MGT 411 exam 3

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a nine box matrix requires assessing employees on

current job performance and future potential

Which of the following improves the ease of use of skills inventories?


evaluating staffing systems

direct/indirect costs KPIs leggings leading long/short term metrics

fairness perceptions

distributive, procedural, interactional

If a company identifies and tracks underrepresented candidates and employees and leverages the sources from which they were recruited, which of the following is most likely to be the company's key performance indicator?

diversifying the workforce

situational judgment tests (SJTs)

measures of noncognitive skills; short scenarios are presented verbally, in writing, or in videos, and candidates are asked what they believe is the most effective response, or to choose the best response from a list of alternative

In order to reduce turnover rates, Sigma Corp. offers middle and high-ranking employees stock options in the company. This is an example of which retention strategy?

mobility barriers

survivor syndrome

refers to the emotional effects of the downsizing on surviving employees, during and after a downsizing.

Firms that do not have proper documentation to terminate an employee but want to end the employment relationship, and at the same time reduce the possibility of a lawsuit, offer the employee a(n) ________.


socialization program choices

s a long-term process of planned and unplanned, formal and informal activities and experiences through which an individual acquires the attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge needed to successfully participate as a member of an organization and learns the firm's culture.

disjunctive socialization

socialization process whereby newcomers are left alone to develop their own interpretations of the organization and situations they observe

serial socialization

socialization process whereby supportive organizational members serve as role models and mentors for new hires

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

software that allows a database with applicant information and job information to be maintained so that matches between the two are easier to make

mobility policies

specify the rules by which people move between jobs within an organization and clearly document the rules for opening notification, eligibility qualification, compensation and advancement, and benefit changes related to advancement.

Which of the following refers to the process of analyzing a hiring system to determine its performance and effectiveness?

staffing evaluation

An insurance company assesses all employees' current job skills and creates road maps for them outlining the competencies they need to advance within the company. The company then makes sure they get the training they need, including coaching and mentoring, classroom training. This is an example of ________.

succesion management

return on investment

sum of the economic value of improved performance and the savings of avoiding bad hires

staffing evaluation

the analysis of a staffing system to assess its performance and effectiveness

ValuTech is a large-scale software company. Which of the following, if true, is a leading staffing indicator?

the company current business model only allows it to pay salaries that are below industry average

Which of the following, if true, would make a firm keep cut scores low?

the company is following a cost leadership strategy


the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution

four compensatory approaches to assessment

unit weighting rational weighting statistical weighting

Behavioral interviews are more reliable and substantially better than _________ at predicting job performance

unstructured interview

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Outcomes against which the effectiveness of the staffing system is evaluated

Closing the Deal

Provide alternatives, assume the close, split the difference, exploding offers, sweeteners

behavioral interview questions

Uses info about what the applicants have done in the past to predict the future

evaluating internal assessment

Validity Return on investment Applicant reactions Selection ratio Usability Adverse impact

Nine Box Matrix

a combined assessment of an employee's performance and potential

The Bulldogs are a leading professional soccer team. All new recruits to the team must go through certain "rites of passage" which include shaving their heads, swimming in cold water, getting a tattoo of the team's emblem, and other tests of servitude and obedience. This is an example of ________.

divestiture socialization

lagging indicators

factor that becomes known only after a staffing decision has been made

If an applicant is not hired because the applicant has previously claimed overtime which they were owed, they are likely to be covered under the ________.

fair labor standards act

T/F: E-recruiting should be used when the job description specifies only average educational qualifications.


T/F: Lagging indicators help a company improve its staffing efforts midstream


T/F: Supplementary fit occurs when a person has characteristics which are very different from those that already exist in the organization.


T/F: Using high cut scores is very appropriate for firms focusing on filling vacancies in the short- term.


when a company hired marcus who turned out to be a poor performer, which assessment outcome occurred?

false positive

situational interview

focuses on hypothetical situations

evaluating assessment methods effectiveness

in terms of its validity and the reactions of stakeholders, including how fair and job related they perceive it to be

high cut scores do what

increase the number of false negatives because they result in the rejection of higher numbers of qualified candidates.

