MGT 302 Chapter Two

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The human resource management, industrial relations, and critical industrial relations school of thought assert that employers and employees are not equals in the labor market. Based on this context, match the factors with their outcomes. - Flawed information, mobility costs, and tilted benefit structures, Absence of worker savings and constant unemployment. - Make it possible for firms to gain monopsony (single-buyer) power, Lead individual workers to have inferior bargaining power than do employers.

- Flawed information, mobility costs, and tilted benefit structures = Make it possible for firms to gain monopsony (single-buyer) power. - Absence of worker savings and constant unemployment = Lead individual workers to have inferior bargaining power than do employers.

According to the proponents of the pluralist view of employment relationship conflict, which of the following balance conflict by reaching a balance among efficiency, equity, and voice? (Check all that apply.) - Government laws - Unique corporate cultures - Independent labor unions - Nonunion voice mechanisms

- Government laws - Independent labor unions

Which of the following statements are true about the nature of labor according to the neoliberal school of thought? (Check all that apply.) - Work is an activity that provides intrinsic rewards. - Labor is a commodity or machine in the production process. - Work is an unpleasant task that one endures only to earn money. - Labor is human beings with aspirations, feelings, and rights.

- Labor is a commodity or machine in the production process. - Work is an unpleasant task that one endures only to earn money.

In the context of the effects of unionism, match the various schools of thought with their perspectives on the union wage premium and reduced profitability. - The neoliberal school, The industrial relations school - The union wage premium and reduced profitability lead to a more equitable distribution of economic prosperity than the inequalities created by imperfectly competitive labor markets and their inherent bargaining power imbalances, The union wage premium and reduced profitability reflect the extent to which unions interfere with and distort optional competitive results.

- The neoliberal school = The union wage premium and reduced profitability reflect the extent to which unions interfere with and distort optional competitive results. - The industrial relations school = The union wage premium and reduced profitability lead to a more equitable distribution of economic prosperity than the inequalities created by imperfectly competitive labor markets and their inherent bargaining power imbalances.

Which of the following is a true statement according to the neoliberal school of thought? - Employment outcomes are not considered a problem as long as there is enough competition. - Efficiency, equity, and voice are typically not achieved through free-market competition. - The best protection an employee has against his or her employer is the government. - Competitive outcomes are not considered fair in the labor market.

Employment outcomes are not considered a problem as long as there is enough competition.

According to the critical industrial relations school of thought, the division of labor is considered a strategy to ______. - Prevent the establishment of progressive human resource policies. - Make labor easily replaceable and therefore weak. - Impede the development of distinctive corporate cultures. - Encourage the formation of independent labor unions.

Make labor easily replaceable and therefore weak

Which of the following is true about a nonunion employee representation plan? - It establishes employee control over organizational objectives and rulemaking. - Managers usually control the way in which it is structured. - It includes a system of shared, bilateral authority in which employee voice is independent of managerial authority. - Standards are determined by rational debate among workers rather than bargaining or market power.

Managers usually control the way in which it is structured

Employers and employees are equal in the labor market and the legal arena if the basic assumptions of the ______ school of thought are fulfilled. - Industrial relations - Critical industrial relations - Human resource management - Neoliberal


U.S. political and legal thought during the 1800s and early 1900s was dominated by laissez-faire perspectives consistent with the _____ school of thought. - human resource management - industrial relations - critical industrial relations - neoliberal


According to the human resource management school of thought, what is the cause of the labor problem? - The economic activity of firms and workers - Poor management - Hierarchical structure of the top management - Industrial relations

Poor management

According to recent research, identify a true statement about the effects of unions in the workplace. - There is no notable union-nonunion differences in job satisfaction once one accounts for difference in working conditions and workplace climate. - Unionized workers were less satisfied with their jobs than similar nonunion workers. - The presence of a union makes managers complacent and reduces the importance of seniority provisions in personnel changes. - Unionized workers are more likely to quit than similar nonunion workers.

There is no notable union-nonunion differences in job satisfaction once one accounts for difference in working conditions and workplace climate

True or false: According to a pluralist perspective, the relationship between a vibrant, independent labor movement and a health, balanced democratic society must be considered when evaluating labor unions.


