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Read Assess importance of each issue in a negotiation

1. Rank in order of the issues you plan to negotiate from least important to most important 2. That way if trade offs happen you know what to get rid of 3. Think about different outcomes that you might accept for each of the issues 4. Package outcomes in ways that have equal value to you 5. Increasing options leads to a better negotiation and parties getting what they want

Read Negotiating Rationally

1.Making the best decisions you can in order to optimize outcomes 2. Being aware that there are things you cannot control (the environment, how others will act, opponents moves, etc) 3. Preparation requires you to think about your opponent and their moves and then you will better understand your stance

What conflict type: Someone that has strong feelings about you that you dont reciprocate. If they want to hangout all the time but you dont really want to be around them

Affective conflict

Negotiator Overconfidence

Anytime you get what you want on an issue you believe it is because you are a good negotiator

Anything in the bargaining range is better than your:


Figuring out your competitions _________ is the best thing you can do


Goals relate to a ___________

Bargaining range

Women are more likely to use which bargaining strategy over men?


Men are more likely to use which bargaining strategy over women?


What are the 5 main negotiating styles

Competitive Collaborative Compromise Accommodation Withdrawal

Compromise negotiating style

Competitive in the sense that there is a fixed pie that needs dividing

What are the 3 illegitimate styles of negotiation

Con Borrow Rob

Myth That experience is the best teacher

Experience is only helpful if you have feedback and you can learn from it

Integrated dispute Resolution Systems are better seen as a triangle with Power holding the most weight at the top and interests holding the least weight at the bottom


Single issue negotiations are the easiest negotiations to dispute

False, the more moving parts in a negotiation the easier it is to dispute

Your BATNA has to:

Fit you and what you believe is your best alternative Be obtainable and dynamic You should always have one even if it is not good

_________ style negotiating means you need to be able to adopt a negotiation style that works for what youre negotiating


Explain the Organizational workplace conflict Level

Focuses on aspects of the organizations structure that describe the level of conflict that is occurring

What are the 3 workplace conflict types

Goal Conflict Affective Conflict Cognitive Conflict

Myth That good negotiators rely on intuition

Good negotiators actually rely on preparation

Latent is when a conflict:

Hasnt come to the surface yet and is brewing

What are the 3 stages of the Organization workplace conflict Level

Horizontal Vertical Role

Explain the Emotional Dimensions What are two responders

How people feel about the way they are treated in conflict Givers will respond in a courteous way Takers are more competitive and assertive

Explain Cognitive Dimensions What are two Responders

How people thing about conflict situations Acceptors think within the lines and take situation as it is presented to them Redefiners think outside the box and look for creative ways to recast the problem

When is Affective Conflict most common

In negative conflict (anger, distrust, etc.)

Myth That good negotiators take risks

In reality, good negotiators know how to evaluate risks and can make a decision on what actions to take to maximize outcomes

You can resolve disputes by recognizing ______, deciding who was ______, and determining who is most ________

Interest Right Powerful

Every conflict has multiple elements which provide for resolution, these include:

Interest Rights Power

What are the 3 Levels of workplace conflict

Interpersonal Intergroup Organizational

An interactive decision making perspective:

Leads to better outcomes Requires negotiator to carefully consider alternative interest of the other side

Women are ______ to initiate negotiations than men

Less likely

Read Women and negotiation

Less likely to see situation as an opportunity to negotiate Even if they do see it they are less comfortable with the situation Focus on the needs of others while men are naturally competitive Get negative reaction if they act like men and behave outside their gender expectations

An individual decision making perspective:

Looks at the decision in terms of alternatives and pay off from their own perspective

Joint decision making perspective:

Most effort Not looking at other side as competitor, but they might be able to achieve a win win settlement

A process involving two or more parties in which they decide what each shall give and receive in an exchange between them


Myth Negotiations are always fixed sum, "The mythical fixed-pie" Explain

Negotiations actually arent fixed sum and theres roomm for both sides can win

Should you ever change your resistance point in a negotiation?

