Micro Exam 2

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The burden of a tax falls more heavily on the buyers in a market when

demand is inelastic and supply is elastic.

If consumers always spend 15 percent of their income on food, then the income elasticity of demand for food is


Suppose that at a price of €30 per month, there are 30,000 subscribers to cable television in Small Town. If Small Town Cablevision raises its price to €40 per month, the number of subscribers will fall to 20,000. Using the midpoint method for calculating the elasticity, what is the price elasticity of demand for cable TV in Small Town?


A binding price ceiling creates


A price ceiling set below the equilibrium price causes a surplus.


A price floor in a market always creates a surplus in that market.


A €10 tax on football boots will always raise the price that the buyers pay for football boots by €10.


An advance in technology that shifts the market supply curve to the right always increases total revenue received by producers.


If a demand curve is linear, the price elasticity of demand is constant along it.


A 10 per cent increase in the minimum wage is more likely to raise unemployment among teenage workers than among mid-career professional workers


A price ceiling that is not a binding constraint today could cause a shortage in the future if demand were to increase and raise the equilibrium price above the fixed price ceiling.


A price floor set above the equilibrium price is a binding constraint.


A tax collected from buyers has an equivalent impact to a same size tax collected from sellers.


The demand for tyres should be more inelastic than the demand for Michelin brand tyres.


If elasticity income is greater than 0 it is

a normal good

If elasticity income is greater than 0 but less than 1 it is

an inelastic normal good

Luxuries have

elastic demands

Necessities have

inelastic demands

Which of the following statements is true if the government places a price ceiling on petrol at €1.50 per litre and the equilibrium price is €1.00 per litre?

A significant increase in the demand for petrol could cause the price ceiling to become a binding constraint.

Which of the following workers would be most likely to find it more difficult to get a job after a rise in the minimum wage rate?

A teenage worker with few qualifications.

If the cross-price elasticity of demand between two goods is positive, the goods are likely to be complements.


If the equilibrium price of petrol is €1.00 per litre and the government places a price ceiling on petrol of €1.50 per litre, the result will be a shortage of petrol.


If the quantity demanded of a good is sensitive to a change in the price of that good, demand is said to be price inelastic.


The demand for a necessity such as petrol tends to be elastic.


The demand for aspirin over one month should be more elastic than the demand for aspirin over one year.


The government can choose to place the burden of a tax on the buyers in a market by collecting the tax from the buyers rather than the sellers.


The price elasticity of demand is defined as the percentage change in the price of that good divided by the percentage change in quantity demanded of that good.


When we use the model of supply and demand to analyse a tax collected from the buyers, we shift the demand curve upward by the size of the tax.


A tax creates a tax wedge between a buyer and a seller. This causes the price paid by the buyer to rise, the price received by the seller to fall, and the quantity sold to fall.


If medicine is a necessity, the burden of a tax on medicine will probably fall more heavily on the buyers of medicine.


If the demand for a good is price inelastic, an increase in its price will increase total revenue in that market.


If the income elasticity of demand for a bus ride is negative, then a bus ride is an inferior good.


If the price elasticity of supply for blue jeans is 1.3, an increase in the price of blue jeans of 10 percent would increase the quantity supplied of blue jeans by 13 percent.


The income elasticity of demand for luxury items, such as diamonds, tends to be large (greater than 1).


The price elasticity of supply tends to be more inelastic as the firm's production facility reaches maximum capacity.


The shortage of housing caused by a binding rent control is likely to be more severe in the long run when compared to the short run.


The supply of cars for this week is likely to be more price inelastic than the supply of cars for this year.


The ultimate burden of a tax falls most heavily on the side of the market that is less elastic.


Which of the following would cause a demand curve for a good to be price inelastic?

The good is a necessity.

Suppose the equilibrium price for apartments is €500 per month and the government imposes rent controls of €250. Which of the following is unlikely to occur as a result of the rent controls?

The quality of apartments will improve.

Which of the following statements about a binding price ceiling is true?

The shortage created by the price ceiling is greater in the long run than in the short run.

If elasticity income is greater than 1 it is

a superior good or elastic normal

Which of the following takes place when a tax is placed a good?

an increase in the price buyers pay, a decrease in the price sellers receive, and a decrease in the quantity sold

If elasticity income is less than 0 it is

an inferior good

If the income elasticity of demand for a good is negative, it must be

an inferior good.

For a price ceiling to be a binding constraint on the market, the government must set it

below the equilibrium price.

If the cross-price elasticity between two goods is negative, the two goods are likely to be


Within the supply and demand model, a tax collected from the buyers of a good shifts the

demand curve downward by the size of the tax per unit.

The burden of a tax falls more heavily on the sellers in a market when

demand is elastic and supply is inelastic.

A decrease in supply (shift to the left) will increase total revenue in that market if

demand is price inelastic.

If consumers think that there are very few substitutes for a good, then

demand would tend to be price inelastic.

If demand is linear (a straight line), then price elasticity of demand is

elastic in the upper portion and inelastic in the lower portion.

For which of the following products would the burden of a tax likely fall more heavily on the sellers?


A tax placed on a good that is a necessity for consumers will likely generate a tax burden that

falls more heavily on buyers.

If supply is price inelastic, the value of the price elasticity of supply must be

less than 1

A tax of €1.00 per litre on petrol

places a tax wedge of €1.00 between the price the buyers pay and the price the sellers receive.

If a small percentage increase in the price of a good greatly reduces the quantity demanded for that good, the demand for that good is

price elastic.

If there is excess capacity in a production facility, it is likely that the firm's supply curve is

price elastic.

In general, a flatter demand curve is more likely to be

price elastic.

In general, a steeper supply curve is more likely to be

price inelastic.

Technological improvements in agriculture that shift the supply of agricultural commodities to the right tend to

reduce total revenue to farmers as a whole because the demand for food is inelastic.

A price floor

sets a legal minimum on the price at which a good can be sold.

Within the supply and demand model, a tax collected from the sellers of a good shifts the

supply curve upward by the size of the tax per unit.

Which of the following is an example of a price floor?

the minimum wage

The price elasticity of demand is defined as

the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a good divided by the percentage change in the price of that good.

If a supply curve for a good is price elastic, then

the quantity supplied is sensitive to changes in the price of that good.

Which side of the market is more likely to lobby government for a price floor?

the sellers

When a tax is collected from the buyers in a market,

the tax burden on the buyers and sellers is the same as an equivalent tax collected from the sellers.

The demand for which of the following is likely to be the most price inelastic?


If an increase in the price of a good has no impact on the total revenue in that market, demand must be

unit price elastic.

The minimum wage helps all teenagers because they receive higher wages than they would otherwise.


Using the midpoint method to calculate elasticity, if an increase in the price of pencils from €0.10 to €0.20 reduces the quantity demanded from 1000 pencils to 500 pencils, then the demand for pencils is unit price elastic.


Which of the following statements about the burden of a tax is correct?

The distribution of the burden of a tax is determined by the relative elasticities of supply and demand and is not determined by legislation.

The surplus caused by a binding price floor will be greatest if

both supply and demand are elastic.

If a fisherman must sell all of his daily catch before it spoils for whatever price he is offered, once the fish are caught the fisherman's price elasticity of supply for fresh fish is


Suppose that at a price of €30 per month, there are 30,000 subscribers to cable television in Small Town. If Small Town Cablevision raises its price to €40 per month, the number of subscribers will fall to 20,000. At which of the following prices does Small Town Cablevision earn the greatest total revenue?

€30 per month

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