Med Terms Ch. 2 Suffixes

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Suffix-- Meaning--

Word Analysis--

Suffix--sclerosis Meaning--abnormal condition of hardening

Word Analysis--abnormal condition of hardening of an artery arteri/o: artery

Suffix--desis Meaning--binding,fixation ( of a bone or joint)

Word Analysis--binding or fixation of a joint arth/o: joint Arthrodesis fuses bones across the joint space in a degenerated, unstable joint.

Suffix--ectasis Meaning--dialtion expansion

Word Analysis--bronchi/ectasis dilation or expansion of the bronchi bronchi:bronchus (plural, bronchi)

Suffix--tripsy Meaning--crushing

Word Analysis--crushing a stone, stone, calculus

Suffix--osis Meaning--abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)

Word Analysis--cyan/osis dark blue or purple discoloration of the skin and mucous membrane cyan:blue A neuroma is a benign tumor composed of nerve tissue.

Suffix--penia Meaning--decrease.deficiency

Word Analysis--decrease in bone mass oste/o: bone Osteopenia is characterized by one loss that is not as severe as that in osteoporosis

Suffix--lysis Meaning--separation, destruction, loosening

Word Analysis--destruction or separation of a blood clot Drug therapy is usually used to dissolve a blood clot...

Suffix--rrhea Meaning--discharge flow

Word Analysis--discharge or flow through dia-:through, across Diarrhea is an abnormally frequentdischargeor flow of fluid fecal matter from the bowel

Suffix--pathy Meaning--disease

Word Analysis--disease of the muscle, mylo/muscle

Suffix--megaly Meaning--enlargement

Word Analysis--enlargement of the heart

Suffix--emesis Meaning--vomiting

Word Analysis--excessive vomiting hyper:, excessive, above normal

Suffix--ectomy Meaning--excision, removal

Word Analysis--excision of he appendix append: appendix

Suffix--phobia Meaning--fear

Word Analysis--fear of blood Hemophobia is an abnormal aversion to the sight of blood.

Suffix--pexy Meaning--fixation (of an organ)

Word Analysis--fixation of the breast, breast Mastopexy, an elective surgery, affixes sagging breasts in a more elevated position, commonly improving their shape...

Suffix--stomy Meaning--forming an opening (mouth)

Word Analysis--forming an opening into the trachea A tracheostomy is an artificial opening created to bypass an obstructed upper airway.

Suffix--gen Meaning--forming producing origin Suffix--genesis

Word Analysis--forming producing or originof cancer. A carcinogen is a substance or agent, such as a cigarette, that causes the development or increases the incidence of cancer. carcin/o/genesis: forming, producing, or origin of cancer Carcinogenesis is the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells, commonly as a result of chemical, viral or radioactive damage to genes...

Suffix--cele Meaning--hernia, swelling

Word Analysis--hepat/o/cele hernia or swelling of the liver hepat/o: liver

Suffix--tomy Meaning--incision

Word Analysis--incision of the trachea (windpipe) Tracheostomy is an artificial opening created to bypass an obstructed upper airway.

Suffix--itis Meaning--inflammation

Word Analysis--inflammation of the stomach, gastr... stomach

Suffix--graph Meaning--instrument for recording

Word Analysis--instrument for electrical activity of the heart

Suffix--scope Meaning--instrument for examining

Word Analysis--instrument for examining within An endoscope is a flexible or rigid instrument consisting of a tube and optical system for observing the inside of a hollow organ or cavity

Suffix--tome Meaning--instrument

Word Analysis--instrumet to cut bone

Suffix--emia Meaning--blood condition

Word Analysis--leuk/emia white blood an: without, not Leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells (leukocytes)

Suffix--algia/dynia Meaning--pain

Word Analysis--neur/algia pain of a nerve neuralgic pain usually occurs along the path of a nerve. ot/odynia pain in the ear ot/o: ear Otodynia, also called otalgia, is commonly known as a earache.

Suffix--plegia Meaning--paralysis

Word Analysis--paralysis of four quadri Quadriplegia is a paralysis of four extremities, both arms and legs.

Suffix--graphy Meaning--process of recording

Word Analysis--process of recording electrical activity of the heart.

Suffix--ptosis Meaning--prolapse, downward displacement

Word Analysis--prolapse or downward displacement of the eyelid. Blepharoptosis is a drooping of the upper eyelid

Suffix--gram Meaning--record, writing

Word Analysis--record of electrical activity of the heart. electr/o electricity crdi/o heart

Suffix--rrhexis Meaning--rupture

Word Analysis--rupture of an artery

Suffix--malacia Meaning--softening

Word Analysis--softening of cartilage

Suffix--clasis Meaning--to break,surgical fracture

Word Analysis--surgical fracture of a bone Osteoclasis is performed to correct a deformity of a bone

Suffix--plasty Meaning--surgical repair

Word Analysis--surgical repair of the nose, nose... Rhinoplasty is a type of surgery that changes the size or shape of the nose.

Suffix--rrhaphy Meaning--suture

Word Analysis--suture of a muscle

Suffix--oma Meaning--tumor

Word Analysis--tumor of a nerve A neur/oma is a benign tumor composed of nerve tissue.

Suffix--scopy Meaning--visual examination

Word Analysis--visual examination within Endoscopy is performed to visualize a body cavity or canal using a specialized lighted instrument called an endoscope...

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