The U.S. labor relations system is based on the belief of the industrial relations school of thought that ______. - Labor unions restrict individual freedom. - Efficiency, equity, and voice are gained through free-market competition. - Unequal bargaining power characterizes the employment relationships. - Labor problems stem from poor management.

Unequal bargaining power characterizes the employment relationships

Unionized workers in the United States are generally estimated to have wages approximately 15 percent higher than comparable nonunion workers. This is called the ______ ______ ______.

Union Wage Premium

According to the neoliberal school of through, the best safeguard an employee has against his or her current employer is ______. - a union - other employers - the government - a lawyer

other employers

Why were labor laws protecting employees' rights to form unions passed? (Check all that apply.) - Because of the belief that employees voice is significant in a democratic society. - Because of the belief that labor market competition is among equals. - Because of the belief that it is not wise to depend on managerial benevolence. - Because of the belief that it is not wise to rely on pluralist industrial relations philosophy.

- Because of the belief that employees voice is significant in a democratic society. - Because of the belief that it is not wise to depend on managerial benevolence.

In the context of the neoliberal school of thought, match the terms with their descriptions - A labor situation, A labor problem - It indicates that the results are undesirable, It simply describes the results.

- A labor situation = It simply describes the results. - A labor problem = It indicates that the results are undesirable

A social movement in which workers and unions from multiple workplaces join together to pursue common interests, most frequently in the political and social arena, is known as a(n) ______ ______.

Labor movement

True or false: According to the human resource management, industrial relations, and critical industrial relations school of thought, labor is considered just a commodity in the production process.


True or false: According to the neoliberal school of thought, the role of the government is to establish labor standards


True or false: Research find that unionized workers are more likely to quit than similar nonunion workers.


True or false: Research finds that unionized workers are more likely to quit than similar nonunion workers.


Which of the following statements are true according to the neoliberal school of thought? (Check all that apply.) - Competitive outcomes are considered fair as the price of labor equals the value that labor contributes to the production process in the labor market. - Unions are seen as organizations that encourage the supply of labor and assist the invisible hand of free-market competition. - Efficiency, equity, and voice are gained through free-market competition. - The conditions of the labor problem are considered exploitation if there is labor market competition.

- Competitive outcomes are considered fair as the price of labor equals the value that labor contributes to the production process in the labor market. - Efficiency, equity, and voice are gained through free-market competition.

Which of the following are the view of the critical industrial relations school of thought on employment relationship conflict? (Check all that apply.) - Conflict is essentially a manifestation of poor human resource management policies. - Conflict is not inherent between employers and employees. - Conflict is not restricted to higher wages or better benefit. - Conflict is remarkably broader than the limited economic conflict in the pluralist view.

- Conflict is not restricted to higher wages or better benefit. - Conflict is remarkably broader than the limited economic conflict in the pluralist view.

According to the industrial relations school of thought, which of the following are the results of greater bargaining power of employers than that of employees. (Check all that apply.) - Nonindependent employee organizations are preferred more than independent unions by employees. - Employees receive low wages for working long hours under dangerous working conditions - Employees tend to be satisfied and seldom support a union labor. - Managers tend to be autocratic and authoritarian.

- Employees receive low wages for working long hours under dangerous working conditions - Managers tend to be autocratic and authoritarian.

In the context of the critical industrial relations school of thought, which of the following are considered strategies to prevent workers from unionizing? (Check all that apply.) - Fair treatment using progressive human resources policies. - Making labor irreplaceable by restricting the division of labor. - Building pro-company attitudes through the development of unique corporate cultures. - The perception of input through nonunion voice procedures. - The creation of independent labor unions rather than nonindependent unions.

- Fair treatment using progressive human resources policies. - Building pro-company attitudes through the development of unique corporate cultures. - The perception of input through nonunion voice procedures.

Match the types of labor unions with their functions - Independent labor unions, Dependent labor unions - They are legally and functionally controlled by employers or governments, They are legally and functionally free from employers and governments.

- Independent labor unions = They are legally and functionally free from employers and governments. - Dependent labor unions = They are legally and functionally controlled by employers or governments

Identify the true statements about the critical industrial relations school of thought. (Check all that apply.) - It believes that the labor problems stems from poor management. - It is referred to as a radical perspective. - It is also known as the institutional labor economics school. - It is traditionally labeled Marxist industrial relations.

