MGMT 386 midterm

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Macregor's theory _____ is a pessimistic view of employees that includes the need to motivate them with carrots and sticks


McClellancd's theory proposed that employee behaviors are divern by 3 ______ needs


McClelland's theory about the drivers of employee behavior is the...

acquired needs theory

the theory that explains how people strive for fairness in social exchanges is ________theory


the theory that explains how people strive for fairness in social exhcanges is....

equity theory

Maslow's need hierarchy theory

esteem needs, psychological needs

theory that can be used to predict behavior in any situation where there is a choice between 2 or more alternatives is..

expectancy theory

equity theory explains...

how people strive for fairness in social exchanges. how people strive for fairness in give- and-take relationships

education, skills, creativity, experience, and personal appearance can all be perceived as...


feelings of inequity are based on whether you perceive that outputs are adequate to compensate for your collective...


what intrinsic and extrinsic rewards will receive if I achieve my desired level of performance? represents which element of Vroom's expectancy theory?


altering specific jobs to improve employee experience and productivity is....

job design

Herzberg's theory states...

job dissatisfaction is associated with hygiene factors. managers can improve motivation by improving both motivators that create satisfaction and hygiene factors that reduce dissatisfaction. job satisfaction is associated with motivating factors.

Herzberg's motivating factors include...

opportunity to advance, achievement, recognition

Pay, promotion, challenging assignments, participation in decsion making are all considered _________


pay, promotions, challenging assignments, participation in decision making are all considered...


the elements of equity theory include...

perception of inputs and outputs, comparison of the ratio of outputs to inputs

the form of organizational justice that reflects the perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make organizational decisions is...

procedural justice


provide resources such as time, coaching, and trainging to build knowledge. Provide tangible resources, rewards , and recognition for learning new skills

the theory that assumes that our behavior and well being are influenced by 3 innate needs, competence, autonomy, and relatedness is...

self-determination theory

the quantifiability of a goal is known as goal...


according to equity theory, people compare...

their own inputs and outputs to those of relevant others, their own inputs to the outputs received by others

manager's pessimistic assumptions toward employees

theory x

Herberg's theory states that there are ____ separate sets of factors that create satisfaction and dissatisfaction on the job


how much do I value the rewards i will recieve? represents which element of Vroom's expectancy theory?


expectancy theory states that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce...

combinations of desired outcomes

self-determination theory assumes that three innate needs, ___________, ______________, and __________ drive out behavior

competence, autonomy, and relatedness

Hersberg's theory classifies motivators from no satisfaction as related to the job _______ in the work being performed


Herzberg's theory classifies motivators from no satisfaction as related to the job __________ in the work being performed



create commitment to a common purpose with a corporate vision. create family-type work environment


delegate meaningful assignments and back employee decisions. develop trust in employees using new technology to work off site.

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