MGT 110 Test 3 Study Guide: Job Attitudes and Leadership

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Value-Attitude-Behavior Chain

A concept explaining how values influence attitudes, which in turn affect behaviors.

Normative commitment

A feeling of obligation to remain with an organization.

Authentic leadership

A leadership approach that emphasizes genuineness and transparency in leader-follower relationships.

Transactional leadership

A leadership style focused on exchanges between leaders and followers to achieve goals.

Transformational leadership

A leadership style that inspires and motivates followers to exceed expectations and embrace change.

Ethical gut checks

A method employees can use to assess ethical behavior in themselves and others.

Fraud triangle

A model explaining the factors that lead to unethical behavior, including opportunity, motivation, and rationalization.

Competing Values Framework (CVF)

A model used to identify different organizational culture archetypes: clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy.


A process where two or more parties discuss and come to an agreement on a particular issue.

Contingency theory of leadership

A theory suggesting that the effectiveness of a leadership style depends on the context and situation.

Job behaviors

Actions taken by employees that emerge as a result of their job attitudes.

Affective commitment

An emotional attachment to an organization, influencing an employee's decision to stay.


An individual responsible for planning, organizing, and coordinating resources to achieve organizational objectives.


An individual who influences and guides others towards achieving goals.

Negative work behaviors

Behaviors that detract from organizational effectiveness, driven by factors such as deviance.


Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement; the best option available if negotiations fail.

Functional conflict

Conflict that can lead to positive outcomes and improved performance.

Dysfunctional conflict

Conflict that hinders organizational performance and relationships.

Positive job outcomes

Favorable results stemming from positive job attitudes and behaviors.


Four types of behaviors that violate organizational norms, leading to negative consequences.

Person-organization fit

The alignment between an individual's values and the organization's culture.


The behaviors and actions of individuals who follow a leader, which can vary based on different theories.

Task performance

The effectiveness with which job tasks are carried out by individuals.

Job attitudes

The evaluative judgments individuals make about their jobs, which can vary for individuals, teams, and organizations.

Continuance commitment

The perceived cost associated with leaving an organization, which can impact turnover.

Organizational citizenship behaviors

Voluntary behaviors that contribute to the organization but are not part of formal job requirements.


Zone of Possible Agreement; the range in which an agreement is satisfactory to both parties.

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