mkt 327 for exam 3 quiz 13, 14, 15, 16, Marketing Chp. 15, 16, 21, Marketing Ch 9 10 12, MKTG 3433 Exam 2 UARK, MGMT 3433 UARK Exam 2, Marketing 3433 Lezon Test 2, MKTG 3433 UARK Test 2, MKTG 3433 Chapters 9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 EXAM 2 (SUMMER), M...

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Which quadrant shown in Figure 16-8 above MOST LIKELY are retailers that pay great attention to store design and product lines, whose merchandise often has a high margin of profit and is of high quality, and whose stores typically provide high levels of service?


Which of the following statements should a salesperson use to postpone a prospect's objection?

"I think I might be able to explain that better to you after showing you this diagram."

Which of the following statements should a salesperson use to agree with and neutralize an objection?

"That's true. It does have a shorter shelf life, but that really hasn't been a problem. It is so popular it never stays on the shelf that long anyway."

Which of the following statements should a salesperson use as a denial response to a prospect's objection?

"Where did you hear that? Your source must have erroneous information."

Which of the following statements should a salesperson use to accept the objection?

"Yes, you're right, it is lighter but that is done intentionally to make your work easier."

Which of the following statements should a salesperson use to acknowledge and convert the prospect's objection into a reason for buying?

"Yes, you're right, it is lighter but that is done intentionally to make your work easier."

In class, we considered the issue of the "intensity of distribution." A concern we have is "how many" outlets should we have. The "correct" answer offered in class was:

"just enough to meet the desires of the target market," anything else is waste.

It is estimated that the average cost of an outbound telemarketing sales call on a business customer is about __________, versus $350 for a single field sales call.

$20 to $25

It is estimated that the average cost of a single field sales call on a business customer is about __________, factoring in salespeople compensation, benefits, and travel-and-entertainment expenses.


An antiques dealer buys a grandfather clock for $200. She sets the selling price at $350. When the clock doesn't sell after two months, she raises the price to $800 and moves the clock to her downtown store to appeal to a different market. The clock sells for $800 the next day. What is the maintained markup?



(In terms of online experience) it is, text, pictures, sound and videos that the website contains.

Business Products

(also called B2B products or industrial products) are products organizations buy that assist in providing other products for resale.

2 ways to change attitudes

+ Attempt to produce consumer attitudes that will lead to the purchase of existing products +Evaluate existing consumer attitudes and create or modify products to appeal to these attitudes** **Least costly!!!!

3 fastest growing subcultures

+African Americans +Hispanics +Asians

Components of the Learning Process

+Drive +Cue +Response +Reinforcement

Criteria for Effective Segmentation

+Must present measurable purchasing power and size +Must be sufficiently large to offer good profit potential +Must aim for segments that much its marketing capabilities +Must find a way to effectively promote and serve the market segment

Types of Primary Research

+Observational +Surveys +Controlled Experiments

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

+Physiological Needs +Safety Needs +Social/Belonging Needs +Esteem Needs +Actualization Needs

Social Classes -- W. Lloyd Warner

+Upper-Upper +Lower-Upper +Upper-Middle +Lower-Middle +Working Class +Lower Class Determined by family background, education, occupation, income, residence location

Selling styles Chapter 20

- Adaptive selling - adjusting presentation to fit the selling situation - Consultative selling - focuses on problem identification - business to business marketing

Types of sales promotion Chapter 18

- Consumer-oriented sales promotion - sales tools used to support a company's advertising and personal selling - Trade-oriented sales promotions - support a company's ads directed to wholesalers, retailers or distributors

Core Values of the U.S.

- Importance of education, freedom, heath, volunteerism - Work ethic - Desire to accumulate wealth - Communicating with anyone, anytime, anywhere -Individualism, "making a difference"

Roles of Salesforce Chapter 20

- Link between firm and customers - Salespeople are the company in the consumer's eyes - Dominant role in firm's marketing program - Probe customers - they really need to understand what customers need and want - Adjust marketing offers - salespeople may need to change things to complete a sale - Negotiate terms of sales - Build long-term personal relationships

Forms of Personal Selling Chapter 20

- Order-taking salespeople - processes routine order that were already sold by the company -> preserve ongoing relationship - Order-getting salespeople - identifies customers and gives them information about a product - Customer sales support personnel - perform a variety of services

Types of Advertisements Chapter 18

- Product advertisements - focus on selling a good or service A. Pioneering (informational) - intro stage; inform customers or build primary demand B. Competitive (persuasive) - growth stage; build selective demand; comparative, promotes specific benefits of your brand; can also be used to change perception of a brand or product C. Reminder - maturity stage; reinforce previous knowledge; keeps consumers thinking about a product D. Institutional - build goodwill or image for an organization as opposed to a specific product

Key Takeaways Chapter 17

- The promotional mix consists of advertising, personal selling, public relations/publicity, sales promotion, and direct marketing. These tools vary greatly with respect to flexibility, cost, and level of seller control. - Ultimate consumer programs rely more on advertising while personal selling is more important to industrial buyers

Team Selling Chapter 20

- Used to service large, complex accounts; can include experts from different areas of the selling firm - Downfalls: potential to overwhelm the customer and deciding/maintaining team roles Types: A. conference selling - firm meets with buyers to discuss problems and opportunity B. seminar selling - educational program for customer's technical staff

BCG Matrix

-A market share/market growth matrix that plots market share against market growth potential

Business Portfolio Analysis

-An evaluation of a company's products and divisions to determine the strongest and weakest -The analysis should fit the company's strengths and weaknesses to opportunities in the environment

Consumer Decision Process

-Awareness of a gap between the existing situation and a desired situation -Gathering information about the attainment of a desired state of affairs -Consumer evaluates the evoked set of options -The consumer narrows the alternatives down to one -Post-purchase evaluation - Buyer feels either: satisfied or dissatisfied

Strategic Business Unit (SBU)

-Can be a single product or brand -Has its own managers, resources, objectives, and competitors -Pursues its own distinct mission and develops its own plans independently - They help focus the attention of company managers

Environmental Scanning

-Collecting external marketing environment information to identify and interpret potential trends -Trends represent significant opportunities or threats to the company

5 Environmental Dimensions

-Competitive -Political/Legal -Economic -Technological -Social/Cultural

Distribution Strategy (Marketing Mix)

-Consumers need to find their products in the proper quantities at the right times and places -Involves modes of transportation, warehousing, inventory control order processing, and selection of marketing channels -Some manufacturers sell their products directly to customers without using intermediaries -Technology has opened new channels of distribution in many industries

Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior

-Cultural -Social -Personal -Psychological -Buyer

Interpersonal Determinants of Consumer Behavior

-Culture -Subculture -Different types of reference groups -General social influence -The Asch phenomenon -Social pressure -Opinion leaders

Pricing Strategy (Marketing Mix)

-Deals with methods of setting profitable and justifiable prices -Subject to regulation and public scrutiny -Decisions made for other marketing mix variables may effect pricing decisions

Types of Competition

-Direct: among marketers and similar products -Indirect: businesses that don't necessarily sell the same products but offer different alternatives to satisfying the same customer need -This among all firms that are fighting for the same type of consumer. All firms compete for a limited number of dollars that consumers can or will spend

Techniques For Grabbing Consumers' Attention

-Doubling the size of an ad -Using certain colors or graphics -Developing unique packaging -Custom advertising

Reference Group (Membership Social Groups)

-Everyone belongs to multiple social groups -Direct impact of these groups: Every group establishes certain norms of behavior the group deems appropriate for its members. -Indirect impact of these groups: Members desire to strengthen their position in the group.Advices provided by the group is perceived as being truthful

Reference Group (Aspirational Social Groups)

-High profile groups/persons: we don't personally know these people, but we admire them. -Individuals who aspire to membership in a group may adopt its standards of behavior and values

Personal Determinants of Consumer Behavior

-Information Processing -Conscious Mind -Unconscious Mind -Affect as Information -Motivation -Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs -Perception -Perceptual screens Techniques for grabbing consumers' attention

Structure of the Market

-Monopoly: market structure in which a single seller dominates the market of a good or service for which buyers can find no close substitute -Antitrust Laws: designed to prevent restraints on trade, such as business monopolies -Oligopoly: Few number of sellers in an industry with high start-up costs which keep out new competitors

Types of Primary Research

-Observation ex: traffic counts, tv ratings -Surveys ex: focus group interviews, telephone and online surveys -Controlled Experiments ex: test market

General Social Influence

-Online reviews -Impact of the crowdedness of the environment/store on consumers' thoughts and behaviors: As the environment becomes more crowded, people automatically become more safety-oriented, and indeed more sensitive to risks in general. -Consumers often modify their responses, consciously or subconsciously, when surrounded by others with conflicting opinions.

4 Step Pyramid of Social Responsibility (Top to Bottom)

-Philanthropic: be a good corporate citizen (Contribute resources to the community. Improve the quality of life) -Ethical: be ethical (Obligation to do what is right, just, and fair. Avoid harm) -Legal: obey the law (play by the rules) -Economic: be profitable (the foundation on which all others rest)

Different Types of Data

-Primary -Secondary

Marketing Mix

-Product -Distribution -Price -Promotion

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Top to Bottom)

-Self-Actualization -Esteem -Love/Belonging -Safety -Psychological

Perceptual Screens

-The mental filtering processes through which all inputs must pass -Consumers respond selectively to messages that break through this

Social/Cultural Environment

-The relationship between the marketer, society, and culture -Marketers must be sensitive to demographic shifts and changing values, because they represent opportunities and threats.

Affect as information

-We tend to assume that our judgments reflect information about the object of judgment. -But...Being happy or sad influences the content and style of thought.

Which of the following statements regarding the role of salespeople is most accurate?

-salespeople can identify creative solutions to customer problems -salespeople create customer value by providing a follow through after the sale

Salesperson Motivation Suggests

1) A clear job description 2) Effective sales management practices 3) A personal need for achievement 4) Proper compensation, incentives, or rewards will produce a motivated salesperson

Handling Objections

1) Acknowledge and covert the objection: using the objection as a reason for buying 2) Postpone: objection will be dealt with later in the presentation 3) Agree and neutralize: agree with the objection, then show it is unimportant 4) Accept the objection: probe reason behind objection and open to further discussion 5) Denial: meet objection head-on with a firm denial 6) Ignore the objection: objection appears as a stalling mechanism or clearly is not important to the prospect

Salesforce Organized in Companies

1) Geography 2) Customer 3) Product

Three Major Tasks Involved in Implementing a Sales Plan

1) Salesforce recruitment and selection 2) Salesforce training 3) Salesforce motivation and compensation

Personal Selling Three Main Roles in Firm's Marketing Effort

1) Salespeople are critical link between the firm and its customers 2) Salespeople are the company in a consumer's eyes 3) Personal selling may play a dominant role in a firm's marketing program

Sales Plan Formulation

1) Setting objectives 2) Organizing the salesforce 3) Developing account management policies

Salespeople Paid using Three Plans

1) Straight salary 2) Straight Commission 3) A combination of salary and commission

Job Description Explains

1) To whom a salesperson reports 2) How a salesperson interacts with other company personnel 3) The customers to be called on 4) The specific activities to be carried out 5) The physical and mental demands of the job 6) The types of products and services to be sold

Three Closing Techniques

1) Trial Close 2) Assumptive Close 3) Urgency Close

Methods for handling objections Chapter 20

1. Acknowledge and convert objection - "yes, the price is high because we use the finest materials, let me show you..." 2. Postpone - "i will address that issue shortly" 3. Agree and neutralize - agree with objection and then shows it is unimportant 4. Accept the objection - stimulate further discussion of objection 5. Denial - based on misinformation 6. Ignore the objection

Increasing the Value of Promotion Chapter 18

1. Building long term relationships - increased engagements with consumers 2. Self-regulation - increased efforts to help consumers gain confidence in communication efforts

Marketing Research Steps

1. Define the problem 2. Conducting exploratory research 3. Formulating a hypothesis 4. Creating a research design 5. Collecting data (primary and secondary) 6. Interpreting and representing the research information

Promotion Decision Process Chapter 17

1. Planning - identify target audience, specify objectives, set budget, select right promotional tools, design promotion, and schedule promotion 2. Implementation - pretest, then carry out promotion 3. Evaluation - posttest, make needed changes

The Personal Selling Process Chapter 20

1. Prospecting - identifying and qualifying potential customers 2. Pre-approach - gather information and decide how to approach the prospect 3. Approach - gain a prospect's attention, stimulate interest and make transition to the presentation; first impression is critical 4. Presentation/Demonstration - begin converting a prospect into a customer by creating a desire for the product or service 5. Handling objections - discuss problems, find solutions 6. Closing - obtain a purchase commitment from the prospect and create a customer 7. Follow up - ensure that the customer is satisfied with the product or service; resolve any problems to ensure future sales

Sales management process Chapter 20

1. Sales plan formulation - set objectives, organize salesforce, develop account management policies 2. Sales plan implementation - salesforce recruitment, selection training, motivation and compensation 3. Salesforce evaluation - quantitative assessment of performance, behavioral evaluation

Three Aspects of Product Life Cycle

1. Their length 2. The shape of their sales curves 3. the rate at which consumers adopt products

New-Product Process

1.New product strategy development 2.Idea generation 3.Screening and evaluation 4. Business analysis 5. Development 6. Market Testing 7. Commercialization

Virtually every occupation that involves customer contact has an element of personal selling in it. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that almost ______ people are employed in sales positions in the U.S.

14 million

Industry research shows that outside order getters, or field service representatives spend 41 percent of their time selling, and another __________ is devoted to customer service calls.


According to lecture, Corporate Chains are responsible for about _____ of retail sales.


What percentage of a sales representative's time is spent selling?


The National Retail Federation estimates that about __________ percent of retail shrinkage is due to employee theft.


Industry research shows that outside order getters, or field service representatives, often over _____ per week.

50 hours

One reason follow-up is so important is that research shows that the cost and effort to obtain repeat sales from a satisfied customer is roughly __________ of that necessary to gain a sale from a new customer.


The personal selling process encompasses __________ distinct selling stages.


About __________ percent of U.S. companies now include customer satisfaction as a behavioral measure of salesperson performance.



65 or older High discretionary income Spend money conservatively but indulge in luxury Not likely to be the first to try new products

Today, __________ percent of companies employ cross-functional teams of professionals to work with customers to improve relationships, find better ways of doing things, and, of course, create and sustain value for their customers.


80/20 principle (Praedo's law) (Segmentation by usage rates)

80 percent of a product's revenues come from 20 percent of its customers.

Best Buy has approximately what amount of sales per square foot according to the UMD16A: Sales per Square Foot Marketing Dashboard above?


Percentage of Internet B2B sales

91% -- cuts operating costs by processing through e-commerce

Which quadrant shown in Figure 16-8 above MOST LIKELY are retailers that typically trade a lower price for increased volume in sales, focus on price with low service levels, and possess an image of being a place for good buys?


Straight Salary Compensation Plan

A salesperson is paid a fixed fee per week, month, or year

Cold Canvassing (Cold Calling)

A salesperson may open a directory, pick a name, and contact that individual or business

Straight Commission Compensation Plan

A salesperson's earnings are directly tied to the sales or profit generated

Combination Compensation Plan

A specified salary plus a commission on sales or profit generated

Market Decline

A stage in the PLC when sales are decreasing throughout and new products replace the old (Harvesting/Deletion)

Market Growth

A stage of new competition when the PLC industry sales grow faster but industry profits rise and then start falling (Market Development)

Market Maturity

A stage of the PLC when industry sales rise at a slower rate of increase and competition gets tougher (Product Development)


A stage of the PLC when sales are low as when a new idea is first introduced to the market (Market Penetration)


A statement about the relationship of the variables as to why you're doing research

Sales Plan

A statement describing what is to be achieved and where and how the selling effort of salespeople is to be deployed

Job Analysis

A study of a particular sales position, including how the job is to be performed and the tasks that make up the job


A tentative claim about the cause(s) of the "problem" (A tentative answer to the question) -can include "a cause and an effect" or a numerical prediction -can address an existing phenomenon or a future one

Which of the following statements regarding Internet marketing channels is most accurate?

A unique feature of these channels is that they combine electronic and traditional intermediaries to create time, place, form, and possession utility for buyers.

Esteem Needs

A universal desire for a sense of accomplishment and achievement

You are leading a meeting of your marketing team where you are deciding on the promotion mix for your flagship product. You are working your way through the various factors that should be considered when determining an appropriate promotion mix. You are currently focused on the characteristics of your target market. Because of the nature of your product, your target market represents millions of potential customers. Which of the following best describes the appropriate promotion mix for your product?

Your promotion mix should emphasize advertising and sales promotion.

Which of the following statements describes a major drawback associated with a canned sales presentation?

a canned sales presentation allows little room for customer feedback

Research indicates that there are four key factors involved with salesforce motivation: (1) __________; (2) effective sales management practices; (3) a personal need for achievement; and (4) proper compensation, incentives, or rewards.

a clear job description

multiproduct branding

a company uses one name for all its products in a product class.

Central to integrated marketing communications (IMC) is

a consistent message across all audiences.

Research shows that __________ is the single most important factor for a new product to defeat competitive ones—having superior characteristics that deliver unique benefits to the user.

a distinctive point of difference

A geographical sales organization would NOT be the best structure if

a firm's products or customers require specialized knowledge

When Tracy went to work as a new sales rep for Paradise Candles, she was told to use the following speech in her sales presentations: "Hello, Mr./Ms. (customer name). My name is (your name here). I'm calling on behalf of Paradise Candles. We carry the best wax-burning mechanical candles available in the commercial decorating industry...." Paradise instructed Tracy to use

a formula selling presentation

Which of the following is considered a durable good?

a hand mixer

Two sources of horizontal conflict are common. One is when __________.

a manufacturer increases its distribution coverage in a geographical area

Forward integration means

a producer owns an intermediary at the next level down in the marketing channel.

The word flow as it relates to the definition of logistics management refers to decisions needed to move

a product from the source of raw materials to consumption.

