Media Studies - Mr Bailey - Formation

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What was Hodkinson's quote in 2011 about otherness?

''The sense of shared experience and belonging necessary for meaningful nationalist expression is deamed to entail an inevitable boundary between insiders and outsiders

What was Paul Gilroy's theory about black representations and equality?

''There ain't no black in the Union Jack'' Key Ideas: - Colonial discourses continue to inform contemporary attitudes to race and ethnicity in the post colonial era -Civilisationism constructs racial hierachies and sets up binary oppositions based on notions of others.

What was bell hook's quote about the idea we live in a male white dominated society?

''There is a direct and abiding connection between maintenance of white supremacists patriarchy in society and institutionalising via mass media of specific images, representations of race, of blackness, that support and maintain oppression, exploitation and overall domination of all black people''

What was bell hooks's film theory?

''association of whiteness as terror in the black imagination'' ''decolonise our minds and our imaginations''

What are the 3 imposed white beauty standards?

''cross over appeal'' ''Embodying whiteness'' Denial of internalised white beauty.

What is the name given to a character that moves the story along?

''prime motivator'' ( usually a male hero)

What was another of bell hooks's quotes about the main problem on feminism?

''the major assault on feminism in our society has come from visual media''(2014)

What did Barthes say about how a text can reflect a meaning?

'text can be both open and closed'' open = many meanings Closed = narrow ''text has no meaning attached to it, it's you that makes the meaning''

What was Abercrombie's theory in 1996 about the 3 different aspects of realism?

- 'Window on the world' : The world as it is. However, ignores the complexities of the construction of media output. - Can't claim as truth - Narratives are used to create products that are 'real'. Narrative is often rationally ordered that encourages us to make connections between events and characters. - 'Illusion of realism' : how media products are designed to hide the production process. E.g the use of editing, e.g continuity editing found in most film and TV narratives (noddies) = we think it's realistic, but they are filmed on different days.

What are the 3 core themes around which the anti-capitalist aspects of black expressive culture have been articulated?

-Critique of productivism - work labour. -Critique of state revolving around an appeal for the disassociation of law from domination, which denounces state brutality and militarism.

What are the 2 perspectives on Post colonialism and the media's representation?

1. P-C concerns itself with the way in which the national identities of colonies can be reclaimed after colonial oppression has ended and colonies have retrieved their independence. 2. Also, the continued oppression that still takes place through the way in which the Western media represent their cultures and religions.

What was Hesmonhaigh's theory of vertical integration in terms of patterns of ownership and control?

1. Production - (legendary pictures) Distribution - (Universal Pictures) Exhibition - ( Cinema / netflix) Risks: They look to share risk, spread amongst companies Concentration of owner title = media owned by multiple companies Narrowed down to a few companies Wants to maintain position of power - shares with others. Want the money

When was the controversial album Straight OUtta Compton releaseD?


Where was the film SOC advertised?

4 companies found ways of catching attention Boxing fight, advert for film on the mat and advert for trailer during presidential debate Republican.

What is the Hypodermic Needle Model/ Model? Albert Bandura

60s-70s Many variables affect response to stimulus, our background what we think they want us to do. Stimulus - Response However advertising may work.

What is the context and background of Beats?

7 August 2015 Beats by Dr Dre launched App allowing users to upload a photography to straight outta website, completing logo. Over 6 million downloads.

What is Post colonialism?

A cultural theory that offers us some perspective on the way in which Western media control how other countries and groups are represented.

What is the Action Code?

A narrative is often resolved through the actions of a protagonist/hero. It refers to the way in which we recognise and identify familiar situations and actions. We do not need things spelt out for us- we can construct the plot quickly from these coded elements e.g a lock between 2 potential lovers and enemies.

What is Orientalism?

A perspective that suggests the East and the orient provoke fear and fascination within western culture.

What is Fetishising?

About the cutting up of women's bodies (e.g boobs, bums, legs) =Sum of body parts

What was the idea of convergence culture in terms of fandom and Jenkins?

Addresses how groups and communities in online and digital media era participatory culture exercise their own agency. Such agency is exercised by tapping into and combining numerous different media sources and channels, in both officially approved and unapproved ways; when fans or users work as communities to leverage their combined expertise, a collective intelligence process is generated Convergence culture artists from digital era post broadcast media landscape where more passive mass audiences are fragmented by the proliferation of channels and platforms while media users are more empowered than ever before to participate and collaborate across various channels and platforms in content creation and dissemination through their access to online networks and digital interactivity. We use skills to adjust media Use knowledge of someone to make a trailer, but internet is needed

What does 'Concentration of ownership' mean?

All media generally owned by a few major companies e.g disney, sony Media is econonomically important

Restructuring female rights involves...?

Allowing men into feminist movement so no separationist ideology, so much as an incorporating camaraderie. Great appreciation for movement away from feminist.

What does Pre-sold mean in terms of audience?

Already in the publics consciousness

What does Gauntlet argue about how consumers accept media?

Argues that media consumers unquestioningly accept a medium's subject positioning of them as passive viewers.

What does Post colonialism argue about the representation of realistic life in the media?

Argues that we should consider the representation of what is not there e.g that fashion models may be predominantly white. E.G Friends only 3 black people.

How have feminists in the past seen media?

As naturalising the power imbalance between men and women by emphasising womens role as domestic as mothers, carers and housewives or overt objects of male desire. (Hegemonic values)

What is 4th wave feminism in terms of hooks and van Zoonen?

Associated with online feminism, FB, Twitter, Insta , yt To discuss uplift, activate gender equality and social justic. Indicative of continuing influence of third wave focus on challenging sexism. Fourth wave focuses on intersexuality focus on solidarity with other social justice movements

How does Identification with protagonists help Straight Outta compton reach the best audience?

