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Bartolome de Las Cases asserted that the Indians A. had human rights B. had a unique vulture that should be respected C. should be denied protection unless they embraced Christianity D. were creatures of Satan who could not be converted or trusted


French foreign policy under Cardinal Richelieu focused primarily on the A. prevention of the Habsburgs from unifying the territories surrounding France B. destruction of English naval power


How did the introduction of Ptolemy's Geography mislead European cartographers? A. Ptolemy asserted that the world was much smaller than it actually is, indicating that Asia was not far removed from Europe to the west. B. Ptolemy indicated that Africa had no southern end and could not offer a route to Asia, leading Europeans to explore westward


In which of the following ways did Charles VII of France expand his authority A. He expelled the English from all French soil except Calais B. He eliminated nobles' militias and troops C. He eliminated papal authority in French cities D. He suppressed peasant revolts by placing troops throughout his dominion


Italian humanists stressed the A. study of the classics for what they could reveal about human nature B. study of the classics in order to understand the divine nature of God


Louis XIV selected councilors from the A. newly ennobled or upper middle class B. military commanders


Luther viewed celibacy as A. opposed to human nature and God's commandments B. the ideal act of spiritual devotion C. Required for all Lutheran pastors D. a gift only the spiritually mature could enjoy


Luther's ideas about Roman exploitation of Germany A. appealed to the national sentiment of German princes B. were met with dismay by the ruling elite C. led to administrative reform in the empire D. found an audience only among the peasantry


On the Iberian Peninsula, what was the social position of African slaves? A. They intermingles with the people they lived among and sometimes intermarried with them B. They were socially segregated as a lesser class lacking any rights


The Reformation in England was primarily the result of A. the dynastic and romantic concerns of Henry VIII B. the missionary activity of the Lollards C. the terrible conditions then existing in the English churches D. efforts by Luther and his followers


The dissolution of the English monasteries A. resulted from Henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth B. resulted in a more equitable distribution of land C. deeply disturbed the English upper classes D. was the result of rebellious activities by the monks


What European nation- with the help of Genoese financiers, merchants, and navigators- initiated an exploration along the Atlantic Coast of Africa in search of new sources of gold, silver, and copper? A. Portugal B. France


What changes around 1300 permitted a significant expansion in the movement of goods? A. Improvements in ship design permitted year-round sailing B. The end of knightly warfare permitted trade to develop along peaceful, secure trade routes. C. The development of fixed currency of known value gave merchants greater ability to negotiate prices. D. Expansion of banking houses allowed merchants to draw on credit more effectively


What was the typical goal of a woman pursuing a charge of rape? A. to restore her honorable reputation B. to gain financial compensation C. to punish her perpetrator D. to prove her innocence to the church


Which of the following best characterizes the Renaissance idea of virtu? A. The ability to shape the world around oneself according to one's will B. The expression of perfection in the life lived in balance and simplicity C. Moral goodness as set out in the Christian Scriptures


Which of the following was a major motivation from European exploration? A. Desire for material profit B. Fear of invasion from the Americas C. Fear of invasion from China D. Desire to escape from the Black Death


Who was Prester John? A. A mythical Christian king in Africa believed to be a descendant of one of the three kings who visited Jesus after his birth B. A member of the Portuguese ruling family who helped to organize voyages of exploration and trade down the African coast C. An English sea captain who discovered a series of islands off the coast of Africa where slave trading and sugar cultivation were developed


Why did Elizabeth I have her cousin and heir Mary, Queen of Scots, executed? A. Mary became implicated in a plot to assassinate Elizabeth B. To demonstrate the consequences of supporting Catholicism


According to his agreement with the Spanish crown, what rewards would Columbus receive if he found a water route to Asia? A. He would be given a noble title and one-half of the revenues of his journey B. He would be named viceroy over any territories he discovered and receive one-tenth of the national rewards of the journey


How did Frederick William the Great Elector of Prussia persuade the Junker nobility to accept taxation without consent in order to fund the army? A. He confirmed the Junkers' privileges, including their authority over the serfs B. He permitted the Junkers to seize church lands as compensation