Ralph Lauren is planning a promotion where it will showcase all of its clothing lines to buyers at retail stores. It also plans to develop a direct marketing campaign that will use social media to introduce its new seasonal styles. Ralph Lauren is using ___ with the retail showcase and ___ with the social media campaign.

a push policy; a pull policy

straight salary compensation

a salesperson is paid a fixed fee per week, month, or year

An order getter refers to

a salesperson who sells in a conventional sense and identifies prospective customers, provides customers with information, persuades customers to buy, closes sales, and follows up on customers' use of a product or service.

Brand Personality

a set of human characteristics associated with a brand name.

General Mills and Nestlé work together to distribute General Mills products in about 140 international markets from Mexico to China. This distribution arrangement is known as

a strategic channel alliance.

A job analysis refers to

a study of a particular sales position, including how the job is to be performed and the taste that make up the job

In lecture, we heard from Gary Trinetti talking about Supply Chain Management. He indicated that supply chain management crosses over many areas. Which of the following is NOT one the areas that SCM covers?

a. Raw Materials b. Manufacturing c. Transportation by airplanes, barges, trucks, and rail d. Getting the item on the shelf in the store

According to lecture, retail operating costs are higher than wholesaler operating costs. Why is that true?

a. retailers need to have nicer stores than wholesalers. b. Retailers need to be more convenient to their customers than do wholesalers. c. Retailers need to deal with their customers questions d. Retailers need to deal with their customers' needs and expectations.

Aspects of __________ policies might include which individuals in a buying organization should be contacted, the amount of sales and service effort that different customers should receive, and the kinds of information salespeople should collect before or during a sales call.

account management

A policy that specifies whom salespeople should contact, what kinds of selling and customer service activities should be engaged in, and how these activities should be carried out are referred to as

account management policies

Logistics refers to

activities that focus on getting the right amount of the right products to the right place at the right time at the lowest possible cost.

In Marketing in the News, we heard that in order to be successful, retailers must:

adapt to changing consumer expectations.

A need-satisfaction presentation format that involves adjusting the presentation to fit the selling situation, such as knowing when to offer solutions and when to ask for more information, is referred to as __________.

adaptive selling

As a salesperson asks questions about a prospect's transportation system, the prospect says, "What I really want is reliable transportation at the lowest price I can get." The salesperson stops asking questions and pulls out a comparative price list that shows her company's transportation is the lowest priced and most reliable on the market. The salesperson has engaged in

adaptive selling

Sales research and practice show that knowledge of the customer and sales situation are key ingredients for __________.

adaptive selling

Two selling styles associated with the need-satisfaction presentation format are

adaptive selling and consultative selling

The three major types of vertical marketing systems are corporate, contractual, and


In the hierarchy of effects, the final stage is known as


A paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor is referred to as __________.


As part of its integrated marketing communication strategy, Taco Bell utilized commercials aired during the Super Bowl. This form of _________ has an extremely large reach and hefty price tag.


Generally, companies whose customers are numerous and geographically dispersed will find promotion mixes featuring _____ to be more practical.


Leo is working on finalizing the promotion plan for his company's line of air fresheners. They plan on using a nonpersonal communication method that will use a mass medium for transmission to the target audience. Leo's company is using _____ as its promotion method.


One of the problems associated with _____ is that it is often difficult to measure its effect on sales.


Paula is working on a promotional program for her company's line of designer dog collars. Her company needs to promote the dog collars to pet owners, so she is likely to use _____ because it reaches a vast number of people at a low cost per person.



after it has been shown to the target audience to determine whether it accomplished its intended purpose.

You respond by saying courteously, "You're absolutely right, and I am going to make it my business to be sure that never happens again." Which method have you used to handle the customer's objection?

agree and neutralize

Promotions help consumers because they

allow customers to make more intelligent buying decisions

Nonprofit service organizations use them, but public service announcements (PSAs)

alone are not a good foundation because their timing and location are controlled by others.

Multichannel Marketing

also called omnichannel marketing, is the blending of different communication and delivery channels that are mutually reinforcing in attracting, retaining, and building relationships with consumers who shop and buy in traditional intermediaries and online.

Personal selling assumes many forms based on the ______ and the ______ to perform the sales task.

amount of selling done; amount of creativity required

Kellogg's uses a promotional program that incorporates both pull and push policies. Kellogg's will most likely use _____ for the push policy and _____ for the pull policy.

an allowance to retailers for promoting the cereals; advertisements to the customer

Which type of salespersons would routinely be involved in an industrial straight rebut situation?

an insider order taker

Advertising refers to

any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor.


any paid from of nonpersonal communication about and organization, a product, a service, or an idea by an identified sponsor.

A brand name refers to __________.

any word, device (design, sound, shape or color), or combination of these used to distinguish a seller's products or services

At the __________ stage in the personal selling process, a salesperson gains a prospect's attention, stimulates interest, and builds the foundation for the sales presentation itself.


If the salesperson's objective is to "gain a prospect's attention, stimulate interest, and make transition to the presentation," what is the name of this stage of the personnel selling process?


In many societies outside the United States, considerable time is devoted to nonbusiness talk designed to establish a rapport between buyers and sellers. This occurs during the __________ stage of the personal selling process.


In the __________ stage of the personal selling process, the cultural setting is very important.


In the __________ stage of the personal selling process, the first impression is critical.


Channel Conflict

arises when one channel member believes another channel member is engaged in behavior that prevents it from achieving its goals.

A trial close refers to

asking the prospect to make a decision on some aspect of the purchase.

An assumptive close refers to

asking the prospect to make choices concerning delivery, warranty, or financing terms.

A stimulus-response presentation refers to a format that

assumes that given the appropriate stimulus by a salesperson, the prospect will buy.

At the end of her sales presentation, the salesperson asks, "Do you want to make monthly payments of $75 with a 10 percent down payment or will you be writing a check for the full amount today?" She has just executed a(n) __________.

assumptive close

Behavioral measures used to evaluate salespeople include assessments of a salesperson's __________, attention to customers, product knowledge, selling and communication skills, appearance, and professional demeanor.


Hotels or motels without dining facilities are good locations for

automatic vending machines.

As shown in Figure 16-2 above, the GREATEST dollar amount of retail sales in the United States is generated by __________.

automotive dealers

Tiffany & Co., the exclusive jewelry retailer, uses ________ when it manufactures about half of the fine jewelry items for sale through its more than 250 specialty stores and boutiques worldwide.

backward integration

About 60 percent of U.S. companies now include customer satisfaction as a __________ measure of salesperson performance.


A third type of sales objective that is __________, which is typically specific for each salesperson and includes his or her product knowledge, customer service, and selling and communication skills.


Logan turned around and left the boutique after she saw the price of a simple lightweight cotton blouse was $80. Though it was the first item she looked at, she doubted she could afford anything in the store. A product used in this way is known as a(n)__________ item.


The closing stage in the selling process involves obtaining a purchase commitment from the prospect. This stage is the most important and the most difficult because the salesperson must determine when the prospect is ready to buy. Telltale signals indicating a readiness to buy include

body language, statements, and questions

Which of the following is not one of the basic product decisions?

brand awareness

Which of the following product decisions has product differentiation as its purpose in part or in whole?


Your local Target retailer carries a variety of different items. You can find everything ranging from socks and DVDs to baby items and groceries. This is an example of the __________ carried by Target.

breadth of product line

Retail outlets vary by their merchandise lines, the key distinction being the __________ and __________ of the items offered to customers.

breadth; depth

Shrinkage refers to

breakage, theft, and fraud by customers and employees.

In its commercials, the mattress company Sealy focuses on the comfort and quality of its brand of mattress. This advertisement is best described as being designed to

build selective demand

In the new-product development process, the __________ stage assesses the total "fit" of the proposed new product with the company's mission and objectives—from whether the product or service can be economically produced to the marketing strategy needed to have it succeed in the marketplace.

business analysis

Consultative selling style is very prominent in

business-to-business marketing

A benefit of performing a SWOT analysis and an environmental scan during the new-product strategy development process is that they

can help identify the strategic role the new product might serve in the firm's portfolio

A memorized, standardized message conveyed to every prospect is referred to as a __________.

canned sales presentation

Which type of sales presentation would be best suited for an inexperienced, less knowledgeable salesperson?

canned sales presentation

A manufacturer's branch office

carries a producer's inventory and performs the functions of a full-service wholesaler.

General merchandise wholesalers

carry a broad assortment of merchandise and perform all channel functions.

The four major types of limited-service merchant wholesalers are drop shippers, rack jobbers, truck jobbers, and __________.

cash and carry wholesalers

Arianna is responsible for the cleaning, pet, and paper products in the grocery store where she works. She considers herself an expert; she knows all about the various manufacturers, the types of products they sell, and even how consumers use these items. She is responsible for what to order, how much to order, and how to price these products in the store. Arianna is engaged in __________ for the store.

category management

Target gives a portion of its profits to local organizations. This is an example of

cause-related marketing

Consumers often view ________ shopping as less convenient because of lack of parking, higher crime rates, and exposure to the weather.

central business district


changes the place a product occupies in a consumer's mind relative to competitive products.

Aaron is in charge of advertising for his company and he has designed a magazine ad to promote one of his company's new products. When he shares the ad with his manager, the manager tells him that the ad has too much visual information. The manager is concerned with the _____ of the receiver.

channel capacity

Sports Port, a motorcycle and fishing boat retailer located in a small northern Minnesota town, was the world's largest dealer for Crestliner fishing boats. In order to meet the demand of his many customers, the owner of Sports Port works with a wide variety of channel members, ranging from the manufacturer of the boats to trucking firms, other retailers, and even detailers (firms that clean, polish, and wax boats). Such a diverse channel of distribution often resulted in channel conflict. However, due to his strong consumer following, the owner of Sports Port had the power to resolve disputes between channel members. The owner of Sports Port serves as the __________ in the channel of distribution.

channel captain

growth stage

characterized by rapid increases in sales.

If the salesperson's objective is to "obtain a purchase from the prospect and create a customer," what is the name of this stage of the personnel selling process?


At which stage of the personal selling process would a salesperson obtain a purchase commitment from the prospect?


Russ Berry Company sells stuffed animals and holiday gifts. When its salesperson asks a retailer, "Do you want to order the two dozen assorted bears or two dozen white-only bears?", he has executed which stage of the selling process?


When a salesperson in the Apple store asks, "Will that be charge or cash?", he has executed which stage of the personal selling process?


A method of selling in which a salesperson makes a telephone call or a visit to a prospective customer without a referral is called __________.

cold calling

Another name for cold calling is

cold canvassing

Russ Berry Company is a company that makes gifts and collectibles. When its southeastern sales representative is driving through a community on her way to make a sales call, she looks for small independent florists and gift shops. When she finds a retailer whom she knows is not carrying Russ products, she stops and makes a sales call. The company's sales rep uses __________ to find prospects.

cold canvassing

The most frequently used type of compensation plan for salespeople is a __________.

combination compensation plan

With a __________, a salesperson is paid a specified salary plus a commission on sales or profits generated.

combination compensation plan

Facsimile, e-mail, and voice mail are common __________ technologies salespeople use today.


Tylenol products have extensive instructions for users to prevent accidental overdose and associated liver function complications. This is an example of which type of benefit that packaging can provide?

communication benefits

ClearView Windows sends out postcards containing an advertisement and a coupon to potential residential customers. This is part of the _____ component of the communication process.

communication channel

In order to increase sales of its fishing poles, Corinthian Fishing Supplies launched a social media campaign. After the campaign ended, Corinthian learned through marketing research that most of its target market is not active on social media and instead visit fishing websites. The promotion program suffered from an error in the selection of

communication channel

The Barrister's Deli decides to run advertisements for its lunch specials on a local FM radio station. Marketing research later reveals that the restaurant's target market listens primarily to satellite radio stations. This promotion program suffered from an error in the selection of ____________.

communication channel

A minor league baseball team communicates to its target market by advertising on local television and radio stations, in local newspapers, on its own website, through postings on social media, and on banner ads. These vehicles through which the baseball team transmits its coded messages to potential customers are called

communication channels

The Internet, mobile apps, and billboards are all considered

communication channels

When traditional media are used in advertising communications,

communications generally end with the receiver.

After reading the daily newspaper, the restaurant owner of Zefferelli's Tower of Pizza said, "I see that the owner of Fellini's House of Noodles ran a quarter-page ad in today's paper. We'll have to match his efforts by running our own ad the day after tomorrow." Based on this statement, what promotional budgeting technique is the Zefferelli's restaurant owner most likely using?

competitive parity budgeting

Intel Core processors are purchased by Toshiba for its laptops, and are thus considered what type of business product?



computer files that a marketer can download onto the computer and mobile phone of an online shopper who visits the marketer's website.


conducted before the advertisements are placed in any medium

N.W. Ayer

conducted the first organized marketing research project in 1879

There are a variety of types of conflict that can occur among channel members. If a hardware store down the street from our ice cream shop starts selling the same brand of ice cream as we do, there is likely to be conflict. This is a good example of:

conflict caused by the hardware store adopting "scrambled merchandising" marketing.

Four key challenges that package and label designers face include: (1) __________; (2) environmental concerns; (3) health, safety, and security issues; and (4) cost reduction.

connecting with customers

Integrated marketing communications is the concept of designing marketing communications programs that coordinate all promotional activities - advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing - to provide __________.

consistent message accross all audiences

Off-peak Pricing

consists of charging different prices during different seasons of the year and different times of the day or days of the week to reflect variations in demand for the service.

Conscious Mind

consists of everything inside of our awareness. It is the aspect of mental processing that we can think and talk about in a rational way.

Unconscious Mind

consists of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories outside of our conscious awareness. It continues to influence our behavior and experience, even though we are unaware of these underlying influences.

Marketing channel

consists of individuals and firms involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by consumers or industrial users.

A formula selling presentation refers to a format that

consists of information that must be provided in an accurate, thorough, and step-by-step manner to inform the prospect.

Sales management

consists of planing the selling program and implementing and evaluating the personal selling effort of the firm

Personal selling process

consists of sales activities occurring before, during, and after the sale itself consisting of six stages: (1) prospecting (2) preapproach (3) approach (4) presentation (5) close (6) follow up

Sales quota

consists of specific goals assigned to a salesperson, sales team, branch sales office, or sales district for a stated time period

Which of the following actions or objectives would be appropriate for your product in the maturity stage of the product life cycle?

consolidate value chain to maximize outlets

A straight commission compensation plan is well-suited to sales positions where

consoling activities are minimal

A need-satisfaction presentation format that focuses on problem identification, where the salesperson serves as an expert on problem recognition and resolution, is referred to as

consultative selling

In 2010, Gartner Research and 1To1 Media recognized Microsoft Dynamics Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its xRM framework for delivering increased productivity and cost savings for customers worldwide. Microsoft experts work individually with customers on problem recognition and resolution and adapt their enterprise software to meet the unique needs of the customer. The Microsoft expert is engaged in

consultative selling

With __________, problem solutions are not simply a matter of choosing from an array of existing products or services. Rather, novel solutions often arise, thereby creating unique value for the customer.

consultative selling

There are three key reasons for putting the customer into customer solutions in selling: (1) considerable time and effort is necessary to fully understand a specific customer's requirements; (2) effective customer solutions are based on relationships among sellers and buyers; and (3)

consultative selling is central to providing novel solutions for customers, thereby creating value for them

Sales Quota

contains specific goals assigned to a salesperson, sales team, branch sales office, or sales district for a stated time period.

When it was introduced, Jergens Ultra Healing Extra Dry Skin Moisturizer was an example of a

continuous innovation

The Coalition of Independent Music Stores, a group of sixty prominent independent record stores across the United States, is a way for these stores to strengthen themselves with tactics such as cooperative advertising. This form of ownership is known as a(n)

contractual system.

Franchising is a variation of

contractual vertical marketing systems.

Whereas traditional media build credibility through experts being influencers in a particular field, with social media a sender often simply begins to participate in the __________, hoping that the quality of the message will establish credibility with the receivers.


Which of the following is an advantage of advertising?

cost per contact

A department store recently replaced its fabric-covered chairs with oversized leather couches. This was most likely done to

create a more masculine ambiance for male shoppers.

The four steps in the sequential process of building the brand equity pyramid include: (1) developing positive brand awareness; (2) establishing a brand's meaning in the minds of consumers; (3) eliciting the proper consumer responses to a brand's identity and meaning; and (4) __________.

creating a consumer-brand connection

If Lay's introduces a new line extension of its famous potato chips, it is likely going to engage in promotions that focus on _____ in order to have customers start the product adoption process.

creating awareness

When different types of buyers have different needs, a __________ sales organization structure used.


Which salesforce organizational structure is best when there are many different consumers with many different or specialized needs?


According to experts studying services, the ________ should be intentional, planned, and consistent so that every performance is similar, differentiated from other services, relevant, and valuable to the target market.

customer experience

A sales organization practice whereby a different salesforce calls on each separate type of buyer or market channel is referred to as a __________.

customer sales organization

A firm needs to drive down logistics costs as long as it can deliver expected __________.

customer service

Retailers that advocate an everyday fair pricing strategy may not offer the lowest prices but try to create value for customers, what decision factor becomes important in this situation?

customer service

The ability of a logistics system to satisfy users in terms of time, dependability, communications, and convenience is referred to as

customer service

Within the context of a supply chain, __________ is the ability of a logistics system to satisfy users in terms of time, dependability, communication, and convenience.

customer service

You are responsible for the product decisions in your company. Your market analyst have determined that the market will most respond to greater time and place utility (value). Which of the following product decisions would you focus on in order to impact these aspects of value?

customer service

One of the biggest problems an online retailer faces is

customers' tendencies to get to the checkout and leave the website without concluding the purchase.

A commercial for a piece of exercise equipment says that customers can become fit like the models in the commercial if they use the equipment but does not disclose that the models were already in shape before using the equipment. This could be considered _____ advertising.


Frequently, a product enters the __________ stage of its product life cycle not because of any wrong strategy on the part of companies, but because of environmental changes.


After watching a 30-second commercial from Jared for fine jewelry, Mariah was certain the necklace she saw would look spectacular with her new formal dress. In terms of the communication process, Mariah engaged in the task of __________.


In marketing, the term __________ is used to describe the number of stores in a geographical area.


As consumer demand for new homes increases, appliance manufacturers and building material suppliers may experience an increase in demand for their products, which is an example of

derived demand

The tasks involved in managing personal selling include all of the following EXCEPT:

designing new direct sales promotions to generate new sales.

