Med Ethics Final review

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How does Thomson use her Sickly Violinist examples?

To argue that abortion is morally permissible in cases of rape and when the life of the mother is in danger.

What is one of Thomson's Sickly Violinist examples?

You've been captured by the Society of Music Lovers and hooked up to a famous violinist against your will. She needs to borrow your kidneys for 9 months, or she will die. Is it morally permissible for you to unplug yourself?

Which of the following is a reason Matas thinks individuals should be free to sell a kidney?

-We could eliminate the black market in kidneys. -If a kidney can be donated, why can't it be sold? -A legal kidney market would save lives.

In class, we discussed the difference between essence and accidents. An essence is __; an accident is __.


What do Bayne and Levy suspect is the most common factor in "wannabe's" desire to have limbs amputated?

Bodily Integrity Identity Disorder

Which statement correct describes "body image" and "body schema"?

Body image = someone's conscious representation of the general shape and structure of their body. Body schema = someone's representation of their body that is used in the automatic regulation of posture and movement.

Who is Ima Relativist, and what is Gensler's stance toward her?

A fictional character Gensler creates to present the relativist viewpoint. Gensler disagrees with her.

Why does Callahan think that if euthanasia is allowed, doctors will be forced to make decisions outside their expertise?

A physician can only responsibly assist a patient in their suicide if they believe that their illness is terminal, and it's often difficult to judge whether an illness is terminal.

Which of the following is an example of the trolley problem? [Hint: it's supposed to be a problem. A real dilemma.]

A trolley is rushing forward. It will hit 5 people if you do nothing. If you pull a lever, the trolley will be diverted onto a different track. It will then hit only 1 person. What do you do?

Which of the following is the Formula of the Universal Law of Nature way of stating Kant's categorical imperative?

Act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law.

According to Kant, which of the following people can tell they have the good will?

An IRS agent who, from the will to do his moral duty but with extreme displeasure at the job, collects taxes from waiters and waitresses who didn't claim their tips as income on their tax return.

What does Lachs think Callahan gets wrong about the friends of autonomy, and what does Lachs say is the truth about them?

Callahan acts as though they think autonomy is the supreme value, but the friends of autonomy think it's one value among many.

How does Singer respond to this concern: that allowing physician-assisted suicide will lead to social pressure being placed on certain people to elect euthanasia. Which people? Those who the community regards as burdens.

Data from areas where physician-assisted suicide is legal, such as the Netherlands and Oregon, suggest the risks are overblown.

Which of the following does not correctly pair an activity with its goal or end?

Death is the end of life - in the sense of what comes after life stops, but it is not the end of life in the sense of being its goal.

Why do some believe that "wannabes" cannot give informed consent for a surgical amputation?

They cannot know what it's like to be an amputee.

Which of the following is not one of the factors Savulescu identifies as necessary to have an autonomous desire?

Discussions with experts in the subject matter the desire concerns.

Which of the following is not mentioned by Buchanan et. al. to be a component of equality of opportunity for any of the views of equality of opportunity they consider?

Elimination of unequal outcomes in career pursuits.

Which of the following is not a reason that Buchanan et. al. think the following is a bad standard to determine when a genetic modification is morally permissible -- the modification is approved by the child when they reach adulthood?

False presupposition - all the other choices are reasons they give.

For Lachs, the medical profession partially caused the demand for euthanasia by ___.

Finding ways to extend lifespan and withholding drugs that could painlessly end life from the public.

Fill in the blank: Caplan says that the primary concern about exploiting the poor when making them a large money offer for a kidney is that __.

They may not have a real choice about whether to sell a kidney.

Which correctly describes the moral situation of Frank and George, according to Thomson?

Frank is morally allowed to pull the lever to turn the trolley. George is morally forbidden to push the large man onto the tracks.

Which of the following is not identified by Savulescu as one of the factors that makes imagining life with a disability difficult?

How uncommon some disabilities are.

Which statement correctly compares hypothetical and categorical imperatives?

Hypothetical and categorical imperatives are both based on an action being the best means to achieve a desired goal.

Which of the following is a problem that Gensler points out for cultural relativism?

If it's true, we couldn't consistently disagree with the values of our society.

Which of the following is a concern about the indifference to individuals found in utilitarianism?

It can lead to extremely unequal, unfair outcomes.

Why does Caplan think that participating in a market for organs violates the ethics of medicine?

