Microagression Tutorial

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3 types of microaggressions

- microassaults -microinsults -microinvalidations

Latent messages of use of heterosexist language/invalidation of sexual orientation

-heterosexual experience is universal -there is no such thing as being bi-/a-/homo- (etc) sexual

Why might some people deny the severity of microaggressions?

-high psychological distance -high ambiguity surrounding actions, intent, and actual harm -need to preserve ego/self-identity; incompatible political/ideological identity; cognitive distortion/constriction -cultural norms -feelings of powerlessness & injustice themselves

What can be done about microaggressions?

-make the invisible visible -define, recognise, & deconstruct the hidden messages in microaggressions -act appropriately if ever called out

Latent messages of second-class citizen microaggression

-people of colour/women are servants to Whites/males; they couldnt possibly occupy high-status positions

Latent messages of ascription of intelligence, skill, & physical attributes

-people with X identity are less intelligent/skillful etc, or have certain specific abilities

Latent messages of invalidation of illness/disability severity microaggression

-you are not in control of how others perceive you -your struggles are not serious

Latent messages of ascription of blame

-you are the cause of your misfortune -you deserved this

Latent messages of assumption of sexual abnormality/pathology microaggression

-you are too sexual -you are a sexual predator -you are dangerous to straight people

Latent messages of objectification/tokenism

-your appearance is for the enjoyment, fascination, or benefit of others -your defining characteristic is your appearance/ethnicity/disability etc -you do not belong

Latent messages of assumption of abnormality microaggression

-your sexuality/appearance is weird & different -your sexuality/appearance is immoral -you should keep yourself/your displays of affection private because they are uncomforting/offensive

Microassaults generally only occur when perpetrator:

1. loses control 2. feels relatively safe to express normally frowned-upon behaviour


Brief & commonplace daily verbal, behavioural, and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative slights & insults to the target person or group

Latent messages of traditional gender role prejudicing & stereotyping microaggression

Childbearing is a woman's primary purpose, gay men/women should act more masculine/feminine

When a perpetrator is condemned from exhibiting microassault, they usually blame what?

Extraordinary circumstances or external forces

Pathologizing cultural values/communication styles

Notion that the values and communication styles of the dominant/White culture are ideal

Second-Class citizen microagression

Occurs when a target group member receives differential treatment from the power group

Traditional gender role prejudicing & stereotyping microaggression

Occurs when expectations of traditional roles or stereotypes are conveyed

Assumption of abnormality microaggression

Occurs when it is implied that there is something wrong with being LGBTQIA+, with having a disability, with looking a certain way, etc


Occurs when people are objectified or treated as tokens

Sexual objectification & exoticisation microagression

Occurs when women or people of colour are treated as though they were objects at others' (usually men's) disposal

Latent messages of myth of meritocracy

People in this marginalised demographic are given unfair benefits because of their identity

Myth of Meritocracy

Statements that assert that race or gender does not play a role in life success

Ascription of intelligence, skill, & physical attributes

When a person is presumed to have certain traits/intelligence based on their race, gender, socioeconomic status, or mental illness

Ascription of Blame

When it is implied that victims of violence, assault, misfortune, prejudice, etc. are at fault for what has happened to them

Latent messages of pathologizing cultural values/communication styles

Your cultural identity is not professional/acceptable, and leave your cultural baggage behind

Latent messages of sexual objectification & exoticisation microaggression

Your primary purpose is to serve/gratify men/others, your body is not yours


communications that convey stereotypes, rudeness and insensitivity and demean a person's racial heritage


conscious, deliberate, and either subtle or explicit verbal or nonverbal derogations of a person's group identity.

Invalidation of illness/disability severity

occurs when illness or disability is misunderstood or trivalised

Assumption of sexual abnormality/pathology

people of colour, people with disabilities, and/or LGBQ+ persons are presumed to be overly sexual, sexual deviants, or likely to commit sexual assault

use of heterosexist language/invalidation of sexual orientation

terms that exclude or degrade LGBQA+ persons

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