Audiences encouraged to align themselves with hip-hop artists as underdogs/disenfranchised minority - identify with them.

When was the film Straight Outta Compton released?

August 2018 with red -band trailer to reflect restricted.

Background on BBFC and What it is ?

BBFC = independent non-governmental body age rates film and video releases in UK However local councils have power to overule BBFC decisions and rate films differently.

What are the 3 types of lighting and where are they positioned?

Backlight behind actor to create stylistic silhouettes Key light bottom right up to actor Filler bottom left a little higher which is naturalistic.

What is the main important differences in the 2 trailers for Straight Outta Compton?

Balance between plot and spectacle Familiar trailer conventions, green band disclaimer/rating car, use of production logos/indents use of music, showcasing dramatic and establishing narrative expectations links to social media. No voiceover or release date - encourage audience to go to website More time, emotion and financial investiment, the more likely you'll watch film.

What is the basic structure of a music video?

Basic Structure: -3-4 mins - Typically combines a mix of live performances, narrative, and other visual imagery including computer graphics and animation.

What do the Antebellum dresses worn in Formation signify?

Before war, usually worn by white woman, black at times were slaves Post modern - playing with history and truth. Could be hate against white people

What is Anti-anti essentialism? (gilroy)

Belief things have a set of characteristics which make them, them. Science is their discovery of expression. Refuses to be set by characteristics - black experience is constantly changing. Biological or natural care to black culture and black music cannot be found. However still says theres a category of black culture.

What Genre could we put Formation in, or is there more than one?

Beyonce crosses genres. Also genres are fluid andsubject to change. Idea of post - modernism

Brief research into Dr. Dre = Andre Romelle Young.

Born 1965 American rapper, producer, entreprenur Founder of beats Previously co-owned Death Row Records 3rd richest figure in hip-hop 1996 left Death Row to make own record label, Aftermath Entertainment Helped Snoop Doggs Album Mother married again and again 4 sons & 2 daughters from 5 women Missed by film: Violence against women Assaulted TV hose at party because disappointed by her report about feuds in NWA physical abuse to one partner

What was Judith Butler's theory of post- feminism in 1999?

Brief - Gender is not the result of nature but is socially constructed. Gender roles are constructed and reinforced by media and culture Butler refers to gender troubles, the idea that gender roles are now fluid. Housewife now desperate housewife, man be metrosexual.

What is Participatory Culture?

Broad to any kind of cultural production which starts at the grassroots level which is open to broad participation.

What is Web 2.0?

Business model that sustains many web-based projects that rely on principales such as user-creation and moderation, social networking and 'crowdsourcing'

What was Hesmondhaigh's theory of Horizontal Integration in terms of pattern of ownership and control?

Buying up/ selling up competition Maintains position of power Straight outta compton - produced by legendary pictures | entering into partnership with Universal Pictures = minimising risk and maximising audience = maintaining concentration of ownership Universal owned by Comcast Part of media conglomerate.

What was MY example of a celebrity crush as a personal relationship?


What could a narratives function of black and Asian characters be?

Celebration of difference and a unity experience OR Legitimise negative attitudes and values

What is Intersectionality?

Challenges feminists to consider race, class and sex need to accept difference before moving on.

When are close - ups and long shots used in cinematography?

Close Up = emotion Long Shots = Establishing shots

What did Levi-Strauss argue about the structure of media texts?

Common structure of all meaning - making not just narratives, was a dependence on binary oppositions. Or a conflict between 2 quantities or terms. e.g east v west male v female gay v straight

What is often central to a narrative, forcing the audience to take sides?


What are the limitations of genre?

Constantly changing Too generalised to be helpful

What was Levi-Strauss's ideas of the Construction of media?

Construct all meaning and make sense of world around us through conflict between binary oppositions e.g Black vs White or East v West

What does it mean when a text can be considered realistic?

Contain 'truth' This can be referred to as 'realism of content' Gone through a series of gates/''media mill'' edited

What does fetishised mean in terms of black female music videos?

Cut up into sections/ parts.

What are the characteristics of media?

Designed to be consumed by large numbers of people Some aimed at ''mass'' media audience, but audiences are becoming more fragmented/specialised Consumption is often a personal/intimate experience worldwide but individually. Saturating out lives Media are controlled and regulated.

How does Disney prove or disapprove with Levi-Strauss's Ideas?

Disney has offered it's fair share of negative racial stereotypes that reflect Western white culture in a more powerful light and reduced ethnic culture to neat little categories.

How did Straight OUtta COmpton become marketing sensation?

Dr. Dre meeting with top marketers from Universal pictures, Apple and Beats. Release of SOC he produced, 3 months away and album.

What does it mean when a media text has little credibility in terms of reality?

E.g Sci-fi Narrative and characters may have plausible motvies, politics and emotions e.g cartoons have realistic themes.

Brief information on fan studies?

Emerged from investigations of subcultures and resistance Became quickly entwined with debates in Third Wave Feminism and queer studies. Has been a key space for understanding how taste and cultural discrimination operates. Has shaped legal discussions around appropriation transformative work and remix culture. Has become a useful window for understanding how globalisation is reshaping our everyday lives.

What was Laura Mulvey's ideas of Visual Pleasure and narrative cinema?

Emphasis on sexuality and physical appearance - the product of a male dominated industry and cameras are an extension of the male gaze. Mulvey argues that : Men control the narrative (own flow of story) - Women are passive objects of the male gaze -Pleasure in viewing comes from voyeurism (fetishising of womens bodies)

In the 1980s how were media texts encoded and decoded?