It goes against the Hippocratic Oath: "do no harm."

What moral principle is central to Camosy's outlook on the euthanasia debate?

It is never morally permissible to intentionally kill an innocent human being, whether by action or omission.

What is the purpose of broad consent?

It makes it easier for researchers to reuse data and biological samples from human subjects across multiple studies.

What is Rachels' argument that the conventional doctrine on active and passive euthanasia leads to medical decisions being made on irrelevant grounds?

It might lead people to think it's OK to let some babies with permanent health conditions die just because letting die isn't wrong, when we don't think letting healthy babies die is OK.

What does Siegler identify as the two purposes of medical confidentiality?

It shows respect for the patient's privacy and encourages forthright communication with doctors.

How does Matas respond to the concern that somewhere, sometime, a vendor will die from a kidney extraction?

It's emotionally impactful, but we don't think the risks justify banning kidney donations, so they shouldn't justify banning kidney sales either.

Which of the following is not something Singer identifies as a reason that it is normally wrong to kill a human being?

Life is intrinsically valuable.

The Tin Man needs a heart, The Straw Man needs a brain, and the Lion needs a kidney (which will give him courage through the adrenal gland). The Wizard of Oz gives Dorothy perfect surgical knowledge and technique. Dorothy finds out that the Good Witch of the North is an excellent donor candidate. Setting aside any political consequences for Oz of the Good Witch passing away or the risk of Dorothy getting caught, what is a utilitarian likely to say Dorothy should do?

Kill the Good Witch to give her heart to the Tin Man, give her brain to the Straw Man, and give her kidney to the Lion.

In Rachels' terminology, active euthanasia is ___, while passive euthanasia is ___.

Killing a patient suffering from a terminal or chronic painful condition; letting a patient suffering from a terminal or chronic painful condition die by withholding medical treatments.

How did the duty to obtain informed consent first emerge in the United States?

Through the legal system, starting in the 1950s and reinforced in the 1970s.

Which of the following is not an objection to having a kidney market that Matas considers?

Medical science isn't certain, so we don't know the risks of removing a kidney.

Why does Siegler think the traditional notion of medical confidentiality is a "decrepit concept"?

Modern medical practice necessitates a large number of medical practitioners and administrative personnel have access to a patient's medical records.

Which of the following does Caplan not identify as a cultural force that would push back against an organ market?

Organ vendors who regretted their decisions

What is Harris' survival lottery, in its most basic aspects?

People are selected by lottery number to be killed and harvested for organs, in as humane a way as possible.

What is Thomson's People-Seed example?

People-seeds float around in the air outside. If they get inside, they'll take root in your carpet. You install mesh coverings outside your window that are highly reliable at keeping out people-seeds, but not foolproof. You open your window and, through bad luck, a person-seed flies inside. Is it morally permissible for you to remove the person-plant that develops?

Which of the following is not one of the arguments that Bayne and Levy provide for performing amputations on "wannabes"?

Physicians rights

In the context of philosophy, which of these positions is hedonism? (Hint: add hedonism to utilitarianism, and you get hedonistic utilitarianism.)

Pleasure is the only inherently good thing, pain is the only inherently bad thing.

Why does Norman Daniels believe there is a right to healthcare?

Preventing and treating disease is necessary for equality of opportunity.

Why do Singer and Camosy agree that it is sometimes morally permissible to administer a dose of pain medication that can speed up dying?

Singer is not opposed to euthanasia, so he has no reason to oppose it. Camosy thinks it is permissible when the intention is not to kill, but rather to control pain: death in these cases is just a foreseen consequence, not an intended result.

Which of the following is the Humanity Formula of Kant's categorical imperative?

So act that you use humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end, never merely as a means.

In the context of genetic engineering, what do Buchanan et. al. cite as demonstrating the need for some coordination?

Some genetic modifications would be self-defeating if everyone got them.

Which of the following is not proposed by Siegler as a way of restoring some degree of medical confidentiality?

Stop health insurance companies from requesting information before deciding whether to issue payment.

The climate does not sufficiently promote the exchange of information between medical providers and patients.

Subjects must be told how to withdraw their consent later on and prohibit further use of their data or biological samples in studies.

Which of the following is a current challenge to informed consent that Beauchamp acknowledges?

The climate does not sufficiently promote the exchange of information between medical providers and patients.