- It is referred to as a radical perspective. - It is traditionally labeled Marxist industrial relations.

The four schools of thought show that labor problems can be traced to certain possible underlying causes. Which of the following are these causes? (Check all that apply.) - Market failures - The domination of labor by the capitalist class - Lack of good management - Presence of labor laws - Equal bargaining powers of employers and each employee.

- Market failures - The domination of labor by the capitalist class - Lack of good management

Match the schools of thought about labor unions with their views. - Neoliberalism, Human resource management, Critical industrial relations - Labor unions are unnecessary, Labor Unions are bad, Labor unions are important but inadequate.

- Neoliberalism = Labor Unions are bad. - Human resource management = Labor unions are important but inadequate. - Critical industrial relations = Labor unions are unnecessary.

Match the schools of thought about labor unions with their views. - Neoliberalism, Human Resource Management, Critical Industrial relations. - Labor Unions are unnecessary, Labor Unions are important but inadequate, Labor unions are bad.

- Neoliberalism = Labor unions are bad - Human Resource Management = Labor Unions are unnecessary - Critical Industrial relations = Labor Unions are important but inadequate

Match the schools of thought about labor unions with their beliefs. - Neoliberalism, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations - Effective management policies are the bet, and labor unions contribute to unproductive conflict, monopolies benefit a few at the expense of others, Labor unions are required to balance equity, efficiency, and voice in capitalist, democratic societies.

- Neoliberalism = monopolies benefit a few at the expense of others - Human Resource Management = Effective management policies are the bet, and labor unions contribute to unproductive conflict - Industrial Relations = Labor unions are required to balance equity, efficiency, and voice in capitalist, democratic societies.

Match the mechanisms for balancing the goals of employees in the U.S. labor relations system with their descriptions. - Statutory government regulations, Labor unions - They can attempt to establish labor standards, but they do no include employee voice, They are required to counter corporate bargaining power and also provide voice that is independent of managerial authority.

- Statutory government regulations = They can attempt to establish labor standards, but they do no include employee voice - Labor unions = They are required to counter corporate bargaining power and also provide voice that is independent of managerial authority

The nonunion human resource management model of workplace governance came to dominate in the latter part of the 20th-century instead of collective bargaining, which was an important model of workplace governance in the postwar period. What are the causes of this transformation? (Check all that apply.) - The establishment of independent labor unions. - The development of nonunion companies. - Unions gaining strength and popularity as they are needed to counter corporate bargaining power and provide industrial democracy. - Heavily unionized companies becoming less unionized because of the establishment of new nonunion plants in the southern United States.

- The development of nonunion companies. - Heavily unionized companies becoming less unionized because of the establishment of new nonunion plants in the southern United States.

Based on the neoliberal school of thought, match the systems with their roles - The government, Law - To encourage competition, To safeguard individual freedoms that are necessary for competition.

- The government = To encourage competition - Law = To safeguard individual freedoms that are necessary for competition

In the context of labor relations, match the schools of thought with their descriptions. - The neoliberal school, The human resource management school, The critical industrial relations school. - It is the basis for today's corporate human resource policies, It forms the basis for the movement to revitalize unions by changing them into an aggressive protest movement that champions the working class, Its laissez-faire emphasis is predominant in national and international policy debates.

- The neoliberal school = Its laissez-faire emphasis is predominant in national and international policy debates - The human resource management school = It is the basis for today's corporate human resource policies - The critical industrial relations school = It forms the basis for the movement to revitalize unions by changing them into an aggressive protest movement that champions the working class

Match the schools of thought with their views on labor movements - The neoliberal school, The critical industrial relations school, The industrial relations school - The political activities of a labor movement are considered the use of power to benefit unionized workers at the expense of others, Labor movements represent workers in the political domain just as the Chamber of Commerce represents business and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) represents senior citizens, Labor movements that are active in the social and political domains are crucial for countering the dominant power of employers and finance.

- The neoliberal school = The political activities of a labor movement are considered the use of power to benefit unionized workers at the expense of others -The critical industrial relations school = Labor movements that are active in the social and political domains are crucial for countering the dominant power of employers and finance. - The industrial relations school = Labor movements represent workers in the political domain just as the Chamber of Commerce represents business and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) represents senior citizens

In the context of the effects of unionism, match the schools of thought with their views on the union wage premium and reduced profitability. - The neoliberal school, The industrial relations school - The union wage premium and reduce profitability signify a socially beneficial redistribution of income, The union wage premium and reduce profitability are bad.

