Mike Myers Network+

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Blocks the attack

routing table

Built into the router is this actual set of instructions which tell the router what to do with incoming packets and where to send them

BGP-4 (Border Gateway Protocol)

This is the glue of the Internet, connecting all of the Autonomous Systems. It is considered a hybrid routing protocol, but it's more technically a path vector routing protocol. These types of routers are manually configured, and will not go down very often.


This is the mathematical formula that underlies the cipher.


This is the number usually assigned by network administrators on the LAN-side NIC on the default gateway.


This is used by all but the smallest LANs. It allows you to set up physical computers from logical computers.

CSMA/CD ( carrier sense multiple access/collision detection)

This is used to determine which computer should use a shared cable at a given moment.


This mode of DHCP in IPv4 only passes out optional information DNS and TFTP info


This mode of DHCPv6 works like DHCP in IPv4


This network diagnosis program can order a NIC to run in promiscuous mode which causes the NIC to process all frames it sees on the cable regardless of their MAC address.


This protocol can use more bandwidth and would be used in media streaming, VoIP

RIP (Routing Information Protocol)

This protocol has a maximum hop count of 15, so your router will not talk to another router more than 15 routers away.


This protocol involves a handshake. Acknowledgement between "two people" beginning conversation where both parties respond. The same info sent is the same being received. There is a close to the conversation.

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)

This protocol is used for multicasts; Enables routers to communicate with hosts to determine a "group" membership; Class D IP address with network ID 224-239 range using a subnet mask of

TFTP ( Trivial File Transfer Protocol)

This protocol sends small files between computers - Max file size of 4GB; IntraLAN use where chances of losing data is small. Does not support authentication or encryption. No longer provided by Microsoft for security reasons.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

This protocol uses UDP on port 67 for clients sending the data to this server, and port 68 for server sending the data to these clients. The acknowledgement from the server comes with IP configuration.

NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol)

This replaces the IPv4 Address Resolution Protocol; ARP

Distance vector

This routing protocol calculates the total cost to get to a particular network ID and compare that cost to the total cost of all the other routes to get to that same network ID. Not as efficient for large networks.


This routing protocol sent out an update very 30 seconds, and caused huge network overloads. It did not know how to use variable length subnet masking; VLSM. It also had no authentication leaving them open to hackers sending false routing table information.

CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)

This takes a single class of IP addresses and chops it up into multiple smaller groups. Also called subnetting.

Stream cipher

This type of encryption takes a single bit at a time and encrypts it on the fly.


This works like any other tunnel, encapsulating one type of data into another. In this case, you are encapsulating your IPv6 traffic into an IPv4 tunnel to get an IPv6 capable router.

* Malicious programmers target IP address * IPv4 available address pool has run out * Leasing an IPv4 address is becoming more expensive.

Three problems resolved by using the Network Address Translation; NAT

Mandatory Access Control; MAC Discretionary access control; DAC Role-based access control; RBAC

Three types of access control models

Encryption; Decryption unscrambles it on the other end

To scramble, mix up, or change data in such a way the bad guys can't read it.

Point to point

Two computers connect directly together with no need for a central device of any kind.

Class A

What class is an IP if the first decimal value is between 1 and 126 with a subnet mask of

Class B

What class is an IP if the first decimal value is between 128 and 191 with a subnet mask of

Class C

What class is an IP if the first decimal value is between 192 and 223 with a subnet mask of

Class D

What class is an IP if the first decimal value is between 224 and 239?

Class E

What class is an IP if the first decimal value is between 240 and 254?

ipconfig (/all gives more information)

What command do you use win Windows to get a computer's system IP address and MAC address?


What converts Ethernet to Fiber Optic and vice versa


What creates and addresses the frame?

Version: 4 for IPv4 & 6 for IPv6

What field in the IP address packet header defines the IP address type?

Header Length

What field in the IP address packet header indicates the total size of the IP portion of the packet in words (32 bits)?

DSCP (Differentiated Service Code Point 0

What field of the IP address packet header contains data used by bandwidth-sensitive applications like VoIP?

Frame header, Packet header, Data, FCS

What information is included in a frame?

Destination IP address, Source IP address, Data

What information is stored in a packet

Dotted decimal notation

What is a shorthand way for people to discuss and configure the binary IP addresses computers use?