How did French colonies respond to the problem of the low migration DIFF: Levels from France? A. Convicted criminals in France were sentenced to relocate to the colonies B. Colonial officials encouraged French traders to form ties with and marry native women


How did Luther benefit from his appearance before the HRE Charles V at the Diet of Worms? A. Luther obtained permission to continue to call for reform as long as he remained loyal to papal authority B. Luther gained a larger audience for his reform ideas, and others began to challenge the church's teachings and practices


How did Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe affect Spanish colonization? A. The possibility of Asian trade led the Spanish to focus on developing its western colonies in the Americas so that it would be easy to travel on to Asia B. The great distance of the Pacific convinced the Spanish to abandon efforts to trade in Asia and develop their American colonies instead C. The difficult waters of the Strait of Magellan led Spain to focus on developing its colonies in the eastern parts of the Americas


How did Pico della Mirandola understand the uniqueness of humankind? A. As creatures in the image of God, humans were superior to the rest of creation, including the angels and other heavenly beings B. Humans, lacking a fixed placed, were the one part of the created world that could freely choose to rise to the heavens or sink into the realm of animals C. Lacking a specific role in God's creation, humans were actually below animals but had the potential for greatness denied to animals


How did the William Laud, the archbishop of Canterbury, create conflict in Britain in the 1630s? A. He launched a purge against the remaining Catholics in England, seeking to force them to flee to Ireland. B. He saught to impose a new prayer book modeled on the Anglican Book of Common Prayer on Presbyterian Scotland


How did the closing of the monasteries and convents affect upper-class women? A. Upper-class women were freed from the numerous restraints of convent life B. Marriage became virtually the only occupation for upper-class women C. Upper-class women were able to participate in art and literature, which were denied to them in the convent


How did the princes of Moscow seek to legitimize their authority as rulers of an independent state? A. They adopted French coronation ritual B. They modeled their rule on the Mongol khans


In chronological order, what were the three successive commercial empires established by Europeans in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries? A. The Spanish, French, Dutch B. The Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch C. The English, Spanish, French


In music, the baroque style reached its culmination in the work of A. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart B. Johann Sebastian Bach C. Frederic Chopin


The Concordat of Bologna, between Francis I of France and Pope Leo X, gave the French monarch the authority to A. administer monasteries in Italy B. select bishops and abbots C. select the pope D. administer Italian city-states


The Tudor Henry VII of England won broad, popular support by A. reforming the church B. promoting peace and social order at the local level C. restricting the wages of the working classes


The highly infectious nature of the plague was enhanced by A. an influx of peasants seeking medical care. B. urban congestion and lack of sanitation C. the total absence of healthcare facilities D. starving peasants' consumption of black rats


The primary cause of the English Glorious Revolution was A. A conflict between Charles II and Parliament over taxation B. a fear of the establishment of Catholic absolutism by James II C. defeat suffered in the War of the Spanish Succession


Typically, French classicism A. challenged existing concepts concerning art B. presented subject matter associated with classical antiquity C. had little support from the royal government


What aided Martin Luther as his call for reform emerged? A. Luther did not need political support and, therefore, was able to develop his ideas without political interference B. Luther understood the power of the new printing press and authorized the publication of his works C. Luther led a unified reform movement that was able to coordinate its actions in several different territories and kingdoms


What did Columbus believe he had found when he arrived in the Caribbean? A. Islands off the coast of India B. Islands off the coast of Japan C. New, unexpected lands D. Islands in the middle of the Atlantic


What is the name given to French Protestants? A. Augustinians B. Huguenots C. Jesuits D. Carmelites


What mistaken belief did the Count-Duke of Olivares hold that brought disaster to Spain? A. Spain must ally with England in order to establish naval domination of the Atlantic and secure access to trade routes B. Spain must return to the imperial tradition of the sixteenth century in order to solve its economic and political difficulties C. Spain must secure peace with all of its neighbors in order to reduce the expenses borne by the royal treasury


