1770's - present -Name comes from worship- ecstatic worship- Shake and dance -Dualism -God is literally male and female -Jesus' second coming in the person of Mother Ann Lee -After Ann Lee's death she was told to be the female embodiment of God -Communitarian -Celibate (central to worldview) Lust was the major sin of Shakers- cause of all other sins. -Children born to women who were pregnant when they joined -no marriage allowed -All of Ann Lee's children died as infants -Formed colonies in the New England states -Sold everything they owned to be in a common fund -Grew to 6000 people in 1850 -welcome people of all races -Didn't vote or participate politically

Sacred Hindu scriptures

Vedas Generally Considered oldest scriptures in existence -Origins cannot be traced to any one individual -Roots of faith can be traced back to 1000 BC Vedas refers to all Vedic literature All scriptures are revealed divinely 4 primary texts in Vedas -Rig Vedas (Oldest composed before 6500 BC)- Collection of Hymns to the gods -Sama Vedas Melodic rendition of hymns from the Rig Veda -Yajur Veda Ritual Formulas -Atherva Veda Hymns, spells, and incantations Help inform the four core tenants of Hinduism (Purusarthas) -Dharma (ethics and duties) most important in day to day life, leads to Moksha. Life becomes chaotic and moksha cannot be obtained if Dharma is neglected -Arta (Work and prosperity) -Kama (Passion and desires) -Mokasha (Liberation from the cycle of samsara) Karma- It is the Altman that moved from body to body in successive incarnations- determined by good Karma which is gotten through Dharma. Present life influences future incarnations Good Karma through Good Dharma Ramayana and the Mahabharata - Influential Indian Epic poems -Displays the particularity and universality of Dharma. -Shows how to resolve intrapersonal conflict How to escape the cycle? Moksha- Freedom of the bondage of samsara -Process of reincarnation that continues The Goal -Moksha is release or liberation from attachments of the world - the atman realizes its true nature. -Moshka is the union of the atman with Brahman. -Overcome attachments For Dualistic Hindus - reality is identified by their supreme God- - Moksha involves the eternal existence of the atman and the company of God 3 Paths to Moksha -Karma Marga Path for those who are engaged in the activities of family and career - want to emphasize ritual and ethical works -Bhakti Marga Vast Majority of Hindus who worship regularly in temples and in their homes- Devotion to a deity -Jnana Marga for those who devote Time and energy on study and contemplation focusing on spiritual insights not mutually exclusive Margas- usually more than one are engaged in. All three function as a way of diminishing the attachment and false identification with the self of the self with the physical body (a samsaric realm) of where you continue the cycle of rebirth

Hybridity vs Syncretism

Virgin Mary is Patron Saint

Islam and Black America today

Warith Deen Muhammad (1933-2008) Succeeded Elijah Muhammad in 1975 Vast Majority of African American Muslims today Louis Farrakhan (Born 1933) Restarted NOI in 1978

New Religious movements and the Civil Rights movement

What does it mean to be a "normal religion" Nation of Islam: Orgins: Wallace Fard Muhammad- preaches a version of Islam to African Americans Lost/Found nation of Islam disappears in 1834 -initiates a power struggle Elijah Muhammed (1897-1975)-takes over -born in Detroit 1913 -attends meeting of lost found nation-becomes leader -appointed as minister of temple of Jicago -Preaches that WF Muhammad was a God in the Flesh -FBI Sees them as a threat -Goes on the run and is jailed for draft evasion -HIS PERSON IS HIS MESSAGE -Flips script and says white people are actually the problem "Black people are original people and must reclaim culture, language and religion" Nation of Islam: MESSAGE: Race, religion and their place in the world -Selective breeding experiment Cosmology Afterlife Diety Scripture demand for creation of a separate Black Nation - Building up independent nation for themselves -Fish import from Peru -Designed to have specific programs for AA youth in more military fashion -Women are told to raise a LOT of children Temple #7 in Harlem: Malcom X (1925-1969) "The first great black spokesman"-Cornel West - "You tell that to any negro execept for those relatively few integration -mad and so called intellectuals and those black men who are otherwise fat, happy deaf, dumb, and blinded with their crumbs from the white mans rich table. You have struck a nerve center in the American black man.........Personally the white man sure has acted like a devil" Performing Blackness- Connecting to Du Bois "The Souls of Black Folk" "This double consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity" Draws on narrative of Islam -awareness of self and awareness of how white people see you every day

Resisting Dichotomies

What is indigenous to where?

Questions of religion through Hindu

What is ultimate reality how should we live in the world what is our ultimate purpose

New Religion's Brodd

all religions were once viewed as "new" and may have been shunned or rejected by communities or cultures at the beginning (Brodd, 539). However these very same religions may have also gone through changes or even erosion over years. This could have been due to modernization and globalization (Brodd, 539

Bruce Lincoln 4 domains of religion

discourse- concerns transcend the human temporal and contingent that claims for itself a similarly transcendent status (a way of speaking beyond itself) set of practices- to produce a proper world/proper subjects a community -who's memories construct an identity with a reference to religious discourse and its attendant practices an institution - that regulates religious discourse, modifies them and reproduces them over time asserting eternal validity and transcendent value


means Yoking or uniting Yoga used more narrowly as the name of one of the six schools of philosophy and its one from of Jnama Understood in this way, yoga refers to the many systems of physical and mental exercise in hinduism Hatha Yoga is what most people know Raja Yoga is aimed toward liberation from Samsara Yoga Sutra; 196 instructional saying

pope gives the

patronatoreal pope dividing up the world reads aloud the agreement - teaching indigenous people the catholic faith bad arrangement

Theology vs. Religious Studies

religious studies- approach to knowledge depends on analysis of data can be studied through academic inquiry what are people doing? what is religion doing for a place within a political climate things that can be observed evidence can be gathered and segued rationally, theology- the constructive or prescriptive (people should believe this, thats the way this is)


the exacting of tribute in the form of labor gold and crops- keeps slavery system in place


the monotheistic religion of the Jewish people Core tenets of the faith Mosque (Dome of the Rock) built on ruins of an old temple= conflict Hebrew scriptures are not to be passed over the temple crossing of abrahamic faiths 5 Major Enduring Understandings -Being Jewish involves belonging to a people -Chain of jewish knowledge, belief, textual production, and practice stretching from Biblical times to the present -Judaism and jewish culture have had diverse manifestations around the world and throughout history, influenced by local non jewish cultures -Three of the most important aspects of Judaism are God, Torah, Israel. -Modern Judaism emphasizes actions over beliefs.

Primary Urban Generation

where urban society was invented "sui Generis" without outside influences leading to the flourishing of ceremonial civic centers city states and long range social networks

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