MGT301 Final

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Which of the following would be an effective means of stimulating conflict?

Encouraging disagreement with no fear of reprisal.

Which of the following statements about values is true?

Values are the result of accumulation of life experiences.

People who exhibit the Big 5 personality characteristic of openness would be most likely to work in which of the following firms?

an entrepreneurial start-up in the high tech industry

Companies track employee work attitudes through

attitude surveys

Research on the relationship between personality and job performance indicates

dependable people are better performers than those less dependable

Social loafing

develops when a perception of inequity in regard to rewards and/or blame arises in a group

The body¿s ¿fight or flight¿ response causes which of the following physical symptoms to occur?

digestion interruption.

NASA endured the Challenger disaster when group members conformed with top managers¿ decisions that launching the space shuttle in freezing temperatures was better than missing the launch window. This is an example of what group process?


What group-related phenomenon would the critic on a team help to guard against?


Role overload refers to

having insufficient time and resources to complete a job

Empowerment means

having the responsibility and authority to reach goals.

The BATNA is

important to assisting you in deciding whether to accept an offer or not.

Effective managers tend to use more

information-rich channels.

In the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, what dimension describes those who derive their energy from inside?


Job specialization

is breaking down jobs into their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person will perform a few tasks in a repetitive manner

The competition conflict handling style

is highly assertive but low on cooperation.

The investigation phase of the negotiation process involves

gathering information

Which of the following is a need-based theory of motivation?

ERG theory

Which group would be the most effective from a performance standpoint?

A group with high group cohesion and high task commitment.

Which of the following statements about exit interviews is true?

An exit interview should be conducted by a member of the human resource department for best results.

Which of the following is NOT a recommended step in negotiating a higher salary for yourself?

Begin aggressively.

Values change over the generations, evolving in response to historical contexts. Which of the following statements is true regarding values of different generations?

Generation Xers (born between 1965 and 1979) have to see a congruence between personal goals and organizational ones before they work toward company goals

Which of the following statements regarding ethical behaviors in the workplace is true?

High levels of employee monitoring may reduce the frequency of unethical behaviors.

Which of the following statements is true about job design approaches

Job enlargement implementation leads employees to feel less capable of performing job tasks

Which of the following is accurate for goal setting?

Management commitment is key to successful implementation of MBO programs.

___________ is an example of felt empowerment.

Meaningful work

Based on employment statistics, age diversity at work will continue into the future. Thus, the findings from research examining age diversity will become increasingly useful in managing the workforce. Which of the following statements about those research findings is accurate?

Older workers are less likely to quit their jobs when dissatisfied at work

Organizational behavior draws heavily on personality and motivation studies from what other discipline?


Which of the following recommendations might you give to a friend regarding ways to deal with late coworkers?

Reward timeliness by verbally recognizing those who arrive on time.

Demographic traits make up

Surface-level diversity

High levels of employee monitoring may reduce the frequency of unethical behaviors.

The greater the strength of the stories shared in an organization, the greater the organization commitment.

Which of the following is NOT a tip for leaving your job gracefully?

When you decide to leave, leave. Don¿t hang around doing work you will not be doing a very good job on

A group is defined as

a collection of individuals who interact with each other such that one person's actions have an impact on the others

Conflict refers to

a process that involves people disagreeing.

The concept of flow refers to

a state of consciousness where a person is totally absorbed in an activity.

Agnes glances at the clock and notes it is three hours until her first final of the week. She still has two chapters to study. She feels a slight pain in the pit of her stomach. Agnes is experiencing symptoms of what stress phase?

alarm phase

For most people, living in the age of social media has

all of the above

Major organizational changes can cause employees to experience higher levels of stress at work. Which of the following is considered a type of organizational change?

all of the above

Which of the following is a high-risk situation where your job might be at risk for workplace violence?

all of the above

Forced ranking systems, like that established by General Electric

can carry the danger of lawsuits because of equal employment opportunity concerns with employees rated

A group where there is a great deal of camaraderie is a group experiencing


Though no conflict handling style is perfect, which style seems to be the most effective in many different situations?