What was the outcome of the heightened central control established by absolutists and constitutional governments? A. reduced taxation growth in armed forces B. smaller and less expensive bureaucracies


What was theologian John Wyclif's main argument? A. The conciliar movement was heretical B. scripture alone should determine church belief and practice C. popes should be elected by all member of the clergy


What were Lutheran and Calvinist attitudes toward secular rulers? A. Lutherans and Calvinists believed that secular rulers must be obeyed and respected no matter what their religious beliefs B. Lutherans taught respect for authority while Calvinists encouraged opposition to political authorities who were considered ungodly C. Lutherans taught opposition to ungodly leaders while Calvinists taught obedience to all secular authorities D. Lutherans and Calvinists believed that secular leaders who violated the laws of nature must be opposed, while all others must be obeyed


Who was the wealthy Florentine responsible for the vast patronage of Renaissance artists? A. Cesare Borgia B. Cosimo de Medici C. Giovanni Sforza D. Gerolama Orsini


Within the Ottoman government, who staffed the top DIFF: Levels of bureaucracy? A. The royal family B. The sultan's slave corps C. Islamic religious officials


Cardinal Jules Maarin's struggle to increase royal revenues to meet the cost of war led to the uprisings of 1648-53 known as the A. Jacquerie B. Vendee C. Fronde D. Levee en masse


Confraternities were part of a movement in which A. nuns were authorized to perform the sacraments in regions in which no priest resided B. monks left monasteries in order to serve parishes without regular priests C. laymen and laywomen increasingly took control of parish affairs


How did the nature of armed forces change in the latter half of the seventeenth century? A. Gunpowder technologies were used for the first time in field operations B. Improvement in artillery made the use of cavalry obsolete C. Army officers became obedient to monarchs instead of serving their own interests


In terms of gender relations, Renaissance humanists argued that A. men and women were equals in intellectual pursuits B. the status of women had improved since the Middle Ages C. women's sphere of activity was private and domestic


In terms of gender relations, Renaissance humanists argued that A. men and women were equals in intellectual pursuits B. the status of women had improved since the Middle Ages C. women's sphere of activity was private and domestic


In the Netherlands, tensions were always present between supporters of the staunchly republican Estates and supporters of A. the Stuarts B. the Hohenzollerns C. the House of Orange D. the Bourbons


John Calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believes it would A. undermine the idea of human sinfulness B. eliminate the idea of the divine right of kings C. detract from the sovereignty of God


The Pilgrimage of Grace attested to A. the continued strength of Catholicism in Southern Europe B. the popularity of John Calvin C. popular opposition, in northern England, to Henry VIII's reformation D. popular support of Luther in his conflict with the pope


The Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis ended the conflict known as the A. Wars of the Roses B. Hundred Years' War C. Habsburg-Valois Wars D. Thirty Years' War


The final collapse of Spain as a great military power was symbolized by the defeat at the Battle of Rocroi and the resulting Treaty of A. Utrecht B. the White Mountain C. the Pyrenees D. Westphalia


The guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies was A. reform of the church B. a belief in decentralization C. the subordination of all institutions to the monarchy


The most important factor in the emergence of the Italian Renaissance was the A. decline of religious feeling B. political disunity of Italy C. great commercial revival in Italy D. creation of powerful, centralized monarchies


What did the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre lead to? A. The end of Protestant power in France B. New efforts to bring civil order to France C. lengthy civil war D. An international peace conference


What group of people benefited the most from large price increases in the sixteenth century? A. the nobility B. the urban working class C. the middle class D. the upper-DIFF: level clergy


What individuals believed the merging of Christian and classical traditions could provide reform for the church and deepen the spiritual lives of people? A. Patricians B. Conversos C. Christian humanists D. Jacobites


What were the achievements of the Avignon popes before the Great Schism? A. The established political dominance throughout Italy and established a bureaucracy to govern the region B. They established direct papal control over the monastic orders and their clerical wealth C. They reformed the financial administration of the church and centralized its government