Primary Demand

desire for the product class rather than for a specific brand, since there are few competitors with the same product.

Brand equity building steps are: (1) __________ and an association with a product class or need in consumers' minds to create an identity; (2) establishing a brand's meaning in the minds of consumers; (3) eliciting the proper consumer responses to a brand's identity and meaning; and (4) creating an intense, active, and loyal consumer-brand connection.

developing positive brand awareness

Google's driverless car is an extreme example of the complexity of which step of the new-product process?


Fitness trackers are in the growth stage of the product life cycle. A manufacturer selling one of these devices would most likely use advertising to

differentiate one brand of device from another.

Factors such as the need for improved reliability and security in postal systems and new government regulations represent important challenges for __________ in the global market

direct marketing

A customer was unable to go to the store on her own to buy gifts for the holidays. She contacted a Pampered Chef representative who came to her home, showed her not only catalogs but actual products, answered all her questions, and had all the customer's gifts sorted and delivered. This is an example of __________.

direct selling

The marketing managers at Omaha Steaks used airlines' databases to mail a special offer to frequent flyers. Eight weeks after shipping the steaks to the frequent flyers who responded to the offer, the company's salespeople followed up by telephoning customers to ask for new orders. This is an example of which types of nonstore retailing?

direct-mail and telemarketing

Channel conflict that arises when one member bypasses another member and sells or buys products direct is referred to as __________.


In class, we considered the case of Black & Decker, who chose to use the internet to advertise their products but decided NOT to sell their products directly to consumers. Instead, their web site directs consumers to Black & Decker's distributors (on the web and in stores). By taking this approach, Black & Decker has avoided:


Quantitative assessments of sales performance may be based on output-related measures, such as

dollar or unit sales volume, last year/current year sales ratio, and new accounts generated.

In a strategy known as ________, GE sells its large appliances directly to home and apartment builders, but uses retail stores, including Lowe's home centers, to sell to consumers.

dual distribution

A firm can become a channel captain because it is typically the channel member with the ability to influence the behavior of other members. Which of the following is the most likely source of that influence?

economic power

According to the textbook, one of the MOST crucial tasks of sales management is

effective recruitment and selection of salespeople

Inventory management systems that are designed to make the process of reordering and receiving products as simple as possible are referred to as __________.

efficient consumer response systems

Walmart's marketing strategy is to be a reliable, lower-price retailer for a wide variety of mass consumption consumer goods. This strategy favors a(n) __________ designed to deliver products to consumers at the lowest possible cost.

efficient supply chain

Customer convenience is an important consideration when choosing a marketing channel. A commonly held view among website developers is the "__________" where consumers will abandon their efforts to enter or navigate a website if download time exceeds this amount of time.

eight second rule

A need-satisfaction presentation refers to a presentation format that

emphasizes probing and listening by the salesperson to identify needs and interests of prospective buyers.

As Lynn is working on writing the text that will be incorporated into a new magazine ad for her company's line of handbags, she is engaging in the _____ stage of the communication process.


In the ____, concepts and ideas are converted into signs or symbols by the source.

encoding process

Cooperative Advertising.

encourage both better quality and greater quantity in the local advertising efforts

You work for a company that has just launched a new line of juice drinks. Customers are aware of the product, but have not decided to purchase your company's brand of juice. You decide to give out free samples in grocery stores in an attempt to

encourage product trial

If children and teenagers are insisting on wearing expensive name-brand apparel, a criticism of promotion can be made that promotion __________.

encourages materialism

Various food products for sale at Costco are offered as small portions for consumers to taste while shopping in the store. These efforts have a primary promotional objective of

encouraging product trial

Sellers view a solution as a customized and integrated combination of products and services for meeting a customer's business needs. Buyers think of a solution to a business problem as one that meets their requirements, is designed to uniquely solve their problem, can be implemented, and

ensures follow up

The tasks involved in managing personal selling include the following: (1) setting objectives; (2) organizing the salesforce; (3) recruiting, selecting, training, and compensating salespeople; and (4)

evaluating the performance of individual salespeople.

Emphasizing consistently low prices and eliminating most markdowns is referred to as __________.

everyday low pricing

When Birds Eye introduced its Steamfresh line of microwaveable frozen vegetables, it likely gave incentives to grocery stores to purchase the product. This effort was primarily designed to

facilitate reseller support

When Kroger mails out a circular that advertises its upcoming sales, the cost of the circular is partially paid for by manufacturers that are included in the advertisements. The manufacturers are helping pay for the advertising expenses as a way to

facilitate reseller support

Encoding is the process by which a receiver takes the coded message received from the source and converts it into ideas and concepts.


If a pull policy is used in promoting a product, the producer promotes the product only to the next marketing institution down the channel.


Viral marketing is an attempt to incite publicity and public excitement surrounding a product through a creative event.


While the specific communication vehicles employed in promotion have not changed, the fundamental role of promotion is changing.



fear, pride, greed, jealousy, hunger, thirst, comfort

During a television commercial, the announcer reads a toll-free telephone number that viewers can call to order the product. The announcer has included the phone number to facilitate _____ for this communication.


Some well-known message problems have occurred when U.S. companies have taken their messages to cultures with different ________, resulting in misinterpretations.

fields of experience

The Upjohn Company first targeted men for its Rogaine topical solution, a drug to restore hair growth, but later marketed this product to women. In this example, the Upjohn Company is using which of the following market modification strategies?

finding new users


focus on getting the right amount of products to the right place at the right time at the lowest possible cost.

Consultative selling refers to a presentation format that

focuses on problem identification, where the salesperson serves as an expert on problem recognition and resolution.

At which stage in the personal selling process would a salesperson ask the customer whether he or she is satisfied with the product?

follow up

If the salesperson's objective is to "ensure that the customer is satisfied with the product or service," what is the name of this stage of the personnel selling process?

follow up

In the personal selling process, the stage that includes making certain the customer's purchase has been properly delivered and installed and difficulties experienced with the use of the item are addressed is referred to as the __________ stage.

follow up

The final stage in the personal selling process is referred to as __________.

follow up

At the Rio Olympics in 2016, members of the U.S. Women's National Team were among the first to use Nike's new lighter soccer cleats that allow for more control of the ball. The cleats also help wick away mud and grass. Shortly after the games, retailers were able to sell the same cleats, allowing them to offer which utility?


Public Relations

form of communication management that seeks to influence the feelings, opinions, or beliefs held by customers, prospective customers, stock-holders, suppliers, employees, and other public's about a company

There are three key methods of classifying retail operations. These include:

form of ownership, level of service, and merchandise line.

Three major presentation formats exist: (1) stimulus-response format; (2) __________; and (3) need-satisfaction format.

formula selling format

A selling format that consists of information that must be provided in an accurate, thorough, and step-by-step manner to inform the prospect is referred to as a __________.

formula selling presentation

The four stages of the retail life cycle are

franchise system

What type of contractual system describes a situation where assistance in selecting the location, setting up the store or facility, advertising, and training personnel is provided by the parent company?

franchise system

Timing is an important element of markdowns. Those retailers who take a markdown as soon as sales fall off are MOST LIKELY doing so to __________.

free up valuable selling space and cash

Consumer products are classified based on the attributes used in making the purchase decision, the effort spent by the consumer, and the

frequency of purchase

Most specialty stores and department stores, which provide many services to their customers, are considered to be __________.

full-service retailers

A __________ is the simplest salesforce structure, where the United States, or indeed the globe, is first divided into regions and then each region is divided into districts or territories.

geographic sales organization

The office memo read, "Sales representatives from Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri will report directly to the regional manager." From this information, it would appear the company that issued the memo uses a ___________ sales organization for its salesforce.


Which is the simplest form of salesforce organizational structure?


If a company chooses to employ its own salesforce, there are three basic organizational salesforce structures from which to choose, which are

geography, customer, and product/service

Apple's iPad is considered a ________ because it can be touched and its features can be seen and heard.


Regional shopping centers refer to a

group of 50 to 150 stores that typically attract customers who live or work within a 5- to 10-mile range, often containing two or three anchor stores.

During which stage of the product life cycle does a company need to focus on the differentiation of its brand from competitors, leading to an improved version or new features being added to the original design?


Which of the following is among the six criteria most often mentioned as important in selecting a good brand name?

have no legal or regulatory restrictions

Which of the following is not one of the disadvantages of using advertising as a promotion method?

high cost per person reached

When using an account management policy grid, an account would receive a high level of sales calls if the account opportunity level assessment is

high, and the sales organization has strong competitive position.

A disadvantage of a customer sales organization is

higher administrative costs and some duplication of selling effort

Goodyear Tire dealers became irate when Goodyear Tire Company decided to sell its brands through Sears, Walmart, and Sam's Club. Many switched to competing tire makers. This is an example of __________.

horizontal conflict

A car dealership airs a television ad in which it tells customers to visit their website to sign up for special offers. This ad has the primary objective of

identifying prospects

A contractor who specializes in upgrading kitchens has a table set up at the county fair where he offers people a free estimate in exchange for their contact information. This promotional effort is directed at

identifying prospects

Bowflex uses infomercials to demonstrate its fitness products and encourage customers to call and receive a free video with more information about its products. This promotional effort is directed at ____________.

identifying prospects

When a manager at Jackie's Bar & Grill sent some of his wait staff home early on a slow Tuesday night, he recognized a need to manage his

idle production capacity

Promotions can lead to increased prices

if they do not stimulate demand

There are six commonly used techniques to deal with objections: acknowledge and convert the objection; postpone; agree and neutralize; accept the objection; denial; and __________.

ignore the objection

A straight commission compensation plan is one

in which a salesperson's earnings are directly tied to the sales or profits he or she generates.

Marilyn called the Butterball toll-free hotline to learn how to prepare her Thanksgiving turkey and dressing. This telephone number is an example of __________.

inbound telemarketing

the use of toll-free telephone numbers that customers call to obtain information about products and make purchases is referred to as ________.

inbound telemarketing

Retailing Mix

includes activities related to managing the store and the merchandise in the store. the retailing mix is similar to the marketing mix.


includes all activities involved in selling, renting, and providing products and services to ultimate consumers for personal, family, or household use.

Markdowns can be used to

increase demand for complementary products.

Because soup consumption rises in the winter and declines during the summer, Campbell Soup Co. now advertises more heavily in warm months to encourage consumers to think of soup as more than a cold-weather food. It is primarily using which of the following market modification strategies?

increasing the product's use

Your neighborhood dry cleaner or florist is likely to be categorized as an independent retailer. This means it is owned by a(n) __________.


Effective management of integrated marketing communications is based upon ___________.

information about customers

The sales manager instructed the salesperson to "Make five hundred customer contacts between January 1st and July 1st." The sales manager voiced a(n) __________ sales objective.



ins the process of having the sender transform an idea into a set of symbols.

Keith liked how the dry cleaner down the street washed and pressed his clothes, but he found the repeated phone calls from staff about his finished laundry annoying. He began to think of the whole place as annoying, which is a function of the __________ aspect of services.


Services are

intangible activities or benefits that an organization provides to satisfy consumers' needs in exchange for money or something else of value

Chris sees a television commercial for Arby's promoting its roast beef sandwiches at 5 for $5.95. Later that day he goes to the nearest Arby's for a roast beef feast, but is told that the special offer is not available at that location. Arby's seems to lack ___________.

integrated marketing communications

In a marketing context, the acronym IMC refers to __________.

integrated marketing communications

In an effort to practice _____, Gammons International is hiring an external marketing company to handle its marketing efforts. These efforts will include advertising, public relations, and sales promotions.

integrated marketing communications

The coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive impact defines

integrated marketing communications

The three degrees of distribution density are

intensive, exclusive, and selective.


interactive, internet-enabled system that allows individual customers to design their own products and services.

indirect channel

intermediaries are inserted between the producer and consumers and perform channel functions.


intermediary who sells to consumers


intermediary who sells to other intermediaries, usually to retailers; term usually applies to consumer markets

Perhaps the greatest impact on salesforce communication is the application of __________ technology.


Competition for the same or similar type of product or service between very dissimilar types of retail outlets that results from a scrambled merchandising policy is referred to as __________.

intertype competition

Convection ovens for home use required consumers to learn a new way of cooking and alter familiar recipes used with conventional ovens. As a result, these ovens spent years in the ________ stage of the product life cycle.


Skimming or penetration pricing are appropriate pricing strategies during the __________ stage of a product's life cycle.


The use of advertising to create awareness for a product is most likely to occur in which stage of the product life cycle?


Which of the following is considered a part of total logistics cost, like transportation and order processing?


Adaptive selling refers to a presentation format that

involves adjusting the presentation to fit the selling situation, such as knowing when to offer solutions and when to ask for more information.

Product Modification

involves altering one or more of a product's characteristics, such as its quality, performance, or appearance, to increase the product's value to customers and increase sales.

Discontinuous Innovation

involves making the consumer learn entirely new consumption patterns to use the product.

Sales management

involves planning the selling program and implementing and evaluating the personal selling effort of the firm.

Personal Selling

involves the two-way flow of communication between a buyer and seller, often in face-to-face encounter, designed to influence a person's or group's purchase decision.

Interactive Marketing

involves two-way buyer-seller electronic communication in a computer-mediated environment in which the buyer controls the kind of amount of information received from the seller.

Work load method

is a formula based method for determining the size of a salesforce that integrates the number of customers served, call frequency, call length, and available selling time to arrive at a figure for the salesforce size

Product Line

is a group of product or service items that are closely related because they satisfy a class of needs, are used together, are sold to the same customer group, are distributed through the same outlets, or fall within a given price range.

Consultative selling

is a need satisfaction presentation format that focuses on problem identification, where the salesperson serves as an expert on problem recognition and resolution

Adaptive selling

is a need satisfaction presentation format that involves adjusting the presentation to fit the selling situation, such as knowing when to offer solutions and knowing when to ask for more information

Stimulus response presentation

is a presentation format that assumes that given the appropriate stimulus by a salesperson the prospect will buy

Formula selling presentation

is a presentation format that consists of information that must be provided in an accurate, thorough, and step by step manner to inform the prospect

Need satisfaction presentation

is a presentation format that emphasizes probing and listening by a salesperson to identify needs and interests of prospective buyers

Product Item

is a specific product that has a unique brand, size, or price.

Sales plan

is a statement describing what is to be achieved and where and how the selling effort of salespeople is to be deployed


is any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor.

An advertisement is more likely to be unintentionally deceptive if it

is directed at children

Emotional intelligence

is the ability to understand one's own emotions and the emotions of people with whom one interacts on a daily basis


is the consumer-initiated practice of generating content on a marketer's website that is custom tailored to an individual's specific needs and preferences.

Relationship selling

is the practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson's attention and commitment to cutomer needs over time

Team selling

is the practice of using an entire team of professionals in selling to and servicing major customers

Key account management

is the practice of using team selling to focus on important customers so as to build mutually beneficial, long-term, cooperative relationships

Partnership selling

is the practice whereby buyers and sellers combine their expertise and resources to create customized solutions, commit to joint planning and share customer, competitive, and company information for their mutual benefit and ultimately the consumer, also called enterprise selling

Personal selling

is the two way flow of communication between seller and buyer often in a face to face encounter designed to influence a person's or group's purchase desicion

Salesforce automation

is the use of computer information, communication, and internet technologies to make the sales function more effective and efficient

Not every suburban store is located in a shopping mall. Many neighborhoods have clusters of stores, referred to as a strip mall, to serve people who are within a 5- to 10-minute drive. Unlike the larger shopping centers, the composition of these stores usually __________.

is unplanned

A disadvantage of a straight commission compensation plan is

it can discourage salespeople from providing customer service

An advantage of the straight salary compensation plan is

it is easy to administer

Information from a _____ is used to write a job description.

job analysis

A __________ explains: (1) to whom a salesperson reports; (2) how a salesperson interacts with other company personnel; (3) the customers to be called on; (4) the specific activities to be carried out; (5) the physical and mental demands of the job; and (6) the types of products and services to be sold.

job description

A __________ is a written document that describes job relationships and requirements that characterize each sales position.

job description

Applied to recruiting and selecting salespeople, a __________ explains to whom a salesperson reports and how a salesperson interacts with other company personnel.

job description

As they walk to the car, Erin tells her sales representative, Joachin, that they may need to modify the price structure they just presented to the prospect. Erin bases her statement on the way the prospect folded his arms when Joachin quoted him the prices on the new system. Joachin says he didn't notice. Erin recommends a book on ____ communication to Joachin.


Sam is meeting with a purchasing agent about an order for his company's forklifts. As he is describing the features of the newest version, the purchasing agent nods her head to signal that she understands the features. Sam does not notice the ____ communication the purchasing agent is sending and goes into more detail about the new features.


The name of a person who may be a possible customer is referred to as a __________.


Four Seasons Hotels sell private residences in several of their properties and send direct mail to prospective residents asking them to request additional information on the telephone or through a website. In terms of direct marketing, this is known as

lead generation

What are three types of prospects?

leads, prospects, and qualified prospects

The PRIMARY way in which relationship selling creates customer value is by

learning the customer's needs to maintain and long-term relationship of trust and respect.

The value added dimension of the retail positioning matrix includes elements such as product reliability, prestige, and __________.


The practice of organizing the cost-effective flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption to satisfy customer requirements is referred to as __________.

logistics management

When using an account management policy grid, an account would replace personal calls with telemarketing or direct mail if the account opportunity level assessment is

low, and the sales organization has a low competitive position.

Adding a wholesaler to the marketing channel for consumer products is most common for

low-cost, low-unit value items.

The practice of using team selling to focus on important customers so as to build mutually beneficial, long-term, cooperative relationships is referred to as __________.

major account management

The use of teams of sales, service, and technical personnel who work with purchasing, manufacturing, engineering, logistics, and financial executives in customer organizations is referred to as __________.

major account management

A marketing channel

makes possible the flow of products and services from a producer, through intermediaries, to a buyer.

Amazon uses supply chain and logistics management to

manage the flow of customer orders from the distribution centers to individual's homes.

When Paulette first saw the dress in the store window, she knew two things. She had to own the dress, and she could not afford it at its current price. Disappointed, she left. Two weeks later, she passed by the store again and saw that the price of the dress had been reduced to one that she could afford. Specifically, the store had reduced the price by 30 percent to "move" it. Paulette was able to purchase the dress because of a(n)


Advertising, sales promotion, and public relations are often said to use __________ because they are used with groups of prospective buyers.

mass selling

According to Figure 16-10 above, "C" represents which stage of the retail life cycle?


