MGT Final Exam Studying Material (1/3)

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________ is the act of sharing information and coordinating efforts to achieve a collective outcome.


________ can be developed because it involves a person's belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task.


Which of the following statements about self-efficacy is true?

Self-efficacy can be developed.

Groups share norms and have goals.


In order to improve intelligence through brain training, experts recommend the training to have these three characteristics:

adaptive, variety, and generalizability.

Narcissists are characterized by having a combination of all of the following traits except the following


Jennifer wins an art contest. She attributes the outcome to luck. Jennifer is likely to have

an external locus of control.

Petra made a large mistake on a report she submitted to her boss, and it ended up costing the company a significant amount of money. When asked why this had occurred, she blamed one of her coworkers for giving her erroneous information for the report. Petra is expressing

an external locus of control.

A(n) ________ is someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who effects environmental change.

proactive person

Core self-evaluations represent a broad personality trait comprised of all of the following except


Together, social awareness and relationship management constitute

social competence.

During a group meeting, Nadia comments, ________. She is performing a maintenance role.

"Let's accept and praise the various points of view."

Jerry says ________. He is performing a task role.

"What are we trying to accomplish and how fast can we do it?"

________ trust addresses the question: "How effectively do people meet or perform their responsibilities and acknowledge other people's skills and abilities?"


________ is the personality trait with the strongest positive relationship with job performance.


________ teams are created with members from different disciplines within an organization, such as finance, operations, and R&D.


________ is the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions.

Emotional intelligence

________ are complex, relatively brief responses aimed at a particular target.


A norm is a set of expected behaviors for a particular position.


Carl has a high self-efficacy belief. He is not likely to work hard in preparation for challenges because he is confident he can succeed.


Dawn is a manager at a big box store. One of her employees, Edward, appears to have low self-efficacy. To help him, Dawn should set a very challenging sales goal.


Feeling stressed is a negative emotion and can be handled by taking on more responsibilities and focusing on urgent tasks at hand.


It is clear from research that personal friendship helps organizational productivity.


Norms only emerge on their own in group situations; they are not consciously formed.


Openness to experience refers to a person being trusting and good-natured.


Organizations should use selection based on attitudes and emotions to choose which employees to hire.


Practical intelligence is very similar to logical-mathematical intelligence.


Research has clearly indicated that self-managed teams perform better than traditional work groups.


The ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions is known as emotional stability.


The lack of face-to-face contact actually helps virtual teams to establish strong cohesion.


When hiring people, the best thing a manager can do is to find someone like himself or herself and make sure the person "fits" into his or her stereotype of a good worker.


Which of the following statements about emotions is false?

Felt emotions are always displayed.

________ groups are assigned by organizations or managers, while ________ groups form when the members' purpose of getting together is friendship or a common interest.

Formal; informal

During which stage of the five-stage development process does research show that conflict among group members is actually beneficial?


________ are powerful forms of social control that influence group and member behavior.

Group roles and norms

________ is reflected in this statement: "I feel I am a person of worth, as good as other people."

High self-esteem

Oliver, who has an internal locus of control, overslept on the morning of his final exam. Which of the following is he likely to say?

I should have had an extra alarm set as a backup.

Sean is questioning his team's effectiveness. He asks himself "Is the group performing less than, equal to, or greater than the sum of its parts?" Once he thinks this through, he recognizes that two people are not contributing at all. Which of the following will not work to combat social loafing?

Increase group size.

________ intelligence will be most closely related to a performance on tests like the Scholastic Aptitude Test and the Graduate Management Admissions Test.


Nora wants to be a buyer for Marstons Stores. She knows that they are looking for outgoing, social people. She purposely tries to present herself as an extrovert on the personality test that she takes even though she is shy and retiring. What is the likely result of this?

Nora might get the job, but find she is unhappy in the role.

Which of the following statements about norms is not true?

Norms are typically written down and discussed openly by groups.

Which of the following statements about groups is not true?

People who do not conform to group roles are given high status by the group.