Which of the following is a key property of a team?

collaborative action

Ned and Michael are managers of two different departments at Beckett Corporation. The two have not gotten along well over the years. Yesterday the two attended a budget meeting for the new fiscal year. Both wanted more funding for their departments. When the finance vice president suggested an increase for Ned¿s department, Michael became quite agitated and made a number of accusations about the nature of the numbers that Ned had used to support his position. After the meeting, Michael cornered the finance vice president in his office and continued his spiel on why his department deserved the extra funding but Ned¿s did not. What style of conflict handling does Michael exhibit?


When reinforcers follow all examples of positive behavior you are using a __________ ___________ of reinforcement

continuous schedule

Maslow's theory of motivation suggests

employee needs are ordered

Which was the most stressful job in America in 2013 according to Forbes magazine?

enlisted military personnel

Symptoms of too much cohesion include

failures are blamed on external factors.

Jason received the sales report and noted how badly the southern sector performed. As he prepared the a presentation for the weekly executive meeting, Jason decided to focus his remarks on the northern and western sectors, which had record sales levels, and refrain from mentioning the southern numbers. This scenario focuses on the communication barrier of


Which of stage in Tuckman¿s group development model is characterized by the establishment of ground rules and operating procedures and goals by group participants?


Which of the following is the order Tuckman proposes for group development stages?

forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning

Olaf works on an assembly line in an Oslo factory. Last month the assembly line processes were overhauled. Olaf is still responsible for soldering electrical contacts on an appliance component, but now he is also expected to review each component for quality defects after he solders. If he notes any defects, he can place the component in the scrap bin. If he scraps five such pieces in succession, he is permitted to press an emergency button above his station, which stops the assembly line completely. This job re-design is a reflection of the _____ ______________ philosophy.

job enrichment

Which of the following is a criterion one may use in deciding whether or not to filter a message?

knowledge and perception of speaker

Which of the following psychological states has research identified as the most important for employee attitudes and behaviors?


Ariel was writing a paper at her laptop when the phone rang. She answered it but kept writing as she talked. It was a friend who needed an assignment that had been given last week. Ariel e-mailed her the assignment. A second e-mail just arrived from the friend, which said: ¿I said the assignment for Monday, this is Wednesday¿s.¿ Ariel likely made the mistake because of the _________ in her communication situation.


Which of the following statements about workplace gossip is accurate?

olitically motivated employees use the grapevine to disseminate self-promoting information in the organization

Maurice is described as ¿very curious. He has very original thoughts. He is a bright young man with a very creative flair.¿ Maurice exhibits the personality trait of ____________.


Which of the following factors is considered a major predictor of organizational citizenship behaviors?

positive work attitudes

All of the following are actions those who perceive inequity can undertake to "balance the scales" EXCEPT

produce higher quality work

Research indicates that effective organizations tend to

provide training and other developmental opportunities to employees

Facing contradictory demands at work is a form of

role conflict

Which of the following is a hygiene factor in Herzberg¿s theory of motivation?


The personal filtering of what we see and hear so as to suit our own needs is

selective perception

Norms refer to

shared expectations about how things operate within a group or team.

Jennifer has been very emphatic in her comments supporting the new addition to the product line. Christopher has been equally spirited in his opposition to the new item. Gordon and Antonio seem to be leaning to Jennifer¿s perspective while Marques supports Christopher. The discussion about the product has consumed the last hour of the meeting of the marketing group. At what stage of Tuckman¿s model does this group seem to be functioning?


Jennifer strongly dislikes her next-door neighbors, yet every time she sees them she stops to pleasantly chat with them for a few moments. Jennifer is engaging in

surface acting.

Active listening involves

taking time to understand the points being made.

What job would be best suited for someone with a high need for affiliation?


Interactional justice is

the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness and dignity in interpersonal interactions.

Skill variety refers to

the extent to which the job requires a person to utilize multiple high level skill

Mediation refers to

the process where a third party enters the situation with the goal of assisting the parties to reach an agreement.

Role ambiguity refers to

vagueness in relation to job responsibilities

Praising the employee occasionally when the person shows up on time is an example of _________ _________ of reinforcement.

variable ratio

Characteristics of cohesive groups include which of the following?

working together on a meaningful task.

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