At which stage in the product life cycle would a company's promotional objective most likely be to remind buyers of the product's existence?


Presweetened breakfast cereals would most likely be in the __________ stage of the product life cycle.


Personal selling serves three major roles in a firm's overall marketing effort. Salespeople: (1) are the critical link between a firm and its customers; (2) are the company in consumers' eyes; and (3)

may play a dominant role in a firm's marketing program

An advantage of online advertising such as offered through Google is that it is __________, which allows it to immediately assess its __________.

measurable; effectiveness

In classifying social media, the degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners is referred to as __________, whereas the degree to which a person's thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes are made public is referred to as __________.

media richness; self-disclosure

During the creative process, Taco Bell considered a number of different slogans, finally setting on Live Mas! The Live Mas! campaign reinforces Taco Bell's position as a dynamic brand whose customers enjoy experiencing the world and trying things first. Live Mas! is Taco Bell's _______ in the communication process.


An advantage of a geographical sales organization is that it

minimizes travel time, expenses, and duplication of selling effort

Black & Decker uses a __________ strategy to reach the do-it-yourself market with the Black & Decker brand name and the professional construction market with the DeWalt brand name.


Most of Lands' End's revenues come through catalog and Internet sales, but it also operates several retail stores and factory outlets. This makes Lands' End an example of a(n) __________ marketer.


Product line extensions are a form of which strategy?

multiproduct branding

Discount Fishing Tackle is a shop that carries a large selection of fishing rods and reels, bait, tackle boxes, waders, nets, and a few other fishing implements. Discount Fishing Tackle's breadth of product line would be described as __________ and its depth of product line would be described as __________.

narrow; deep

A selling format that emphasizes probing and listening by the salesperson to identify needs and interests of prospective buyers is referred to as a __________.

need-satisfaction presentation

The __________ is a selling format that emphasizes probing and listening by the salesperson to identify needs and interests of prospective buyers.

need-satisfaction presentation

The car salesman was overheard having the following conversation with a prospective customer: "What type of driving do you do?" "How many people will you usually have riding in your car?" "Maybe you should look at vans instead of sedans." From this information, the car salesman was using a

need-satisfaction presentation

The objective of a(n) __________ is to inform a newspaper, radio station, or other medium of an idea for a story.

news release

Carlos is listening to the radio while driving with his kids in the back seat. During the commercial break, one of the children repeatedly asks Carlos if they have arrived at their destination. The child's questions would be considered _____ in the communication process.


While watching a television commercial, Chloe receives a text message from her friend and responds immediately. This is an example of _____ in the communication process.



nonpersonal, indirectly paid presentation of an organization, product, or service. it can take the form of a news store, editorial, or product announcement.

All of the following are behaviorally-related sales objectives EXCEPT:

number of new customers

All of the following are output-related sales objectives EXCEPT:

number of sales calls

In lecture, we noted that it is relatively easy to become a retailer. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that was given?

o large investment in production equipment is required b. merchandise can often be purchased on credit, c. store space can be leased with no down payment d. simple website can be set up at a modest costs

Excuses for not making a purchase commitment or decision are referred to as __________.


According to the lecture, if our customer wants high quality products, innovation, and a broad product line, the our SCM team should focus on:

obtaining a high quality supplier, the shortest time to market, and short manufacturing changeover times.


occurs when a shopper visits a retail store to inspect merchandise but then purchases the merchandise online.

Decline Stage

occurs when sales drop.

Burlington Coat Factory and Ross stores offer customers the sport of searching the racks for great deals on brand-name products. Both retailers use a(n) __________ retailing strategy.


Consider the T.J. Maxx HomeGoods photo above. This retailer uses a(n) __________ pricing practice.

off-price retail

The selling of brand name merchandise at lower than regular prices is referred to as __________.

off-price retailing

QVC is a television home shopping network. It generates sales of more than $8 billion from its 70 million customers by

offering more than 1,150 products each week.

Scrambled Merchandising

offering several unrelated product lines in a single store.

private branding

often called private labeling or reseller branding, when it manufactures products but sells them under the brand name of a wholesaler or retailer.

Which type of salesforce training is the most popular type of training?

on-the-job training

Cross-Channel Shopper

online consumer who researches products online and then purchases them at a retail store.

exclusive distribution

only one retailer in a specific geographical area carries the firm's products. usually for specialty products or services.

Georgina is the owner of a company called Piquant (which means having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor). She was looking for a new product to pair with her company's line of food condiments, so she worked with students at a local culinary school to generate recipe ideas. This is an example of

open innovation

The lag from ordering an item until it is received and ready for use or sale is referred to as

order cycle time.

Which of the following statements regarding order getters is most accurate?

order getter sales calls traditionally require the greatest financial investment from the firm

Which of the following statements regarding order getters is most accurate?

order getters are most often used in new-buy or modified rebut situations

Which of the following statements regarding order getters is most accurate?

order getters need a high degree of creativity

Which of the following statements regarding order getters is most accurate?

order getters require considerable product knowledge

The two types of personal selling are order taking and ______.

order getting

A salesperson who processes routine orders or reorders for products that were already sold by the company is referred to as a(n)_______.

order taker

Which form of personal selling had the lowest requirement for problem solving?

order taker

Broadly speaking, there are two types of personal selling: ______ and order getting.

order taking


organization uses a name, phrase, design, symbols, or combination or these to identify its products and distinguish them from those of competitors.

Charles C Parlin

organized the nation's first commercial research department at Curtis Publishing

In lecture we learned that it may be easier to talk about implementing SCM than it is to align it with our Marketing Strategy. One "real life" problem we find is that:

our supply chain team may focus on short-term operational results, instead of on satisfying customers wants.

The practice of using the telephone rather than personal visits to contact customers is referred to as __________.

outbound telemarketing

The sales manager told the salesperson, "Your goal is to increase sales volume for the second quarter 5 percent over the sales volume of the first quarter." The sales manager voiced a(n) __________ sales objective.


Selling objectives can be __________ and focus on dollar or unit sales volume, number of new customers added, and profit. Alternatively, they can be __________ and emphasize the number of sales calls and selling expenses.

output-related; input-related

Salespeople called ______ visit customers and replenish inventory stocks of resellers, such as retailers or wholesalers.

outside order takers

John Whitaker works for American Greetings. Included in his job description are the following responsibilities: (1) stock and arrange point-of-purchase displays of present customers—60 percent of his work week and (2) receive orders from customers and complete the transactions—40 percent of his work week. Whitaker is primarily engaged in which type of selling?

outside order taking

Direct selling is likely to grow in markets

outside the United States.

Cessna is considered the volume leader in the executive-jet market. It has been described as "almost totally vertically integrated." This quote means that Cessna

owns several of the entities that would make up the traditional marketing channel.

The seven Ps of services refer to an expanded marketing mix for services that includes the four Ps (product, price, place, and promotion) as well as

people, physical environment, and process.

Proxemic communication is an element of which form of promotion method?

personal selling

The promotional mix consists of communication tools that include advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, and

personal selling

The two-way flow of communication between a buyer and sweller, often in a face-to-face encounter, designed to influence a person's or group's purchase decision is referred to as

personal selling

The use of a push policy may require heavy expenditures for

personal selling

Which element of the promotional mix is characterized by a customized interaction that is extremely expensive but very persuasive and likely to yield immediate feedback?

personal selling

Tiffany is planning a promotion plan for Owens Corning, which manufactures fiberglass insulation. Her company is trying to promote the insulation to home builders to use in the building of new residential homes. She is most likely to recommend _____ because it allows marketers to adjust their message to improve communication. One downside is that it costs _____ than advertising to reach one customer.

personal selling; more

Michael is planning a promotional program for AirFam. AirFam is a supplier of new energy-saving engines used to produce air conditioners. His company needs to promote these engines to manufacturers of air conditioners, so he is most likely to use ___, because it provides immediate feedback. The disadvantage is that it is _____ than advertising to reach one customer.

personal selling; more costly

Word-of-mouth communications are most effective for _______________ products.

personal services

What is the promotional objective of the decline stage of the product life cycle?

phase out

Rob is working on the promotional plan for a new bicycle helmet that has added technology to sense when a bicycler has fallen and has a head injury. The technology then releases an audible signal that will help others know that there is an injury that needs treatment. This is considered to be a new product that is in the introduction stage of the product life cycle. Which type of promotion should Rob focus on?


Tony is on the marketing team for a new line of self-heating soups designed for mountain climbers. The soups come in a convenient pouch that hooks on to a mountain climber's gear and collapses for easy storage when empty. The product is considered a new product in the introductory stage of the product life cycle. What type of promotion should the marketing team focus on?


When tablet computers were first introduced to the market, which of the following would have been the logical choice for promotion?

pioneer promotion

When flat-screen televisions were first introduced, manufacturers tried to increase customer awareness of the new product by using _____ to build _____.

pioneer promotion; primary demand

The three primary types of product advertisements are __________.

pioneering, competitive, and reminder

The strategic location of products or product promotions within entertainment media content to reach the product's target market.



positions and launches a new product in full-scale production and sales.

During the sales presentation, the prospect interrupted the salesperson's presentation and said, "Wait a minute. This looks like it's going to cost too much." The salesperson responded, "I think you'll be delighted with how relatively inexpensive this program is. I'll address the subject of price in just a moment." Which objection-handling technique has the salesperson used?


One step in evaluation of the promotion program is to

posttest the promotion.

Government officials and consumer groups suggest products that ______ should not be promoted.

potentially have harmful effects

Dynamic pricing

practice of changing prices for products and services in real time in response to supply and demand conditions.

If the salesperson's objective is to "gather information and decide how to approach the prospect," what is the name of this stage of the personnel selling process?

pre approach

At which stage in the personal selling process would the salesperson obtain further information about the prospect and decide on the best method of contact?


Identifying the buying role of the prospect would be typically done at the __________ stage of the personal selling process.


An effective sales plan objective should be

precise, measurable, and time specific

At the __________ stage in the personal selling process, a salesperson begins converting a prospect into a customer by creating a desire for the product or service he or she is selling.


If the salesperson's objective is to "begin converting a prospect into a customer by creating a desire for the product or service," what is the name of this stage of the personnel selling process?


The objective at the __________ stage of the personal selling process is to convert a prospect into a customer by creating a desire for the product or service.


The primary responsibility of order takers is to

preserve ongoing relationships with existing customers and maintain sales

Trends among category killers such as office supplies (Staples) and electronics (Best Buy) include moving to smaller stores and ________ to compete with online retailers.

price matching

Retail Pricing

prices for merchandise, retailers must decide on the markup, markdown, and timing for markdowns.

Looking to attract more millennial tourists, Discover Los Angeles, the city's tourism office, portrays its city as a hipster utopia in a new campaign. It released a 2-minute YouTube video that follows a young couple as they shop for vinyl, take pictures of their food, eat tacos from a food truck, and pose for selfies during a whirlwind day in the city. This ad campaign was an attempt to stimulate __________ demand


The National Cattlemen's Beef Association tries to generate _____ by airing advertisements with the slogan "Beef: It's What's for Dinner.

primary demand


process of conveying a message to others, and it requires six elements; a source a message, a channel of communication, a receiver, and the processes of encoding and decoding.

Retail Life Cycle

process of growth and decline that retail outlets, like products, experience.


process of having the receiver take a set of symbols, the message, and transform the symbols into an idea.

Reverse Logistics

process of reclaiming recyclable and reusable materials, returns, and reworks from the point of consumption or use for repair, remanufacturing, redistribution, or disposal.

Collaborative Filtering

process that automatically groups people with similar buying intentions, preferences, and behaviors and predicts future purchases.

Over Taker

processes routine orders for products that were already sold by the company.

Order taker

processes routine orders or reorders for products that were already sold by the company

Direct Channel

producer and ultimate consumers deal directly with each other. many products and services are distributed this way.

The disadvantage of product sales organization is

produces high administration costs and duplication of selling effort because two company salespeople may call on the same customer.

ABB is a Swiss-based manufacturer of industrial equipment with annual sales of $30 billion. At one time, ABB had a salesforce that sold only generators, one that only sold boilers, another that only sold transformers, and so forth. Each of its salespeople was an expert on the items he or she sold. Its salesforce was organized by __________.


introduction stage

product is introduced to its intended target market. during that period, sales grow slowly, and profit is minimal.

Axe Anarchy Bodywash, a men's personal care product, is an example of a

product item

When specific knowledge is required to sell certain types of products or services, then a __________ is used.

product organization

In episodes of American Idol, the judges drink out of cups featuring the Coca-Cola logo. The promotion strategy being used by Coca-Cola.

product placement

In many television shows and movies, you will see characters using Apple computers and laptops during the show. This promotion strategy is called _________.

product placement

Suppose that Samsung has decided to contract with the producers of The Avengers to have characters in the movie exclusively use Samsung tablets and smartphones. This would best be an example of

product placement

You are the marketing manager for a soft drink manufacturer. You recommend that the company should try to get the actors and actresses in television shows to drink its products. What type of promotion activity are you suggesting with your idea?

product placement

There are two general types of franchises: business-format and __________ franchises.


The primary purpose of a competitive advertisement is to

promote a specific brand's features and benefits.

The __________ element of the marketing mix consists of communication tools, including advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing.


For her sixteenth birthday, Josie has asked her parents for a new handbag from Coach. She insists that she must have a Coach bag, which has a high price and recognizable brand name. This insistence on the Coach brand supports the criticism of promotion that

promotion encourages materialism

The __________ includes advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing.

promotion mix

Promotional mix Chapter 17

promotional elements including communication tools, advertising, personal selling , sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing

The customer who wants or needs the product is referred to as a __________.


Advertising with a coupon, using a toll-free number, exhibiting at trade shows, using e-mail, and making cold calls are all activities that would take place during the __________ stage of the personal selling process.


If the salesperson's objective is to "search for and qualify potential customers," what is the name of this stage of the personnel selling process?


In the personal selling process, a telemarketer for a life insurance firm who calls and asks the head of the household, "If you were to die tomorrow, would your family be cared for?" is engaged in __________.


Personal selling begins with the __________ stage.


The search for and qualification of potential customers during the personal selling process is referred to as __________.


White Chemical Company is examining its selling strategy and one of the issues it believes needs attention is the role its sales staff has in undertaking sales support (non-selling) activities; yet it wants to keep the salespeople directed towards increasing sales for the next year. If you did not know which plan the firm presently uses, what advice would you give?

provide a base salary and a commission on sales generated

When choosing a marketing channel and intermediaries, marketing executives typically consider, among other things, which will

provide the best coverage of the target market.

While in a sales meeting, Andre notices that the customer he is speaking to takes a step backward during the conversation. Feeling that the customer is disinterested in his sales pitch, Andre changes his approach to make the conversation more interesting to the customer. Andre is paying attention to ____ communication from the customer.


Apple regularly holds events where the company CEO announces the latest products in front of a large group of stakeholders. This type of event is best categorized under which of the following types of promotion?

public relations

Kohler, a manufacturer of bathroom fixtures such as sinks and toilets, has uploaded several videos to YouTube that help demonstrate how to install their fixtures. These videos are best categorized under which of the following types of promotion?

public relations

When a company is trying to communicate with its suppliers, employees, stockholders, the media, potential investors, government officials, and society in general, it is important to use

public relations

Which element of the promotional mix has the inherent weaknesses related to the difficulty in getting media cooperation?

public relations

When Glade introduced its Wax Melts line of air fresheners, if it offered coupons available in the newspaper that consumers would then take to their favorite stores, this would be an example of a _____ policy.


When a pharmaceutical company places an ad in a home and garden magazine for its new arthritis drug, it is using a ________ strategy.


Tombstone Pizza is planning on starting a new online advertising campaign to reach consumers where they will develop banner ads and increase their social media presence. They also plan on increasing their spending on personal selling with its wholesalers. Tombstone is using _____ with the online campaign and _____ with the increase in personal selling.

pull policy; push policy

A __________ is an individual that wants a product, can afford to buy it, and is the decision maker.

qualified prospect

If an individual wants the product, can afford to buy it, and is the decision maker, this person is referred to as a(n) __________.

qualified prospect

An urgency close refers to

quickly committing the prospect by making references to the time limits of the purchase.

A limited-service wholesaler who performs all channel functions and sells on consignment to retailers, which means it retains the title to the products displayed and bills retailers only for the merchandise sold, is a _________.

rack jobber

The four major types of limited-service merchant wholesalers are cash and carry wholesalers, drop shippers, truck jobbers, and __________.

rack jobbers

Jack is watching television when an infomercial for a vacuum cleaner begins. As he watches the infomercial, he sees the power of the vacuum being demonstrated. In this case, Jack is the _____ and the company selling the vacuum cleaner is the _____.

receiver; source

A bed and breakfast inn holds crafting getaways where all of the people staying at the property are interested in the same activity. These getaways are typically done during the fall when fewer people typically visit. These getaways are designed to

reduce sales fluctuations

Promotional efforts designed to allow a manufacturer of a seasonal product to operate at peak efficiency year-round seek to

reduce sales fluctuations

The Colorado Tourism Office advertises that people can visit Colorado ski slopes and mountains for hiking, ziplining, and horseback riding during the summertime in an effort to

reduce sales fluctuations

What is the primary motivation when a retailer such as Home Depot offers a discount on lawn mowers in September and October?

reduce sales fluctuations


reducing consumer demand for a good or service to a level that the firm can supply


refers to the actual procedures, mechanisms, and flow of activities by which the service is created and delivered.

A group of 50 to 150 stores that typically attract customers who live or work within a 5- to 10-mile range, often containing two or three anchor stores is referred to as a(n) __________.

regional shopping center

The Mall of America is an example of which type of setting for a store location?

regional shopping center

The practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson's attention and commitment to customer needs over time is referred to as _______.

relationship selling

MooreChem created a marketing dashboard for each of its sales representatives. These dashboards included seven measures—sales revenue, gross margin, selling expense, profit, average order size, new customers, and customer satisfaction. Each metric was gauged to show actual salesperson performance

relative to target goals

What type of product advertisement is the Dove Promises Chocolate ad above?