Encoded by producers (loads of values and meanings in) Text is then decoded by spectators. but different spectators will decode the text in different ways, maybe not the way the producer intended. e.g class, gender, differs our reaction may be different.

What is Diversion? active audience theory

Escapism = use media to escape from real world for pleasure

What are the 3 framing shots used in cinematography? How much is in the frame?

Establishing long shots - all of the body but with a lot of foreground and background Long shots - frame is filled with body Mid shots - Half of body in frame.

What is the Uses and Gratifications theory? Blumler and Katz 1974

Evolved Applied to TV but can be applied to any What did with and how used.

How does the Film logo maintain and audience for Straight Outta Compton?

Explicit design reference to music parental advisory notice links to conventions of social rebellion, challenge authority.

What is Properganda?

Explicit predujices in an entertaining way e.g predujices of muslims as villains.

What was Stuart Halls 2nd active audience Reception Theory?

Extends concept of an active audience still further. In the 1980s and 1990s a lot of work was done on the way individuals received and interpreted a text, and how their individual circumstances affected their reading. Takes on board social variables that Bandura didn't.

What are the New ways of measuring audiencE?

Facebook, other social network ( likes) Online Forums, comment tools Views on Youtube & google + Twitter trends.

What were Henry Jenkins' key ideas about fandom?

Fans are active participants in the construction and circulation of textual meanings. Idea that fans construct their social and cultural identities through borrowing and inflecting mass culture images, and are part of a participatory culture that has a vital social dimension.

Who was the Target audience for Straight Outta Compton? Or how could an audience find out about the film?

Fans of NWA - Old fans lived through period - younger fans attracted to band for cultural significance - find out through celebrity personality - parents could tell us about nwa - radio - youtube recommendation/ spotify playlists - fans of rap/gangsta rap (predominantly american audience or world wide appeal Urban dwellers who share experiences with artists. ) - fans of biopic films (open-minded educated older global audience without a specific interest in NWA.) Fans of film studio/producers (consider previous release) Rap & Sub genre of gangsta rao have specific and well identified fan bases. Possible pre-sold audience who don't need it to be sold to the audience

What's the difference between what the fan base is interested in and the wider audience in terms of trailer?

Fans of genre/NWA may be attracted to trailer scenes of band being formed or music being discussed and recorded but wider audience more interested in scenes of social tension, cultural change or personal drama.

What is the Bechdel Test? Mid 1950's

Features 2 named women do they talk to each other and about anything other then men.

Context of Straight Outta Compton?

Film is biopic (film biography) Produced by Legendary Pictures Distributed by Universal Pictures Directed by F. Gary Gray Follows story of hip hop band NWA in 1980s America. Ice-cube and Dr.Dre were co-producers of film (might be why no domestic violence from dr.dre was put in, cautious, unreliable) Huge commercial success, highest grossing music biopic all time, nominated for Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Oscar.

Media Industries - Historical Context of Straight Outta Compton.

Film portrays events set predominantly in mid 1980s California USA. The depiction of this period in a contemporary film may have been impacted by the social upheaval caused by the racial tension and the LA riots in 1972 (portrayed and possible glorification of NWA as agents of social change, may have been revised or influenced by events. Post-modern idea of 'truth' Beating of King Have Ice Cube and Dr. Dre exaggerated their influence in social change?

What was Chomsky's idea of 'manufacturing consent'?

Filtering ideas about cultures e.g linking black people to crime especially in america.

What is Personal Identity?

Find yourself reflected in text use media to construct identity Behaviour plus values Recognising connection between you and media character.

What was bell hooks' focus and what was she interested in?

Focused on devaluation of black women hood We don't really see black people as complex identity, we see them as lack of the normal ''the others'' Cardboard cutouts Black female voices have been marginalized. Can't have equality between men and women, when white women to black women aren't equal, and black men and white men aren't equal. She was interested in sisterhood. Acknowledge differences while accepting each other. Men must do their part ''Many women active in feminist movement do not have radical political perspectives and are unwilling to face these realities, especially when, they, again economic self-sufficiency within existing structure. ''

What was Fiske's theory of prosumer in terms of fandom?

For Fisk, mass culture could only become popular culture when it was appropriated by ordinary people. However when a popular cultural phenomenon happens it is not long before the culture industries co-opt the impulse by making own version of it once again; Fiske describes this Absorption of the impulse as 'incorporation' Essentially bringing it back to the mainstream mass audience and selling it back to them. Companies take it and sell it back When we take it and decode/turn into ours. Fans are celebrated because they do things of their own accord that are running alongside to the media's place for them. The audience is therefore an 'active' audience. Fiske said that some texts are more open to audience appropriation than others. He called these 'producerly' texts. His work therefore leads to a model of 'consumer as a producer' or a 'PROSUMER' However it is a perhaps oversimplified theory. e.g fanfiction, sense of community/belonging.

What does Gilroy focus on in terms of migration ?

Forced migration of Africans during the days of Slavery, in routes that he terms as 'The Black Atlantic' However there are many examples of diasporic grouping migrating transnationality. These movements for different reasons at different times impact upon the sense of identification that binds people together. Argues that black music has political importance.

What is Component 1A of the exam?

Formation - Beyonce Focus Area : - Media Language - Representation -Media Contexts

What is the context of Beyonce's Formation?

Formation, lead single for the album Lemonade, was released the day before Beyonce performed at the Super Bowl final February 2016. The formation music video, directed by Melina Matsoukas, was released with the song. Black outfit - Uniform of Black Panther Movement X - Malcolm X Revealing Clothing - Unlike rules of time Could argue she is rewriting the racial history. Beyonce is ambassador for Black Lives Matter Campaign. Could say she celebrates black women's bodies.

