Med Term. CH. 3

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xanthoma zan-THOH-mah

a yellow tumor

onychomalacia AW-nih-mah-LAY-shah

abnormal softening of a nail

trichomegaly tri-koh-MEG-ah-lee

abnormally thick hair

onychocryptosis AW-nih-koh-krip-TOH-sis

an ingrown nail

pruritus prur-AL-tis

an itch

atopic dermatitis AY-taw-pik-der-mah-TAI-tis

an unusual inflammation of thr skin

alopecia a-loh-PEE-sha


postpartum alopecia post-PAR-tum al-oh-PEE-shah

baldness experienced by women after a pregnancy

decubitus ulcer deh-KYOO-bih UL-sir

bed sore

cyanidrosis sai-yan-ih-DROH-sis

blue sweat

basal cell carcinoma BAY-zul sell kar-sih-NOH-mah

cancerous tumor of basal skin cells

squamous cell carcinoma SKWAY-mus sell kar-sih-NO-mah

cancerous tumor of squamous

keratogenic keh-RA-toh-jen-ik

causing horny tissue development

xerosis ze-ROh-sis

condition of dryness

hypomelanosis hai-poh-mel-an-OH-sis

diminished melanin in the skin

hypopigmentation hai-poh-pig-men-TAY-shun

diminished pigment in the skin

hypohidrosis hai-poh-hih-DROH-sis

diminished sweating

seborrhea she-boh-REE-ah

discharge of oil

xeroderma zeh-roh-DER-mah

dry skin

onychophagia aw-nih-koh-FAY-jah

eating (biting) the nail

onychophagia aw-nih-koh-FAY-jah

eating or biting the nails

hypertrichosis HAI-per-trih-KOH-sis

excessive growth of hair

hyperkerotosis hai-per-ker-ah-TOH-sis

excessive growth of horny skin

hypermelanosis hai-per-mel-an-OH-sis

excessive melanin in the skin

hyperpigmentation hai-per-pig-men-TAY-shun

excessive pigment in the skin

hyperhidrosis hai-per-hih-DROH-sis

excessive sweating

sebopoiesis see-boh-poh-EE-sis

formation of oil

culture and sensitivity KUL-chur and sin-sih-TIV-ih-tee

growing microorganisms in isolation in order to determine which drugs it might respond to

actinic keratosis ak-TIN-ik keh-rah-TOH-sis

horny skin condition caused by sun exposure

keratosis KEH-rah-TOH-sis

horny tissue condition

sclerodermatitis skleh-roh-der-mah-TAL-tis

inflammation of the skin accompanied by thickening and hardening

dermatoscope dir-MA-toh-SKOHP

instrument used to look at the skin

albinism AL-bin-ism

lack of pigment in skin causing patient to look white

anhidrosis an-ih-DROH-sis

lack of sweating

patch pach

larger, flat discolored area

dermatolysis der-mah-TAW-lis-is

loose skin

depigmentation DE-pig-men-TAY-shun

loss of pigmentation

erosion ee-ROH-zhun

loss of skin

nevus NEE-vus


onychopathy aw-nik-AW-pah-thee

nail disease

keloid KEE-loid

overgrowth of scar tissue

dermoscopy der-MAW-skoh-pee

procedure for looking at the skin

erythroderma eh-RIH-throh-DER-ma

red skin

erythema eh-rih-THEE-ma


incisional biopsy in-SIN-zhun-al

removal of a portion of a lesion for examination

excisional biopsy ek-SIH-zhun-al

removal of an entire lesion for examination

biopsy (Bx) BAL-op-see

removal of tissue in order to examine it

cicatrix (plural: cicatrices) SIK-ah-triks


abrasion uh-BRAY-zhun

scraping away of skin

dermatosis der-mah-TOH-sis

skin condition

dermopathy der-MAW-pa-thee

skin disease

scale SKAYL

skin flaking off

dermatalgia der-mah-TAL-jah

skin pain

dermatodynia der-MA-toh-DAI-nee-ah

skin pain

macule, macule (freckle) MA-kyool, MAW-koo-lah

small, flat discolored area

hemathidrosis heh-mat-ih-DROH-sis

sweating blood

urticaria ur-tih-KAR-ee-ah

swollen raised itchy areas of the skin

eczema EK-zeh-mah

a red itchy rash that may weep or ooze, then become crusted and scaly

ulcer UL-sir

a score

excoriation eks-kor-ee-A-shun

a scratch

cherry angioma CHEH-ree an-gee-OH-mah

a small blood vessel tumor

petechia puh-TEE-kee-yah

a small bruise

papule PA-pyool

a small solid mass

vesicle VEH-sih-kul

a smaller blister

plaque PLAK

a solid mass on the surface of the skin

nodule NAWD-jyool

a solid mass that extends deeper into the skin

ichthyosis ik-thee-OH-sis

a condition in thr skin is drying and scaly resembling fish scales

paronychia par-aw-NIH-kee-ah

a condition of the tissue around a nail

fissure FIH-zhur

a crack in the skin

crust krust

a dried substance on the skin

steatoma STAY-ah-TOH-ma

a fatty tumor

dermatofibroma der-MA-toh-fai-BROH-mah

a fibrous skin tumor

comedo koh-MEE-doh

a hair follicle that is plugged with sebum ( black head, white head)

malignant cutaneous neoplasm mah-LIG-nant kuh-TAY-nee-us NEE-oh-plaz-um

a harmful new formation of skin tissue

malignant melanoma ma-LIG-nant meh-lah-NOH-mah

a harmful tumor of melanin cells

adipocele a-dih-poh-SEEL

a hernia filled with fatty tissue

tumor TOO-mur

a larder solid mass

bulla BUL-lah

a larger blister

ecchymosis eh-kih-MOH-sis

a larger bruise

abscess AB-ses

a localized collection of pus in the body

dysplastic nevus dis-PLAS-tic NEE-vus

a mole with bad changes/formations

onychia oh-NIK-ee-ah

a nail condition

albino al-BAY-noh

a person afflicted with albinism

pustule PUS-tyool

a pus-filled blister

erythrocyanosis eh-RITH-roh-SAL-an-OH-sis

a red and/or blue discoloration of the skin

hidropoiesis hih-droh-poh-EE-sis

the formation of sweat

onycholysis AW-nih-koh-TOH-sis

the loss of a nail

telangiectasia tel-an-jee-ek-TAY-zhuh

the overexpansion of the end of a blood vessel; sometimes called a spider angioma because of how it looks on the skin

scleronychia skleh-raw-NIH-kee-ah

thickening and hardening of the nails

necrosis neh-KROH-sis

tissue death

macerate MAS-ir-ayt

to soften the skin

pachyderma pa-kih-DER-mah

tough skin

hidradenoma hih-drad-eh-NOH-mah

tumor of the sweat gland

epidermal tumors eh-piDER-mal TOO-murs

tumors on the skin

vetucca vah-ROO-kah


leukoderma loo-koh-DER-mah

white skin

vascular lesion VAS-kyoo-lar LEE-zhun

wounds related to blood vessels

rhytidermia rih-tih-DER-mee-ah

wrinkled skin

xanthoderma zan-thoh-DER-mah

yellow skin

xanthosis zan-THOH-sis

yellowing of the skin

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