Selling agents refer to agents who

represent a single producer and are responsible for the entire marketing function of that producer.

The retailing mix includes store location, merchandise, and which two other elements?

retail communication and retail pricing

The analytical tool that positions retail outlets in terms of the breadth of their product line and value added, such as location, product reliability, or prestige, is referred to as the __________.

retail positioning matrix

__________ includes all activities involved in selling, renting, and providing products and services to ultimate consumers for personal, family, or household use.


ValueCut has a Haircut Club that gives customers their eighth haircut for free after they have bought seven at regular price. The primary objective of this type of program is

retaining loyal customers

Hewlett-Packard's recycling service for computers and printers is available today in more than 73 countries, regions, and territories. Hewlett-Packard has recycled over 2 billion pounds of used electronic products and supplies to be refurbished for resale or donation or for recovery of materials. Hewlett-Packard is practicing

reverse logistics

Job Description

A written document that describes job relationships and requirements that characterize each sales position

Types of institutional advertisements Chapter 18

A. Advocacy - state firm's position on an issue B. Pioneering institutional - what a company is, what it can do, where it is located C. Competitive institutional - promote advantage of one product class over another (milk over soda) D. Reminder institutional - bring company's name to attention of target market

Types of trade oriented sales promotions Chapter 18

A. Allowances and discounts - i. Merchandise allowance - reimbursing a retailer for extra in-store support ii. Case allowance - discount on each case order during a certain time period iii. Finance allowance - paying retailers for financing costs associated with consumer sales promotions B. Cooperative advertising - manufacturer pays a percentage of retailer's local ad expenses for advertising the manufacturer's products C. Training of distributor's salesforce

Types of consumer-oriented sales promotion Chapter 18

A. Coupons - offer discounted price to consumer; stimulates demand, encourages retailer support; cause consumers to delay purchases B. Deals - short-term price reductions; used to increase trial or in reaction to a competitor, reduce consumer risk; cause consumers to delay purchases, reduce perceived value C. Premiums - products offered for free or reduced price; build goodwill and company image; consumers buy for premium rather than the product itself D. Contests - consumers apply their skill to win a prize; increase customer involvement and purchases; require creative or analytical thinking E. Sweepstakes - participants submit entry for chance at a prize; encourages brand loyalty and increased purchases or visits to store; sales drop after sweepstakes end F. Samples - offering the product for free or at a greatly reduced price; encourages product trial, low risk to consumer; high cost for company G. Loyalty programs - sales programs used to encourage repeat customers; creates brand loyalty; expensive H. Point of purchase displays - in store ads for a product; high product visibility; hard to get retailers to allocate high traffic space in store I. Rebates - offers the return of a portion of the price of a product based on proof of purchase; stimulates demand; easily copied, steals future sales, reduces perceived product value J. Product placements - use of a brand name/product in a movie, TV show, video game, or commercial; demonstrate product uses, positive message in noncommercial setting; little control over presentation of product

If an auto manufacturer creates an ad showing that the people in the car can feel secure in case of an accident, it is attempting to influence the customer's _____ need.


All of the following are behavioral measures that are used to evaluate salespeople EXCEPT:


Quantitative assessments of sales performance may be based on input-related objectives set forth in the sales plan, such as those involving

sales calls, selling expenses, and account management policies.

SFA is an acronym for _______.

sales force automation

Planning the selling program and implementing and evaluation the personal selling effort of the firm is referred to as ________.

sales management

A sales quota contains goals, such as sales produced, accounts generated, profit achieved, and/or

sales of specific products

A statement describing what is to be achieved and where and how the selling effort of salespeople is to be deployed is known as a __________.

sales plan

Sales management consists of three interrelated functions: (1) __________; (2) sales plan implementation; and (3) salesforce evaluation.

sales plan formulation

The most basic of the three sales management functions is

sales plan formulation

A short-term inducement of value offered to arouse interest in buying a product or service is referred to as __________.

sales promotion

In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, Butterball turkey may allocate more of its promotion budget to _____ in order to account for the coupons it will be issuing to consumers.

sales promotion

The McDonald's Monopoly game is an example of which type of promotion?

sales promotion

To communicate with consumers, a company can use one or more of five promotion alternatives. In Figure 14-2 above, the promotional element labeled E represents __________.

sales promotion

To give consumers an incentive to try its new Doritos Locos Tacos, Taco Bell gave out free samples of the new tacos to its customers. The free Doritos Locos tacos giveaway is an example of ________.

sales promotion

When sales representatives for Owens Corning meet potential customers, they offer stuffed pink panthers to promote their insulation. This example illustrates Owens Corning's use of which of the following elements of the promotion mix?

sales promotion

Which of the following elements of the communication (or promotional) mix has as its purpose within that mix the creation of a sense of urgency?

sales promotion

You are working with a sales management consultant to improve your company's sales performance of its line of juices. You and the consultant agree your promotional activities should include a greater attempt at inducing trial of the products being sold. Based on this information, which of the elements of promotion should you emphasize more?

sales promotion

Valpak is a company that mails out packets of coupons to consumers. These coupons mostly include discounts for local and regional businesses. Valpak is helping these companies with their

sales promotions


sales promotions that usually offer a discounted price to the consumer, which encourages trial.

A __________ contains specific goals assigned to a salesperson, sales team, branch sales office, or sales district for a stated time period.

sales quota

Consumer-oriented Sales Promotions

sales tools to support a company's advertising and personal selling.

Inside order takers are also referred to as _______.


The use of computer, information, communication, and Internet technology to make the sales function more effective and efficient is referred to as____________.

salesforce automation

The three major tasks involved in the implementation stage of the sales management process are: salesforce recruitment and selection; salesforce training; and __________.

salesforce motivation and compensation

There are three major tasks involved in the implementation stage of the sales management process: salesforce motivation and compensation, salesforce training, and __________.

salesforce recruitment and selection

The advantage of a product sales organization is that

salespeople can develop expertise with technical characteristics, applications, and selling methods associated with a particular product or family of products.

An order taker refers to a

salesperson who processes routine orders or reorders for products that were already sold by the company

Customer Service

satisfy users in term of time, dependability, communication, and convenience.

In class, we talked about Haagen-Dazs and the company's initial plans for distribution of its ice cream. The initial plan was to use their own stores and ___________ distribution.


When Lean Cuisine promotes the quality, taste, and calorie contents of its line of frozen meals, it is attempting to develop

selective demand

Which is the most common form of distribution intensity used today?

selective distribution

In classifying social media, the degree to which a person's thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes are made public is referred to as


Among recent retailing innovations is Zipcar. With this service, you sign up, receive a Zipcard, book online, walk to a car, scan your card across a reader on the windshield to open the doors, and drive away. This would be considered a __________ retailer.


In Marketing in the News, we heard about a company called DRIZLY, which helps marketers to:

sell alcohol online.

Product advertisements refer to advertisements that focus on

selling a product or service.

Order getter

sells in a conventional sense and identifies prospective customers, provides customers with information, persuades customers to buy, close sales, and follow up on a customer's use of a product or service

In the context of social media, evangelists are those who

send messages to friends and advertisers about the joys of using a brand.

hierarchy of effects

sequence of stages a prospective buyer goes through from initial awareness of a product to eventual action.

Capacity Management

service component of the marketing mix must be integrated with efforts to influence consumer demand.

The output of a supply chain is the

service delivered to customers.

The four most popular types of franchise arrangements are

service-sponsored franchise systems, service-sponsored retail franchise systems, manufacturer-sponsored wholesale franchise systems, and manufacturer-sponsored retail franchise systems.

Inconsistency in services refers to the fact that

services depend upon the people who provide them, and the quality of that performance may vary from day to day or employee to employee

Formulating the sales plan involves three tasks: (1) __________; (2) organizing the salesforce; and (3) developing account management policies.

setting objectives

Which of the following tasks are involved in the sales plan formulation stage of the sales management process?

setting sales objectives, organizing the salesforce, and developing account management policies

An important feature of supply chain management is its application of sophisticated information technology that allows companies to

share and operate systems for order processing, transportation scheduling, and inventory and facility management.

The use of displays, coupons, product samples, and other brand communications to influence shopping behavior in a store is referred to as

shopper marketing.

Sales Promotion

short-term inducement of value offered to arouse interest in buying a product or service.

Twitter, Facebook, Vine, Instagram and Snapchat were all utilized to engage customers during the Doritos Locos Tacos introduction as part of the _________ element of the campaign.

social media

Permission Marketing

solicitation of a consumer's consent (opt in) to receive e-mail and advertising based on personal data supplied by the consumer.

In the McDonald's advertisements that state, "I'm lovin' it," McDonald's is the communication


To accomplish a successful repositioning of the brand, Taco Bell needed to inform its consumers that Taco Bell food should be thought of as an experience rather than as just fuel. In the communication process, Taco Bell would be the ______ and the consumer would be the ________.

source, receiver

Gordon is driving on the highway and sees a billboard for a local auto dealership. On the billboard he sees pictures of three of the dealership's cars and an announcement of a current promotion. In this situation, the auto dealership is a _____, which is one who _____.

source; encodes

Carrying out advertising program Chapter 18

A. Full-service agency - does research, selects media, develops copy, and produces artwork; coordinates integrated campaigns with all marketing efforts B. Limited-service (specialty) agency - specializes in one aspect of creative process; usually provides creative production work; buys previously unpurchased media space C. In-house agency - made up of company's own advertising staff, may provide a range of services depending on company needs

Organization sales structure for salespeople Chapter 20

A. Geography - based on customer location B. Customer - based on industry C. Product - based on specific product

Types of prospects Chapter 20

A. Lead - name of person who may be a possible customer B. Prospect - customer who wants or need product C. Qualified prospect - person who wants the product, can afford it and can make the decision to buy it Methods of finding prospects: A. Trade shows, conferences, internet, social networks B. Cold canvassing/cold calling - sales person opens a directory, picks a name, contacts the person -> high refusal rate

Types of customer sales support personnel Chapter 20

A. Missionary salespeople - promote new products B. Sales engineer - solves costumer problems and has technical expertise C. Team selling - using entire team of professionals in selling to and servicing major customers - when specialized knowledge is needed

Types of order taking Chapter 20

A. Outside order takes - visit customers and replenish inventory stocks B. Inside order takes/order clerks - answer questions and take order for customers -> inbound telemarketing - customers call to ask questions and make purchases

Limited- and single-line stores are often referred to as __________.

specialty outlets

Ideally, before a new product is developed, a firm should have a precise protocol, which includes which of the following?

specific customers' needs, wants, and preferences

Social networks are

specific social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Which of the following occurs during the planning stage of the promotion decision process?

specify the objectives

Account management policies

specify whom salespeople should contact, what kinds of selling and customer service activities should be engaged in, and how these activities should be carried out

Account management policies refer to policies that

specify whom salespeople should contact, what kinds of selling and customer service activities should be engaged in, and how these activities should be carried out.

Account management policies Chapter 20

specifying whom salespeople should contact, what kinds of selling and customer service should be engaged in and how these activities should be carried out

In a _____________ test market, a company chooses test-market cities that are demographically representative of markets targeted for the new product, and sells the product to distributors, wholesalers, and retailers, just as it would do for other products.


A sales plan refers to a

statement describing what is to be achieved and where and how the selling effort of salespeople is to be deployed.

Sales plan

statement describing what is to be achieved and where and how the selling effort of salespeople is to be deployed.

A job description is a written document that describes job relationships and requirements that characterize each sales position. Once established, the job description is then translated into a __________.

statement of job qualifications

The aptitudes, knowledge, skills, and a variety of behavioral characteristics considered necessary to perform a job successfully are contained in a __________.

statement of job qualifications

Attributes such as imagination and problem-solving ability, strong work ethic, honesty, intimate product knowledge, effective communication and listening skills, and attentiveness reflected in responsiveness to buyer needs and customer loyalty and follow-up are found in the

statement of qualifications

In a __________, the salesperson tries one appeal after another, hoping to "hit the right button."

stimulus-repsonse presentation

A salesclerk at L.L. Bean uses a __________ when he asks a customer if they also need a pair of hiking socks with the purchase of her mountain boots.

stimulus-response presentation

A selling format that assumes that given the appropriate prompts by a salesperson, the prospect will buy is referred to as a __________.

stimulus-response presentation

A waitress at a Chili's restaurant uses a __________ when she asks a family if "they have any room left for dessert."

stimulus-response presentation

Suggestive selling is a form of __________.

stimulus-response presentation

After completing an 18-week sales training program, Joshua was told, "You will be paid 4 percent on net dollar volume up to $10 million. Sales in excess of $10 million command a rate of 6 percent." The company Joshua works for is using a __________ for him after completing the sales training program.

straight commission compensation plan

With a __________, a salesperson's earnings are directly tied to sales or profits generated.

straight commission compensation plan

When Daniel was hired to work for Bush Refrigeration Company, he was told, "The sales training program is 18 weeks, and we'll pay you $750 per week during that time." While in training, the company used a __________ to compensate Daniel for his time and effort.

straight salary compensation plan

With a __________, a salesperson is paid a fixed fee per week, month, or year.

straight salary compensation plan

The three commonly used compensation plans are:

straight salary, straight commission, and a combination of salary and commission

Most stores today are near several others in one of five settings: the central business district, the community shopping center, the regional shopping center, the power center, or the __________.

strip mall

A good brand name should: (1) __________; (2) be memorable, distinctive, and positive; (3) fit the company or product image; (4) have no legal or regulatory restrictions; (5) be simple and emotional; and (6) have favorable phonetic and semantic associations in other languages.

suggest the product benefits

A sales technique whereby complementary products are presented to a customer after the customer has demonstrated a desire and willingness to purchase a particular product is referred to as a __________.

suggestive selling

A waitress at a Cracker Barrel restaurant uses __________ when she asks a family if "they have left any room left for dessert."

suggestive selling

All of the following tactics are used to generate leads EXCEPT:

suggestive selling

A division of IBM works out of 360 locations in 64 countries, tracking more than 1.5 million assets for both IBM and its clients. The division also deals with about 23,000 suppliers in nearly 100 countries. The individuals who monitor these transactions are engaged in

supply chain management.

Product Advertisements

take three forms; Pioneering (informational) , competitive(persuasive) , and reminder.

Merchant wholesalers are independently owned firms that __________ the merchandise they handle.

take title to

Integrated Marketing Communications

taking consumer expectations into consideration, IMC is a key element in a company's customer experience management strategy.

Methods for setting promotional budget Chapter 17

A. Percentage of sales - funds are allocated to promotion as a percentage of past or anticipated sales B. Competitive parity - matching competitor's absolute level of spending or proportion point of market share C. All you can afford - money is allocated to promotion only after all other budget items are covered -> fiscally conservative (small businesses) D. Objective and task - company determines promotion objectives, outlines tasks, determines cost from there

Pretesting advertisements Chapter 18

A. Portfolio tests - tests actual advertisement with other ads to gauge reaction to new ad B. Jury tests - showing ad copy to panel of customers and having them rate it C. Theater tests - consumers invited to view new television shows or movies where test commercials are shown

Push vs. Pull Strategy Chapter 17

A. Push strategy - directing the promotional mix to channel members to gain their cooperation in ordering and stocking the product - personal selling and sales promotions very important; pushing product through channels to consumers; promotes intermediaries B. Pull strategy - directing promotional mix at ultimate consumers to encourage them to ask retailer for product

Types of personal selling Chapter 20

A. Relationship selling - building ties to customers based on a salesperson's attention and commitment to customer needs over time -> creates customer value B. Partnership/Enterprise selling - buyers and sellers combine expertise to create customized solutions for mutual benefit

Types of presentations Chapter 20

A. Stimulus response format - given appropriate stimulus, prospect will buy the product - try one sales appeal after another B. Formula selling format - presentation consists of info that must be provided in an accurate, thorough and step by step manner to inform the prospect -> canned sales presentation -> memorized standardized message C. Need satisfaction format - emphasizes probing the prospect and identifying their needs and interests and tailoring the presentation to them

Different media alternatives Chapter 18

A. Television - choice of large or specific audience, effective; high cost, short exposure time, can't convey complex info B. Radio - target specific local audiences, ads placed quickly; no visual element, short exposure, can't convey complex messages C. Magazines - target specific audiences, high-quality color, can be saved, can convey complex messages; long time to place ad, competing with other magazine features, high cost D. Newspapers - covers local markets, quick ad placement, can be saved, quick consumer response, low cost; competing with other paper features, short life span, poor color quality E. Yellow pages - excellent geographic coverage, long life span, always available; competitive directories in many markets, difficult to keep up to date F. Internet - wide range of video and audio capabilities, interactive ads; requires large files and time to load, effectiveness hard to gauge G. Outdoor - low cost, high visibility in local markets, repeat exposure; message must be short and simple, lack of control over who actually sees ad, traffic hazard H. Direct mail - high selectivity, can convey complex information, highly personalized, high quality graphics; high cost per contact, junk mail gives company bad image I. Place based media - nontraditional forms of advertisements, ie. airports, health clubs, hotels

Closing techniques Chapter 20

A. Trial close - asking the prospect to make a decision on some aspect of the purchase - "do you want the grey or blue one" B. Assumptive close - asking prospect to consider choice concerning delivery, warranty, etc. C. Urgency close - commit the prospect quickly by making reference to the timeliness of the purchase - "the low interest ends next week"

Promotional Elements Chapter 17

A. advertising - mass selling B. personal selling - customized interaction C. public relations - mass selling D. sales promotion - mass selling E. direct marketing - customized interaction

Which of the following statements regarding cold canvassing is most accurate?

About 75 percent of U.S. consumers consider cold canvassing an intrusion on their privacy.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Accepting an obligation to give equal weight to profits, consumer satisfaction, and social well-being -Ex: Green Marketing- manufacturing and selling products that can be used and disposed of with minimal impact on the environment

Logistical Function

Activities include: gathering, storing and dispersing products.

Brand Equity

Added value that a respected, well-known brand name gives to a product in the marketplace. Built sequentially on four dimensions: Differentiation, Relevance, Esteem, Knowledge.

Differential Marketing

Aims to create a highly specialized product or service that appeals to a smaller group of people

Evoked Set

Alternatives that a consumer actually considers in making a purchase decision

Qualified Prospect

An individual wants the product, can afford to buy it, and is the decision maker


An intermediary who sells to other intermediaries.