How was or might the film SOC have been distributed or circulated?

From internet Facebook, Twitter Youtube Pop-ups Bing Homepage/MSN Official/unofficial websites

What was the difference in age restriction of the Straight Outta Compton film? Why was the restriction important?

Gained a 15 certificate, although directors cut was 18. It was important to do that so could attract wider audience In America, the MPAA rated the film an R rating (restricted under 17s) cannot attend without parent. Rated differently elsewhere. 11 in Sweden Banned in Malaysia You want to make sure it passes We watched the 15 Rated 18 for extended version because of violence, sex drugs and strong language The release pattern reflects range of audiences that are being targetted. However 18, certification may have appealed to audiences who had certain expectations of film about NWA.

What are the Socialist feminist perspectives on the media according to van Zoonen?

Gender, class and economic conditions each directly affect women's positions in society. Solution- ''reforming mainstream media as well as producing separate feminist media' Negative perspectives need to be reformed Solution - entirely new feminist interpretations of the way women should conduct themselves in society. Example everydaysexism. com

What was the example of the Dare Magazine for portraying stereotypes?

Ginger stereotype = don't have soul offensive

What do we expect from companies such as Universal and Legendary pictures?

Good things because they are recognised and reputable.

Grace Jones music video example?

Grace Jones - Jamaican Model not allowed to speak out

What were Hall's ideas and Ideology?

Gramsci & 'Hegemony' (idea of hegemony) Hegemany - Gramsci ''How dominant ideology is accepted by the people''

What are the Social Grade categories?

Group A - Lawyers, Doctors, Scientists, well paid professionals. Group B - Teachers, middle management, fairly well paid professionals Group C1 - Junior managment, bank clerks, nurses, 'white collar' professionals Group C2 - Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, 'blue collar' professionals Group D - Manual Workers, drivers, post sorters. Group E - you, students, unemployed, pensioners.

What are the issues with fan base and releasing a movie for them?

Hard to get existing fan-base on side Once you've got existing fans on side, start to appeal to wider

What are the things we need to remember about Beyonce?

Her glamour and attractiveness can differ us away from political message This is all still related to finance and profit and the brand of beyonce. Does the video condone objectification of women. Promoting sex

What were the 8 character roles that Propp says are featured in all fairy tales?

Hero Villain Donor (offers gifts with magical properties) Helper (aids hero) Dispatcher (sends hero on way) Princess (hero's reward or object of villain schemes) Father False hero

When are high and low angles used in cinematography?

High = Makes you seem small, pathetic, vulnerable Low = Makes you seem imposing, powerful, intimidating.

How were the posters for SOC able to attract and encourage consumers to distribute and circulate?

Hyperbowl Generating excitement Red = danger Release date Reference to other media texts ( album) Niche - cultural capitol, implying we know NWA Slogan (world's most dangerous group Names of artists not actors or real people

What are the 3 points of exploiting black sexual images?

Icon for deviant sexuality Sexually available stereotype Sexually primitive

What is the Key Idea of Representation?

Idea that gender is constructed through discourse (messages and viewpoints) and that it's meaning varies according to cultural and historical context.

How could Livingstone & Lunt be applied to the age restriction of Straight Outta Compton?

Idea there is an underlying struggle in recent UK regulation policy between need to further interests of citizens offering protection from harmful or offensive material and need to further interest of consumers by ensuring choice, value and market competition.

What was Althusser's idea of 'interpellation'?

Identifying with the media Repressive state apparatus = Iron fist (spying, torture, murder)

What equals the hegemonic control? (how to think, how to feel)

Ideological control

What are Andrew Goodwin's Categories of Types of Music Videos?

Illustration - in this type of video everything we see comes directly from the lyrics of the song Amplification - includes sequences which add extra meanings, separate from the lyrics themselves, often alongside sequences of illustration Disjuncture - the images in these videos have no apparent link to songs lyrics it may be a short film: the artist may not feature at all.

How may we judge a media text by its ability to represent reality?

In a convincing way e.g high level of verisimilitude (realism (resemblance))

What are the Radical feminists perspectives on the media according to van Zoonen?

In order for equality - women need to create own media to cut away from men Patriarchy - all men seen as dominant over women in society. Example - Pornographic natrue of media advertising. Men carry a real world threat

What are the 3 points of a music video being considered as an example of 'spectacle'?

In this the performers are performing often looking directly at the viewer. This is called 'direct address' - where they are directly interacting with the viewer. Mostly in the case of men, this often involves the look of the character towards viewer. Male seen to be addressing, the viewer directly, he is supposed to be singing directly for you. The female figure offers direct address is often an object of an erotic gaze, object of male desire which is a voyeuristic gaze. A Voyeur is someone who looks at someone for pleasure often dressed and posed in very sexual ways.

What is surveillance?

Information from media about the world around us. Could tell us everything about the world around us.

What does the word Mediated mean?

Interpret the world through media rather than experience.

How was the SOC twitter layed out, how did it attract audiences and encourage people to share?

Intro to characters Logo PA logo 'You may also like' leads to links of characters Value added Extends narrative pleasure beyond film enjoyment of film doesn't end encourages consumption.

What makes the media so accessible to everyone?

It is cheaper and easier to produce Anyone can create user generated content We can binge watch a boxset Owned by a few companies or states

In 1993 what was Gilroy's idea about Diaspora?

It is not just about a mutual connection to shared 'roots' in a mother country or continent, but a shared experience of historical migration- the sense of common rates across the globe.

What is the further detailed version of the theories of fandom, participatory culture and web, in terms of Jenkins?

