Mezzo Midterm

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What is the ideal group size?

5-7 people

What is meant by compensation?

This mechanism involves offsetting a real or fancied defect or inferiority by creating a real or fancied achievement or superiority. A recently divorced father may attempt to soften his children's pain by buying them expensive toys. Also, just as unhappily married college students can avoid dealing with their marriage by putting all their energies into their studies, people who have "failed" in their careers and personal life can compensate for their failure by getting "high" on alcohol and drugs.

What is meant by displacement?

This mechanism occurs when hostile or aggressive feelings are vented against safer objects or people rather than against those who caused the feelings. A husband who has had a frustrating day at work, for example, may verbally or physically abuse his wife, children, or family pets.

What is evidence based practice?

The use of the best available scientific knowledge derived from randomized controlled outcome studies, and meta-analyses of existing outcome studies, as one basis for guiding professional interventions and effective therapies, combined with professional ethical standards, clinical judgment, and practice wisdom.

What is a nominal group?

A group in which individuals work in the presence of others but do not verbally interact. A group process involving problem identification, solution generation, and decision making.

When is it appropriate for the group leader to self-disclose?

A leader of the therapy group should self-disclose if the information will be therapeutic for group members.

What do we mean by mutual aid?

Are informal or formal associations of people who share certain problems and meet regularly in small groups with professional leaders to provide emotional support, information, and assistance in problem solving, and other help for each other.

What are some more things leaders can do to effectively form and lead a group?

-Cues upon enter the meeting room- be on time and early, observe members before the group begins. -Seating arrangements- important for several reasons: it can affect who talks to whom, make eye contact with everyone (circle), use of tables. -Introductions- The leaders' credentials should be summarized first meeting, learn name of all group members. -Clarifying roles- the leader should be clear as to his or her roles and responsibilities. -Agenda-are more effective if the leader provides an agenda several days before hand.

What else needs to be considered when putting together a group?

-Determining objective -Size -Open-ended vs closed-ended groups -Duration

What are some things leaders can do to effectively form and lead a group?

-Homework- the key to successful group leadership is extensive preparation. -Planning a session- the leader must keep the group's overall goals-as well as those for that session-in mind. Know exactly what should be accomplished in each session and make sure that all the items on the agenda contribute to the goals. -Relaxing before you start a meeting- use relaxation techniques -some anxiety is good because it increases alertness.

What are the group stages according to Northen & Kurland?

-Inclusion-orientation -Uncertainty-exploration -Mutuality-goal achievement -Separation-termination

Characteristics of successful groups.

1) They communicate well with each other. 2) They focus on goals and results. 3) Everyone contributes their fair share. 4) They offer each other support. 5) Team members are diverse. 6) Good leadership. 7) They're organized. 8) They have fun.

What are the group stages according to Tuckman?

1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning

What are the various types of leadership approaches?

1. Trait approach 2. Position approach 3. Leadership style 4. Distributed-functions approach 5. Servant Leadership

What should one do when working with involuntary group members?

1. Treat such members with respect. Leaders need to understand that such members probably do not want to discuss their situation with the group. 2. Allow members to vent their unhappiness over being forced to join the group. 3. Allowing members to vent concerns may also generate goals that the leader can help members work towards.

Leadership Style

1. authoritarian-absolute power 2. democratic-seek maximum involvement of every member 3. laissez-faire-participate very little.

What should one do when working with involuntary group members?

4. Utilizing the "disarming technique". This involves finding some truth in what involuntary members are saying, even when the leader believes they are largely wrong, irrational, unfair, or unreasonable. 5. Do not subject yourself to extensive verbal abuse. If hostile members become overly verbally abusive, postpone the contact with something like "Sir, I am treating you with respect, and in exchange I also have a right to be treated with respect...."

What is a hidden agenda?

A personal goal held by a member but unknown to other group members, which interferes with the group's efforts.

What is meant by projection?