- The neoliberal school = The union wage premium and reduce profitability are bad. - The industrial relations school = The union wage premium and reduce profitability signify a socially beneficial redistribution of income

Identify the finding of the research on the effects of unions on U.S. workers and workplaces. (Check all that apply.) - There is an increase in turnover and profitability. - There is a requirement for management to bargain with a certified union. - There is an increased likelihood of benefits being offered. - There is reduced importance of seniority provisions in personnel changes.

- There is a requirement for management to bargain with a certified union. - There is an increased likelihood of benefits being offered.

In the context of evaluating whether unions are good or bad, match the statements with the associated belief. - Unions are good, Unions are bad - Alternative mechanisms attain a better balance among efficiency, equity, and voice than unions, Unions attain a better balance among efficient, equity, and voice than do alternative mechanisms.

- Unions are good = Unions attain a better balance among efficient, equity, and voice than do alternative mechanisms. - Unions are bad = Alternative mechanisms attain a better balance among efficiency, equity, and voice than unions.

According to the human resource management, industrial relations, and critical industrial relations school of thought, identify the true statements about work. (Check all that apply.) - Works gives more than extrinsic, monetary rewards that reinforce consumerism. - Work satisfies significant psychological and social needs of individuals. - Work is an unpleasant activity that an individual endures only to earn money. - Work provides only extrinsic rewards that can be used to buy things, including leisure.

- Works gives more than extrinsic, monetary rewards that reinforce consumerism. - Work satisfies significant psychological and social needs of individuals.

According to the current human resource management philosophy, the labor problem can be resolved by ______. - Aligning the interests of workers and companies through good management. - Reinforcing the pragmatic, collective-bargaining focus of labor unions. - Establishing an autocratic, authoritarian management system. - Increasing the bargaining power of individual workers.

Aligning the interests of workers and companies through good management.

According to the human resource management school of thought, independent labor unions ______. - Lack the power to elect their own leaders and collect and spend their own dues money. - Are unnecessary third parties that prevent employers and employees from interacting. - Enforce business goals and strategies. - Indicate healthy human resource practices.

Are unnecessary third parties that prevent employers and employees from interacting

According to the industrial relations school of thought, the labor market is characterized by ______. - The policies of societal institutions and social ordering. - The neoliberal belief in perfect competition. - Human resource management policies within firms. - Bargaining between employers and individual employees.

Bargaining between employers and individual employees

According to the critical industrial relations school of thought, conflict is not limited to higher wages or better benefits; it is a social conflict of unequal power relations or ______ ______.

Class Conflict

National labor policy is based on the supposition that the pluralist conflict in the employment relationship is best resolved through ______ to balance efficiency, equity, and voice. - Competition among individuals for jobs. - Government regulation. - Competition among firms for employees. - Collective bargaining.

Collective bargaining

Which of the following is a feature of nonunion employee representation plan? - Company management can unilaterally created and disband nonunion employee representation committees. - Workers instead of managers establish the terms and conditions of employment. - Employees have control over organization objectives and rulemaking. - There is a system in which employee voice is independent of managerial authority.

Company management can unilaterally created and disband nonunion employee representation committees

Identify a true statement based on the unitarist view of employment relationship conflict. - Conflict is an inherent or a permanent feature of the employment relationship. - Conflict is considered a manifestation of interpersonal clashes such as personality conflicts. - Employment relationship conflict features mixed motives; some issues are conflictual and some involve mutual interests. - There is an inherent conflict of interest between employers and employees, and government laws can balance this conflict.

Conflict is considered a manifestation of interpersonal clashes such as personality conflicts

Based on the current human resource management philosophy, identify a way to create motivated and efficient workers in a firm. - Creating and implementing better supervisory techniques, selection procedures, compensation systems, and evaluation and promotion mechanisms. - Designing and establish an autocratic, authoritarian management system. - Creating a macroeconomic policy to stimulate the economy and thus reduce unemployment when there is sufficient labor market competition. - Focusing on the economic activity of self-interested agents who interact in competitive markets.