Digital Staffing Dashboards

interactive computer displays that indicate how a staffing function is meeting its goals

External customers are often best for evaluating an employee's ________.

interpersonal behaviors

which of the following is true of person organization fit?

it is positively related to job satisfaction

succession management steps

job description outline identify interested candidates strengths/weakness create a plan: continually improve create plan:qualified/interested evaluating companies succession

Measurable factors critical to the firm's success and long- and short-term goals are ________.

key performance indicators

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

legal standards governing the use of employee selection procedures and validation standards

When a finalist does not get a job offer, they are likely to perceive ________.

low distributive fairness

compensation decisions

low offer competitive job offer high job offer max job offer

Turnover Types

voluntary involuntary functional dysfunctional avoidable unavoidable

complementary fit

when a person adds something that is missing in the organization or work group by being different from the others

supplementary fit

when a person has characteristics that are similar to those that already exist in the organization

legal compliance

A test of knowledge and abilities must measure a representative sample of knowledge, skills, or abilities necessary to perform the job and be operationally defined

Retention Strategies

- Clarifying Promotion Paths - Challenging Employees - Developing Better Supervisors - Giving Employees Work Flexibility - Choosing a good location - Providing competitive wages and benefits - Holding Managers Accountable - Providing employees with support - Creating Mobility Barriers - Creating a Strong Corporate Culture

career development tools

- assessment centers - career counseling & career development workshops - training & continuing education - job rotation, challenging assignments & mentoring - sabbaticals - challenging & developmental job assignments

Presenting a Job Offer

-In writing -Verbally -Showing your company as a unique or exciting place to work can help close the deal -Emphasizing the selling points of the job itself and the career development opportunities -Should reinforce company image and the positive impression formed by candidates during the hiring process

Internal Assessment Goals

-Maximize fit -Accurate assessment -Maximize return on investment -Positive stakeholder reactions -Support talent philosophy and HR strategy -Establish and reinforce HR strategy and employer image -Identify employees' development needs -Assessing ethically -Legal compliance

success management

-Should integrate talent management with organizations strategic plan -Needs to support the organizations long-term direction, growth, and planned change

Internal Assessment Methods

-Skills inventories -Mentoring programs -Performance reviews of task and interpersonal behaviors -Multi-source assessments -Job knowledge tests -Assessment center methods -Clinical assessments

Reducing Adverse Impact

-Using targeted recruitment to increase the numbers of qualified minority applicants - Expanding the definition of job performance to include areas of contextual performance such a commitment & reliability in addition to task performance - Combining predictors can reduce adverse impact-(cognitive ability test + personality test) - Using well-developed simulations rather than cognitive ability tests -Utilize Banding -Using assessment methods with less adverse impact

involuntary employee separation

-are inevitable -Downsizing and terminations are two of the most common reasons for involuntary employee separations

Dealing with Hardball Tactics

-ignore them -discuss them -respond in kind -co-opt the other party

Hiring Stages

-job applicants -job candidates -finalists

resume screening software

-screens résumés for certain words or phrases so that recruiters do not have to look at every résumé -saves time


-should be used when large numbers of candidates are needed

Steps in Crafting a Structured Interview

1. identify the actions and behaviors that illustrate each qualification 2. write questions that generate relevant info about the degree 3. create an answer key with benchmark responses for at least the high, middle, and low scores on the scale 4. weight the benchmark responses based on the importance of each question relative to the others. give more important questions greater weight relative to the other questions. 5. select and train interviewers to increase the interview's standardization, reliability and validity. 6. evaluate the effectiveness of the structured interview in terms of its validity and the reaction of stakeholders, including how fair and job related they perceive it to be.

Medical Leave Act

12 weeks of unpaid leave

Fair Labor Standards Act

1938 act which provided for a minimum wage and restricted shipments of goods produced with child labor

exit interview

A meeting with the departing employee.