What does it mean for some trait to be a "general-purpose means"?

The trait is useful in a wide variety of life paths.

In the sense relevant to distributive justice, what is a "lottery"?

The unequal, chance distribution of factors that affect one's prospects of success in life.

In class, we discussed why utilitarianism isn't stated this way: an action is right if and only if it's the action that produces the best consequences. Why isn't it?

There might be two or more actions that produce better consequences than any alternatives, but which produce equally good outcomes.

How does Lachs address the concern that doctor-patient confidentiality could lead to abuses of euthanasia?

There should be a group that reviews requests for euthanasia, instead of it being left up to the judgement of a single doctor.

How does Matas respond, in part, to the concern that a kidney market would lead to the commodification of the body?

There's no evidence that sperm donors, egg donors, or surrogate mothers have a diminished sense of self-worth.

Why does Beauchamp think that the institutional and policy rules governing consent do not reflect the best moral standard for informed consent?

These rules, like the law, are centered almost exclusively on disclosure and liability for injury.

Why are Y and Z unconvinced that the lottery would be wrong just because it kills innocent people?

They argue that if the lottery is not instituted, it will just be killing those in need of organs. It's killing vs. killing, not killing vs. letting die.

Which answer is the most accurate statement of why Singer thinks that physician-assisted suicide is not morally wrong?

Two of the three reasons that it is normally wrong to kill a human being do not apply, and the third reason is greatly mitigated by the circumstances if it applies at all.

How do we get the virtues, according to Aristotle?

Virtues of thought come from education, while virtues of character come from habit.

How does Matas respond, in part, to the concern that a kidney market would exploit the poor?

We already allow the poor to take very risky professions that the wealthy would never take. Why should selling a kidney be any different?

What is the cultural overlap problem for cultural relativism?

We belong to multiple cultures, so it's unclear which culture's norms matter when we make moral claims.

How does Mill respond to the concern that utilitarianism asks too much of us?

We can be motivated to do good things by all sorts of reasons besides duty. Moreover, the best thing that most of us can do to make a better world is to care of our family, friends, and personal acquaintances.

How would Y and Z respond to the self-defense objection to the survival lottery?

Y and Z also have a right to self-defense, and that justifies them seeking another person's organs.

How does Thomson think we should decide what to do in trolley car scenarios, and other cases where killing vs. letting die is in question?

We need to think about the claims of the persons of involved, including bodily autonomy, any promises that were made, and the like.

According the social structural view of the level playing field, ___; according to the brute luck view of the level playing field, ___.

We should counteract the effects of unjust social structures; we should not let people have lesser opportunities due to factors outside of their control.

Which of the following is a statement of cultural relativism?

What's good and bad are relative to culture

True or false: Buchanan et. al. argue in favor of strict genetic equality.


True or false: In "A Defense of Abortion," Thomson's core argument is that abortion is morally permissible because a fetus does not have a right to life.


You find yourself in Thomson's sickly violinist scenario. You unplug yourself. Using Callahan's perspective, you __.

let the violinist die

Which genetic modification would violate a child's "right to an open future?"

modifying them to be deaf

Does Thomson think that, in every single instance, killing is worse than letting die?


The American Medical Association currently ___ active euthanasia and ___ passive euthanasia.

opposes ; permits

In connection with the "playing God" objection to the survival lottery, which of the following is not a good example to support the claim that the distinction between the natural and the unnatural is flimsy?


Which of the following is not a reason that Harris thinks we should have the survival lottery?

population control

According to Aristotle, which parts of the soul had virtues associated with them?

rational and appetitive

Which emotion do Bayne and Levy believe is behind much of the opposition to performing amputations on "wannabes"?


Callahan thinks our refusal to allow ___ and ___ in society shows that not all rights can be voluntarily given up.

slavery and dueling

Fill in the blank: for Aristotle, the virtues are __.


According to Kant, what is the good will?

the will to do one's moral duty

What does Callahan regard as a constraint on autonomy?

the common good

Which of the following is not identified by Siegler as a third-party that has, in some cases, a legitimate interest in a patient's medical information being released to them?

university researches

In Savulescu's opinion, we should decide to limit life support for an incompetent patient if they __.

would rationally desire that if they were competent.

Assuming euthanasia is legalized, does Lachs think that a physician's own assessment of a patient's circumstances should play any role in that physician's decision regarding whether to assist in someone's suicide?


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