No, it is there for a reason and you should walk away. Opposing side will try and degrade your BATNA

A negative bargaining zone is when:

Nothing overlaps, a settlement isnt possible

Describe the Interpersonal workplace conflict Level

Occure between one or two individuals over each persons individual/personal goals

Explain the Horizontal stage for the Organizational Level of workplace conflict Give Example

Occurs across different horizontal divisions of the organization Ex: Different classes in school like Math or Science

Explain the Intergroup workplace conflict Level

Occurs between multiple groups within or across organizations Groups/teams have goals as a group, these may be different than the goals of the individuals of the group

Explain Vertical stage of Organizational Level for workplace conflict Give example

Occurs between people at different levels of an organization Ex: Superior vs Subordinate

Borrow negotiation style

Occurs when a person demands concession now in exchange for future promised concessions

Explain Cognitive Conflict

Occurs when people have ideas, thoughts or beliefs that are incompatible

Explain Affective Conflict

Occurs when people have incompatible feelings or emotions

Explain Goal Conflict

Occurs when people have seperate but incapable goals or interests

Escalation of Commitment

Occurs when people irrationally stay committed to an initial force of action even if it is not leading to the desired outcome

A conflict becomes a dispute when:

One party makes a claim on another and that claim is rejected

Competitive irrationality

People get caught up in competitive spirals that dont make sense when compared to the expected outcome

Needs based Illusions Explain illusion of Control

People tend to believe they have more control over future events than they actually do

Need based illusions Explain the illusion of Optimism

People tend to underestimate the likelihood that they will experience bad future events

Dispute resolution occurs when:

People who have different goals agree on a single outcome

If you dont knot what your BATNA is, youre prone to make two mistakes:

Reject offers that are better than your BATNA Accept offers that are worse than your BATNA

Explain Role stage of Organizational Level for Workplace conflict Give Example

Relates to the roles that people perform in an organization as their assigned role; cluster of tasks you are expected to perform on the job Ex: Intra-Sender: one person sending you incompatible messages Inter-Sender: two or more people are sending you incompatible messages/tasks

Bargaining Ranges have 3 points:

Resistance Point Target Point Starting Position

BATNA is used to determine:

Resistance points

When negotiating you should conduct a self inventory and think about:

Resources Recurrence of Negotiations History Trust Authority and Constituents

What are some Workplace disputes

Resources, workplaces, schedules, promotions, raises

What are the three main default styles

Social Dimensions Emotional Dimensions Cognitive Dimensions

When it comes to bargaining range the starting position is:

The opening demand in a negotiation, what you lead with

Resistance Points are:

The point at which you walk away

Explain the Social Dimensions default style What are the two responders

The way people respond to others Engagers jump right into a social situation Avoiders are independent and view themselves as self-sufficient

True or False Women are easier to negotiate with than men


True or False: Negotiation myths stop people from becoming effective negotiators


Competitive negotiating style

Try to get as much as you can

Decisions perspectives for negotiators:

Try to get deep understanding of problem Want to know strengths and weaknesses of situation

What are some consequences of workplace disputes

Turnover, absenteeism, sabotage, shirking, litigation, unionization

When negotiating you should always assess ____________ and ____________.

Underlying Interests Determine Goals

Your goals should be a reflection of your _________

Underlying interest

Rob negotiating style

Uses power to take advantage of another person in a way that the person would consider unfair

Accommodation negotiating style

When one party just gives into the other side

What are established search patterns?

When people tend to go to the same sources of information regardless of the problem. Ask for help/opinions/knowledge

Withdrawal Negotiating style

When there is a negotiation opportunity and you decide youre not going to engage with the other party

The failure to see the other partys side leads to suboptimal outcomes Give example

Winners Curse When you get what you want right away but realize you couldve gotten more

Myth That good negotiators are born, that it is not a skill you can acquire or learn

Yes, some people are born good negotiators but it is a skill that you can learn

Need based Illusions Explain the Illusion of Superiority

You believe that you are overall better than your opponent

Myth You have to choose between being a tough negotiator (aggressive) or soft negotiator (giving in)

You can be a good blend of both styles and be successful

Collaborative negotiating style

You recognize the need for the other side to do well too; partners not opponents

When it comes to bargaining range, the resistance point reflects the value of:

Your BATNA If you cant satisfy this ill walk The worst outcome you are willing to accept

What is BATNA

Your Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement

When it comes to bargaining range the Target point is:

Your goal The best outcome you realistically hope to achieve

ZOPA stands for _______ and is the zone of negotiation basically in the bargaining range

Zone of potential agreement

Con negotiating style

attempting to take advantage of the other party through deception and misplaced trust

Impression management

people will rather be known as someone who is consistent in their behaviors and arguments, rather than admit that they made a mistake

Can you have more than one conflict occur at the same time in a situation


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