What is an IP addressing notation that uses a slash and is named for the method of generating blocks of IP addresses?


What is another name for segment?

Continuous broadcasting

What is disastrous to a large network and solved by IP addressing so LANs can communicate with other LANs?

Little overhead

What is one advantage of the UDP protocol?

169.254/16 ; First and last 256 addresses are reserved.

What is the APIPA address range?


What is the IP Range for Class A Private IP?

What is the IP range for Class B private IP? -

What is the IP range for a Class C private IP.

What is the Loopback IP address?

Anyone who gets a hold of the key, can encrypt or decrypt data, and it forces us to send the key to the other person.

What is the biggest weakness to Symmetric-key encryptions?


What is the de facto protocol suite of the Internet?

What is the default subnet mask for a class C network?

Check the switch to see if it's functioning. Reboot the switch.

What is the first troubleshooting thing you should do if you see a computer with an APIPA address?


What is the loopback address for IPv6?

Category 5 UTP

What is the minimum cable type specified for 100BaseTX?


What is the name of the data packaged at the Data Link layer 2 of the OSI model?


What is the name of the data packaged at the Network layer 3 of the OSI model?


What is the name of the data packaged at the Transport layer 4 of the OSI model?

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP-4)

What is the one protocol used on the Internet for communication between Autonomous Systems?


What is the size of the wavelenth used by 1000BaseLX fiber-optic cabling?


What is the term used for the passage of a packet through a router?


What is the universal MAC address for broadcast?

Transport Layer 4

What layer of the OSI Model is the assembler/disassembler software?


What makes logical addressing powerful is this tool that connect each of the subnets, uses the IP addresses not the MAC addresses.


What must bus topologies have to prevent the system from going down.

IP addressing

What overcomes limits of Ethernet MAC addresses?

modal distortion; signals sent at the same time don't arrive at the same time because the paths differ slightly in length

What problem does single-mode fiber prevent which is unique to multimode fiber?

Destination LAN IP & Subnet Mask

What two things does a router use in combination to see if a packet matches that route?

APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing)

What type of address is assigned if a computer is using DHCP and there is no DHCP server found on a network?

Multimode with ST or SC connectors

What type of fiber-optic cabling and connectors does a 100BaseFX network use?


What type of frame do cable modems use?


When a computer boots up, it sends out a router solicitation message on the multicast address looking for a router. The router hears this message and tells your computer the prefix. Once it has a prefix, the computer generates the rest of the global unicast address, and now you have a legitimate public IPv6 address. What is the multicast address?


When every computer on a LAN hears a message, you have sent a _____?

outside NIC

When the router is forwarding outside of the network, it uses what is referred to as the _______.


When you run cleartext through a cipher algorithm using a key, you get what's called ____.


Where a single computer sends a packet to a group of internet computers. Often used when routers talk to each other.

Layer 2

Where does some proprietary encryption devices fall on the OSI model?


Where one computer sends a message directly to another user


Which T-carrier has 24 channels and speed of 1.544 Mbps


Which T-carrier has 32 channels and speed of 2.048 Mbps


Which T-carrier has 512 channels and speed of 34.368 Mbps


Which T-carrier has 672 channels and speed of 44.736 Mbps

Win 7 ping

Which command is blocked by default and needs to be enabled.


Which delivery system is connectionless and does not worry about sychronization or error correction. "Best effort". It is a shout rather than a conversation.


Which field of the IP address packet header identifies what's encapsulated inside the packet. Typically it is TCP or UDP

TTL (Time to Live)

Which field of the IP address packet header prevents an IP packet from indefinitely spinning through the Internet by using a counter that decrements by one every time a packet goes through a router. This number cannot start higher than 255, and many start at 128.

Layer 7 - Application

Which layer of the OSI model contain HTTP, FTP, DNS, DHCP, and so on.

Layer 5 - Session

Which layer of the OSI model contains Control protocols, tunneling protocols?

Layer 6 - Presentation

Which layer of the OSI model contains encryption such as SSL/TLS

Layer 3 - Network

Which layer of the OSI model does the ping command work?