Jenkins believes that sites like Youtube, Flickr, Second Life and Wikipedia have made visible a set of cultural practices and logics that had been taking root within the fandom over the past hundred years, expanding their cultural influence by broadening and diversifying participation. In many ways, these practices have been encoded into the business models shaping so called Web 2.0 companies, which have in turn made them far more mainstream, have increased their visibility and have incorporated them into commercial production and marketing practices. The result has been a blur between the grassroots practice he calls particpatory culture and the commercial practices being called Web 2.0.

What is the idea of spreadable media in terms of fandom and Jenkins?

Jenkins developed the concept of spreadable medias as an alternative to viral media and memes for use by both media scholars and practitioners. Jenkins' idea of spreadability focusses on the active agency of the ordinary media user in sharing, distributing, creating and/or remixing media content. This focus on the active media user is understoof through this concept as increasingly crucial in online/digital era media landscapes where participatory culture is more important than ever, and where the dominance of large-scale media content distribution tightly controlled by corporate or government owners has been undermined by the rise of grassroots circulation. Spreadability instead calls for media strategists to embrace how their audiences and users will actively disperse content, using formal and informal networks, not always approved. Linked to globalisation

Why did Universal tease Straight Outta Compton with Furious 7 instead of Jurassic World?

Jurassic world didn't need the promotion, because of the first of the series which had a good reputation. So Jurassic world didn't need as much help to reach a wider audience, because the fans of the jurassic series will find the movie and trailer, but Straight Outta Compton was targetted at an older audience, and featured similar themes to Furious 7. Attracting Furious 7 fans to watch SOC next.

How did the character posters for SOC attract a wider audience?

Key Light (low-key) mystery, menace Attitude

What is van Zoonen's ideas of female body representation?

Key idea: Display of women's bodies as objects to be looked at is a core element of western patriarchal culture. According to van Zoonen, there are 3 feminist perspectives in the media.

What is one example of representation of gender?

Kill Bill Adventure woman (heroine) Masculine traits Sword as penis replacement Accept her because she's man-like and attractive

What were the points bell hooks made about language, and how we could change the appearance of black women in media?

Lack of language to discuss oppression Lack of models to combat stereotypes Pre-subscribed notions of 'good' and 'bad'

What is an example of Levi Strauss's, Propp and Todorov's ideas?

Levi- Strauss = Villain v Victim Propp = The Incredibles Hero - Mr. Incredible Villain - Sindrone/incrediboy Donor- family Helper - Mirage/Helen Dispatcher - Mirage Princess - Family Father - Lawyers/ community False hero - sindrone/incrediboy Todorov = Problem - can't be superhero anymore and has to try to fit in, but doesn't like hi sjob, and the kids can't use their powers Solution - mirage is in need of his abilities to test a machine which is faulty and destroy it, so they can improve Resolution - family all come together and use their powers to protect the public forever.

What are the 3 feminist perspectives on the media according to van Zoonen?

Liberal Radical Socialist

How is Bend it Like Beckham an example of Diaspora Identity?

Lightened skin on one poster

What is the 180 degree line in cinematography?

Line travels along floor over humans and back down. Have to match up for all shots, always stay on one side of 180 degree line.

In particular, the Serena William Meme about Straight Outta COmpton, how did that help to distribute the film globally?

Linked with Beats Straight Outta logo Well known, global superstar Poweful, black women Targets niche audience e.g black women global recognition Beats recognised by Youth

What is the Two-step flow theory?

Little bit more sophisticated. Stimulus - opinion leader - response

What is Patriotism?

Love of country

What are the wide range of representations of women in the media?

Loving Caring Nurturer Passive Soft

What is wrong with the way media promotes sex?

Makes us feel it's acceptable and girls grow up seeing themselves as this. Men get objectified, but not in a vulnerable way.

Music Videos often contain a performance, how?

Many include performance of artist as part of video. It was from clips of performances that music videos developed.

Types of audience... & Definition ....

Mass Audience = often termed ''broadcast audience'' Those who consume mainstream or popular texts such as soaps or sitcoms. Media and communication that targets a very large group of people( women, men, children, adults etc) e.g F.R.I.E.N.D.S

What is Baudrillard's theory in 1993 about 'The Hyper-real (post modernism) Hyper real?

Media itself has come NOT to represent the real world, but in fact to replace it. This is the 'hyper real' - media now dominates our perception of outside world. Media representation becomes hyper-reality, with reality encountered, in the world itself a pale shadow of this.

What is Realism?

Media presents us as always constructed, edited versions of the real world. Illusion of the real world and events that take place in it.

What was Stuart Hall's theories of representation?

Media representations are selective and manufactured, makes them distinct. Media may influence us. Basic Marxism: 20% own ears of production 80% proletariats (working class) repetition leads to acceptance Acceptance of male teacher wearing a dress. Media companies own the means of production of ideas.

What is the cultivation theory? George Gerbner

Media stereotypes of people we base more and more sense by cultivation meaning from media We are cultivating meaning & understanding More on media than our actual experiences. We base on media instead of our own experience. SIMILAR TO BAUDRILLARD ''HYPERREAL''

How do media companies make the audience feel participation in their texts?

Minor members of public need to feel represented in some way to make sure they feel empowered. Amount is carefully controlled.

What was Alvarado in 1987 argue about black representation in the media?

Most media representation are founded upon negative historical myths. He suggested four representations of black culture: Humourous Exotic Pitied Dangerous

Definition of Niche/Target audience.

Much smaller but very influential. A niche audience is a small select group of people with a very unique interest. e.g Birds magazine.

What did the Official SOC website feature?

