MG 3813 Chapter 5-8 Exam review

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What are psychological strains that result from stressors?

Depression, irrability

Which of the following best defines valence?

It is the believed worth of the results of one's efforts.

T/F: Employees can have different reaction to identical stressors as the result of a number of factors, such as perception, appraisal, and the degree of social support they receive.


Emilie has worked as an animal control officer at the county animal shelter for years and the constant stress has finally caught up with her. She is continually exhausted and has reached the point where she doesn't care about her job and disillusioned with everything. Emilie is experiencing ____ due to this prolonged stress.


According to research, employees who experience higher levels of ____ stressors tend to have higher levels of organizational commitment


Supportive practices that help employees manage and balance their role demands include what

compressed workweeks, flextime, telecommuting

Pascal fully intended to finish the quarterly sales report by the end of the day but is repeatedly interrupted by phone calls and questions from coworkers. what type of hindrance stressor is Pascal experiencing

daily hassles

What is first step in managing stress?

determining the amount of stress in an organization and its causes

After being fired from her job, Alicia reappraised the situation and decided that, considering how stressful her job had been, she is glad to be out of that "pressure cooker" environment This is a form of ______-focused coping


What are some organizational practices designed to reduce strains on employees

employee assistance programs; health and wellness programs

Becky is trying to finish her online assignments before the midnight deadline, and her computer network suddenly goes down. She becomes so upset that she throws her textbook across the room. What type of coping mechanism does Becky display?


Ricardo's hob has been enormously stressful over the past few months. As a result, he has started smoking again, despite the fact that he had quit years ago. This is an example of a(n) _____ strain


Which theory of motivation argues that objectives determine the work actions of people?

goal setting theory

What are behavior characteristics exhibited by individuals with the Type A Behavior Pattern

hard driving and competitive; constant sense of urgency

Research has shown that people who experience ____ levels of hindrance stressors tend to have _____ levels of task performance


What is the name for the type of stressors that prevent people from achieving personal success or goals


Luis sees a classmate struggling with how to make a chart in Excel for his class project. He tells her, "I found an easy way to do that. Would you like me to show you?" Luis is offering _____ support to his classmate


After staying at home with her child for almost three years, Simone has returned to work. Now she is continually pulled between family and professional obligations and feels as if she is disappointing both her family and her employer. This is an example of a what kind of stressor?

nonwork hindrance

According to the transactional theory of stress, which of the following would be considered a work hindrance stressor?

not receiving guidelines to complete tasks

Dwayne wants to advance in his career, so he has enrolled in an MBA program and attends classes two evenings a week. This is an example of a what kind of stressor

personal development

What kind of strains result from stressors affecting the healthy or normal functioning of the systems of the human body?


Iris gets stressed out when she shops at a crowded supermarket, so she changes her schedule to shop early in the morning when the store isn't as busy. Iris is using ____-focused coping to deal with the stressor


Primary appraisal answers the question "is this stressful" and _____ appraisal poses the question "what should be done"


Deon just learned that his company is going to announce layoffs by the end of the month. He is completely overwhelmed by this news and doesn't know how he's going to meet his financial responsibilities if he loses his job. What is Deon experiencing?


Keyara does her best work when she has a tight deadline for a project because she focuses instead of being distracted. This is an example of what type of work challenge stressor

time pressure

What is one major factor people consider when choosing coping strategies

Whether they believe the strategies have a good chance to succeed

Jason is frustrated with the group project that is due in his organizational behavior class. His team hasn't met to discuss who is going to do which portion of the project and no deadlines have been set. Jason is experiencing role _____ with this project


Jason is frustrated with the group project that is due in his organizational behavior class. His team hasn't met to discuss who is going to do which portion of the project and no deadlines have been set. Jason is experiencing role _____ with this project.



an event, experience, or other stimulus that causes an individual to face stress and can result in strain

An employee complains after a performance review, "I don't get it. I got the top rating in the department, but I got the same raise as everyone else, even the slackers. Obviously, our raises don't depend on how hard you work or how good a job you do!" According to expectancy theory, this employee would be described as having low _________.



is defined as a psychological response to demands that tax or exceed the person's capacity or resources.

Sam is nervous about donating blood at the blood drive at work, but sees coworkers donating blood and thinks, "If they can do it, I can do it!" This is an example of which source of self-efficacy?

vicarious experiences

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