Creating and implementing better supervisory techniques, selection procedures, compensation systems, and evaluation and promotion mechanisms

According to the neoliberal school of thought, work ______. - Fulfills important psychological and social needs of people. - Does not provide monetary rewards. - Provides more than monetary rewards that support consumerism. - Does not give intrinsic rewards.

Does not give intrinsic rewards

According to the human resource management school of thought, the solution to the labor problem is to ______. - Establish an authoritarian management system - Create independent labor unions - Establish an efficient management system - Increase the bargaining power of individual workers

Establish an efficient management system

In the context of the effects of unionism, which of the following refers to a shock effect? - Unions reduce the likelihood of employee benefits, seniority rights, and just cause discipline and discharge provisions. - Unionized workers are at least 15 percent less likely to have employer-provided health insurance and pensions than similar nonunion workers. - Existence of a union moves managers out of complacency and pressures them to create better managerial strategies that improve workplace efficiency. - Presence of a union compels managers to avoid including formal grievance procedures in union contracts.

Existence of a union moves managers out of complacency and pressures them to create better managerial strategies that improve workplace efficiency

Many proponents of the various perspectives within the critical industrial relations school of thought are critical of the pragmatic, collective-bargaining focus of U.S. unions. This focus of U.S. unions ______. - Envisions a political rather than revolutionary path away from capitalism. - Fails to do enough to challenge the power of capital in and out of the workplace. - Places an emphasis on challenging capital's power in the workplace. - Sees radical unions as the key revolutionary vehicle for overthrowing capitalism.

Fails to do enough to challenge the power of capital in and out of the workplace

According to the industrial relations school of thought, ______ independent of managerial authority, give checks and balances in the workplace and are crucial for protection and participation-equity and voice. - Independent labor unions. - Human resources policies - Nonunion voice mechanisms - Distinctive corporate cultures

Independent labor unions

The U.S. system of labor relations is based on the beliefs of the ______ school of thought in the context of the early 20th-century labor problem. - Human resource management - Neoliberal - Industrial relations - Personnel management

Industrial relations

The intellectual bases of the U.S. system of labor relations originate from the ______ school of thought. - Industrial relations - Neoliberal - Human resource management - Critical industrial relations

Industrial relations

Identify a statement that refers to the significance of the Occupy movement. - It illustrated that the arbitrary power of supervisors has ceased to persist. - It primarily focused on the construction of new nonunion plants in the south United States. - It brought the issue of 21st-century social and economic inequality into the public consciousness. - It introduced collective bargaining as a model of workplace governance.

It brought the issue of 21st-century social and economic inequality into the public consciousness

Identify a true statement about the industrial relations school of thought. - It focuses on the economic activity of self-interest agents who interact in competitive markets. - It does not accept the existence of perfect competition. - It believes that the labor problem stems from poor management. - It does not believe that the modern corporation is an efficient organization of mass production.

It does not accept the existence of perfect competition

Identify a true statement about the neoliberal school of thought. - It believes that the labor problem stems from poor management. - It focuses on the economic activity of self-interested agents who interact in competitive markets. - It emphasized that capitalist institutions are created by society, such as through laws governing market transactions. - It was formerly called the personnel management school.

It focuses on the economic activity of self-interested agents who interact in competitive markets

Identify a true statement about the critical industrial relations school of thought. - It focuses on the economic activity of self-interested agents who interact in competitive markets. - It state that capitalist institutions do not simply exist but are built by society. - It believes that the labor problems stems from poor management. - It believes that the labor problem stems from unequal bargaining power between corporations and individual workers.

It state that capitalist institutions do not simply exist but are built by society

In the neoliberal school of thought, labor unions are considered ______. - Labor market monopolies that curb individual freedom to decide terms and conditions of employment and interfere with the invisible hand of free-market competition - Unnecessary third parties that prevent employers and employees from interacting - A tool to aid workers' struggles with capitalism by mobilizing and raising the consciousness of the working class - A tool to make labor easily replaceable and therefore weak

Labor market monopolies that curb individual freedom to decide terms and conditions of employment and interfere with the invisible hand of free-market competition

In the context of the underlying causes of labor problem as identified by the four schools of thought, the industrial relations school of thought believes that ______. - Monopolies benefit a few at the expense of everyone else. - Labor unions are required to counter corporate bargaining power. - Labor unions are not necessary to balance efficiency, equity, and voice in democratic, capitalist societies. - Effective management policies are the best and labor unions increase unproductive conflict.