Layer 4 - Transport

Which layer of the OSI model is considered the "post office" layer (TCP segment, UDP datagram)

Layer 3 - Network

Which layer of the OSI model is considered the routing layer? (Ip Address, router, packet, IP in TCP/IP)

Layer 2 - Data Link

Which layer of the OSI model is considered the switching layer (Frame, MAC address, EUI-48, EUI-64, Switch)

Data Link

Which layer of the OSI model is the only one to have any sublayers?

Data Link

Which layer of the OSI model is the only one which has sublayers?


Which layer of the TCP/IP model includes FTP, BOOTP, DNS, HTTP(S), TLS/SSL, VoIP, SSH, POP3, IMAP4, NTP, Telnet, SMTP, SNMP


Which layer of the TCP/IP model includes IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, IGMP


Which layer of the TCP/IP model includes TCP, UDP


Routers using the OSPF protocol are organized into these groups. Correct!

Device ID

The last 6 digits of a MAC address, unique to each NIC.

Ephemeral port

In a NAT router, what is the name for an arbitrary number generated by the sending computer?

Layer 1 - Physical

The layer of the OSI model which includes signaling, cabling, connectors, hubs

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

The method of using third party verification for digital signatures

Ohm rating

The only important measure of a coax cable is its ______.


The part of the IP that is the same for all the computers on a network is called the Host ID. T or F

Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI)

First 6 digits of a MAC address that represent the manufacturer of the NIC.

ipconfig /flushdns

Flush the DNS cache and forcing it to repopulate itself to repopulate with the latest DNS resolutions.

Source port, destination port, length, checksum

Four parts of a UDP header

DNAT (dynamic NAT; )

Many computers can share a pool of routable IP addresses that number fewer than the computers. This is also called pooled NAT.

SNAT (Static NAT)

Maps a single routable that is not private IP address to a single machine enabling you to access that machine from outside the network. The NAT keeps track of the IP address or addresses and applies them permanently on a one-to-one basis with computers on the network.


Maximum amount of data that goes through the cable per second

block ciphers

Most algorithms are called this because they encrypt data in single "chunks" of a certain length at a time.

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)

Most common used Interior Gateway Protocol; requires a great deal of computational power, so not found in inexpensive home routers; An interiror gateway protocol; sends hello packets when changes are made

1500 bytes

Most networks hold at most, this many bytes in a frame

49152 - 65535 (Dynamic/Private Ports)

Most operating systems avoid registered port numbers and use these ports instead.

Star bus hybrid

Most popular network topology used today.


Most users rarely start a program that uses ICMP, but which command utility does?


Name two networking protocols that used UDP


No individual computers can have an IP address ending in what character? These are reserved for network ID's.

UTP (Unshielded twisted pair;)

No protection from EMI

48 bits

Number of bits of a MAC address

block size

Number of computers/hosts in the subnet


OSI Layer 2 device hardware bridging ASICs and is very fast. Forwards traffic based on MAC address, the core of an enterprise network, high bandwidth with many simultaneous packets.

Wireless Access Point - WAP

OSI Layer 2 device; not a wireless router; It is a bridge to make forwarding decisions based on MAC addresses


OSI Layer 3 device which routes traffic between IP subnets and often connects diverse network types - LAN, WAN, copper, fiber


OSI Layer 4 (TCP/UDP), some filter all the way through Layer 7; filters traffic by port number; can encrypt traffic into/out of network and between sites; Can proxy traffic, a common security technique; call also be Layer 3 devices inside of the router


Of all the gigabit Ethernet standards detailed in the chapter, which maintains a signal over the greatest distance?

Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)

Older and mostly obsolete method of dynamic IP addressing

Yost cable

Oldest method for connecting to router for configuration; almost unique to Cisco-brand routers; also called rollover cable

destination IP address

On a TCP/IP network, what information within a packet does a router use to determine where an incoming packet should go?

PAT (port address table)

One device can handle multiple devices with port translation' changes the source IP address and port number to something usable on the internet


One of the downsides of subnetting is that you will waste subnets. T or F

Cisco 2600 series device; Cisco 2811 and 1841

One of the most popular routers ever made, on the older side, but built to last.

Port 110

POP3 Port; E-mail delivery

Authentication, Authorization, & Accounting



This is done by an organization when it takes a block of IP addresses received from an ISP and breaks the single block of numbers into multiple subnetworks


This is how we change numbers to letters

ephemeral port

This is randomly generated port number of the receiving machine

Application Integrated Circuit


Which version of Gigabit Ethernet uses a unique cable known as twinaxial?