An object or signal in the environment that determines the nature of the consumer's response to a drive

Inside Order Takers

Answer simple questions, take orders, and complete transactions with customers

Agent or broker

Any intermediary with legal authority to act on behalf of the manufacturer


Any intermediary with legal authority to act on behalf of the manufacturer.

A. Advertising Chapter 17

Any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization or product by an identified sponsor - Advantages: efficient means for reaching large numbers; creates demand for product; very high degree of control over message creation and distribution; repeatable - Disadvantages: high costs; difficult to receive good feedback and measure impact; lack of control over who actually sees the message; one-way, impersonal communication

B. Personal selling Chapter 17

Any paid form or personal presentation of goods and services for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships - Advantages: immediate feedback, persuasive, select audience, can give complex info; more genuine/personal, individualized service, establishes a long-term relationship; potential for up-selling; flexibility - Disadvantages: expensive per exposure; inconsistent, messages differ between sales people; lack of control over the creation/delivery of the message

Undifferentiated Marketing

Appeals to a broad market base known as mass marketing ex. milk, gas, bag of ice

Opinion Leaders

Are more knowledgeable about a certain product or service than the average consumer. -Sometimes they purchase new products before others and influence others in their purchases -Examples: Celebrities with Chanel,Rolex

Engel's Laws

As household income increases: -A small percentage of expenditures goes for food. -Percentage spent on housing, household operations, and clothing remains constant. -Percentage spent on recreational and educational items increases.

Assumptive Close

Asking the prospect to consider choices concerning delivery, warranty, or financing terms under the assumption that a sale has been finalized

Gap Analysis

Asks consumers to assess their expectations and experiences on dimensions of service quality.

Business Analysis

Assessing key potential performance factors including profit, margins, turnover, channels acceptance and product prototype development

Business analysis

Assessing the new product's potential market, growth rate, and likely competitive strengths.

Behavioral Evaluation

Assessments of a salesperson's attitude, attention to customers, product knowledge, selling and communication skills, appearance, and professional demeanor

The Product Mix

Assortment of product lines and individual product offerings.

Brand extensions

Attaching a popular brand name to a new product in an unrelated product category.

Extending the Product Lifecycle: Increasing the number of users.

Attracting new customers who have not previously used the product.

Six forms of Nonstore retailing

Automatic vending - Direct mail and Catalogs -Television home shopping - online retailing - Telemarketing - and Direct selling

Quantitative Assessments

Based on input- and output-related objectives set forth in the sales plan

Marketing Mix Strategy

Blending the 4 strategy elements to fit the needs and preferences of a specific target market

Baby Boomers

Born between 1946-1964 Popular segment because their money Control 80% of personal financial assets

Generation X

Born between 1968-1979 Largest generation demographic Family oriented, well educated, and optimistic


Brand for which the owner claims legal protection.

Manufacturer's brand

Brand name owned by a manufacturer or other producer.

Private brands

Brands offered by wholesalers and retailers.

________ do not take title to merchandise, but unlike agents, they usually have no continuous relationship with the buyer or seller but negotiate a contract between two parties and then move on to another task.


C. Public relations Chapter 17

Building good relations with the company's various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up good corporate image and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events Publicity - non-personal, indirectly paid presentation of an organization (news story) - Advantages: most credible source in consumer's mind; can fix problems; inexpensive, no direct payment - Disadvantages: difficult to get media cooperation; lack of control; can appear disingenuous depending on the situation and how it's handled


Bundle of physical, service, and symbolic attributes designed to satisfy a customer's wants and needs. Symbolic attributes: Logo, Shape of product.

Types of products:

Business and consumer.

B2B Marketing

Business to Business


Carries an item's brand name or symbol, the name and address of the manufacturer or distributor, information about the product's composition and size, and recommended uses.

Caterpillar vs John Deer

Caterpillar makes construction equipment and only sells equipment to businesses (B2B) John Deer sells to consumers and businesses

Characteristics of Services

Ch 12 slide 9.

Brand Licensing

Ch 13 slide 22. Ex disney folders

Market Segmentation Process

Ch 9 slide 40-41.

For which of the following products would their respective manufacturers be MOST LIKELY to use exclusive distribution?

Chanel perfume, Steinway pianos, and Baccarat crystal

Mary is currently working on updating her company's website, incorporating signs and symbols that will help represent the ideas that the company is trying to express. Mary is most likely working on the _____ for the website.

Coding process

Marketing Research

Collecting and using information for marketing decision making

Promotion Strategy (Marketing Mix)

Communication link between sellers and buyers. Firms may communicate messages: -directly through salespeople -indirectly through advertisements and promotions

Wasted coverage Chapter 17

Communication with consumers who are not in the target audience

Market Development

Concentrates on finding new markets for existing products.

Product Mix

Consists of all of the product lines offered by an organization.

Political/Legal Environment

Consists of laws that require firms to operate under competitive conditions and to protect consumer rights Ex: Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which has the broadest regulatory powers over marketing

Brand recognition

Consumer awareness and identification of a brand.

Brand preference

Consumer choice of a product on the basis of a previous experience.

Limited Problem-Solving

Consumer has previously set evaluative criteria for a particular kind of purchase but then encounters a new, unknown brand

Routinized Response Behavior

Consumer makes many purchases routinely by choosing a preferred brand or one of a limited group of acceptable brands

Recovery (Business Cycle)

Consumer purchasing power increases -offering superior service at lower prices, holding down costs because demand is uncertain

Brand insistence

Consumer refusal of alternatives and extensive search for desired merchandise.

Prosperity (Business Cycle)

Consumer spending power is high; buyers are willing to spend more for premium versions of well-known brands. -Offering new products, increasing promotional efforts, and expanding distribution.

Depression (Business Cycle)

Consumer spending sinks to its lowest level

Consumer Behavior (Economist)

Consumers are "rational," that is they rationally weigh the costs and benefits of every possible item and choose the item that maximizes their satisfaction (utility) -Ex:A U of A student is trying to decide what courses he should take, in order to get the highest possible grade point average.

Recession (Business Cycle)

Consumers focus on basic, functional products -lowering prices, increasing promotions that includes special offers

Product positioning

Consumers' perceptions of a product's attributes, uses, quality, and advantages and disadvantages relative to competing brands.

In class, we talked about various franchises, such as Midas Mufflers and Wendy's, as good examples of:

Contractual Vertical Marketing Systems

Extending the Product Lifecycle: Increasing frequency of use.

Convincing current customers to buy a product more frequently boosts total sales even if no new buyers enter the market.

In class, we discussed various ways to classify retailers based on their ownership. We noted that Starbucks is a good example of a(n):

Corporate Chain.

In Business in the News, we heard about "detractors" of the proposed the free-trade Trans-Pacific Partnership deal. From what we heard, those against the deal feel that it favors which group?

Corporations over labor.


Customers acknowledge the brand for identification processes


Customers insist on a product brand and are willing to exercise considerable effort to acquire the product brand

Insistence Goods

Customers insist on a product brand and are willing to exercise considerable effort to acquire the product brand

Eight-Second Rule

Customers will abandon their efforts to enter and navigate a website if download time exceeds:

Marketing Research

Data mining to understand your target market, is the root of all product development to meet trends in the industry

Product Strategy (Marketing Mix)

Deciding what goods or services the firm should offer to a group of customers: -customer service -package design -brand names, trademarks, patents, and warranties -lifecycle of a product -product positioning -new-product development

Joint Demand

Demand for a product that depends on the demand for another product used in combination with it ex. if housing construction slows the drop in the supply of lumber will affect the demand for concrete The demand for one resource affects the demand for another

Inelastic Demand

Demand throughout an industry will not change significantly due to a price change ex. if the price of lumber drops construction companies will not buy more unless the overall demand for housing also increases

Volatile Demand

Derived demand creates volatility in business market demand ex. demand for gas pumps may decrease if demand for gas slows down

Product Life Cycle

Describes the stages a new product goes through in the marketplace; introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

Actualization Needs

Desire to realize potential and find fulfillment. Expressing your unique talents and capabilities

Quality of Services

Determined by 5 variables: Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurances, Empathy.

Line extension

Development of individual offerings that appeal to different market segments while remaining closely related to the existing product line.

Is Consumer Behavior difficult or easy to predict?


__________ begins with new-product purchases first by innovators, and then by early adopters

Diffusion of innovation

E. Direct marketing Chapter 17

Direct communication with consumer to generate a response in form of order, visit, request for further information, etc. - Advantages: geo-demographic targeting; direct communication; relevance to consumer; highly customizable, adaptable - Disadvantages: annoying to consumer; declining customer response; the necessary database management is expensive

Pull Strategy

Directing its promotional mix at ultimate consumers to encourage them to ask the retailer for a product. seeing demand from ultimate consumers, retailers order the product from wholesalers.

Push Strategy

Directing the promotional mix to channel members to gain their cooperation in ordering and stocking the product.

Selective Distribution

Distribution lies between the two distribution extremes and means that a firm selects a few retail outlets in a specific geographical area to carry its products.

Market Segmentation

Dividing a larger target market into subsets of consumers. These subsets have common needs the goal is to design a marketing strategy to fill their needs

Psychographic segmentation

Division of a pop into groups that have similar attitudes, values and lifestyles (VALs). 6 types.

Product Related Segmentation

Division of a population into groups based on their relationships/ aspirations to a product

Psychographic Segmentation

Division of a population into groups that have similar attitudes values and lifestyles

Product-related Segmentation

Division of a population into homogeneous groups based on their relationships to a product.

Geographic Segmentation

Division of an overall market into groups based on their location

Geographic Segmentation

Division of an overall market into homogeneous groups based on their locations; Marketers look at: Economic variables, Geographic indicators, Migration patterns. Pay close attention to fast growing states. (GIS) = Geographic information system.

Demographic Segmentation

Division of an overall market into homogenous groups based on: Gender and age, Income and occupation Education, Sexual orientation, Household size, Stage in the family life cycle. Look over slides Ch 9 17-31.

Demographic Segmentation

Division of market into groups based on gender and age, income, education, sexual orientation, household cycle

Market Segmentation

Division of the total market into smaller, relatively homogenous groups. Look over 3 main segmentation Ch 9 slide 9.

Federal regulations contain provisions that allow consumers to avoid being called at any time through the __________, and imposes fines for violations.

Do Not Call Registry

Missionary Salespeople

Do not directly solicit orders but rather concentrate on performing promotional activities and introducing new products

Which statement regarding efficient supply chains is MOST ACCURATE?

Efficient supply chains may utilize cross-docking.

Data Mining

Efficient way to sort through huge amounts of data and make sense of it. Focuses on identifying relationships that are not obvious to marketers

Electronic Marketing Channels

Employ the Internet to make goods and services available for consumption or use by consumers or industrial buyers.

Physiological Needs

Essential requirements for survival ex. food water shelter clothing


Evaluating and eliminating new product ideas for their potential marketability against some set of standards

Segmenting by brand loyalty

Ex frequent purchaser program.


Exists in the product or service selection offered to consumers.

Service Quality

Expected and perceived quality of a service offering.


Expense items that do not become part of a finished product, these are not a part of the finished product

Total logistics Cost

Expenses associated with transportation, materials handling and warehousing, inventory, stockouts (being out of inventory), order processing, and return products handling.

Market Testing

Exposing actual products to prospective consumers under realistic purchase conditions to see if they will buy.

Noise Chapter 17

Extraneous factors that can work against effective communication by distorting messages or feedback received ie. printing error, accent, slang

Economic Environment

Factors that influence consumer buying power and marketing strategies

Scheduling advertising Chapter 18

Factors: - Buyer turnover - how often new buyers enter market to buy the product - Purchase frequency - how often is product purchased - Forgetting rate - speed buyers forget brand if advertising not seen Approaches: - Continuous (steady) schedule - run continuously throughout year - Flighting (intermittent) schedule - reflect seasonal demand - Pulse (burst) schedule - flighting mixed with continuous because of increases in demand, new products, etc.

Product placement is illegal in all countries outside of the United States


Evaluative Criteria

Features that a consumer considers in choosing among alternatives


Final customers do not recognize the brand even though branders may use the brand name for identification and inventory control

Safety Needs

Financial or lifestyle security, protection from physical harm, and avoidance of the unexpected

Safety Needs

Financial or lifestyle security. protection from physical harm, avoidance of the unexpected ex. insurance


Financial outlays increase substantially as a firm converts an idea into a visible product.

Limited Service Research Supplier

Firm that specializes in a number of activities such as conducting field interviews or performing data processing but not sophisticated moduling

Intensive Distrubtion

Firm tries to place its products and services in as many outlets as possible.


Firms return much of their offshore work to the U.S. to save money and improve customer service efficiency.

Product diversification

Focuses on developing entirely new product for new markets.

Developing an IMC Program Chapter 17

Four W's of developing a promotion program: - Who is the target audience? - behavioral targeting, research consumer interests/needs - What are the promotion objectives, budget, kinds of promotions available? - where in the adoption process/hierarchy of effects are the target consumers? - Where should the promotion be run? - When should it be run?

Business Products

Goods and services purchased directly or indirectly in the production of other goods and services for resale ex. plastic for toothpaste tube, rubber for shoes

Business Products

Goods and services purchased for use either directly or indirectly in the production of other goods and services for resale.

Target Market

Group of people a company believes would be the most active purchaser of its goods and services or most attractive

Target Market

Group of people a firm believes is most likely to buy its goods and services.


Group of people with sufficient purchasing power, authority, and willingness to buy.


Groups with their own distinct modes of behavior -Can differ by ethnicity, nationality, age, rural versus urban location, religion, and geographic distribution -Population mix in U.S. is changing as the Hispanic, African American, and Asian populations grow


Groups with their own distinct modes of behavior. Can differ by ethnicity, nationality, age, rural vs urban location, religion, and geographic distribution. ex. Punk Rock


Harvest and delete and focus on improving the best sellers in the market

Relative Advantage

Having a product that is better than others

SWOT Analysis

Helps planners compare internal organizational strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats


Hiring workers to do jobs from their homes.

Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans, Asians

Hispanics growing faster than African Americans but marketers are having trouble connecting with them Asians: fastest growing group with the most money and education Native Americans: Neglected by marketers and poorest group

Allegra is an antihistamine. To create brand awareness, the company is offering people who request information about the product a seat cushion to use at their favorite sporting event. Its television ad shows a woman half-heartedly watching a sporting event. The voiceover asks if she is bored or congested. In the next scene, the person is having a great time and is decongested after taking Allegra. This use of the same promotional theme throughout a company's marketing campaign is an example of how marketers use __________.


Taco Bell allocates its promotional budget to 70% traditional media, which includes television advertising; 20% to digital media, which includes website development; and 10% to new media channels. The fact that the message consumers receive is the same regardless of which channel delivers it reflects Taco Bell's dedication to ___________.


New Product Development Process

Idea Generation Screening Business Analysis Test Marketing Commercialization


If compatible to life then it will be adopted

Cognitive Dissonance

Imbalance among knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes that occurs after an action or decision, such as a purchase


Important capital items such as buildings, land rights, and major equipment

Indirect Channels

Include intermediaries that are between the producer and consumer and perform numerous channel functions.


Includes all activities involved in selling, renting, and providing products and services to ultimate consumers for personal, family, or household use. (Act of providing the end consumers with a product or service)

Follow-Up Stage

Includes making certain the customer's purchase has been properly delivered and installed and addressing any difficulties experienced with the use of the item

Extending PLC

Increase frequency of use Increase number of uses Find new users Improve existing products

Market penetration

Increase sales of existing products in existing markets.

Form of Ownership

Independent Retailer - Corporate chain - Contractual systems

In class, we discussed various ways to classify retailers based on their ownership. We noted that Scribbles Coffee shop in Kent is a good example of a(n):

Independent Retailer.


Individual's reaction to an set of cues and drives

Based on lecture, which of the following is the best representation of a conventional marketing channel?

Individual, independent channel members focusing on their own needs

Marketing Channels

Individuals and firms involved in the process of making a good or service available for use or consumption by consumers or industrial users; help create value for consumers through the four utilities: time, place, form and possession.

The Asch Phenomenon

Individuals conform to majority rule even if that majority rule goes against their beliefs Peer pressure can change opinions even of obvious facts -- think jurors Can affect many purchase decisions

Social Pressure (Asch Phenomenon)

Individuals conform to majority rule, even if that majority rule goes against their beliefs -The Asch phenomenon can be a big factor in many purchase decisions -From major choices such as buying a car to deciding whether to buy a pair of shoes on sale

Primary Data

Information collected for a specific investigation


Innovation consistent with the values and experiences of potential adopters.

Relative advantage

Innovation that appears far superior to previous ideas.

Decline stage

Innovations or shifts in consumer preferences bring about an absolute decline in industry sales.

B-2-B Product Classifications

Installations Accessories Raw Materials Component Parts Supplies Services

FOUR I's of Service

Intangibility, Inconsistency, Inseparability, Inventory


Intangible activities or benefits that an organization provides to satisfy consumers' needs in exchange for money or something else of value.


Intangible tasks that satisfy the needs of consumers and business users. Ex -> Warranty, Customer service.

Degrees of Distribution Density

Intensive, exclusive and selective.

Benefits from Internet

Interactivity, individuality.

Screening and Evaluation

Internally and externally evaluates new-product ideas to eliminate those that warrant no further effort.


Introducing a new product that adversely affects sales of existing products.

Product Life Cycle

Introduction Market Growth Market Maturity Market Saturation Market Decline

Product Development

Introduction of new products into identifiable or established markets.

Product Lifecycle

Introductory stage -> Growth stage -> Maturity stage -> Decline stage.

Just in Time Inventory

Inventory policies boost efficiency by cutting inventory and requiring vendors to deliver products in exact quantities and exact timing

Trial Close

Involves asking the prospect to make a decision on some aspect of the purchase

Idea Generation

Involves developing a pool of concepts to serve as candidates for new products, building upon the previous stage's results

Closing Stage

Involves obtaining a purchase commitment from the prospect Must determine when the prospect is ready to buy

Preapproach Stage

Involves obtaining further information on the prospect and deciding on the best method of approach

Approach Stage

Involves the initial meeting between the salesperson and the prospect, where the objectives are to gain the prospect's attention, stimulate interest, and build the foundation for the sales presentation itself and the basis for a working relationship

Interactive Marketing

Involves two ways buyer-seller electronic communication in a computer-mediated environment in which the buyer controls the kind and amount of information received from the seller.