Labor unions are required to counter corporate bargaining power

In the context of the underlying causes of labor problem as identified by the four schools of thought, the industrial relations school of thought believes that ______. - Monopolies benefit a few at the expense of everyone else. - Labor unions are required to counter corporate bargaining power. - Labor unions are not necessary to balance efficiency, equity, and voice in democratic, capitalist societies. - Effective management policies are the best and labor unions increase unproductive conflict.

Labor unions are required to counter corporate bargaining power

Which of the following is true about new U.S. laws pertaining to labor in recent decades, or the latter part of the 20th century? - New laws to empower worker bargaining power through unions and social safety nets have been largely nonexistent. - New laws are established to set a minimum wage, mandated overtime pay, and old age assistance. - New laws are inconsistent with the human resource management workplace governance model. - New laws focus on collective bargaining to balance efficiency, equity, and voice.

New laws to empower worker bargaining power through unions and social safety nets have been largely nonexistent

The critical labor of the critical industrial relations school of thought comes from being critical of ______. - The human resource management philosophy - Progressive human resource policies - The bargaining power of corporations and workers - Prevailing societal institutions and social orderings

Prevailing societal institutions and social orderings

Which of the following refers to the anarcho-syndicalist perspective within the critical industrial relations school of thought? - To create motivated and efficient workers, firms should design and implement better supervisory methods and selection procedures. - The labor problem stems from the equal bargaining power of corporations and workers. - Radical labor unions are the crucial revolutionary vehicle to overthrow capitalism and build a society controlled by workers. - Independent labor unions are seen as adversarial and inimical to cooperation.

Radical labor unions are the crucial revolutionary vehicle to overthrow capitalism and build a society controlled by workers

According to the critical industrial relations school of thought, the solution to the labor problem is to ______. - Replace socialism with capitalism - Reduce the bargaining power of workers - Restructure the nature of capitalism - Increase the bargaining power of corporations

Restructure the nature of capitalism

A effect of unions on U.S. workers and workplaces in that unions ______. - Increase wage inequality and CEO pay. - Lead to a rise in turnover. - Strengthen the likelihood of employee benefits. - Increase profitability.

Strengthen the likelihood of employee benefits

An effect of unions on U.S. workers and workplaces is that unions ______. - Lead to a rise in turnover - Increase wage inequality and CEO pay - Increase profitability - Strengthen the likelihood of employee benefits

Strengthen the likelihood of employee benefits

The thousands of complaints of quid pro quo sexual harassment filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission show that ______. - Productive employment relationships are independent of the competing interests of employers and employees. - The arbitrary power of supervisors continues to exist. - Productive employment relationships are independent of the common interests of employers and employees. - Unions are needed to counter corporate bargaining power.

The arbitrary power of supervisors continues to exist

Which of the following statements is true from the perspective of the neoliberal school of thought? - Capitalist institutions do not simply exist but are created by society. - The labor problem stems from poor management. - Unequal bargaining power between corporations and individual workers leads to the labor problem. - The conditions of the labor problems are not considered exploitation if there is sufficient labor market competition.

The conditions of the labor problems are not considered exploitation if there is sufficient labor market competition.

Which of the following schools of thought has a unitarist view of conflict in the employment relationship? - The industrial relations school - The neoliberal school - The human resource management school - The critical industrial relations school

The human resource management school

According to the critical industrial relations school of thought, what is the cause of labor problems? - The regulation of society's institution and the means of production by specific classes or groups. - The equal bargaining power of corporations and individual workers. - Progressive human resources policies. - Poor management methods.

The regulation of society's institution and the means of production by specific classes or groups

According to the critical industrial relations school of thought, what is the cause of the labor problem? - The equal bargaining power of corporations and individual workers. - The regulation of society's institutions and the means of production by specific classes or groups. - Progressive human resource policies. - Poor management methods.

