Micro Lecture CH 1-5 Exam 1 2023

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The first cells appeared about ______ billion years ago.


The size of a eukaryotic cell ribosome is ______.


The Dutch merchant who made and used quality magnifying lenses to see and record microorganisms was _____.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

What three components comprise the flagellum, extending from the cytoplasm to the exterior of the cell?

Basal body, hook, filament

Which structure protects bacteria from being phagocytized by white blood cells?


Which organelle is found in algae but not found in protozoa or fungi?


Which order below reflects the correct procedure for Gram staining?

Crystal violet-iodine-alcohol/acetone-safranin

Viral nucleic acids include which of the following?

Double-stranded DNA Single-stranded DNA Double-stranded RNA Single-stranded RNA

Which of the following is not associated with every virus?


An organelle that is a stack of flattened, membranous sacs and functions to receive, modify, and package proteins for cell secretion is the ________.

Golgi apparatus

Which of the following is a type of cytopathic effect?

Inclusions in the nucleus Multinucleated giant cells Inclusions in the cytoplasm Cells change shape

Which of the following is not a characteristic of bacteria?

Its DNA is wrapped around histones.

The surgeon who advocated using disinfectants on hands and in the air prior to surgery was _____.

Joseph Lister

Which of the following is a unique characteristic of viruses that distinguishes them from the other major groups of microorganisms?

Lack cell structure

Which of the following is not a human use of microorganisms?

Manufacturing copper wire

Which of the following is not considered a microorganism?


Which of the following is not a function of the eukaryote glycocalyx?


Who developed a rabies vaccine by separating bacteria from virus using a filter?


Which scientist showed that anthrax was caused by the bacterium, Bacillus anthracis?

Robert Koch

Which scientific field is involved in the identification, classification, and naming of organisms?


Which of the following is not a typical capsid shape?


Which group of microorganisms is composed only of hereditary material wrapped in a protein covering?


Which organelle contains cristae where enzymes and electron carriers for aerobic respiration are found?

Which organelle contains cristae where enzymes and electron carriers for aerobic respiration are found?

The _____ stain is used to stain and differentiate Mycobacterium and Nocardia from other bacteria.


Protists include ______.

algae and protozoa

The term that refers to flagella at both poles is _______.


All of the following pertain to virus envelopes except ________.

are located between the capsid and nucleic acid

All microorganisms are best defined as organisms that ______.

are too small to be seen with the unaided eye

The two functions of bacterial appendages are ________.

attachment and motility

A flagellum is anchored into the bacterial cell envelope by its _______.

basal body

Using microbes to detoxify a site contaminated with heavy metals is an example of _____.


Viruses ________.

cannot be seen in a light microscope

A(n) _______ is the protein shell around the nucleic acid core of a virus.


Helical and icosahedral are terms used to describe the shapes of a virus ______.


Virus capsids are made from subunits called ______.


Peptidoglycan is a unique macromolecule found in bacterial _______.

cell walls

When a eukaryotic cell is not undergoing mitosis, the DNA and its associated proteins appear as a visible network of dark fibers called the _____.


Bacterial cells could have any of the following appendages except _______.


Taxonomy does not involve _____.

common name

The microorganisms that recycle nutrients by breaking down dead matter and wastes are called _____.


The core of every virus particle always contains _____.

either DNA or RNA

The cell's series of tunnel-like membranes functioning in transport and storage are the _______.

endoplasmic reticulum

The cell _______ can be composed of three layers: the cytoplasmic membrane, the cell wall, and the outer membrane.


The short, numerous appendages used by some bacterial cells for adhering to surfaces are called _______.


Chitin is a chemical component of the cell walls of ______.


When humans manipulate the genes of microorganisms, the process is called _____.

genetic engineering

During the Gram stain, ______ cells decolorize when the alcohol is applied.


A bacterial cell wall that has primarily peptidoglycan with small amounts of teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid is _______.


Sterility refers to ______.

having an absence of any life forms and viral particles

Viruses attach to their hosts via ________.

host glycoproteins

Host cells of viruses include ________.

humans and other animals plants and fungi bacteria protozoa and algae

One of the principal capsid shapes is a 20-sided figure with 12 evenly spaced corners referred to as a(n) _______ capsid.


The term that refers to the presence of a tuft of flagella emerging from the same site is _______.


A(n) _______ originates from the Golgi apparatus as one type of vesicle that contains a variety of enzymes for intracellular digestion.


Viruses have all the following except ________.


Living things ordinarily too small to be seen with the unaided eye are termed _____.


There are nine peripheral pairs and one central pair of _______ found inside eukaryotic flagella and cilia.


The eukaryotic cell's glycocalyx is ________.

mostly polysaccharide

Chemotaxis refers to the ability to ________.

move in response to a chemical

A naked virus has only a(n) _____.


The site for ribosomal RNA synthesis is the ______.


In general, most DNA viruses multiply in the host cell's _______, while most RNA viruses multiply in the host cell's _______.

nucleus; cytoplasm

Helminths are _____.

parasitic worms

Disease-causing microorganisms are called _____.


The term that refers to the presence of flagella over the cell surface is _______.


The passageways in the nuclear envelope for movement of substances to and from the nucleus and cytoplasm are called nuclear ________.


Movement of a cell toward a chemical stimulus is termed _______.

positive chemotaxis

Cells, like bacteria and archaea, that do not have a nucleus in their cells have traditionally been called _____.


Histones are ________.

proteins associated with DNA in the nucleus

Cell walls are not usually found in _____.


Cilia are structures for motility found primarily in _____.


Viral spikes ________.

protrude from the envelope

Viruses acquire envelopes around their nucleocapsids during _____.


The most prevalent worldwide infectious diseases are _____.

respiratory diseases

The transfer of genes during bacterial conjugation involves rigid, tubular appendages called _______.

sex pili

The eukaryote cell membrane is composed of ______.

sterols proteins phospholipids cholesterol

The first primitive eukaryotic cells likely evolved from ______.

the last common ancestor

Host range is limited by ________.

type of host cell receptors on cell membrane

Protists with contractile vacuoles ________.

use them to expel excess water from the cell

The outcome of the Gram stain is based on differences in the cell's _______.


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