Salesforce Recruitment and Selection

It entails finding people who match the type of sales position required by a firm. Practices will differ greatly between order-taking and order-getting sales positions

Which of the following statements is true of the use of social media in brand communications?

It is used to reach active receivers, who will then become brand evangelists.

AIO Statements

Items on lifestyle surveys that describe various activities, interests, and respondents' opinions.


Items such as chairs, desks and projectors in a classroom

In Marketing in the News, we heard that Walmart acquired what company for $3 billion?

In class, we considered the case of an Administered Vertical Marketing Systems. One good example of such a system is:

Kraft selling its mayo in Acme stores

Which of the following statements regarding direct marketing is most accurate?

Many customers believe direct marketing saves time, is entertaining, and offers privacy.

Consumer Behavior (Psychologist)

Many times, we behave in an irrational and inconsistent manner when making decisions

Marketing Stratagies

Market Penetration Market Development Product Development Diversification

Core Regions

Marketers draw 40 to 80 percent of sales from region.

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Chapter 17

Marketing communications programs that coordinate all promotional activities - advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing - to provide a consistent message across all audiences

Full Service Research Suppliers

Marketing research organizations that offer all aspects of the marketing research process

____________ gives its outstanding salespeople some unconventional rewards that include new pink Cadillacs and jewelry.

Mary Kay cosmetics


Mass market rollout of the product and developing distribution systems to ensure adequate supportive product flow to the market

RFID tags

May replace some of the functions of UPC codes. Reduce labor costs and improve inventory control.


Meaning that a person attributes to incoming stimuli gathered through the five senses Results from the interaction of two types of factors: -Stimulus factors -Individual factors


Measuring quality by comparing performance against industry leaders. Requires two types of analyses: internal and external (Read CHP 12 Slide 24-25).

Designing an Advertisement Chapter 18

Message content: - Fear appeals - source credibility is important - Humor Appeals - most attention-grabbing and memorable usually, but the content is more likely to be remembered than the actual brand/product; humor is not universal - Sex appeals - using or being associated with a product will make the consumer more attractive Selecting the right media: - Reach - how many people/households will see the ad - Frequency - the number of times people will see the ad - Related to target audience, type of product, nature of message, objectives, budget, costs of alternatives - Knowing media habits of target audience - Product attributes may necessitate certain media be used - Cost


More complex, the slower it moves

Why Study Consumer Behavior (Marketer)

More effective marketing strategies, by understanding: -Customers' thoughts and emotions -How customers are influenced (e.g. family, friends, media) -How customers process information and make decisions?

Purchasing and Negotiation Process

More formal and professional than consumer purchasing process because B2B involves more complex decisions Supplier who serve B2B markets must work with multiple buyers Purchasers require a longer time frame

Online Consumers

More likely to be women than men and tend to be better educated, younger and more affluent than the general U.S. population, which makes them an attractive market.

In Marketing in the News, we heard that a company is "polishing its luxury credentials" by offering things such as a weekend stay at the Gleneagles estate in the Scottish Highlands, including a scotch tasting in the cellar and a champagne picnic in the hills, for $10,200 a couple. What company did we hear about with this offering?

Moët Hennessy


Name, term, sign, symbol, design, or some combination that identifies the products of one firm while differentiating them from competitors' offerings.

Captive brands

National brands sold exclusively by a retail chain Example: Target's sale of products by Michael Graves.

Why Study Consumer Behavior (Customer)

Need to make a lot of decisions on a daily basis: - In almost any shopping context they choose from a wide array of products differing on several dimensions. - Understanding consumer behavior will make us better consumers

Psychological needs

Needs concerning essential requirements for survival, such as food, water, shelter, and clothing

Extending the Product Lifecycle: Finding new users.

New applications extend a products lifecycle.

Extending the Product Lifecycle: Changing package sizes, labels, or product quality.

New packaging and labels with updated images and slogans can help revitalize a product.

Idea generation

New-product development begins with ideas from many sources.

Levels of Brand Familiarity

Nonrecognition Recognition Preference Insistance Rejection

Product mix length

Number of different products a firm sells.

Product mix width

Number of product lines a firm offers.

Universal product code (UPC)

Numerical bar code system used to record product and price information.

Primary Data

Observed or collected directly by the company for a specific marketing research project

Second Mover Strategy

Observing the innovations of the first movers and then improving on them to gain advantage in the marketplace

Applying the Consumer Products Classification System

Obstacle to implementing this system results from the suggestion that all goods and services must fit within one of the three categories: Convenience goods, Shopping goods, Specialty goods.

Non-store Retailing

Occurs outside a retail outlet through activities that involve varying levels of customer and retailer involvement. (Does not include brick and motor)

Product development

Offering new or improved products for present markets


Offers possibilities for customer value creation that are greater in marketspace than in the traditional marketplace.

__________ is when multiple retail channels become complementary through a series of touch points with consumers.

Omnichannel retailing


Out of US; took services to other countries.

Two types of order takers exist. ______ visit customers and replenish inventory stocks of resellers, whereas ______ typically answer simple questions, take orders, and complete transactions with customers.

Outside order takers; inside orders takers

Brand name

Part of a brand that can be spoken. Should give buyers the correct connotation of the product's image.

Strategic Alliance

Partnership in which two or more companies combine resources and capital to create competitive advantages in a new market

Which of the following is the best example of a shopping product?

Patagonia jacket

Reference Groups

People or institutions such as family, friends, or celebrities whose opinions you value above all others, to whom a person looks for guidance in his or her own behavior, values or conduct Used as a standard for evaluating yourself and your behavior

Reference Groups

People such as family, friends, or celebrities: -Whose opinions are valued -To whom a person looks for guidance in his or her own behavior, values, and conduct -With whom a person has emotional connections

Consumer innovators (intro stage)

People who purchase new products almost as soon as the products reach the market.

Consumer Attitudes

Person's enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotions or actions toward some object or idea Components: Cognitive Affective Behavioral


Placing a product at a certain point or location within a market in the minds of perspective buyers.

Product Positioning

Placing a product at a certain point or location within a market in the minds of prospective buyers. Distinguishes a company's offering from its competitors


Plan floor space and secure needed products at the best possible prices and selection

Sales management Chapter 20

Planning the selling program and implementing and evaluating the personal selling effort

Sales Management

Planning the selling program and implementing and evaluating the personal selling effort of the firm

Service Encounter

Point at which the customer and service provider interact.

Account Management Policies

Policies that specify who salespeople should contact, what kinds of selling and customer service activities should be engaged in, and how these activities should be carried out

Product Differentiation

Position products to appeal to distinct consumer groups/segments because of product uniqueness and benefits

Assessing the Advertising Program Chapter 18

Posttests - used to determine whether ad accomplished its intended purpose A. Aided recall - subject asked what they remember about an ad B. Unaided recall - subjects asked what ads they generally remember, no specific prompting C. Attitude tests - measure changes in subject's attitudes after seeing ad D. Inquiry tests - additional product information, product samples, or premiums are offered to an ad's viewers/readers E. Sales tests - involve controlled experiments such as using different advertising campaigns in different markets and then comparing consumer purchasing reports to determine effectiveness of ad campaign


Potential customers will not buy the product brand unless its image is changed to meet their expectations

In Business in the News, we heard about the new "free-trade Trans-Pacific Partnership" deal that was discussed at a recent conference in Vietnam. Based on what we heard, who told this group that "nations need to stay committed to economic openness or risk being left behind?"

President Xi Jinping, China

Secondary Data

Previously published information Internal Data + External Data

Secondary Data

Previously published information: -less expensive -less time consuming

Test marketing

Prior to mass market roll out, assessing the viability of the other marketing mix variables including promotion, distribution requirements, and pricing structure. The product is not tested

Diffusion process

Process by which new goods or services are accepted in the marketplace.

Communication Chapter 17

Process of conveying a message to others Elements of communication: a. source - company or person who has info to convey b. message- info sent by source c. channel of communication - conveys the message (salesperson, advertisement) d. receiver - consumers who read, hear, see message e. encoding - having sender transform idea into set of symbols f. decoding - receiver take symbols (the message) and transform back into an idea

Exploratory Research

Process of discussing a marketing challenge with informed sources both within and outside the firm and examining information from secondary sources

Exploratory Research

Process of discussing a marketing problem with informed sources both within and outside the firm and examining information from secondary sources -Customers -Suppliers -Retailers -Sales force Using internal data -Sources of internal data are sales records, financial statements

Family Lifecycle

Process of family formation and dissolution Lifestage -- not age-- is primary concern

Family Lifecycle

Process of family formation and dissolution.


Process of selecting survey respondents (research participants)

Consumer Behavior

Process through which buyers make purchase decisions

Component Parts

Processes expense items that become part of a finished product and may be finished goods or materials needing further processing

Order Taker

Processes routine orders or reorders for products that were already sold by the company

In lecture, we heard from Gary Trinetti talking about Supply Chain Management. Gary told us that supply chain management is a "new" concept, that was not used when he was in class at KSU. However, the idea of supply chain management did relate to concepts that he did learn. Which concepts are related to supply chain management according to Gary?

Procurement and Logistics

Marketing Mix: 4P's

Product Place Price Production

Breadth of Product Line

Refers to the variety of different items a store carries, such as appliances and books. (Many products being sold in a single place)

Factors Affecting the Adoption Curve

Relative Advantage Complexity Compatibility Trialability Observability


Relative difficulty of understanding the innovation influences the speed of acceptance.

Observation Methods

Researchers view the overt actions of subjects being studied ex. testing soft drinks, evaluating usage of kitchenware

Feedback loop Chapter 17

Response - impact of the message on the receiver Feedback - sender's interpretation of response and whether message was decoded as intended

Extended Problem-Solving

Results when brands are difficult to categorize or evaluate -Typical of high-involvement purchases

"Everyone lives by selling something" was an observation made by ______.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Levels of Problem Solving

Routine Limited Extensive

In lecture, we noted that SCM usually requires significant changes in the firm's organization structure. This is because:

SCM cuts across functional areas within the firm and even across different firms.

In lecture, we noted that:

SCM does not replace what we have learned about management, but rather builds on our past practices

Personal Selling Process

Sales activities occurring before, during, and after the sale itself, consisting of six stages: 1) prospecting 2) preapproach 3) approach 4) presentation 5) close 6) follow-up

Maturity stage

Sales of a product category continue to grow during the early part of this stage but eventually reach a plateau as the backlog of potential customers dwindles.

When a soft drink manufacturer offers digital coupons that customers can use in retail stores, it is using

Sales promotion

Growth Stage

Sales volume rises rapidly as new customers make initial purchases and early buyers repurchase the product.

Non-Probability Sample

Sample selected from among readily available respondents -Convenience sample -Quota sample

Probability Sample

Sample that gives every member of the population a chance of being selected -simple random sample -stratified sample -cluster sample

Idea Generation

Seeking ideas supporting new product marketing and new product ideas can come from any and many sources

Order Getter

Sells in a conventional sense and identifies prospective customers, provides customers with information, persuades customers to buy, closes sales, and follows up on customers' use of a product or service


Separates ideas with commercial potential from those that cannot meet company objectives.

Product Line

Series of related products. Desire to grow.


Serves three major objectives: Protection against damage (protect product), spoilage, and pilferage. Assistance in marketing the product. Cost effectiveness.

Which of the following statements concerning the pricing of services is most accurate?

Service pricing plays a role in balancing consumer demand for services.

homogeneous Goods

Shopping products the consumer sees as basically the same and wants the lowest price

Heterogeneous Goods

Shopping products the consumer sees as different and wants to inspect for quality and suitability

D. Sales promotion Chapter 17

Short-term inducement of value offered to arouse interest in buying a product - Advantages: no limit to creativity or possibilities; can really make people buy things NOW; great for introduction and trial; flexible - Disadvantages: easily abused; don't necessarily create brand loyalty; possible negative effect on buyer behavior; lead to promotion wars; easily duplicated

Geographical Sales Organization

Simplest structure, first divided into regions and each region is divided into districts or territories Salespeople are assigned to each district with defined geographical boundaries and call on all customers and represent all products sold by the company

Family brand

Single brand name that identifies several related products; Tylenol.

Individual brand

Single brand that uniquely identifies a product; go pro.

Personal Selling Process

Six stages: Prospecting - preapproach - approach - presentation - close - and follow up

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to understand one's own emotions and the emotions of people with whom one interacts on a daily basis

Multichannel Marketing

The blending of different communication and delivery channels that are mutually reinforcing in attracting, retaining and building customer relationships.

What would most likely occur at the preapproach stage in a business selling situation?

The buying role of the prospect, important buying criteria, and the prospect's receptivity to a presentation would be determined.

First Mover Strategy

The company first to offer a product in a market place will be the long term market winner


The consumer-initiated practice of generating content on a marketer's website that is custom-tailored to individual's specific needs and preferences.

Presentation Stage

The core of the order-getting selling process, and its objective is to convert a prospect into a customer by creating a desire for the product or service

Business Cycle

The cyclical 4-stage pattern that the economy has historically followed: -prosperity -recession -depression -recovery

Love/Belonging Needs

The desire to be accepted by people and groups important to the person

Social/Belonging Needs

The desire to be accepted by people and groups important to you

Online Communication

The dialogue that unfolds between the website and its users.

Target Market

The group of people (or organizations) toward whom the firm directs its marketing efforts: -specific demographic groups -specific geographical regions -specific organizations

Relationship Experience

The level of usage of a service or product or brand that provides the consumer with want or need satisfying information


The more you see things the more they are internalized


The name of a person who may be a possibly customer

Self-Actualization Needs

The need to realize our own potential, to achieve our dreams and ambitions. What a man can do, he must do

Saturation Point

The point in the PLC when sales have reached their peak and will soon begin to fall in sales decline (Product Development)

Relationship Selling

The practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson's attention and commitment to customer needs over time

Team Selling

The practice of using an entire team of professionals in selling to and servicing major customers

Key account management Chapter 20

The practice of using team selling to focus on important customers so as to build mutually beneficial long term cooperative relationships

Key Account Management

The practice of using team selling to focus on important customers so as to build mutually beneficial, long-term, cooperative relationships

Outbound Telemarketing

The practice of using the telephone rather than personal visits to contact current and prospective customers

partnership selling

The practice whereby buyers and sellers combine their expertise and resources to create customized solutions, commit to joint planning, and share customer, competitive, and company information for their mutual benefit, and, ultimately, the benefit of the customer. Also called enterprise selling


The process of gathering information to learn about something that is not fully known.

Modified Rebuy

The process where some review of the buying situation is done and especially when a new supplier is evaluated for existing needs and are yellow zone decisions

Prospecting Stage

The search for and qualification of potential customers

Field of experience Chapter 17

The sender and receiver of a message must have a similar understanding and knowledge they apply to the message -> without this there will be a miscommunication

Conspicuous Consumption

The spending of money on and the acquiring of goods and services to publicly display group membership.

Depth of Product Line

The store carries a large assortment of each item, such as a show store that offers running shoes, dress shoes, and children's shoes. (A large assortment of a single type of item)

Consumer Behavior

The study of individuals groups or organizations and the processes they use to satisfy needs. The blending of psychology, sociology, social anthropology, marketing, and economics. Assessing the influences on the consumer from all sides The process through which buyers make purchase decisions

Personal Selling

The two-way flow of communication between a buyer and seller, often in a face-to-face encounter, designed to influence a person's or group's purchase decision

Extensive Problem Solving

The type of problem solving consumers use for a completely new or important need- when they put much effort into deciding how to satisfy it. Blue zone

Salesforce Automation (SFA)

The use of computer, information, communication, and Internet technologies to make the sales function more effective and efficient

Inbound Telemarketing

The use of toll-free telephone numbers that customers can call to obtain information about products or services and make purchases


The values, beliefs, preferences and tastes handed down from one generation to the next

Derived Demand

There is a direct link between demand for a company's output and its purchases ex. demand for a computer microchips is derived from demand for laptops

What do automatic vending, television home shopping, and direct selling have in common?

They are all forms of nonstore retailing.

Setting Objectives

This task specifies what is to be achieved

Product mix decisions

To evaluate a firm's product mix, marketers look at the effectiveness of its depth, length, and width (look for gaps).

According to lecture, SCM requires us to put information systems and metrics in place that focus on performance across the entire supply chain. Why is this important?

To help assure that all of the units in the supply chain are working well together (and not attempting to maximize their individual performance).

Which of the following is a major goal of integrated marketing communications?

To send a consistent message to consumers.

Test marketing

To verify that the product will perform well in a real-life environment.

Which of the following is the best example of noise that originates with the receiver in the communication process?

Tony checks his e-mail when the television commercial break begins.


Total group of people a researcher wants to study


Values, beliefs, preferences, and tastes handed down from one generation to the next -The broadest environmental determinant of behavior -sets boundaries (norms) for behaviors -characteristics may vary from both county to county and country to country

Product mix depth

Variations in each product that the firm markets.

Family Influences

Very important in consumer behavior. Family structure is changing to more single heads of households Children and Teenagers are a huge market that influence what their parents buy Growing influence because single parent households. Single parents are more likely to engage their children in purchasing decisions

Outside Order Takers

Visit customers and replenish inventory stocks of resellers, such as retailers or wholesalers

Trade dress

Visual components that contribute to the overall look of a brand. Visual components may be related to color selections, sizes, package, label shapes, etc.

Product Positioning Strategy

What do customers think of different brands relative to an IDEAL brand and other competing within a product category?

Which of the following is the best example of the promotional objective of combating competitive promotional efforts?

When McDonald's advertises that it has the best fries based on the number of fries sold, Burger King advertises it has the best fries based on taste tests.

