MedSurg Chapter 46

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"Be sure to wear sunscreen while taking this medicine.

A client is prescribed tetracycline to treat peptic ulcer disease. Which of the following instructions would the nurse give the client


A client with severe peptic ulcer disease has undergone surgery and is several hours postoperative. During assessment, the nurse notes that the client has developed cool skin, tachycardia, and labored breathing; the client also appears to be confused. Which of the following complications has the client most likely developed?

peptic ulcer disease.

A nurse is caring for a client who is undergoing a diagnostic workup for a suspected GI problem. The client reports gnawing epigastric pain following meals and heartburn. The nurse suspects the client has:

Vasomotor symptoms associated with dumping syndrome

A nurse is providing care for a client recovering from gastric bypass surgery. During assessment, the client exhibits pallor, perspiration, palpitations, headache, and feelings of warmth, dizziness, and drowsiness. The client reports eating 90 minutes ago. The nurse suspects:

dumping syndrome.

A nurse is providing follow-up teaching at a clinic visit for a client recovering from gastric resection. The client reports sweating, diarrhea, nausea, palpitations, and the desire to lie down 15 to 30 minutes after meals. The nurse suspects the client has:

"My appetite should come back tomorrow."

A nurse is teaching a client who has experienced an episode of acute gastritis and knows further education is necessary when the client makes the following statement:


Peptic ulcer disease occurs more frequently in people with which blood type?

"I have learned some relaxation strategies that decrease my stress."

The nurse determines that teaching for the client with peptic ulcer disease has been effective when the client states:


The nurse is assessing a client with an ulcer for signs and symptoms of hemorrhage. The nurse interprets which condition as a sign/symptom of possible hemorrhage?


Which of the following medications is classified as a proton pump inhibitor (PPI)?

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