Which of the following characterizes the English Revolution of 1688? A. The revolution restored the monarchy after the disastrous era of Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate B. The revolution secured equal rights for all Christians, including Catholics C. The revolution did not constitute a democratic revolution since sovereignty was placed in the parliament, which only represented the upper class


Which of the following did Francesco Petrarch believe? A. A new era would dawn as writers stripped Christianity of the classical Roman influences that had polluted the church's teachings B. The writers of ancient Greece had reached a perfection in literature and philosophy that the writers of ancient Rome had corrupted C. The recovery of classical texts would bring about a new golden age of intellectual achievement D. The barbarian invaders had brought a new, vigorous energy to Western culture that needed to be integrated into the classical tradition


Which of the following was one of the central components of the Italian Renaissance? A. Christian humility B. A concern for the improvement of society in general C. A glorification of individual genius D. The attempt to use art to educate the urban masses


Why did Jan Hus gain so many followers? A. His attack on the political power of monasteries and the wealth of clergy resonated with many people who were angry over the behavior of the clergy during the Black Death B. His attack on indulgences and papal offers of remission of sins resonated with many people who resented the costs of the Crusades C. His attack on papal authority and his call for the translation of the Bible into Czech resonated with many people who opposed to the church's wealth and were experiencing an emerging Czech nationalism


After his victory in 1709 at Poltava, Peter the Great built a new, Western-style city on the Baltic called A. Narva B. Moscow C. Leningrad D. St. Petersburg


France supported the Protestant princes of Germany in order to A. spread Protestantism B. prevent English influence from increasing in Germany C. contain Protestantism east of the Rhine D. prevent Charles V from increasing his power


How did English colonies differ from other major European colonies in their treatment of African women? A. Colonial officials encouraged English men to marry and father children with slave women in order to increase the population of the colonies B. African slave women were banned from English colonies for fear that they would seduce English men C. Colonial law required that children born of Englishmen and African women be sent out of the colony D. English masters rarely freed the children that they fathered with female slaves


How did famines affect the European population in the seventeenth century? A. The population continued to grow despite widespread malnutrition B. Large segments of the population immigrated to the American colonies C. The population remained relatively stable as the little food available was distributed evenly to all social classes at a 'just price' D. Malnutrition made people susceptible to deadly diseases, which reduced the population significantly


How did the Peace of Utrecht resolve the problem of succession to the Spanish throne? A. The leader of the Spanish House of Alva was placed on the throne by the nobility on offering guarantees that he would protect noble rights B. The monarchy was abolished and Spain declared a republic C. The German Habsburg Duke of Austria was placed on the throne after the death of his cousin, the Spanish Habsburg Charles II D. Louis XIV of France's grandson, Philip, was placed on the French throne with the agreement that the French and Spanish thrones would never be united


How did the Spanish monarchy seek to maintain control over its colonies? A. The monarchy offered rewards and tax exemptions to settlers who informed on corrupt officials B. The monarchy established a type of military on accusations of corruption C. The monarchy established intendents with broad administrative and financial authority who were responsible directly to the monarchy


How did the choice to embrace or reject the reform movement occur in a territory or region in the HRE? A. Individual parishes selected their leaders, who would decide whether to reform the parish B. Local religious councils determined whether or not to embrace reform C. Individual priests decided whether or not to embrace the reform movement and introduce new doctrines and practices D. The political leader(s) of the territory or region determined whether to introduce reforms


In addition to reforming the church, what was the other foal of the Council of Trent? A. Eliminating the Bohemian church B. Reinforcing the power of monarchs C. Recognizing bishops as completely independent of secular rulers D. Securing reconciliation with the Protestants


In the seventeenth century, the Dutch East India Company A. established outposts in New York (New Amsterdam) and elsewhere in the Americas B handled the shipment of gold and silver bullion from Spanish America to Spain C. established bases in the Caribbean D. took over much of the East Indies from Portugal