________ is the combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that gives individuals their unique identity.


________ is your general belief about your own self-worth.


Harriet is an active member of the large Freshman Orientation board. There are five separate teams on this board, and they all want Harriet as a member because she is good at keeping the team on track. Which of the following behaviors does Harriet exhibit?

She helps plan and organize work; monitors progress; and provides constructive feedback.

Individual issues such as "What's my role here?" and group issues such as "Why are we fighting over who is in charge and who does what?" are part of which stage of group development?


________ are deliberate plans that outline exactly what the team is to do, such as goal setting and defining roles.

Team performance strategies

Terrance applies for a job at Jos Smith & Co. He prepares for the interview and expects some form of personality testing. Instead, after the interview, he is given a computer game to play. What does this represent?

The game will assess Terrence's cognitive abilities and thought processes.

Benny has the ability to learn and use spoken and written languages. He shows linguistic intelligence.


Complex, relatively brief responses aimed at a particular target are known as emotions.


Core self-evaluations (CSEs) are related to reduced conflict and lower stress.


Many effective managers select employees based on positive, job-relevant, relatively stable individual differences.


Organizations with the most effective teams typically use hybrid rewards that reward and recognize both individual and team performance.


Practical intelligence involves changing oneself to suit the environment, changing the environment to suit oneself or finding a new environment within which to work.


Relatively flexible individual differences (IDs) include attitudes and emotions, and managers can help manage these type of differences.


Teams are a cornerstone of work life in today's organizations.


The combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that give individuals their unique identities is known as personality.


The members of the management faculty in the business school go out at the end of the semester to a local restaurant for dinner and socializing. They are both a formal and informal group.


Trusting employees provide tremendous benefits to their employers including guarding against job stress.


________ is a reciprocal belief that another person will consider how their intentions and behaviors will affect you.


Nancy is at a staff meeting. Her manager asks if anyone has an idea for how to pull more customers into the restaurant at lunch time. Nancy starts to make a suggestion and her manager cuts her off mid-sentence, saying: "Oh Nancy, no ... anyone else?" Nancy is feeling angry because her manager was disrespectful and didn't allow her to explain the idea. What should Nancy do to deal with these negative emotions?

Wait until after the meeting and point out how important respect is between coworkers.

Giovanni is expressing ________ when he says, "I can run a mile in under five minutes."

a high self-efficacy

People with ________ see themselves as masters of their own fate.

an internal locus of control

Kerry has shown up late for her job twice this week. She expects her manager to be ________ but instead the manager directs the issue at the organization's new scheduling software that hasn't been sending out updates promptly.


Francis interviews two candidates for an administrative assistant position that will require a fair amount of project management. The first candidate is enthusiastic and states that she can "do anything she sets her mind to." She shows up for the interview without a résumé because she know she will be selected for the position. The second candidate is more reserved, but offers Francis his résumé and a portfolio. He explains that in his last position he managed several projects and kept them on track. Which of the following would be the main reason for Francis to hire the second applicant?

applicant's cognitive abilities

Len is the top swimmer on his school's team. Star athletes are likely to be high in ________ intelligence.


As manager of Kids Skids, Meghan wants to develop her relationship management skills. In order to do this, she learns how to

build teams.

Norman is elected president of the debate club. He is known as a team player. That means that Norman is

committed, collaborative, and competent.

Reilly is the team lead for a project that is developing a new cell phone application. At the very first meeting, a list of roles and responsibilities for each of the 12 team members has been outlined. The list also identifies individual and team accountability roles. This is an example of which factor to foster collaboration?

communicate expectations

Nathan is dependable, responsible, and achievement-oriented, while Martin is relaxed and unworried. Nathan is likely to score high on


Which of the following is an organizational function of a group?

coordinate interdepartmental efforts

The team is generating a lot of ideas on how to approach the management case study problem. Everyone seems to have a plan. Joe stands up and says, "I will make a list on the board of all of our ideas." Joe is acting as a(n)


CEOs with high ________ positively influence their organization's drive to take risks, innovate, and seek new opportunities, especially in strong dynamic business environments.

core self-evaluations

Managers should attempt to raise subordinates' self-efficacy by all of the following except

creating routine jobs that are boring but easy to perform.