NWA music straight away Parental advisory length symbolises synergy Link to crew Top left restricted part - added value - Hesmondhaigh linl Brand logo Film ratings Opportunity to consume merchandise Share + Twitter, facebook, youtube Interactive Blu-ray/DVD information Soundtrack Gallery Legacy Directing us to consume e.g steel book

What is the cultural context of Straight Outta Compton?

NWA significant in terms of social change Advocates for free speech Producers of project Sonos Highly successful black mean from dicenfranchised American urban communities. NWA criticised for mysogunistic lyrics and promoton of a lifetime that objectifies and marginalised women. Huff Post - Hip hop misogyny double standard.

How does Star/celebrity appeal attract an audience to watch Straight Outta Compton?

Names of actors are absent replaced with names of the stars of NWA, who were a real group.

What is the Enigma Code?

Narrative device that teases the audience by presenting a puzzle or a riddle to be solved. We gain pleasure from predicting the outcome of the narrative.

What was Todorov's argument about the structure of narratives?

Narratives can also be seen as how media producers shape and control the flow of information to an audience. Argued that the underlying structure of narratives is basically the same, with variation only taking place in character and setting.

Audiences accept the ideas of companies as..?

Natural and legitimate We consent to and participate in our own manipulation.

What was David Gauntlet's key idea of interpellation?

Occurs when person connects with media text, when relaxes we become uncritical consumers, so we have been interpellated, to assume, causing us to tactily accept particular approach to world. Fear and consumption? We consume to create happiness 'euphoria of unhappiness' Free and happy - when we are not Media pushes a bad habit But lasts minutes Mean world Syndrome.

How is Narratives used in music video?

Often the video tells a story either that features in the lyrics or is suggested in the lyrics e.g girl dumps boy This narrative can be like a mini film, with a beginning, middle and end. Can also suggest some links to a story It can promote a film with clips from the film included telling a story.

What is the impact of new technology on audience?

Old media (tv, print, radio) which used to have high audience numbers must now work harder to maintain audience numbers. Digital technology has also led to an increasing incertainty over how we define an audience, with the general agreement that a large group of people reading same thing that same time is outdated. Audience are fragmented.

How does the internet recommend things to us, or trailers that we are most likely interested in?

Online takes information about what we look at and uses it to recommend or show something similar Immediate - consumption need it now

Summarise of the Official SOC website, how it makes us able to consume?

Opportunities to consume/share it's aimed at a wide audience. Means it is more likely the word will spread.

What is the Passive Audience Theory?

POWER IS WITH THE MEDIA about what the media does to us, interested as seeing us as all the same = mass audience we're thinking and unquestioning

What elements do music videos often contain?

Performance Narrative Thematic Symbolic

What is nationalism (Gilroy has a wariness about)?

Placing yourself above others

What is entertainment in terms of active audience theory?


What is the economic and political context of Straight Outta Compton?

Portrayal of historical events are sanitised version designed to ''cash in'' Notion of minimising risk and maximising audience clearly applies to musical biopic. Uses stars NWA members to appeal to a range of fans and audiences. Harnesses nostalgia. Patterns of ownership and control

What are the Pleasure types in terms of male gaze?

Power main pleasure (gives men power) looking at women's bodies. We can either identify with woman about getting pleasure OR Can view in man's way and enjoy watching women.

How is Haywire representing women?

Powerful physically, previously a fighter, story runs through her, still undercut.

What are the 3 different ways to respond to text and explanation?

Preffered/dominated reading: = Ways producer see it The x factor is great family entertainment and full of Nicole Scherzinger and talent Negotiated Reading : The X factor is ok but only for older, indiscriminating couch potatoes. Oppositional Reading: = opposed to way producers want us to see it The X factor is offensive and degrading to contestants destroying the music industry , undermines originally and creativity.

What features in the Red band trailer for Straight Outta Compton?

Present day before restricted content About celebrity power, their approval Showing themselves as part of community Respected by community Non-violent protests Promised live music Swearing, nudity , violence police Rodney King beating reference, putting things in perspective Women seen like ornaments Impression their being honest Romanticising in present day Journey they go on Synergy, the trailer features the logo similarities, part of cohesive marketing.

What is the Desensitisation/inoculation theory?

Prolonged exposure Effect is you are less sensitive to things going around you e.g violence, society tolerates violence because we've seen it many times.

What is the Purpose of a music Video?

Purpose of Music Videos: - Promotes a single and normally an album - Promotes artist or band creating her brand image -Creates, adapts or feeds into a 'star image' -Entertains the audience -Sets the 'meanings' of a song by the use of images.

Queen Latifa Music video example?

Queen Latifa - Actress Children to show how future can be affected if not sorted. Not acceptable to abuse, but child might think it is.

What are the 5 types of feminists?

Radical , Marxist, Black, Liberal and Socialist.

How did the magazine covers for SOC appeal to a wider audience and encourage distribution?

Real people & Whole crew Reference to star appeal Specialist magazines Rolling out - black target audience african/american prolest lead brand integration between rolling out and straight outta compton.

Background of the SOC film, release and why the difference in releases could have been a problem ..

Released 28 August 2015, released in USA 14th August - offering illegal watching Rather unusual to have different release dates Major commercial success over $200 million had $50 million total budget $28 million production budget. Award Nominations Pre-sold hip hop fan base appeal of 'real life' story and music itself/ might serve to offset the economic risk of the film production. Similarly Notorious 2009 or 8 mile 2005 Album and film released at same time.

When was the second global trailer of SOC released ?

Released April 2015, before Furious 7, streamed before that film to appeal wider audience. Trailer attracts similar fans of similar films. Universal Trying to sell own products. Furious 7 audience are fashionable, trendy, young.

What is the copycat theory?

Replicating behaviour More likely to copy people we admire/role models.

What is Cultural Capital ?

