Med-Surg PrepU Chapter 51: Management of Patients with Female Reproductive Disorders

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The nurse is obtaining the history from a client who is suspected of having pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Which client statement would help support the suspicion of PID?

"I was 15 years old when I first had sex."

The nurse instructs a client with genital herpes on self-care management. Which client statement indicates that teaching has been effective?

"I will not touch the lesions when they occur."

A patient reports to the nurse that she has a sense of pelvic pressure and urinary problems such as incontinence, frequency, and urgency. The problem has gotten much worse since the birth of her third child. What does the nurse suspect the patient is experiencing?

A cystocele

A client has undergone a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy as treatment for endometrial cancer. When providing postoperative care to this client the nurse would be alert for signs and symptoms of which of the following?

Bladder dysfunction

During consultations with the oncologist, a client with cervical cancer is informed that radioactive materials will be inserted in the area of the tumor. She has to undergo these sessions over a period of 3 weeks. Which method of cancer treatment is being described?


A client in their late 30s has been having unusually heavy menstrual periods combined with occasional urine and stool leakage over the past few weeks. Upon further inquiry, they also report post coital pain and bleeding. To which diagnosis will the investigation most likely lead?

Cervical cancer

A nurse practitioner examines a patient suspected of having endometriosis. The nurse knows that although a definitive diagnosis could not be made without diagnostic treatment (transvaginal ultrasound), the most frequent symptom is:

Chronic pelvic pain

Which condition is a downward displacement of the bladder toward the vaginal orifice?


Culture of client's vaginal discharge reveals Gardnerella vaginalis. Which of the following would the nurse expect to assess?

Fishy smelling watery discharge

Culture of client's vaginal discharge reveals Gardnerella vaginalis. Which of the following would the nurse expect to assess?

Fishy-smelling watery discharge

A patient presents with vulvar itching and diffuse green vaginal discharge. Upon evaluation, she is prescribed metronidazole. What is the paramount nursing intervention in discharge planning?

Instruct the patient not to drink alcohol with this treatment

The nurse in the gynecology clinic is interviewing a patient who informs the nurse that her mother and aunt had carcinoma of the cervix. What does the nurse recognize are two chief symptoms of early carcinoma that the patient should be questioned about?

Leukorrhea and irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting

On a visit to the gynecologist, a client complains of urinary frequency, pelvic discomfort, and weight loss. After a complete physical examination, blood studies, and a pelvic examination with a Papanicolaou test, the physician diagnoses stage IV ovarian cancer. The nurse expects to prepare the client for which initial treatment?

Major surgery

Which is the main cause of anemia in a client with active uterine leiomyoma?


Which of the following is a term used to describe excessive menstrual bleeding?


A client has a history of dysmenorrhea. During monthly menses, the client experiences incapacitating cramping and passes large clots. The client's primary care physician initiates conservative treatment. What interventions would the physician to recommend?


A client is admitted to the health care center with abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. The client has a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and reports irregular menstrual cycles and feeling tired all the time. The nurse suspects the client's symptoms to indicate which condition?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Following a radical vulvectomy, the nurse is preparing the client for discharge to home. Which care intervention would be considered the priority for this client?

Prevention of wound complications

Which of the following is an early symptom of vulvar cancer?

Pruritis with genital burning

Which of the following is the extrusion of the rectum into the posterior vagina?


Which position occurs when the uterus turns posteriorly as a whole unit?


A perimenopausal client informs the nurse they are having irregular vaginal bleeding. What should the nurse encourage the patient to do?

See their gynecologist as soon as possible

Pelvic infection is most commonly caused by which of the following?

Sexual transmission

A patient diagnosed with endometriosis asks for an explanation of the disease. What should the nurse explain to the patient?

Tissue from the lining of the uterus has implanted in areas outside the uterus

A nurse who works in a gynecologist's office frequently cares for patients who are diagnosed with vulvovaginal candidiasis. The nurse should teach the patients how to manage and treat the most common symptom of:

Vulvar pruritus

A client with HIV has recently completed a 7-day regimen of antibiotics. She reports vaginal itching and irritation. In addition, the client has a white, cheese-like vaginal discharge. Which condition is the client most likely experiencing?

Vulvovaginal candidiasis

A patient is receiving chemotherapy with paclitaxel as treatment for ovarian cancer. The patient arrives at the facility for laboratory testing prior to her next dose of chemotherapy. The results are as follows: Hemoglobin: 12.9 gm/dLWhite blood cell count: 2,200 /cu mmPlatelets: 250,000 /cu mmRed blood cell count: 4,400,00/cu mm WHICH RESULT WOULD BE A CAUSE FOR CONCERN?

White blood cell count

An elderly client, who can void only while standing and pushing upward on the vagina, is ordered a pessary. Which comment from the client indicates a need for further teaching about this device?

"I will remove and clean it every day."

During a routine sports physical examination, the nurse practitioner recommends HPV vaccination for an 11-year-old girl. Which statements by the client's mother demonstrates understanding of HPV vaccinations?

"I will track follow-up appointments in my smartphone so she receives all three injections."

A client who wishes to preserve childbearing asks the nurse to explain how taking oral contraceptives will work in the management of endometriosis. Which is the best response by the nurse?

"Symptoms of endometriosis are increased during normal menstrual cycle."

A client reports loss of interest in sexual relations and discomfort during intercourse. Which is the best response by the nurse?

"These are normal, manageable symptoms of menopause."

Which type of yeast infection is manifested by white, cheese-like discharge?


A young client presenting at the health clinic with fever and mucopurulent vaginal drainage is diagnosed with acute pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Which long-term affect is of greatest concern in the care of this client?


Which drug is the most effective treatment for trichomoniasis?


Which of the following is the preferred medication for bacterial vaginosis?


While caring for a client who is being treated for severe pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which nursing action minimizes transmission of infection?

Performing hand hygiene when entering the room

A client with vaginitis complains of itching and burning of the perineum. Which suggestion would be most appropriate to relieve the client's symptoms?

Take sitz baths frequently

The nurse is interviewing a postmenopausal client during an annual gynecologic exam. Which assessment finding presents the greatest concern in the care of this client?

Vaginal bleeding

A client is prescribed androgen therapy. Which of the following would the nurse explain as a possible adverse effect?

Weight gain

Over the past 2 months, a client has been receiving treatment for multiple ear infections and tonsillitis. The client reports vaginal discharge and itching. What is likely the cause of the client's vaginitis?


Which is the earliest and the most common symptom of endometrial cancer?


A client is experiencing symptoms associated with menopause. What is a likely recommendation to increase the client's interest in sexual activity?

low-dose androgenl

Which abnormality is not considered a structural abnormality?

pelvic inflammatory disease

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