MGMT 365 Exam 2

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Pre-employment screening

Before allowing applicants to fill out applications, employers screen to determine if individuals meet minimum qualifications

Job Redesign

Changing existing jobs in different ways to improve them (i.e. automation)

Jaylyn works as a cashier at a grocery retail store. To relieve the monotony of the job, his manager asks him to perform other duties such as stocking the shelves and helping customers locate products and answering customers' queries. The given scenario exemplifies

job rotation

Mavericks Coffee is a small, locally owned coffee shop in Visalia, California. The owner currently employs three part-time baristas and wants to hire two more part-time workers for the summer. The owner posts an ad for two more baristas in Bowring High, a local high school. In the given scenario, all the students of Bowring High represent _____.

applicant population

Two-factory theory (internal)

assumes that one group of factors, motivators, accounts for an individual motivation - motivators are more intrinsic: achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, and advancement - top 2 in the maslow's pyramid: esteem and self-actualization

Employers often use a(n) __________ disclaimer on the application forms that states the right of the employer or the employee to terminate employment at any time with or without notice or cost

at-will employment

Types of structured interviews

biographical, behavioral, and situational

Hygiene Factors (external)

can cause dissatisfaction with work - interpersonal relations, company policy/administration, salary, supervision, and working conditions - bottom 3 on maslow's pyramid: basic physiological needs, safety and security, belonging and love


choosing individuals with the correct qualifications needed to fill jobs in an organization


desire that exists within a person that causes that individual to act

Vacancy costs, separation costs, and replacement costs are all associated with

employee turnover

Core staff

employees who are foundational to the business, the work all year round


employment agencies that focus their efforts on executive, managerial, and professional positions - retainer firms charge a fee whether or not the contracted search was successful - contingency firms charges a fee after the candidate is hired


extent to which a test measure what it claims to measure


extent to which a test or a measure repeatedly produces the same results overtime

Types of Employees

full time, part time, independent contractors, temporary workers, contingent workers (not a full time employee but is a temporary or freelance worker for a specific period of time and type of work)

When Kelly McGuire, a nurse, announced that she was quitting her job at the hospital and relocating to another state, her coworkers felt somewhat relieved. Kelly was known for trying to pass off her work to other nurses and spreading rumors about employees and patients. Which type of turnover best describes Kelly's departure from the hospital?

functional turnover

Expectancy Theory

individuals based decisions about their behaviors on their expectations that one or another alternate behavior is more likely to lead to desired outcomes - basically if a person believes they can achieve a goal, they attempt to achieve it

Exit interview

individuals who are leaving the organization are asked to explain their reasons

Some retailers such as target provide _______ to college students. these arrangements are believed to be mutually beneficial in providing students with much-needed experience and in giving the organization a chance to assess workers so that they can offer a permanent position to those who show good performance


Technology in recruiting

it's a vital element in recruiting - social media and networking help find passive job candidates - cost effective, less recruiting time, broader exposure and diver pool of applicants, reduced response time

Matt, a new junior lawyer at a law firm, was closely supervised and monitored by Juan, a senior lawyer. Juan reviewed everything that Matt did and made modifications to Matt's work. However, lately, Juan has stopped monitoring Matt and supervising his work. He has also given Matt the freedom to make decisions related to his work. The given scenario is an example of _____.

job enrichment

Structured interview

- preplanned job specific questions - consistent questions for all candidate - establish scoring key - trained interviewers - acceptable reliability and validity

To control absenteeism, some employers use a _______ that offers employees the most flexibility and management over their own attendance and absences, which allows them to use days from their leave accounts at their discretion for illness, personal time, or vacation.

paid time off program

Honesty and integrity test

reduces the frequency of lying and theft in the job - communicates to the applicants that dishonesty will not be tolerated - employee polygraph protection act: prohibits the use of polygraphs for pre-employment screening (unless you're in law enforcement)

Which of the following is a component of the social awareness dimension of emotional intelligence?