802.11a networks use which topology type?

Global unicast address.

A "global address". This is required to get on the Internet. Your system needs a second IPv6 address and it gets it from the default gateway which must be configured to pass out these IP addresses.


A 7 byte series of alternating ones and zeroes followed by a 1-byte Start Frame. This gives the receiving NIC time to realize a frame is coming and to know exactly where the frame starts. It is added by the sending NIC.

DHCP lease

A DHCP client accepts a DHCP assigned IP address for a specific amount of time assigned by a network administrator.


A UNIX/Linux/OS command that gives you the system's IP address & MAC address


A Windows command that gives you a system's IP address & MAC address

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard; )

A block cipher using 128-bit block size and 128, 192, or 256 bit key size. Incredibly secure, practically uncrackable, and so fast even applications that traditionally used stream ciphers are switching to it. Applications are switching to AES.

XOR (Exclusive OR)

A boolean logic operation that is widely used in cryptography as well as in generating parity bits for error checking and fault tolerance. XOR compares two input bits and generates one output bit. If the bits are the same, the result is 0. If bits are different, the result is 1.


A cabling you would use for vertical runs between floors of a building, but since it is not fire rated, more people opt for plenum rated cable.


A clearly defined list of permissions that specifies what an authenticated user may perform on a shared resource.


A communications program designed to allow SECURE login from a Windows PC to a remote devices

netstat -n

A windows network command line that displays network protocol statistics as well as the current TCP/IP connections.


The process of making sure data came from the person or entity it was supposed to come from. It prevents others from pretending to be a different entity and doing evil things by impersonating

eight groups of four hexadecimal characters. Leading zeroes can be dropped.

A complete IPv6 address always has?

digital signature

A digital guarantee that information has not been modified as if it were protected by a tamper-proof seal. The recipient uses the public key to decrypt this back into the original digest, recomputes a new digest from the transmitted file and compares the two to see if they match.

MMF (Multimode fiber)

A fiber-optic cable that uses LEDs

SMF ( Singlemode fiber)

A fiber-optic cable that uses lasers

PKI (public-key infrastructure)

A framework for creating a secure method for exchanging information based on public key cryptography. It is the certificate authority which issues digital certificates that authenticate the identity of organizations and individuals over a public system such as the internet.


A general term for a way to encrypt data; series of complex and hard-to-reverse operations. Run the cipher on a string to make a new set.

RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman; )

A highly secure cryptography method where the private key is kept by the owner, the public key is published. This is also used for authentication by creating a digital signature.


A mathematical function that you run on a string of binary digits of any length that results in a value of some fixed length. Used with checksum to test the integrity of the data. It is a one way function.

brute force

A mechanism that will attack a cipher to look for any combinations possible

NAT (Network Address Translation)

A methodology of remapping one IP address space into another by modifying network address information in Internet Protocol (IP) datagram packet headers while they are in transit across a traffic routing device.

host ID

A portion of an IP address used to identify any device requiring a Network Interface Card, such as a PC or networked printer on the network.

Network ID

A portion of the TCP/IP address that is used to identify individuals or devices on a network such as a local area network or the Internet.


A private network configured within a public network such as the Internet or a carrier's network.


A program that you can use to connect to other computers, Telnet sites, bulletin board systems, online services, etc.

stream ciphers

A quicker type of encryption where single bits are encrypted at a time.


A relative value that defines the "cost" of using this route. When determining the route a packet should take, it will always take the smallest of these.

MAC addresses

A router is to network IP's what a switch is to __________.

SPB (Shortest Path Bridging; )

A routing metric standard to provide true shortest-path forwarding within an Ethernet mesh topology.


A standardized type of digital signature that includes the digital signature of a third party, a person or company that guarantees that who is passing out this verification is who they say theya re.

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)

A selection option for signing digitally.

Point to multipoint

A single computer system acts as a common source through which all members of the network converse.


Act as both client and server


Adopted in 1994, this is the current version of RIP. It added VLSM support and authentication protocol is built-in. Used only in small, private networks, it's time to convergence caused problems, but is easy to configure in small networks. Most routers have the ability to use this routing protocol.