Limited Problem Solving

When a consumer is willing to put some effort into deciding the best way to satisfy a need. Yellow zone

New-Task Buying

When and organization has a new need and the buyer wants a great deal of information and are blue zone decisions

Routine Problem Solving

When consumers regularly select a particular way of satisfying a need when it occurs. Red zone

Product Sales Organization

When specific knowledge is required to sell certain types of products

The three guidelines on marketing and promoting a brand using YouTube include: (1) exploit visual aspects of your message, perhaps sacrificing product messages to tell a more entertaining story; (2) create a branded channel rich in key words to improve the odds of the video showing up in user searches; and (3) __________.

target viewers by using YouTube's insights and analytics research to reveal the number of views, where they originate within YouTube, and what key words are driving user visits

Which of the following products is the best example of a product that might experience an introduction, a decline, and then a resurgent reintroduction as part of its normal product life cycle?


DuPont assigned chemists, sales and marketing executives, and regulatory specialists to create an herbicide for corn growers that recorded sales of $57 million in its first year. This type of sales approach is referred to as __________.

team selling

Many firms such as Xerox use a cross-functional sales practice known as __________.

team selling

Salesforce automation is the use of __________ to make the sales function more efficient and effective.


A pioneering (or informational) ad

tells people what a product is, what it can do, and where it can be found.

Doug Ames sells Mercedes Benz automobiles. While making his sales presentation to a newly qualified prospect, the prospect said, "Doug, I would really like to buy the car, but you know, the price of the automobile is just too high." In order to answer the prospect's objection, Ames responded, "Sir, you are correct. The price of the Mercedes Benz automobile is high because of what you are getting for that price." Ames then proceeded to describe the quality of the materials used in the car, the high resale value of the car, and the dependability and prestige associated with the Mercedes Benz. What technique did Ames use to handle the prospect's objection?

the acknowledge and covert technique

brand equity

the added value a brand name gives to a product beyond the functional benefits provided.

Ashley is currently working on a video to introduce a new line of athletic wear for women. She is using signs and symbols to represent the concept and meaning of the new athletic wear. Ashley is most likely working on the ____ for this promotional video

the coding process

All of the following are reasons a company would likely emphasize personal selling in its promotion mix except

the company's products are seasonal in nature

Selective distribution refers to

the density of distribution whereby a firm tries to place its products or services in a few retail outlets in a specific area.

Intensive distribution refers to

the density of distribution whereby a firm tries to place its products or services in as many outlets as possible.

The central business district refers to

the oldest retailing setting, located in a community's downtown area.

Mass selling is

the opposite of customized interaction, meaning a single message is delivered to the whole group of prospective buyers.

Sales activities occurring before, during, and after the sale itself, and which consist of six stages, are referred to as

the personal selling process

Relationship selling refers to

the practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson's attention and commitment to customer needs over time

Relationship Selling

the practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson's attention and commitment to customer needs over time.

Major account management refers to

the practice of using team selling to focus on important customers so as to build mutually beneficial, long-term, cooperative relationships.

The personal selling process refers to

the sales activities occurring before, during, and after the sale itself, consisting of six stages: prospecting, preapproach, approach, presentation, close, and follow-up.

As a MooreChem sales manager, you note that one of your salespeople has exceeded his sales target but is well below his profit goal. The best explanation for this performance is

the salesperson is selling too many low margin products

Consumers are increasingly going online for information and opinions about goods and services as well as about companies. Research has shown that _____ is the most important attribute about a ratings website.

the site's credibility

A sales quota refers to

the specific goals assigned to a salesperson, sales team, branch sales office, or sales district for a stated time period

All of the following are characteristics of warehouse clubs EXCEPT:

the stores are used to clear excess merchandise.

The marketing metrics related to a retailer's customers include all of the following EXCEPT:

the turnover of inventory.

In Marketing in the News, we heard that alcohol online sales have lagged, in part due to a complicated patchwork of post-Prohibition state laws that govern its sale and distribution. One factor inhibiting sales which we heard about is the:

three-tier distribution system requirement.

FedEx provides next-morning delivery, which is considered an example of __________ utility.


Many retailers take a markdown as soon as sales fall to free valuable selling space and cash. This illustrates one tactic for handling the __________ of markdowns.


institutional Advertisement

to build goodwill or an image for an organization rather than promote a specific product or service.

When communicating with its target audience, Taco Bell considered each of its _________ including social media channels, packaging, point of purchase displays, and advertising. These places of contact between a firm and its customers are critical elements for building an integrated marketing communication plan.

touch points

A ________ identifies that a firm has legally registered its brand name or trade name so the firm has its exclusive use, thereby preventing others from using it.


Ralston Purina offers super-premium dog foods based on "life-stage nutrition." The repositioning strategy Ralston Purina is using here is called

trading up.

As part of its ________ function, an intermediary such as a wholesaler performs the function of sharing risk with the producer when it stocks merchandise in anticipation of sales.


Opinion Leaders

trendsetters who purchase new products before others in a group and then influence others in their purchases. Act as opinion leaders based on their knowledge of and interest in products

Asking the prospect to make a decision on some aspect of the purchase is referred to as a(n) __________ close.


Three closing techniques are used when a salesperson believes a buyer is about ready to make a purchase. They are __________ closes.

trial, assumptive, and urgency

A promotion mix is a blend of four possible ingredients, which are advertising, personal selling, public relations, and sales promotion.


One reason that promotion suffers from widespread criticism is that promotional efforts are highly visible and affect our everyday lives.


Vertical conflict refers to conflict that occurs between

two different levels in a marketing channel.

Personal selling requires the _______ flow of communication between a buyer and a seller, often in a face-to-face encounter, designed to influence a person's or a group's purchase decision.


Personal Selling

two-way flow of communication between a buyer and seller designed to influence a person's or group's purchase decision. (usually face to face communication)

Full-line forcing is a special kind of __________, which involves a supplier requiring that a channel member carry its full line of products in order to sell a specific item in the supplier's line.

tying arrangement

Form of ownership, level of service, and the ____________ are important ways that retail outlets can be classified.

type of merchandise line

If a manufacturer decides to use a pull policy to promote its products, it is likely to focus its efforts on

ultimate consumers

According to lecture, it is possible that our Supply Chain Management objectives may not match well with our Marketing strategies. A good way to cure this problem is to:

understand our customers' needs and what they value.

Products that the consumer does not know about or knows about but does not initially want are referred to as

unsought products

Davidson-Uphoff & Company sells ironware accessories for home and garden to retailers. When its salesperson told the prospect, "For this week only, we will pay the all the shipping costs for new customers," the salesperson was using a(n) __________.

urgency close

GUM Soft Picks were introduced as an alternative to flossing to reach and remove food and plaque between teeth. Because the product requires a difference technique, this company would most likely face a(n) __________ barrier with new users.


Salesforce Automation

use of technologies to make the sales function more effective and efficient.

Supply Chain

used to create and deliver a product or service to consumers or industrial users.

Trade-Oriented Sales Promotions

used to support a company's advertising and personal selling directed to wholesalers,distributors, or retailers.

Product Placement

uses a brand-name product in a movie, TV show, video game, or commercial for another product.

Behavioral Targeting

uses information provided by cookies for directing online advertising.

Which form of retailing is Best Buy now using in airports to distribute its mobile phone and computer accessories, digital cameras, flash drives, and other consumer electronics?

vending machines

Kmart's "Ship My Pants" online commercial was shared by thousands of people through social media and watched millions of times on YouTube. This is an example of

viral marketing

Kristen received an e-mail from a friend that linked to a video of a funny commercial made by Old Spice. Kristen thought it was so funny that she shared the video on her Facebook page and on Twitter so that all of her friends and followers could see the video as well. This is an example of

viral marketing

Which of the following is a strategy to get consumers to share a marketer's message in a way that spreads dramatically and quickly?

viral marketing

According to the __________, retail stores start out simply and gradually add fixtures and more embellishments to their stores to increase the attractiveness for customers.

wheel of retailing

Market Modification

when a company tries to find new customers, increase a product's use among existing customers, or create new use situations.

maturity stage

where most consumers who would buy the product are either repeat purchasers of the item or have tried and abandoned it.

Which of the following statements about salesforce training is most accurate?

whereas recruitment and selection of salespeople is a onetime event, salesforce training is an ongoing process that affects both new and seasoned salespeople

A channel intermediary in the consumer market that sells to other intermediaries, usually retailers, is called a(n)


If Honda gives one of its new motorcycles to a popular blogger so that the blogger would share information on the blog, this is best described as an example of

word of mouth communication

Ascribed Status

you are placed into a social status by an inherited position ex. Prince William + Queen Elizabeth

Achieved Status

you earn your social status by achieving ex. Bill Gates + Steve Jobs

When Procter & Gamble bought the Old Spice brand in 1990, it planned to transform the old, stagnating brand into a men's "personal-care powerhouse." The ads that P&G developed shed the older-man image, and the message is now targeted at the 18- to 34-year-old age group. In terms of the communication process, the __________ would decode the message.

younger-men market segment

Channel Captain

A channel member who coordinates, directs and supports other channel members is called a:

Seminar Selling

A company team conducts an educational program for a consumer's technical staff, describing state-of-the-art developments


A consumer who wants or needs the product

According to lecture, retailers can be classified based on the form of ownership and their marketing strategies. Which would describe Sears?

A corporate chain with broad and relatively deep product assortments

Esteem Needs

A desire for a sense of accomplishment and achievement

Customer Sales Organization

A different salesforce calls on each separate type of buyer or marketing channel

You are successful in business and have decided to add several helicopters to your existing fleet. What channel of distribution would you most likely use to make this purchase, based on our class discussion?

A direct business marketing channel

In class, we talked about the distribution channels used by Dell computers. One way that Dell sells computers is by allowing customers to go to the Dell web site and to create their own "customized" computer, which is then built to the customer's specifications and shipped to the customer's home. What type of distribution channel does this represent?

A direct channel

How is customer service related to logistics management?

A firm must drive down logistics costs as long as it can still satisfy customer requirements.

Research Design

A master plan or model for conducting research selection of respondents importatn

Research Design

A master plan or model for data collection Important considerations -Does the research measure what it intends to measure? -Primary vs. secondary data -Selection of respondents

Which of the following is not a factor that would be considered noise in the communication process?

A message has been repeated very frequently on radio and television.

Consultative Selling

A need-satisfaction presentation format that focuses on problem identification, where the salesperson serves as an expert on problem recognition and resolution

Adaptive Selling

A need-satisfaction presentation format that involves adjusting the presentation to fit the selling situation, such as knowing when to offer solutions and when to ask for more information


A product is ready for full-scale marketing.


A purchasing or consumption event that provides first time or limited experience with a service, product, or brand, the ability to try makes the consumer more inclined to test out because the risk is minimized

Interpretive Method

A researcher observes a customer or group of customers in their natural setting. Interprets their behavior based on an understanding of the social and cultural characteristics of that setting

Straight Rebuy

A routine purchase that may have been made many times before and are red zone decisions

Stimulus-Response Presentation

A sales presentation format that assumes that given the appropriate stimulus by a salesperson, the prospect will buy

Formula Selling Presentation

A sales presentation format that consists of information that must be provided in an accurate, thorough, and step-by-step manner to inform the prospect

Need-Satisfaction Format

A sales presentation format that emphasizes probing and listening by the salesperson to identify the needs and interests of prospective buyers

Conference Selling

A salesperson and other company resource people meet with buyers to discuss problems and opportunities

How stage of product's life cycle and stage of consumer's adoption process affects development of promotional mix Chapter 17

Product Life Cycle - Advertising is most important during introduction period of product life cycle, personal selling during growth, and sales promotion in maturity and decline a. introduction stage -to inform: publicity, advertising, sale-force calling intermediaries, sales promotion like free samples b. growth stage -to persuade: personal selling, advertising to differentiate c. maturity stage -to remind: reminder advertising, sales promotion(discounts), limited personal selling, direct-mail reminders d. decline stage -to phase out: little money spent on promotion Adoption Process a. pre-purchase stage -advertising is most important because informing is the goal, sales promotions like free samples b. purchase stage - personal selling is the most important, advertising low, sales promotions like coupons, direct marketing c. postpurchase stage - salesperson still important, advertising for assurance, sales promotion

Consumer products (B2C)

Product destined for use by ultimate consumers.

Trademark Searches

Product names must be carefully trademark searched prior to introduction into the market because products extend globally more today than ever before. What you say in one country doesn't mean the same in another country

Business products (B2B)

Product that contributes directly or indirectly to the output of other products for resale; also called industrial or organizational product.

Convenience Goods

Products a consumer needs but is not willing to spend much time shopping for. Red zone buy Staple Goods Impulse Goods Unplanned Goods Emergency Goods

Consumer Products

Products bought by ultimate consumers for personal use.

Generic products

Products characterized by plain labels, no advertising, and the absence of brand names.

Introductory stage

Products in this stage might bring new technology to a product category; Technical problems and financial losses are common.

New Unsought Goods

Products offering really new ideas that potential customers don't really know about yet

Regular Unsought Goods

Products or services that consumers may need but don't regularly think about their acquisition until a time of recognized need occurs

Unplanned Goods

Products purchased because of merchandising or opportunity and will be consumed or used at some point in the future

Consumer Products

Products purchased by the end consumers for personal use ex. toothpaste, shoes

Consumer Products

Products purchased by the ultimate consumer.

Shopping Goods

Products that a consumer feels are worth the time and effort to compare with competing products Heterogeneous Homogeneous

Specialty Goods

Products that a consumer really wants Preference Insistence

Staple Goods

Products that are bought often, routinely and without much thought

Impulse Goods

Products that are bought quickly because of a felt need

Emergency Goods

Products that are purchases immediately when the need is great

Unsought Goods

Products that consumers do not want yet or even know they can buy New Unsought Goods Regular Unsought Goods

You are meeting with the head of a consumer advocacy group that claims your firm's promotion activities are causing food prices to rise. Naturally, you disagree with this claim, and you are meeting with this individual to make your case. Which of the following statements would be a strong defense against this advocacy group's claim?

Promotion can help keep prices lower by facilitating price competition.

Syndicated Services

Provides standardized data on a periodic basis to its subscribers

Public Relations Chapter 18

Publicity tools - methods of obtaining non-personal presentation of an organization or product without direct cost Types: A. News releases - inform media of an idea for a story B. News conference - to introduce new products or big changes C. Public service announcements - free time donated by media - used for non profits D. High visibility individuals


Purchase behavior is driven by the desire to fill a perceived need. -Need : An imbalance between the consumer's actual and desired states: food,water,warmth, love,status -Once the need is satisfied, this decreases. -Marketers attempt to make a need "felt"

Which of the following statements describes the major difference between a prospect and a qualified prospect?

Qualified prospect have not only the need or desire for your product, but also the ability and authority to purchase it.

Which of the following firms has made the wisest wholesaler choice for its product?

Raisha's Retros uses a rack jobber for its replica racecar radios in travel plazas on interstate highways.


Reduction in drive that results from a proper response

Developing the Promotional Mix Chapter 17

Some of the factors affecting the selection of a promotional mix: - Target market - different targets respond better to different forms of promotion - Stage of the product's life cycle - Characteristics of the product - complexity, risk, ancillary services (degree of service/support required after sale) - Stage of adoption process - The budget

Sales Engineers

Specialize in identifying, analyzing, and solving customer problems


Specialized services that support operations of a firm, these are variables

Sales Quota

Specific goals assigned to a salesperson, sales team, branch sales office, or sales district for a stated time period

Goods-services continuum

Spectrum along which goods and services fall according to their attributes, from pure good to pure service.


Stage of the new-product process that turns the idea on paper into a prototype.

Adoption process

Stages consumers go through in learning about a new product, trying it, and deciding whether to purchase it again: Awareness ->Interest ->Evaluation ->Trial -> Adoption/rejection.

Customer Experience

Standard for measuring a meaningful marketspace company presence

Sales plan Chapter 20

Statement describing what is to be achieved and where and how the selling effort of salespeople is to be deployed

Undifferentiated Marketing

Strategy that focuses on producing a single product and marketing it to all customers; also called mass marketing.

Differentiated Marketing

Strategy that focuses on producing several products and pricing, promoting, and distributing them with different marketing mixes designed to satisfy smaller segments.

Brand mark

Symbol or pictorial design that distinguishes a product.


Tangible products that customers can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch.


Target customers will usually choose the brand over other brands perhaps because of habit or past favorable experience

Preference Goods

Target customers will usually choose the brand over other brands perhaps because of habit or past favorable experience


Target potential customers at very narrow, basic levels.

Market Segmentation

Targeting distinct markets. Homogeneous Heterogeneous

Technological Environment

Technology leads to: -new products -improvements in existing products -better customer service -reduced prices


Television advertising - program length advertisements that take a educational approach to communication with potential customers.

Strategic Window

Temporary periods when key requirements of a market and a firm's particular competencies best fit together -requires quick action

The Cohort Effect

Tendency of members of a generation to be influenced and bound together by significant events in their formative year; Ages 17 to 22.

The Cohort Effect

Tendency of members of a generation to be influenced and bound together by significant events in their lives

Firms that link the purchase of their product to philanthropic efforts practice cause-related marketing.


Market Development

Trying to increase sales by selling present products in new markets

Market Penetration

Trying to increase sales of a firm's present products in its present markets probably through a more aggressive marketing mix

Personal selling Chapter 20

Two way flow of communication between a buyer and seller (often face to face) designed to influence a person's or group's purchase decision

Which of the following statements about user-generated content (UGC) is most accurate?

UGC is published on a publicly accessible website or a social networking site.

Raw Materials

Unprocessed, natural or agricultural expense items such as logs, iron ore, wheat, and cotton that are moved to the next production process with little handling

Quantitative Forecasting

Use of statistical forecasting techniques ex. test market, trend analysis

Qualitative Forecasting

Use of subjective techniques to forecast sales ex. executive opinion, sales force composite

Urgency Close

Used to commit the prospect quickly by making reference to the timeliness of the purchase

Brand Equity

Value of a brand's overall strength in the market place Differentiation Relevance Esteem Knowledge

Direct Marketing Chapter 17

Value of direct marketing to consumers: - Don't have to go to store - Can shop 24 hours a day - Saves time - Avoid salespeople - Privacy - Save money Value of direct marketing to sellers: - High level of use - Generates responses - - Direct orders - result of offers that contain all necessary info - Lead generation - offer designed to generate interest in a product so consumers ask for additional information - Traffic generation - offer designed to motivate people to visit a business Technological, Global and Ethical Issues: - Privacy and legal issues relating to data collection and direct mailing, lack of reliability and safety in global mail systems, availability of credit

Ensembles d'études connexes

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