service orientation

Consists of all persons who are actually evaluated for selection

the applicant pool

Psychological contract

unwritten expectations employees and employers have about the nature of their work relationship

An organization that wishes to improve employee involvement, efficiency, and customer satisfaction might conduct ____________ that assesses how employees coordinate to complete work and achieve the organizational outputs

workflow analysis

Sonja is the HR Manager of a large bank that wants to hire three loan officers. Sonja wants to get an estimate of the required size of the initial applicant pool. In this scenario, Sonja should calculate the _____.

yield ratio

Fiona, an employee at a company, always helps her colleagues with their work. If she finishes her work before schedule, she helps her colleagues with their tasks to ensure that the company's projects get completed on time. This scenario exemplifies _____.

organizational citizenship behavior

Internal Recruiting Sources

organizational databases, job posting, employee-focused recruiting

Professional Employer Organization (PEO)

- Employee leasing: Employer signs an agreement with the P E O, after which staff is hired by P E O and leased to the employer - Leasing firm writes paychecks, pays taxes, and implements H R policies

Less Structured Interviews

- Unstructured interview - Semistructured interview - Group interview - Nondirective interview

Unstructured interview

- ad lib generic questions - different questions for each candidate - no established scoring key - untrained interviewers - low reliability and validity

Personality tests

- big five: OCEAN, O- openness to experience; C- conscientiousness; E- extroversion; A- agreeableness; N- neuroticism - potential issues: faking, discrimination against individuals with disabilities

Employee surveys

- diagnose specific problem areas and identify employee needs or preferences - evaluate attitudes of employees and satisfaction

Labor force

- inflows: births or immigration - outflows: death or employee leaving company

Recruiting sources

- internal: promoting from within - external: hiring from outside the organization, usually from job boards or fairs)

Purpose of selection interviews

- obtain info about candidates - provide info and reinforce employer brand - in the first interview the interviewee should spend about 80% or the time talking

Equity Theory (very important for our generation)

- people want to be treated fairly at work - equity: the perceived fairness alf what the person does compared with what the person receives for doing it - inputs: what a person brings to an organization - outcomes: rewards obtained in exchange for inputs

Job Description Components

1. Identification: job title and dept, reporting relationships, location and date of analysis 2. General Summary: general responsibilities and components of a job, acts as a complete overview 3. Essential Job Functions and Duties: functions and duties listed in order of importance 4. Job Specifications: knowledge, skills and abilities, education and experience, physical requirement and/or working conditions 5. Disclaimers and Approvals: many job descriptions include approval signatures and legal disclaimers and allows employers to change job duties

Ability tests

1. cognitive ability test 2. physical ability test 3. psychomotor test 4. work sample test 5. situational judgement test

Types of employee turnover

1. involuntary turnover: employees are terminated for poor performance or work rule violations, or through layoffs 2. voluntary turnover: employees leave by choice 3. functional turnover: lower-performing or disruptive employees leave 4. dysfunctional turnover: key individuals and high performers leave at critical times 5. uncontrollable turnover: employees leave for reasons outside the control of the employer 6. controllable turnover: employees leave for reasons that could be influenced by the employer

Process of management retention

1. measurement and assessment: absence/turnover measurement, employee surveys; exit interviews, and data analysis 2. management interventions: recruiting and selection, orientation and training, compensation and benefits, career development and planning, employee relations 3. adjust intervention efforts and follow up: regular review of turnover data, tracking of intervention results, adjustment of intervention efforts

Retention rate components

1. work 2. pay and benefits 3. supervision 4. occupations 5. departments 6. demographics if those leaving and staying

labor force

All individuals who are available for selection if all possible recruitment strategies are used

Applicant pool

All persons who are actually evaluated for selection

Yvonne wants to use Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model to redesign jobs in her department to improve employee motivation, performance, and satisfaction. Which of the following redesign actions would be the most helpful in achieving Yvonne's goals?