Alerts but does not stop an attack

Radio Grade (RG) rating

All coax cables have this type of rating as a quick reference for the different types of coax cables.

Subnet mask and network ID

All computers on the same network have these two things in common

signaling topology

Also known as logical topology, this is how the signal travels electronically

next hop

An IP address entry in a router's routing table, which specifies the next closest/most optimal router in its routing path. Every single router maintains its routing table with this address, which is calculated based on the routing protocol used and its associated metric.

Static addressing

An IP address is determined by manually typing in the IP address information.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

An IP is set for a fixed amount of time, usually 5-8 days, and assigned by a server.


An OSI Layer 1 device which is a multi-port repeater, everything is half-duplex, and becomes less efficient as speeds increase

Data Link Control (DLC)

An ancient printing protocol with the same name; might show up as an incorrect answer on the exam

Ephemeral port

An arbitrary number generated by a sending computer, most common in range of 1024-5000, receiving computer uses this as a destination address


An open source implementation of Teredo for Linux and some other UNIX based systems.

Port 25

SMTP Port; Sending e-mail

asymmetric-key algorithm

Any encryption that uses a different key for both encryption and decryption is called a _____.

symmetric-key algorithm or symmetric key encryption

Any encryption that uses the same key for both encryption and decryption is called a _____.

hybrid topology

Any form of network technology that combines physical topology with a signaling topology is called a ______.


Any piece of hardware or software that forwards packets based on their destination IP address.

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol;)

Asks the question, "Is there a computer with this IP address and used at Internet Layer 2 of the TCIP/IP model?


At what layer of the OSI model does the Internet protocol reside?

Application Layer

At which layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack do HTTP, DNS, and FTP reside?

Kerberos (KDC)

Authentication protocol for TCP/IP No connection to PPP Many clients Single authentication server If it's down, no one has access Timestamping requires synchronized clocks

Port 22

SSH Port; Secure terminal emulation


Cable that has frequency of 100 MHz, 100 Mbps, No longer recognized with TIA/EIA

CAT 5e

Cable that has frequency of 100 MHz, 1000 Mbps, Recognized with TIA/EIA


Cable that has frequency of 16MHz, 16 Mbps, Still recognized with with TIA/EIA


Cable that has frequency of 250 MHz, 10000 Mbps, Recognized with TIA/EIA

CAT 6a

Cable that has frequency of 500 MHz, 10000 Mbps, Recognized with TIA/EIA

SAAC (Stateless Address Auto Configuration; )

Can get IP address to communicate with the Internet without talking to the DHCP server.


Carrying multiple VLANs through a single network link through the use of a _______ protocol. To allow for multiple VLANs on one link, frames from individual VLANs must be identified.

Port 80

HTTP Port; Web

Port 443

HTTPS Port; Secure Web

Port 69

TFTP Port; File transfer

Port 23

Telnet Port; Terminal emulation

RG-59 cable

Has an Ohm rating of 75

RG-6 cable

Has an Ohm rating of 75

dynamic addressing

Having a server program running on a system that automatically passes out all IP information to systems as they boot up on or connect to a network

FQDN (Fully qualified domain name; )

Host and domain name together for a naming convention.

ARP ( Address Resolution Protocol)

How a TCP/IP network figures out the MAC address based on the destination IP address.

The lock icon on the browser window on the address bar or the bottom corner

How can you know a web site is secured with a digital certificate?


The process that guarantees that the data received is the same as originally sent. Designed to cover situations in which someone intercepts your data on the fly and makes changes.

Default gateway

The router interface is known as this, and when configuring a client to access the network beyond the router, you must use this IP address.


Class A private IP address range


Class B private IP address range


Class C private IP address range


Coaxial cabling to do short-distance video


Coaxial cabling to do television, digital cable Internet

netstat -a

Command prompt command that allows you to see network output sessions

ipconfig /release is a good first step, and then ipconfig /renew

Command to refresh a DHCP lease on a computer.


Communication rules that require both the sending and receiving machines to acknowledge the other's presence and readiness to send and receive data.