Rewards Audience must understand relationship between texts Shared cultural knowledge.

What would Freud say about Kill Bill?

Say we're attracted to her but are frightened about castrating/chopping them off.

What brief research is there on Eazy E = Eric Lynn Wright?

Sept 7 1964 - March 26 1995 Born in COMPTON American Rapper, Solo & NWA ''the godfather of gangsta rap'' Dropped out of high school, sold drugs Founded Ruthless Records Released DR Dre from contract Brief battle with Aids Influenced by 1970s funk groups, rappers and comedians Son - Eric Darnell Wright 1984 Daughter - Erin changed to Ebie 5 other children by 5 other women. Met Tomica Woods 1991 nightclub married 1995 12 days before death. Tomica took over Ruthless She had children - Dominick - Daijah

What is Mise-en scene ?

Setting the scene Setting/location Que your expectations of the narrative Props- attach meaning to Costume & Makeup Figure / expression / movement Lighting

What is the saying about women and sex?

Sex is something that happens TO women and not WITH women.

What is Voyeurism?

Sexual Pleasure from watching something

What is the dominant representation of black women in media?


What are the Generic Ingredients of a music video?

Shots of artist performing, live stage performance including audience. Artists in 'real life' - warming up, fooling around Close - ups of the artist with a motif (props. clothing) Artists can perform in an unusal place - all lip-synched e.g rooftop

What was Todorov's simple formula for equilibrium of a narrative?

Simple formula = equilibrium -disequilibrium - new equilibrium or order - disorder- reorder or start middle end or 1st act, 2nd act 3rd act.

What is Gilroy's notion of Black culture based on?

Social practices and social definitions, therefore black music is intimately connected to a range of social and political issues. As a consequence, themes surrounding aspects of black culture have been articulated.

What is a fandom?

Social structures and cultural practice created by the most passionately engaged consumers of mass media properties.

What is a Voyeur ?

Someone who looks at someone for pleasure.

What are the Liberal feminists perspectives on the media according to van Zoonen?

Stereotypical thoughts about roles that women play in society, especially as a housewife and mother, responsible for why women hold a 'lower' or 'unequal' position in society. In terms of media analysis, liberal feminists analyse 'sex role' stereotypes, prescriptions of sex- appropriate behaviour appearance, interest, skills and self-perception. Deep clean = rosie the riveter.

How does Charlie's Angels represent women?

Still owned by men In 2 piece and near water Flips hair in slow motion Short/tight tops

What is structuralism?

Structuralists examine narrative structures.

What did Propp examine about fairytales?

Structure of fairy tales Argued whatever surface differences, possible to group characters and actions eight character role (''spheres of action''). Also cheated by saying that one character can occupy several 'spheres'

What is the music genre Bounce?

Sub genre of music in 80's New Orleans Bum Shaking The BEAT Visuals of intellect of news footage of police brutality and footage showing elements of 'bounce'

How did Ice Cube on Jimmy Kimmel target a wider audience?

Targetted late night audience (narrow audience) Broad audience, Global on Youtube Clever Global advertising Didn't mention any name of actors T-Shirt, product placement

Why do we use media?

Tell us what's going on Events spread all over the media fast ''culture of situation''

What was bell hooks's key idea of race and class?

The idea that race and class as well as sex determine the extent to which individuals are exploited discriminated against or oppressed.

What is Civilisationism?

The most advanced stage of human social development

What is Diaspora Identity?

The result of forced or voluntary migration where people experience both a sense of belonging to a cultural group that is 'other' to the dominant culture of their country of residence. The result can be a sense of alienation or more positively a fusion of cultures that asserts a positive Diaspora Identity.

How is the example of Superbowl half time advert and youtube an example of synergy? Why is it so fast?

The superbowl half time adverts simultaneously go onto youtube when aired. Using convergence and synergy, companies recognise that we will go straight on social media to find half time adverts.

What features in the green band 13+ trailer of Straight outta compton?

Theatrical trailer: No swearing - appeal to younger No nudity - more family friendly Women have emotion - appeal to women More focus on drama & story More accessible Introduces names Universal Legendary logo Black/white links to logo, LA Raders and Merchandise Piano= emotion, meladramatic Global Trailer: Emphasis on live performance.

What are the problems with Gilroy's ideas?

Themes can sometimes facilitate cross-culturally/ across different ethnic groups. With this fluidity and blurring how can an artist claim to be speaking for the community. So social definitions of say black experience can slide acorss and eradicate important social and political differences between different racial and gendered identities Think of the appropriate of rap by different cultures whether they be Asian, white male or female or whoever.

Is now, still the Post-Colonial era?

Theoretically, no colonial empires remain.

Has there been an increase in diversity and if so is that a good thing?

There has been an increase in diversity and frequency of representing cultural difference. E.g magazines such as Pride, Ebony and Asian Women and newspapers such as THE VOICE

What were the active audience theories from the 1960's?

Thought more and more about individuals and how we receive audience differently. We actively consume texts for different reasons and different ways. More likely to make money by targetting unique audiences.

What did Barthes say about how a narrative works?

Through series of codes that are used to control the way in which information is given to an audience.

Tina Turner example of music video?

Tina Turner : Electric Stage Performance Red lipstick Strutting

What is the role of the BBC?

To inform, entertain and educate, has to reflect multicultural, multifaceted Britain, and to offer good quality TV.

What is Vagina dentata?

Toothed / tanged vagina e.g vampires

How in my opinion do i often find and end up watching a trailer?

Trailer comes to us, more than we go to them. They are getting frequent and in our faces more , easier for us to find.

How is SOC an example of Synergy in terms of the album and trailer?