Asking employees to take personal responsibility for their work and allowing them greater freedom in how they complete certain aspects of their jobs

Which of the following is most likely to be asked of an applicant in a behavioral interview?

Describe a time when you had to give another employee negative feedback about his or her performance.

employee opinion surveys

Diagnose specific problem areas and identify employee needs or preferences Evaluate attitudes of employees and satisfaction


Effort directed toward accomplishing results

Flexible workers

Employees who are hired on an "as-needed" basis - challenges: low motivation, low performance, increased cost - flexible workers can become core workers, organizations can hire without high costs, reduce time spent on recruiting, no benefits


Fitting a person to the right job

Stay interview

Focuses on why employees want to continue working for the organization - go hand in hand with employee satisfaction survey

Job Analysis

Gathering and analyzing information about the content, context, and the human requirements of jobs - supervisors or managers are usually involved. more than 2 people should conduct this to avoid bias


Grouping of tasks, duties, and responsibilities that constitutes the total work assignment for an employee

A national retailer is reevaluating its existing recruiting strategies. In the past, the organization relied primarily on internal recruiting. If the organization decides to hire employees using external recruiting, which of the following would most likely be an advantage to the organization

New hires may bring new industry insights and expertise

Job Description

Identifies a job's tasks, duties, and responsibilities

Which of the following is a myth about retention?

If high performers want to leave, a company cannot hold them.

Which of the following tasks is most likely to be considered a marginal job function as opposed to an essential job function of a front desk receptionist at a law firm?

Lifting and moving heavy boxes mailed or delivered to the office

Which of the following requirements in a job posting for a digital marketing specialist would most likely violate the equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC) guidelines?

Must be young and have a good knowledge of current trends among young customers

labor force participation rate

Percentage of the population working or seeking work -Important elements -Age and generational groups -Skill gaps -Improving readiness to work

Which of the following scenarios is an example of involuntary absenteeism?

Polly missing two days of work when she is admitted to a hospital after experiencing sharp abdominal pain

Passive job candidates

Qualified individuals who aren't actively looking for work but might be interested if the right job comes along

Which of the following is a difference between skill variety and multitasking?

Skill variety is the extent to which the work requires several activities for successful completion, whereas multitasking involves doing several tasks at the same time.

Job engagement

The extent to which an employees thoughts and behaviors are focus on his or her work and their employers success

Brian is applying for the position of a registered nurse at a hospital. Before his interview with the hiring manager and before the job is offered to him, Brian is asked to complete a medical examination to screen him for infectious diseases that might pose a transmission risk to patients. Which of the following statements is the most accurate about the hospital's selection process?

The hospital cannot ask Brian to complete a medical examination until a conditional job offer has been made to him.

Telework is not feasible for all kinds of jobs. Which of the following jobs would be best suited for telework?

The job of a data entry and analysis consultant

Imagine a firm that offers flextime, pays good salaries, has an open-door policy, and offers free lunch and snacks to its employees. The jobs in the firm, however, are monotonous, and there is little scope for advancement. Based on Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following statements is most likely to be accurate of the firm's employees?

They will not exert effort to improve their performance.

Which of the following is a difference between core workers and flexible workers of an organization?

Unlike core workers, flexible workers are just-in-time workers who are employed for specific projects.

Which of the following is a difference between special-purpose teams and self-directed work teams?

Unlike special-purpose teams, self-directed work teams use regular internal decision-making processes.

Which of the following is the difference between structured interviews and unstructured interviews?

Unlike structured interviews, unstructured interviews have no established scoring key.

Where does a company put their BFOQ on a job description?