STAR technique

A technique for answering behavioral interview questions: Situation Task: Action that you took Results that you achieved

situation interview questions

Asking people how they might react to hypothetical situations

identify development needs

Assessment tests can also identify new hires' developmental needs

direct/indirect cost

Charges incurred as an immediate result of some staffing activity vs those not directly connected


Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify


Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control

Common Termination Errors

Doing it publicly Writing a positive letter of reference after a termination for cause (this opens the company to charges of negligent referral) Trying to document a termination for a just cause case that doesn't exist Firing an employee after a merit raise or favorable performance review Stating that the person conducting the termination meeting disagrees with the termination Juries have also looked unfavorably at terminations that were done at end of a work day or work week, after the employee returns from a business trip, or at beginning of holiday

Lagging vs leading indicators

Indicators available after selection vs those available before

What is optimal turnover?

It produces the highest level of long-term business improvement.

External Assessment Goals

Maximize fit Accurate assessment Maximize return on investment Generate positive stakeholder reactions Support talent philosophy and HR strategy Establish and reinforce employer image Identify new hires' development needs Assess ethically Ensure legal compliance

Termination Tips

Remain impartial, calm, and in control of the conversation; be respectful at all times Listen to employee requests for severance terms, but reserve final decisions for a later time; being heard and considered will increase the employee's perceptions of fairness Be clear and don't send mixed messages The shock of being fired can prevent the employee from listening to all of what you are saying; repeat yourself if you feel your message is not being heard Don't give career advice to someone you've just fired If the person is being terminated, don't say "laid off" because it implies the possibility of return Hold the meeting in a private, neutral location

External Assessment Methods

Screening assessment methods Methods that narrow a pool of job applicants to a smaller group of job candidates Evaluative assessment methods Methods that evaluate the pool of job candidates to determine who will be hired Contingent Assessment Methods Methods whereby a job offer is made contingent upon a candidate passing the assessment

Effective Socialization

Should actively involve new employees, encourage them to ask questions, and clarify their role in business strategy execution

Bargaining Mix

The package of issues for negotiation

Six Sigma

a data-driven quality initiative that uses statistics to measure and improve business processes and their outcomes to near perfection

leading indicators

a factor that precedes or predicts a staffing outcome

structured interview

a research procedure in which all participants are asked to answer the same questions

investiture socialization

a socialization process that reaffirms newcomers' self-confidence and reflects the fact that the organization's senior members value the knowledge and personal characteristics of the newcomers

human resource information systems

a system of software and supporting computer hardware specifically designed to store and process all HR information and keep track of all employees and information about them

balanced scoreboard

a tool used to monitor, assess, and manage the performance of employees as well as align their interests witha firm's key business objectives by assigning them both financial and nonfinancial goals

integrative negotiation

a win-win negotiation in which the agreement involves no loss to either party

distributive negotiation

adversarial negotiation in which the parties in conflict compete to win the most resources while conceding as little as possible

The uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures were created to

assist organizations in complying with federal law prohibiting discrimination in hiring


backing out of a contract after it is accepted

Averaging candidates' scores from an interview, job knowledge test, and work simulation to derive a summary score to use in comparing candidates is an example of ________.

unit weighting

Types of Structured Interviews

behavioral and situational


best alternative to a negotiated agreement

Employee Satisfaction Surveys

can identify problems that can be addressed to prevent additional turnover

Negotiable Job Offer Elements

can include salary, sign-on bonuses, non-salary compensation, relocation expenses, benefits & job-specific elements

Job Offer Strategies

particularly for firms with a talent philosophy of viewing employees as investors rather than assets, the job offer should maximize the employee value proposition offered to the finalist

Types of Fit

person-job, person-group, person-organization, person-vocation and associated dimensions

workforce redeployment

the movement of employees to other parts of the company or to other jobs the company needs filled to match its workforce with its talent needs


the process of completing new hire paperwork, and familiarizing them with their jobs, coworkers, work spaces, work tools, and company policies and benefits

Downsizing methods

the process of permanently reducing the number of a firm's employeesso as to improve the efficiency or effectiveness of the firm

bargaining zone

the range of options between the initial and final offer that each party will consider before negotiations dissolve or reach an impasse

T/F: A majority of the measures in a balanced staffing scorecard should focus on value creation


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