Universal music released the official soundtrack album, which is an example of Synergy that contributed to success of film. This could be seen to guarantee audience and minimise risk for producers.

How can producers use personal relationships to attract audience?

Us using medice for feelings of love to replace our real interactions.

What is an Ideological State Apparatus?

Velvet glove (education, church, media)

What was Hesmondhaigh's theory of patterns of ownership and control?

Vertical and horizontal integration Cultural industry companies try to minimise risk and maximise audience.

How much is featured in 3-4 minute music videos?

Very fast paced, lots of shots and cuts User inter-textuality with films tv and other videos/ Mimic other films and tv genre e.g horror, sci-fi, news Sometimes the story can contradict what is seen for effect Sometimes the artist is a part of the story or an observer or completely separate.

What was the Straight Outta COmpton meme and how did that distribute and contribute to companies' success?

Viral 6 million personalised Compton painted over LA Meme began Dr. Dre's Beats career Beats Advert - talking about NWA and Compton Meme allowed fans to make the album cover theme, including Serena Willias Twitter More than 400,000 tweets with hashtag #StraightOutta Sky writing over music festival

Initial Description of things in Straight Outta Compton?

Voiceover on Universal Bit Low lit house scene Alcohol , smoking Guns, gangs, cars, drugs, dj , girls N word Black men treated badly by cops Record deal Police harassment Tour Families affected Shooting Accident New groups vs them Eazy E dies of HIV + Aids

What is Mean world syndrome?

We are presented with loads of bad images of world, so believe the world is a bad place.

What does Interpellation mean in media terms?

We see ourselves represented in the media. Recognise yourself and participate in own manipulation. Persecute and brng into line each other

What were Edward Said's ideas and the Concept of Orientalism?

Western culture is contructed against an assumer 'other' It is central to our development as a culture. A culture constructed to show Western, white Christian ideals as superior e.g we are the civilised taming the fearsome, yet exotic savages. We construct 'our' identities in opposition to them.

What is Direct Address in a music video?

When artist is interacting directly with you

Whitney Houston example of music video?

Whitney Houston : White audience Lighting made her whiter Sexualising her but also a naive side.

What is Representation in the Media?

Who, what, why, when and how? For whom, by whom Are there opportunities for self-representation Are the representations fair and accurate? Dominant, reflecting commercial media, exploitation or alternative - reflecting more diverse, liberal viewpoints

Why are audiences important?

Without them, there's no media Media organisations produce media texts to make profit (e.g no audience = no profit) the mass media is becoming more competitive than ever to attract more and more audiences in different ways and stay profitable.

What was Henry Jenkins' opinion on fan studies in terms of fandom?

Work arises from his scolarly interests in popular culture and media as well as reflection on his own experiences as a media fan. This also shaped his interest and understanding of participatory culture. Jenkins research in 'Textual Poachers' showed how fans construct their own culture appropriating and remixing - ''poaching'' content from mass culture. Through this 'poaching' the fans carried out such creative cultural activities as rethinking personal identity issues such as gender and sexuality. Use poaching to find out who i am Way of fantasy Avatars using someone as extension to our identity.

What is Synergy?

Working together with companies embracing multi-media platforms. Cohesive marketing campaign.

What is Discourse in terms of media?

Written or spoken communication or debate.

Is representation of people of colour limited?

Yes in mainstream magazine front covers with non-white men and women are rare.

Definition of audience?

an individual or collective group of people who read or consume any media text.

How did the Facebook SOC page layout, how did it attract?

encourage interaction and consume real vs actors

Briefly explain Psychographics?

every advertiser wants to target a particular type of audience. Stereotyping audience. Most of their revenue is funded by advertising. Needs to appeal to a specific type of audience, so advert will pay to promote. Most medias can define their 'typical' audience number.

What was Henry Jenkins' fandom idea about participatory culture?

focusing on developing media theory and practice principles by which media users are primarily understood as active and creative participants rather than merely as passive consumers and simplistically receptive audiences. This participatory engagement is seen as increasingly important given the enhanced interactive and networked communication capabilities of digital and internet technologies. Jenkins has highlighted the work of media scholar John Fiske as a major influence, particularly in this area of participatory culture. We have better platforms to explore our identities.

How does the website encourage sharing and distribution?

many opportunities to share ideas and trailers of film Rewarding cultural capitol

How is BARB a way of measuring audience?

measures who's watching/ how many are watching. Surveys.

Why is it important to get a balance to target the right audience?

really important to target a wide audience but also a niche audience Pre-existing NWA fans expect high standards

What is Routine?Active audience theory

reward for work, schedule = pleasure

Outline Steve Neale's approach to Genre?

studied the means of classification, categorisation = genre) Came up with 3 genres Major Genre ( horror, musical, western, rock , pop, classical and jazz) Sub-genre (psychological horror, vampire horror) Hybrid genre ( musical/western, romantic/comedy/ ( horror) e.g (rom-com) Generic indicators are those ingredients that make up a 'genre cake': Repetition and Variation - idea that genres may be dominated by repetition but also marked by difference, variation and change. Hybridity, fluidity & development: - Idea that genres change, develop and vary as they borrow from and overlap with one another. Social Function: - Idea genres exist within specific economic institutional and industrial contexts. Also reflect the social/political climate of the time. Reflect Zeitgeist (spirit of the time( in which they are made. Usefulness of genre to audience: - Reassuring and/a familiar promise of patterns and repetition. - arouses expectations - Shortcut to meaning -gives us pleasure - gendered consumption (musical, romance = feminine, war & horror = masculine genre) Usefulness of genre to media producers: - gets more viewers - maximises profits - minimise risk (by basing on audience) - budget and plan easier - give audiences what they want -hybridisation

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