MAC address lookup table

CompTIA is referring to the Source Address Table (SAT) that switches use to map MAC addresses to port when using this term

Managed devices

These type of devices include both routers and advanced switches that CAN be configured


This checks the TCP header for errors


This command queries functions of the DNS servers, depends on proper permission level, running this gives teh IP address and the name of my default DNS server

home router

This has both "outside" and "inside" NICs built in.


This is a tunneling protocol that enables IPv6 traffic to use the IPv4 Internet without having to set up explicit tunnels.


This is also called Fast Ethernet.

fault tolerance

If one of the cables breaks, all of the computers can still communicate because of ______.

If the network ID is directly connected to the router, what number is the IP address of the gateway configured to show in the router table?


This is built into Microsoft Windows and is the second NAT traversal IPv6 tunneling protocol

multifactor or two-factor authentication

If you use passwords and one or more other form of authentication


If you use this protocol found with IPv6, every packet sent from your system is encrypted

route print

If you want to see the routing tables, you will have to open a Command Prompt window and then enter the _____ command.


DNS previously required manual updates to zone files, but it became very problematic as the Internet and organization's computers grew in numbers. This enables a DNS to talk to a DHCP server and get IP addressing info on its clients.

port forwarding

If your company has a single server on the private LAN that they want to make accessible from the Internet, which of the following would give the server the protection of NAT while allowing access to that server from the Internet?


Connection based delivery system with error checking.

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)

Connectionless communications that never need more than a single packet; Handles maintenance issues like disconnect which makes the host unreachable; Applications use ICMP to send status information to the other end of a session; Most commonly used with ping. You can open or close it through port 7.


Connects two networks together; forwards packet based on IP address; Layer 3 Network layer; Classically dedicated boxes; has two NIC cards by default.

Packet shaper, traffic shaper

Control by bandwidth usage or data rates; Set important applications to have higher priorities than other apps; Manage the Quality of Service

Content Filters

Control traffic based on network data, filters e-mail to avoid malicious software, phishing, and viruses. Filters URLs by web site category

hop count

Counts the number of routers between a network


Created and addressed at the OSI Network Layer, so they can go from one network to another

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; IEEE

Defines industry wide standards that promote the use and implementation of technology.


Defines what an authenticated person can do with data. Most famous form is username and password


Defines what an authenticated person can do with data. The classic thing done in windows is to assign permissions to user accounts.

MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit)

Determines the largest frame a particular technology can handle. Ethernet uses 1500 byte frames, but some use smaller. In the event an IP packet is too big for a particular technology, that packet is broken into pieces to fit into the network protocol in what is called fragmentation. This allows you to set the optimal size before IP packets are sent to avoid or reduce fragmentation.

DES (Data Encryption Standard;)

Developed by the U.S. Government it uses a 64-bit block and 56-bit key; Old TCP/IP symmetric-key algorithms


Develped in 1980s, it is lightning fast encryption, easy to use and free. In 2001-2013 some flaws were found with it, so while it is still supported, it's quickly being looked at as legacy.

Load balancer

Distributes the load over many physical servers; adds fault-tolerance; can cache and prioritize traffic; very common in large environments

active directory

Domain is an organization of computers that shares one or more Windows domain - get more info


Each NIC on a network is also referred to as a ____.

public-key cryptography

Encryption keys can be exchanged securely

link local address

Equivalent to IPv4's APIPA address, when a computer running IPv6 boots up, it gives itself this type of address. The first 64 bits are always FE80::/10 followed by 54 zero bits.


Ethernet reserves this address for IPv4 multicast frame destination addresses.


Every TCP/IP LAN that wants to connect to another TCP/IP LAN must have this type of physical connector.

routing table

Every node on the network has one of these ____.


Every router uses a subset of the next higher router's existing routes and reduces the size and complexity of routing tables. This gives a geographic picture of Internet organization. The IP address indicates location and is part of IPv6

Port 20/21

FTP Port; File transfer


How long it takes the wire to get a full charge.

32 bits

How many bits is an IPv4 IP address?

8 quartets; 16 bits each; 16 bytes total

How many quartets does an IPv6 IP address contain?

network blocks (blocks)

IANA passes out IP addresses in contiguous chunks called?

Port 143

IMAP4 Port; E-mail delivery


IPv6 completely drops the idea of broadcast addresses and replaces it with the idea of ____.