The regulation of society's institutions and the means of production by specific classes or groups

Which of the following dominated U.S. political and legal thought during the 1800s and early 1900s? - The supremacy of the freedom to enter any kind of economic relationship without union or government interference. - The creation and implementation of efficient supervisory methods, selection procedures, and training methods. - The establishment of equal bargaining power between corporations and workers. - The need to align the interests of workers and the firm via better management.

The supremacy of the freedom to enter any kind of economic relationship without union or government interference

Which of the following is primarily considered by the critical industrial relations school of thought? - The equal bargaining powers of corporations and individual workers. - The ways in which dominant groups design and regulate institutions to serve their own interests. - The neoliberal view of labor. - The human resource management philosophy.

The ways in which dominant groups design and regulate institutions to serve their own interests

Which of the following is a finding of the research on the effects of unions on U.S. workers and workplaces? - Wages are 15 percent lower on average. - There is a compressed, or less unequal, wage structure. - There is a reduced likelihood of benefits being offered. - Importance of seniority provisions in personnel changes has reduced.

There is a compressed, or less unequal, wage structure

According to recent research, identify a true statement about the effects of unions in the workplace. - Unionized workers are more likely to quit than nonunionized workers. - There is no notable union-nonunion differences in job satisfaction once one accounts for differences in working conditions and workplace climate. - Unionized workers were less satisfied with their jobs than similar nonunion workers. - The presence of a union makes managers complacent and reduces the importance of seniority provisions in personnel changes.

There is no notable union-nonunion differences in job satisfaction once one accounts for differences in working conditions and workplace climate.

Which of the following is true about independent labor unions in comparison with dependent labor unions? - They are typically associated with companies that follow the human resource management school's ideas of effective management. - They have the power to elect their own leaders, collect and spend their own dues money, and establish their organization goals and strategies. - They are legally and functionally controlled by employers and by governments. - They are seldom considered adversarial and inimical to cooperation.

They have the power to elect their own leaders, collect and spend their own dues money, and establish their organization goals and strategies.

True or false: An individual's belief about his or her preferred mechanism for balancing efficiency, equity, and voice in the workplace is linked to how he or she thinks the employment relationship works as captured by the intellectual foundations of the options for determining employment terms and conditions.


True or false: Labor movements give a voice for workers in the political arena.


True or false: The Pluralist view of employment relationship conflict is that conflict has mixed motives; some problems are conflictual and some include mutual interests.


True or false: The industrial relations school of thought does not believe it is enough to depend on economic markets to fairly mediate the conflicting interests of employers and employees.


According to the industrial relations school of thought, the labor problem is the result of ______. - Establishing management policies that are responsive to the needs of employment. - Unequal bargaining power between individual workers and corporations. - Increasing the power of employees to structure the organization of work. - Aligning the interests of workers and firms through good management methods.

Unequal bargaining power between individual workers and corporations

U.S. labor laws was fashioned and upheld by the courts based on President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal. As a result, U.S. laws pertaining to labor unions and collective bargaining reflect the central belief of the industrial relations school that ______. - Unions are required to counter corporate bargaining power and provide industrial democracy. - Human resource policies can align the interests of employers and employees. - Efficiency, equity, and voice and achieved through free-market competition. - Competitive markets promote efficiency and provide protections against abuses.

Unions are required to counter corporate bargaining power and provide industrial democracy

Identify a true statement about the effects of unionism. - Unions reduce the likelihood of employee benefits and seniority rights. - When unions raise productivity; these gains offset the higher unionized labor costs. - The presence of a union is usually associated with high profitability. - Unions diminish employment growth but are unlikely to drive firms out of business.

Unions diminish employment growth but are unlikely to drive firms out of business

Which of the following statements is true about labor unions according to the neoliberal school of thought? - Unions distort employment and output levels throughout the economic system by threatening to strike. - Unions enforce that discipline of the market and the economic system by punishing lazy workers. - Independent unions lack that power to elect their ow leaders and spend their own dues money. - Independent unions are unnecessary third parties that prevent employers and employees from interacting.

Unions distort employment and output levels throughout the economic system by threatening to strike

In the human resource management school of thought, independent labor unions are considered ______. - helpful in enforcing business goals and strategies. - the outcome of effective management methods. - adversarial and detrimental to cooperation. - a tool to increase employee performance.

adversarial and detrimental to cooperation

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