Middle Ages Quizlet

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A single church


An act assigned by a priest for penace


Asking for forgiveness

List the sacraments of the Catholic faith.

Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penace, Extremem unction, Holy orders, Matrimony

Who began the first order of monks in Western Europe in 529 at Monte Cassino in Italy?

Benedict of Nursia


Bound to the land, traded manual labor for housing and protection

List three accomplishments of Charlemagne

Built schools for priests, Expanded the empire, Spread Christianity

What area of Charlamagne's empire did Lothair recieve?

Central territories into modern italy

Pepin the Short

Declared King of the Franks by the grace of God by the pope

Charles Martel

Defeated the Islam in 732 at the battle of Tours

Sorrow (contrition))

Formally Apologize

Where did the Franks settle? (modern day)


Where did the Magyars come from, and what did they conquer?

From Middle east, conquered Northern italy

Where did the Muslims come from and what did they conquer?

From Northern Africa, Conquered Spain

Where did the Vikings come from, and what did they conquer?

From scandinavia, conquered tributary states to the east

What area of Charlamagne's empire did Louis the german recieve?

German-speaking tribes

Confession (priest)

Go to a priest and confess your sins


Greatest frankish king, father of modern europe


Group of diocese

What was the Merovingian Dynasty?

First of the Frankish dynasties, Basically kings that did nothing



Holy Orders

Someone becomes a Clergy

Who were the missi dominici?

Spies of the king who observed what was going in the counties and reported back to him

What was the punishment of excommunication?

You lose your right to preform the sacraments, loosing your religious favor

Lay investiture

appointment of religious officials by kings or nobles


banned from the church


one who believes in the Roman Catholic Church


religious officials


the action of formally investing a person with honors or rank, the vassal receives land from the lord (usually becomes a knight)


the chief bishop responsible for an archdiocese.

What was the difference between freeman and serfs?

A freeman was a peasant who was a skilled laborer who had more freedoms than the Serfs did


A group of parishes

What is feudalism?

A political, economic and social system based on loyalty and military service.

What does Charlamagne mean?

Charles the great



Mayor of the Palace (Major Domo)

Did all of the kings tasks

Carolingian Dynasty

Dynasty founded by Pepin the short

What did Pope Leo III name Charlemagne in 800?

Emperor of the Romans


In charge of a parish

How did Charlemagne organize his empire?

Into counties ruled by counts

What were two types of activities that were part of tournaments that were held for knights?

Jousting and archery

Papal States

Lands owned by the pope and protected by the franks

Donation of Pepin

Lands won from the lombards given by pepin the short to the pope

Canon law

Law of the Church

List five Germanic tribes who settled in old Western Roman lands.

Lombards, Visiogoths,Franks, Angles, Saxons


Military Leaders

What three groups were problematic from the late 800s into the early 900s?

Muslims, Magyars, Vikings

Describe how the two field system worked on a manor

One field was growing crops. The other field lies fallow until the next planting season to recover its fertility

Petrine theory

Peter was the first Pope appointed by Jesus and built the church up

What does fallow mean?

Plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation or to avoid surplus production.

What was the church court that was established around 1232 to find and eliminate heretics?

The Inquisition


The official decision to become a member of the church


The selling of church offices

What was the role of the manor in a feudal society?

They were the self sufficient centers of economic life, provided protection and homes for the vast majority of people

Describe the threefield system on a manor.

They would plant crops in 2 fields, one in the spring and one of the fall leaving the third field open.

What treaty was agreed to in 843 that divided Charlemagne's empire?

Treaty of Verdun

Pepin II

Unified more kingdoms, Increased the power of mayor of the palace


United frankish tribes, Started the merovingian dynasty, adopts Christianity


Warrior on horseback who promised to defend his lord's land in exchange for a fief, could be lord or vassals


Washing away original sin

What area of Charlamagne's empire did Charles the bald recieve?

Western territories


a person believing in or practicing religious heresy (going against church teaching)


a religious act or action that gains the person religious favor by simply performing the act or action


a senior member of the Christian clergy, usually in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders.


a young (age 14-21) knight in training


a young boy (age 7-13) who stays with a knight to learn


ceremony in which loyalty is pledged to a lord

What was the Inquisition?

church court that was established to find and give heretics forgiveness

What was an interdiction or an interdict?

closes all churches in a King (lord)'s land


code of behavior for knights, stressing ideals such as courage, loyalty, and devotion (Christianity)


head of an abbey of monks

lay investiture

kings and nobles appointed church officials


land granted by a lord to a vassal

Extreme Unction

last rites


leader of the Roman Catholic Church


person receiving a fief from a lord, fought for lord to get land

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