You put it in the job specification component of the job description

Organizations such as google that offer desirable working conditions, compensation, and benefits such as free food, on site gyms, and napping pods have _________. thus google can attract many job applicants even with minimal resources devoted directly to recruiting

a strong employment brand

Emotional intelligence test

ability to recognize and manage our own feelings and the feelings of others - social awareness and social awareness

Eleana is recruiting candidates to fill vacancies for machine operators in her organization. After the interviews, she offered positions to four candidates. However, only two of them were finally hired. The _____ in the given scenario is 50 percent.

acceptance rate

Nathan is the owner of a trading firm. During the selection of the employees, he wants to test the candidates reasoning and mathematical abilities. He also wants to evaluate their aptitude of teamwork and collaboration with other employees. Which of the following types of tests should nathan administer during the selection process

cognitive ability test and emotional intelligence tests

An organization that relies primarily on _______ for attracting new applicants should be especially cautious about limiting diversity in its workforce and possibly violating equal employment opportunity laws

current employee referrals

Section of a job description for a psychiatrist might state the following: applicants should have a valid medical license and medical degree from an accredited school, and they should have strong critical thinking skills and knowledge of biology, medicine, and various counseling techniques

job specifications

Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of using technology in recruiting?

loss of privacy

Diego, the HR Manager of an organization, conducts an anonymous survey of the employees in the organization to analyze the levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. While reviewing the results of the survey, Diego notices many comments that indicate employees feel disconnected with the organization and are not satisfied with their jobs. The results of the survey show that approximately 43 percent of the employees disagree with some of the organization's overarching goals and that 35 percent of the employees would leave the organization if they get a better job opportunity. In the given scenario, the results of the survey demonstrate:

low organizational commitment

External Recruiting Sources

media sources, employment agencies, job fairs, educational institutions, labor unions, competitive recruiting sources

A daycare center that fails to conduct background checks on job applicants and ends up recruiting someone with prior convictions for violent crimes might face legal charges for

negligent hiring

Can an organization ask if you're a US citizen?

no - you just need to have the proper documentation

Assessment center

not a place but a selection process composed of a series of evaluative tests during which candidates are assessed by multiple raters - in an assessment center, candidates may go through a comprehensive interview, a pencil and paper test, individual and group simulations and various work exercises. Individual performance can then be evaluated by a panel of trained raters

Is a resource provided by the U.S. Department of Labor that can help organizations with the process of job analysis.


Abraham Maslow's needs theory of motivation assumes that:

only unsatisfied needs motivate individuals

In the context of employee selection tests, faking is a potential problem associated with

personality tests

Job satisfaction

positive feelings and evaluations derived from an individuals employment in a job - components of job satisfaction: adequacy of the pay, opportunity for advancement, supervision, coworkers, nature of the work


process in which employees leave an organization and have to be replaced

Recruiting (an employment practice so there should be no discrimination)

process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational jobs

Realistic job preview

process through which a job applicant receives an accurate picture of a job - ask why this position is available at the end of an interview, what are the attributes you enjoy and what the challenges are going to be

Vineeta works for a reputable company headquartered in San Francisco. There is mutual understanding between the company's management and Vineeta about her functions in the company and her compensation. Vineeta clearly understands her roles and responsibilities in the company and the expectations of her superiors. She is also aware of the rewards she will receive from the company in return for her services. The given scenario most likely illustrates the concept of _____.

psychological contract

Mohit, an assembly line worker, had applied for a position in the production department of a food manufacturing company. During the selection process, he was asked to pick up marbles using forceps and place them perfectly on little grooves. This test enabled the examiners to test Mohit's hand-eye coordination and arm-hand steadiness. In this scenario, Mohit most likely took a _____.

psychomotor test

Of the job analysis methods listed below, the ________ is it likely to be the fastest way for an organization to gather information about a large number of jobs inexpensively in a relatively short period of time

questionnaire method

What are job analysis and job descriptions used for?

recruit, compensation and performance standards

Is based on the notion of person/environment fit

the attraction-selection-attrition theory

A police department requires that all applicants for a job in the department have a graduate degree and attain a minimum cut off score on each of the four selection test to be eligible for hiring. Which of the following approaches for combining predictors of selection criteria is the police department using

the multiple hurdles approach

Labor market

the supply pool from which employers attract employees

Ensembles d'études connexes

mastering bio circulatory and respiratory

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