By using this defense mechanism, group members can unconsciously attribute their unacceptable ideas and impulses to others. An example would be a person who wanted to make himself look good by making others look bad.

What is an ad hoc group?

Committee formed for a specific task or objective, and dissolved after the completion of the task or achievement of the objective.

What decision making approach is most effective?

Consensus. This approach is most effective for motivating all group members to support and work for the decision because everyone comes to agree with the final decision. This approach is also the most time consuming, as the concerns of each member have to be recognized.

What is meant by reaction formation?

Group members can avoid facing an unpleasant truth by acting opposite to the way they feel. Individuals who are angry and cannot admit it to others or themselves often act as if there is nothing wrong. Sad and lonely individuals can act as if they are the life of the party, laughing and telling jokes. Also, people at funerals who are grieving deeply may behave as if everything is fine.

How are groups affected by heterogeneous goals?

Heterogeneous personal goals do not necessarily spell failure for a group, but they do require special attention. When members have heterogeneous personal goals, hidden agendas are more likely to develop.

What is group think?

Is a problem-solving process in which proposals are accepted without a critical, careful review of the pros and cons of the alternatives, and in which considerable social pressure is brought to bear against those expressing opposing point of view.

Whom do we associate with settlement houses?

Jane Addams founded the Hull House In Chicago. The American Settlement House movement was begun by Stanton Coit.

What is the Johari Window?

Luft and Ingram developed a graphic model of self-disclosure in groups known as the Johari Window. Diagram A represents everything there is to know about you—your needs, dislikes, past experiences, goals, desires, secrets, beliefs, values, and attitudes. Diagram B however you do not know everything about yourself. You are aware of some things and unaware of other things. Diagram C has frames dividing to show what others know about you and what others do not know about you. Combining diagram B & C you get diagram D. This diagram divides everything about you into 4 quadrants. Quadrant 1 is the open area of yourself, the part of which both you and the others are aware. Quadrant 2 is your blind area, which represents the part of yourself that others are aware of but that you are not. Quadrant 3 is the hidden area, the part you are aware of but others are not. Quadrant 4 is your unknown area, which represents that part of you of which neither you nor others are aware. These diagrams (John Window) can be individualized by moving the boundaries into the position that best describes a single personality.

How are groups affected by homogeneous goals?

Members are more apt to agree on group goals, to work together toward achieving those goals, and be happier with the group.

What are some things that get in the way of communication?

Psychological influences/factors. Taste, smell, temperature, hearing, vision. Other factors play roles as well such as if we are well-rested or under stress, sick, hungry, thirsty, etc.

What is meant by regression?

Some adults regress to an infantile or childlike state when ill or in trouble, with the subconscious goal of receiving more care and attention. When certain groups are confronted about their failings, they shed tears in an attempt to be excused for not fulfilling crucial commitments.

Position Approach

authority of a particular position

Distributed functions approach

every member of the group will be a leader at times

Trait Approach

have inherent personal characteristics that distinguish them from followers—includes Machiavellianism.

Servant Leadership

looks to the needs of the group.

What are some techniques for resolving conflicts?

• Sender • Receiver • Listening Skills • Active Listening • I-Messages

What are some more characteristics of AA?

•1929 Bill Wilson (became alcoholic after stock market crashed) & Robert Smith (doctor in Ohio and was an alcoholic) together they formed a self-help group composed of recovering alcoholics called Alcoholics Anonymous. •AA stresses these 3 things: o An admission to the group that the member has a drinking problem o A testimony to the group recounting past experiences with the drinking problem in the future o Support from another member of the group, who will even stay with a person who feels an intense urge to drink until the urge subsides.

What are some characteristics of AA?

•AA has chapters covering every part of the US and most of the world. In over 100 countries. •Group members work together to save each other's lives and restore self-respect and sense of worth. •This organization has helped more people overcome their drinking problems than all other therapies and methods combined. •Supported entirely from voluntary donations from the members at meeting •Only officer position is secretary 9 •Only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking

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