MCAT Psych/Soc (FL#4)

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costly signaling

sacrifice in order to signal status

ventromedial hypothalamus

satiety center to stop eating

symbolic interatction

see things for what they represent and socially relevant rather than what they are

hindsight bias

seeing past events as more predictable than they actually were

Hawk-Dove game

a struggle between two parties for a shared food resource

Organogenesis fetal development

4-9 weeks old

self-serving bias

attribution of personal successes to internal factors and failures to external factors

Attitude polarization

beliefs become more charged with any evidence, regardless of its valence

Kohlbeg's Moral reasoning

cognitive abilities grow, think of world in more complex and nuanced ways, resolve moral dilemas and percieve right and wrong: Preconventional, Conventional, Postconventional

Sherif's Robbers Cave

conflict and competition breed prejudice

Zimbardo's prison study

conformity to social roles

Belief perseverance

continuation of a belief despite evidence to the contrary.


desire for harmony results in a group of people to an incorrect/poor decision

Adolescent development

development of social thinking and ability to understand and anticipate consequences for one's behavior.

group polarization

differences in opinion magnified

material culture

good/items of material not theoretical value

cultural capital

habits and outlooks that an individual receives from the culture that they grow up in

lateral hypothalamus


bystander effect

inaction of bystanders in a situation

Selective recall

increased likelihood of remembering that information

The overconfidence effect

individual's confidence in judgement is greater than that judgement's objective accuracy

Human capital

individual's intrinsic ability to perform tasks

Asche length of lines study

influence of social pressure on decision making

Interactionist theory

interplay between biological and social processes

social constructionism

joint constructed understanding of the world; how society defines specific norms; mostly broad concepts


language aquisition via biological theory, critical period for language aquisition, innate

Behaviorist/Learning theory

language aquisition via operant conditioning. Reinforcement


language knowledge comes from experience

vicarious learning

learning by observation


loos of identity within a group setting


matching one's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to societal norms

social capital

network of individuals a person interacts with

Milgram's Obedience study

obedience to authority in light of causing harm or death to an individual

confirmation bias

participants influenced by information that confirm beliefs they already held.

social loafing

people working less in a group than as individuals

symbolic culture

perceived/assigned value based on how something is used between different groups

cognitive appraisal

personal interpretation of a situation

Freud's Theory

personality and emotional growth: oral, anal, oepidal, latency, genital

Moral reasoning and brain activity

prefrontal cortex

executive function and brain activity

prefrontal cortex

decision making and brain activity

prefrontal cortex and limbic system

emotion and brain activity

prefrontal cortex and limbic system


rational will, the good is valued over the self

Erikson's Theory

series of crises that derive from conflicts between needs and social demands

anterior hypothalamus

sexual behavior

peer pressure

social influence exterted on an individual by a group of people


society complex system with several components that work together as a cohesive whole

fundamental attribution error

way we assign reasons to behavior, negative behavior in ourselves - external, negative behavior in others - intrinsic factors

financial captial

what an individual inherits or earns

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