XYZ Inc. brings together specialists from production, marketing, and finance from around the world, and gives each such team the power to make its own decisions. This implies that the firm is creating a(n) ________ team.


People who are high on openness to experience are likely to demonstrate

curiosity and broad-mindedness.

Which of the following is not a benefit of virtual teams?

easier to establish team cohesion

Which of the following is not one of the basic dimensions of the Big Five personality dimensions?

emotional intelligence

Which of the following is not an element of emotional intelligence?

emotional stability

Owen leads a team tasked with developing a client tracking system. He is nervous and worried, afraid that if this assignment doesn't go well, he won't be promoted. Jack, a team member, is relaxed, unworried, and secure in the feeling that they have all the necessary resources and talents to make this work. Jack is likely to score high on

emotional stability.

Which of the following is the least fixed of a person's individual differences?


Which of the following is not a task role?


Masami is a member of a group that raises money for a homeless shelter. She feels that the group spends too much time arguing the merits of different fundraisers and needs to make a decision. She calls for a vote at today's meeting. Masami has taken on the role of


Besides leading to increases in job performance, job satisfaction, and affective commitment, proactive personality is also linked to intentions to be a(an)


People who are outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive are likely to score high on


Karen, the team captain of her high school soccer team, is very sociable and assertive. She never is at a loss for words and feels comfortable interacting will all teammates and coaches. Karen is likely to score high on


Team member characteristics should ________ the responsibilities of the team if the team is to be effective.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of high-performing teams?

focusing on group dynamics

Group members tend to be uncertain and anxious about such unknowns as their roles, the people in charge, and the group's goals during the ________ stage.


A person in the ________ role will encourage all group members to participate.


Characterized as an assessment of how confident you are in your own abilities, which CSE trait can be improved via job design, self-management, and creativity?

generalized self-efficacy

Belinda takes on the role of ________; she tends to mediate conflict through humor.


People with an internal locus of control

have stronger expectations that effort leads to performance.

Marisa is the office manager in a small company. Her employees find that they can often come late to work and leave early, and Marisa will cover their work for them. Marisa is likely to score

high on agreeableness.

Tony has a high CSE. He is not likely to experience

higher levels of stress.

Pietro is assigned to a team in his environmental science class. He is not comfortable with Sam, the team leader, but is not completely sure why. Which of the following behaviors would not build trust?

if Sam keeps information to himself

In ________, the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction is significantly stronger.

individualistic rather than collectivist cultures

Which three roles are especially important to groups?

initiator, orienter, energizer

Sheila is a member of the community service group of her sorority. Traditionally, they pick a charity and run one fundraiser. Sheila suggests a new approach. In addition to the charity work, she wants to establish a new goal—that the members mentor inner-city children. Sheila is acting as


Proactivity has been shown to be related to all of the following except


Francois endures constant criticism at his job because of where he is from. His ability to endure the criticism is due to ________ intelligence.


Keyshawn is a player on a professional football team. Because of this, his plays every week are scrutinized by fans and media, as well as his own coaches. Sometimes, their comments are very negative and even personal. Keyshawn will handle this better if he has a high level of ________ intelligence.


The distinction between flexible and fixed individual differences

is that managers have little or no impact on fixed differences.

Individual-level work outcomes include all except

job attitude.

By ________, a person can develop self-awareness.

knowing his or her own strengths and limits

Jonathan speaks four languages fluently. He is likely to have a high level of ________ intelligence.


Katherine does especially well in her language courses, but struggles in chemistry. She has ________ intelligence.


Vivek and Warren are working on an assignment for their marketing class. Warren finishes his part of the assignment; Vivek doesn't. Vivek apologizes because he took an extra shift at work and didn't give the assignment the priority it needed. He promises Warren he will stay home tonight and finish his work. What personality characteristic does this show?

locus of control

Samantha, a member of a team you are assigned to for a management class, has often been late getting her work to the team, and when it arrives it is often of poor quality. Samantha is likely to rank ________ dimension.

low on the conscientiousness

Halfway through the semester, Samuel quit doing assignments for and going to his advanced accounting class. He attributes this to his poor performance on the first two tests, as well as his lack of talent for accounting; he feels he will do much better as a management major. Samuel is likely to be experiencing

low self-efficacy for accounting.

