metabolism, nutrition, and energetics

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The process of synthesizing glucose from non-carbohydrates is called


Although other nutrients can feed into the citric acid cycle, ________ yields energy the quickest.


Select the correct sequence of steps as energy is extracted from glucose during cellular respiration.

glycolysis → acetyl CoA → citric acid cycle → electron transport chain

Which step of glucose metabolism yields the greater amount of ATP?


The energy stored in ATP comes from which of the following?


All of the following are reasons why glucose is the primary energy source for cells

glucose can be stored efficiently. glycogen breakdown involves only a single enzymatic step. glucose is a small, soluble molecule. glycolysis does not require oxygen to generate ATP. Submit

This process splits glucose in half and produces 2 ATPs for each glucose. Submit


The area of the brain that regulates body temperature is the


where does glycolysis take place

in the cytosol of a eukaryotic cell

Where does most nutrient absorption occur? (Module 23.8B)

in the small intestine, primarily in the jejunum

Water from the alveolar surfaces of the lungs and from the skin surface is lost in what mechanism of heat balance?

insensible perspiration

All of the following is true of the electron transport system

is found on the inner mitochondrial membrane (the cristae). produces energy that supports the synthesis of ATP. receives electrons from coenzymes. electrons are eventually accepted by oxygen with the formation of water.

truths about ETC

is found on the inner mitochondrial membrane (the cristae).electrons are eventually accepted by oxygen with the formation of water.receives electrons from coenzymes.produces energy that supports the synthesis of ATP.

The energy content of foods is commonly given in units of

kcal or Cal

When the body is relying on internal energy reserves to continue meeting its energy demands, it is in the ________ state.


Glycolysis breaks down glucose into what?


Of the 20 amino acids, ________ are essential amino acids that the body either cannot synthesize or that cannot be produced in amounts sufficient for growing children.


products of glycolysis

2 molecules of pyruvate, 2 molecules of ATP, 2 molecules of NADH

Glycolytic breakdown of glucose first results in ________ molecules.

2 pyruvate

The vitamin that plays a role in maintaining epithelia and is required for the synthesis of visual pigments is vitamin


Define balanced diet. (Module 23.15A)

A balanced diet contains all of the nutrients needed to maintain homeostasis and prevent malnutrition.

What is the correct general equation for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP energy

catabolism and anabolism

Catabolism is the breakdown of large molecules into smaller ones, whereas anabolism is buildup of large molecules from smaller building blocks.

The vitamin that is required for proper bone growth and for calcium absorption and retention is vitamin


How do the absorptive and postabsorptive states maintain normal blood glucose levels? (Module 23.13C)

During the absorptive state, insulin stimulates glucose uptake by cells and during the postabsorptive state, glucagon stimulates the breakdown of glycogen to form glucose.

Identify the fates of fatty acids. (Module 23.11C)

Fatty acids may become a fuel source or a component of triglycerides, glycolipids, phospholipids, prostaglandins, cholesterol, and steroids.

Compare glycogenesis and glycogenolysis. (Module 23.7A)

Glycogenesis is the formation of glycogen from glucose. Glycogenolysis is the breakdown of glycogen to glucose. Submit

________ carry excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver.


Explain the role of glycogen in cellular metabolism. (Module 23.9B)

It serves as an intracellular glucose reserve.

Keith is concerned that his brain cells will not receive energy-rich nutrients without carbohydrates in his diet. Which of the following molecules is a product of lipid catabolism that his brain cells could use to create ATP?

Ketone bodies

Describe the roles of LDLs and HDLs. (Module 23.10C)

LDLs deliver cholesterol to tissues and HDLs absorb unused cholesterol and return it to the liver.

What is the primary way energy is shuttled from the citric acid cycle to the electron transport system?


is NAD produced in the citric acid cycle


purpose of the citric scid cycle

The breakdown of organic molecules to release hydrogen atoms bound to coenzymes that can enter the electron transport chain.

How is ATP used in our bodies?

The energy released from ATP is converted into kinetic energy to do work.

basal metabolic rate

The minimum resting energy expenditure of an awake, alert person is called

define metabolism

The sum of all chemical reactions, both breakdown and build-up reactions.

Describe the role that hydrogen ion channels play in the generation of ATP. (Module 23.5C)

They allow hydrogen ions to diffuse from the intermembrane space into the matrix to power ATP synthase.

Define nutrition. (Module 23.14A)

absorption of nutrients from food

Metabolism can be defined as

anabolism + catabolism.

The minimum resting energy expenditure of an awake, alert person is called

basal metabolic rate

The carbon dioxide of respiration is formed during

citric acid cycle

This process produces some ATP and carbon dioxide in the mitochondrion.

citric acid cycle

A(n) ________ contains all of the essential amino acids.

complete protein

On a hot August day at the beach, the lifeguard jumped up and ran into the water, throwing a life-buoy to a troubled swimmer calling for help, and pulling her to safety. He was happy to help the swimmer, and once back on the beach, he realized that being in the water cooled him off a great deal. What form of heat transfer contributed to his feeling cooler?


This process uses energy captured from electrons flowing to oxygen to produce most of the ATPs in cellular respiration.

electron transport chain

What is the most important product of the reactions of the citric acid cycle, which will allow the mitochondria to produce ATP?

energy-rich hydrogen atoms (During the reactions of the CAC, hydrogen atoms are removed from the chemicals in the cycle and transferred to coenzymes to be transported to the electron transport system. This is the primary way energy is supplied to make ATP.)

Fatty acids that are necessary for proper health but cannot be synthesized by the body are called

essential fatty acids

Fatty acids that are necessary for proper health but cannot be synthesized by the body are called

essential fatty acids.

All of the following take place during the absorptive state except All of the following take place during the absorptive state exceptketone bodies begin to form.blood glucose levels rise.insulin stimulates triglycerides.estrogen promotes protein synthesis.aerobic metabolism provides increased synthesis of blood lipid levels.

ketone form

The energy content of foods is commonly given in units of


The hormone ________, which suppresses appetite and stimulates satiety, is released by adipose tissue.


All of the following occur during the postabsorptive state except that All of the following occur during the postabsorptive state except thatketone bodies may be formed.lipid mobilization occurs.levels of blood glucose are elevated.gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver.glycogen is broken down into glucose in the liver.

levels of blood glucose are elevated.

________ is an unhealthy state resulting from inadequate intake of one or more nutrients that becomes life-threatening as the deficiencies accumulate.


The sum of all of the biochemical processes going on within the human body at any given time is called


Which of the following is not a product of cellular respiration? Which of the following is not a product of cellular respiration?oxygen (O2)ATPwater (H2O)carbon dioxide (CO2)


Reactions within ________ provide most of the energy needed by a typical cell.


In what organelle would you find acetyl CoA formation, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain?


Homeostatic control of body temperature is termed


In transamination, the amino group of an amino acid is ________, yielding a different amino acid.

transferred to another molecule

During lipolysis,

triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids.

During lipolysis,

triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. Submit

Explain why carbohydrates are preferred over proteins and lipids as an energy source. (Module 23.9C)

Proteins and lipids are more important as structural components of cells and tissues.

It's been 5 hours since you had breakfast and now you're thinking about trying the new Mexican lunch place that just opened up across the street. The more you think about it, the hungrier you get. Your increased hunger is the result of the ________ that your empty stomach is releasing into your bloodstream.


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