Luther believed that the church consisted of A. the entire body of clergy B. the elect C. all those who supported his views D. a spiritual priesthood of all Christian believers


Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate was ultimately a A. popular democracy B. parliamentary government C. constitutional monarchy D. military dictatorship


One important mode of influencing public opinion, used by the English and French kings during the Hundred Years' War A. publishing broadsheets B. distributing free rain to the populace C. purchasing votes D. instructing priests to deliver patriotic sermons


The Edict of Nantes A. permitted French Huguenots to worship wherever they wished as long as they continually to pay taxes to the Catholic Church B. ordered all French Huguenots to convert to Catholicism or leave France C. required all Catholic priests in France to swear an oath of loyalty to the king D. granted French Huguenots the right to worship in 150 towns


The English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes held that A. kings ruled by divine right B. a constitutional monarchy was possible only in England C. mankind is inherently good and requires no formal government D. the power of the ruler was absolute and prevented civil war


The statute of Kilkenny attempted to A. force the Irish to move into cities and villages where the English landowners could better control and tax them B. institute a tax on Irish grazing practices so that English landlords could profit from their common lands C. protect the Irish from abuse by English landlords who instituted unauthorized fees and taxes D. maintain the ethnic purity of the English living in Ireland by preventing intermarriage or cultural assimilation


What Florentine artist was commissioned by Pope Julius II to build his tomb and paint the Sistine Chapel? A. Botticelli B. Da Vinci C. Raphael D. Michelangelo


What educational book by Baldassare Castiglione provided a treatise on training a young man in the disciplin and fashion needed for the courtly ideal of being a gentleman? A. The Prince B. Education of a Christian Prince C. Utopia D. The Courtier


What was Hernan Cortes's crucial advantage in his conquest of the Mexica Empire? A. The Mexica were awed by the Spanish technology and submitted to Cortes's will B. The Mexica mistakenly believed that Cortes was a god C. Cortes has a large, well-trained Spanish army against the untrained and poorly organized Mexica forces D. Cortes was able to exploit internal dissention within the Mexica Empire


What was the cause of the Hundred Year's War between England and France A. The French seizure of the port of Calais B. The english execution of Joan of Arc C. King Edward III of England's endorsement of Urban VI as the rightful pope D. King Philip VI of France's seizure of Aquitaine


What was the fate of most people brought before the Inquisition and accused of witchcraft? A. They were found guilty and executed B. They were found innocent and exonerated of any wrongdoing C. They were found guilty and their property seized D. They were sent home with a warning and ordered to do penance


What was the primary cause of the emergence of inflation in Spain in the sixteenth century? A. Gold and property was seized from Moors and Jews as they were forced out of Spain B. They inflow of silver from the Americas C. State debts defaulted on by the monarchy D. the inability of Spanish agriculture and manufacturing to meet the growing demand for goods


Which of the following characterizes the role of Europe in the system of world trade prior to the voyage of Columbus? A. Europe was the major western node of the trading system that produced high-quality textiles and metalwork desired by others B. Europe provided the baking and financial services that sustained the world trading system C. Europe served as the most important market for products because it produces few goods D. Europe was a minor outpost that produced few products desired by other civilizations


Which of the following identifies the term race in the Renaissance? A. groupings of people based on skin color B. groupings of people based on noble lineage C. groupings of people based on geographic origin D. Groupings of people based on ethnic, national, or religious factors


Why did a woman's work receive less compensation than a man's work? A. The traditional work associated with women was unskilled and, therefore, more widely performed B. Women were largely secluded in their homes; therefore, their work was seen as strictly domestic and not worthy of compensation C. Women did not seek to organize in guilds so that they could better influence wages and prices for their work D. It was understood that a woman was either married or to be married and, therefore, not responsible for supporting a family


Why did most ordinary Poles oppose the Lutheran reform movement? A. They were exempt from most church taxes B. They saw the Catholic Church as a counterweight to the power of the Polish monarchy C. The believed themselves specially selected by God to preserve the Catholic faith D. They held strong anti-German feelings


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