Halim, one of your employees, always seems to be "taking it easy," often ignores problems that arise, and rarely takes action on his own. It is likely that Halim is

not a proactive personality.

The ________ keeps the group headed toward its stated goals.


The ________ stage is often characterized by a climate of open communication, strong cooperation, and lots of helping behavior. Cohesiveness and personal commitment to group goals help the group achieve more than could any one individual acting alone.


Wendy has been the team lead for a year-long mentorship development program in her community. The members of the committee worked hard during the process and overcame budget constraints and other conflicts to implement the program to aspiring musicians in the area. She felt fortunate to have a strong team that cooperated and handled disputes and feedback constructively. According to Tuckman's five-stage model of group development, which of the following stages is Wendy's group experiencing?


Vanessa receives her evaluation. Her supervisor gives her high marks in ________, noting that Vanessa is especially strong in self-awareness and self-management.

personal competence

Martha worked for a marketing company with a casual atmosphere and informal culture. The company declared bankruptcy. Martha can't wait to find a similar position. In the past, she worked for companies with a more traditional and formal structure. She now has a new job in a bank. Martha dresses differently, puts in longer hours, and studies at home to better understand the bank's services. She is exhibiting ________ intelligence.


What is the group development process called where groups establish periods of stable functioning until an event causes a dramatic change in norms, roles and/or objectives?

punctuated equilibrium

Lack of interpersonal and face-to-face interactions make building trust relationships difficult. What type of challenge is this for a virtual team?


Which of the following is an individual function of a group?

satisfy the person's need for affiliation

At ABC Inc., each employee is required to evaluate himself or herself as part of preparation to meet with his or her manager for the annual employee performance review. As part of this, Daneesha prepared a thoughtful and comprehensive list of her strengths and weaknesses. What competence does this display?


Sandra has a new assignment. She is confident that she can successfully complete the task. This is an example of


Sarah and Bill were recently hired at the local manufacturing plant. Before being hired, they were interviewed by the team members with whom they were going to work. The team contained members from various areas of the manufacturing process. As part of the training process, Sarah and Bill met the other team members a number of times, and learned how to perform several administrative tasks, including scheduling work assignments for the team. Sarah and Bill's new team is an example of a(n) ________ team.


Everyday John's inbox is filled with customer requests and inquiries along with department updates to policies and events happening at the corporate level. John takes 30 minutes every morning to thoroughly read through and respond to these important emails. John is exhibiting his

social awareness.

Which of the following is not a group maintenance role?

someone who clarifies pertinent values

Rebecca has discovered that she is very good at creating 3D objects and has decided to change her major to engineering product design. She has ________ intelligence.


As a manager, Haley has established a new work group to tackle a particular project. She has introduced all the members to each other and the group has elected a leader. However, lately Haley has noticed that some group members are procrastinating on their duties. Two cliques have formed within the group and they are frequently arguing with and challenging the group leader's opinions. Which of the following stages of group development process is Haley observing?


Syndey takes over as CEO of Sandstorm Jeans, a company on the verge of bankruptcy. She institutes radical changes and eliminates 35 percent of the positions. Even after this, the remaining employees resist her ideas. This represent the ________ stage; it is a time of testing.


John hasn't started working on his term paper. He wants to do well in the course, but he's struggling with how to identify a solid topic and start an outline. Most of the other students appear to be moving ahead. John is procrastinating because he is


Marion is frustrated with her OB project group. She frequently asks: "What's the problem with our group? We don't seem to be getting anywhere." This is a(n) ________ function.


A ________ is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.


In a study of executives from 300 companies, the most desirable soft skill named was


People with moderate emotional stability ________ than people with low emotional stability.

tend to perform more OCBs

Naturalist intelligence is

the potential to live in harmony with one's environment.

Which of the following does not help guard against social loafing?

undesignated roles

James believes the best thing he can do is hire based on

using CSE as one broad personality characteristic.

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