In IPv6 what are the maximum number of bits for the subnet? This is because the last ____ bits are generated by the NIC card.


In terms of actual numbers, all broadcast IP's are always _____?


In terms of actual numbers, network ID's are always ______?

Destination Port| Source Port | Sequence Number | Checksum | Flags | Acknowledgement | Data

Information in a TCP segment

link state dynamic routing protocol

Instead of sending an entire routing table every 30 seconds, this simply announces and forwards individual route changes as they appear.

* Scope - Range of available IP addresses * Subnet mask for the scope * Default gateway for scope * DNS service

Items configured in the DHCP server

1024 - 49151; registered ports

Less common TCP/IP applications register their ports with IANA

logical addressing

Like a postal code or telephone numbering scheme, it ignores the hardware and enables you to break up the entire large network into smaller subnets

ipconfig /all

Line command that will show you your default gateway, and all DNS information in Windows.

sudo ifconfig eth0 down

Linux/Unix command to release the DHCP address

sudo ifconfig eth0 up

Linux/Unix command to renew the DHCP address


Local connections do not use this, although every routing table has a column for it, and therefore, a value appears in this field for each route.

Client/server, peer-to-peer, VPN, VLAN

Logical network topologies

coaxial cable

Popular with satellite dishes, over-the-air antennas, some home video devices, and cable


Port number for HTTP


Port number for receiving e-mail messages from e-mail servers (POP3)

system ports

Ports associated with applications falling between numbers 0 and 1023


Proprietary to Cisco, and functions like RADIUS; separates authorization, authentication and acounting

EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)

Proprietary to Cisco; A hybrid which includes aspects of both distance vector and link state protocols; losing ground to nonproprietary IGP protocols; Developed to replace RIP

Intrusion detection/prevention system

Protects against OS and application exploits; Network based high-speed appliance

Application Programming Interfaces; APIs

Provides a standard way for programmers to enhance or extend an application's capability

key pair

Public and private keys that go together are called ____.

dynamic routing protocol

Routers communicated among themselves with change information, update each other on changes about direct connections and distant routers, a passage of a packet through a single router is called a hop

Round Trip Time / Real Transfer Time


Shielded Twisted Pair

Rather rare, and prevents EMI interface.

Port 3389

Remote Desktop protocol port so you can remote desktop from one internal computer to another internal computer.

static routes

Routers can have this type of addressing routes which is manually entered, detected by the setup router

Layer 3 Switches; Layer 2 Switch, Layer 3 Router

Routers inside of switches are sometimes called?

F-type connector

Screws on, making a more secure connection


Sends encrypted transmissions


Sends unencrypted transmissions

Dynamic addressing

Server program automatically passes out the information to computers on the network

address compression

Shortcuts for IPv6 are called?

IS-IS (Intermediate system - Intermediate system)

Similar to OSPF, but not used very often; Sends only updates to routing tables; worked with IPv6

PAT; port addressing tables

Some manufacturers, such as Cisco, use this term to refer to either overloaded NAT or port forwarding.

850 nm

Speed of almost all multimode cables

1310 or 1550 nm depending on the laser

Speed of almost all single-mode fibers

* Check the layer 1 issues such as NIC cards, cables * ping the loopback address. * Look at the default gateway by pinging it * Ping outside the network

Steps to testing network connectivity as well as troubleshooting the network

Diagnose the NIC Diagnose locally Check IP address & subnet mask Run netstat with no options Run netstat -s Diagnose the gateway Diagnose the internet

Steps to troubleshooting the network

IEEE 802.3

Subcommittee that deals with standards for Ethernet. It has many subcommittees under it.

IEEE 802.11

Subcommittee that deals with standards for LAN specifications such as WiFi.


TCP chops data into these, giving them a sequence number, and then verifying all sent data was received.


TCP's protocol data units are called _____.

Application -> Transport -> Internet -> Link

TCP/IP Internet protocol top to bottom

American Registry for Internet Numbers

The North American Regional Internet Registeries (RIR) is named?


The Ohm rating of a particular piece of cable describes the ______ of that cable which describes the characteristics that define how much a cable resists the flow of electricity. This is not simple resistance though. It is also a factor in such things as how long it takes the wire to get a full charge.

Logical Link Control ( LLC)

The aspect of the NIC that talks to the system's operating system.

root authorization

The certificate of authority is at the top of the "tree", intermediate certification is in the middle, and the digital signature is at the bottom.

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

The connection oriented protocol which assures data is moving between two systems gets there in good order.

VPN concentrator

The connection point for remote users; traffic is encrypted across the Internet and decrypted on the internal private network

UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

The connectionless oriented protocol which is the "fire and forget" missile of the TCP/IP protocol suite.

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP-4)

The external routing protocol used on the Internet is __________.


The format and procedure that governs the transmitting and receiving of data.

Default Gateway

The inside NIC on a router is also referred to as the ______.

interface identifier

The second 64 bits of a link-local address which is generated either randomly or in older Windows products, they use the device's MAC address to create a 64-bit number called an Extended Unique Identifier or EUI-64

Protocol stack / IP stack

The software installed on a system that enables a specific protocol suite to function.


The solicitation specific number in IPv6


The transport protocol breaks up the data into chunks called _____?


The updating of the routing tables for all the routers has completed and nothing changes in terms of connections, the routing tables will not change.

MAC addressing

The use of the MAC address to get frames to the proper computer or node. (Really only used on Network+ exam)

TCP/IP suite or internet protocol

There is a strong push to refer to TCP/IP as these terms instead of TCP/IP


These individual bits give both sides detailed information about the state of the connection

Sequence and ACK numbers

These numbers enable the sending and receiving computers to keep track of the various pieces of data flowing back and forth

DNS root serveres

Top dog DNS servers. The internet name for DNS root is "."


Total number of port numbers


Tracking who logs in, what time, and what they are accessing

DNS (Domain Name Service)

Translates human readable names into machine readable IP addresses.

MAC-48 or EUI-48; EUI stands for Extended Unique Identifier

Two names MAC addresses may be referred


Two protocols at the Transport Layer 4 of the OSI and TCP/IP models.

Static or Dynamic

Two ways in which a computer gets a logical IP address

static addressing

Typing all of the IP information in for each network node so it does not change.

plaintext and cleartext

Unencrypted files so data is easily read or viewed. It is not just the case in text files, but binary as well.

FCS (Frame Check Sequence)

Use of binary math called Cyclic Redundancy Check that the receiving NIC uses to verify the data has arrived correctly

PAT (Port Address Translation;)

Uses port numbers to map traffic from specific machines in the network. It's translation table swaps the private IP address to it's public IP address on each packet.

0 to 1023

Well-known port numbers for specific TCP/IP

Internet Layer 2

What Layer of the TCP/IP model does the IP work?

Destination LAN IP Subnet Mask Gateway Interface

What are four items listed in a routing table entry list?

Hop; hop count Bandwidth Latency Cost (lower bandwidth "costs" more) Administrative distance - number assigned to a route/protocol combination

What are the most common criteria for determining a metric?

Default IP of 169.254.XX.XX with a subnet of 255.255. Everything works except for the internet

What are the signs of APIPA

SHA-1 and MD5

What are two hash functions that are no longer recommended as safe


What are two names for dynamic IP addressing?


Which of the following is the distance vector routing protocol used on the Internet?

IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority)

Which organization was formed to track and disperse IP addresses to those who need them.


Which part of the TCP/IP model includes Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)


Which protocol is found on Layer 2, is used in many physical network environments, and includes authentication, compression, error detection, & multilink

IPv4, IPv6, ICMP

Which three protocols are found on the Internet layer?

partially meshed

Which type of network topology would have at least 2 machines with redundant connections?

fully meshed

Which type of network topology would have every computer connected to every other computer?


Which version of Gigabit Ethernet is published under the 802.3ab standard?

1000BaseCX ,1000BaseLX, 1000BaseSX

Which versions of Gigabit Ethernet are published under the 802.3z standard?

network administrators

Who assigns Area IDs?


Who assigns Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs)? Correct!


Who passes out /48 subnets to ISPs and end users who need large allotments? The ISPs and others will borrow another 16 bits for subnetting and then pass out the /64 subnets to end users

port forwarding

You can designate a specific local address for various network services. Computers outside of the network can then request a service using the public IP address of the router and the port number of the desired service.

physical address

ipconfig calls the MAC address what?

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